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Supersolutions for a class of semilinear heat equations 2 1 0 2 James C. Robinson∗ Mikołaj Sierżęga† n a J 0 Abstract 3 A semilinear heat equation ut = ∆u+f(u) with nonnegative initial ] data in a subset of L1(Ω) is considered under the assumption that f is P nonnegative and nondecreasing and Ω ⊆ Rn. A simple technique for A proving existence and regularity based on the existence of supersolutions . ispresented,thenamethodofconstructionoflocalandglobalsupersolu- h tions is proposed. This approach is applied to the model case f(s)=sp, t a φ∈Lq(Ω): new sufficient conditions for theexistence of local and global m classical solutions are derived in the critical and subcritical range of pa- [ rameters. Somepossible generalisations of themethod toa broader class of equations are discussed. 2 v 8 1 Introduction 5 2 In this paper we consider the question of the local existence of solutions to the 0 . semilinear heat equation 1 1 u −∆u=f(u) in Ω , 1 t T 1 u=0 on ∂Ω×(0,T), (1) : v u(0)=φ in Ω, i X whereΩisasmoothdomaininRn andΩ =Ω×(0,T). Weassumethroughout T r that the source term f :[0,∞)7→[0,∞) is continuous and nondecreasing. The a initial data is always assumed to be an element of L1(Ω) i.e. the set of a.e. + nonnegative, integrable functions on Ω, or some subset thereof to be specified in the course of the presentation. We are interested in classical solutions, that is functions u : Ω 7→ R with T u(0) = φ that satisfy the equation pointwise with derivatives understood in their classical sense and continuous up to the boundary ∂Ω. It is known that whenφ∈L∞(Ω) thenthe problemadmits alocalclassicalsolution,see e.g.[4]. ∗Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK,Tel.: +44(0)2476524657,Fax: +44(0)8712564140, [email protected] †Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK,[email protected] 1 For unbounded data however statements of such generality are not available and more specific model problems are considered with initial data belonging to somewell-undestoodBanachorHilbert spaceandsomeparticularchoiceofthe source term allowing for analysis. As indicated in the opening paragraph we also impose restrictions on the initial data and the source term. However apart from nonnegativity and inte- grability we do not impose any additional conditions on the data allowing the existence argument to identify the subset of admissible data. We follow the standard practice of tackling the problem (1) indirectly via the associatedintegralformulation, the so-calledvariationof constants formula t u(t)=S(t)φ+ S(t−s)f(u(s))ds. (2) Z0 Inthisformulation{S(t)} representstheheatsemigroupassociatedwiththe t≥0 domain Ω and is defined as (S(t)φ)(x)= K(t,x,y)φ(y)dy for x∈Ω, (3) ZΩ where K ≥ 0 is the heat kernel for the domain Ω, see e.g. [3]. In other words the function v(t)=S(t)φ solves the linear heat equation v −∆v =0 in Ω, t>0, t v =0 on ∂Ω, t>0, v(0)=φ in Ω. Every solution of the integral formulation (2) that is bounded for t > 0 must solve(1). Hencetheroutetoclassicalsolutionsoftheoriginalpartialdifferential equation proceeds through analysis of bounded solutions of the variation of constants formula. The existence argument involves the operator t F[v](t)=S(t)φ+ S(t−s)f(v(s))ds (4) Z0 which we will use to define a sequence of functions converging to a solution u = F[u] on Ω . The method used relies on monotonicity of the operator T F which results from positivity of the heat semigroup and monotonicity of the source term f. It should be mentioned that a similar technique was used by Weissler in his investigation of the global solutions to the model problem f(s)=sp in the whole space, see [7]. The statement of existence of local classical solutions is divided into two parts. The abstract existence proof assumes only that we have a supersolution i.e. a function w such that F[w] ≤ w. Existence of such an object combined with monotonicity of F will turn out to give us existence of a solution of the integral formulation. Hence the problem of proving existence of a solution re- ducestofindingasupersolutionwhich,aswewillshowinthesequel,isrelatively 2 straightforward in many interesting cases. An immediate benefit of the tech- nique is that the regularity of the solution is then inferred from the properties of the supersolution e.g. if the supersolution is bounded for positive times then it follows from the standard regularity results that the solution is necessarily classical, see [4]. Hence the regularity is “for free” and does not have to be obtained by means of bootstrap arguments as e.g. in [2, 4]. In the second part of the argument we provide a practical way of finding suitablesupersolutions. Wewillarriveatcertainstructuralconditionsspecifying theinitialdatathatallowincertainexamplestodefineasupersolutionandthus deduce existence of a solution of (2). In particular we will see that the central object is the integral t S(t−s)f(S(s)φ)ds (5) Z0 which involves all the parameters of the problem. Next we test our findings on the model problem f(s)=sp with initial data inLq(Ω). Theproblemofexistenceoflocalandglobalclassicalsolutionsiswell- + understood and explicit criteria discriminating well and ill-posed problems are known and presented in literature in the form of inequalities involving critical exponents. Forthismodelproblemthecriticalexponentisgivenbyq = n(p−1) c 2 and well-posedness is usually analysed in three regimes: supercritical q > q , c critical q = q > 1 and subcritical q < q . These relations reflect the balance c c between the assumed regularity of the initial data, the growth of the source term and the dimension of the domain. TheexistenceanduniquenessresultsareobtainedusingBanach’sfixedpoint argument in a suitable metric space of curves in Lq(Ω) satisfying certain norm decayproperties,see[2,4]. TheoriginalproofrelyingontheBanachcontraction theorem appeared in [5]. In the same paper the author offered also a second methodofproofbasedonthepositivitypropertiesoftheheatsemigroupthatis similarto our approach. Inthe discussionthat followsthe authorcomparesthe twoexistencetheoremsto concludethatthe positivity basedargumentrecovers theexistenceresultinthesupercriticalrangeofparameters,butdoesnotrepro- duce the resultsinthe criticalandsubcriticalcases. Inparticularthe positivity method as described in [5] does not allow one to deduce the existence of local classical solutions for all initial data in Lq(Ω) in the critical case. The proof of this result relies on a delicate application of smoothing estimates in Lebesgue spaces followed by a bootstrap argument, see [2] for details. The particularly appealing property of the positivity argument is that it yieldspointwiseboundsonthesolutionintheformofspace-timeprofileswhereas the usualapproachoffers a rate of decay of Lebesgue norms instead. Moreover, as we will show later on, the positivity based existence theorem is stated in terms of integrability properties ofthe mapt7→kS(t)φkL∞(Ω) rather than crit- ical exponents associated with smoothing estimates in Lebesgue spaces. An assumption of this kind is much more general as it does not presuppose the space of initial data. For example the existence claim in the supercritical case mentioned aboverequires only that the integral τkS(s)φkp−1 ds is bounded 0 L∞(Ω) R 3 for some τ > 0 which may be realised irrespective of φ being in any particu- lar Lebesgue space, whereas the critical exponent condition n(p−1)/2 < q is specificallyrelatedtothecontextofLebesguespaces. Itisthereforedesirableto extendthemethodbasedonpositivitytothecriticalandsubcriticalrange. This is done in Section 4 where in fact the three ranges of parameters are addressed in a unified approach. The method alsoprovidessufficient criteriafor globalexistencewithout any additional effort. As mentioned before, global solutions for the model case f(s)=spwhereinvestigatedin[7]. Theglobalexistenceresultfoundthererelies onthe smallnessof ∞kS(s)φkp−1 ds inthe supercriticalcaseorsmallnessof 0 L∞(Ω) kφk in the critical case. Again in the supercritical case the argument uses Lq(Ω) R thepositivityoftheheatsemigroupandprovidesaspace-timeprofile. However, in the criticalcasea normbasedtechnique is usedinstead. Our constructionof thesupersolutionsprovidesnewsufficientcriteriaforexistenceofglobalclassical solutions in the critical and subcritical range of parameters. The general construction of supersolutions contained in Proposition 3.2 is by no means restricted to the case of simple polynomial nonlinearity and may be applied to other sourceterms ofinterest. Inthe lastsectionwe discuss some possible extensions. 2 Existence result involving supersolutions Let M+ denote the set of nonnegative, almost everywhere finite, measurable T functions on Ω . For our purposes it suffices to define a solution to be any T u ∈ M+ such that F[u] = u a.e. in Ω . Any w ∈ M+ satisfying F[w] ≤ w T T T (resp. F[w] ≥w) will be called a supersolution (respectively subsolution). The following result serves to reduce the problem of showing existence of a solution to that of showing the existence of a supersolution. Theorem 2.1. Assume that f : [0,∞) 7→ [0,∞) is continuous, nondecreasing and let φ ∈ L1(Ω). Then the operator F admits a solution in Ω if and only + T if it admits a supersolution in Ω . T Proof. By definition every solution is at the same time a supersolution and we only need to show that existence of a supersolution implies existence of a solution. Our existence argument relies on positivity and monotonicity properties of the operator F. Take u,v ∈ M+, u ≤ v a.e., u(0) ≤ v(0) a.e. in Ω such that T F[u],F[v]∈M+. Then T t F[v](t)−F[u](t)=S(t)(v(0)−u(0))+ S(t−s) f v(s) −f u(s) ≥0 Z0 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:1) followssincebythemonotonicityassumptiononf wehavef(v(s))−f(u(s))≥0 and the heat semigroup is positivity preserving,see [4]. 4 Startingwiththesupersolutionwwecancreateasequence{w =Fk[w]} , k k≥0 w =w. Now due to monotonicity and positivity of F we find that 0 F[w] ≤w ⇒F2[w]≤F[w]⇒···⇒Fk+1[w]≤Fk[w]... a.e. in Ω . T Thus over almost every point (t,x) ∈ Ω we have a nonincreasing, nonnega- T tive sequence {w (t,x)} which allows us to define the candidate solution by k k≥0 taking the pointwise limit w (t,x)= lim w (t,x) whenever it exists. ∞ k k→∞ It remains to show that F[w ] = w a.e. in Ω . With the integral rep- ∞ ∞ T resentation (3) in mind we can apply the monotone convergence theorem to get t lim F[w ](t,x)=S(t)φ+ K(t−s,x,y) lim f(w (s,y))dyds k k k→∞ Z0 ZΩ k→∞ a.e. in Ω . By continuity T lim f(w (s,y))=f lim w (s,y) =f(w (s,y)) a.e. in Ω . k k ∞ T k→∞ k→∞ (cid:18) (cid:19) Thus we have continuity of F at w i.e. ∞ lim F[w ]=F lim w =F[w ] a.e. in Ω . k k ∞ T k→∞ k→∞ (cid:20) (cid:21) Now,due to the constructionofthe sequencewe havew =F[w ] andsowe k+1 k finally arrive at w = lim w = lim F[w ]=F[w ] ∞ k+1 k ∞ k→∞ k→∞ a.e. in Ω , which means that w is a solution. T ∞ 3 Identifying supersolutions Theorem 2.1 presupposes existence of a supersolution without indicating how to construct one. In this section we will present a practical way of finding a candidate supersolution. The algorithm will be then tested on a specific well researched model case of a polynomial nonlinearity and compared with known results. The guiding principle is that equation (2) is a perturbation formula in the sense that the solution is assumed to be given by the linear heat flow S(t)φ which is then supplemented by a correctionterm that accounts for the effect of the nonlinearity. Hence we would expect that the contribution of the integral term is initially small in some sense as compared to S(t)φ. The aim of this 5 section is to devise a method of modifying the integral part of the formula (2) so that the resulting object is a prospective supersolution. Suppose that there exists a solution u:Ω 7→[0,∞), then T t u(t)=S(t)φ+ S(t−s)f(u(s))ds≥S(t)φ Z0 and if we now apply the operator F to both sides repeatedly then due to monotonicity we will find that Fk[S(·)φ](t)≤u(t) for every k≥0 i.e. every Fk[S(·)φ](t) is a subsolution. Ourstrategynowistotakethefirstnontrivialsubsolution,whichisF[S(·)φ](t), andbyboundingitfromabovederiveacandidatesupersolution. Hencebroadly speaking we will replace t F[S(·)φ](t)=S(t)φ+ S(t−s)f(S(s)φ)ds Z0 with t w(t)=S(t)φ+ S(t−s)F(s)ds Z0 for some F ∈M+ such that T t t S(t−s)f(S(s)φ)ds≤ S(t−s)F(s)ds Z0 Z0 hopingthatwdefinesasupersolutiononΩ forsomeT >0. Theoptimalwayof T findinga supersolutiondepends on f andno onegeneralrecipeseemsavailable. Neverthelessthere is a simple generic approachwhich givessatisfactoryresults. Proposition3.1. Supposethereexistsanintegrablefunctionh:[0,T]7→[0,∞) and some ψ ∈L1(Ω) such that for t∈[0,T] + t f S(t)φ+S(t)ψ h(s)ds ≤h(t)S(t)ψ, (6) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) then t w(t)=S(t)φ+S(t)ψ h(s)ds Z0 is a supersolution on Ω . T Proof. For t∈[0,T] we have t s F[w](t)=S(t)φ+ S(t−s)f S(s)φ+S(s)ψ h(r)dr ds Z0 (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) t ≤S(t)φ+ S(t−s)h(s)S(s)ψds. Z0 6 Since h does not depend on the space variables and due to the definition of the heat semigroup we can write t t S(t−s)h(s)S(s)ψds= h(s)S(t−s)S(s)ψds Z0 Z0 t t = h(s)S(t)ψds=S(t)ψ h(s)ds Z0 Z0 and so t F[w](t)≤S(t)φ+S(t)ψ h(s)ds Z0 for t∈[0,T] i.e. F[w] ≤w on Ω as required. T The next step is to propose a way of defining function h. Proposition3.2. Let φ∈L1(Ω) and suppose that there exist constantsA>1, + T > 0 and functions ψ ∈ L1(Ω), g : [0,∞) 7→ [0,∞) and h : [0,T] 7→ [0,∞) + such that S(t)ψ t S(t)φ≤g(S(t)ψ) and 1+ h(s)ds≤A (7) g(S(t)ψ) (cid:13) (cid:13)L∞(Ω)Z0 (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) for t∈[0,T], where (cid:13) (cid:13) f(Ag(S(t)ψ)) h(t)= . S(t)ψ (cid:13) (cid:13)L∞(Ω) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) Then w(t)=S(t)φ+S(t)ψ th(cid:13)(s)ds is a super(cid:13)solution for t∈[0,T]. 0 Proof. TheconditionslistedRaboveservetoensurethattheinequality(6)holds. We have t t f S(t)φ+S(t)ψ h(s)ds ≤f g(S(t)ψ)+S(t)ψ h(s)ds (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) S(t)ψ t ≤f g(S(t)ψ) 1+ h(s)ds g(S(t)ψ) (cid:13) (cid:13)L∞(Ω)Z0 !! (cid:13) (cid:13) ≤f(Ag(S(t)ψ))≤h((cid:13)t)S(t)ψ. (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) The function g used above is intended to representanoperationthat allows us to extract the presupposed regularity of the initial condition. In the next section we will see how one may use the Jensen inequality to take advantage of the Lq- integrability of φ. More precisely Lemma 4.3 informs us that for r ≥1 and φ nonnegative we have (S(t)φ)r ≤ S(t)φr. Thus for φ ∈ Lq(Ω) we can + write S(t)φ=((S(t)φ)q)1q ≤(S(t)φq)q1 7 so that the correspondence to the above is given by ψ =φq and g(s)=s1/q. Observe that in the results above the applicability of a given supersolution isvalidas longasthe inequalities (6) and(7)hold. Hence if weconsiderthe set of initial conditions for which T =∞ then our results turn into the statements of global existence of classical solutions for small data. In this case the global t supersolutionw(t)=S(t)φ+S(t)ψ h(s)dsmaybeforexampleusedtoobtain 0 a pointwise bound onthe asymptotic profileof the solution. Note howeverthat R thesmallnessofdataisunderstoodinthesenseofsaidinequalitiesandmaydiffer from the statements found in the literature where the smallness is sometimes defined interms ofthe normof the initial conditionin some relevantfunctional setting, cf. [4, 7]. 4 Example - f(u) = up Inthissectionwerestrictourattentiontothecaseφ∈Lq(Ω),q ≥1. Forp>1 + consider the following model problem: u =∆u+up in Ω, t>0, t u=0 on ∂Ω, (8) u(0)=φ in Ω. Existence and uniqueness results for this problem were established by Weissler [6]andthenaugmentedbyBrezisandCazenave[2]. Forcomparisonpurposeswe presentanabridgedversionoftheirfindingsconcentratingonlyontheexistence of classical solutions for nonnegative data. Theorem 4.1. Let φ ∈ Lq(Ω), q ≥ 1, and suppose that one of the following + cases holds: 1. supercritical: q >n(p−1)/2, 2. critical: q =n(p−1)/2>1, 3. subcritical: n(p−1)/2p<q <n(p−1)/2 and 1 n limktαS(t)φk =0, where α= − , (9) t→0 Lpq(Ω) p−1 2pq then there exists T = T(φ) > 0 such that the problem (8) has a local classical solution on Ω . T As mentioned in the introductionthe method ofproofrelies on the contrac- tion argument in a carefully chosen space of curves followed by the bootstrap argument for regularity. In [6] the supercritical case was also resolved using positivity of the heat semigroup but the critical range was not covered. Here we present a simple way of extending the positivity-based method to include critical and subcritical ranges. 8 Before we presentthe full result let us see how the local existence andregu- larityinthesupercriticalrangen(p−1)/2<q canberecoveredinashortdirect computation. To do this it suffices to use the standard Lq−Lr smoothing esti- mate [3]: kS(t)φkLr(Ω) ≤t−n2(1q−1r)kφkLq(Ω), (10) where 1≤q ≤r ≤∞. Let A > 1 be a constant. We will show that in this case AS(t)φ is a supersolution for (8) on some sufficiently small time interval. We have t F[AS(·)φ](t)≤S(t)φ+ S(t−s) ApkS(s)φkp−1 S(s)φ ds L∞(Ω) Z0 (cid:16) (cid:17) t =S(t)φ 1+Ap kS(s)φkp−1 ds ≤AS(t)φ, L∞(Ω) (cid:18) Z0 (cid:19) whenever tkS(s)φkp−1 ds is finite and t is small enough. In the considered 0 L∞(Ω) supercritical range the smoothing estimate yields R t kS(s)φkpL−∞1(Ω)ds≤kφkpL−q(1Ω)t1−n(p2−q1) Z0 and for every φ∈Lq(Ω) there exists a time T =T kφk such that + Lq(Ω) 1+Apkφkp−1 t1−n(p2−q1) ≤(cid:0)A (cid:1) (11) Lq(Ω) for t∈[0,T]. It is worth mentioning that in order to obtain the global supersolution for smalldatathestandardsmoothingestimateisnotenough. ForeveryA>1and kφk there will be a time such that (11) ceases to hold. Howeverthe global Lq(Ω) validityofthesupersolutiondependsonthesmallnessofthe ∞kS(s)φkp−1 ds 0 L∞(Ω) rather than the bound obtainedwith the smoothing estimate. The explanation R of the discrepancy lies in the fact that the smoothing estimate works well for small times but is too crude for large times. When t is large one should use the bound involving exponential decay, see [4] p. 441. We will now leave the discussion of global supersolutions and come back to it after the more general result is presented. In order to include critical and subcritical cases a slightly subtler choice of the supersolutions is required. We need two additional results. The first one is a particular case of the standard smoothing estimates, see [2] for the full statement and the proof. Lemma 4.2. Given φ∈Lq(Ω), 1≤q <∞, then for every K >0 there exits a time τ =τ(φ,K)>0 such that n t2qkS(t)φkL∞(Ω) ≤K (12) for t∈[0,τ]. 9 The second result involves the interplay between convex functions and the heat semigroup as found in [5, 8]. Lemma 4.3. Let φ≥0 be a measurable function on Ω and r ≥1, then (S(t)φ)r ≤S(t)φr. (13) ThemainresultofthissectionfollowsfromacombinationoftheProposition 3.2 and the above mentioned lemmas. Theorem 4.4. If q−1 t p−q kS(t)φqk q kS(s)φqk q ds≤C (14) L∞(Ω) L∞(Ω) p Z0 fort∈[0,T],0<T ≤∞, whereC = (p−1)p−1, then problem (8) has aclassical p pp solution on Ω . T Proof. We simply identify the elements of the Proposition 3.2 in the current setting. Lemma 4.3 provides us with the explicit choice of g(s) = s1/q and ψ =φq so that the supersolution is given by t p−q w(t)=S(t)φ+ApS(t)φq kS(s)φqk q ds L∞(Ω) Z0 and the condition (7) reads q−1 t p−q A−1 kS(t)φqk q kS(s)φqk q ds≤ L∞(Ω) L∞(Ω) Ap Z0 for some A>1. Now, the righthand side attains its maximum on (1,∞) equal to (p−1)p−1 yielding the desired result. pp The supercritical case is immediately recovered once we set q = 1 in (14). Let us now turn to the critical case n(p−1)/2=q >1. Due to the smoothing estimate (12) we have kS(t)φqkLq−q∞1(Ω) tkS(s)φqkLp−∞qq(Ω)ds≤Kp−q1t−2nq(q−1) ts−2nq(p−q)ds Z0 Z0 and n p−q (p−q)= <1 (15) 2q p−1 since q >1. Thus we can continue the estimate to get Kp−q1t−2nq(q−1) ts−2nq(p−q)ds≤ p−1Kp−q1 ≤Cp, (16) q−1 Z0 where the last inequality follows from the Lemma 4.2 for times small enough. Hence Theorem 4.4 immediately implies Theorem 4.1 with the additional ad- vantage of the space-time profile given by the supersolution. 10

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