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Supplement to a revision of Australian members of the bee genus Homalictus (Cockerell) (Hymenoptera: Halictidae) PDF

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Preview Supplement to a revision of Australian members of the bee genus Homalictus (Cockerell) (Hymenoptera: Halictidae)

Memooiftr hsMe u scoufmV ict5o6r)(i:1a6 9(1- 98927 ) 28 February 1997 https://doi.org/10.24199/j.mmv.1997.56.03 SUPPLEMTEONA T R EVISIOOFAN U STRALMIEAMNB EROSFT HEB EEG ENUS HOMALIC(TCUOSC KER(EHLYLM)E NOPTHEARLAI:C TIDAE) KENNETWHA LKER DepanmoefEn ntt omoMluosgeyou,fVm i citao,r 71 ViCcrteosrcAiebanb stof,to Vrid3c.0. 6 A7u,s tralia Abstract Walker9.9 S7Ku. p .p.l et1amor e envti osfAi uosnt rmaelmibaoentfr h sbe eg ee n1u/so mal­ iclus(C)(oc HkyemreenloHlpatleircaMt:ei mdoaoiefhr)tesM. u se<u?(mV ic5t66o:9r -i8a2 . Finveesw p ecHioemsa,/ aidcitauzsJeI p.li u/so.sI iImg.en gyaax,n Ha.s/ i/cwasar,ni dt ts /-I.r ertitchmuea/ luoe/sfs./,a ndr(eKwisr/ib/ ay.t) rW,uasl akne/dr/m .a i1/a11cdlil()C ockcr anfde maolfHe .f orraersdete asec rTihbdeei ds.c oovfIIe m.re yg agneaxtthetunhsde s knodwni stroifbH u.t i(oP�a pMuiac/hiepcnrteeurvs,i)N o euwGs uilnyei ann.to or th-east­ erAnu starnardle iqau tihree ss ubgenteobr eirc e vdiIisnaefgdesn.rpo resercideis le sa tion­ shibpass,oe nnd e walvya iclhaabrlsaetc atatererres e ,v ised. Introduction CSIRCOa,n beArursat,rC aalpiiTatenar �lr; i to BCRBIi,o loagniCdch aelm iRceasle Ianrscthi ­ Walk(e1r9 r8e6v)i asniednd f esrirsetde r-group tutRey,d almSeyrdenN,ee yw,S ouWtahl es; relatifoor3n 9sk hniopswspn e coiAfeu ss tralian BMNHN atuHriaslt Moursye uLmo,n don Homa/CiocctkuesAr seulplp.l etmote hnatt (statnuatmBoerr:iy Mt uisseh(u Nma tHuirsa­l revnii snsio onwe cesFsiavnreeys w.p ecairecs torNyM)V)M,;u seoufVm i ctMoerlibao,u rne, recoginnicsleutdhd,fei i nArgus stt rsapleicaine s Victoria. otfh seu bgPeanupsu aM/iicchteaunnsmed ar l es Descriapbtbirveev iaartaeis foo lnlso ws: oft hraenetd h fee moafol nepe r evikonuoswlny AOD antennodciusltaaCrnL c,ce l;y peus specairdeees s crainbfideg du rfoertd h fier st lengCtWh,c; l ypweiudsEt Wh,;e ywei ditnh timTeh.e sspee sca ineda dditcihoanraalc ter sidvei eFwL;,fl agellumG Ll,ge lnogstsha; sta(tbeosst ehx heesa:md e,s oscauntpdur mo ­ length; GWg,e nwmaialdxi tisnhmi vudimee w; podesumc ulpcthuarerera icstatnidmc asl;e HLh ealde ngHtWh,h; e awdi dItAhD;i, n ter­ genitaarulesi eatd)or eviinsfee srpreecdi es­ ant�dninsatla ncien;t elrOodDci,es ltlanacre ; groruepl asthiiopns. LIDl owienrt erdoirsbtiMatLnam,cla e n;d ible TerminaonlAdob gbyr eviatiolnesn gOtAhD;,o cellantennOaOlD , distance; ocelldoicsutlaSaln r-c Sem8;e, t assotmearln a Terminaonlmdoe gtyhfo oldlsWo awl k(1e 9r8 6) 1-8S;Ls ,c alpeen gTtlh-;Tm Se,t astoemragla witthh eesxec epttihgoean ssit:sce arl tlheed 1-5U;I Du,p pienrt erdoirsbtiatnacle . metastohmfeao ·r elweinnmgget ahs urement is takfernot �hb ea osfet haer cubaatsveae l(i Mn) Homa/Ciocctkuesr ell ttoh dei stamla-rmgooiftsnh tt e h isrudb margi­ IlomaCloicckleu1rs9e 11l93lT:.,y psep ec/i-elsa:/ ­ nacle (l2lnr d- ma)n;dr ,e lahteiamvdee a sure­ ict/uasc /obCaoncekne1sr9ie1s4l5 8l:(8, b oyr iginal menatrsse t andatroadh iesawedid d otf1h 0 0 designation). uniatlsl otwhietnmbog e e xpreassaps eerdc ent­ agaen tdh eredfoirreec cotml�pyd�ab etween SubgeHnoumsa /ictus sexaenssd p ecSiceusl.pd teufirne1fo tl1loonws DiagnSoeWseai lsk(.1e 9r8 I16 5:) . Har(r1 i9s7a 9n)pd u nctdaetnisroiantt ayer se definaesdd:e n-sien terbseptawcpeeuesnn c ­ Homa/(iHcotmuas/ ictusspn).o va.d iazetus turleetss hsa n dioafapm uentcetrcu lro-es;e interbseptawcpeeuesnn c teuqruteasodl i amM­aleerixaalm iHnoeldo.t 9yQ pledB.,u nyMat s (2°56t'1S5°,31 4'2E2J) a,1n 9 3N8.G, e ary.f t2 000 etoefrp unctoupre-en;i nterbseptaewcnees _ (I6O m )( AMM;i ssriinghghi tnt da rsal segments.) punctgurreeatsth eaornn b eu lte _tshsat nw iceParatlye;,Np ScW.M, i nnamFuarlr(la3°3s 48 'S. diameotfpe urn etsupraer-;s met eressp1a5°403'1E0F) e,1b 9 6C2..EC .h awdick 7 (BCIU). betwpeuennc teuqruteaooslg r reattewri tchea n diamoeftp eurn cture. DiagnAo mseimsb.oe frt h"es phed_ecso"doi Institauratebi bornesva isa tfeoAdlM l,o swpse:c ie(ss-Wegaerl oku(1ep 9r 8 f6o)sr p ec_1es­ AustrMaulsieauSnmy ,d nNeeywS, o uWt�hl csg;r oduepfi tniionfse)m;aw lietfr ho nsst riate ANICA,u strNaaltiiaoInnn asCleo cltl ecatb1ooavnne,t ebnansape)rs o,n odtourms olateral 69 WALKER H) K. angles sharply acute, mesoscutum mcsially and hirsute; metasomal T1-T2 glabrous, T3-T4 posteriorly densely punctate, parapsidal areas with sparse hair cover. scabrous, dorsal surface of propodeum striate Distribution. South-eastern Queensland and with a few intereonnectives mcsially. coastal central New South Wales. Description of female, (male unknown) Etymology. The epithet "adiazettts" means (measurements of holotype in bold). Body unpolished and referstothesculpturepatternon length: 5,18-5.39 mm; Forewing length: 1.48- the head and mesoscutum. 1.51 mm; Head width: 1.47-1.49 mm. Relative Remarks. Ilomalietus adiazelus body colour head measurements: IIW: 100; IIL: 81-82; UID: patterns arc similar to //. megastigmus (Cock- 58 59; LID: 54-55; AOD: 18-20; IAD: 9-10; ercll)and //. /mw/ram(Coekercll)but thecoarse OAD: 33-34; IOD: 16-17; OOD: 15-16; CL: vertical striaeon the fronsand thedensely punc- 18-19; GW: 16-17; EW: 24 25; SI,: 44-45; FL: tate mesoscutum differs from both. 80-82. Structure. Head broad, inner orbits converging Ilomalietus (Ilomalietus) andrewsi below, median frontal carina almost absent, (Kirby) comb. nov. extending just beyond supraclypeal area, eyes with sparsecoverofminute setae. Scape reaches Figures 1-3 at least posterior margin ofmedian ocellus. Cly- Ualietwi andrewsi Kirby, 1900: 86. peus weakly convex, in side view, anterior half Syntypes. II9, Christmas Island, north part of the shining, densely to closely punctate with large, island, January 1898, Andrews (BMNH; not exam- deeppunctures, posteriorhalfdull,covered with ined). a line reticulate pattern, sparsely punctate with small, shallow punctures. Frons striate above Material examined. Christmas I. 52y Ethel Beach (l()°28'S, 105'42'E), 15 Apr 1989. J.C. Cardale (col- antenna] bases to level of posterior margin of lected in eitherclosed forest orvcllowtrays); 79, 2rfnr medianocellus,sculpturelaterallystriatethough Grants Well (I0°29'S, t05°39'E), 15. 24 and 29 Apr weakened to smoothly and sparsely punctate 1989,J.C Cardale(c?collected ;il light); 5y, 1^Central along inner margin of eyes, lower paraocular AreaWkshp(IO°29'S, 105°38'E), 14-15Apr 1989,J.C. areas smooth, shining and glabrous; vertex Cardale; lylily Beach Road (10°28'S, 105°42'E), 13- almost smooth, with a few transverse striae. 28 Apr, I.C. Cardale. malaise trap/trough. (AN1C). Fronolum dorsolateral angles sharply acute, Diagnosis. A member of the urbanus species- weakly projected. Mesoscutum surface dull, group; female with frons finely striate, pro- anterior margin straight, anteriorly sparsely notum dorsolateral^ rounded, mesoscutum punctate, mcsiallyand posteriorlydensely punc- posterior two thirds densely punctate, dorsal tate, parapsidal areas scabious, punctures con- surface of propodeum smooth except with sev- tiguous with raised edges. Scutellum shining, eral striae on basal half; male with frons striate, closely to densely punctate, seulellum length mesoscuium impunctate, genae with conspicu- equal to length ofdorsal surface ofpropodeum. ous cover oflong, plumose hair. Dorsal surfaceofpropodeum not defined bycar- mac, sculpture broadly striate with a few inter- Description offemale. Body length: 5.24-5.78 connectives mcsially, sculpture reaches lateral mm; Forewing length: 1.32-1.41 mm; Head margins only. Mcsepistcrnum and metepister- width: 1.55-1.62 mm. Relative head measure- ruim smooth, covered with a fine reticulate pat- ments: HW: 100; HL: 88-91; UID: 48-49; LID: tern. Fore basitarsal comb fan shaped, hind 51-52; AOD: 18-19; IAD: 09-10; OAD: 33-34; basitibial plate apically rounded, inner hind tib- IOD: 15-I6;OOD:09-10;CL:20-21;GW: 17- ial spur coarsely serrate with apices of at least 19; EW: 26-27; SL: 45-46; FL: 95-98. live teeth, their bases fused. Structure. Head elongate, innerorbits diverging Colour. Head, scutellum and propodeum below, oeellocular distance markedly less than black, antennal scapes dark brown, llagellum interocellar distance. Frons finely striate, striae segments light brown; mesoscutum dull with a with intereonnectives giving appearance of a dark blue hue: metasoma red-brown Suffused widely spaced reticulate pattern, supraclypeal with dark brown apically; legs red-brown except area and clypeus dull, covered with minute femora, trochanters and coxae a darker brown. reticulate pattern, almost impunctateexcept for lesliture. Body sparse, head and mesoscutum several weak, sparse, shallow punctures. Frono- with short erect, minutely branched hair, mcta- tum dorsolateral^ rounded, not well projected. notum and lateral margins ofscutellum densely Mesoscutum and scutellum dull, covered with a THE BEE GENUS IIOMAUCTUS 71 conspicuous minutely reticulate pattern, made by MrC. Andrewson Christmas Island in anterior halfof mesoscutum sparsely punctate, 1898. MsJ.Cardalecollectedextensively(direct posterior two thirds and scutellum densely sweeping,yellowpan,malaiseandlighttraps)on punctatewith shallowpunctures. Dorsal surface Christmas Island in 1989 yet the only halictid of propodeum not defined by carinae, surface species collected was H. andrewsi (pers. comm. dull, smooth except with several striae on basal J.C. Cardale). Pachyhalictusbinghamimay now half. Metasomal tcrga impunctate. be extinct. Description of male. Body length: 4.69-4.80 mm; Forewing length: 1.19-1.22 mm; Head Homatictus (Homatictus) atrus Walker width: 1.32-1.34 mm. Relative head measure- Figures 4-6 ments: HW: 100; HL: 91-93; U1D: 54-55; LID: 40-41; AOD: 13-14; IAD: 1-12; OAD: 31-33; Homatictus aims Walker. 1986: 122. 1 IOD:14-15;OOD: 14-15; CL: 21-22; GW: 16- Materialexamined. Holotype. 9Qld. MosesCk. 4 km 17; EW: 29-30; SL: 36-37; FL: 114-116. NEMtFinnigan(15°47'S, I45°17'E), I4-I60ct 1980. Structure, Head elongate, inner orbits con- J.C. Cardale (AN1C). vanetregriinogrbemlaorwg,innootfstmreodniglaynsoo,ceslclaups.ejRuestmareiancdheers wNroaOvitthh1e9rR8a8sn,pgeeK.c,i3Wm0aelnkksmereEx(aoNmfMiCnVoe)ed.n: (Q1l3d°:50'1S3.9,14139°rlf7'MEc)l,l3- ofbodysimilarto femaleexcept: fronssculpture distinctly striate, supraclypeal area, clypeus, Diagnosis. A member of the "blackburni" mesoscutum and scutellum impunctate, all dull species-group; male with frons impunctate, cly- and covered with a conspicuous reticulate pat- peus black, pronotum dorsolateral angles acute, tern, dorsal surface of propodeum sculpture mesoscutum sparsely toopenly punctate, dorsal restricted to basal margin. surface ofpropodeum sculpture ruguloso-strio- Colour. Head and mesosoma dull metallic late, fore and mid leg tarsal segments flanged green, head with agolden sheen, metasoma with laterally,gcnal hairslong, forelegcoxaeandtro- dark emerald green, surface with distinctive chanters and mid and hind coxae with dense sheen; legs with coxae and femora dark green cover of long, plumose hair, lateral margins of except mid femora suffused with red-brown, foretarsiwithlong, simplehairs,rasp-likesculp- tibiae and tarsi red-brown and variously suf- ture on the apicoventral surface ofthe genitalia fused with dark brown. volsellae. Vestiture. Body sparse, head and mesoscutum Description of male. Body length: 4.24-4.47 with sparse cover ofshort, erect, branched hair, mm; Forewing length: 1.01-1.06 mm; Head genae with conspicuous cover oflong, plumose width- 1.27-1.29 mm. Relative head measure- hair forming a beard, metasomal sternites with ments: HW: 100; HL: 86-88; UID: 58-61; LID: moderate cover oferect, plumose hair, hair not 34-35;AOD: 12-13; IAD: 10-1 1; OAD:35-37; foGremniintgaldiiastainncdtiavsesopcaitatteernd.sterna, (figs 1-3). I16O;D:EW1:8-3220-;3O3O;DS:L:1248--1350;;CLF:L:201-725-11;7G9W.: 15- Structure. Head broad, sculpture smooth, Distribution. Christmas Island. covered with a finely reticulate pattern, frons Remarks.Themaleisdescribedand figured here and supraclypeal area impunctate. clypeus for the first time. Kirby's description of the sparsely punctate; inner orbits converging female is adequate forspeciesrecognition, how- strongly below; scape reaches well short of ever, the partial redescription presented here anterior margin of median ocellus. Pronotum provides characters necessary for comparative dorsolateral angles acute, weakly produced. purposes. Homatictus andrewsi is most like H. Mesoscutum and scutellum dull, microtessel- urbanus (Smith) but differs in both sexes by the late, both sparsely toopenly punctate with shal- sculpture on the dorsal of the propodeum lowpunctures.Dorsalsurfaceofpropodeum not {andrewsi- almost smooth; urbanus- coarsely defined by carinae, sculpture ruguloso-striolate, ruguloso-striate). The shape of the eyes in the extends to dorsal rim. Fore and mid leg tarsal female (inner orbits diverging below) does not segments flanged laterally. occur in any other member of the urbanus Colour. Body black except antennal flagella species-group. Kirby 900)describedtwohalic- dark brown; legs brown except tarsi light red- (1 tids, Halictus andrewsi and H. binghami (the brown. latter now placed under Pachyhalictus Cock- Vestiture. Bodysparseexceptgenal hairslong, erell; see Michener(1978)), from thecollections forming a "beard", mesoventral area and fore WALKER 72 K. leg coxae and trochanters with dense cover of Description offemale. Body length: 4.62-4.85 long, plumose hair, mid and hind coxaeand tro- mm; Forewing length: 0.87-0.96 mm; Head chanters with similar hair, forming a moderate width: 1.24-1.32 mm. Relative head measure- cover: lateral margins of fore tarsi with long, ments: HW: 100; HL: 92-94; UID: 64-65; LID: simple hairs. 56-58; AOD: 18-19; IAD: 09-10; OAD: 36-37; Genitalia andassociatedsterna, (figs 4-6). IOD: 18-19;OOD: 18-19; CL: 20-21; GW: 16- 17; EW: 27-28; SL: 40-41; FL: 70-72. Distribution. Cape York Peninsula and north Queensland. Structure. Head elongate, inner orbits con- verging strongly below, median frontal carina Remarks. Themale isdescribedand figured here present, reaches less than halfway to median for the first time, llomalictus atrus is most like ocellus; eyes with sparse cover ofminute setae. //. luieipes (Friese) but differs in both sexes by Scape elongate, just reaches anterior margin of colour and sculpture characters (atrus 9: tibiae median ocellus. Clypeus with more than two- black, propodcum openly ruguloso-striolate, <S: thirds projected below lower margins of eyes, clypeus black, propodeum ruguloso-striolate; weakly convex in side view, anterior margin luieipes 9: tibiae light red-brown, propodeum straight, anterior half with several, large punc- closely ruguloso-striolate, cf: clypeus dull white ture, posterior halfopenly to sparsely punctate on lower one third, propodeum weakly strio- with small, shallow puncture, supraclypeal area lale). Female characters alone inferred a sister- sparely punctate. Frons and genae weakly stri- group relationship of //. atrus with //. luieipes ate, striaereach anterior margin oflateral ocelli, (Friese),a Papua NewGuineaspecies. However, vertex smooth. Pronotum dorsolateral^ with additional malecharactersand newspecies rounded,weakly projected. Mesoscutum surface now available, two clades involving live species dull,coveredwithmicrotessellatcpattern,anter- seem apparent. Prominent projections on the iorly impunctate, mesially closely to densely apicoventral surface of the genitalia volsellae punctate, openly to closely punctate in parap- provide a synapomorphy for a clade containing sidal areas. Scutellum openly to closely punc- // luieipes (fig. 4), //. cassiae/loris (Cockerell) tate, scutellum length equal to length ofdorsal (see Walker, 1986: fig. 19a) and //. eurhodopus surface of propodeum. Dorsal surface of pro- (Cockerell)(seeWalker, 1986: fig. I9d). Foreleg podeum not defined by carinae, sculpture vestiture (fore leg coxae and trochanters with coarsely ruguloso-striate, extends to dorsal rim. dense cover of long, plumose hair and lateral Mcsepistemum and metepisternum striate. marginsofforetarsi with long, simplehairs)and Anterior surface ofhind tibia with hairs nearly the rasp-like sculpture on the apicoventral sur- simple, bristlelike or with or 2 branches (no face of the genitalia volsellae provide synapo- area with abundant, short, eIrect, plumose hairs morphies fora second clade containing //. atrus as is usual for the genus); hind tibiae slender, and //. pilosignya sp. nov. under surface scarcely concave; hind basitibial Homalictus (Homalictus)forrestae Walker plate apically rounded; inner hind tibial spur coarsely serrate with 2 teeth. flomaiktm.formtaeWalker, 1986: 39. 1 Colour. Head blue-green, though frons above Material examined. Old, Hcathlands (ll"45'S, I42°35'EJ: 2V 25 Jul-IX Aug; Itf Jun-25 Jul; 2y IX antcnnal bases, supralclypeal area and basal half JA.uCga-rdIaXlcS,epT;.1W9eiIrX,SLe.p-Mi2llIeOrcat;nd19E9.2N,iePl.seZnb,oreoxwsMkail,- opfeucslybpleaucsk;waintthecnonpapeedratrikngber,orwenmaeixncdepetr uonfdcelry-- aise trap. (ANIC) neath offlagellar segments light brown; mesos- cutum and scutellum green-blue sufTused with Diagnosis* A memberofthe "forrestae" species- copper tinge, propodeum dark blue, metasomal group; female with frons weakly striate, prono- terga dark brown; legs with coxae, trochanters tum dorsolateral^ rounded, mesoscutum and femora dark brown, apical end of femora, mesially closely to densely punctate, openly to tibiae and tarsi light red-brown. closely punctate in parapsidal areas, dorsal sur- face ofpropodeum sculpture coarsely ruguloso- Vestiture. Body sparse, except tomentose hair striatc, anterior surface ofhind tibia with hairs onpronotum mesodorsaland dorsolateralareas, nearlysimple, bristlelikeorwith I or2 branches lateral marginsofpropodeumwith longplumose (no area with abundant, short, erect, plumose hair; ventral metasomal scopae as usual for the hairs as is usual for the genus), hind tibiae genus, hind leg scopae present though not as slender, under surface scarcely concave. pubescent as is usual for the genus. THE BEE GENUS HOMALICTVS 73 Figures 1-9. Homalictusspp. malegenitalia. H, andrewsi: figs 1-3:<S,Christmas Island,GrantsWell,Apr 1989, i.C Cardale., ANIC. H. atrus: figs 4-6: cf, Qld, McllwriatWh Range, 30 km E ofCoen, 3 Nov 1988, K. Walker, NMV. //. inaitlandi: figs. 7-9:cf,Qld,ClaudieRiver, 1 mi ofMt Lamond, 19 Dec 1971,D.K. McAlpine,G.A. Hmoeltlaoswoamya.lDS.7P.aSnadndSs8,.ASMca.le1,l4i,ne7s:(vaesnstorcailavtiedeww(iltehftehaalcfh)aspnedcideosr)sa=l0v.i5ewmm(r.ighthalf):2, 5, 8:lateralview;3,6,9: WALKER 74 K, Distribution. Cape York Peninsula and western Fronssmooth though covered with distinct tess- Queensland. ellate pattern; vertex broad. Pronotum dorsola- teral angles bluntly obtuse, well projected. Remarks. The Hcathlandspopulationwasident- Mesoscutum and scutellum smooth. Dorsal sur- ified as //. forrestae after comparison of the face of propodeum not defined by carinae, genitalia ofthe single new male with that ofthe smooth except weakly ruguloso-striolate along male holotype from western Queensland. The posterior margin. Metasomal terga impunctate female is described and figured here for the first and smooth. Fore and mid tarsal segments time and its character suite confirms the flanged laterally; hind basitibial plate complete, inferred sister-group relationship with //. bluntly acute apically. urbanus. Homalictus forrestae is most like H. Colour. Body black except metasoma dark urbanus but differs with the female hind tibiae brown, anterior half of clypeus pale white-yel- slender, under surface scarcely concave and low, antenna! scapes and pedicles red-brown, anterior surface with hairs nearly simple, the male flagellum length (urbanus Fg:UID > 1.5; legsandcoxae, trochantersand basal halfoffore femorabrown, remainderoflegslightred-brown ./o/7V.vto'Fg:UID< 1.5)andmaleTl punctation except tarsal segments pale white. (urbanus. a sparsely punctures mesially;forres- tae, closely punctate mesially). The female hind Vestiture. Body sparse except lower frons and paraocular areas with cover of adpressed, plu- tibial characters also occur on species of H. mose hair, genae with dense cover oflong, plu- (Papualietus) and H. (Quasilietus). However, I mose hair forming a "beard"; anterolateral cor- consider Homalictus proper the correct place- mentfor//.forrestaeasthehindtibialcharacters nmearrsgionfsomfepsrooscpuotduemu,mwmictthadneontsuemcoavnedroflaltoenrga,l are the only characters shared, in both sexes, with the other two subgenera. plumosegolden hair,posteriormarginofmesos- cutum with weak band ofhair, fore coxae with Homalictus (Homalictus) maitlandi (Cockerel!) some long, plumose hair, fore trochanters with dense cover of long, plumose hair, hair length Figures 7-9 exceeds length offemur; foreand mid tarsi with llalictus maitlandi Cocke—rell, 1910: 223. dense cover of simple and plumose hair, mid Hom—alielus maitlandi. Michencr, 1965: 180, and hind femora almost glabrous. 338. Walker, 1986: 145. Genitalia and associated sterna, (figs 7-9). Materialexamined. Holotype9Qld,Cairns, Kuranda, Distribution. Cape York Peninsula and north Mar 1902, Turner (BMNH). Queensland. Other specimens examined: Qld. (69) same data as holotype; 9 Mossman Gorge (16°29'S, I45°16'E), Remarks. Walker's (1986) comments on H. 1 Daintree Nat. Park. 26 Oct 1988, K. Walker(NMV); maitlandi were based on the only available I9 Mellwraith Range, c. 510 m (I3°45'S, I43°2I'E), material (typescollected in 1902). Recently col- 2I92,-327kmJulEN1E9M7t7.ToRz.eWr.(1T2a°yl4o4r',Si,n Ir4a3i°n14f'oEre)s,t2(8AJNu1nC-)4; alencdtepdrosvpiedceimtehnesmcaolnefichramratchteerspseuciiteesdiesscerxitbaendt Jkuml 1E98N6E,J.MCl.CTaorzdearle,(1e2x°.43M'aSl,ai1s4e3°t1r8a'pE()A,NI1C1)-;1629JuIIl and figured here. Examination ofthe malegeni- 1986. J.C. Cardale, ex. cthanol (ANIC); lrf Claudie talia characters affirms the placement of mait- River. 1 miWMtLamond(12°43'S, I43°17'E), 19Dec landi within Homalictus and these characters, 1971, D.K. McAlpine. G.A. Holloway, D.P. Sands together with Hanged tarsal segment characters, (AM). provide synapomorphies for the cladc of //. Diagnosis. See Walker (1986). maitlandi, H. latitarsis(Friese) and H. grossope- dalus Walker. Description of male. Body length: 6.16 mm; Forewing length: 1.48 mm; Head width: 1.62 Homalictus (Homalictus) pilosignya sp. nov. mm. Relative head measurements: HW: 100; HL: 85; UID: 58: LID: 42; AOD: 15; IAD: 10: Figures 10-12 OAD: 28; IOD: 16; OOD: 16; CL: 22; GW: 16; Material examined. Holotype. 9 Qld, Mellwraith EW: 31; SL: 34: FL: 142. Range. 30 km E ofCoen (13°50'S, 143"17'E), 3 Nov Structure. Head broad, inner orbits converg- 1988. K. Walker (NMV, T-16621). ing strongly below, eyes glabrous; median Paratypes. 6y(NMV,T-16622-T-l6627), 3tf(NMV, frontal carina absent; scape reaches anterior T-I6628-T-16630) same data as holotype. margin ofmedian ocellus; clypeus convex, shin- Diagnosis. A member of the "blackburni" ing though covered with fine reticulate pattern. species-group; female with frons smooth. THE BEE GENUS HOMALKTIS 75 pronotum dorsolateral angles obtuse, mesoscu- Description of male. Body length: 3.92-4.62 tum sparsely to openly punctate, dorsal surface mm; Forewing length: 3.85-4.01 mm; Head of propodeum mcsially coarsely ruguloso-stri- width: 1.29-1.34 mm. Relative head measure- ate, laterally striate; male with mesoscutum ments: HW: 100; HL: 80-82; UID: 55-56; LID: impunctate, dorsal surface ofpropodeum rugu- 34-36;AOD: 09-10; IAD: 1-12; OAD: 33-34; 1 loso-striolate, fore and mid leg tarsal segments IOD: 15-16;OOD: 1-12;CL: I6-I7;GW: 14- 1 laterally flanged, genal hairs long, fore leg tro- 15; EW: 32-34; SL: 28-30; FL: 160-163. chanterswith densecoveroflong, plumose hair, Structure. Head broad, sculpture smooth, lateral margins of fore tarsi with long hairs, with a fine reticulate pattern, frons. clypeus and branched on only the outer surface of the hair supraclypeal area impunctate; innerorbits con- shaft. verging strongly below; scape reaches well short ofanteriormargin ofmedian ocellus. Pronotum Description offemale, (measurements of holo- dorsolateral angles broadly obtuse to rounded, type in bold) Body length: 5.62-5.69 mm; Fore- weakly produced. Mesoscutum and scutellum wing length: 1.41-1.43 mm; Head width: 1.74- dull, microtessellate, both impunctate. Dorsal 1.79 mm. Relative head measurements: HW surface of propodeum not defined by carinae, 100;HL: 81-83;UID: 50-52;LID:46-47;AOD sculpture finely ruguloso-striolate, sculpture not 17-18; IAD: 8-09; OAD: 32-33: IOD: 13-14: reaching dorsal rim. Fore and mid leg tarsal OOD: 12-13; CL: 17-18; GW: 15-16; EW: 25- segments laterally flanged. 26; SL: 45-46; FL: 82-83. Colour. Body black except antennal flagella Structure. Head broad, inner orbits converg- suffused with dark brown; legs dark brown ing below, median frontal carina absent; eyes except tarsi light red-brown. with sparse cover of minute setae. Scape Vestiture. Body sparse except clypeus and elongate, reaches at least posterior margin of lowerparaocularareaswithsomeerect,plumose median ocellus. Clypeus weakly convex in side hairs, genal hairs long, forming a "beard", fore view, anterior margin coarsely and irregularly leg trochanters with dense cover of long, plu- indented, remainder of surface dull, covered mose hair, mid trochanters with some plumose with sparse, minute puncture, supraclypeal area hair,though notaslongorcoverasdenseas ves- impunctate. Frons, vertex and paraocular areas titureonforetrochanters,mesoventralareawith smooth, covered with a microtessellate pattern, moderatecoverofsimplehair;lateral marginsof sparsely punctate with piliferous punctures. foretarsiwith longhairs,branchedonlyonouter Pronotum dorsolateral angles obtuse, weakly surface ofhair shaft. projected. Mesoscutum surface dull, covered Genitalia and associated sterna, (figs 10- with microtessellate pattern arranged asacircu- 12). larpattern, openlytosparsely punctate with pil- Distribution. Cape York Peninsula and north iferous punctures. Scutellum sculpture similar Queensland. to mesoscutum except close to openly punctate. scutellum lengthequaltolengthofdorsalsurface Etymology- Theepithet isfrom "pitosus" mean- ofpropodeum. Dorsal surfaceofpropodeumnot ing hairy and "ignyd" referring to the upper defined by carinae, sculpture mesially coarsely section ofthe leg. ruguloso-striate, laterally striate, sculpture reaches dorsal rim. Mesepisternum and mete- Remarks. Homalictuspilosignya shares with H. pistcrnum smooth, with fine reticulate pattern. atrus fore leg vestiture (coxae and trochanters Fore basitarsal outer apicolateral comb absent, with dense cover oflong, plumose hair and lat- hind basitibial plate apically obtuse, inner hind eral marginsofforetarsi with long, simplehairs) tibial spur coarsely serrate with 3 teeth. and the rasp-like sculpture on the apicoventral Colour. Body black except antennal flagella surfaceofthegenitaliavolsellaebutdiffersinthe brown, mesoscutum and scutellum sooty black, female mesoscutum and scutellum colour (pilo- metasomatergum withdarkbluehue,legswith signya sooty black; atrusblack) and male vesti- 1 tarsi brown. ture (pilosignya with plumose vestiture on fore Vestilure. Body sparse, except tomentosehair trochantersonly(atrusplumosevestitureonfore onpronotum mesodorsalanddorsolateralareas, leg trochanters and all coxae), plumose hair mesoscutum anterolaterally and anterior absent on the mesoventral area (atrus plumose spiracle cover, lateral margins of propodeum hairpresent)and thehairsbranched on oneside with long plumose hair; hind leg and ventral onlyofthelateral marginsofthe foretarsi (atrus metasomal scopae as usual for the genus. hairs simple). 76 K. WALKER llomalictus pilosignya belongs to a species- way to medianocellus; eyes with sparse coverof group (termed "blitekburnF by Walker (1986) minute setae. Scape not reaching anterior mar- for Australian species only and "buccinus" by gin ofmedian ocellus. Clypeus flat in side view, Pauly (1986) for Australian and non-Australian anterior margin straight, surface dull, anterior species) which contains over 50 species that half with densely punctate with large, shallow occur in India, Sri Lanka, VietNam, Thailand, punctures, remainder openly punctate with Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, small puncture, supraclypeal area impunctate. Bismark Archipelago, Caroline, Bismarck and Fronsstriatetolevelofanteriormarginoflateral Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides and Aus- ocelli, areaslateral tomedianocelli smooth, ver- tralia(Pauly(1986)). This species-groupformsa tex longandbroad (IOD=vertexlength),striate, monophylclic clade defined by several synapo- striae continue onto enlarged genae (fig. 14). morphies (bolh sexes with apex ofmarginal cell Labium basal area with 2 large tubercles on terminatingon wing margin, femalelackingfore either side of midline. Pronotum dorsolateral basitarsal outer apicolateral comb absent, male angleslargeandacute. Mesoscutum surfacedull, with genal vestiture long (forming a "beard"), covered with a fine reticulate pattern, impunc- flanged tarsal segments, and coxae and/or tro- tate to sparsely punctate, remainder closely chanterswith plumose and elongated vestiture). punctate except parapsidal areas densely punc- Australian members of this clade (//. alms, H. tate. Scutellum shining, sparely to openly punc- b/ackburni,11. cassiaejloris, 11. dampieri, 11. eur- tate, scutellum length longer than length of bodopus, 11. grossopedaiis, 11. latitarsis, II. mait- dorsal surface ofpropodeum. Dorsal surface of landiand //. pilosignya sp. nov.) occurthrough- propodeum not defined by carinae, dorsal rim out the "Torresian" faunal province as defined rounded and shining, sculpture striate with sev- by Main (1981), with the greatest species diver- eral interconnectives basally, lateral striae con- sity found in north Queensland and Cape York tinue onto vertical surface. Mesepisternum and Peninsula. metepisternum coarsely striate. Hind basitibial Homalictus (Homalictus) vertkulus sp. nov. cpolaatreselaypicsaelrrlayterowuintdhed3,lairngneerteehtihn.d tibial spur Figures 13-14 Co/our. Head dark blue/green, antennae brown, mandible amber, mesoscutum semi- Man-rial examined. Holotype. 9 Northern Territory, 12 km NNFofBorroloola(15"58'S, 136°21'E), Nov metallic blue/green, scutellum blue, propodeum 1975, J.C Oardale, on Terminalia volucris R.BIr, ex and metasoma black, legs brown. Brenlh. (ANIC). Vestiture. Body sparse, except tomentose hair Paratype. I9, NT, 22 km WSW of Borroloola on pronotum dorsolateral areas, and mesoscu- (I6°08'S, 136*06'E), 2Nov 1975,J.C. Cardalc, caught tum anterolatcrally, lateral margins of propod- in malaise trap. (ANIC). eumwith longplumosehair;hind legand ventral Diagnosis. A memberofMic "urbanus" species- metasomal scopae as usual for the genus. group; femalewith fronsstriate, innerorbitspar- Distribution. Borroloola region, Northern Terri- allel to weakly diverging below, vertex long and tory. (brGoWad1.(3IOxDEW=),veprrteoxnolteungmthd)o,rsgoelnataeeraelnlaanrggleeds Eintgymtoopl,ogayn.dThreefeerpsitthoetthies ufnruosmua"vlerntaet.u\r\emoefatnh-e large and acute, mesoscutum posterior half vertex. closely punctateexcept parapsidal areasdensely punctate, dorsal surface of propodeum striate Remarks. Homalictus vertkulusshares enlarged with several basal inlerconncctives. headcharacterswith //. ctenanderMichencrbut differs markedly in head, mesoscutum and pro- tDyepsceriinptbioolnd)ofBofedmyallee,ngt(hm:e4a.s8u5r-e5m.e0n1tmsmo;fFhoorleo-- pmoosdteulmiksecu/l/.ptuItroelpoacthltoerrunssa(nCdocbkeordeyllc)oloiunr.heItaids wing length: 1.05-1.06 mm; Head width: 1.53- sculpture characteristics, body size and colour 1.65 mm. Relative head measurements: HW- but differs in the female by enlarged vertex and 211280-0-:2139H;;LIC:LA:D8:01-958--111;60;;UOGIAWDD:::623165--;6227I;;ODEL:WID:1:72-061;28;;SLOA:OO3D9D-- c(guaelcnuuaste,e, dpmircsostamilaillnyl)ey,ntmceplsorosoesnlcyouttupumumndcotpraustnoecl,taattepiraoarlnapa(snviegrdltaeils- 40; FL: 72-74. areas densely punctate; Iwlochlorus mesially Structure. Head broad (fig. 13), inner orbits openly punctate, parapsidal areas closely punc- parallel toweakly diverging(in holotype)below, tate) and sculpture on the propodeum (verticu- median frontal present, extends less than half- lus, striate; holocfi/orus. ruguloso-striolate). THE BEE GENUS HOMAUCTVS 77 Subgenus Papualictus parallel below, median frontalcarinawelldevel- Homalntus {Papualictus) Michencr, 1980: 8. Type oped, reaches half way to median ocellus. Cly- species: Homalictux megalochilus Michcner, 1980: 8 peus smooth and shining, short and transverse, (by original designation) - Homalictux hrcntzi almost all of clypeus positioned above lower (Fricse). synonymy by Pauly (1986). marginsofeyes, apical truncation concave, only Diagnosis revised from Michener (1980). Both about one-fifth aswide asclypeus, antcromesial sexes with frons, vertex and genal area coarsely margin elevated as a large, rounded, forwardly projected rounded smooth shining boss, under- striate; frontal carina present between antennal neath boss clypeus strongly concave, epistomal bases; females with hind tibiae slender, not scarcelyconcavebeneath,with hairofoutersur- suture lateral to tentorial pit horizontal. Supra- face sparse and simple; males with head much clypealareaweaklyelevated,covered witha fine broader than long (HW at least 1.2 x HL), cly- reticulate pattern. Frons coarsely striate above antennal bases, sculpture continues to level of peus low and transverse, about five times as wide as long, apical truncation concave, episto- anterior margin of lateral ocelli, laterally con- tinuesalmost to innermargin ofeye. Mandibles mal suture lateral to tentorial pit horizontal, mandibles enlarged and sickle shaped, shifted shiftedposteriorlysothatanteriorarticulationis well behind lower inner margins of eyes, pos- slightly posteriorly so that a triangular malar terior articulation of mandibles shifted poster- space is formed, pre-episternum elevated to iorlytowell behind loweroutermarginsofeyes, form a rough vertical ridge. the shifted posterior mandibular articulation formsa small triangularmalarspace; mandibles Homalictus (Papualictus) megagnathus sp. nov. elongated and sickle-shaped, longer than lower Figures 15-19 interorbital distance, apex ofmandible rounded and weakly upturned, pollex absent. Labrum Materialexamined. Holotypc. <s, Qld, Mt Webb Nat. with rounded boss across the entire basal area, Pk (15"04'S, I45°07'E), 27-30 Apr 1981, I.D. Nau- distally labrum rounded. Genal width, in side mann(AN1C;Genitaliaremovedandplaced invialon view, subequal to eye width, each gena with a pin). I4P3°a1r7a'tEv)p,es5.-Q1l0d:Jullrf,19986k,mJ.EC.NECarMdtalTco,zeatrM(1V2°4l3i'gSh.t spirnogcleesslar(fgieg,. t1r6a)n,svperrosceelsysebsrooardi,gilnaatmeelolna-suhnadpeerd- (ANIC);l93kmENEMtTozer(12°44'S, 143°14'E),28 side ofgenae slightly behind level of posterior Jun-4Jul 1986,J.C. Cardale,ex. Malaisetrap/ethanol mandibulararticulation. Vertex broad and stri- (ANIC). ate, slightly wider than interocellar distance. Pronotum dorsolateral^ rounded, in side view Diagnosis. Female with frons, vertex and genae lateral margin with distinct carina extending to coarsely striate, anterior surface of hind tibia dorsolateral angle. Pre-episternum, forward of withhairsnearlysimple,bristlelikeorwith 1 or2 pre-episternal groove, elevated to form rough branches (no area with abundant, short, erect, verticalridge;mesepisternum,abovepleural sig- plumose hairs as is usual for the genus); hind num, rounded and smooth; venter of mesepis- tibiae slender, under surface scarcely concave; ternum without transverse ridge behind front malewith head broaderthan long, clypeusshort coxae. Mesoscutumanterolateral marginsraised and transverse, apical truncation concave, ante- forminga lip, mesiallylipabsent, anteriorlydull romesial margin elevated asa largeboss, under- and impunctate, covered with a fine reticulate neath boss clypeus strongly concave, mandibles pattern, mesially and laterally shining though elongated and sickleshaped, shifted posteriorly; mesial area finely striate and openly punctate, each gena with a large lamella-shaped process. parapsidal areas with a fine broadly reticulate Description ofmale, (measurements ofholotype pattern, sparsely punctate. Scutellum smooth in bold) Bodv length: 3.93-4.24 mm; Forewing and highlypolished, sparselypunctatewith min- length: 0.66-0.68 mm; Head width: 1.27-1.29 utepunctures. Dorsal surfaceofpropodeum not mm. Relative head measurements: HW: 100; defined by carinae, smooth and polished except HL: 70-72; UID: 62-64; LID: 61-62; AOD: 20- a few weak, short striae basally. Metasomal Tl 21; IAD: 11-12; OAD: 31-32; IOD: 16-18; highlypolished and impunctateexcept fora few OOD: 20-21; CL: 10-12; CW: 54-56; GW: 21- minute punctures, T2-T5 shining and impunc- 22; EW: 23-24; SL: 37-38; FL: 92-94; ML: 62- tateexcept basallyeachtergitcwithseveralweak 64. transverse lines. Fore basitarsal comb fan Structure. Head broader than long (fig. 15), shaped: hind basitibial plateweakly present and inner orbits weakly converging below to almost apically acute. WALKER 78 K. 14 Figures 10-16.Homalktusspp.//.pilosignya(paratype):malegenitalia,fig. 10,ventralview(lefthalf)anddorsal view(righthalf);fig. 11,lateralview;fig. 12,metasomalS7andS8.//. verticulus(holotype):figs 13-14,headfront and lateral views respectively. H. megagnathus(holotype): figs 15-16. head frontand lateral viewsrespectively. Scale lines (associated with each species) = 0.5 mm.

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