Superfield Effective Potential for the Supersymmetric Topologically Massive Gauge theory in Four Dimensions F. S. Gama,1,∗ M. Gomes,2,† J. R. Nascimento,1,‡ A. Yu. Petrov,1,§ and A. J. da Silva2,¶ 1Departamento de Física, Universidade Federal da Paraíba Caixa Postal 5008, 58051-970, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil 5 2Departamento de Física Matemática, Universidade de São Paulo, 1 0 Caixa Postal 66318, 05314-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil 2 n Abstract a J We explicitly calculate the one-loop kählerian effective potential for the supersymmetric topo- 6 1 logically massive gauge theory in four dimensions which involves two gauge superfields, the usual ] h scalar one and the spinor one originally introduced by Siegel, coupled to a chiral scalar matter. t - p e h [ 1 v 1 6 0 4 0 . 1 0 5 1 : v i X r a ∗Electronic address: †Electronic address: [email protected] ‡Electronic address: §Electronic address: ¶Electronic address: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION It is well known (see f.e. [1]) that in a four-dimensional space-time, three types of con- strained superfields exist, consisting of irreducible representations of the supersymmetry algebra, that is, chiral, antichiral and linear superfields. The scalar chiral and antichiral superfields are well studied being the basic ingredients of the Wess-Zumino model and many other field theories [2, 3]. Another well-studied important example is a real gauge superfield which is a reducible one since it is unconstrained, represents itself as a natural superfield extension of the usual gauge field, being thus a basic ingredient for supergauge theories such as super-QED and super-Yang-Mills theory (for different aspects of supergauge theories, see [1–3]andmany othertextbooks). However, thesemodels do notexhaust theset ofphysically interesting theories. In this paper, we consider a model for a spinor chiral superfield coupled to an usual chiral matter. Originally, the spinor chiral superfield was introduced in [4] where it was shown to correspond to the so-called tensor multiplet and to allow for introducing, first, a new supergauge model, and second, a topological mass term in the case of coupling of the spinor gauge superfield to the usual real gauge scalar superfield. One more interesting feature of this model is that the gauge invariant strength, corresponding to spinor chiral and antichiral superfields, is just a linear superfield, differently from the chiral one, occurring for the real scalar superfield [1]. While in [4] only the free theory has been considered, we study here its coupling to a chiral matter. Classical aspects of this model were discussed in [5]. An alternative coupling for the linear superfield and tensor multiplet has been discussed in [6], where some of its string-related aspects were considered (for applications of this multiplet see also the references therein). Using the previously developed superfield effective potential methodology [7–10], we calculate the one-loop superfield effective potential for this theory. We emphasize that, up to now, there were no examples of quantum calculations involving the chiral spinor superfields. The structure of the paper looks like follows. In the section II, we discuss the classical action of the chiral spinor gauge superfield, coupled to the usual scalar gauge superfield and a chiral matter. In the section III we calculate the one-loop effective potential in this theory, and the section IV contains the summary of our results. 2 II. SUPERSYMMETRIC TOPOLOGICALLY MASSIVE GAUGE THEORY Let us start our study with the supersymmetric topologically massive gauge theory which will be used to find the one-loop Kählerian effective potential (KEP). In the pure gauge sector, we have [4] 1 1 S = d6zWαW − d8zG2 −m d8zVG , (1) G α 2 Z 2 Z Z where m is a constant with mass dimension equal to 1, and 1 W = iD¯2D V , G = − (Dαψ +D¯α˙ψ¯ ) , (2) α α α α˙ 2 ¯ where ψ , ψ arechiral andantichiral spinor superfield corresponding tothe tensor multiplet α α˙ [1], and V is an usual real gauge superfield. Actually, G is a linear superfield satisfying the relation D2G = D¯2G = 0. The superfield strengths W , G, and the action (1) are invariant α under the Abelian gauge transformations: δV = i(Λ¯ −Λ) , δψ = iD¯2D L , δψ¯ = −iD2D¯ L , (3) α α α˙ α˙ where Λ is a chiral superfield, and Λ¯ is an antichiral one, and L = L¯ is a real scalar one [1]. Let us show that the theory (1) describes a massive gauge theory. For this, let us extract the equations of motion by varying the action (1) with respect to the superfields V and ψ . α Then, we get δS G = iD Wα −mG = 0 , (4) α δV δS G = D¯2DαG−imWα = 0 . (5) δψ α On the one hand, if we multiply eq. (4) by D¯2Dβ and use D¯2DβD Wα = (cid:3)Wβ, we get α ((cid:3)−m2)Wα = 0 . (6) On the other hand, if we multiply eq. (5) by D and use D D¯2DαG = (cid:3)G, we get α α ((cid:3)−m2)G = 0 . (7) Therefore, from eqs. (6) and (7), we can conclude that the superfield strengths W and G α satisfy massive Klein-Gordon equations. 3 In order to perform quantum calculations, we must add to (1) a gauge-fixing term. In particular, we will consider the following one [4]: 1 1 S = − d8zV{D2,D¯2}V − d8z(Dαψ −D¯α˙ψ¯ )2 , (8) GF α α˙ 2α Z 8β Z where α and β are the gauge-fixing parameters. The ghosts are completely factorized since the theory is Abelian. Now, let us introduce interaction between the (anti-)chiral scalar superfield and the gauge superfields [2]. Under the usual gauge transformation, the chiral and antichiral matter superfields transform as [1] Φ′ = e2igΛΦ , Φ¯′ = Φ¯e−2igΛ¯ . (9) The interaction term that we will consider in this paper, which is invariant under the com- bined transformations (3) and (9), is given by [11] S = d8zΦ¯e2gVΦe4hG . (10) M Z The coupling constants g and h have mass dimensions zero and −1, respectively. The model S +S [see eqs. (1) and (10)] was considered in [5] in the study of the formation of cosmic G M strings. It follows from this expression that the tree-level KEP is K(0) = ΦΦ¯. (11) Finally, the supersymmetric topologically massive gauge theory that we will study in this work follows from (1), (8), and (10): 1 1 1 1 S = − d8zV(−DαD¯2D + {D2,D¯2})V − d8z 1+ [ψ DαDβψ α α β 2 Z α 8 Z n β (cid:0) (cid:1) 1 m +ψ¯ D¯α˙D¯β˙ψ¯ ]+2 1− ψ DαD¯β˙ψ¯ + d8zV(Dαψ +D¯α˙ψ¯ ) α˙ β˙ β α β˙o 2 Z α α˙ (cid:0) (cid:1) + d8zΦ¯e2gVΦe−2h(Dαψα+D¯α˙ψ¯α˙) , (12) Z where we explicitly wrote the gauge superfields. The standard method of calculating the effective action is based on the methodology of the loop expansion [12]. To do this, we make a shift Φ → Φ + φ in the superfield Φ (together with the analogous shift for Φ¯), where now Φ is a background (super)field and φ is 4 ¯ a quantum one. We assume that the gauge superfields V, ψ , and ψ are quantum. In order α α˙ to calculate the effective action at the one-loop level, we have to keep only the quadratic terms in the quantum superfieds. By using this prescription, we get from (12) S [Φ¯,Φ;φ¯,φ,ψ ,ψ¯ ,V] = S +S , (13) 2 α α˙ q int 1 1 1 1 S = d8z −V(cid:3)(Π + Π )V − 1+ (ψ DαDβψ +ψ¯ D¯α˙D¯β˙ψ¯ ) q 2 Z 1/2 α 0 4 β α β α˙ β˙ (cid:2) (cid:2)(cid:0) (cid:1) 1 +2 1− ψ DαD¯β˙ψ¯ +2φ¯φ , (14) β α β˙ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:3) 1 S = d8z (m−8ghΦ¯Φ)V(Dαψ +D¯α˙ψ¯ )+2(2g)Φ¯Vφ+2(2g)Φφ¯V int α α˙ 2 Z (cid:8) +(2g)2Φ¯ΦV2 −4hΦ¯(Dαψ +D¯α˙ψ¯ )φ−4hΦφ¯(Dαψ +D¯α˙ψ¯ ) α α˙ α α˙ +(2h)2Φ¯Φ[(Dαψ )Dβψ +(D¯α˙ψ¯ )D¯β˙ψ¯ +2(Dαψ )D¯α˙ψ¯ ] , (15) α β α˙ β˙ α α˙ (cid:9) where the irrelevant terms were omitted, including those involving covariant derivatives of the background (anti-)chiral superfields. Moreover, we used the projection operators Π ≡ −(cid:3)−1DαD¯2D and Π ≡ (cid:3)−1{D2,D¯2}. 1/2 α 0 The one-loop approximation does not depend on how we break the Lagrangian into free and interacting parts [13]. However, by convenience, we will extract the propagators from the terms that are independent of the background superfields and the vertices from the ones in which the quantum superfields interact with the background ones. In the gauges α = 0 and β = −1, we obtain from S the propagators q 1 2p 1 ¯ αα˙ ¯ hV(1)V(2)i = − (Π ) δ , hψ (1)ψ (2)i = δ , hφ(1)φ(2)i = δ . (16) p2 1/2 1 12 α α˙ p4 12 p2 12 Before we start the calculation of the one-loop supergraphs, we first notice from (15) that there is a factor DαD¯2 in a vertex at one end of the propagator hψ (1)ψ¯ (2)i, and there α α˙ is a factor D¯α˙D2 in the other vertex at the other end of the same propagator. Here the factors D¯2 and D2 are present in the vertices due to the chirality (antichirality) of the ¯ superfield ψ (ψ ) just as in the usual Wess-Zumino model, because of the properties of α α˙ the variational derivatives with respect to the chiral superfields (see [1–3]), and the Dα, D¯α˙ arise from the explicit form of the vertices. It is convenient to go from the above used formulation of propagators where the derivatives D2, D¯2 are associated with the vertices, to a formulation where these derivatives are incorporated into the propagators (these two mannerstointroduce theFeynmansupergraphs exist also intheWess-Zumino model, seef.e. ¯ [1]). In other words, we associate the covariant derivatives with the propagator hψ (1)ψ (2)i α α˙ 5 (instead to the vertices) and defining a new scalar field ψ = Dαψ with the propagator: α hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i ≡ DαD¯2D¯α˙D2hψ (1)ψ¯ (2)i = 2(Π ) δ , (17) 1 1 2 2 α α˙ 1/2 1 12 where we used the fact that D¯α˙D2δ = −D2D¯α˙δ , and the factors D2, D¯2 emerged due to 2 2 12 1 1 12 propertiesofvariationalderivatives. Wecanalsoapplythesamereasoningforthepropagator ¯ hφ(1)φ(2)i and for the vertices involving the scalar (anti-)chiral superfields. In summary, by transferring all covariant derivatives from the vertices (15) to the prop- agators (16), we get 1 hV(1)V(2)i = − (Π ) δ , (18) p2 1/2 1 12 ¯ ¯ hψ(1)ψ(2)i = hψ(1)ψ(2)i = 2(Π ) δ , (19) 1/2 1 12 ¯ ¯ hφ(1)φ(2)i = −(Π ) δ , hφ(1)φ(2)i = −(Π ) δ , (20) − 1 12 + 1 12 where Π ≡ (cid:3)−1D¯2D2 and Π ≡ (cid:3)−1D2D¯2 are projection operators. These propagators − + will connect the following new vertices: 1 S˜ = d8z 2MV(ψ +ψ¯)+2(2g)Φ¯Vφ+2(2g)Φφ¯V +(2g)2Φ¯ΦV2 int 2 Z (cid:8) −4hΦ¯(ψ +ψ¯)φ−4hΦφ¯(ψ +ψ¯)+(2h)2Φ¯Φ[ψ2 +ψ¯2 +2ψψ¯] , (21) (cid:9) where M ≡ 1(m−8ghΦ¯Φ). Therefore, now the vertices involve only scalar superfields. 2 Inthenext section, we willperformthecalculations of theone-loopsupergraphs using the propagators (18-20), written in terms of projection operators, and the vertices (21), written only in terms of scalar superfields, instead of the original propagators (16) and the original vertices (15). III. ONE-LOOP CALCULATIONS Now, let us start the calculations of the one-loop supergraphs contributing to the KEP. Since Π Π = Π Π = Π Π = Π Π = 0, it follows from (18-20) that there can be 1/2 − − 1/2 1/2 + + 1/2 no mixed contributions containing both gauge and matter propagators at one-loop order. Therefore, the basic supergraphs contributing to the effective action in the theory under consideration are of three types: first, those with internal lines composed of propagators ¯ hψ(1)ψ(2)i only; second, those composed of propagators hV(1)V(2)i only; third, those in- ¯ volving alternating propagators hψ(1)ψ(2)i and hV(1)V(2)i. In our graphical notation, the 6 ¯ dashed line is for < ψψ > propagator, the wavy line is for < VV > propagator, and the double one is for Φ or Φ¯ background fields. ❅❅❅❅ ★✥ ★✥ ★✥... (cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0)(cid:0) ✧✦ ✧✦ ✧✦ FIG. 1: One-loop supergraphs composed by propagators hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i. It is easy to verify that the contribution to the effective action generated by the sum of supergraphs at the Fig. 1, with simple propagators (19), and the vertices 2(2h)2(ΦΦ¯)ψψ¯ is zero. Indeed, it is equal to ∞ 1 Γ = [4(2h2)ΦΦ¯ < ψψ¯ >]n, (22) 0 2n Xn=1 where the coefficient 4 is caused by two different contractions. Using the explicit form of the propagators (19), we get ∞ 1 Γ = d8z [4(2h2)ΦΦ¯Π ]nδ8(z −z )| , (23) 0 Z 12n 1/2 1 2 z1=z2 Xn=1 Then, we take into account that (Π )n = Π , and Π δ8(z − z )| = −21δ4(x − 1/2 1/2 1/2 1 2 z1=z2 (cid:3) 1 x )| . Carrying out the Fourier transform, we have 2 x1=x2 ∞ 1 d4k 1 Γ = d8z[4(2h2)ΦΦ¯]n , (24) 0 2n Z Z (2π)4k2 Xn=1 but within the dimensional regularization framework implemented through the replacement d4k → µ4−2ωd2ωk, one has d2ωk 1 = 0. Hence, this contribution vanishes. (2π)2ω k2 R ✰ ✰ ✰ ✳✳✳ FIG. 2: Dressed propagator hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i . The vertices are 2(2h)2(ΦΦ¯)ψψ¯. D Now, let us sum over the vertices (2h)2Φ¯Φψ2 and (2h)2Φ¯Φψ¯2. The corresponding super- graphsagainexhibit structures similar toFig. 1withonlyeven number ofvertices. However, it is worth to point out that we can insert an arbitrary number of vertices (2h)2Φ¯Φψψ¯ into 7 ¯ the propagators hψ(1)ψ(2)i. Therefore, we should firstly introduce a "dressed" propagator. In this propagator, the summation over all vertices (2h)2Φ¯Φψψ¯ is performed (see Fig. 2). As a result, this dressed propagator is equal to hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i = hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i+ d4θ hψ(1)ψ¯(3)i[(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ(3)ψ¯(2)i+ d4θ d4θ D 3 3 3 4 Z Z × hψ(1)ψ¯(3)i[(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ(3)ψ¯(4)i[(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ(4)ψ¯(2)i+... . (25) 3 4 By using (19), integrating by parts, and summing the resultant series, we arrive at 2Π ¯ 1/2 hψ(1)ψ(2)i = δ . (26) D (cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ(cid:19) 12 1 Afterwards, we can compute all the contributions by noting that each one-loop supergraph above is formed by n vertices like those ones given by Fig. 3. ✷➥ ✷➥ ✭✄❤✂ ☎☎ ✭✄❤✂ ☎☎ ➥ ➥ ✁✭(cid:0)✂✁✭✄✂ ❉ ✁✭✄✂✁✭✆✂ ❉ FIG. 3: A typical vertex in one-loop supergraphs involving (2h)2Φ¯Φψ2 and (2h)2Φ¯Φψ¯2. Hence, the contribution of this vertex is given by 2Π 2Π Q = d4θ [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] 1/2 δ [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] 1/2 δ 13 Z 2 1h(cid:16)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ(cid:17)1 12i 2h(cid:16)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ(cid:17)2 23i 2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 2 = Π δ . (27) (cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 1/2(cid:19) 13 1 It follows from the result above that the contribution of a supergraph formed by n vertices is given by 1 d4p I = d4x d4θ d4θ ...d4θ Q Q ...Q Q n Z 2n Z 1 3 2n−1Z (2π)4 13 35 2n−3,2n−1 2n−1,1 1 d4p 2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 2 = d4x d4θ d4θ d4θ ...d4θ Π δ Z 2n Z 1 3 5 2n−1Z (2π)4h(cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 1/2(cid:19)1 13i 2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 2 2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 2 × Π δ ... Π δ (cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 1/2(cid:19) 35 (cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 1/2(cid:19) 2n−1,1 h 3 i h 2n−1 i 1 d4p 2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 2n = Z d8z2n Z (2π)4(cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ(cid:19) Π1/2δθθ′|θ=θ′ . (28) 8 By using Π1/2δθθ′|θ=θ′ = 2/p2, we get the effective action ∞ d4p 1 2(2h)2Φ¯Φ 2 Γ(1) = I = − d8z ln 1− . (29) 1 n Z Z (2π)4p2 (cid:20) (cid:18)1−2(2h)2Φ¯Φ(cid:19) (cid:21) Xn=1 The integral over the momenta vanishes within the dimensional regularization scheme. Therefore, (1) Γ = 0 . (30) 1 We will not calculate explicitly the one-loop supergraphs involving the gauge superfield propagators hV(1)V(2)i connecting the vertices (2g)2Φ¯ΦV2, because the result is already known and described in [10]. Therefore, it is given by d4p 1 (2g)2Φ¯Φ Γ(1) = − d8z ln 1+ . (31) 2 Z Z (2π)4p2 (cid:20) p2 (cid:21) FIG. 4: One-loop supergraphs composed by propagators hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i and hV(1)V(2)i. ✰ ✰ ✰ ✳✳✳ FIG. 5: Dressed propagator hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i . 2D Finally, let us move on to the last type of one-loop supergraphs, which involve the prop- ¯ agators hψ(1)ψ(2)i and hV(1)V(2)i in the internal lines connecting the vertices MVψ and MVψ¯ (see Fig. 4). As before, we can insert an arbitrary number of vertices (2h)2Φ¯Φψψ¯ ¯ into the propagators hψ(1)ψ(2)i. Moreover, we can also insert an arbitrary number of pairs of the vertices (2h)2Φ¯Φψ2 and (2h)2Φ¯Φψ¯2 into hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i. Since hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i has 9 already been dressed by (2h)2Φ¯Φψψ¯ in (25-26), it follows that the desired dressed propa- gator hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i is equal to the summation over all pairs of the vertices (2h)2Φ¯Φψ2 and 2D (2h)2Φ¯Φψ¯2 into hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i (see Fig. 5). Therefore, we get D hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i = hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i + d4θ d4θ hψ(1)ψ¯(3)i [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ¯(3)ψ(4)i 2D D 3 4 D 3 D Z × [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ(4)ψ¯(2)i + d4θ d4θ d4θ d4θ hψ(1)ψ¯(3)i [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] 4 D 3 4 5 6 D 3 Z × hψ¯(3)ψ(4)i [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ(4)ψ¯(5)i [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ¯(5)ψ(6)i D 4 D 5 D × [(2h)2Φ¯Φ] hψ(6)ψ¯(2)i +... . (32) 6 D After some algebraic work, we find 1 hψ(1)ψ¯(2)i = (2f(Φ¯Φ)Π ) δ , where f(Φ¯Φ) ≡ . (33) 2D 1/2 1 12 1−4(2h)2Φ¯Φ Additionally, we can also insert an arbitrary number of vertices (2g)2Φ¯ΦV2 into the prop- agators hV(1)V(2)i. In this case, the dressed propagator hV(1)V(2)i is already known in D the literature and it is given by [14] −Π 1/2 hV(1)V(2)i = δ . (34) D (cid:18)p2 +(2g)2Φ¯Φ(cid:19) 12 1 As before, we can compute all the contributions by noting that each supergraph above (Fig. 4) is formed by n fragments, like those depicted in Fig. 6. This fragment yields the contribution −Π R = d4θ (M) 1/2 δ (M) (2fΠ ) δ 13 Z 2 1h(cid:16)p2 +(2g)2Φ¯Φ(cid:17)1 12i 2h 1/2 2 23i −2fM2Π 1/2 = δ . (35) (cid:18)p2 +(2g)2Φ¯Φ(cid:19) 13 1 ▼ ▼ ➥ ❱✭(cid:0)✁❱✭✂✁ ❉ ✄✭✂✁✄✭☎✁ ✷❉ FIG. 6: A typical vertex in one-loop supergraphs involving MVψ and MVψ¯. 10