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Superconductivity in a Ferromagnetic Layered Compound Hiroshi Shimahara and Satomi Hata Department of Quantum Matter Science, ADSM, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima 739-8526, Japan (Received January 2000) 0 We examine superconductivity in layered systems with large Fermi-surface splitting due to coex- 0 isting ferromagnetic layers. In particular, the hybridruthenate-cupratecompound RuSr2GdCu2O8 0 is examined on the coexistence of the superconductivity and the ferromagnetism, which has been 2 observedrecently. WecalculatecriticalfieldsofthesuperconductivitytakingintoaccounttheFulde- n Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in a model with Fermi-surfaces which shapes are similar to those a obtained by a band calculation. It is shown that the critical field is enhanced remarkably due to J a Fermi-surface effect, and can be high enough to make the coexistence possible in a microscopic 4 scale. We also clarify the direction of the spatial oscillation of the order parameter, which may be 2 observed byscanning tunneling microscope experiments. ] n o Recently, coexistence of superconductivity and ferro- change field exists in practice, T(0) of isolated cuprate c c magnetism has been reported in the hybrid ruthenate- layers is not known, but it will be appropriate to as- - pr cuprate compounds R1.4Ce0.6RuSr2Cu2O10−δ (R = Eu sume Tc(0) < 90K from the transition temperature of u and Gd) and RuSr2GdCu2O8 [1–3]. These compounds YBa2Cu3O7∼+δ at the optimum electron density. Hence s have similar crystal structures to the high-Tc cuprate we obtain µeHP < 110K at T = 0 from the above for- t. superconductor YBa2Cu3O7 except that layers of CuO mula. On the oth∼er hand, the band calculation gives an a chains are replaced with ruthenate layers. Experimen- estimation µ B = ∆ /2 25meV/2 107K [4]. It is m tal and theoretical studies indicate that the ruthenate remarkabletheatexthesuepxerco∼nductingtra∼nsitionoccursat - layers are responsible for the ferromagnetic long range such a high temperature T 46K in spite of the strong nd order[3,4],while the cupratelayersfor the superconduc- exchange field of the ordecr≈of the Pauli paramagnetic o tivity [3]. limit at T =0. c One of the remarkable features of these compounds is There are some mechanisms by which the critical field [ that the superconducting transition occurs at a temper- of superconductivity exceeds the Pauli limit. For exam- 2 ature well below the ferromagnetic transition tempera- ple, the triplet pairing superconductivity is an impor- v ture unlike most of the other ferromagnetic supercon- tant candidate. However, from their crystal structures 8 ductors. For example, in RuSr2GdCu2O8, the supercon- andhightransitiontemperatures,it is plausiblethat the 1 ducting transition was observed at Tc ∼ 46K, whereas presentcompoundsarecategorizedashigh-Tccupratesu- 3 the ferromagnetic transition at TM 132K [1]. There- perconductorsandthereforethesuperconductivityisdue 1 fore, the ferromagnetic order can be∼regarded as a rigid to an anisotropic singlet pairing with line nodes, which 0 back groundwhichis not modified very muchby the ap- is conventionally called a d-wave pairing. For the singlet 0 0 pearance of the superconductivity. This picture is also pairing,possibilityofaninhomogeneoussuperconducting / supported by experimental observations [1–3]. state that is called a Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov at Accordingto the firstprinciple calculationsby Pickett (FFLO or LOFF) state [6,7] was discussed by Pickett et m et al. [4], magnetic fields in the cuprate layersdue to the al. [4] as a candidate for the mechanism. - ordered spin moment in the ruthenate layers are much On the possibility of the FFLO state, they pointed d smaller than exchange fields mediated by electrons. The out that there are nearly flat areas in the Fermi-surfaces n exchange fields play a role like magnetic fields which act in RuSr GdCu O , which favor the FFLO state. It is o 2 2 8 only on the spin digrees of freedom but do not create known that the FFLO critical field diverges at T = 0 in c : Lorentz force. Therefore, the present system is approx- one dimensional models. However, if the Fermi-surfaces v imately equivalent to a quasi-two-dimensional system in are too flat, nesting instabilities, such as those to spin i X magnetic fields nearly parallel to the layers. density wave (SDW) and charge density wave (CDW), However,suchFermi-surfacesplittinggivesrisetopair- are favored for realistic interaction strengths. For the r a breaking effect as well as that due to a parallel mag- present compound, the nearly flat areas are not so flat neticfield. TheexchangefieldinRuSr2GdCu2O8 isvery that the nesting instabilities occur, but the small curva- large and seems to exceed the Pauli paramagnetic limit ture still enhances the FFLO state [8]. (Chandrasekar-Clogston limit) [5]. The Pauli paramag- Itisalsoknownthatevenintheabsenceoftheflatar- netic limit HP at T = 0 is roughly estimated from the eas, the critical field is enhanced in the two-dimensional zerofieldtransitiontemperatureTc(0) byasimplifiedfor- (2D)systemsincomparisontothethreedimensionalsys- mula µ H = 1.25T(0), where µ denotes the electron tems [9,8,10,11]. Further, when the Fermi-surface struc- e P c e magnetic moment. For RuSr GdCu O , since the ex- tureofthesystemsatisfiesacertaincondition,thecritical 2 2 8 field can reach several times the Pauli limit even in the 1 absenceofnearlyflatareas[12]. SuchaFermi-surfaceef- surfaces similar to the symmetric CuO barrel Fermi- 2 fectcanberegardedasakindofnestingeffectsanalogous surfacesobtainedbyPickettetal.[4]atn=1.1asshown to those for SDW and CDW [8]. The “nesting” effect in Fig.1. Here, n is the electron number par a site. was examined in details in our previous papers, where 2Dtight binding models arestudied asexamples [11,12]. 2 DirectevidenceoftheFFLOstatemaybeobtainedby scanning tunneling microscope (STM) experiments. For acomparisonwithexperimentalresults,spatialstructure ofthe orderparametershouldbe predictedtheoretically. In particular, direction of the modulation of the order parameterisimportant. Itmayappearthatthemodula- π tionmustbeinthedirectionperpendiculartotheflattest / y 1 area of the Fermi-surface, because then the spatial vari- p ationis minimized. However,insome of 2D models, it is notperpendiculartoflattestareas[11,12]. Onlyexplicite calculations which take into account the Fermi-surface structure could clarify the direction of the modulation. Therefore, the purposes of this paper are (1) estima- tion of the critical field of superconductivity including 0 the FFLO state toexamine the possibilityofcoexistence 0 1 2 ofsingletsuperconductivityandferromagnetisminami- p / π x croscopic scale, and (2) clarification of the direction of the spatialoscillationofthe orderparameterto compare FIG.1. Fermi-surfaceofthepresentmodelHamiltonianfor with results of STM experiments possible in the future. t2=−0.6 and n=1.1. We examine a tight binding model with Fermi-surfaces whichshapesaresimilartothoseofRuSr2GdCu2O8,be- We calculate the critical field in the ground state for cause the quantities that we are calculating are sensitive n = 0.92 2, applying a formula developed in our pre- to the Fermi-surface structure. vious pap∼ers [11,12]. For anisotropic pairing Recently, the FFLO state has been studied in a tight binding model with only nearest neighbor hop- ∆(pˆ,r)=∆αγα(pˆ)eiq·r (3) ping[12,13]. ItwasfoundthatratiooftheFFLOcritical (pˆ p/p), the critical field is give by fieldandthePaulilimitissmallnearthehalffilling. Zhu ≡ | | et al. have discussed that hence the coexistence of the ∆ dp ρα(0,p ) v q scuuplterecxocnedputcitnivtihtye vaincdinitthyeoffetrhroemfeargrnoemtiacgnoertdiecrdiosmdaiiffins- hc =mqaxh 2α0 exp(cid:0)−Z 2πk ⊥Nα(0)k log|1− 2Fh·c |(cid:1)i, (4) near the half filling [13,14]. However, some experimen- where ∆ 2ω exp( 1/g N (0)) 1.76k T and α0 D α α B c talresultsindicatecoexistenceinamicroscopicscaleand ρα(0,p ) ≡ρ (0,p )[γ −(pˆ)]2 with the≈momentum de- a bulk Meissner-state [1,15]. Here, we should note that ⊥ k ≡ ⊥ k α pendent density of states ρ (ǫ,p ). Here, p denotes ⊥ k k the tight binding model with only nearestneighbor hop- the momentumcomponentalongthe Fermi-surface. The ping can not reproduce the shapes of the Fermi-surfaces pairing interaction is assumed to have a form of RuSr GdCu O . By taking into account the realistic 2 2 8 Fermi-surfacestructure,wewillshowbelowthatthecrit- V(p,p′)= g γ (pˆ)γ (pˆ′). (5) α α α − icalfieldisenhancedremarkablyandthusthecoexistence In particular, for d-wave pairing, we use a model with in a microscopic scale is possible in this compound. First, we define the tight binding model γ (pˆ) cosp cosp , (6) d x y ∝ − H0 = ǫpσc†pσcpσ (1) where px and py are the momentum components on Xpσ the Fermi-surface in the directions of pˆ. In our previ- ous papers, it was shown that the qualitative and semi- with a dispersion relation quantitativeresultsarenotsensitivetodetailsoftheform ǫpσ = 2t(cospx+cospy) 4t2cospxcospy µ+hσ, (2) of γd(pˆ) [11,12]. An effective density of states Nα(0) for − − − anisotropic pairing is defined by where h denotes the exchange field. When we apply the N (0) N(0) [γ (pˆ)]2 , (7) present theory to type II superconductors in a magnetic α α ≡ h i field B, h is written as h = µ B. We use a unit with e with an average on the Fermi-surface | | t=1 and the lattice constant a=1 in this paper. We take the value of the secondnearestneighbor hop- dpkρ⊥(0,pk) = ( ) , (8) ping energyt2 =−0.6t,whichgivesshapes ofthe Fermi- h···i Z 2π N(0) ··· |p|=pF(pk) 2 where N(0) is the density of states at the Fermi level. The Pauli limit H for anisotropic pairing is calculated P 3 by [γ (pˆ)]2 ∆ α α0 µ H = h i (9) e P p γ¯α √2 HP 2 with / c H 1 [γ (pˆ)]2log[1/γ (pˆ)] α α =exp h | |i . (10) γ¯ [γ (pˆ)]2 α (cid:0) h α i (cid:1) 1 In the above equations, the vector q is the center-of- mass momentum of Cooper pairs of the FFLO state. From the symmetry of the system, there are four or eight equivalent optimum vectors (q ’s), depending on 0 m 1 1.5 2 whetherqisinasymmetrydirectionornot,respectively. Actually, arbitrary linear combination of exp(iq r) n m · gives the same second order critical field, and the de- generacy is removed by the nonlinear term of the gap FIG. 2. Critical fields of the FFLO state of the s-wave equation below the critical field [7,16]. However, regard- pairing for n = 0.92 ∼ 2 at T = 0. Solid and broken lines ing the critical field and the optimum direction of the show theresults for t2 =−0.6 and t2=0, respectively. oscillation of the order parameter near the critical field, it is sufficient to take a single q as in eq.(3). Figures 2 and 3 show numerical results of the critical fields for t = 0.6, with our previous results for t = 0 2 2 − 3 (dotted lines) [12]. It is found that the critical fields are remarkablyenhancedneartheelectrondensitiesn 1.46 ≈ and 1.20 for the s-wave and the d-wave pairing, respec- tively. For example, at the electron density n =1.1, the d0 raarteioaspopfrotxhiemcartiteilcyaleqfiueladl ttoot1h.6e6Paanudli3p.a1r9amfoargtnheetisc-wlimaviet ∆H / c 2 and the d-wave pairing, respectively. These values (es- pecially the latter) seem to be large enough to make the coexistence possible in RuSr GdCu O . 1 2 2 8 In Fig.3 for the d-wave pairing, both the critical fields for ϕ =π/4 and ϕ =0 are shown, but the highest one q q isthefinalresultofthecriticalfieldgivenbyeq.(4). Here, ϕ is the angle between the optimum q and one of the 0 q 1 1.5 2 crystal axes. It is shown by a numerical calculation that thecriticalfieldsfortheothervaluesofϕ arelowerthan n q the higher one of the critical fields for ϕ = π/4 and 0. q Thus, the directionofthe optimumwavevectorq jumps FIG. 3. Critical fields of the FFLO state of the d-wave fromϕ =π/4toϕ =0atn 1.63. Ontheotherhand, pairing for n = 0.92 ∼ 2 at T = 0. Solid and broken lines q q ≈ for the s-wave pairing, ϕq = π/4 is the optimum in the showtheresultsforϕq =π/4andϕq =0,respectively,when wholeregionoftheelectrondensity. Thesebehaviorsare t2 =−0.6. The dotted line shows the result for t2 =0. Thin different from that for t =0, in which ϕ =0 [12]. solid line and thin dotted line show the Pauli paramagnetic For t = 0.6, a cusp2 is seen in Fig.2qfor the s-wave limits in theunit of ∆d0, for t2 =−0.6 and 0, respectively. 2 − pairing, whereas it does not appear in Fig.3 for the d- wave pairing. The physical origin of the cusp at n In spite of the absence of cusp behavior, the critical 1.46isthatthe Fermisurfacessatisfyacertainconditio≈n field is still very large for the d-wave pairing near the there,whichwasexplainedinourpreviouspaperfort = half-filling. Figure 4 shows the nesting behavior of the 2 0 [12]. It is related to how the two Fermi-surfaces touch Fermi-surfaces at t2 = 0.6 and n = 1.1. The direction − by the translation by the optimum q. In the present of the optimum vector q is ϕq = π/4, and the Fermi- case (t = 0.6 and n 1.46), the touch occurs in the surfacestouchattwopoints(i.e.,twolinesinthepxpypz- 2 (110) direct−ion, but be≈cause of the nodes of the order space), (px,py) (1.113π,1.713π) and (1.713π,1.113π). ≈ parameter the “nesting” is not efficient for the d-wave Since ϕq = π/4 is also the direction of a node of the d- pairing. Therefore, cusp does not appear for the d-wave wave order parameter, it may appear that this direction pairing. is less favorable. However, in actuality the critical field 3 isremarkablyenhancedforthis“nesting”vectorq, since orderparametersofdifferentsymmetries,whichincreases it gives two nesting lines which are far away from the T∗ [17]. nodes but near the flattest areas,as shown in Fig.4. Be- In conclusion, the FFLO critical field of the cuprate sides,theyarenearboththemaximaofthed-waveorder layers is remarkably enhanced by an effect of the Fermi- parameterandthe vanHovesingularities,whichalsoen- surfacestructure. The directionofthe spatialoscillation hancethecriticalfield. Astheelectrondensityincreases, of the order parameter is in the (110) direction both for the two nesting lines approach to the line node of the the s-wave pairing and the d-wave pairing. Although we order parameter, and thus the critical field decreases. examined only the ground state in this paper, the result H /H 3.19 at T = 0 is large enough to support co- c P ≈ 2 existenceofthesuperconductivityandtheferromagnetic order in a microscopic scale in RuSr GdCu O . Calcu- 2 2 8 lation for finite temperatures is now in progress. ThisworkwassupportedbyagrantforCoreResearch + forEvolutionaryScience and Technology(CREST) from Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST). π – – / y 1 p + [1] C. 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