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G. GENNES DE Facult6 des Sciences Orsay, France Translated by A. Pr~cus University of California Los Angeles, California "A /' " A Member of the IBerseusB cx~ksG. rc~ug Many of the designations used by manufncturers and sellers to distinguish their prod- ucts are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this book and Perseus Books was aware of a trademark clairn, the designations have been printed in initial capital letters. Library of Congress CataIog Card Number: 99-60033 Copyright O 1999, f 989, 1"36 by Westview Press. All rights reserved. No part of this publicatio~lm ay be reproduced, stored in a renievsi system, C~Ttr ansmitted, in any form or by any means, elcctranic, ~~lechanical, pI-rotocopying, recording, or otherwise, widrout- the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America, Westview Press is a Mernher of the Pcrselrs Books Group. Visit LE on the Wcjrtd Wide Web at www.westviewpressScom Editor's Foreword Perseus Books's Frontiers in Pfiysics series kas, since 1961, rnade it possible for leading physicists to communicate in coherent fashion their views of recent devel- opmenrs in the most exciting and active fields of physics--without having tci devote the time and energy required to prepare a forlnal review or monograph. Indeed, throughout its nearly brq-year existence, the series has c~nphasized informality in both style and content, as well as pedagogical clarity. Over time, it was expected that these informal accounts would be replaced by more forrnal counterparts-textbooks or monographs-as the cutting-edge topics they treated gmdually becalne integrated into the body of physics knowledge and reader intcr- est dwindled. However, this has not proven to be the case for a nulnber of the volumes in the series: Many works have remained in-print on an on-demand basis, while others have such intrinsic value that the physics co~n~nunithya s urged us to extend their life span. The AdvuneeJ Book Classics series has been designed to meet this demnd. It will keep in-print those volulnes in Frontiers in Physics or its sister series, Lecture Notes and Supptemenu in Phy&s, that continue to provicfe a uniyue accstint of a topic of lasting interest. And through a sizable printing, these classics will he ~nadea vailable at 3 comparatively rrlodest cost m the reader, The lectures transcribed in Nobel Laureate 13ierre-Gilles de Gennes's lecture note volume, Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys, contain m unusually lucid, physical and original extension of the inicroscopic theory of Rardren, Cooper, and Schrieffer (BCS theory) to take into account the role played hy inhorno- geneity. As a result, they represent a lasting contribution to our understanding of superconductivity, as generation after generation of graduate students and expe- rienced researchers in the field will attest. With the advent of heavy electron and organic superconductors, and especially with the ongoing extraordinarily high level of activity in the field of high temperature wlperconductivity, it is clear that research on superconductivity will continue to represent a significant portion of research in condensed matter physics for Inany years to come, and that researchers will continue to turn to de Gennes for enlightenment of the behav. ior of superconductors in a variety of interesting, real-world situations. I am accordingly very leased that the publication of Superconductivity of Metals and Alloys as part of the Advanced Book Classics series will make it readily available to present and future generations of interested readers. David PF"ines Xsuque, NM January f 999 THESE NOTES ABE DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF PROFESSOR EDMOND BAUER