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Preview Suppression of collision-induced dephasing by periodic, erratic, or noisy driving

Suppressing matter-wave squeezing by periodic, erratic, or noisy driving 2 1 0 Christine Khripkov1, Amichay Vardi1, and Doron Cohen2 2 1 Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University of theNegev, Beer-Sheva84105, Israel p 2 Department of Physics, Ben-Gurion University of theNegev, Beer-Sheva84105, Israel e S 0 Abstract. We compare different driving scenarios for the control of 2 matter-wave squeezing of a coherent preparation in the vicinity of the hyperbolic instability of the two-mode bose-Hubbard model. In par- ] s ticular we contrast the quantum Zeno suppression of decoherence by a broad-band erratic or noisy driving, with the Kapitza effect obtained g for high frequency periodic monochromatic driving. - t n a 1 Introduction u q The physics of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) confined in periodic lattice poten- . t tials is captured in the tight binding approximation, by the Bose-Hubbard Hamilto- a m nian (BHH) [1,2,3,4,5,6]. With only two coupled condensates, this model reduces to the Bose-Josephsonform, aka the Bose-Hubbard dimer, written in spin form as - d n H = −[K+f(t)]Jˆx+UJˆz2 , (1) o c where K is the inter-mode coupling, which we later modulate by adding time depen- [ dentdrivingf(t), andU is the intra-modeinteractionparameter.The spinoperators are defined in terms of the bosonic creation and annihilation operators aˆ† and aˆ of 1 i i v particles in mode i=1,2. Namely, Jˆz = (nˆ1 nˆ2)/2 corresponds to the occupation 98 difference,whileJˆx =(aˆ†1aˆ2+aˆ†2aˆ1)/2,andJˆy−=(aˆ†1aˆ2−aˆ†2aˆ1)/(2i)correspondtothe realandimaginarypartsoftheinter-modecoherence.Sincethetotalparticlenumber 4 4 is conserved at nˆ1 +nˆ2 = N, the total spin is set to j = N/2. For simplicity, we assume repulsive interaction U > 0, noting that results for an attractive interaction . 9 are easily deduced by taking K K and E E. 0 →− →− The characteristic interaction parameter of the Hamiltonian (1) is, 2 1 u NU/K . (2) : ≡ v i Single particle coherence, the hallmark of a global macroscopic order, is determined X by the length of the Bloch vector S = J /j. The classical limit, which preserves h i r S =1, is obtained by restricting the quantum Hilbert space to the subset of spin a coherent states, θ,ϕ exp( iϕJˆ)exp( iθJˆ) j,j , (3) z y | i ≡ − − | i wheren=cosθistherelativepopulationimbalance,andϕtherelativephasebetween the two condensates. To the extent that an initial spin coherent state evolves only 2 Will beinserted by theeditor Fig.1.(a)Phase-spacestructureoftheBHHforu=2.5.Linesdepictequalenergycontours. Aseparatrix with an isolated hyperbolicpointat Sπ =|π/2,πiseparates the“islands” and “sea” regions. The Wigner distribution for the Sπ coherent state is shown in (b), and for a squeezed state in (c). to other coherent states,the dynamics can be describedby the mean-fieldequations, wherethespinoperatorsinEq.(1)arereplacedbyc-numberswith (1/N)accuracy. O The equal energy contours of the classical dimer Hamiltonian in the Josephson interaction regime, 1 < u < N2 are illustrated in Fig. 1. As seen, the spherical phase-space consists of three distinct regions of motion: Two nonlinear “islands” are separated from a “sea region” by a separatrix. The sea trajectories correspond to Rabi-Josephson oscillations of the population [1,7,8], whereas the island trajectories correspond to self-trapped motion [2,9,10]. Linearization of the dimer BHH around the elliptic fixed-point S0 = (1,0,0), correspondingtothespincoherentstate π/2,0 ,givestheJosephsonfrequencyω = J | i K√u+1 of small oscillations around the ground state. By contrast, linearization around the hyperbolic fixed-point S =( 1,0,0),correspondingto the spin coherent π − state π/2,π , gives the Josephson squeezing rate | i w = K√u 1 (4) J − Note that in the Josephson regime u > 1 implies the appearance of the separatrix and hence the hyperbolic behavior of S . We also assume that u N2, so that the π ≪ “sea region” and the hyperbolic structure are well resolved. Our goal is to study the effect of driving on the squeezing of the coherent state π/2,π ,whosephase-spaceWignerdistributionisapproximatelyaminimalGaussian |centereidatSπ,withuncertaintyradiusr0 =(2/N)1/2.Duetothehyperbolicdynam- icsintheabsenceofdriving,thisGaussianundergoesexpansionandcontractionwith factors e±wJt, respectively, along two principal axes (Fig. 1b,c). The angle between the principal axes is twice the value of Θ=tan−1(w /K). J Due to the growthof variancealong the expanding axis of the squeezed Gaussian state, the one-particle coherence S decreases. Using a simple phase space picture, a good approximation for the loss of coherence is given by [22], 1 S(t) = exp r2 r2 = exp r2cot2(2Θ)sinh2(w t) . (5) (cid:18)−2(cid:0)h i− 0(cid:1)(cid:19) n− 0 J o where r2 is the angular spreading of the squeezed Gaussian. One implication of h i this squeezing process is the hyperbolic growth of deviations from mean-field theory [5,6,16]. Due to the finite phase-space volume, the short time squeezing is then fol- lowedbyaseriesofrevivalsandcollapsesduetotherepeatedfoldingandinterference of the Wigner distribution [11,12,13,14,15,16]. Will beinserted by theeditor 3 2 Driving scenarios Inthis workwecomparethreestrategiesforthe stabilizationofS coherentprepara- π tionbyintroducingatime-dependentdrivingf(t)asinEq.(1),i.e.bythemodulation of the two-mode coupling strength. The simplest driving scheme assume a periodic mono-chromatic sinusoidal time dependence: f(t)=Dsin(Ωt+φ), [harmonic driving] (6) with intensity D and frequency Ω. Defining dimensionless frequency Ω˜ Ω/ω , J ≡ and dimensionless driving strength q √uD/Ω, fast and slow driving correspondto ≡ Ω˜ 1 and Ω˜ 1, respectively, whereas q Ω˜ and q Ω˜ correspond to strong ≫ ≪ ≫ ≪ and weak driving. Next we consider a broad-band erratic driving field f(t), with zero average and a short correlation time. This can be viewed as a realization of a stochastic process, such that upon averaging f(t)f(t′) =2Dδ(t t′), [erratic driving] (7) h i − Westressthat’erraticdriving’stillreferstoHamiltonianevolutionwithadeterminis- tic,wellcontrolledf(t).Anexperimentalistcanreproducethesamef(t)manytimes, and perform a quantum measurement of the outcome. Optionally, he can carry out experiments with different realizations of f(t), and accumulate statistics. Finally, we investigate the case of full-fledged quantum noise, induced by the coupling of the system to a “bath”. In this case averaging is not at the courtesy of the experimentalist, but an essential ingredient in the proper description of the reduced dynamics. Assuming that the quantum noise has the same correlation as postulated in Eq.(7), the probability matrix would obey the master equation, ρ˙ = i[H,ρ] D[Jˆ ,[Jˆ ,ρ]], [noisy driving] (8) x x − − where the bath degrees of freedom have been traced out. This is equivalent to aver- aging the Hamiltonian erratic driving dynamics over all possible realizations of f(t). 3 Harmonic driving - Kapitza effect In orderto understandthe effect of harmonic driving,we note that for smallpopula- tion imbalance n N (i.e. when θ π/2) we have J (N/2)cosϕ, and the BHH x ≪ ≈ ≈ takes the form of a pendulum Hamiltonian, H = Un2 (1/4)NKcosϕ , (9) − The stable S0 and the unstable Sπ fixed points corresponds to the ’down’ and ’up’ directions of the pendulum. Within this approximation, off-resonant high-frequency weak drive, corresponding to vertical driving of the pendulum axis, results in an effective potential Veff =(1/4)q2Kjsin2(ϕ) [17,18,19,20]. Sufficiently strong driving (q2 >2) stabilizes the ϕ = π fixed-point, producing the Kapitza inverted pendulum effect. This analysis was extended to the full spherical phase space and general driving term [21]. Given that the Hamiltonian is of the form H +f(t)W, the effective po- tential is [1/(4Ω2)] [W,[W,H]], which for W =Jˆ contributes a term proportional x to sin2θsi−n2ϕ, as well as additional terms that slightly renormalize the bare values of K and U. This effective potential leads to the stabilization of the S point, and π correspondingly, to the suppression of quantum squeezing, as shown in Fig. 2. 4 Will beinserted by theeditor Fig.2.Theclassicaltrajectories(a,c)andarepresentativeHusimidistribution(b,d)forthe dynamicsthatisgeneratedbytheBHHwithhighfrequencyharmonicdriving,assumingSπ coherent preparation. The parameters are u=100, Ω˜ =30, and N =100. The strength of thedriving is q=0 in (a,b) and for thelower line in (e). Otherwise it is q=3. 4 Erratic driving - Squeezing axis randomization Fig.3showsthedynamicsofthesingleparticlecoherenceundertheinfluenceoferratic driving. In contrastto the drive-free dynamics (5), the orientationof the wavepacket relativetotheprincipalsqueezingaxesisnotconstant:theerraticdrivingrandomizes this orientation on time scale t = 1/(2D), resulting in angular diffusion [22]. The D squeezing rate is no longer constant, thus Eq. (5) should be replaced by the general expression S(t)=exp r2sinh2(Λ) , (10) 0 {− } with a squeezingparameterΛ that accumulatesin a stochasticfashion.The accumu- lated squeezing parameter Λ in a given realization of f(t) is a sum of uncorrelated variables, and therefore, according to the central limit theorem, its many-realization distribution is normal, with some mean value µ and dispersion σ. It follows from Eq.(10) that the corresponding distribution of S is log-wide, with typical value (me- dian) that might be very different from the mean: Smedian =exp r02sinh2(µ) (11) n− o Smean exp r02 e2σ2cosh(2µ) 1 (12) ≈ (cid:26)− 2 h − i(cid:27) 5 Noisy driving - Quantum Zeno effect Since quantum noise may be viewed as an average over all realizations of erratic driving, the expected decay in this case should follow Eq.(12). We would like to obtain a more practical version of this formula using a slightly different procedure, thatis inspiredby the analysisofthe QuantumZeno effect[23,24,25,26,27].Previous analysis[28,29]leadto Fermi-Golden-ruletype expressionforthe decayofcoherence: w2 S =exp[ r24D t] , D =[cot2(2Θ)] J . (13) − 0 w w 8D which is valid for t (1/w ), and restricted to short times such that D t 1. D J w ≪ ≪ Our analysis does not assume that D t 1, but we still assume that D t w w ≪ ≪ log(N), such that S is not far from unity, and the folding of the wavepacket around the sphere can be ignored. During each squeezing interval t the angular variance D growsashr2it+tD =hr2it[1+2cot2(2Θ)sinh2(wJtD)],beforebeingresetbythenoise. Will beinserted by theeditor 5 1 1 (a) (b) 0.8 0.995 S 25% 0.6 0.99 50% 0.4 0.985 75% 0.2 0.98 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 10 20 30 D t w t w J Fig. 3. The one-body coherence S is plotted as a function of time, for N = 50 particles and u=2. On the left: the dashed/yellow line is the drive-free decay. Single realizations of erratic driving whose intensity is D = 37.5wJ are illustrated by gray lines. The red lines markthe25%,the50%(median),andthe75%percentilesover2000realizations.Thedash- dotted/blue line is the average as obtained from the master equation Eq. (8). The symbols arebasedonEq.11(◦)andonEq.12(△).Ontherightthetheoreticalpredictionsaretested for shorter times during which coherence is not yet lost. The parameters are N = 100 and u=2.Thenoise-free decayismarkedbythedash-dotted/blackline,whilethedashed/blue is for D = 10wJ, and the solid/red is for D = 40wJ. The symbols are based on Eq. 5 (△) and on Eq. 14 (◦, (cid:3)). 2 Approximating the sinh by a quadratic function, we get after t/t steps an expo- D nentially growing r2 , leading to t h i r2 S(t)=exp 0[exp(8D t) 1] (14) w (cid:26)− 2 − (cid:27) The accuracy of this expression is demonstrated in the right panel of Fig. 3. 6 Summary WehavestudiedtheeffectofdrivingonthehyperbolicinstabilityoftheBose-Hubbard dimer.Highfrequencyoff-resonantharmonicdrivingresultsinthe many-bodyequiv- alentoftheKapitzapendulumeffect.Ontheotherhand,erraticdrivingandquantum noise slow down the loss of single particle coherence via a many-body quantum Zeno effect. However, for long times the decay of S departs from the Fermi-golden-rule expectation. Namely, the interplay of angular diffusion with the hyperbolic squeez- ing results in log-wide statistics for S, whose typical value differs from the algebraic mean. ThisresearchwassupportedbytheIsraelScienceFoundation(GrantsNo.346/11andNo.29/11) and by theUnited States-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF). References 1. R. Gati and M. Oberthaler, J. Phys. B 40, (2007) R61. 2. M. Albiez, R.Gati, J. F¨olling, S.Hunsmann,M. Cristiani, and M. K. Oberthaler, Phys. Rev.Lett. 95, (2005) 010402. 6 Will beinserted by theeditor 3. O. Romero-Isart, K. Eckert, C. Rod´o and A. Sanpera, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 40, (2007) 8019. 4. M. F. Riedel, P. B¨ohi, Y. Li, T. W. H¨ansch, A. Sinatra and P. Treutlein, Nature 464, (2010) 1170-1173. 5. J. R.Anglin and A.Vardi, Phys. Rev.A 64, (2001) 013605. 6. A. Vardiand J. R.Anglin, Phys. Rev.Lett. 86, (2001) 568. 7. S. Levy,E. Lahoud,I. Shomroni and J. 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