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MEMOIRS of the American Mathematical Society Number 1002 Supported Blow-Up and Prescribed Scalar Curvature on Sn Man Chun Leung September 2011 • Volume 213 • Number 1002 (third of 5 numbers) • ISSN 0065-9266 American Mathematical Society Number 1002 Supported Blow-Up and Prescribed Scalar Curvature on Sn Man Chun Leung September2011 • Volume213 • Number1002(thirdof5numbers) • ISSN0065-9266 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Supportedblow-upandprescribedscalarcurvatureonSn /ManChunLeung. p.cm. —(MemoirsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety,ISSN0065-9266;no. 1002) “September2011,volume213,number1002(thirdof5numbers).” Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-0-8218-5337-5(alk. paper) 1. Blowing up (Algebraic geometry). 2. Curvature. 3. Transformations (Mathematics). 4.Differentialequations,Elliptic. I.Title. QA571.L48 2011 515(cid:2).3533—dc23 2011020094 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society Thisjournalisdevotedentirelytoresearchinpureandappliedmathematics. 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Requests for such permissionshouldbeaddressedtotheAcquisitionsDepartment,AmericanMathematicalSociety, 201 Charles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02904-2294 USA. Requests can also be made by [email protected]. MemoirsoftheAmericanMathematicalSociety(ISSN0065-9266)ispublishedbimonthly(each volume consisting usually of more than one number) by the American Mathematical Society at 201CharlesStreet,Providence,RI02904-2294USA.PeriodicalspostagepaidatProvidence,RI. Postmaster: Send address changes to Memoirs, American Mathematical Society, 201 Charles Street,Providence,RI02904-2294USA. (cid:2)c 2011bytheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Allrightsreserved. Copyrightofindividualarticlesmayreverttothepublicdomain28years afterpublication. ContacttheAMSforcopyrightstatusofindividualarticles. (cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:2) ThispublicationisindexedinScienceCitation IndexR,SciSearchR,ResearchAlertR, (cid:2) (cid:2) CompuMath Citation IndexR,Current ContentsR/Physical,Chemical& Earth Sciences. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttp://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 161514131211 Contents Chapter 1. Introduction 1 Chapter 2. The Subcritical Approach 5 Chapter 3. Simple, Towering, Aggregated and Clustered Blow-ups 11 Chapter 4. Supported and Collapsed Blow-ups 21 Chapter 5. Toward Isolated Blow-ups 25 Chapter 6. Toward Supported Blow-up for ΔK˜(0)>0 – Excluding Simple Blow-up 33 Chapter 7. Excluding Collapsed Isolated Blow-up (Hess K˜(0) Positive Definite) 45 o Chapter 8. Close Up 75 Chapter 9. Single Simple Blow-up and the Proof of the Main Theorem 81 Bibliography 97 iii Abstract We expound the notion of supported blow-up and apply it to study the renownedNirenberg/Kazdan-WarnerproblemonSn. Whenn≥5andundersome mildconditions, weshowthatblow-upatapointwithpositivedefiniteHessianhas to be a supported isolated blow-up, which, when combined with a uniform volume bound,isaremovablesingularity. Anewasymmetricconditionisintroducedtoex- cludesingle simple blow-up. Theseenableustoobtainageneralexistencetheorem for n≥5 with rather natural condition. ReceivedbytheeditorAugust22,2007and,inrevisedform,October21,2010. ArticleelectronicallypublishedonMarch2,2011;S0065-9266(2011)00636-2. 2000 MathematicsSubjectClassification. Primary35J60;Secondary53C21. Key wordsand phrases. Noncompactness,blow-up,removablesingularity,scalarcurvature. Affiliation at time of publication: Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore, 10, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119076, Republic of Singapore; email: [email protected]. (cid:2)c2011 American Mathematical Society v CHAPTER 1 Introduction The simplicity and subtlety of curvature and its global nature draw many at- tention. In particular, in the 1960’s, people start to wonder what kind of function K canbethescalarcurvatureofaconformalmetriconthestandardunitsphereSn. This is widely known as the Nirenberg/Kazdan-Warner problem, and is linked to theYamabeproblem([3][47]). Thequestionamountstofindingapositivesolution u of the equation (1.1) Δ1u−cnn(n−1)u+cnKunn−+22 =0 in Sn. Here Δ is the Laplacian on Sn with the standard metric g , and 1 1 n−2 c = , n≥3. n 4(n−1) ForgeneralK, equation(1.1)provestoberemarkablyflexibleanddifficulttosolve, largely due to the blow-up phenomenon. R. Schoen initiates the study on isolated blow-up and simple blow-up (commonly referred as simple isolated blow-up) [46]. In a series of papers [40] [41], Y.-Y. Li develops the notions and applies them to obtain existence and compactness results. The study is furthered by C.-C. Chen andC.-S.Lin,andothers,whoapplythepowerfulandnaturalmethodonreflection uponmovingplanes(cf. [16][17][42])forsomenonconstantK. Clusteredblow-up (see Definition 3.33), with new constructions by S. Taliaferro [50] and the author [38], remains a topic for future endeavor. Equation (1.1) is a focus of research for decades, and continues to inspire new thoughts. Recent existence results mainly use • the degree counting methods (e.g. [13] [14] [15] [20] [40] [41] [44] [48]), • the gradient flow methods (e.g. [5] [6] [7] [8], cf. also [49]), or • the reduced finite dimension variational method (e.g. [2] [43] [53]). The majority of these require the solution set to be uniformly bounded. We refer to the article [43] by A. Malchiodi for an overview on existence results. Whilerecognizingtheusefulnessofcompactnessinfindingsolutionsofequation (1.1),oneislefttoponderthedilemma: ByselectingthosefunctionsK sothatblow- ups are impossible (i.e., compactness regained), we naturally miss functions that can afford a bounded and a blow-up subcritical sequences. This intriguing thought breathes the idea that blow-ups need not always be harmful in finding solutions. Undersuitableconditions,westillcanuseablow-upsubcriticalsequencetoproduce asolutionbyremovingthesingularities. Anecessaryconditionforthistohappenis thatthesequencemustbesupported(Definition4.2). Broadlyspeaking,suchlower boundexistswhentheblow-upoccursatapointQatwhichK haspositivedefinite 1 2 MANCHUNLEUNG Hessian and n ≥ 5 (refer to Theorem 7.1). Accompanied by the finite volume property , which is endogenous in the subcritical approach when K is positive (Lemma 2.14), we show that Q is a removable singularity (full cause appeared in Theorem 8.1). Our analysis on supported isolated blow-ups leads to the following. Main Theorem. For n ≥ 5, let K ∈ Cn+3(Sn) be a positive function on Sn with finite number of critical points. Separate the critical points by the sign of Δ K: {p+,···, p+} with positive Δ K; {Q ,···, Q } with non-positive g1 1 (cid:2) g1 1 m Δ K. Assume the following conditions (A) and (B). g1 (A) Hess K is positive definite at each p+, 1≤k ≤(cid:2). g1 k (B) K satisfies the HSn-condition (defined below) at each Q , where each βj j integer βj satisfies n ≤ βj ≤ n+2; and via the stereographic projection PQj in which Q serves as the north pole, j (cid:2) (1.2) (cid:5)[K◦(PQj)−1]dy (cid:7)= (cid:4)0. Rn Then the conformal scalar curvature equation (1.1) has a positive C2 solution. In the above, Hess K is the Hessian of K with respect g , and g1 1 (cid:2) (cid:3)(cid:2) (cid:2) (cid:4) (cid:5)[K◦(PQj)−1]dy = ∂K◦(PQj)−1 dy, ···, ∂K ◦(PQj)−1 dy Rn Rn ∂y|1 Rn ∂y|n is interpreted as a vector (y| is the k-th component of the point). In particular, k condition (1.2) implies that K is not rotationally symmetric above Q . See [10] j [21] [23] [25] for existenceresults when K isrotationally symmetric; compare also with [1]. Condition (1.2) is invariant under generative conformal transformations (Proposition 9.70). Definition 1.3 (HSn-Condition). Given an integer β˜ ≥ 1, a function K ∈ β i C1(Sn)issaidtofulfilltheHSn-conditionatapointQ∈Sn ifviathestereographic β projection P in which Q serves as the south pole, the function K˜ := K ◦P−1 Q Q satisfies the following: In an open ball B (ρ) we can express o (1.4) K˜(y)=K˜(0)+Q(β)(y)+R(y), where Q(β) is a C1 homogeneous function of degree β, satisfying (1.5) C1|y|β˜i−1 ≤|(cid:5)Q(β)(y)|≤C2|y|β˜i−1 for y ∈Bo(ρ), and the remainder R∈C[β](B (ρ)) satisfying o (cid:5)[β] (1.6) |(cid:5)sR(y)|·|y|−β+s −→ 0 as |y|→0. s=0 Here [β] is the integer part of β. 1. INTRODUCTION 3 Indeed a weaker condition (see Remark 9.69) is sufficient for the proof of the MainTheorem,whichappearsin§9g. ConditionsofthetypeHSn areusedexten- β sively to study equation (1.1), e.g. [16] [17] [20] [40] [41] [42]. Yet our approach contrasts, and in some sense complements, the known methods. Significant ad- vances are achieved in recent years for low dimensions (n ≤ 5; see, however, the brilliant works of Escobar-Schoen [26] and Li [40], cf. also [8] [22] [23] [31] [43]). Our central theorem concerns higher dimensions. We note that condition (1.2), whichis global as stipulatedby the Kazdan-Warner formula [11] [45]and thenon- existence results [9] [10] [19], is also new and can be readily checked. Weoutlinethekeystepsintheproof. UsingthefactthatPohozaevidentityfor thesubcritical equations(see(6.4))hasanextrapositiveterm,weshowthatsimple blow-upcannotappearatacriticalpointwithpositiveLaplacian(seeTheorem6.2 for the complete statement). By considering primary bubbling with possible offset center, apoint Qat which K has positive definite Hessian can only be a supported towering blow-up point (refer to Chapter 7 for details). Not surprisingly, the positive term in the Pohozaev identity (6.4) becomes a hindrance when the Laplacian is non-positive (see the remark in §6f). We observe that a single simple blow-up can be modeled by the Green function. Through conformal deformation, the Green function is used to obtain a scalar flat manifold (theEuclideanspaceinthepresentsituation). Weestimatetheuniformclosenessof theGreenfunctiontothesimpleblow-up(Lemma9.22). Thekeyisthatthecenters ofthebubblescannotbe‘toofar’fromtheorigin(cf. thecondition n≤β ≤n+2, j contrastingβ˜ ∈(n−2, n)in[40]&[53]). Coupledwiththetranslational Pohozaev i identity, we arrive at the asymmetric condition (1.2) (Theorem 9.1). Conventions 1.7. • Throughout this paper, the dimension n ≥ 3, and 1 c = (n−2)/[4(n−1)]. We observe the practice of using C, possibly with sub- n indices, to denote various positive constants, which may be rendered differently from line to line according to the contents, unless otherwise is mentioned. Whilst weuse C¯, possiblywith sub-index, to denotea fixed positiveconstantwhich always keeps the same value as it is first defined. • Let {r } and {R } be sequences of non-negative numbers. We use the 2 i i notations “r ≤ O(R )” to denote “r ≤CR for all i(cid:9)1”; and i i i i “r ≤ o(R )” to denote “r ≤c R for all i(cid:9)1, where lim c =0”. i i i i i i i→∞ Likewise, we define r ≥ O(R ). A term depending on i is written O(R ) if its i i i absolute value is smaller then a positive constant times R for all i(cid:9)1. Likewise, i we define a term being o(R ). i • Astatementinvolvingasequenceissaidtohold“modulo a subsequence” ifwe 3 can select a subsequence (from the original sequence in the statement) so that the statement is valid for this subsequence. As a rule, we assume that the statement is true for the original sequence so that the notations remain clean. • Denote by B (r) the open ball in Rn with center at y and radius r >0, and 4 y Vol(Sn) the measure of Sn in Rn+1 with respect to the standard metric.

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