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Madrono, Vol. 54, No. 1, pp. 30-41, 2007 SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES IN ERIOPHYLLUM LANATUM AND E. CONEERTIELORUM YAR. CONEERTIELORUM (ASTERACEAE) John Mooring S. Biology Department, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA, 95053 [email protected] Abstract i Chromosomes in excess ofthe basic complement have been known for 100 years. Nevertheless, in most species the role ofsupernumerary or B chromosomes remains unknown or speculative. Here, I describe the frequency, distribution, and transmission to progeny ofsupernumerary chromosomes in two widely distributed western North American polyploid complexes. Meiotic analyses of microsporocytes found one to four supernumerary chromosomes in 14% of the 293 populations examinedinEriophyllinnlauatimu and one, two,orsixsupernumerariesin 15% ofthe 133 populations examined in E. confertiflonou var. confertiflonim. Most supernumerary chromosomes were in the size range of A chromosomes, indistinguishable from As, and did not pair with them. Artificial hybridizations showed that the supernumerary chromosomes were transmitted by either parent. Populations with supernumerary chromosomes were nonrandomly distributed in both species. Intervarietal or interspecific hybridization may be responsible for some of their nonrandom distribution in E. lamitum. Supernumerary chromosomes may be involved in the dysploid i chromosome numbers in EriophyUum. . Key Words: Asteraceae, dysploidy, EriophyUum, polyploid complex, supernumerary chromosome distribution, supernumerary chromosome frequency, and supernumerary chromosome transmission. Wilson (1925, pp. 872-878) referred to chro- studied. Adaptive effects ofsupernumerary chro- mosomes in excess of the basic complement as mosomes are known or surmised; for example, ''supernumerary.'' He distinguished between Bosemark's (1956) study of Festuca pratensis those that arose by nondisjunction and others Hudson found a correlation between the clay derived by fragmentation. Chromosomes in content ofthe soil in most Swedish provinces and ' excess of the basic 'A" complement that do not the frequency of accessory chromosomes. The pair with A chromosomes and have certain other number of species reported to carry these extra ; characteristics are more often referred to as "B" chromosomes has increased sharply in the last rather than ''supernumerary" or "accessory" 50 yr; about 2000 are known in many taxonomic chromosomes. Chromosomes in excess of the groups of animals and flowering plants (see basic complement are generally smaller than the Palestis et al. 2004). A chromosomes, do not pair with them but can pair with each other, and often are more Background ofPresent Study heterochromatic than the A chromosoines (Soltis 1983). EriophyUum lanatum (Pursh) Forbes and E. The number of supernumerary chromosomes confertiflorum (DC.) A. Gray are polyploid \ may vary in the same plant, e.g., Poa trivicilis complexes (Mooring 1975, 1994, 2001). Eriophyl- L.(Bosemark 1957) or in different plants of the lum lanatum is a short-lived, woody-based, \ same population, e.g., Xanthisma texammi DC herbaceous perennial; E. confertiflorum var. i ! (Semple 1974). In Clarkia imguiculcita Lindley, confertiflorum is a subshrub. Both are highly the frequency of individuals with supernumerar- self-incompatible. EriophyUum lanatum is widely ies varied from 0 to 79% in different populations, distributed in western North America from 5 to and, in one population, varied significantly in 3500 m; E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum different years (Mooring 1960). occurs from central California to adjacent Baja In some species, supernumerary chromosomes California from 5 to 3000 m. I can be transmitted or increased in number, as in Artificial hybridizations show barriers to in- several grass species (e.g., Festuca anmdinaceci terbreeding in both species complexes. Those in j Schreber[Bosemark 1957], or in Clarkia uuguicu- E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum are weaker; j lata [Mooring I960]). Rosato et al. (1996) consequently, the races are harder to delimit reported that the transmission ofB chromosomes (Mooring 1994). Interbreeding barriers in E. in wild races ofmaize was under genetic control. lanatum are stronger; the 10 "varieties" of E. \ Whether these extra chromosomes are geneti- lanatum are geographic subspecies (Mooring \ \ cally inert, parasitic, or ofsome adaptive value is 2001). Artificial hybrids have been obtained | unclear, and may well depend on the species between E. confertijlorum var. confertiflorum % 2007] MOORING: SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES IN ERIOPHYLLUM 31 and all varieties ofE. lanatum (Mooring2001 and in ''UC Mix" soil in an unheated Santa Clara unpublished). Natural hybrids between E. lana- University greenhouse. tum and E. confertiflorum var. confertiflonim are infrequently encountered (Constance 1937; Meiotic Analyses Mooring 1994). Eriophyllum latilohum Rydb. may be a product ofsuch interspecific hybridiza- Young capitula were fixed in 1:3 acetic ethanol tion (Constance 1937; Munz 1959). or, rarely, in 1:3:6 acetic-chloroform-ethanol. My report is an offshoot of long-term bio- Quickly putting collections in the refrigerator or systematic studies ofEriophyllum lanatum (Moor- an ice-filled cooler usually improved fixation ing 1975, 2001) and E. confertiflorum (Mooring (Anderson 1996). Beek's (1955) technique often 1994). Those studies focused on the distribution provided clearer preparations. Most meiotic of cytotypes and on barriers to interbreeding at analyses were of diakinesis or first metaphase the diploid level. The supernumerary chromo- stages of microsporocytes squashed in acetocar- somes in both species presented interesting mine and examined with a phase contrast problems, but time and space requirements microscope. Squashing anthers in 1% aceto- prevented further study. orcein instead of aceto-carmine often resulted in The supernumerary chromosomes ofEriophyl- more darkly stained chromosomes. Voucher lum lanatum and of E. confertiflorum var. specimens have been deposited in the Santa Clara University Herbarium (SACL). confertijlorum are in the size range ofthe smaller members of the basic complement. They do not In this study, chromosomes in excess of the seem to differ from the A chromosomes in basic complement ofEriophyllum lanatum and E. appearance or behavior. With one apparent confertiflorum var. confertiflorum are called su- exception, they do not pair with an A chromo- pernumerary chromosomes rather than B chro- some. Thus, they resemble the supernumerary mosomes or accessory chromosomes. Because the chromosomes ofClarkia unguiculata (Lewis 1951; Eriophyllum supernumerary chromosomes were Mooring 1960). Lewis (1951) believed that these morphologically indistinguishable from the chro- extra chromosomes originated as trisomies. mosome of the basic complement ("A'' chromo- aryThechdriostmroisboutmieosn,anedspferceiqaulelnycyinofEs.upelrannuamteurm,- Asomaensd)sautpemerinousmies,raIrydicdhnrootmodsisotmiensguiisnhrebpeotrwteienng suggest an adaptive role or meiotic drive, or meiotic configurations. The letter 'T" is used to both. Artificial hybridizations have shown that refer to an unpaired chromosome. Fragment supernumeraries could be transmitted, but have chromosomes were also present, and are called fragment chromosomes. not documented the frequency of transmittal (Mooring 2001). Artificial Hybridizations Thus, in 2000, I began reciprocal crosses in E. lanatum: 8 II X 8 II + one supernumerary All hybridizations were performed in a pollina- chromosome and 8 II X 8 II + two supernumer- tor-free greenhouse. The plants were separated by ary chromosomes. I present my findings about at least 30 cm. Capitula were rubbed together both species in one report because the species are over 2-8 d. closely related and the results of each study are similar. The purpose ofthis paper is to report the Pollen Fertility Estimates frequency, geographic distribution, and trans- mission of supernumerary chromosomes in E. Fresh pollen grains were stained overnight in lanatum, E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum, cotton blue-lactophenol. Estimates rest on and their putative hybrid derivatives. 300 grains per sample. Each plant was sampled on two different days. Materials and Methods Results Species Viability of Plants with Supernumerary Chromosomes Most of the plants used in this study were grown from fruits collected from natural popula- Plants with supernumerary chromosomes tions; a few were transplants from these popula- could be detected only by meiotic analysis. Pollen tions. The location of the Eriophyllum lanatum fertility varied widely in plants with and without and E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum natural extrachromosomes, but no significant differences populations are given in Mooring (2001) and were found. Mooring (1994), respectively. Number of Supernumerary Chromosomes Treatments per Plant Fruits were germinated in vermiculite or in I found one to four supernumerary chromo- vermiculite-soil mixtures. Seedlings were potted somes in Eriophyllum lanatum; and one, two, or MADRONO 32 [Vol. 54 six supernumerary chromosomes in E. conferti- hallii, lanceolatum, and obovatum (Table 1). The flonmi var. coufertiflorunn and two in E. latilo- frequency of supernumeraries in diploid, tetra- j' hunu a putative E. Icmatimi X E. confertiflorum ploid, hexaploid, and octoploid plants of E. var. confertiflonun hybrid (Tables 1 and 2). lanatum was, respectively, 13% (41/328), 10% (10/103), 0% (0/16), and 18% (2/11). Tetraploids Meiotic Configurations with supernumerary chromosomes appeared lim- ited to vars. achillaeoides and leucophyllum, and In E. lauatimu diploids not derived from octoploids with supernumerary chromosomes to artificial hybridizations, one plant formed 8 II + var. integrifoUum (Table 1). oaIthIcerihsni.amsTomhsate m7riacItIrhoe+srpo1trIhoIcaIyntceossnt,fiicgakunyrdatc7ihorInIo,m+iofs1douImIeeIsti,on v3a4rT%iheedfofarrmeiqonundeginvciypdouoapflussluaptaienordnnsu3m1ear%nadrfyovarcrhipertooipemusol,astofimroeonsms jI suggests that in this instance a supernumerary in var. lanatum to 4% and 7% in var. arachnoi- can pair with A chromosomes. In all other such deum. diploids, those with one supernumerary formed 8 tIIhe+ I1 Id.iIvnidaedfewatcelflisrstscomreetdapahsahsaev,inagn8dII9++1 I9, FrequEe.nccyonofferStuifpleorrnuummvearra.rcyonCfherrtoimfloosroummes in separations occurred in first anaphase cells. \ Conspicuously lagging chromosomes in first or The overall frequency of plants and popula- second division were rare. Most plants with two tions with supernumerary chromosomes was 13% supernumeraries formed 8II + 2Ior9II. The (24/180) and 15% (20/133), respectively. One single plant with 19 chromosomes formed 9 II -I- 1 plant had a fragment chromosome; the rest had I. One of the two plants with 20 chromosomes normal-sized supernumerary chromosomes. The formed 10 II exclusively, the other variously 10 frequency of supernumerary chromosomes in II, 9 II + 2 I, and, in a few cells, 8 II + I IV diploid, tetraploid, hexaploid and octoploid ', (Table 1). populations was, respectively, 9%(6/69), 22% In contrast to diploids not derived from (13/60), 0% (0/1), and 0% (0/2). One population ! artificial hybridizations, those derived from {143) was mixed, having a diploid with two artificial hybridizations often formed variable supernumeraries and two tetraploids with none meiotic configurations (Table 3). Notable among (Table 2). Only 39% of the diploid populations crosses producing progeny with variable meiotic had supernumeraries, compared to 74% in E. configurations was Cross 7 in Table 4 between an lanatum. ' 8 II + 1 I seed parent and an 8 II pollen parent. It produced two progeny with variable meiotic configurations. One formed 8 II + 1 I or 7 II + Supernumerary Chromosomes in Putative E. 3 I; the other formed 8 II + 1 I, 8 II + 2 I , 7 II + 3 confertiflorum var. confertiflorum X E. \I I, and 7 II + 4 I. Icmatum derivatives i In E. laiiatum tetraploids, plants with one supernumerary formed 16 II + 1 I; those with two Eriophyllum latilobum consists of two popula- supernumeraries 16 II +2 I or 17 II, orexclusively tions along San Mateo Creek in San Mateo 17 II (Table 1). County, California. Individuals formed 16 II In E. confertiflorimi var. confertiflorum, di- except for one that formed 16 II + 2 I. The other ploids formed 8 II + 1 I ifone supernumerary was putative E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum X present. One plant with two supernumeraries E. Icmatum hybrids were tetraploids and hexa- j consistently formed 9 II. Other plants with more ploids with one or two supernumerary chromo- than one supernumerary formed 8II + 2or3I. somes, forming 16 II + 1 I, 17 II, 24 II + 1 I, or 25 : Tetraploids formed 16 II + 1 I if one supernu- II. The frequency of individuals and of popula- merary was present but invariably or frequently tions with supernumerary chromosomes was, fsioxrTwmheeerdesi1np7grleIeIseipnfltatnw(tToaobwfleerE.e2)lp.raetsielnoth,wnanwdith19sIuIpewrhneun- 4rpe0osppukelcmattiviseotlnryis,pw2ien4r%eSaranensdtMrai5ct0te%ed.otTaohneadnpauadtpjapatrcieovnxetimhSayatbnertliayd jj\\ meraries formed 16 II + 2 I. Clara Counties, California (Table 2). I Frequency of Supernumerary Chromosomes in Transmission of Supernumerary Chromosomes \ E. lanatwn in Artificial Intervarietal and Interspecific Hy- bridizations in E. lanatum and E. confertiflorum | The overall frequency of plants and popula- var. confertiflorum j tions with supernumerary chromosomes was 12% i (54/459) and 14% (42/293), respectively. Super- The chromosome number of 13 of the 30 \ numerary chromosomes were not found in the parents in 17 hybridizations (Table 3) was , total of 42 plants examined in vars. croceum. known; the other parents were assumed to form ; ill 2007] MOORING: SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES IN ERIOPHYLLUM 33 8 II because representatives of the parental Crosses 1-3, and both parents are known in populations formed 8 II. The crosses in Table 3 Crosses 4-7. Transmission of one or two are divided into four sections and are numbered supernumerary chromosomes occurred in five of to facilitate describing the results. Supernumer- the six progeny in Cross and in 7 of 10 progeny 1, ary chromosomes were transmitted in all in Cross 2. In Cross 3, the chromosome number crosses. of the pollen parent is not known, and the In Section 1, wherethechromosome numberof population that furnished it had plants that both parents was known, transmission of one formed 8 II + 1 I as well as 8 II. If the pollen supernumerary failed in one of the parents in parent formed 8 II, the supernumerary in the seed Cross 1. One supernumerary was transmitted by parent was transmitted to 9 of the 17 progeny, the seed parent in Cross 2 and by the pollen and multiplied in one of them. A fragment parent in Cross 3. chromosome was also transmitted to three other In Section 2, where thechromosome numberof plants, probably from the pollen parent. Crosses the seed parent was known, and transmission was 4 and 5 were reciprocal; the supernumerary through the seed parent, two supernumeraries in chromosome was transmitted when S338-4 was Cross 4 and one in Cross 5. In Crosses 6 and 7, the seed parent but not when it was the pollen transmission probably occurred through the parent. However, failure of transmittal through pollen parent, because the seed parent formed 8 the pollen may be a matter of chance; the II, and supernumeraries had been observed in progeny consisted of only two plants. Crosses 6 populations 204 and 205 from which the pollen and 7 are reciprocal. Transmission through the parents came (Table 1). The origin of supernu- pollen parent occurred in 7 of the 18 progeny meraries in Cross 8 was uncertain. The seed (39%), compared to 9 of the 14 progeny (64%) parent formed 8 II, and although supernumerar- for the seed parent. ies were not observed in the pollen parent population {38), the single plant examined in Pollen fertility figures for progeny with and the progeny formed 8 II + 1 I or 7 II + 3 I. without supernumeraries did not differ signifi- In Section 3, (chromosome number of pollen cantly (Table 4). parent known) the results paralleled those in Section 2. Transmission was through the pollen parent in Crosses 9 and 10, two supernumeraries Nonrandom Geographic Distribution of in Cross 9 and one in Cross 10. In Cross 11, the E. lanatum Populations with fragment and supernumerary probably came Supernumerary Chromosomes from the seed parent, SI84-1, because supernu- Six regions had one to five populations with TmehrearsioeusrcoecocfurtrheedsuipnePronpuumleartairoynin18C4ro(sTsab1l2ewa1)s. a high frequency of supernumerary chromo- unknown because supernumeraries were not somes. Along the Snake River in Idaho and found in the parental populations. Oregon, 11 of the 16 plants in five diploid var. In Section 4, chromosome numbers were lanatum populations had one or two supernu- unknown forthe parents. Presumably the parents meraries. In Trinity County, California, each of formed 8 II as in their parental populations. The three diploid var. grandiflorum populations was source or sources of the supernumeraries in the represented by a plant with two supernumerary progenieswasnot known (Table 3). All but Cross chromosomes. In Colusa and Lake Counties, 15 were either interspecific or intervarietal, and California, two diploid and two tetraploid var. were often between geographically distant popu- achillioides populations were represented by lations. single plants with one supernumerary or one fragment chromosome. In southwestern Oregon (Jackson, Josephine, and Douglas Counties), four Frequency ofTransmission ofE. lanatum Supernumerary Chromosomes in of the six plants in tetraploid var. achillioides Artificial Hybridizations Populations 335 and (52, and var. leucophyllum Populations 18 and 337 had one or two In pre-2000 hybridizations, how frequently supernumerary chromosomes. Also, all four supernumeraries were transmitted was unknown plants in diploid Population 338, an achillioides- because usually only one plant per cross was leucophyllum intermediate, had one or two analyzed (Table 3). Attempts to use reciprocal supernumeraries. Two diploid populations of crosses to estimate transmission frequencies were var. integrifolium had high frequencies of plants only partly successful because low percentage bearing supernumerary chromosomes. In Adams germination or failure to flower resulted in only County, Washington, four of five plants in two offive combinations being reciprocal. Population 265 had one to three extra chromo- The crosses in Table 4 are numbered to somes. In Elko County, Nevada, each of the facilitate describing the results. The meiotic single plants in Populations250 and251 had four configuration of the seed parent is known in extra chromosomes (Table 1). )) MADRONO 34 [Vol. 54 Table 1. Supernumerary Chromosomes in Eriophyllum lanatum Populations. Locations within counties are approximate. An asterisk indicates that a univalent was seen to divide at Metaphase 1, two asterisks that 9 + 9 disjunctions were seen to occur. The numbers following a taxon name show, respectively, the frequency ofindividuals and populations with supernumeraries. Number ofplants Meiotic With that Taxa/Location Population configuration configuration Analyzed Var. achillioides (8/85 = 9%; 8/61 = 13%) i^A, LaKe <^o.. izu 8 II + fragment 1 11 Kelseyville LaKe v^o., i_iear LaKC IZ/ o8 T1I14+- 11 T1, 7/ 1T1T+-u 11 1T1TT1 1 11 Siskiyou Co., Dorris I1I1I1 o8 T1T1 -+1- 11 T1** 11 Z. Colusa Co., Leesville JOJ 11A0. T1T1 _+L 11 1T 1 11 1JZ, 16 TT -1- 1 T 1 11 onasia v^o., ran Kiver IJJ 1lAo T1T1 _+i_ z0 1T or^rr 117/1T1T 1 11 ivinis OR, Jackson Co., JJJ 117/ T1T1 11 . Central Point Josephine Co., Selma Al 11A0 1T1T +-1- 11 1T 11 11 Total 8 (89%) 9 Var. urachnoideutn /(1^/1^2A4 — 4Av07o, 11//11/14 — 1/0/7c)\ v^A^, oan iviaieo i„o.. Jul O8 1TT1 +-L 11 1T 1oiai 1 [^J\J/o z Woodside Var. cvoceiiin (U/14, yJ/O) Var. grandifloirum (j/oy — DVC, j/j/ — Vv<?) CA, Calaveras Co., /O QO 1T1T -+L 11 T1 7 Murphy's El Dorado Co., J/V yQ T11T or^rr OQ 1T1T +_L Z7 T1 11 Diamond Springs Trinity Co., Trinity 174 9 II or 8 II + 2 I 1 1 Center Trinity Center Qy T11T 11 Trinity Center 221 Oo T11T +1 z") T1 o^r^ yn 1T1T 11 1oiai J {OJ/c o Var. haliu (0/3; 0/1) Var. integrifolium C(IAD,/IMUUon—olCovoe.,, 1Sjo/nooUra— zzvo) 1111/41 8O T1T1 +1 I1T1 11 z Pass Summit ID, tslaine Co., Ketchum ZD/ 8O T1T1 +1 11 T1 z Custer Co., Stanley ZjO OQ 1T1T +_i_ 11 1T J z Owyhee Co., Riddle 252 8 II + 1 I 1 NV, Elko Co., Elko 250 10 II 1 Elko Co, Mountain 251 10 II, 9 II + 2 I, City 8 II + 1 IV in a few cells 1 OR, Deschutes Co., La 108 8 II + 1 I 1 Pine Wheeler Co., Antone 271 8 II + 2 I 1 WA, Adams Co., 265 8 II + 1 I or 9 II 5 Ritzville 8 11+ 1 I to7 II+3 I 8 II + 1 I 9 II + 1 I WY, Fremont Co., 56 8 II + 1 I 1 Dubois Teton Co., Moran 55 8 II + 1 I 1 OR, Wasco Co., The 104 32 II + 1 I 1 Dalles 2007] MOORING: SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES IN ERIOPHYLLUM 35 Table Continued. 1. Number ofplants Meiotic With that Taxa/Location Population configuration configuration Analyzed WA, Klickitat Co., The 102 33 II 1 Dalles Dam Total 16 (80%) 20 Var. lanatiim (11/32 = 34%; 5/16 = 31%) ID, Idaho Co., Harpster 30 8 II + 2 I 1 Washington Co., 204 8 II + 1 I 3 Beggs 8 II + 2 I Washington Co., 325 8 II + 2 I 4 Brownlee Dam 8 II+2 I to 7 II+4 I OR, Baker Co., Oxbow 205 8 II + 1 I 3 Dam Oxbow Dam 324 8 II + 2 I 5 8 II + 1 I Total 11 (69%) 16 Var. lanceolatiim (0/12; 0/8) Var. leucophyllum (6/37 = 16%; 6/29 = 21%) OR, Douglas Co., Glide 18 16 II + 1 I 1 Douglas Co., Azalea 337 16 II + 2 I 1 Marion Co., Silverton 94 8 II + 2 I or 9 II 1 Multnomah Co., 355 8 II + 2 II* 1 Shepperd's Dell WA, Cowlitz Co., 172 9 II or 8 II + 2 I 1 Kalama River San Juan Co., Orcas 239 8 II + 1 I 1 Island Total 6 (67%) Var. ohovatum (0/13; 0/7) INTERGRADES BETWEEN VARIETIES (7/50 = 14%; 4/34 = 12%) Var. achillioides-yar. arachnoideum (1/12 = 8%; 1/9 = 11%) CA, Napa Co., St. 229 17 II Helena Var. achillioides-yar. grandiflorum (1/17 = 6%; 1/11 = 9%) CA, Glenn Co., 195 17 II or 16 II + 2 I Stonyford Var. achillioides-\ar. leucophyllum (4/5 = 80%; 1/2 = 50%) OREGON, Douglas 338 1 I Co., Dillard 2 I or 9 Var. amchnoideum-\ar. grandiflovum (0/2; 0/2) Var. grandiflorum-integvifolium (1/3 = 33%; 1/2 = 50%) CA, Nevada Co., 332 16 II + 1 I Emigrant Gap Var. grandiflorum-\2iV. lanceolatum (0/1; 0/1) Var. integnfoliunt-\ar. lanatum (0/10; 0/7) TOTAL: (54/459 = 12%; 42/293 = 14%) MADRONO 36 [Vol. 54 Table 2. Supernumerary Chromosomes in Populations of Eriophyllum confertiflorum Var. CONFERTIFLORUM, E. LATILOBUAf, AND PUTATIVE ERIOPHYLLUM CONFERTIFLORUM VAR. CONFERTIFLORUM X E. LANATUM Hybrid Derivatives. Regional and county names are bolded. Locations within counties are approximate. An asterisk indicates that a univalent was seen to divide at Metaphase 1. The numbers followingthe taxon name show, respectively, the frequency ofindividuals and populations with supernumerary chromosomes. The numbers following a county name show the frequency ofpopulations with supernumeraries. Counties, all in California, are arranged in north to south order, as are populations in them. Percentages are rounded. Number ofplants Location Population Meiotic configuration with that configuration Analyzed Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum (24/180 = 13%; 20/133 = 15%) South Coast Ranges Alameda (1/4), Arroyo 16 16 II + 1 I Mocho San Mateo (3/7), 143 8 II + 2 I* Hillsborough Montebello Ridge 22 16 II + 1 I Portola State Park 142 17 II, 16 II + 2 I Santa Clara (3/15), Loma 10 16 II + 2 I Prieta Loma Prieta 11 17 II Mt. Hamilton 18 16 II + 1 I Monterey (4/13), Del 7 16 II + 1 I Monte Carmel Valley 25 17 II 19 II Big Sur 107 8 II + 1 I 1 Lucia 36 16 II + 1 I 2 San Benito (1/10), 136 17 II 1 Pinnacles N. M. Total 14 (70%) 20 Transverse Ranges Santa Barbara (2/9), 67 16 II + 1 I 1 2 Lompoc New Cuyama 150 17 II 2 3 Total 3 (60%) 5 Peninsular Ranges San Diego (2/8), 61 9 II 1 Escondido Vista 147 8 II + 1 I 1 Total 2 (67%) Sierra Nevada Calaveras (1/1), 85 16 II + 1 I 1 Mokelumne Mariposa (1/8), El Portal 127 8 II 1 I 1 Tulare (1/5), Mineral 79 8 II 3 I 1 King Road Kern (1/9), Wofford 77 8 II + 1 fragment 1 Heights 77 8 II + 2 I 1 Total 5 (100%) Eriophyllum latilohum (1/9 11%; 1/2 = 50%) San Mateo, San Mateo 16 II + 2 I 1 (33%) Creek dam Putative natural hybrids, E. lanatum var. arachnoideum X E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum (6/25 = 24%; 4/8 50%) San Mateo, Alpine Road 9 16 II + 1-2 I 1 Black Mountain 1 24 II + 1 I 2 25 II 1 Borel Hill 11 17 II 1 Santa Clara, Montebello 6 25 II 1 Ridge Total 6 (43%) 2007] MOORING: SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES IN ERIOPHYLLUM 37 Nonrandom distribution ofE. confertiflorum var. between the two varieties (Mooring 2001). confertijlorum Tetraploid Populations with Artificial hybridizations between diploids show Supernumerary Chromosomes that barriers to interbreeding are low. Mean percentage pollen fertility of integrifolium X Although the overall ratio ofE. confertiflorum lanatum progeny was 60 ± 23% (Mooring 2001, var. confertijlorum diploid to tetraploid popula- Table 7). tions was 69 to 60, tetraploid populations with The var. grancliflorum populations in Trinity supernumeraries outnumbered diploid ones 13 to County, California, are in a region where vars. 6. That ratio rose to 8 to 2 in Monterey, Santa achillioides, grandiflorum, and lanceolatum meet; Clara, and San Mateo Counties, California. Only some populations there are intermediate. Diploid two populations with supernumeraries were progenies from artificial achillioides X grand- wfeoruenddispoluoitdhs oofnlSyan1t6akBmarabpaarrat, CionunStayn. DTiheegyo iifflloorruumm, XachlialnlcieooidleastumX hylbarnicdeiolzaattuimo,nsahnadvegrmaenadn- County (Table 2). pollen fertilities of, respectively, 57 ± 18%, 66 ± 16%, and 68 ± 16% (Mooring 2001, Table 7). Discussion Similarly, the var. achillioides cluster in Lake and Colusa Counties, Cahfornia, occurs where Frequency of Supernumerary Chromosomes vars. achillioides, arachnoideum, and grandiflorum Probably Underestimated merge. Intergrades are numerous (Mooring 2001). Diploid progenies from vars. achillioides I examined only one or two plants in most X arachnoideum, achillioides X grandiflorum, and populations. Larger samples likely would have arachnoideum X grandiflorum artificial hybridiza- shown more populations with supernumeraries tions had, respectively, pollen fertilities of 74 ± and different frequencies of supernumeraries in 8%, 57 ± 18%, and 51 ± 16% (Mooring 2001, the populations. Table 7). Varieties achillioides and leucophyllum are Hypotheses for Presence of Supernumerary sympatric in southwestern Oregon. (Variety Chromosomes in E. lanatum achillioides populations in northern California and southwestern Oregon differ markedly from Various hypotheses have been proposed to the southern populations. Variety ternatum account for supernumerary chromosomes in Greene has been proposed to recognize them.) other species, including adaptive value and Differentiating between var. achillioides (possibly meiotic drive that could perpetuate extra chro- also var. ternatum) and var. leucophyllum be- mosomes even if they had deleterious effects. I comes difficult or impossible, notably in Douglas haveno informationabout E. lanatum thatwould County, Oregon. Artificial hybridizations be- support or discount adaptive value or meiotic tween Douglas County Population 338 and two drive. Supernumerary chromosomes, however, var. leucophyllum populations produced diploid can be transmitted in E. lanatum varieties progenies whose mean pollen fertility was 78% ± (Table 3, 4). Also, artificial hybridizations of 16 and 81% ± 13 (Mooring, unpublished). diploids representing vars. achillioides, grand- iflorum, integrifolium, and lanatum show that barriers to interbreeding are comparatively low Hypotheses for Nonrandom Distribution of (Mooring 2001, Table 7). E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum Tetraploid Natural hybridization between chromosomally Populations with Supernumerary Chromosomes differentiated populations could lead to gametes with extra chromosomes. The meiotic configura- At least three hypotheses can be made for the tions in the progenies of Crosses 8, 16, and 17 nonrandom distribution ofE. confertiflorum var. (Table 3) suggest chromosomal restructuring confertijlorum tetraploid populations with super- accompanied by the presence of supernumerary numerary chromosomes, especially those in chromosomes. Chromosomal restructuring is Monterey, Santa Clara, and San Mateo Counties evident from many other artificial hybridizations (Table 2): 1) supernumerary chromosomes are between diploids in E. lanatum (Mooring 2001). adaptive, 2) meiotic drive exists, and 3) local Except for the Elko County, Nevada, var. climatic or edaphic conditions affect meiosis and integrifolium population, all others with a high thereby lead to gametes with extra chromosomes. frequency of supernumerary chromosomes oc- These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive. curred where different varieties meet. The Adams Two other explanations peculiar to polyploids County, Washington, var. integrifolium popula- are: 1) tetraploids tolerate supernumeraries better tion is adjacent to var. lanatum populations. than diploids, and 2) some plants described as Variety integrifolium populations surround the having supernumerary chromosomes may be var. lanatum populations along the Snake River. aneuploids generated by neopolyploids (see Oregon has diploid populations intermediate Ramsey and Schemske 2002, pp. 601-607). MADRONO 38 [Vol. 54 Table 3. Artificial Intervarietaland Interspecific Hybridizationsin EriophyllumlanatumandE. CONFERTIFLORUM VAR. CONFERTIFLORUM THAT PRODUCED PROGENY WITH SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES. Seed parent is listed first. Only one plant in each progeny was examined meiotically. Each of the 17 crosses is numbered. Bolded chromosomecounts are those known for the parent, unbolded those known forthepopulation that furnished it. Parental taxa and location Parents Meiotic configuration SECTION CHROMOSOME NUMBER OF BOTH PARENTS KNOWN 1. Eriophyllum confertiflorwu var. confertiflorimi X E. lanatum var. lanatum, CALIFORNIA, Mariposa X OREGON, Baker 1. Eagle Peak X Oxbow Dam S127-2 (8 11 + 1 I) X S324-7 (8 II + 1 I) 8 II + 1 I Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorwu X E. lanatwyi var. croceum, CALIFORNIA, Mariposa X Fresno 2. Eagle Peak X Badger SI27-2 (8 II + 1 I) X S309-22 (8 II) 8 II + 1 I to 6 II + 5 I Eriophyllum lanatum var. obovatum X var. lanatunu CALIFORNIA, San Bernardino x OREGON, Baker 3. Running Springs X Oxbow Dam S289-14 (8 II) X S324-3 (8 II + 1 I) 8 II + 1 I (I frequently divides at Ml) SECTION CHROMOSOME NUMBER OF SEED PARENT KNOWN 2. Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium X var. arachnoicleum, WASHINGTON, Adams X CALIFORNIA, Mendocino 4. Ritzville X Elk S265-4A (8 II + 2 I) X S212-I (8 II) 9 II, occasional 8 II + 2 I Eriophyllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorimi X E. confertiflorum var. confertiflorum CALIFORNIA, Mariposa X Santa Cruz 5. Eagle Peak X Bonny Doon SI27-2 (8 II + 1 I) X 20 (8 II) 8 II + 1 I Eriophyllum lanatum var. achillioides X var. lanatunu CALIFORNIA, Yolo, X IDAHO, Washington 6. Winters x Brownlee Dam S150-2 (8 II) X S204-3 (8 II, 8 II + 1 8 II + 1 I or 2 I) Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium X var. lanatum, OREGON, Union X OREGON, Baker 7. Elgin X Oxbow S267-33 (8 II) X S205-34 (8 II, 8 II + 1 I 8 II + 1 I) Eriophyllum lanatum var. lanceolatum X var. achillioides, CALIFORNIA, Humboldt x CALIFORNIA, Santa Clara S8.ESClaTtIeOCNreekCXHLRoOmMaOPSriOetMa E NUMBER O28F0-P3O(L8LIIE)NXP38A-R11EN(8TIIK)NOWN 8 II + 1 I, 7 II + 3 I 3. Eriophvllum lanatum var. integrifolium X var. lanatum, WYOMING, Yellowstone National Park X IDAHO, Washington 9. Tower Junction X Brownlee Dam S58-1 (8 II) X S204-1 (8 II + 2 I) 8 II + 2 I or 9 II Eriophyllum lanatum var. araclmoideum X Eriophvllum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum, CALIFORNIA, Mendocino X Los Angeles 10. Elk X Vincent S212-1 (8 II) X S74-4B (8 II + 1 I) 8 II + 1 I Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandifloruni X var. grandifloruni, CALIFORNIA, Trinity X CALIFORNIA, El Dorado 11. Trinity Center X Coloma SI84-1 (8 II) X S187-2 (8 II) 8 II + 1 I + 1 fragment 2007] MOORING: SUPERNUMERARY CHROMOSOMES IN ERIOPHYLLUM 39 Table 3. Continued. Parental taxa and location Parents Meiotic configuration EriophvUum /anaturn var. arachnoideum X var. leucophyUimu CALIFORNIA, San Mateo X OREGON, Multnomah S12E.CWToIodOsNideCXHSRheOppMeOrdS^sODMeEllNUMBER OF NE3I3T0-H1ER(8PIIA)RXESN3T55K-4NO(8WINI), THAT8OIIF+P1AIRENTAL 4. POPULATION KNOWN EriophvUum kmatimi var. achillioides X var. hallii. CALIFORNIA, Santa Barbara X CALIFORNIA, Contra Costa 13. Mt Diablo X New Cuyama S306sih (8 II) X S7-3 (8 II) II + 1 I Eriophyllum lanatum var. arachnoideum X var. obovatum, CALIFORNIA, San Mateo X CALIFORNIA, Kern 14. Woodside X Greenhorn Summit 330-2 (8 II) X 322-17 (811) II + 1 fragment EriophvUum confertiflorum var. confertijlorum X EriophyUum confertiflorum var. confertiflorum, CALIFORNIA, San Diego X Santa Cruz 15. San Diego X Bonny Doon S120-1 (8 II) X 20 (8 II) 8 II + 1 fragment EriophyUum lanatum var. integrifolium X var. integrifolium, WYOMING, Yellowstone National Park X IDAHO, Boise 16. Tower Junction X Banks S58-4 (8 II) X S158-8 (811) 8 II+ 1 I, occasional 6 II + 1 IV + 1 I Eriophyllum lanatum var. grandiflorum X var. leucophvllum, CALIFORNIA, Tehama X WASHINGTON, Island 17. Payne's Creek X Deception Pass S199-12 (8 II) X 237-1 (8 II) 6 II + 4 I most frequent, also 8 II, 7 II + 2 I, I sometimes divides, 7 II + 3 I, 6 II + 5 I, 5 II + 1 III + 1 I Supernumerary Chromosomes and Dysploidy involved in the formation of the dysploid series. Supernumerary chromosomes might have be- In Eriophyllum, as presently constituted, base come members of the A complement, especially chromosome numbers are ^ = 4, 5, and 7 for the ifthey are trisomies. Alternatively, extra chromo- annual species and n = ^ for the perennial somes might be obtained by interspecific hybri- species. Two annual species have extra chromo- dizations. Lewis (1953) suggested that ascending somes. Counts for E. wallacei are 5 II + 0-1 I dysploidy {x = 7, 8, and 9) in Clarkia may have (Taylor 1967; Strother 1972, 1976; Johnson involved the acquisition of supernumerary chro- 1978), and 5 II + 0-3 B chromosomes (Johnson mosomes or the occurrence of interspecific 1978). Counts for E. pringleiare 7 II + 0-1 centric hybridizations. Lewis and Roberts (1956) de- fragment (Strother 1972, 1976), 8 II (Keil and scribed the origin of Clarkia lingulata {n = 9) Pinkava 1976), 7 II + 0-1 I and 7 II + 0-3 B from C. biloba(^7 = 8) bytheaddition ofa tertiary chromosomes (Johnson 1978). Supernumerary trisomic. chromosomes are also present in the perennial It is interesting that base haploid chromosome eriophyllums. Eriophyllum Icmatum has one to numbers in the closely related genera Eriophyl- four supernumerary chromosomes; E. conferti- lum, Syntrichopappus, and Pseudobahia (Baldwin florum var. confertiflorum has one, two, or six and Wessa 2000) form the dysploid series 8-7-6-5- supernumerary chromosomes. 4-3. Perhaps significantly, P. heermannii (Dur- Grant (1981, pp. 358-360) referred to a base and) Rydb. has three base haploid chromosome haploid chromosome number series of8-7-( )-4-3 numbers and chromosomes in excess ofthe basic in Eriophyllum and Pseudobahia as an example of complement, 2/7 = 6+0-2 I, 2/z = 8 +0-1 I or0-1 "descending aneuploidy" derived by unequal B, and In = 10 + 0-1 I (Johnson 2006). For the reciprocal translocations. (The symbol ( ) indi- past three years, I have been maintained an cates missing intermediate numbers.) However, artificial hybridization program in Pseudobahia supernumerarychromosomes may also have been heermcmni to analyze meiosis, detect barriers to

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