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Suppression and Revival of Oscillations through Time-varying Interaction Sudhanshu Shekhar Chaurasia1, Anshul Choudhary1,2, Manish Dev Shrimali3, and Sudeshna Sinha1 1Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Mohali, Knowledge City, SAS Nagar, Sector 81, Manauli PO 140 306, Punjab, India 2Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM), University of Oldenburg, Carl-von-Ossietzky-Strasse 9, 26129 Oldenburg, Germany and 3Department of Physics, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, Ajmer 305 817, India We explore the dynamical consequences of switching the coupling form in a system of coupled oscillators. Weconsidertwotypesofswitching,onewherethecouplingfunctionchangesperiodically andonewhereitchangesprobabilistically. Wefind,throughbifurcationdiagramsandBasinStability analysis, that there exists a window in coupling strength where the oscillations get suppressed. 7 Beyondthiswindow,theoscillationsarerevivedagain. Asimilartrendemergeswithrespecttothe 1 relativepredominanceofthecouplingforms,withthelargestwindowoffixedpointdynamicsarising 0 wherethereisbalanceintheprobabilityofoccurrenceofthecouplingforms. Further,significantly, 2 more rapid switching of coupling forms yields large regions of oscillation suppression. Lastly, we proposeaneffectivemodelforthedynamicsarisingfromswitchedcouplingformsanddemonstrate n how this model captures the basic features observed in numerical simulations and also offers an a J accurate estimate of the fixed point region through linear stability analysis. 5 2 I. INTRODUCTION The primary goal of this study is to demonstrate the non-trivial dynamical states arising out of the temporal ] D interplay between two coupling forms. The test-bed of Coupled dynamical systems have been extensively C ourinquirywillbeagenericsystemofcoupledoscillators, studied over the last few decades as they provide us a which we describe in detail below. . n framework for modelling many complex systems [1, 2]. i Thefocusofinvestigationshavemostlybeenonphenom- l n ena emerging under variation of the local dynamics of II. COUPLED OSCILLATORS [ the units and the interactions among them. Most stud- 1 ieshaveassumedtheinteractionsamongthenodestobe Ageneralformofcoupleddynamicaloscillatorsisgiven v invariant over time. However in recent times there have by: 4 been efforts to incorporate a time-varying links, namely 1 changing connections between the units in a dynamical X˙ =F(X )+KG (X ,X(cid:48),X ) (1) 3 network[3–12]. Suchtimevaryinginteractionsmodelthe i i i j j i 7 0 evolution of connections over time, and are commonly where Xi denotes the set of m dynamical variables of found in physical, biological, social and engineered sys- the ith oscillator. The matrix K of dimension m×m . 1 tems[13–17]. Studiessofarhaveconsideredthevariation contains information on the coupling topology. Gi is the 0 in links as a function of time, while the form of coupling couplingfunctionthatrepresentsthenatureoftheinter- 7 remains the same. Here we will explore a new direction actionandthevariablesinvolvedintheinteractionterm, 1 in time-varying interactions: we will study the effect of with the superscript primes ((cid:48)) on X denoting conjugate : v switched coupling forms on the emergent behaviour. or “dissimilar” variables [27]. i X Now, complex systems often undergo Hopf bifurca- We consider two coupling functions, one diffusive and tions and sufficiently close to such a bifurcation point, r theotherconjugatecouplingbetweenthetwooscillators. a the variables which have slower time-scales can be elimi- Coupling via conjugate variables is natural in a variety nated. This leaves us with a couple of simple first order of experimental situations where sub-systems are cou- ordinary differential equations, popularly known as the pled by feeding the output of one into the other. An Stuart-Landausystem[23]. Inthisworkwewillconsider example from the recent literature is provided by the two diffusively coupled oscillators of this form, namely experiments of Kim and Roy on coupled semiconductor two coupled Stuart-Landau systems. lasersystems[18],wherethephotonintensityfluctuation Specifically, when the coupling between the oscillators from one laser is used to modulate the injection current isthroughsimilarvariables,thedynamicalequationsare of the other, and vice versa. Hybrid coupling [19–21] given by: also has relevance in ecological models, where migration and cross-predation (analogous to conjugate coupling) x˙ =fx(x ,y )+ε(x −x ) 1 1 1 2 1 [22]occursbetweentwopopulationpatches,namelyover y˙ =fy(x ,y ) (2) some time migration or diffusive coupling may be dom- 1 1 1 inant, while at other times cross-predation between the x˙2 =fx(x2,y2)+ε(x1−x2) two patches is prevalent. y˙ =fy(x ,y ) 2 2 2 2 and when the oscillators are coupled to each other of oscillations. Interestingly though, the window of cou- throughdissimilarvariables,thedynamicalequationsare pling strength over which oscillations are suppressed de- given by: pends non-monotonically on f . At first, as f in- sim sim creases the fixed point window increases (cf. Fig. 1a for f = 0.2 vis-a-vis Fig. 1c at f = 0.6). However, sim sim x˙ =fx(x ,y )+ε(y −x ) when f gets even larger this window vanishes entirely 1 1 1 2 1 sim y˙ =fy(x ,y ) (3) (cf. Fig. 1d), namely the oscillations are no longer sup- 1 1 1 pressed anywhere. x˙ =fx(x ,y )+ε(y −x ) 2 2 2 1 2 y˙ =fy(x ,y ) 2 2 2 with fx =x(1−(x2+y2))−5y (4) 1.0 (a) (b) fy =y(1−(x2+y2))+5x 0.5 Coupled Stuart-Landau oscillators have been a good x1 0 model for the study of oscillation death [25, 26] and am- -0.5 plitude death [28–31]. When the coupling is through similar variables (cf. Eqn. 2), the oscillators get syn- -1.0 (c) (d) chronized at a very low coupling strengths, and remain 0.5 oscillatory and synchronized up to very high coupling strength. However when coupling is through dissimilar x1 0 variables (cf. Eqn. 3), the system shows oscillatory be- -0.5 haviourforsmallcouplingstrengths, andincreasingcou- pling strengths give rise to amplitude death and subse- -1.0 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 quently oscillation death [32]. ε ε FIG. 1: Bifurcation diagram displaying variable x of one III. TIME-VARYING COUPLING FORM of the oscillators, with respect to coupling strength ε. Herethecouplingswitchesbetweensimilaranddissimilar Nowweconsiderascenariowheretheformofthecou- variables periodically, with similar-variable coupling (for pling between the oscillators is time dependent, namely, time f T) followed by dissimilar-variable coupling (for sim the form of coupling switches between the similar and time (1−f )T), for (a) f =0.2, (b) f =0.4, (c) sim sim sim dissimilar variables. The switching of the coupling form f =0.6and(d)f =0.8,andtimeperiodofswitching sim sim may be periodic or probabilistic. T =0.02. Thetwocoloursrepresentsymmetricsolutions around the unstable fixed point, arising from different initial conditions. A. Periodic Switching of Coupling Forms Heretheoscillatorschangetheircouplingformperiod- ically. If the time period of the switch is T, we consider the system to be coupled via similar variables for frac- tion f of the cycle, followed by coupling to dissimilar sim variables for the remaining part. So when f = 0, sim the oscillators are always coupled to dissimilar variables and when f = 1 the oscillators are coupled through Further, notice from Fig. 1a-b that low-amplitude os- sim similar variable for all time. For 0 < f < 1, the cillationsarerestoredathighercouplingstrengthsagain, sim oscillators experience coupling through similar variables for intermediate f . Fig. 2 shows the effect of the fre- sim for time f T, followed by coupling through dissimilar quencyofswitchingcouplingformsupontheamplitudeof sim variables for time T(1−f ), in each cycle of period T. the revived oscillations. Increase in frequency of switch- sim Fig. 1 shows the bifurcation diagram for a system of ing leads to the reduction of oscillation amplitude, and two coupled oscillators with periodically changing cou- the results approach those arising from effective mean- pling form, with respect to coupling strength, for differ- field like dynamical equations (cf. Eqn. 5) which will ent f . At ε = 0, i.e. for uncoupled Stuart-Landau be presented in Section V (namely, Fig. 1(b) approaches sim oscillators, one naturally obtains period 1 oscillations. Fig.9(b)obtainedfromanapproximateeffectivedescrip- Increasing the coupling strength results in suppression tion of the system). 3 0.25 1.0 (a) (b) 0.5 0.2 x1 0 0.15 -0.5 A 0.1 -1.0 (c) (d) 0.5 0.05 x1 0 0 -0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Frequency of switching -1.0 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 FIG. 2: Dependence of A = x − x on the fre- ε ε max min quency of switching (where x /x are the maxi- max min mum/minimum values of variable x of an oscillator). FIG. 3: Bifurcation diagram displaying variable x of one Here fsim = 0.4, ε = 9.0, and the coupling switches be- of the oscillators, with respect to coupling strength ε. tween similar and dissimilar variables periodically, with Herethecouplingformprobabilisticallyswitchesattime similar-variable coupling for time fsimT, followed by intervals of T between similar and dissimilar variables, dissimilar-variable coupling for time (1−fsim)T, where with the probability of similar-variable coupling being 1/T is the frequency of switching. p , and the probability of dissimilar-variable coupling sim being (1−p ), for (a) p = 0.2, (b) p = 0.4, (c) sim sim sim p = 0.6 and (d) p = 0.8 (with T = 0.02). The sim sim two colours represent emergent dynamics from different initial conditions B. Probabilistic Switching of Coupling Forms Heretheoscillatorschangetheircouplingformatinter- valsoftimeT, withthecouplingformchosenprobabilis- tically. We consider the probability for the oscillators to Fig. 4 shows the width of fixed point window, with becoupledviasimilarvariablestobep ,andtheprob- sim respect to f for the case of periodic switching of cou- abilityofcouplingmediatedviadissimilarvariablestobe sim plingforms,andp forthecaseofprobabilisticswitch- (1−p ). For 0 < p < 1, at the time of switching, sim sim sim ing of coupling forms. As shown, the width of the fixed the similar-variable coupling form is chosen with prob- point window is non-monotonic, and has a maximum at ability p and the dissimilar-variable form is chosen sim f (p ) ∼ 0.58. Namely, the largest window of fixed with probability (1−p ). So larger p favours cou- sim sim sim sim pointdynamicsariseswherethereisbalanceintheprob- pling through similar variables and smaller p favours sim ability of occurrence of the coupling forms. dissimilar-variable coupling, with the oscillators always experiencing dissimilar-variable coupling for the limit- ing case of p = 0 and similar-variable coupling for sim p = 1. Here the probability p plays a role equiva- sim sim 7 lent to f in the case of periodic switching of coupling sim n forms. gio 6 e Fig. 3 shows the bifurcation diagram, with respect to nt r 5 coupling strength, for different psim. Again it is evi- d poi 4 dent that the window of coupling strength over which e x oscillations are suppressed, depends non-monotonically e fi 3 h on psim, as it did under variation of fsim for the case of of t 2 periodically switched coupling forms (cf. Fig. 4). First, h dt 1 as p increases from zero, the fixed point window in- Wi sim 0 creases, as seen from Fig. 3a for p = 0.2 vis-a-vis sim 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fig. 3c for psim = 0.6. However, when psim gets even fsim, psim larger this window vanishes entirely, as evident from Fig.3d,andtheoscillationsarenolongersuppressedany- FIG.4: Widthofthefixedpointwindowasafunctionof where. This suggests that when the probability of cou- f (blue) for the case of periodic switching of coupling pling through similar variables and dissimilar variables sim forms,andp (red)forthecaseofprobabilisticswitch- is similar (i.e. p ∼ 0.5) oscillations are suppressed to sim sim ing of coupling forms, with switching period T =0.02. the greatest degree. 4 IV. GLOBAL STABILITY MEASURE 1.0 (a) (b) 0.8 The commonly employed linear stability analysis, m 0.6 based on the linearization in the neighbourhood of fixed fsi 0.4 points, provides only local information about the stabil- 0.2 ity at the fixed point. It cannot accurately indicate the 0 stability for large perturbations, nor the basin of attrac- (c) (d) tion of the dynamics, especially in the presence of other 0.8 attractors in phase space. m 0.6 si HerewecalculatetheBasinStabilityofthedynamical f 0.4 states [24]. This is a more robust and global estimate of 0.2 stability, and effectively incorporates non-local and non- 0 lineareffectsonthestabilityoffixedpoints. Specifically, 0 2 4 ε 6 8 0 2 4 ε 6 8 10 BasinStabilityiscalculatedasfollows: wechoosealarge number of random initial conditions, spread uniformly FIG.5: BasinStabilityofthefixedpointstateofcoupled over a volume of phase space, and find what fraction of oscillators, in the parameter space of coupling strength these are attracted to stable fixed points. ε and f . Here the coupling periodically switches sim Figs5showstheBasinStabilityofthefixedpointstate, between similar and dissimilar variables, with similar- intheparameterspaceoff andcouplingstrengths,for variablecoupling(fortimef T),followedbydissimilar- sim sim differenttimeperiodsofswitchingT. Clearlyoneobtains variablecoupling(fortime(1−f )T),for(a)T =0.01, sim oscillation suppression in windows of coupling strength (b) T =0.10, (c) T =1.00 and (d) T =2.00. The region and f , and oscillation revival again beyond the win- inyellowrepresentsfixedpointdynamics(i.e. oscillation sim dow. Thewindowofcouplingstrengthsthatgivesriseto suppression), and the region in black represents oscilla- fixed points is very sensitive to the frequency of switch- tory dynamics. ing, at low frequencies. After a high enough switching frequency (i.e. low enough T), the fixed point region re- mainsunchanged,asevidentthroughthefactthatFig.5a and Fig. 5b are identical. 20 (a) (b) Now, the dependence of the fixed point window on hing 16 c fsim is actually quite counter-intuitive, as already indi- swit 12 cated in the bifurcation diagrams. For rapidly switched of 8 coupling forms, at large coupling strengths, the oscilla- Freq. 4 tion suppression occurs at an intermediate value of f . sim 0 Namely, as the dominance of similar-variable coupling (c) (d) fsim increases the oscillations are first suppressed and hing 16 c thenafterapointtheoscillationsarerevivedagain,with wit 12 s athsecowuipnldinowg sotfrefinxgetdhpinocinrtesassehsi.ftTinhgistoiswcaorudnstheirg-hinetrufitsiivme,, Freq. of 48 as similar-variable coupling is known to only allow oscil- 0 lations, whiledissimilar-variablecouplingcanyieldsome 0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8 10 ε ε windows of oscillation suppression. Also interestingly for low f , as we increase the coupling strength, first sim we encounter oscillation suppression and then on fur- FIG.6: BasinStabilityofthefixedpointstateofcoupled ther increase of coupling strength the oscillations are re- oscillators, in the parameter space of coupling strength stored. So there exists an intermediate window of cou- ε and frequency of switching. Here the coupling period- pling strength that yields fixed point dynamics. ically switches between similar and dissimilar variables, with similar-variable coupling (for time f T), followed Fig6showstheBasinStabilityofthefixedpointstate, sim bydissimilar-variablecoupling(fortime(1−f )T),for intheparameterspaceofthefrequencyofswitchingand sim (a) f = 0.3, (b) f = 0.4, (c) f = 0.5 and (d) coupling strengths, for different f . It is clear again sim sim sim sim f = 0.7. The region in yellow represents fixed point that after a critical switching frequency the dynamics sim dynamics (i.e. oscillation suppression), and the region in doesnotdependontherateatwhichthecouplingformis black represents oscillatory dynamics. changed. Significantly,itisalsoevidentthatfastchanges in coupling form, namely lower time period for change, yields large fixed point regions in parameter space. How- Fig7showstheBasinStabilityofthefixedpointstate ever,atlowswitchingfrequenciestheemergentdynamics forthecaseofprobabilisticallyvaryingcouplingform, in is sensitive to how rapidly the coupling form varies. the parameter space of p and coupling strengths. In- sim 5 terestinglyagain,asweincreasethecouplingstrength,os- 100 cillations first get suppressed and then restored. Alsono- (a) (b) ng 80 ticethemarkedsimilarityofFig.7aandFig.5a. Namely hi c frequent periodic switching of coupling forms yields the wit 60 s sameresultasthefrequentprobabilisticswitchingofcou- of 40 q. pling forms. Fre 20 0 (c) (d) ng 80 hi c wit 60 s of 40 1.0 (a) (b) Freq. 20 0.8 0 m 0.6 0 2 4 ε 6 8 0 2 4 ε 6 8 10 si p 0.4 0.2 FIG. 8: Basin Stability results for coupled oscillators, in 0 theparameterspaceofcouplingstrengthεandfrequency (c) (d) ofswitching,whencouplingswitchesbetweensimilarand 0.8 dissimilarvariablesprobabilistically,withaprobabilityof m 0.6 psi 0.4 spilminigla(r1c−ouppling),pfsoirm,(aa)npd pro=ba0b.i2li,ty(bo)fpdissim=il0a.r3,co(uc)- sim sim sim 0.2 p = 0.5 and (d) p = 0.7. The region in yellow sim sim 0 represents fixed point dynamics (i.e. oscillation suppres- 0 2 4 ε 6 8 0 2 4 ε 6 8 10 sion), and the region in black represents oscillatory dy- namics. FIG.7: BasinStabilityofthefixedpointstateofcoupled oscillators, intheparameterspaceofcouplingstrengthε andp . Herethecouplingprobabilisticallyswitchesbe- sim tweensimilaranddissimilarvariables,withtheprobabil- ityofsimilar-variablecouplingbeingp ,andtheproba- sim bilityofdissimilar-variablecouplingbeing(1−psim)with V. EFFECTIVE MODEL FOR TIME the period of switching (a) T = 0.01, (b) T = 0.02, (c) DEPENDENT COUPLING T = 0.10 and (d) T = 1.00. The region in yellow repre- sents fixed point dynamics (i.e. oscillation suppression), and the region in black represents oscillatory dynamics. Now we attempt to rationalize our results through Notice the marked similarity of panel (a) with Fig. 5a. an effective phenomenological model for the dynamics. The idea is to mimic the time-dependent coupling by a coupling form where the similar and dissimilar coupling forms are appropriately weighted by f . This is given sim by: Fig.8showstheBasinStabilityofthefixedpointstate, intheparameterspaceoffrequencyofswitchingandcou- pling strengths. Clearly the effects of the frequency of x˙ =fx(x ,y )+ε[f (x −x )+(1−f )(y −x )] 1 1 1 sim 2 1 sim 2 1 switching are pronounced over a larger range of switch- y˙ =fy(x ,y ) (5) ingfrequencyforprobabilisticswitching, ascomparedto 1 1 1 periodic switching. But significantly again, it is evident x˙2 =fx(x2,y2)+ε[fsim(x1−x2)+(1−fsim)(y1−x2)] thatfastchangesincouplingform,namelylowertimepe- y˙ =fy(x ,y ) 2 2 2 riod for change, yields large fixed point regions in param- eter space. Lastly, it is also clear that as the frequency of switching increases, the fixed point region moves to- wards higher values of p where similar-variable cou- sim pling dominates. This is again surprising, as similar- This effective picture is expected to hold true when variable coupling is known to support only oscillations, thefrequencyofswitchingisveryhigh(namelyT isvery while dissimilar-variable coupling has more propensity small). Completely equivalent results can be obtained towards oscillation suppression. with p in place of f in the equations above. sim sim 6 fixed points. Fig. 10 shows results from the linear sta- 1.0 (a) (b) bility analysis of Eqn. 5, in the neighbourhood of the 0.5 fixed point at zero. The region in pink represents the x1 0 stable fixed point, where the maximum eigen value of the Jacobian corresponding to Eqn. 5, λ , is negative. max -0.5 The region in green represents unstable fixed points, as λ > 0 there. Notice the marked similarity of these -1.0 max (c) (d) resultswithFig.5a(orequivalentlyFig.7a), namelythe 0.5 fixed point region is completely well-described by the x1 0 analysis of Eqn. 5 when the frequency of switching is high (∼100 Hz). Significantly then, the results from the -0.5 globalestimatesofthebasinofstabilityofthefixedpoint, forrapidperiodicandprobabilisticswitchingofcoupling -1.0 0 2 4 ε 6 8 0 2 4 ε 6 8 10 form, are recovered accurately through the linear stability analysis of a set of effective dynamical equations. FIG. 9: Bifurcation diagram displaying variable x of one oftheoscillatorsoftheeffectivecoupledsystemgivenby VI. CONCLUSIONS Eqn. 5, with respect to coupling strength ε, at different f values: (a) f =0.2, (b) f =0.4, (c) f =0.6 sim sim sim sim and (d) f =0.8. The two colours represent symmetric While the variation in links, namely the connectivity sim solutions around the unstable fixed point, arising from matrix, asafunctionoftimehasbeeninvestigatedinre- different initial conditions. cent times, the dynamical consequences of time-varying coupling forms is still not understood. In this work we have explored this new directionin time-varying interac- Fig. 9 displays the bifurcation diagram of the effective tions, namelywehavestudiedtheeffectofswitchedcou- coupledsystemgivenbyEqn.5,andprovidesinsightinto pling forms on the emergent behaviour. The test-bed of the suppression and revival of oscillations in the coupled ourenquiryisagenericsystemofcoupledStuart-Landau oscillator system with time-varying coupling forms. In oscillators, where the form of the coupling between the particular,noticethemarkedsimilarityofthefixedpoint oscillatorsswitchesbetweenthesimilaranddissimilar(or region in Fig. 9 with the fixed point regions evident in conjugate)variables. Weconsidertwotypesofswitching, Figs. 1 and 3. onewherethecouplingfunctionchangesperiodicallyand one where it changes probabilistically. When the oscil- lators change their coupling form periodically, they are coupled via similar variables for fraction f of the cy- 1 3.5 sim ’ev_max.dat’ u 1:2:3 cle, followed by coupling to dissimilar variables for the 3 0.8 2.5 remaining part. In the case of probabilistic switching, 2 the probability for the oscillators to be coupled via simi- 0.6 1.5 lar variables is p , and the probability of coupling me- fsim 1 diated via dissimsiilmar variables is (1−psim). 0.4 0.5 We find that time-varying coupling forms suppress os- 0 cillationsinawindowofcouplingstrengths,withthewin- 0.2 -0.5 -1 dow increasing with the frequency of switching. That is, 0 -1.5 more rapid changes in coupling form leads to large win- 0 2 4 6 8 10 dows of oscillation suppression, with the window of am- ε plitude death saturating after a high enough switching frequency. Interestingly, for low f (p ), the oscil- FIG. 10: Results from Linear Stability analysis of the sim sim lations are revived again beyond this window. That is, effectivemodelofthecoupledoscillatorsgivenbyEqn.5, too low or too high coupling strengths yield oscillations, in the parameter space of coupling strength ε and f . sim whilecouplingstrengthsin-betweensuppressoscillations. Thecolorcoderepresentsthevalueofthemaximumeigen Also interestingly, the width of the coupling strength valueoftheJacobiancorrespondingtoEqn.5,λ . The max window supporting oscillation suppression is non- region in pink, where λ < 0, represents stable fixed max monotonic with respect to f (p ), and has a max- points. The region in green, where λ >0, represents sim sim max imum at f (p )∼0.58. Namely, the largest window unstable fixed points. Notice the marked similarity with sim sim of fixed point dynamics arises where there is balance in Figs. 5a and 7a. the probability of occurrence of the coupling forms. Focusing on the dependence of the window of oscilla- Increasingthecouplingstrength,makesthefixedpoint tionsuppression, atfixedcouplingstrengthsandvarying at zero in Eqn. 5 unstable, and leads to creation of new predominance of coupling forms, we observe the follow- 7 ing: for rapidly switched coupling forms, at large cou- cillation suppression. pling strengths, the oscillation suppression occurs at an Lastly, we have suggested an effective dynamics that intermediate value of f (p ). Namely, as the dom- successfully yields the observed behaviour for rapidly sim sim inance of similar-variable coupling increases the oscilla- switched coupling forms, including an accurate estimate tionsarefirstsuppressed,andthenafterapointtheoscil- of the fixed point window through stability analysis. lations are revived again. 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