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3 Super ooling and the Metal-Insulator Phase Transition of NdNiO ∗ Devendra Kumar and K. P. Rajeev Department of Physi s, Indian Institute of Te hnology, Kanpur, 208016, India J. A. Alonso and M. J. Martínez-Lope Instituto de Cien ia de Materiales de Madrid, CSIC, Cantoblan o, E-28049 Madrid, Spain We report the temperature and time dependen e of ele tri al resistivity on high temperature, 3 3 highoxygenpressure preparedpoly rystalline samplesofNdNiO . NdNiO ismetalli above195K 8 and below that temperature it undergoes a transition to an insulating state. We (cid:28)nd that on 0 3 ooling NdNiO below 195K it goes into a state whi h is not in thermodynami equilibrium and 0 slowly relaxes over several hours. As we ool it further and go below about 110K it goes into a 2 stable insulating state. On heating the system from the insulating state towards 200K we (cid:28)nd n that it remains stable and insulating and undergoes a rather sharp insulator to metal transition in a the temperature range 185K to 195K. We try to make sense of these and a few other interesting J observationsonthebasisofour urrentunderstandingof(cid:28)rstorderphasetransitions,super ooling, 0 and metal-insulator transitions. 1 PACSnumbers: 64.60.A-,64.60.ah,64.60.My,64.70.K-,71.30.+h, ] Keywords: Metal-Insulator Transition, Nonequilibrium, Hysteresis, Super ooling, Phase Transition, Relax- r ation,TimeDependen e e h ot I. INTRODUCTION aresignaturesofa(cid:28)rstorderphasetransition11,12. There t. isalsoTahysteresisin ele troni transportproperties just a MI11 below . The hysteresis in transport measurements m Rare earth ni kelates with the hemi al formula 3 points toward the oexisten e of metalli and insulating RNiO , whereRstandsforarareearthion, isoneofthe T - phases below MI11. In this paper we report a detailed d few families of oxides that undergoes a (cid:28)rst ordermetal- 3 TMI study of the nature of NdNiO below through tem- n insulator phase transition. A metal-insulator transition o (M-I transition) is an ele troni phase transition whi h perature and time dependent ele tri al resistivity mea- c surements. is usually solid to solid. The (cid:28)rst order ele troni phase [ transition in many systems is asso iated with a hystere- 2 sis, and they exhibit a phase separated (PS) state in the v vi inity of the transition1,2,3. The PS state has drawn II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 0 a lot of attention in the ase of manganites, mainly due 9 3 9 to its impli ations for olossal magnetoresistan e, and it Poly rystalline NdNiO samples in the form of 6mm 3 exhibitsavarietyoftimedependente(cid:27)e tssu hasrelax- diameterand1mmthi kpelletswerepreparedand har- . ation of resistivity2,4 and magnetization5 and giant 1/f a terized as des ribed elsewhere13. Th◦e preparation 2 6 1 noise . method uses a high temperature of 1000 C and a high 3 7 RNiO rystallizes in the orthorhombi ally distorted oxygen pressure of 200bar. bnm 0 perovskite stru ture with spa e group P . The de- Allthetemperatureandtimedependentmeasurements : gree of distortion in reases with de rease in size of rare were done in a home made ryostat. To avoid ther- v i earth ion as one moves towards the right in t6=he peri- mal gradients in the sample during measurement it was X 7 odi table . The ground state of ni kelates (R La) is mounted inside a thi k-walled opper en losure so that r insulatingandantiferromagneti . Onin reasingthetem- during the measurement the sample temperature would a peraturethese ompoundsundergoatemperaturedriven be uniform. It was found that mounting the sample like antiferromagneti to paramagneti transition,and an in- this improved the reprodu ibility of the data, espe ially 3 3 sulator to metal transition. ForTNdNiO and PrNiO , in the time dependen e measurements, signi(cid:28) antly. A MI the M-I transition tempTerature ( ) and the maTgneti LakeshoreCryotroni stemperature ontrollermodel 340 N MI ordering tempTerature ( ) are the same, while is was used to ontrol the temperature and the tempera- N greater3than for l3ater meTmMbIers of the series su h as ture stability was found to be better than 3mK during EuNiO and SmNiO . The of ni kelates in reases onstant temperature measurements. with de reasing size of the rare earth ion and the later Below TMI NdNiO3 is not in thermodynami equilib- membersoftheseriesalsoshowa hargeorderingtransi- rium and slowlyrelaxes. Be auseof this the data weget 7,8,9 tion asso iated with the M-I transition . The harge depend on the pro edure used for the measurement. We orderedstatehasalsobeenobservedinepitaxiallygrown usedthefollowingpro eduretomeasurethetemperature 310 thin (cid:28)lms of NdNiO . dependen e of resistivity. While ooling we start from 3 The M-I transition in NdNiO is asso iated with a la- 300K, and then re ord the data in steps of 1K interval tentheatandasuddenin reaseinunit ellvolumewhi h afterallowingthe temperatureto stabilizeat ea hpoint. 2 Inbetweentwotemperaturepointsthesamplewas ooled one of the minimum temperatures mentioned above and at a (cid:28)xed ooling rate of 2K/min. After the ooling run then heat it ba k to 220K, both operations being ar- isoverwewaitforonehourat82Kandthentheheating ried outat a(cid:28)xed rate of2K/min. Loopsformedin this data was olle ted at every one degree interval. The in- fashionare alledminorloopsandtheseareindi atedby termediate heating ratebetweentemperaturepoints was the labels a, b and in Figure 1. In the ooling y le the same as the ooling rate used earlier. This y le of all the three minor loops oin ide with the ooling urve measurements was repeated with a di(cid:27)erent ooling and of the full hysteresisloop. In the heating y le, for loops heating rate of 0.2K/min also. a and b with lowerminimum temperatures, the resistiv- T MI It was observed that the resistivity above does ity de reases with in reasing temperature and joins the not show any time dependen e, and it is also indepen- full loop at 195K. In the ase of loop , as we in rease dent of measurement history. Thus to avoid the e(cid:27)e t the temperature, the resistivity in reases somewhat till of any previous measurements, all time dependent ex- about 182K and then it falls and joins the full loop at periments in the ooling run were done as follows: (cid:28)rst 195K. T MI take the sample to 220K (above ), wait for half an The resistivity also shows a noti eable dependen e on hour,then oolat2.0K/mintothetemperatureofinter- the rate of temperature hange in the ooling y le as est and on e the temperature has stabilized re ord the shown in the inset of Figure 1. The data for the lowest resistan e as a fun tion of time. In the heating run the urve was olle ted at 2K/min and for the middle urve time dependent resistivity was done in a similar fashion: at 0.2K/min. The uppermost urve is an estimate ob- (cid:28)rsttakethesampleto220K,waitforhalfanhour,then tainedbyextrapolatingthetimedependen edatashown ool at 2.0K/min to 85K, wait for one hour, and then in Figure 2 to in(cid:28)nite time. We did not see any rate de- heatat2.0K/mintothetemperatureofinterestandon e penden ein theheating y le. Thisisan indi ation that the temperaturehas stabilized re ord the resistan e as a while ooling, below the M-I transitiontemperature, the fun tion of time. system is not in equilibrium and hen e the resistivity The four probe van der Pauw method was used to evolveswith time. The non-ratedependen e observed in measure the resistivity and standard pre autions, su h the data while heating tells us that in the heating y- as urrentreversalto take are ofstray emfs, weretaken during the measurement. We also took are to ensure that the measuring urrent was not heating up the sam- ple. A Keithley urrent sour e model 224 and a DMM model 196 were used for the resistivity measurements. 300 200 T (K) 100 10 III. RESULTS 3 Figure 1 shows the ele tri al resistivity of NdNiO as 1 a a fun tion of temperature. We see that the fun tion is m) c multiple valued, the ooling and heating data di(cid:27)ering ( signi(cid:28) antlyfromea hotherandformingalargehystere- 0.1 m) 3 c sis loop. The resistivity plot indi ates that NdNiO un- b 0 .1 ( dergoes a relatively sharp M-I transition at about 190K while heating with a width of about 10K. In ontrast, 0.01 while ooling, the resistivity shows a rather broad M-I c transition entered around 140Kwith a spread of about 0.01 0.0068 -1 0.0070 40K. Below 115K or so, the heating and ooling data 1E-3 1/T (K ) logρ 1/T merge and the vs plot is linear. This indi ates 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.012 -1 that the sample is insulating at low temperatures and, 1/T (K ) ∆ if the band gap is , the resistivity should follow the relation ρ 1/T 3 ρ(T)=ρ0exp(∆/kBT) Figure 1: (Color online) vs. plot for NdNiO . The (1) blue ir les represent ooling data and the red squares stand forheating data ( ooling/heating rate2.0 K/min). Thesolid Below 115K the data (cid:28)t quiteRw2ell to this moρd0el, wit∆h lineisaleastsquare(cid:28)ttothebandgapinsulatormodelbelow a oe(cid:30) ient of determination, = 0.99955. Ω and 115K.The urveslabeleda, b& weretakenasdes ribedin for the insulating region turn out to be 99m m and the text. The a ura y of the data points is better than 1% Ω 42meV respe tively, whi h are in reasonable agreement everywhere. The error does not ex eed 0.8 m m anywhere. ρ 1/T with the values previously reported11. The inset shows vs for three di(cid:27)erent ooling rates: We olle ted more hysteresis data with di(cid:27)erent min- lower urve(bluestars): 2K/min, middle urve (red ir les): 0.2K/min, upper urve (bla k pluses): in(cid:28)nitely slowly (ex- imum temperatures su h as 140K, 146K and 160K. In plained in text). The onne ting lines are to guide theeyes. these measurements we ool the sample from 220K to 3 ρ1/ρ0 τ 103 γ χ2/DOF R2 # T(K) ( s) 145 K 1 140.0 0.764(5) 1.52(1) 0.538(3) 9.5 0.99971 3.0 2 142.5 1.89(1) 2.02(2) 0.554(2) 5.9 0.99981 3 145.0 4.59(3) 5.05(5) 0.567(1) 0.67 0.99993 4 147.5 3.39(6) 7.9(3) 0.568(3) 0.51 0.99978 2.5 147.5 K 5 150.0 1.22(1) 4.04(6) 0.582(2) 0.0014 0.99988 0 / 6 155.0 0.391(5) 2.6(1) 0.557(7) 0.0003 0.99845 142.5 K 2.0 Table I: Fit parameters for the time dependen e data shown DOF ≈1000 150 K in Figχu2r/eD2O.FThe degrees of freedomof the(cid:28)ts . The for 150K and 155K are too small, indi ating 1.5 140 K that we have overestimated the erRro2r in resistivity in these ases. Anyway, we note that, the values are onsistently 155 K good and indi ate reasonably good (cid:28)ts. 1.0 Heating run, 145 K 0 1000 2000 3000 time (s) 4 4 Figure2: (Coloronline)Timedependen eofresistivitywhile 0 ooling,atvarioustemperaturesintherange140to155K,for /1 a period of one hour. Maximum time dependen e is seen at 3 2 145Kwhi h isabout300%. The urveat thebottom,whi h lookslikeastraightline,showsthein reaseinresistivityina m) c heatingruntakenat 145Kandthe hangeinthis aseisless than 0.2%. Not all thedata are shown hereto avoid lutter. ( 2 1010 130 150 T (K) le the system is either in, or very lose to, equilibrium. 1 These observations are orroborated by the data shown in Figure 2. A subset of the time dependent resistivity data taken 0 while ooling is shown in Figure 2. The data are pre- ρ(t)/ρ(t=0) 125 135 145 155 sentedas sothatthe valuesarenormalized T (K) t = 0 to unity at for easy omparison. We found that that below 160K, the resistivity of the sample in reases ρ with time onsiderably. A maximum relative in rease Figure 3: (Color online) Temperature dependen e of on in resistivity of about 300% for a duration of one hour ooling with ageing by intermediate stops of one hour ea h (blue open ir les) at 155, 150, 145, 140, 135, and 130 K. is seen at 145K, the time dependen e being lower both ρ(T,t) Redsolid ir les showtheresistivitywithout ageing. The in- above and below this temperature. We (cid:28)tted the ρ1/ρ0 set omparesthetemperaturedependen eof al ulated urves in (cid:28)gure 2 to the stret hed exponential fun tion ρ(T,t) fromthe(cid:28)tofEquation(2)to datawith intermediate ρ(t)=ρ0+ρ1(1−exp(−(t/τ)γ)) ageing (blue ir les) to the time dependen e data shown in (2) Figure 2(red squares). ρ0 ρ1 τ γ where , , andR2are (cid:28)t parameters. The (cid:28)ts are quite good with the value greaterthan 0.999in most γ ases. See Table I. We note that the exponent lies to 155K, olle t resistivity time dependen e again for 0.5 < γ < 0.6 τ in the range and has a peak around one hour and so on down to 110K for every 5K inter- 147.5K.Thevariationofresistivitywithtimeshowsthat val. We note thρa(tTw)hen ooling is resumed after ag- thesystemslowlyevolvestowardsaninsulatingstateata ing for an hour, urve merges smoothly with the onstant temperature. We olle ted data up to 12 hours urve obtained without aging. A rather similar observa- (not shown here) to he k whether the system rea hes tionhasbeenreportedinthephase-separatedmanganite 0.5 0.5 0.95 0.05 34 anequilibrium state, but foundthatitwas ontinuingto La Ca Mn Fe O . ρ1/ρ0 relax even after su h a long time. The redsquaresin theinsetofFigure3displays Figure3 omparestheresistivityin a oolingrunwith obtained from stret hed exponential (cid:28)tting of time de- ρ1/ρ0 and without intermediate aging. These data were taken penden eresistivitydataofFigure2. The in reases as follows: we start from 220K, ome down to 160K on de reasing the temperature below 160 K, attains a at 2K/min, olle t time dependen e data for one hour maximum around 145 K, and then de reases on further and after that resume ooling at 2K/min and go down loweringthe temperature. Wehavealreadyseen this be- 4 ρ1/ρ0 havior in Table I. The value of obtained from the fa ts we proposethat the metastable state in the ase of 3 (cid:28)tting of time dependen e data with intermediate aging NdNiO onsistsofsuper ooled(SC)metalli phasesand is shown as blue ir les in the inset of (cid:28)gure 3, and we stable insulating phases. ρ1/ρ0 note that the value of is relativelysmall ompared In a (cid:28)rst order transition, a metastable SC phase an T C to what one obtains without intermediate aging. survivebelowthe(cid:28)rstordertransitiontemperature( ), ρ T In the heating y le, the vs exhibits a rather till∗a ertaintemperature alledthelimitofmetastabi∗lity T T < 3,14,15 sharp insulator to metal transition. The magnitude of ( ) is rea hed . In the temperature range ≈ 0.2% T < T C time dependen e in heating runs (maximum ) there is an energy barrier separating the SC is negligible ompared to what one gets in ooling runs phase from the stable ground state. The height of the ≈300%) U (maximum ((cid:28)gure 2), whi h suggest that in the energy barrier ( ) separating the SC metastable phase T U ∝f(T− MI heating run, below , the sample is almost fully insu- fro∗mthestablegroundstate anbewrittenas ∗ T ) f T −T lating and stable. , where is a ∗ontinuous fun tion of ( ), and T ≤ T Themajorobservationsthathavebeenmadesofarare vanishe∗s for . As the temperature is lowered, at T =T summarized below. , the SC metastable phase be omes unstable and∗ T > T 15 swit hes over to the stable ground state . At 1. The metal to insulator transition in ooling runs the SC metastable phase an ross over to the stable is rather broad and extends from about 160K to groundstatewithaprobability(p) whi hisgovernedby 120K. the Arrhenius equation p∝exp(−U/ T) 2. In oolingruns a largeamount of time dependen e kB (3) in resistivity is seen ompared to whi h the time dependen e seen in heating runs is negligible. whi h tells us that the barrier will be rossed with an τ ∝ 1/p ensemble average time onstant . If we imagine 3 U 3. NdNiO undergoes a rather sharp insulator to an ensemble of su h SC phases with the same barrier , metal transition between 185K and 195K while then the volume of the metastable phase will exponen- τ heating. tially de ay with a time onstant . U The energy barrier that wetalked about in the pre- 4. Thereis alargehysteresisbetweenthe oolingand vious paragraph is an extensive quantity. Our system is heating data below the MI transition temperature. poly rystalline, ie., it is made up of tiny rystallites of di(cid:27)erent sizes. Ea h one of the rystallites will have an energy barrier proportional to its volume. Thus for a IV. DISCUSSION rystallite the energy barrier separating the metastable state from the ground state an be written as 3 It has been known that the M-I transition in NdNiO ∗ U ∝Vf(T −T ) is asso iated with a latent heat and a jump in the unit (4) ell volume whi h are the hara teristi s of a (cid:28)rst order V 11,12 phasetransition . DSCmeasurementsofGranadoset where isthevolumeofthe rystallite. Asalreadymen- f al. showthat,while ooling,thelatentheatreleaseddur- tioned isa ontinuousfun tionwhi hvanishesfornon- ing the M-I transition extends overa broad temperature positive values of its argumen∗t. This means that various T 11 range . This is onsistent with the results of the resis- rystallites with the same will have di(cid:27)erent energy 3 tivitymeasurementsthattheM-ItransitioninNdNiO is barriers depending on their size whi h implies that the 3 τ broadenedwhile ooling. Thuswe ansaythatNdNiO time onstant , of the previous paragraph, will spread hasabroadened(cid:28)rstordermetaltoinsulatorphasetran- outandbe omeadistributionoftime onstantsdepend- sition while ooling. ingonthedistributionofthesizeofthe rystallites. This T MI We have seen that, below , while ooling, the sys- angiverisetothevolumeofthemetalli statede aying 16,17 tem is not in equilibrium and evolves with time whi h in a stret hed exponential manner with time . This suggests that it is in a metastable state. The resistivity behavior of the metalli volume with time will give rise ofthis metastablestateslowlyin reaseswithtime whi h totheresistivityalsoevolvingwithtimeinasimilarfash- means that a slow metal to insulator transition is going ion. Weshallseelaterin thedis ussionhowthemetalli on in the system. On the other hand while heating up volume, the resistivity, and their time dependen es are fromlowtemperaturewesawthatthesystemremainsin- onne ted with ea h other. sulatingallthewayupto185Kandthenittransitionsto Imry and Wortis have argu∗ed that a weak disorder T the metalli state by 195K. The resistivity was found to an ause a distribution of 's in di(cid:27)erent regions of 3,18 have negligible time dependen e during the whole of the a sample . This has been experimentally observed T C heating run. This result indi ates that the low tempera- in a vortex latti e melting experiment in a high 19 tureinsulatingstateisstableandisprobablytheground super ondu tor . In our ase grain boundaries, shape state of the system. It is well known that below a phase of the rystallite et . ould b∗e sour es of disorder whi h T transitiontemperatureahightemperaturephase ansur- would give rise to di(cid:27)erent 's for di(cid:27)erent rystallites. vive as a metastable super ooled state. Based on these This e(cid:27)e t will further broaden the distribution of time 5 onstantsinoursystemwhi harisefromthedistribution TableIandalsointheinsetofFigure3andFigure of rystallite sizes. 6. Comingba ktotheheatingrunswenotethatthela k Let us take up these issues one by one. of time dependen e of the resistivity data indi ates that the system is in a stable state. Now the question arises: what is the reason for the width of about 10K observed A. Cooling Rate Dependen e intheinsulatortometaltransition? Coulditbeasuper- heating e(cid:27)e t? It annot be be ause, as already noted, In the inset of Figure 1 we saw that while ooling a the la k of time dependen e during heating runs rules lower ooling rate in reases the resistivity of the sample out the possibility of any metastable phase in the sys- in the hysteresis region. A lower ooling rate allows a tem. The broadening while heating ismost likely aused larger number of the metastable metalli rystallites to by the rounding of the phase transition due to (cid:28)nite size swit hovertotheinsulatingstateandthustheresistivity of the rystallites. A similar observation on broadening will be largerif the measurement is done slowly. ofphase transitionsdue to (cid:28)nite size ofgrainshavebeen 20 Ifthemeasurementisdonein(cid:28)nitelyslowlyinthe ool- reported in a CMR manganite . ing run we shouldget the uppermost urveshownin the Now we understand the reason for the hysteresis seen inset of Figure1. It is interestingto note that this urve in this system. During a heating run from low tempera- does not ome anywhere near the heating run urve. To ture the system is insulating and hen e its resistivity is paraphrase,evenifwesitforanin(cid:28)nitetimeonthe ool- high. While ooling some of the rystallites transform ing urvewe annotrea htheheating urve. The reason themselves into the stable insulating state while others for this is that only a small number super ooled rystal- remain in the super ooled metalli state . The presen e liteswhi hhavearelativelysmallenergybarrierareable of the metalli rystallites lowers the resistivity of the toswit hovertotheinsulatingstateatanygiventemper- system. Thus we get di(cid:27)erent values of resistivity dur- ature. The others with the largerenergybarriersremain ing heating and ooling runs giving rise to hysteresis in trappedin themetalli state. These rystalliteswiththe resistivity. Thepi turesofar: NdNiO3 ispoly rystallineandthus larger barriers an swit h thTeir state only if the temper- onsists of tiny rystallites. Below TMI, while ooling, aTt∗ure is lowered su h that omes su(cid:30) iently lose to and thus the barrierbe omes small and easy to ross thetiny rystallites anbeineitherasuper ooledmetal- (Equation (4)). li state or a stable insulating state. A rystallite in the super ooled metalli state an make a transition to the U stableinsulatingstateif it rossesthebarrier withthe B. Minor Loops help of energy (cid:29)u tuations whi h in our ase are ther- mal in origin. Ea h rystallite would undergo the tran- The minor loops a, b, and shown in Figure 1 follow sition independent of ea h other. This is supported by the full hysteresis loop in the ooling y le till we start the fa t that the resistivity, and as we shall see later, the heating. While heating, urve a, with the lowest the volume of the metastable metalli state, behave in a minimum temperature (140K), shows a falling resistiv- stret hed exponentialmanner withtime. Ataparti ular ity with in reasingtemperature. Curveb with the inter- temperature, as a fun tion of time, the transition from mediate minimum temperature (146K) shows a rather the metalli to the insulating phase will begin with the (cid:29)at resistivity with in reasing temperature, while urve smaller rystallites,be ausethebarrierissmallforthem, with the highest minimum temperature (160K) shows and then pro eed with the larger rystallites, in the in- a rising resistivity with in reasing temperature initially reasing order of barrier size. While heating the system before falling and joining the full hysteresis loop at the remains insulating and stable all the way up to the M- MI transition temperature 195K. I transition and then it goes over to the stable metalli The behavior of the minor loops an be understood state. There is no superheating during heating runs. by re ognizing that the nature of resistivity, when heat- Now that we have understood the origin of time de- ing is resumed, in the metastable region is determined penden e and hysteresis in the system we would like to bythe ompetitionbetweenthetemperaturedependen e onsider some more issues that needs to be understood. and time dependen e of resistivity. In the ase of urve These are a, with the lowest minimum temperature, most of the rystallites will be in the insulating state as an be in- 1. The dependen e of resistivity on ooling rate as ferred from the large value of resistivity. Only few of shown in the inset of Figure 1. the rystalliteswill be in the metastable state and hen e thetimedependen e e(cid:27)e ts anbeexpe ted tobe small. 2. The behavior of the minor loops seen in Figure 1. Thus during heating the resistivity of the sample will be 3. Theintermediate ageingbehaviorseenin Figure3. dominated by the temperature dependen e of resistivity oftheinsulating rystallites. Thisisthereasontheheat- ρ1/ρ0 τ 4. Both and ofEquation(2)gothroughapeak ing part of the urve looks more or less parallel to the around145Kand 147.5Krespe tively as shownin main heating urve before the onset of the transition. 6 The behavior of urve is easier to understand and of the sample. We had already rea hed this on lusion hen e let us onsideritbefore dis ussing urveb. Inthis earlier when we dis ussed the ooling rate dependen e. asethe resistivityis lowand mostof the rystallitesare inthemetalli state. Themetalli rystallitesformaper- ρ1/ρ0 τ olatingnetworkandtheresistivityofthe samplewillbe D. Peaks in and governed by their behavior. The insulating rystallites ρ1/ρ0 τ areessentiallyshorted out and will havelittle rolein de- Wehadnotedearlierthatboth and gothrough termining the resistivity. The metalli rystallites, being peaks around 145K and 147.5K respe tively. The peak ρ1/ρ0 metastable, will swit h to the insulating state governed in is not surprising be ause it shows up in a re- by Equation (3), thus slowly in reasing the resistivity of gion of temperature in the ooling urve where the re- the sample as a fun tion of time. When the resistiv- sistivity hanges very fast with temperature. Thus one ity values are olle ted while heating, there will be some would expe t that a large number of metastable rystal- time di(cid:27)eren e between two data points depending on lites are swit hing over to the insulating state near this the heating rate, allowing a rise in resistivity to register. region. Hen e if a relaxation measurement is done here Wewouldthen(cid:28)nd thatthe resistivityin reaseswithin- we should see the e(cid:27)e t of a large number of rystallites ρ1/ρ0 reasingtemperature. Curveb liesbetween urvesa and transitioning to the insulating state as a peak in . τ and in this ase there will be a good number of both But the peak in at about 147.5K is not that easily insulating and metalli rystallites. Here there would be understood. To he k whether this peak has anything ompetition between the temperature dependen e of the to with per olation we should examine how the metalli insulating rystallites and the time dependen e of the and insulating volumes depend on temperature. metalli rystallites and hen e one an expe t that the The ondu tivityofaphaseseparatedsystemdepends urve b would be more or less (cid:29)at at the onset of heat- on thevolumefra tion ofinsulatingand metalli phases, ing. their geometries, distribution, and their respe tive on- σ σ I M du tivities ( and ). M La hlan has proposed an equationbasedonagenerale(cid:27)e tivemedium(GEM)the- σ E C. Intermediate Ageing oryfor al ulatingthee(cid:27)e tiveele tri al ondu tivity 21 of a binary MI mixture , whi h is Now let us onsider the intermediate ageing data 1/t 1/t 1/t 1/t (σ −σ ) (σ −σ ) shown in Figure 3. We note that after ageing for one (1−f) I E +f M E =0 hour, when the ooling is resumed, the slope of the the (σ1/t+Aσ1/t) (σ1 /t+Aσ1/t) (5) ρ T I E M E vs. urve is less in magnitude than for the urve f obtained without ageing. When we stop the ooling and where isthevolumefra tionofthemetalli phasesand A=(1−f )/f f c c c age the sample at a (cid:28)xed temperature the super ooled , being the volumefra tionofmetalli U t metalli rystallites with relatively small will swit h phases at the per olation threshold, and is a riti al over to the insulating state. This de reases the number exponent whi h is lose to 2 in three dimensions22,23. f c of rystallites in the metalli state and raises the resis- The onstant depends on the latti e dimensionality, tivity. So now, when the oolingis resumed, the number and for 3D its value is 0.1624. The GEM equation has ofmetalli rystalliteswhi h answit htotheinsulating been su essfully applied to a wide variety of isotropi , state would be less and hen e the hange in resistivity binary, ma ros opi mixtures and it works well even in 21,23,25 with temperature would be lower. the per olation regime . FromFigure3itis learthatonresuming oolingafter In order to al ulate the volume fra tion of metalli anintermediatestopofonehourthe ooling urvemerges and insulating phases from Equation (5), we need their ρ (T) ρ (T) ρ (T) M I M withthe urveobtainedwithoutageingwithinabout3K respe tiveresistivities and . wasob- ρM = ρ0 +AT A orless. Asalreadynotedinthepreviousparagraphwhen tained using , where is the tempera- we stop the ooling and age the sample at a (cid:28)xed tem- ture oe(cid:30) ient of resistivity estimated from the resistiv- ρ (T) I perature the super ooled metalli rystallites with rela- ity data above the M-I transition. was al ulated U tivelysmall willswit hovertotheinsulatingstate. As using the parameters obtained by (cid:28)tting the resistivity an be inferred from Equation (4) those rystallites will data below 115K to Equation (1). Using the above in- U have a smal∗l whi h have (i) their metastability tem- formationandtheresistivitydata,we al ulatedthevol- T T perature ( ) lose to their temperature ( ) (ii) a small ume fra tion of metalli and insulating phases and it is size. The major ontributions to resistivity hange will shown in Figure 4. In the ooling y le the volume fra - V =1−f ome from the relatively larger rystallites making the tionoftheinsulatingphases( )slowlyin reases T MI transitionfrom the metalli stateto the insulatingstate. on de reasing the temperature below , while in the In the light of this the mergerof the ooling urves with ase of heating y le it remains nearly onstant up to andwithoutageingwithinasmalltemperature hangeof about185K,and thendropstozeroby200K.As anbe about 3K means that most of the rystallites whi h un- seenfromFigure4theper olationthresholdforthe ool- dergo the transit∗ion from metal to insulator during age- ingrunso ursataround144K.Belowthis temperature T ing havetheir within a few kelvin of the temperature therewill be no ontinuousmetalli paths in thesystem. 7 T (K) 50 100 150 200 147.5 K 0.070 1.0 150 K 145 K VTH 155 K V 0.035 142.5 K V0.5 0.09 V/dT|0.04 0.06 V 140 K |d0.02 0.03 0.00 0.000 0.00 0 1000 2000 3000 0.0 120 150 180 time (s) T (K) 50 100 150 200 T (K) Figure 5: (Color online) In rease in volume fra tion of insu- ∆V lating phases ( )with time, at various temperatures. V =1−f Figure4: (Coloronline)Temperaturevariationof ( ), theinsulatingvolumefra tion. Theblue ir lesshowthe ool- ing y le(2K/min oolingrate)andtheredsquaresrepresent the heating y le. The green pluses represent the insulating 8000 volume fra tion for 0.2K/min ooling rate. The dashed hor- izontal line at 84% insulating volume represents the per ola- |dV/dT| tionthreshold. Theinsetshowsthevariationof (blue ir les: ooling rate 2K/min, and green pluses: ooling rate 6000 ∆V∞ 0.2K/min)and (bla ksquares) with temperature. s) ( 4000 The rate of hange of metalli volume fra tion −dV/dT ( ) has a maximum around 147.5 K in the ool- ing runs (inset of Figure 4). Figure 5 displays the in- ∆V 2000 rement ( ) of insulating volume fra tion with time, that has been extra ted from the time dependent re- sistivity data of Figure 2. Just as in the ase of time ∆V(t) 120 135 150 165 dependen e of resistivity, the urves of Figure 5 ∆V(t) = T (K) w∆eVr∞e((cid:28)1tt−edextpo(a−(stt/reτt) γh)e)d exponential fun tion∆V∞ , where the onstant gives τ thein reaseintheinsulatingvolumefra tionwhenwait- Figure 6: (Color online)Temperature variation of obtained ρ(t) ing for an in(cid:28)nitely long∆tiVm∞e. The inset of Figure 4 f∆roVm(tt)hestret hedexponential(cid:28)ttingof (red ir les)and alsoshowsthevariationo|dfV/dT|withtemperature,whi h (bla ksquares) urves. mimi s the behavior of . Figure 6 ompares the τ ρ(t) onstantof relaxation obtained from the (cid:28)tting of ∆V(t) T∗ aρn(td) uτrvesofFigure2and5respe tively. Forthe of the ooling urve represents the distribution of 's ∆V(t )urves, has a peak aτround 147.5 K while for the in the system. In oming to the above on lusion we urves, surprisingly, is nearly onstant. have disregarded the small fra tion of rystallites that |dV/dT| During ooling of the inset of Figure 4 rep- would be swit hing due to the time elapsed in overing resents the amount of volume that will hange from the the small temperature hange. This is supported by the |dV/dT| super ooled metalli to the insulating state for a unit fa tthatthe values al ulatedfromthe2K/min temperature hange. Nowasmall hangeintemperatur∗e and 0.2K/min ooling urves are essentially the same. T △V∞ will result in thosesuper ooled rystalliteswith their Thepeakin o∗ ursat147.5Kwhi hisalsowhere T falling in that temperature range swit hing to the insu- thedistributionof 'speak. Th∗isisunderstandablebe- |dV/dT| T T latingstate. Thismeansthatthevalueof at is ause all the rystallites with lose to 147.5K would agoodmeasureofthefra tion∗ofsuper ooledmetastable be swit hing to the insulating state if we wait for a suf- T T |dV/dT| rystalliteswhi hhavetheir loseto . Thus (cid:28) iently long time. Sin e the maximum number of rys- 8 ∗ T talliteswith are loseto147.5K,wewillgetthemax- longer time period. △V∞ imum temperature dependen e for at 147.5K. ρ1/ρ0 One would have expe ted that the peak in and △V∞ ρ1/wρ0ould o ur at the same temperature. The peak V. CONCLUSION in is at 145K whi h is 2.5K below the peak of △V∞ . The reason for this is that the resistivity would Ourexperimentalresultsdemonstratethatwhile ool- hange faster for a given metalli volume hange nearer 3 ing the physi al state of NdNiO is phase separated be- the per olationthreshold. We guessthat even if the vol- low the M-I transitiontemperature; the phase separated ume hangeissmallerat145Kalargerresistivity hange state onsists of SC metalli and insulating rystallites. due to the proximity to the per olation threshold om- Ametastablemetalli rystalliteswit hesfromthemetal- pensates for the smaller volume hange and shifts the ρ1/ρ0 li to the insulating state probabilisti ally depending on maximum of to that temperature. τ the losenessofthetemperatureofmetastabilityandthe As an be seen from Figure 6 the parameter of the size of the rystallite. At low temperature, below 115K resistivitytimedependen e(cid:28)thasapeakaround147.5K τ or so, the system is insulating, all the rystallites hav- whilethereisnosu hpeakinthe ofthevolumefra tion ing swit hed over to the insulating state. While heating time dependen e. The rather (cid:29)at temperature depen- τ the rystallites remain in the stable insulating state till den eofthe ofthevolumefra tionisprobablyanindi- the MI transition temperature is rea hed and then they ation that the distribution of energy barrierslook more swit h over to the metalli state. or less the same at all temperatures. We note that the τ di(cid:27)eren e in behavior of the 's from resistivity and vol- umefra tionismostpronoun ed losetothe per olation τ A knowledgments threshold, while away from the threshold both 's be- havein avery similarmanner. Inaresistivityrelaxation measurement, lose to the per olation threshold, the re- DKthankstheUniversityGrantsCommissionofIndia sistivity will hange signi(cid:28) antly even when the metalli for(cid:28)nan ial supportduringthis work. JAAand MJM-L volume hangesverylittle. 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