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Superhero Sewing: Playful Easy Sew and No Sew Designs for Powering Kids' Big Adventures--Includes Full Size Patterns PDF

147 Pages·2017·13.981 MB·English
by  HuertaLane
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Preview Superhero Sewing: Playful Easy Sew and No Sew Designs for Powering Kids' Big Adventures--Includes Full Size Patterns

superhero CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 11 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR21PP06))//66 //1177 84::4266 APMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 11 superhero CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 22 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 22 superhero Playful, Easy-to-Sew and No-Sew Designs ffoorr PPoowweerriinngg KKiiddss’’ Big Adventures LANE HUERTA CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 33 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 33 Brimming with creative inspiration, how-to projects, and useful information to enrich your everyday life, Quarto Knows is a favorite destination for those pursuing their interests and passions. Visit our site and dig deeper with our books into your area of interest: Quarto Creates, Quarto Cooks, Quarto Homes, Quarto Lives, Quarto Drives, Quarto Explores, Quarto Gifts, or Quarto Kids. Text © 2017 Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc. Project designs © 2017 Lane Huerta Lifestyle photography © 2017 Lyn Bonham First published in 2017 by Creative Publishing international, an imprint of The Quarto Group, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. T (612) 344-8100 F (612) 344-8692 QuartoKnows.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owners. All images in this book have been reproduced with the knowledge and prior consent of the artists concerned, and no responsibility is accepted by producer, publisher, or printer for any infringement of copyright or otherwise, arising from the contents of this publication. Every effort has been made to ensure that credits accurately comply with information supplied. We apologize for any inaccuracies that may have occurred and will resolve inaccurate or missing information in a subsequent reprinting of the book. Creative Publishing international titles are also available at discount for retail, wholesale, promotional, and bulk purchase. For details, contact the Special Sales Manager by email at [email protected] or by mail at The Quarto Group, Attn: Special Sales Manager, 401 Second Avenue North, Suite 310, Minneapolis, MN 55401, USA. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 978-1-58923-944-9 Digital edition published in 2017 eISBN: 978-1-63159-415-1 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data available Design: Think Studio | thinkstudionyc.com Page Layout: Sporto Photography: Lyn Bonham and Lane Huerta Printed in China CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 44 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 44 For Clementine CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 55 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 55 contents preface...9 1 2 3 sewing essentials...10 superheroes...30 pirates...52 basic tools...12 getting ready to sew...32 getting ready to sew...54 fabrics...16 kid’s cape...36 skull and crossbones cape...58 working with the patterns...18 sidekick cape...40 banner...59 helpful terms...20 mask...42 pirate hat...60 fundamental techniques...22 superhero hat...44 eye patch...64 use your superpowers...28 power cuffs...48 caring for your playwear...29 CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 66 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 66 4 5 6 fairy queen and magicians...82 woodland dragon king...66 creatures...98 getting ready to sew...84 getting ready to sew...100 getting ready to sew...68 cloak and collar...88 bunny hat...104 fairy queen crown...72 magician’s hat...90 bunny tail...106 dragon king crown...74 never-ending scarf...92 fox hat...108 wings...75 rabbit...94 fox tail...110 painting playwear...78 magic wand...96 star scepter...80 patterns...112 resources...141 acknowledgments...142 about the author...143 CC 22 about the photographer...143 11 index...144 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 77 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 77 CC 22 11 of of oo rr PP SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg__000011--111111__1122550033__CC22..iinndddd 88 JJoobb:: 1122550033 TTiittllee:: ##222244550000 -- SSuuppeerrhheerroo SSeewwiinngg ((RR11PP66))//66 //1177 44::4276 PPMM Text GGLLPP PPaaggee:: 88

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