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Preview Sunset hot tubs, spas & home saunas

? 4 1 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Kahle/Austin Foundation https ://arch ive.org/detaiis/su nsethottu bsspaOOOOsu ns Ideas for Hot Tubs, Spas& Home Saunas By the Editors of Sunset Books and Sunset Magazine Lane Publishing Co., Menlo Park, California Staff Editors: Acknowledgments Jack McDowell We’d like to extend our thanks to the Barbara G. Gibson many organizations that helped bring Julie Anne Gold this book together: Aquarian Hot Tubs: Barrel Builders; The Board and Barrel; California Redwood Spa; The Colorado Hot Tub Co.; Compool Corporation; Design Creative Energy; Finnish-American Joe di Chiarro Sauna; Finska Sauna Corporation; Galper and Baldon Landscape Archi¬ tects; Hedon Hot Tubs; JBS Architec¬ Illustrations tural Specialties; Malibu Spa and Rik Olson, Terrence Meagher Pool; Metos Sauna of Portland; Neptune Pools; Olympic Hot Tub Co.; Omi- Lang Associates; Patricia Moore, Inc.; Photography Plantiques, Ltd.; Pool Wfeter Products; All photos by Jack McDowell, except Rancho Soledad Nurseries, Inc.; The as follows: Ed Bigelow—35, 37 top, Rocky Mountain Hot Tub Co.; San Juan 45 top, 48 top; Glenn Christiansen — Pools of Denver; Sauna and Spa 33 top; Ells Marugg—44, 51 top, Distributing Co.; Say Fromage; Snow- 54 bottom left; John McCarthy—61 mass Chamber of Commerce; Spa top; Jim Peck—49 bottom, 51 bottom: Arama; Spa and Sauna Journal; Spa Norm Plate —55 top, 60 top. World; Spring Mountain Hot Tubs; The Tubmakers; Veldkamp’s Flowers; Vico Products Manufacturing Co.; Viking Cover Sauna of Northern California; Williams- Home health center, featuring fiber¬ Sonoma of Beverly Hills; Wood in glass spa and sauna, is also shown on the Round. page 54, lower left. Photographed by Clyde Childress. Special thanks go to the owners of the installations appearing in the book, and to the following individuals: Mikkel Editor, Sunset Books Aaland: Cleo Baldon: Charles Barbara: David E. Clark Ted Bassett: Dan Bello; Bernard T Berba; Buff Bradley; James Bukey; Carl Calvert; Dan Christopherson; Chuck Fields; Sixth printing February 1984 Stan Freeman; Sid Galper: Veikko O. Huttunen; William Kapranos; John T Copyright © 1979, Lane Publishing Co., Kolkka: Peter Lieg; Rory Manley: Vi Menlo Park, CA 94025. First edition. World Mathis; John A. Mensik; Gerald Moreland; rights reserved. No part of this publication Chris Payne; Dr. Robert Stern; Edward may be reproduced by any mechanical, Stiles; Marilyn and Reino Tarkiainen; photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording, nor may Edward Turner; Jack Wyard. it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without prior written permission from the publisher. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 78-70274. ISBN 0-376-01244-7. Lithographed in the United States. Contents 4 Getting Yourself Into Hot Water—A Hot Tub and Home Spa Primer The Basic Choice —Spa or Tub? 6 Buying Wisely 26 The Opportunities in Landscaping 10 Getting Launched 27 The Support System 18 Maintaining Your Investment 28 Installation Tips 22 Keeping VWter Clean 28 Installing a Wooden Hot Tub 22 Maintaining Wooden Tubs 30 Installing a Spa 24 Maintaining Fiberglass Spas 31 Concrete Spas 24 Maintaining Concrete Spas 31 Utility Hookups 25 Mechanical Maintenance 31 32 A Hot Tub, Spa, and Sauna Gallery—Successful Ideas for Your Home The Japanese Hot-tub House 34 Swimming Pool/Hot Bath 49 Special Rooms for Spa or Tub 36 Natural Hot Tubs in Natural Settings 50 Hot Tub Socializing Areas 37 Taking Advantage of Little-used Space 52 Hot Tubs Close to the Living Quarters 38 Bringing the Outdoors Inside 54 Spas, Tubs, and Landscaping 40 The Home Health Center 56 Hot Tubs that Nestle in Low-level Decks 44 Outdoor Saunas 58 Creating a Focal Point in the Garden 46 Small-space Saunas 62 Taking Advantage of a Special View 48 64 A Room Full of Dry Heat—A Home Sauna Primer The Sauna Experience 65 Sauna Stoves 75 The Modern Sauna Complex 66 Accessories and Custom Touches 77 Your Options in Saunas 68 Curing the Sauna 78 How to Buy a Prefab Sauna 68 Care of the Sauna 78 Anatomy of a Well-built Sauna 69 How to Take a Sauna 78 80 Index A hot tub and home spa primer Getting Practiced as a form of physical therapy by many European cul¬ Yourself tures, refined as a mind-cleansing ritual by some Orientals, the hot soak has become a latter-day Into Hot phenomenon in the United States. Most Americans use the Water hot soak to soothe tense muscles; others use it to relax the mind. But most everyone uses it because submerging the body in hot water feels good. • Hot tub or home spa? In this hot tub and spa primer • Basic planning you’ll find a wealth of practical • Support equipment information on the vessels that hold the hot water—information • Installing the hot bath that will help you make an intel¬ • Shopping around ligent decision as to which kind • Water treatment of hot tub or spa best suits your • Maintenance needs and desires, and how to put it where you want it. tanks, sidearm heaters, pipes, and pumps, and concocted some primi¬ tive but dearly loved hot tub systems. Word quickly spread of the new hedonistic pastime, and soon hot tub and spa companies proliferated. Tubs and Spas Today Whether in an indoor environment or out under the sky, hot tubs and spas soon become a way of life. Tub and spa owners find they soak any¬ where from a few times a week to Old wood cut proves that tubs are not a new idea at all. once or twice a day. Just how warm the water should To a rapidly growing number of For centuries the Japanese have be is a continual point of contention. Americans, hot tubs and spas conjure enjoyed the pleasure of hot bathing Though some hardy bathers boast of images of fun, frolic and friends in in freestanding wooden tubs called long endurance records at high tem¬ swirling hot waters. Still, a consider¬ ofuros. Unlike the large Roman peratures, most health authorities able number of people think a hot forums, hot bathing in Japan was and recommend a maximum bathing tub is what farm hands get into on is a family affair. temperature of 100°F for adults and Saturday night. Though Americans are better 95° F for children. To clear up any misunderstandings, known for their quick morning If you’ve never experienced a hot hot tubs and spas have little to do showers, hot water bathing has never bath the key is moderation. If you with the conventional American bath. been far from the American scene. feel overcome by the heat, cool Rather, they are watertight recep¬ Following the traditions of the great off for a few minutes outside the tacles of all shapes, sizes and European resort spas, American water. If you have a heart condition, materials—wood, fiberglass, cement resorts like Saratoga Springs, Warm circulatory problems or diabetes, or and metal — designed to hold 100° Springs, and Calistoga quickly if you’re pregnant, seek a doctor’s water and anywhere from one to a attracted rich patrons to their hot advice before hot bathing. dozen bathers. An individual support mineral waters. Like their predecessors, modern equipment assembly (typically a tubs and spas are not cleansing heater, filter, and pump plus vessels, so wash and rinse off before plumbing) keeps the water clean and Yankee Ingenuity entering the water. stirs up a delightful, bubbling bath Tubs and spas cost less than in- that people nationwide are discover¬ It was left to a group of fun-loving ground swimming pools, often fit ing and jumping into with joy. Californians to mix the conviviality of into small, previously unused space, the Roman bath, the tranquility of the and are relatively straightforward to Japanese o/uro, and the therapeutic install. Since they are smaller than It’s Ancient History quality of hot mineral springs to swimming pools, they use less water, come up with the prototype of the cost less to heat, and are easier to Though many ancient cultures — modern hot tub and spa. maintain. Not least, they’re great fun Roman, Egyptian, Greek, Turkish, At the turn of the century, Santa to have around. and Japanese—enjoyed some form Barbara was a haven for the social Most potential buyers know they of communal hot bathing, the modern elite seeking the pleasure of soaking want to buy a tub or spa, but that’s hot tub and spa can be most easily in the nearby canyon hot springs. In about all they know. They are traced to its Roman and Japanese the late 1960s, though the springs justifiably hesitant about pouring predecessors. had long since lost their resort $3,000 or more into a young Ancient Roman baths had little to status, a group of bohemian Santa industry with few standards and even do with personal hygiene, a lot to do Barbarans decided to bring the joys fewer controls. with good clean fun. Large and often of hot bathing from the canyons into To ease these concerns, let this boisterous aquatic arenas, these their own back yards. book guide you through the major baths could accommodate thousands As if to dispel the myth that hot decisions involved in buying and of people at one time. Here, one water bathing was a sport of the rich, installing a hot tub or spa —from went to soak in the hot waters, relax, they built their hot baths close to their design and planning to regular and socialize with friends. homes, and from readily available maintenance. In this way we hope to materials. Scouring the countryside’s help you make intelligent choices so farms and salvage yards, they col¬ you can enjoy your new hot tub or lected a melange of wine vats, water spa to the fullest. 5 Tub & Spa Primer Exploring the Options Tub? Spa? Heater Round? Fiberglass with gelcoat? Open flame? Oval? Fiberglass with acrylic? Electric? Concrete? Blower? DE? Concrete paving? Sand? Tile? Above grade? Cartridge? Brick? Below grade? Chlorinator? Pump Self-priming? Vi hp? 1 hp? 2 hp? The trick in deciding among the mang options is an orderly sequence of choice. because one or the other fits the keeps tubs watertight without the use family better: Soft, rustic tub or of a single nail. polished, sculpted spa. Typically, tubs are 4 feet deep. The Basic Choice — However, the easy aesthetic choice They range from 2/^ to 5 feet in Spa or Tub? is not always free to stand alone. depth. The most popular diameters There is the practical matter of are 5 and 6 feet, although they range The long, easy soak at the end of a money. Landscaping already in down to 31/2, up to 12 feet. (On rare long, hard day is a beautiful picture place may impose limitations. occasion they exceed 12.) The to develop in the mind’s eye. Finally come such long-range standard 4x5 tub holds about 500 Getting from a dream to the questions as portability, maintenance gallons of water, the 4x6 about 700. reality of a hot tub or spa involves a hours, and utility bills. Full of water and bathers, such tubs long series of choices. Many are This section is a walk-through of weigh 7,000 to 8,000 pounds. pleasant, some only gritty. All are the major elements of choice, starting necessary. Wood. Vertical-grain all-heart with functional differences between Although therapeutic heat and redwood is the most-favored material tubs and spas. To keep you from swirling waters are the same in for tubs. Properly maintained, it will making up your mind too soon, it either, choice No. 1 is between hot last 15 years. should be noted there are vinyl liners tub and spa. Other trees with similarly durable for tubs and wooden casings for A hot tub is usually round, straight¬ and usable heartwoods include some spas. sided and of unstained redwood. cedar, cypress, and oak. Teak is a But tubs can be oval or rectangular, well-proven, though expensive wood. have slanting sides, and be of cypress, The precise points of difference oak, or other woods. Consider the Tub among the suitable woods do little to A spa usually is molded fiberglass simplify choices. Some tubs are recycled from original with an inner lining of a hard, Redwood is extremely resistant to duty as wine tanks. Most new tubs are polished material. Forms and colors decay, does not splinter, and swells made just as wine tanks are, often by are as free as imagination cares to easily to watertightness. It is not the same coopering firms. make them in these, and in less extremely resistant to damage from Round or oval tub sides are common spas of concrete or metal. caustic chemicals. beveled staves held in place by a For most, the choice between these Cedar comes very close to red¬ dado joint at the floor and by metal opposites is almost automatic wood on all counts; it is slightly less hoops. Their floors rest on heavy joists, which in turn rest on concrete piers or solid pads. Constant soaking 6 Tub & Spa Primer The Basic Hot Tiib Adjustable hydro jets .Seat/shelf Removable cover 2ii' Three Tub Depths PVC pipe Bench (from support system) Compression hoops staves PVC pipe (to support system) Air bubbler (optional) Duckboards Square tub in flberglass shell Dowel or tongue-and-groove flooring Joists Tubs offer a surprising range of choices in size and shape, as well as equipment. resistant to decay, slightly more heartwood. The risks are water leaks at the expense of personal labor. resistant to chemical damage. It may through weak spots and splintering. Skilled handymen often can do some not be as long-lived. The price of a tub is only one leg or all of the plumbing and electrical Oak, a hardwood, has as its of a triangle. work as well. principal weakness a tendency to Add pump, filter, heater and the Once a tub is installed, mainte¬ decay. Well-maintained, it is rest of a support system to the price nance is somewhat more time- extremely durable. of a redwood tub, and a typical unit consuming than a spa’s because Teak is the unchallenged cham¬ costs in the range of $2,000 to wood is soft-textured, and because pion in durability and decay $3,000 before installing. staves and seats make nooks and resistance. Also, it has a natural oily The price range may seem extraor¬ crannies. Wood also may deteriorate smoothness. Price and availability dinary, especially since it can be more more sharply than the hard surface are the drawbacks. than double the cost of the tub itself. of a spa when maintenance is poor. All wood types should be kiln- as Still, only a small part of the variation Tubs have a distinct edge over spas opposed to air-dried. Kiln-dried wood owes itself to regional differences. in portability. Above-grade installation absorbs moisture more evenly, so is Far the greater part stems from the makes them possible to pick up and less likely to twist or buckle in use, wide array of choices in mechanical carry away. The loss is in abandoning and thus is less likely to develop leaks. supports to the tub or spa. Pumps part or all of the foundation and in At publication, average-sized alone range more than $100 apart in sawn up PVC connections. redwood tubs ran between $800 and price, and the new tub or spa buyer Spas rarely lend themselves to $1,200. Cedar tubs cost as much as has not only that choice, but the such uprooting because they are $200 less. Oak was priced almost two option of using two, and an air dug into the good earth. times more than redwood in some blower to boot. The other elements markets. Teak is the most expensive are almost as variable. wood of them all. At publication, professionals There are regional variations. For charged between $1,000 and $1,500 example, oak is closer in price to for an above-grade installation on a redwood near the oak forests of reasonably accessible site. (Because Kentucky than it is next to the tubs are self-supporting by their redwoods in California. nature, they lend themselves to It is possible to cut costs on a above-grade locations.) tub by choosing lesser cuts than Since above-grade site work is relatively simple, this is an area in which most homeowners save money 7 Tub Anatomy Regard the Spa bottom and sides, by sand. This grouting is harder to keep clean than requires below-grade installation, or either gelcoat or acrylic. The idea is Originally the gunite spa was about some sort of retaining wall for above¬ a hangover from concrete spas, in the only residential type sold, and grade placement. which tile is easier to clean than the then as an adjunct to swimming Quality in fiberglass spas is some¬ relatively rough plaster finish.) pools. Once hot tubs appeared, what more difficult to assess than in The relative merits of acrylic versus though, fiberglass shells were quick tubs. Vertical-grain heartwood looks gelcoat linings are a subject of some to follow in every size, shape and like what it is: knot-free wood with debate. It is not easy to regard one color imaginable. the grain running true from one end or the other as a superior choice. Although their shapes are far of the piece to the other. The surest Acrylic, a harder material, is more more variable, spas still tend to follow test of quality in fiberglass is the resistant to abrasion damage than is the basic size of hot tubs—typical manufacturer’s reputation. (The gelcoat. It also withstands chemical ones are close to 4 feet deep, and design or shape is not a test. Well damage and high temperatures 5 to 6 feet across, but they can be known molds are subject to copy by more readily. found somewhat smaller and much competitors less quality conscious Gelcoat performs well in all these larger. than the originator.) Points to check departments, and is less expensive. After shape, the two qualities that on the spot are: Consistent thickness Gelcoat also is a good deal easier set spas apart from tubs are the facts along the edges (the only places and less expensive to repair if time or that they come as a single piece, and where line-of-sight will work), and accident should damage the finish. have hard inner surfaces. absence of cracks or creases any¬ Whichever lining, fiberglass spas where. Well made molds will show tend to be slightly more expensive Fiberglass shells. A great majority reinforcing at the steps, across the than wooden tubs of comparable of spas are molded fiberglass shells bottom, and around all outlets. The quality. with either an acrylic or gelcoat inner interior lining should be blemish-free. lining. These shells are supported. One other sign of quality is smooth¬ ness in the tile work set at water level in some spas. (Ostensibly the tile is there to ease maintenance. In fact the 8 Tub & Spa Primer

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