SCADA Supervisory control And Data Acquisition SARATH S NAIR Assistant Professor, Amrita University,India Sarath S Nair, INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION Industrial Power Group Dept. Of Electrical Engineering, NIT Calicut Sarath S Nair, Process Automation Outline: 4 Examples of automated processes 4 Types of plants and controls 4 Automation hierarchy 4 Control System Architecture Sarath S Nair, Automation Applications (cid:1) Power generation hydro, coal, gas, oil, shale, nuclear, wind, solar (cid:1) Transmission electricity, gas, oil (cid:1) Distribution electricity, water (cid:1) Process paper, food, pharmaceutical, metal, processing, glass, cement, chemical, refinery, oil & gas (cid:1)(cid:1) MMaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg ccoommppuutteerr aaiiddeedd mmaannuuffaaccttuurriinngg ((CCIIMM)),, fflleexxiibbllee fabrication, appliances, automotive, aircrafts (cid:1) Storage silos, elevator, harbor, deposits, luggage handling (cid:1) Building heat, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), access control, fire, energy supply, tunnels, highways,.... (cid:1) Transportation rolling stock, street cars, sub-urban trains, busses, cars, ships, airplanes, satellites,... Sarath S Nair, Examples of Automated Plants Cars (cid:1) Appliances control (windows, seats, radio,..) (cid:1) Motor control (exhaust regulations) (cid:1) ABS and EPS, brake-by-wire, steer-by-wire (cid:1)(cid:1) 1199%% ooff tthhee pprriiccee iiss eelleeccttrroonniiccss,, ((++1100%% ppeerr year) Airplanes Avionics (cid:1) flight control, autopilot (cid:1) flight management (cid:1) flight recording, black boxes (cid:1) diagnostics (cid:1) “fly-by-wire” Sarath S Nair, Examples of Automated Plants Flexible Automation, Manufacturing Numerous conveyors, robots, CNC machines, paint shops, logistics. Sarath S Nair, Examples of Automated Plants: Distribution: Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals (environmental protection) Upstream: from the earth to the refinery (High pressure, saltwater, inaccessibility explosive environment DDoowwnnssttrreeaamm:: wwiitthh ggaass)) extreme explosive ( environment ) Sarath S Nair, Examples of Automated Plants: Power plants 4 Raw materials supply 4 Primary process (steam, wind) 4 Personal, plant and neighbourhood ssaaffeettyy 4 Environmental impact 4 Generation process (voltage/frequency ) 4 Energy distribution (substation) Sarath S Nair, Examples of Automated Plants: Waste treatment, incinerators 4 Raw material supply 4 Burning process 4 Smoke cleaning 4 Environmental control 44 Co-generation process (steam, heat) 4 Ash analysis 4 Ash disposal Sarath S Nair, Examples of Automated Plants: Water treatment Managing pumps, tanks, chemical composition, filters, movers,.. Sarath S Nair,