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Super-sharp resonances in chaotic wave scattering Marcel Novaes Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de S˜ao Carlos, S˜ao Carlos, SP, 13565-905, Brazil Wave scattering in chaotic systems can be characterized by its spectrum of resonances, zn = En−iΓ2n, where En is related to the energy and Γn is the decay rate or width of the resonance. Ifthecorresponding ray dynamicsis chaotic, a gap is believed todevelop in thelarge-energy limit: almost all Γn become larger than some γ. However, rare cases with Γ < γ may be present and actually dominate scattering events. We consider the statistical properties of these super-sharp resonances. We find that their number does not follow the fractal Weyl law conjectured for the bulkof thespectrum. Wealso test,for a simple model, theuniversal predictionsof random matrix theory for density of states inside the gap and the hereby derived probability distribution of gap 2 size. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 03.65.Sq,05.45.Mt,05.60.Gg 2 n Scattering of waves in complex media is a vast area to converge to γ. More natural variables are their expo- a of research, from oceanography and seismology through nentials, and we find that e Γ0 e γ decreases with E J − − − acoustics and optics, all the way to the probability am- accordingtoapowerlaw,whoseexponentiswellapprox- 6 1 plitude wavesofquantummechanics[1–4]. We focus our imated by d α. − attention on the important class of systems for which Averyfruitful approachtochaoticscatteringofwaves ] the complexity is not due to the presence of random- is random matrix theory (RMT) [9], in which the sys- D ness or impurities, but rather because the correspond- tem’spropagator(theGreen’sfunctionofthewaveequa- C ing ray dynamics is chaotic. The presence of multiple tion) is replaced by a random matrix, whose spectral . n scattering leads to very complicated cross-sections, with properties are studied statistically. The RMT prediction i stronglyoverlappingresonancesthat,althoughdetermin- for the density of resonance states inside the gap was l n istic,haveapparentlyrandompositionsandwidths. Itis derived in [10]. In this work we derive the RMT predic- [ notuncommonthatinagivensituationonlythesharpest tion for the probability distribution of e Γ0 e γ, and − − − 1 resonancesarerelevant,withthe othersprovidinganap- compare both these predictions to numerical results in a v proximately uniform background. specific system. 6 For concreteness of terminology,we consider quantum Waves in chaotic systems can be modeled by the so- 2 mechanical systems, but our results are general. We de- called‘quantum maps’. These are N N unitary matri- 33 note resonances by E iΓ and call Γ the width or the ceswhereN 1/~,andthelargeene×rgylimitE is − 2 ∼ →∞ . decayrate. Inthelarge-energylimitagapdevelopsinthe replaced by the limit of large dimension, N . This 1 → ∞ resonance spectrum: most resonances have their widths approachhas been used to study transport properties of 0 2 largerthan γ,which is the averagedecayrate ofthe cor- semiconductorquantum dots [11], entanglementproduc- 1 responding classical (ray) dynamics. This was noticed tion[12],thefractalWeyllaw[13],fractalwavefunctions v: longago[5],andmorerecentlytherehavebeenattempts [14, 15], proximity effects due to superconductors [16], i to prove it rigorously [6]. We are interested in the rare among other phenomena. Scattering can be introduced X case of states inside the gap, i.e. with Γ < γ, which we by means of projectors. The propagator becomes a sub- r call super-sharp resonances. unitary matrix of dimension M < N, and its spectrum a comprises N M zero eigenvalues and M resonances of The distribution of typical resonances in chaotic sys- − the form z =e i(En iΓn/2). tems is conjectured to follow the so-called fractal Weyl n − − Asourdynamicalmodelweusethe kickedrotator. Its law[7]: theirnumbergrowswithE asapowerlaw,whose classical dynamics is determined by canonical equations exponentisrelatedtothefractaldimensiondoftheclas- of motion in discrete time, sical repeller, the set of rays which remain trapped in the scattering region for infinite times, both in the fu- K ture and in the past [8]. In a numericalexperiment with q =q +p + sin(2πq ) (mod1) (1) t+1 t t t 4π a simple model, we find that the number of super-sharp K resonances, denote it by , does not follow this law. p =p + [sin(2πq )+sin(2πq )] (mod1). (2) NSSR t+1 t 4π t t+1 It does grow with E according to a power law, but the exponent seems to be insensitive to γ or the dimension This system is known to be fully chaotic for K > 7, of the repeller. with Lyapunov exponent λ ln(K/2). Its quantization ≈ We also investigatethe dependence with energyof the [16, 18] yields a N dimensional unitary matrix U. We widthofthesharpest(andusuallymostimportant)reso- setequalto zeroafractionof1 µ ofits columns,corre- − nance. LetthisbedenotedΓ . AsEgrows,itisexpected sponding to a ‘hole’ in phase space. Here µ corresponds 0 2 1,0 1,0 0,8 d 0,8 a N=500 b 0,6 N=1500 P N=5000 0,6 1 N=10000 0,4 0,4 0,2 0,2 0,0 0,00 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,10 0,0 x 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 m 1,0 FIG. 1: Scaling exponents as functions of µ for the open kickedrotator. d,αandβarerelatedtothefractalWeyllaw, 0,8 the number of super-sharp resonances and the width of the N=500 gap, respectively. We see that α is approximately indepen- 0,6 N=1500 dentof thesize of theopening. Thesolid lineisa bestlinear P N=5000 2 N=10000 fit to d, while the dashed line is d−hαi, where hαi≈0.66 is 0,4 theaverage valueof α. 0,2 to the fraction of rays which escape the scattering re- 0,0 gion per unit time, so µ=e γ. We do not consider very 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 − x smallvaluesofµ,whichwouldcorrespondtowidelyopen systems. We find numerically that Nα, while e Γ0 FIG. 2: Top panel: P1 =Pr(r2−µ<x) for the open kicked SSR − N ∼ − rotator,atseveraldimensions,forµ=0.8. Lowerpanel: same e−γ ∼N−β. The exponentsareplottedasfunctions ofµ for P2 = Pr(ηe(r2−µ) < x), where ηe is defined in the text. in Figure 1,together with d, the numericallydetermined Solid line is a rescaled RMT prediction. exponent in the Weyl law. We see that, somewhat sur- prisingly, in this range α is approximately constant, i.e. insensitive to the dimension of the repeller. The super- This calculation can be found in [10]; we sketch it here sharp resonances do not follow the fractal Weyl law. On for completeness. The probability density for r = e Γ/2 − the other hand, the exponent β has approximately the is known exactly [17], and when M =µN and N 1 it ≫ same slope as d. We find the relation d β = α to be can be approximated to − approximately fulfilled, which is to be expected since it says that the number of super-sharp resonances, Nα, P (r) (µ r2) ∼ P(r) ∞ 1+erf η√µ − , (4) is proportionalto the totalnumber ofresonances, Nd, ≈ 2 r ∼ (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) times the width of the gap, N β. − ∼ where erf is the error function and We now turn to an RMT treatment of the problem. RMT for quantum maps amounts to taking matrices N uniformly distributed in the unitary group. In [17], an η = (5) ensemble of truncated unitary matrices was introduced s2µ(1 µ) − as a model for scattering, and it was shown that, as is now the large number. Clearly, (4) will be different N,M with µ = M/N held fixed, the probability density→of∞r =e−Γ/2 converges to fsreotmtinPg∞r2(r=) µon+lyǫ/ifηµ, t−heνp0riosboafbitlhiteyodridsterribouft1io/nη.foArfttheer 1 µ 2r variable ǫ becomes P (r)= − , (3) ∞ µ (1 r2)2 − P(ǫ)=√π(1 erf(ǫ)). (6) if r2 < µ and to 0 otherwise. The expression (3) was − tested numerically for a chaotic quantum map in [18] This is the densiety of states inside the gap. It is only and found to be an accurate description of the bulk of non-zero in a small region that shrinks as N 1/2 in the − the spectrum, provided a rescaling was performed to in- asymptotic limit. Its integral provides the probability corporate the fractal Weyl law. that r2 µ be less than some value x. This we denote − Letusstartwiththedensityofsuper-sharpresonances. by Pr(r2 µ<x). − 3 InFigure2aweseePr(r2 µ<x)for the openkicked − rotator, at various dimensions for µ = 0.8. We see that 1,0 asN growsthevaluesofrbecomemorelocalizedaround µ. In Figure 2bwe introduce a scaledvariableη(r2 µ), 0,8 − but with η different from η in that it involves the actual exponent β instead of the RMT prediction 1/2: 0,6 N=1000 e P N=2500 1 N=5000 e 0,4 N=7500 N β N=10000 η = . (7) 2µ(1 µ) 0,2 (cid:18) − (cid:19) All curves fall on teop of each other, indicating that this 0,0 is the correct scaling. Moreover, the shape of the curve 0,000 0,025 0,050 0,075 0,100 0,125 x agrees with (6). Letus nowconsiderthe probabilitydistributionofthe largest eigenvalue of the propagator, which corresponds 1,0 to the sharpest resonance and whose modulus we de- note R. Largest eigenvalue distributions are important 0,8 in different areas of mathematics [19] and physics [20], N=1000 0,6 and have even been measured [21]. A similar calcula- P N=2500 2 N=5000 tion to the one below can be found in [22]. Let ( z ) N=7500 P { } 0,4 N=10000 denotethejointprobabilitydensityfunctionforalleigen- values. Whenintegratedoverallvariablesfrom0tox,it 0,2 givestheprobabilitythatalleigenvaluesaresmallerthan x. Therefore, if Q(x) is the probability that the largest 0,0 0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 eigenvalue be smaller than x, then x M Pr(R<x)= ( z ) d2z . (8) FIG. 3: Top panel: P1 = Pr(R2 −µ < x), where R is the i Z[0,x]M P { } i=1 modulusofthelargesteigenvalue,fortheopenkickedrotator Y at several dimensions, for µ = 0.8. Lower panel: same for The jpdf of the eigenvalues is [17]: P2 = Pr(ηe2(R2 −µ)2 < x). Solid line is a rescaled RMT prediction. 1..M M ( z ) z z 2 (1 z 2)N M 1. (9) i j i − − P { } ∝ | − | −| | where we have defined the function i<j i=1 Y Y 1+erf(z) It is a usual trick to write z z 2 in terms of the (z)=ln . (12) i<j| i− j| L 2 Vandermonde determinantQ|detA|2, where Aij = zji−1. (cid:18) (cid:19) This can be shown to be equal to M!detB, where B = One interesting question that can be answered at this ij zij−1(zi∗)i−1. Each element of the matrix B depends on pointis,howlikelyisitthatatruegapwillexistatµfor a single variable,and the integrationdecouples. The an- a finite value of N? The probability that all eigenvalues gularpartoftheintegralsdiagonalizesthe matrixand,if are smaller than µ is simply given by the exponential in M =µN and N 1, the result becomes (11) with x = 0. It is thus proportional to e−c√N for ≫ some constant c. M x Notice that (11) has some similarity with the Tracy- Pr(R<x) (1 y)N(1−µ)yjdy. (10) Widomdistribution[23]ofthelargesteigenvalueofGaus- ∝ − jY=0Z0 sian ensembles of RMT, in the sense that it involves the exponential of the integral of a function that satisfies Thisresultisexact,butabitcumbersome. Approximat- a non-linear differential equation, (z) = 2z (z) ing the integrand by a Gaussian function we arrive at L′′ − L′ − ( (z))2. It is not a Painlev´e transcendent, however. Pr(R < x) ∝ Mℓ=0 12 + 21erf η x2−µ+ ℓ(1N−µ) . LR′ eturning to the calculation, let us change variable This result canQbe funrther simphlifi(cid:16)ed by exponentia(cid:17)tiiong to δ = ηx2 and obtain exp 2µη δ∞L(z)dz . Clearly, the product into a sum, setting the scale as ℓ = 2µηξ this function does not converge as η . Assuming and approximating the sum by an integral. We get δ to be large, we use (z)(cid:8) Re z2→/2√∞πz(cid:9)and inte- − L ≈ − grate by parts to get exp 2µηe δ2/4√πδ2 . In order − Pr(R2−µ<x)∝exp(cid:26)2µηZ0∞dξL ηx2+ξ (cid:27), (11) to have a finite limit, wenm−ust have ηe−δ2/oδ2 = O(1). (cid:0) (cid:1) 4 This implies that δ2 = y+W(η), where W is the Lam- This work was supported by CNPq and FAPESP. bert function, which for large η can be approximated as W(η) logη loglogη. Therefore, if instead of R we ≈ − consider the variable [1] WaveScatteringinComplexMedia: FromTheorytoAp- plications, B.A. van Tiggelen and S.E. Skipetrov (Edi- ρ=η2(R2 µ)2 logη+loglogη, (13) − − tors) (Springer,2003). 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