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Superconducting energy gap in MgB2 film observed by infrared reflectance PDF

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Superconducting energy gap in MgB film observed by infrared reflectance. 2 A. Pimenov1, A. Loidl1, and S. I. Krasnosvobodtsev2 1Experimentalphysik V, EKM, Universit¨at Augsburg, 86135 Augsburg, Germany 2P. N. Lebedev Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 117924 Moscow, Russia (Dated: January 9, 2002) 2 Far-infrared reflectanceofaMgB2 filmhasbeenmeasured byFourier-transform spectroscopy for 0 frequencies 10cm−1 < ν < 4000cm−1 above and below the superconducting transition. The data 0 provideclear experimentalevidence for the onset of a superconducting gap at 24cm−1 at T =5K. 2 On increasing temperature the gap energy increases, contrary to what is expected in isotropic n BCS superconductors. The small zero-temperature gap value and its unconventional increases on a increasing temperaturecan only beexplained bya highly anisotropic or multiple gap function. J 9 The discoveryof superconductivity in MgB2 [1] raised native explanations based e.g. on multiple gaps [9, 11] ] the question about the nature of the energy gap in this or anisotropy [12] have also been proposed. For a re- n compound. Among different methods to observe and cent discussion see Ref. [13] and references therein. Dif- o c measure the superconducting energy gap, infrared spec- ferent values, observed by various experiments may be - troscopyremainsaverypromisingandpowerfulmethod. partly explained by the preferential sensitivity of partic- r p Indeed, first experiments on grazing infrared reflectivity ular experiments to different portions of the gap distri- u in MgB2 [2] showed features of the experimental spec- bution. Probably, optical conductivity methods tend to s tra,whichmaybeattributedtothesuperconductinggap. yield rather the lower limit of the gap distribution. The . t Theanalysisofthedatarevealedagapvalueintherange above-mentioned infrared experiments [2, 3, 5] revealed a 2∆≃3−4meV. This value is rather small compared to the 2∆ values between 3 and 5 meV, i.e substantially m the BCSestimate 2∆≈12meV andhas been attributed below the BCS estimate. - d totheminimumofthegapdistributionduetoanisotropy. Previously, we have investigated thin films of MgB2 n The infrared-transmissionexperiments by Jung. et al. usingthe methodofquasiopticalspectroscopyinthe fre- o [3] carried out on MgB2 thin films revealed a charac- quency range 4 cm−1 < ν < 30 cm−1 [14]. The highest c teristic peak, which could be connected to the energy frequencyofthisexperimentwastoolowtomakedistinct [ gap and resembled the predictions of the weak-coupling conclusions about the spectral gap in σ1(ω). Therefore, 2 BCS-theory. These experiments were similar to the clas- we investigated the same sample at infrared frequencies v sical experiments of Ginsberg and Tinkham on lead, tin using the technique of Fourier-Transform spectroscopy. 9 and indium [4]. Applying the Kramers-Kronig analysis The infrared spectroscopy of thin superconducting films 4 to the thin-film transmission data of these compounds, revealsdistinctadvantagescomparedtothespectroscopy 4 a superconducting gap in the real part of the complex on bulk samples [15]. The reflectance of bulk supercon- 9 ∗ 0 conductivity, σ (ω) = σ1 + iσ2 could be directly ob- ducting samples rapidly approaches unity both in the 1 served. In experiments with MgB2, Jung. et al. [3] normal and in the superconducting state especially at 0 restricted the data analysis to the comparison with pre- low frequencies. This implies a number of experimental / dictionsoftheBCS-theorywhichgaveanestimateofthe difficulties investigatingthe changesinreflectance atthe t a energy gap, 2∆0 ≃ 5.2meV. Later on, terahertz time- superconducting transition. In contrast, the reflectance m domain spectroscopy has been applied to the transmis- of thin films can be substantially reduced (compared to - sion of thin MgB2 films [5]. Due to phase-sensitivity of unity),whichstronglyimprovestheaccuracyofthedata. d the time-domain spectroscopy, the complex conductiv- In addition, the technique of quasioptical transmission n o ity of MgB2 could be extracted from the spectra with- spectroscopy [16] can be applied to the same films at c out application of the Kramers-Kronig analysis. As for lower frequencies. The transmission technique provides : classical superconductors, the frequency dependence of an independent measurement of the complex conductiv- v i σ1 revealed a characteristic minimum in the frequency ity at submillimeter frequencies and the reflectance of X dependence, which could be attributed to the supercon- the sample can be calculated from these data, which r ducting gap, 2∆≃5meV. stronglyexpands the low-frequencylimitofthe available a While there is already a large scatter of gap values spectrum and substantially improves the quality of the as determined from optical experiments, the gap ener- Kramers-Kroniganalysis. The combination of these two gies differ evenmore when values deduced fromdifferent techniques has been applied previously to thin YBaCuO experimental setups are compared. Techniques like tun- films [15] and showed the reliability and the advantage neling spectroscopy [6, 7], photoemission [8, 9] or spe- ofthedescribedprocedurecomparedtoconventionalfar- cific heat [10] reveal significantly different values of the infrared analyses. energy gap ranging between 2∆ = 3−10meV . These TheMgB2filmhasbeengrownbytwo-beamlaserabla- discrepanciestogetherwiththeobserveddeviationsfrom tion on a [1¯102] sapphire substrate. Magnetization mea- the BCS temperature dependence have been partly ex- surements have indicated a sharp superconducting tran- plainedbyimperfectionsofthesamplesurface,butalter- sition at 32 K with a width of 1 K. The details of the 2 MgB 1.0 than the BCS-estimate and is in the lower limit of the 2 gap values, observed in other experiments (3−10meV). T =32K C As mentioned above, the energy gaps, estimated from 1.0 the infrared[2, 3, 5] and microwave[19] experiments, all reveal quite small values lying in the range 3−5meV. We recall further that according to first-principles cal- R 0.8 culations [20], the Fermi-surface of MgB2 comprises four 20 60 sheets, each having a distinct energy gap [11]. Indeed, recent tunneling spectroscopy experiments [7] revealed a two different energy gaps in MgB2. It is reasonable to 0.9 suggestthattheexperimentswhichmeasurethecomplex conductivity (e.g. microwave or infrared spectroscopy) are sensitive to the lowest gap value. The spectroscopic features due to other gaps are smoothed because they 5 K overlap with the absorption across the smallest energy 20 K gap. This effect is a possible reason for a relatively low 25 K frequencyofthe ”knee”inreflectanceobservedinFig.1. 40 K The reflectivity of a thin metallic film on a dielectric 0.8 10 n (cm-1) 100 substrate may be obtained from the Maxwell equations and takes the form [21]: r0f +rfsexp(4πinfd/λ) FIG. 1: Far-infrared and submillimeter reflectance of MgB2 r = , (1) film on an Al2O3 substrate. Lines: directly measured re- 1+r0frfsexp(4πinfd/λ) flectance, symbols: dataas calculated from thecomplex con- withr0f =(1−nf)/(1+nf)andrfs =(nf−ns)/(nf+ns) ductivity in the submillimeter range [14]. The inset demon- being the Fresnel reflection coefficients at the air-film strates the result of the averaging procedure of the interfer- ence pattern at T =5K. (r0f) and film-substrate (rfs) interface. Here nf = (iσ∗/ε0ω∗)1/2 and ns are the complex refractive indices of the film and substrate, respectively, λ is the radiation wavelength,d is the film thickness, ω =2πν is the angu- growth process will be given elsewhere [17]. For fur- lar frequency, σ∗ =σ1+iσ2 is the complex conductivity ther details of the film characterization see Ref. [14]. of the film, and ε0 is the permittivity of free space. In the frequency range 10 < ν < 4000cm−1 reflectivity Eq. (1) neglects reflections from the opposite side of measurements were performed using a Bruker IFS-113v the substrate. It has to be noted that especially at low Fourier-transformspectrometer. Different sources,beam frequencies, interferences within the substrate are ob- splitters and optical windows allowed to cover the com- served in the spectra (inset of Fig. 1). In that case the plete frequency range. A pumped liquid-He bolometer full expression taking into account the finite substrate has been employed below 60cm−1. In addition, the re- thickness is more appropriate to calculate the conduc- flectance in the frequency range 4 < ν < 30cm−1 has tivity. However, attempts to carry out the calculation been calculated using the complex conductivity data of using the exactexpressioninsteadofEq. (1)did notim- the same sample, obtained by the submillimeter trans- prove the quality of the data. A possible reason for this mission [14]. Details of this technique can be found else- fact is the insufficient resolution of the interferences. In- where [16]. stead, the interference fringes in the reflectivity spectra Fig. 1 shows the reflectance of the MgB2 film for dif- havebeenremovedbyaveragingoverthefrequencyrange ferent temperatures. The most striking feature of the ofoneoscillation. Theresultsoftheaveragingprocedure data is the change in slope of the reflectance around 24 aredemonstratedintheinsetofFig. 1anddonotchange cm−1. The reflectance below this frequency is close to the overallfrequency dependence of the reflectance. one at T = 5K and drops rapidly above 24 cm−1. It is If the film thickness is smaller than the penetration importanttonote thatthis changeinslopeisseeninthe depth (|nf|d ≫ λ) and if |nf| ≫ |ns|, Eq. (1) is simpli- calculated submillimeter data (symbols) as well. There- fied to : fore, we interpret this feature as a direct observation of 1−σ∗dZ0−ns r ≈ , (2) athroeusnpdec2t4raclmga−p1 icnleaMrlgyBi2n.diTcahteesabtrhuepotncsheatnogfetihneselolepce- 1+σ∗dZ0+ns tromagnetic absorption above this frequency. It there- where σ∗ = −in2fε0ω is the complex conductivity of the fore resemblesthe classicalexperiments onreflectancein film and Z0 = pµ0/ε0 ≃ 377Ω is the impedance of free conventionalsuperconductors[18],inwhichtheonsetab- space. Eq. (2) is advantageous due to its simplicity and sorption across the gap has been observed. The onset of providesa goodapproximationofthe reflectivity atsub- the absorption in MgB2 corresponds to a superconduct- millimeter frequencies. For higher frequencies Eq. (1) is ing gap 2∆ ≃ 3meV, which is a factor of four smaller more appropriate. 3 The experimentally obtainedreflectance R=|r|2 does MgB notprovideenoughinformationtocalculatethefilmcon- 2 ductivitybecauseoftheunknownphaseshift. Therefore, -1)] 1 TC = 32 K a Kramers-Kronig analysis has to be applied to the re- (cid:134) / flectanceinordertoobtainthephaseshift. Thecondition W( 3 of the applicability of this kind of analysis is the analyt- -0 1 icity of log|r| in the upper half plane [22]. The absence [1 of the poles in log|r| is ensured by the relation |r| ≤ 1. s The absence of zeros in |r| (i.e. branch points in log|r|) is demonstrated in Fig. 1 and follows from the analysis 0 of the numerator of Eq. (1): the term r0f gives the re- 5 K flectivity of the metal-vacuumboundary andtherefore is -1)] 2D 0 20 K close to (-1), the term rfsexp(4πinfd/λ) is suppressed /(cid:134)2 25 K due to the presence of the exponent. 40 K W( 3 ThegeneralproblemintheapplicationoftheKramers- -0 1 Kroniganalysisis the necessity to extendthe reflectance [2 spectrum to low and to high frequencies. The high- s frequencyextrapolationupto22000cm−1hasbeentaken 0 from the data of Tu et al. [23]. The low-frequency ex- 10 n (cm-1) 100 1000 trapolation, which is the most important for our data analysis, has been obtained from the complex conduc- tivity data of the same film, measured by quasioptical FIG.2: ComplexconductivityofaMgB2 filmatinfraredfre- transmission spectroscopy in the range 4<ν <30cm−1 quencies. Upperpanel: realpartσ1. Lowerpanel: imaginary [14]. Below 4 cm−1 the extrapolations (1−r) ∝ ω and part σ2. Lines have been obtained via the Kramers-Kronig r = const have been used in the superconducting and analysis of the reflectance data. Symbols represent the con- normal conducting state, respectively. These extrapola- ductivity,which was directly measured by the transmittance tionsfollowfromEq. (2)andfromthelow-frequencylim- technique [14]. Sharp peak-like structures between 400 and ∗ ∗ 700cm−1 is due to residual influence of phonon contribution its σ ≈iσ2 ∝1/ω for a superconductorandσ ≈σ1 for of the substrate. a metal. As demonstrated in Fig. 1, the calculated sub- millimeter data (symbols) overlap and agrees well with the measuredinfraredreflectance (lines) without any ar- bitrary shifts. nates and the spectralfeatures at higher frequencies due to other gaps are masked. On increasing temperature The complex conductivity of the MgB2 film has been the transitionacrossthe smallest gapgraduallybecomes calculatedfromthe reflectancedataofFig.1andsolving thermally-saturatedandthe effective ”weight”fordiffer- Eq. (1). The complex refractive index of the Al2O3 sub- entgapsisshiftedtothehigher-energyregion. Therefore strate has been obtained in a separate experiment and the conductivity minimum also shifts to higher frequen- agrees well with literature data [24]. The reflectivity cies, which explains the behavior observed in Fig. 2. phaseshiftofthesubstrate-filmsystemhasbeenobtained bycarryingouttheKramers-Kroniganalysisasdescribed The suppression of σ1 at infrared frequencies (upper above. The results are presented in Fig. 2. The real partofFig. 2)reflectsthereductionofthelow-frequency partof the conductivity (upper panel) is frequency inde- spectral weight. At the same time, σ2 rapidly increases pendent in the normal conducting state (T = 40K) and revealing approximately a 1/ω behavior. From the slope below 100cm−1. The corresponding imaginary part σ2 of ω−1 the spectral weight of the superconducting con- (lower panel) is roughly zero for these frequencies. This densate can be estimated and turns out to be roughly picturecorrespondswelltothelow-frequencylimitofthe 20% higher than the reduction of the spectral weight in Drude-conductivity of a simple metal. On cooling the σ1. This possibly indicates that a substantial extrinsic sample into the superconducting state, σ1 becomes sup- contributionispresentinσ1inthesuperconductingstate. pressed between 5 and 100 cm−1 and shows a clear min- Besidesthegapfeature,anadditionalexcitationisob- imum, which corresponds to the superconducting gap. served in the conductivity spectra for frequencies above The position of the minimum at T = 5K corresponds 100cm−1 (Fig. 2). This feature is seen as a broad maxi- well to the change in slope in reflectance (ν ≈ 24cm−1, mumaround230cm−1,whichisonlyweaklytemperature Fig. 1). The minimum in σ1 shifts to higher frequencies dependent. For frequencies higher than 400cm−1 the as the temperature increases. This apparently contra- conductivity decreases again, which possibly reflects the dicts the expectations for the temperature dependence high-frequency behavior of the Drude-conductivity with −1 of the superconducting energy gap. However, as already a characteristic scattering rate 1/2πτ ≈ 400cm . At mentioneddiscussingthereflectancedataofFig.1,MgB2 thesamefrequencyabroadmaximumbecomesapparent reveals either an anisotropic gap [12] or multiple gaps inσ2 (lowerpartofFig. 2),abehaviorwhichisexpected [11]. At the lowest temperatures the smallest gap domi- within the Drude picture. The scattering rate 1/2πτ ≈ 4 1 ably fit the decrease of σ1 at high frequencies and the broad maximum in σ2 around 400cm−1. This value of -1)] 40 K the scattering rate implies the applicability of the dirty (cid:134) limit to MgB2. In this limit the changes of the scat- / tering rate have no substantial influence on the complex W( s-3 [101 2D 0 5 K vcthoaenludeeunc2et∆rigvByitCygSabp≃el2o8∆w0c1=m00−2c14mc(−mT1c−.1=Hd3ois2waKegvr)ee.erI,nwwittehhirsetchcaealslBetChthaSet- calculations based on the multi-gap conductivity might 0 be more appropriate. We expect that the presented es- timates within the simple model would give qualitative MgB 1] 2 hintsto understandthe behaviorofthe complexconduc- -/)(cid:134)4 5 K TC = 32 K tivTithye. imaginary part of the conductivity at T = 5K W( -30 1/2p t is wellreproducedby the BCS-modelwithout additional 1 [2 fitting parameters. Forlowfrequencies andinthe super- conducting state the real part σ1 is far above the model s 40 K calculations, a fact that probably implies an additional 0 absorptioninthefilm. Abovethegapfrequency,thethe- 10 100 1000 n (cm-1) oretical curve shows a slightly higher slope compared to the experiment. This again may indicate a distribution of the superconducting gaps in MgB2. FIG. 3: Comparison between the complex conductivity and the predictions of the weak-coupling BCS-model. Symbols Inconclusion,wepresentedthefar-infraredreflectance and solid lines represent the experimental data of Fig. 2. ofathinMgB2filmandcombinedittothelow-frequency Dashed lines: BCS-theory with 2∆ = 24cm−1, 1/2πτ = data, obtained by the submillimeter spectroscopy. The 600cm−1. broadband reflectance reveals a well-defined change in slope around ν ≃ 24cm−1, which we interpret as a di- rect evidence of the superconducting gap, 2∆ ≃ 3meV. −1 −1 400cm roughly correspondsto 1/2πτ ≈150cm , ob- The complex conductivity at infrared frequencies has tained from the low-frequency transmittance of this film been obtained applying the Kramers-Kronig analysis to [14]. The discrepancies most probably reflect the ex- the reflectance data and solving the equations for the perimental uncertainties. The origin of the broad max- substrate-film system. In the real part of the con- imum in σ1 on top of the Drude-conductivity is unclear ductivity a minimum develops in the superconducting atpresent. We cannotattribute it to residualeffects due state, which corresponds to the gap frequency. In ad- to substrate, because the phonon excitations in Al2O3 dition, a broad conductivity maximum is observed at start around 400 cm−1 and produce sharp anomalies in ν ∼ 230cm−1 and is attributed to bound states of lo- the spectra for 400 < ν < 700cm−1. A possible al- calized charge carriers. ternative explanation for the broad maximum could be bound states of localized charge carriers, similar to in- We thank F. Mayr, Ch. Hartinger and K. Pucher for frared maxima, observed in Zn-doped YBa2Cu3O8 [25]. help in carrying out the infrared measurements, and S. Finally, Fig. 3 compares the experimental conduc- Six, Ch. Schneider and G. Hammerl for the film charac- tivity with the predictions of the weak-coupling BCS- terization. We acknowledge stimulating discussion with model[26]. Thevalueofthesuperconductinggapisfixed A. V. ProninandH.-A. Krug vonNidda. 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