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Suppression of weak localization effects in low-density metallic 2D holes PDF

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Preview Suppression of weak localization effects in low-density metallic 2D holes

Suppression of weak localization effects in low-density metallic 2D holes A. P. Mills, Jr., A. P. Ramirez, X. P. A. Gao, L. N. Pfeiffer, K. W. West and S. H. Simon Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Wehavemeasured theresistivity R inagated high-mobility GaAstwodimensional holesample with densities in the range (7-17)×109 cm−2 and at hole temperatures down to 5×10−3EF. We measuretheweaklocalizationcorrectionstotheconductivityg≡R−1e2/hasafunctionofmagnetic 1 field(∆g=0.019±0.006 atg=1.5andT=9mK)andtemperature(∂lng/∂T <0.0058and0.0084at 0 g=1.56 and 2.8). These values are less than a few percent of the value1/π predicted by standard 0 weak localization theory for a disordered 2D Fermi liquid. 2 n Established theory predicts that all two-dimensional is τ0−1, with β = (τ/τ0) ≈ 1 for short ranged potential a systemsofnon-interactingfermionsinzeromagneticfield scattering and β >1 otherwise. J and with finite disorder become insulating as they ap- The largely geometrical effect which is the basis for 3 proachzerotemperature[1-5]. Experiments,ontheother Eq 1 makes contact with a real physical system when hand, have shown a range of 2D carrier densities for we attempt to insert the temperature dependence of the l] whichtheresistivityR(T)decreaseswithdecreasingtem- coherence loss rate, τ−1(T). If we assume, as is usu- e perature T at the lowest temperatures measured [6]. At ally done, that τ−1 ∝ϕTq, Eq 1 exhibits the well known - ϕ r lower densities R(T) increases with decreasing T and at logarithmic dependence on temperature at low values t s a particular density R(T) is found to be nearly T inde- of the magnetic field, with ∆g ≈ −(q/π)ln(T). In the . t pendent [7]. While the experiments could indicate the simplest model, in which electron-electron interactions a m existence of a new metallic state at T = 0 separated cause dephasing, τϕ =τϕee(T)≡hg/[4π2kTln(g/2)], and from the insulating state by a T = 0 (quantum) phase y =πln(g/2)(kT/E )≡T/T . For x≪1 we then have - F ϕ d transition, the data could also be explained within con- n ventional theory by including the effects of T dependent ∆g ≈(1/π)[ln{T/Tϕ}−ln{β}+f2(H/Hϕ)+...] (2) co impurity scattering [8]. Exploring this phenomenon in a where Hϕ = H1g−2T/Tϕ and the function f2(x) = [ high mobility hole doped GaAs sample, we have reached ln(x)+ψ(12+1/x)=x2/24+.... Since Hϕ is a function temperatures low enough to show that the temperature oftemperature,thelnT dependenceof∆g inEq2ceases 1 v independence of R(T) extends over a wide range of den- for T <Tmin =g2TϕH/H1. At constantH ≪H1/g2 we 0 sities. The difficulty of explaining,within a conventional may write [12] 2 theory, a temperature independent R(T) over a range of 1 10 dsteantseitoiefsmlaetatveerssoupgegnestthedebpyostshibeiolirtiygionfalthexepneerwimmenettsa[l6li]c. ∆g(T)−∆g(Tϕ)≈ π[ψ(12 +T/Tmin)+ln(g2H/H1)] 0 The essential idea of weak localization theory is that Perturbation theory shows that the effect of interac- 1 constructiveinterferenceoftimereversedpaths(coherent tions tends to make a 2D system more metallic, but 0 / backscattering) for current carrying particles moving in the perturbation expansion is only valid for interaction t a the presence of random impurities reinforces the proba- strengths characterized by rs < 1 [13], where rs is the m bility amplitude ofthe particlesstaying neartheir initial Wigner-Seitz radius,the meanspacing betweenparticles - positions, and thus reduces the conductivity. The set of in units of the effective Bohr radius. Thus at present d constructivelyinterferingpathsisconfinedbythe rateof there are no clear predictions of what interaction ef- n loss of phase coherence τ−1 to paths of length (Dτ )1/2, fects there might be in our low density system for which co and is further restrictedϕby the phase accumulateϕd due rs ≈ 15×[m∗/0.18]×[1010cm−2/p]1/2 > 11, m∗ being : to the vector potential if a magnetic field is present. For the hole effective mass. v i a single band of noninteracting fermions in 2D with a In this paper we will interpret our measurements as X 2-foldspin degeneracy,the predicted change in electrical follows: First, the magnetic field dependence of the con- ar conductivity g (expressedthroughoutthis paper in units ductivity allowsus to deduce Hϕ andhence τϕ, with the of e2/h), assuming g ≫1, is [9-12], latter being consistent withτϕ = τϕee(T), as expected in thesimplemodelofelectron-electrondephasing. Second, ∆g ≈−(1/π)[ψ(1 +β/x)−ψ(1 +y/x)]. (1) we find that the magnetic field dependent weak localiza- 2 2 tioncorrection,while definitely present,issuppressedby Hereψ(z)≈lnz−(2z)−1−(12z2)−1isthedigammafunc- a factor of ∼30. Third, we find that the weak local- tion; x=g2H/H1; H is the magnetic field; H1 =phc/e; ization temperature dependence of the conductivity, ex- andpistheholedensity. Themomentumscatteringrate pected based on the measured value of τ , is suppressed ϕ isτ−1 =4πE /hg,whereE =kT istheFermienergy; by at least the same amount. F F F and the ratio of the coherence loss and momentum scat- Our measurements were performed on a back-gated teringratesis y =τ/τ . Thetotalelasticscatteringrate hole-doped GaAs sample made from one of the wafers ϕ 1 used in our previous study [14], a (311)A GaAs wafer stead,spatiallycompact,well-shieldedlowpowercustom using AlxGa1−xAs barriers (typical x = 0.10) and sym- instrumentation. Withthisinstrumentationweobserved metricallyplacedSidelta-dopinglayersaboveandbelow that at low carrier densities, for which the sample ex- a pure GaAs quantum well of width 30 nm. The sample hibits insulating behavior, the sample resistivity R(T) was thinned to ≈150 µm and prepared in the form of a keeps increasing as T is decreased to the base temper- R Hall bar, of approximate dimensions (2.5×9) mm2, with ature [see Fig. 1]. From this we infer that T is not L diffused In(5%Zn) contacts. The hole-density was varied significantly different from T at sufficiently low mea- R from3.8to 17×109 cm−2 by meansofa gateatthe back surement power levels. According to the calculation of of the sample. The zero gate bias density was 1.2×1010 Chow et al. [16], the power radiated by the 2D hole −2 cm andthe density atwhichweobservethe zeromag- gas at temperature T and zero lattice temperature is H netic field (H = 0) metal-to-insulator (MI) transition is P = (T4/g)×6.75×10−6 W cm−2 K−4. From this we roughly 6×109 cm−2. The measurement current (∼100 would infer that at our base temperature T = 4mK, the L pA, 2 Hz) was applied along the [233] direction. Inde- hole gas temperatures for g = 1 and g = 10 are 5.6 and pendent measurementsof the longitudinal resistanceper 9.4 mK respectively at our measurement power level of square, R , from contacts on both sides of the sample lessthan5×10−15 Wcm−2. Ourmeasurements[17]sug- xx weremade simultaneouslyas the temperature orapplied gest that the Chow et al. estimate is about a factor of magnetic field was varied. The sample has a low tem- two too large for our sample, but that there is an addi- 5 2 perature hole mobility for zero gate bias µ = 2 × 10 tional cooling rate proportional to T [16]. This revises cm2V−1s−1. The sample was mounted in a top-loading theestimatedminimumholetemperaturesto5.0and7.5 dilution refrigerator. mK at g =1 and 10 respectively. 10M 17784 Vgate [V] p [109 cm-2] V [V] 17613 +12 7.0 Gate 17442 17.5 17271 17100 1M 9880 +9 8.2 17 9785 9690 16.5 Ω/ ] 99550905 Ω/ ]100k R [xx 66128400 +6 9.5 R [xx 14 66016200 6000 10k 3224 0 12 3193 0 3162 3131 -16.5 3100 1k -400-300-200-100 0 100 200 300 400 0.01 T [K] 0.1 H (G) FIG.1. Resistancepersquareasafunctionoftemperature FIG. 2. Variation of longitudinal resistance with perpen- for 2D hole sample at various gate biases. The temperature dicular magnetic field for 2D hole sample at various gate bi- is read from the Ge resistance thermometer attached to the ases. The solid grey lines are the fit described in the text. refrigerator mixing chamber. Thewidthofthezerofieldresistancepeakisameasureofthe dephasing rate. The most critical part of our experiment is the de- termination of the temperature T of the 2D holes for The noise power delivered to the sample due to its H a given sample lattice temperature T . The refrigerator being connected to the measuring apparatus is calcu- L temperatureT wasmeasuredbyagermaniumresistance lated as follows. The Johnson noise power from each R thermometercalibratedfromthe4mKbasetemperature of the six measurement leads attached to the sample is −14 to 320mKby insitu He-3capacitancethermometry,the PJ = 4kTleadfRlead/Rsamp = [Rlead/R2]×6.4×10 primary standard at such temperatures [15]. With com- W, where R = 3.2Ω per lead, T ≈200K, f=8MHz lead lead mercial electronics, we were unable to obtain measure- and where the sample resistance is about twice the sam- ments on the sample at such temperatures. We used in- ple resistivity R2 given in ohms per square. Normaliz- 2 ing to the 0.23 cm2 total sample area, the total John- The fact that the fitted value of H agrees roughly ϕ son noise input to the sample from the six leads is with the expectation that T =(E /k)/(πln{g/2}), im- ϕ F PJ = [3kΩ/R2]×1.1×10−15 W/cm2. This is the only plies that the simple model of electron-electron interac- significant source of Johnson noise and raises the tem- tion causing dephasing τ = τee(T) is roughly correct. ϕ ϕ perature of the holes in the quantum well of our sample We may then also compute the temperature T = min by less than 2 mK for all values ofR encounteredin this g2TϕH/H1 = [1mK][H/8.436G][0.18/m∗][g2/ln{g/2}] study. below which the weak localization correction to the re- We determined our carrier density from Shubnikov-de sistivity stops being proportional to lnT. For H <2G, Haas (SdH) magnetoresistance measurements obtained T <16mK atg=10and<6 mK atg=5. This means min byaveragingthelongitudinalresistancespersquareRxx1 that we should be able to see a weak localization con- and Rxx2 obtained from both sides of the sample. We tribution to the conductivity given the precision of our plot the SdH minima vs. gate bias and fit the data us- knowledge of the magnetic field zero from Fig 2. ing a straight line P(Vgate) = p0 −αVgate and the re- TlahtieonmePa(sVugraetde)sl=ope(2i.s41α8=×(01.402100±c0m.0−025))××1H09ν=cm1(−V2gaVte−)1. 18000 independent of sample history and the gate capacitance 17500 is eα=(67.3±0.7)pFcm−2. The zero gate bias density is 17000 9 −2 p0=(12.0±0.5)×10 cm ,wherethe variationreflectsa 16500 gradual increase over the course of six months time. We exhibit in Fig 2 the low field magnetoresistance 10500 of our sample at hole temperatures of ∼9 mK and for gate biases of 0, +6, +9 and +12V. The data were ob- 10000 tainedover14sweepsofthemagneticfieldovertherange 9500 ±de4n0s0itGy apn=d 7a×ve1r0a9gecdmi−n2toth1e0rGe ibsinasc[l1ea8r].pAeatkthneealrowzeersot Ω/ ] field. We model the data using the function R [xx 6400 (H/H )2 6200 c R(H)=R0−Rc(cid:20)1+(H/H )2(cid:21)+∆Rf2(H/Hϕ)+ηH 6000 c shown as the solid grey lines in Fig 2. The second 3250 term on the right hand side is a Lorentzian represent- 3200 ing the classical magnetoresistance [19]. The third 3150 term has the form expected from weak localization 3100 according to Eq 2. The last term is included to ac- 0.01 0.1 count for the drift associated with temporal fluctua- T [K] FIG.3. Temperature dependenceof thelongitudinal resis- tions of R0 [18]. The field H is measured relative tivity of a 2D hole gas for various gate biases. The dashed to the residual field H0. The data for Vgate=+12V linesareapproximateweaklocalization predictionsaccording was fitted to obtain the following values of the free to Eq 2. parameters: R0=(17365±14) Ω/2; H0=(24.8±2.9) G; R =(4995±1270) Ω/2; H =(777±155) G; c c η=(0.36±0.03) (Ω/2)G−1; H =(7.8±3.2) G; and Fig 3 shows a measurement of R(T) over the range 5 ϕ ∆R=(215±68) Ω/2. The data in the remaining pan- to 100 mK for gate biases of 0, +6, +9, and +12V. The els of Fig 1 were fitted with the thus determined value data were obtained with the 25G residual field of the of H0(24.8G) and with Hϕ scaled from Hϕ=7.8G as superconducting solenoid cancelled to within the ±2.5 2 Hϕ ∝ p/g . The fitted values of ∆g are consistent G precision of our fitted value of H0. The excitation with a constant ∆g=0.01, much less than the weak lo- levels were in all cases 5 fW/cm2 or less, thus ensuring calization prediction ∆g = π−1. The expected value that the minimum hole temperature is less than 6 mK of Hϕ = H1g−2T/Tϕ using Tϕ = (EF/k)/(πln{g/2}) for the highest resistivity curve. Likewise, the minimum is not well defined for the conditions of Fig 1a where hole temperature is less than 8 mK for the 3 kΩ/ mea- g = 1.50. We use the results of Ref 16 to approxi- surement. Thedashedlines,calculatedbysimplyadding mate g/ln{g/2}≈4.16and obtain H =12G. This result (1/π)log(T/20mK) to the low temperature conductiv- ϕ implies that the shape of the weak localization magne- ity g(20mK), are clearly at variance with the measure- toresistance correction is approximately as expected for ments. Rather, at temperatures well below the charac- an ordinary 2D metal, although the magnitude of the teristic temperature 0.2T associated with the activated F weak localization correction is more than an order of resistancebump,theresistancebecomesnearlyconstant. magnitude smaller than expected. Fitting anexpressiong(T)=e2/(hR(T0))+bln{T/T0}to 3 thedataforT <T0 ≡20mK,wefind99%confidenceup- 0.24×[p/1010 cm−2], where the width of our quantum per limits of b < 0.0058, 0.0084, 0.018, 0.015, and 0.033 well is a=30 nm. for densities p = 7.0, 8.2, 9.5, 12, and 14.5×109 cm−2, [13] A.M.Finkelshtein,Sov. Phys. JETP 57,97-108(1983). and corresponding R(T0)=16500, 9290, 6000, 3100, and [14] A. P. Mills, Jr., A.P. Ramirez, L. N.Pfeiffer and K. W. West, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 2805-2808 (1999). 1950 Ω. These upper limits for b are one to nearly two [15] D. S. Greywall and P. A. Busch, J. Low Temperature orders of magnitude smaller than the b = 1/π expected Phys. 46, 451-465 (1982). according to Eq 2. [16] E. Chow, H. P. Wei, S. M. Girvin and M. Shayegan, At this time there is no satisfactory explanation for a Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 1143-1146 (1996). Possible sources suppression of weak localization effects in a 2D electron of cooling ratesproportionaltoT2 areelectroniccooling gas. Weak localization effects in R(T) of the expected of the holes by the leads according to the Wiedemann- magnitude have been observed in a Si MOSFET sample Franz law [C. Castellani, C. DiCastro, G. Kotliar, P. A. atelectrondensitiesoforder3×1012 cm−2 byPudalovet LeeandG.Strinati,Phys.Rev.Lett.59,477(1987)]and al. [20], and in a GaAs sample at hole densities of order screening corrections to theT4 cooling rates. 1011 cm−2 by Hamilton et al. [21]. This suggests that [17] Further verification that the holes were not heated by interactioneffectsassociatedwiththelargevalueofr in the current used to measure theresistance was obtained s from studying the apparent nonlinear resistance of our our experiment may be playing an important role [13]. ThefirstauthorisgratefultoC.M.Varmaforencour- sample at H = 0. We measured RT(T)[see Fig 1], the aging him to pursue these experiments and for useful longitudinal resistance-per-square Rxx as a function of the temperature TGe (deduced from the Ge thermome- conversations. The authors benefited greatly from the ter)andgatebiasandRP(P),theresistanceasafunction assistance of D. S. Greywall in calibrating the Ge resis- of the excitation power per unit area P at theminimum tance temperature scale using He-3 melting curve ther- temperature of the sample, Tmin≈ 4 mK. We then con- mometry. struct the function Teff(P) = RT−1(RP(P)) which gives theeffective temperatureT corresponding to a power eff P. 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