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Suppression of alpha-induced lateral surface events in the COBRA experiment using CdZnTe detectors with an instrumented guard-ring electrode PDF

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Preview Suppression of alpha-induced lateral surface events in the COBRA experiment using CdZnTe detectors with an instrumented guard-ring electrode

PreparedforsubmissiontoJINST Suppression of alpha-induced lateral surface events in the COBRA experiment using CdZnTe detectors with an instrumented guard-ring electrode 7 1 0 2 n a J The COBRA collaboration 5 J.-H.Arlinga,b M.Gerhardta C.Gößlinga D.Gehrec R.Klingenberga K.Kröningera 2 C.Nitscha T.Quantea K.Rohatschc J.Tebrüggea,1 R.Temminghoffa R.Theinerta t] S.Zatschlerc K.Zuberc e d aTechnischeUniversitätDortmund,LehrstuhlfürExperimentellePhysikIV,Otto-Hahn-Str.4a,44221Dort- - s mund n bnowatDeutschesElektronen-SynchrotronDESY,Hamburg i . s cTechnischeUniversitätDresden,InstitutfürKern-undTeilchenphysik,ZellescherWeg19,01069Dresden c i s E-mail: [email protected] y h p Abstract: The COBRA collaboration searches for neutrinoless double beta-decay (0νββ-decay) [ using CdZnTesemiconductor detectors withacoplanar-grid readout andasurrounding guard-ring 1 structure. The operation of the COBRA demonstrator at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory v 2 (LNGS)indicates thatalpha-induced lateralsurface eventsarethedominantsourceofbackground 3 events. Byinstrumentingtheguard-ringelectrodeitispossibletosuppressthistypeofbackground. 4 7 In laboratory measurements this method achieved a suppression factor of alpha-induced lateral 0 surfaceeventsof5300+2660,whileretaining(85.3±0.1)%ofgammaeventsoccurringintheentire . −1380 1 detector volume. This suppression is superior to the pulse-shape analysis methods used so far in 0 7 COBRAbythreeordersofmagnitude. 1 : v Keywords: CZT,CdZnTe,semiconductordetector,coplanar-grid,guardring,backgroundsuppres- i X sion,surface events r a 1Correspondingauthor Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 GuardringinstrumentationofCdZnTedetectors 2 3 Charge-clouddynamicsofalphaparticles 3 4 Predictionsfromanelectric-field calculation 4 5 Experimentalsetup 6 6 Measurementsandresults 7 7 Summaryandoutlook 9 1 Introduction TheCOBRA(CdZnTe0NeutrinoDoubleBetaResearchApparatus)collaboration[1]searchesfor neutrinoless double beta-decay (0νββ-decay) [2]. This decay is forbidden in the Standard Model ofparticlephysics. Thequestforlepton-number violationisamainmotivationtosearchfor0νββ- decay. Furthermore, the detection of this process could give information about several general properties of neutrinos like the neutrino mass scale and mass hierarchy. The decay has not been measured yet, limits on the half-life are of the order of 1025yr, depending on the nuclide under study[3–5]. Specialexperimentaltechniquesarerequiredtomeasuresuchraredecays. Onecrucial issue is the reduction of background events which can mimic the searched-for decay, coining the term’low-background experiment’. TheCOBRAcollaboration operates ademonstrator setupattheGranSassounderground lab- oratory (Italy),technical detailscanbefoundinRef.[6]. Thedemonstrator consists of64CdZnTe coplanar-grid (CPG) semiconductor detectors with the volume of 1cm3 each. CdZnTe contains nine nuclides that canundergo double beta-decays: 64Zn,70Zn,106Cd,108Cd,114Cd,116Cd,120Te, 128Te and 130Te. Due to its high Q-value of 2814keV [7], 116Cd is the most promising candidate fortheCOBRAexperiment. Nosignificantexcessovertheestimatedbackgroundwasfoundwhich resultsinhalf-lifelimitsofabout1021yrfortheground-state toground-state 0νβ−β− transitions of 70Zn, 114Cd, 116Cd, 128Te and 130Te as documented in Ref. [8]. One conclusion drawn from the operation of the demonstrator is that the main background component stems from alpha-induced lateral surface events. In the current scheme, lateral surface events are identified by analyzing the recorded pulseshapesinthedetector; detailsofthismethodcanbefoundinRef.[9]. All detectors used by COBRAfeature a guard ring, which is a boundary electrode surround- ing the CPG anodes. It is a common method to improve the detector performance, as it leads to a better balanced weighting potential [10] and to a reduction of leakage currents. In the current –1– configuration, the guard ring is not instrumented and left on a floating potential. Setting a de- fined potential on a guard-ring structure to suppress surface events was studied in Ref. [11] using Germanium detectors. First measurements have shown that this novel method can be used for the COBRA detectors as well without deteriorating the detector performance significantly [12]. This paper discusses the instrumentation of guard rings for large 6cm3 detectors used for the upgrade oftheCOBRAdemonstrator. 2 Guardring instrumentation ofCdZnTe detectors InCdZnTe,theproduct oflifetimeandmobilityforelectrons andholesisdifferentbythreeorders of magnitude, introducing a strong interaction-depth dependence of the detectors response. To compensate for this effect, the so-called coplanar-grid technology [13] is used in COBRA. It is a single-polaritycharge-carriersensingmethod,whereinthiscaseonlytheelectronsignalisreadout. Inthistechnique,twoanodesarecomb-shapedinterleavedandaresetonaslightlydifferentelectric potential, called grid bias (GB). One anode is set to ground potential and referred to as collecting anode(CA)asitcollectsthegeneratedelectrons. Theotherissetonanegativepotentialoftypically −40Vandisreferredtoasnon-collectinganode(NCA).Abiasvoltage(BV)oftypically−1200V is applied to the cathode. The detectors discussed in this publication are (20 × 20 × 15)mm3 in sizewithavolumeof6cm3 andamassof36g. Theirelectrodes areconfigured according toaso- called coplanar quad-grid (CPqG), i.e. four individual CPG structures, rotated against each other ◦ by 90 . The whole CPqG structure is surrounded by a common guard ring (GR) which is left on a floating potential in a default configuration. Such adetector, but without aguard ring electrode, was characterized extensively in Ref. [14]. Details of the electrode design and its dimensions are depicted inFigure1. Figure1. Scheme of the electrodeconfigurationof a CPqG detector. The four sectors comprise individ- ualCPGs,eachinstrumentingacollectinganode(CA, red) and a non-collecting anode (NCA, green). The surrounding guard ring (GR) is shown in blue. All distancesare given in mm. The purpleboxindicates thepositionofthedetailedviewshowninFigure2. For the instrumentation of the guard ring a defined potential is set to it, in this case ground potential, which is the same potential as the CA. The guard ring can thus collect charges drifting to it. This is particularly important for charge clouds originating from interactions in the vicinity of the lateral detector surfaces. The anodes and the guard ring are connected to charge sensitive preamplifiers (Cremat CR1101). These convert the induced charge signals coming from interac- tions in the detector volume into voltage signals. The signals are afterwards amplified in linear 1http://www.cremat.com/CR-110.pdf –2– amplifiers and digitized in flash analog-to-digital converters (FADC SIS33002) with a sampling rate of 100MHz. The data contain the full pulse-shape information of the measured channels, so itispossible toapplypulse-shape analysis toolsintheoff-lineanalysis [9]. Moredetailsaboutthe data-acquisition canbefoundinRef.[6]. ThedepositedenergyinaCPGdetectorcanbereconstructedbycalculatingtheamplitudeAof the difference signal between the CA and NCAsignal amplitudes including aso-called weighting factorw, E ∝ A −w·A . (2.1) CA NCA Theweighting factorcompensates foreffectsofelectron trapping [13]andcanbedetermined dur- ingthecalibrationprocess. TheenergydepositedineachCPqGsectorcanbereconstructedindivid- uallyusingEquation2.1. Thesignaloftheguardringisnotconsideredintheenergyreconstruction inthisstudy. 3 Charge-cloud dynamics ofalpha particles The penetration depth of alpha particles from radioactive decays in solids like CdZnTe is very short,about20µmforanalphaparticlewithakineticenergyof5MeV. Therefore,eventsinduced bysourcesofalpharadiationoutsidethedetectorvolumedeposittheirenergyinthevicinityofthe surfaces and are referred to as lateral surface events. Due to the deposited energy, electron-hole pairs are created at the interaction point. The effect of holes is ignored here because their drift towards the cathode is much slower. The charge cloud of the generated electrons expands while drifting through the detector towards the electrodes due to two main reasons: mutual repulsion of the electrons as well as thermal diffusion. The maximal values for these two quantities can be calculated by considering near-cathode events in the detector. In this case, the created electron clouddriftsthroughthewholedetector volume. Thespreadσ ofthechargecloudduetodiffusion[15]canbecalculatedasafunctionofthe diff driftlength xas 2k Tx σ (x) = B , (3.1) diff r eE where k is the Boltzmann constant, T the absolute temperature, e the electric elementary charge B and E the electric field strength. At room temperature and with an applied BV of −1200V the resulting spreadduetothermaldiffusionforamaximaldriftlengthof15mmis σmax = σ (15mm)≈ 100µm. (3.2) diff diff The expansion R due to mutual repulsion is defined as the largest diameter of the charge cloud rep [16]. Itcanbecalculated asfunction ofthedriftlengthto 3eNx R (x) = 3 , (3.3) rep r4πǫ ǫ E 0 r with the number of created charge carriers N and the permittivity of free space and the relative permittivity, ǫ and ǫ = 10.9[17],respectively. Theenergy ofthealpha particles from the241Am 0 r 2http://www.struck.de/sis3300.htm –3– source isabout 5.5MeV,whichisalso typical foralphaparticles from natural decay chains. Inan interaction of this energy, about 106 charge carriers are produced. Therefore, the resulting spread duetorepulsion isatmost Rmax = R (15mm) ≈ 420µm. (3.4) rep rep Thequadraticsumofthesetwoeffectscanbecalculatedtoestimateanupperlimitonthemaximal spread L ofachargecloud[18,19]assumingamaximaldriftlengthof15mmfornear-cathode max events, 2 2 L = σmax + Rmax ≈ 430µm. (3.5) max r diff rep (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) Anaspect nottaken into account inthis estimation isthat thecharge cloud iscreated directly next tothedetectoredgeandthereforecannot expandequally inalldirections. The effect of the charge cloud expansion of alpha-induced lateral surface events on the elec- trodes isshowninFigure2. Theinitial interaction hasadistance ofabout20µmfromthesurface. Theexpansion ofthe charge cloud isshownafter adrift length of 1mm,3mm, 6mm, 10mmand 15mm. Evenfor the largest drift length of 15mm, the outermost CPGanode (CA)isnot affected by the charge cloud. Hence, a clear separation of alpha-induced lateral surface events and events occurring intheinnerdetector volumeshouldbepossible byinstrumenting theguardring. Figure2. Detailedtopviewoftheanodeside asmarkedinFigure1. Thedifferenttypesof magentaindicatetheexpansionofthecharge cloud after a drift length of 1mm, 3mm, 6mm,10mmand15mm. Thedarkdothigh- lightstheinitialchargecloud. 4 Predictions from anelectric-field calculation Tostudytheeffectofdifferentguard ringpotentials, e.g.floatingpotential inthedefault setting or ground potential forenabling charge collection, anelectric-field simulation isperformed usingthe simulation toolCOMSOLMultiphysics inversion5.2[20]. ThecurrentCPqGdetectordesignisimplementedintermsofdimensionsandelectrodedesign, thetypical material-specific values forCdZnTearetaken from Ref.[21]. Theapplied biasvoltage isassumed tobe−1200Vandatypical value of−40Vischosen fortheGB.Configurations with different guard ring potential are simulated. In addition, the configuration of the CPqG anodes is varied: ifaCAoranNCAbiasisappliedtotheoutermostanode,theconfigurationisreferredtoas CA and NCA mode, respectively. The simulated electric field-line distribution for the CA out out out mode with the guard ring on ground potential is shown in Figure3. Here, field lines start on the cathode in equidistant steps of 25µm and they end on the different electrodes (GR, CA and NCA –4– Figure3. Electric field-line distribution shown inacrosssectionclosetothedetectoredge.The guard ring is set on groundpotential. The cho- sen GBandBV are−40V and−1200V. Field linesendingontheGRarecoloredinpink,those endingontheCPqGanodesinblue. as highlighted). Field lines ending on the guard ring are colored in pink in contrast to field lines ending oneitheroftheCPqGanodes, whichareshowninblue. The innermost field line ending on the guard ring starts at a distance of 625µm from the detector edge. Themaximaldistance depends onthedepth ofthestarting position, andaslopefor the first 2mm below the anode side is observed before the field lines are almost parallel. Energy deposited between the detector surface and the innermost field line ending on the guard ring will not be detected by the CA. This will lead to a decrease in the overall detection efficiency, but it will in particular suppress a large fraction of alpha-induced lateral surface events, according to Equation3.5. The area influenced by the instrumented guard ring is visualized in Figure4. This Figure4. Contour plot of charge collec- tion of the guard ring and the CPqG an- odes in CA mode as seen from the top. out Shown are the projected start positions of field linesfinally endingon the guardring (pink) or on either of the CPqG anodes (blue). The chosen GB is −40V and BV is−1200V. contourplotdepictsthestartpositionsofelectricfieldlinesanddifferentiatesbetweenendpositions on the guard ring electrode or the CPqG anodes. The dips in the area influenced by the CPqG at themiddleofthesidesarisefromthetransitionsbetweenthedifferentCPGsectors. Atthebottom, thedipislargerbecauseoftheguardringcontactpad. Theratiooftheareainfluencedbytheguard ring relative to the full area is a measure of reduction of the fiducial detector volume, ǫ . The fid results fortheCA mode,asdepicted inFigure4,andfortheNCA modeare out out ǫCAout = 87.7% and ǫNCAout = 86.0%, (4.1) fid fid respectively. The uncertainties in these calculations are negligible as the mesh for the numerical calculation isfine(25µm),andsmallvariations ofthebiasesdoalsonotshowanotableeffect. –5– Only the CA mode is evaluated in the following because of the expected larger efficiency than out in NCA mode. In addition, other beneficial effects like less charge-sharing between the sectors out favorthismode. 5 Experimental setup The effect of instrumenting the guard ring in terms of a suppression of alpha interactions from the lateral surfaces is studied in measurements. A prototype CPqG detector with guard ring, pro- duced by Redlen Technologies3, is used. During characterization of this test detector, the energy resolution in terms of full-width at half maximum (FWHM) for an incident energy of 662keV of the different CPG sectors is measured. Two of the four sectors have only poor energy resolu- tionsof5.0%and7.0%. Anothersectorissufferingofleakagecurrentsdegradingitsperformance immensely, while not influencing the other sectors. Finally, the last remaining sector provides a satisfactory energy resolution of3.0%. Thissectoristhereforechosen asthesectorfortesting. A241Amsourceemitting alphaparticles withanenergy of5.5MeVisusedtoprovide asam- ple of alpha-induced surface interactions. The source is pointed directly on the sector under test. Furthermore,thedetectorcanbeirradiatedwithgammaradiationfroma232Thsourcewithvarious gamma lines, the highest at an energy of 2614keV. In this case the whole detector is irradiated almosthomogeneously. The detector is mounted on a movable stage, so that it is possible to irradiate the detector at first with gamma radiation and afterwards with the alpha source without switching off the biases when exchanging the sources. Hence, the recorded gamma energy spectrum can be used for a common calibration for each configuration. The measurement setup as well as the tested sectors aredepicted inFigure5. Figure 5. Top view of the measurementsetup for evaluating the effect of the guard-ringinstrumentation. Thedetectorismountedonamovablestageallowingtoshiftitbetweenthetwodifferentradioactivesources (α:241Amsource,γ:232Thsource).Thealphasourceispointedtothesectorundertest,whereasthegamma sourceirradiatesthewholedetector. Theyellowbrickssymbolizeleadshielding. To account for background, a dedicated measurement of the background spectrum is per- formed. The detector is kept in the same position as for an alpha measurement, but the 241Am source is removed. Only background events originating from the natural laboratory background, cosmicmuonsorscattered photons fromthe232Thgammasourcearerecorded. 3http://redlen.ca/ –6– Toevaluatetheeffectoftheinstrumentedguardring,onemeasurementisperformedwiththeguard ringongroundpotential andonewiththeguardringkeptonafloatingpotential. Theappliedvolt- agesforthismeasurementcampaignareaGBof−40VandaBVof−1200V. 6 Measurements and results The energy spectra of the sector under test irradiated with 232Th gamma radiation are shown in Figure6. Thereconstructedenergyspectrumforthecaseofafloatingguardringisdepictedinblue and for thecase ofaninstrumented guard ring inred. Thesharp drop around 280keV stemsfrom the threshold for the energy reconstruction needed for event-by-event triggering. The spectrum shows the typical features of a 232Th source. The total event rate in the case of an instrumented guard ringisreduced compared tothefloatingcaseduetothereduced efficiency. Thisisexpected fromtheresultsoftheelectric-field calculation insection 4. V)]) floating GR e k 2 instrumented GR ⋅(s10−1 1/( COBRA e [ at unt r10−2 o c 10−3 Figure6. 232Th energy spectra measured with the 10−4 sector under test. Shown are the cases of floating 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 (blue)andinstrumentedguardring(red). energy [keV] Forthealphameasurement,theresultingenergyspectraforbothguardringconfigurationsare showninFigure7. Theunusualspectralshapeofthealphaspectrumforthefloatingguardringcan beexplainedbytheattenuationduetoairbetweenthesourceanddetector,andthedetectorsurface encapsulation, especially as the source is not collimated and effects of the solid angle occur. This results in a smeared distribution shifted towards lower energies. The spectrum of alpha-induced lateral surface events in the instrumented guard ring configuration is clearly reduced compared to thefloatingpotential case. V)]) floating GR e k 2 instrumented GR ⋅(s10−1 1/( COBRA e [ at unt r10−2 o c 10−3 Figure7. 241Am energy spectra measured with the 10−4 sector under test. Shown are the cases of floating 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 (blue)andinstrumentedguardring(red). energy [keV] –7– The spectra resulting from dedicated measurements of the laboratory background are shown in Figure8. One can see similar spectra for both configurations of the guard ring again. This is expected because most background events stem from gamma radiation and muons. A large fractionoftheeventsinthespectrumfromthealphameasurementwithaninstrumentedguardring (red curve in Figure7) are caused by laboratory background, which needs to be considered when estimating thesuppression ofalpha-induced events. V)]) floating GR e k 2 instrumented GR ⋅(s10−1 1/( COBRA e [ at unt r10−2 o c 10−3 Figure8. Backgroundenergyspectrameasuredwith 10−4 thesectorundertest. Shownarethecasesoffloating 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 (blue)andinstrumentedguardring(red). energy [keV] This is evaluated quantitatively in Table1 for all six measurements by comparing the count rates, integrated between 280keV and 3000keV. The quoted uncertainties are due to the statistical Poissonerror. Table1.Resultsofmeasurementsforsectorundertest. Givenaretheintegralcountratesr(betweentrigger thresholdandchosenhighenergycut-off)ineachmeasurementandforbothguardringconfigurations. alphameasurement background measurement gammameasurement r [1/s] 208.6±0.2 0.493±0.008 42.33±0.05 floatingGR r [1/s] 0.498±0.008 0.465±0.008 36.15±0.04 instrumentedGR The resulting reduction of the fiducial volume for gamma radiation in the case of an instru- mentedguardringisestimatedas rγ −rbkg ǫ = instrumentedGR instrumentedGR. (6.1) γ rγ −rbkg floatingGR floatingGR UsingthenumbersinTable1,thisyields ǫ = (85.3±0.1)%. (6.2) γ This value is comparable with the prediction of ǫ = 87.7% from the calculation of the electric fid field(Equation4.1). Thedifferencesarisefromeffectsofarealdetectorthatarenotincorporatedin theelectric-fieldcalculation,e.g.inhomogeneitiesinthedetectorbulk,uncertaintiesintheelectrode placements ortheenergy resolution. –8– Thesuppression factorforalpha-induced lateralsurfaceeventsSF canbedefinedas α rα −rbkg floatingGR floatingGR SF = . (6.3) α rα −rbkg instrumentedGR instrumentedGR Astheratesintheenumeratorandthedenominator differbyaboutfourordersofmagnitude,com- mon Gaussian uncertainty propagation cannot be used forthe calculation oftheratio. Instead, the suppressionfactorisestimatedbasedonatoyMonte-Carlostudy: 107pairsofrandomnumbersare drawnfromtwoGaussiandistributions, characterized bytheenumerator andthedenominator, and the resulting frequency distribution of the ratios of these numbers is interpreted as the probability density of SF . Because this asymmetric distribution features a strong non-Gaussian tail towards α larger values, the suppression factor is estimated by the mode of the distribution. The smallest interval containing 68.3%ofallentriesisinterpreted astheuncertainty interval. Thisyields SF = 5300+2660. (6.4) α −1380 Thisisalargeimprovementcomparedtothepulse-shapeanalysiscurrentlyusedtosuppresslateral surface eventsinCOBRA[8,9]: therelative detection efficiency forgammaradiation isabout the same, but the suppression factor for alpha-induced lateral surface events is nearly three orders of magnitude larger. 7 Summary and outlook TheCOBRAcollaboration searches forneutrinoless double beta-decay and hence background re- duction is a crucial issue. Alpha-induced lateral surface events are the main background source when operating the COBRA demonstrator. In this paper, dedicated laboratory measurements and calculations of electric fields are used to demonstrate that instrumenting the guard ring of CPqG detectors leadstoasuppression factor foralpha-induced lateralsurface events of5300+2660,while −1380 thereductionoffiducialvolumeforgammaeventsoccurringthroughouttheentiredetectorvolume is(85.3±0.1)%. ThisconceptwillbefollowedintheupgradeoftheCOBRAextendeddemonstrator (XDEM).Un- der optimal conditions and the assumption that the background is dominated by alpha events, the overallbackground rateisexpected tobeloweredbytwoordersofmagnitude. Thesignalsoftheguardringaremeasured,butnotincludedintheanalysispresentedhere. Amodi- fiedeventreconstructionincludingtheguard-ringsignalcaninprinciplebeperformed. Preliminary studies indicate thatusingthisadditional information isfeasible andcanimprovethedetector per- formance (e.g. the detection efficiency) and the veto capabilities for lateral surface events even further. Acknowledgments Wethank the LNGSforthecontinuous support ofthe COBRAexperiment. COBRAissupported by the German Research Foundation DFG (ZU 123/15-1 / GO 1133/3-1). Furthermore, we thank COMSOL for support with the COMSOL Multiphysics simulation and O. Schulz for technical support withtheDAQ. –9–

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