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The true collection SUNAN AL-TIRMITHI Imam of the Hadeeth Abu 'Eisa Muhammad lbn 'Eisa lbn Sawra al-Tirmithi Died in 297 A.H. Translated by Haytham Kreidly English - Arabic Text VOLUME I Title:SUNAN AL-TIRMITHI classification: Prophetic Hadith Author : Imam of the Hadeeth al-Tirmithi I ~1.ol1elk.d b11J1.::J I Translator : Haytham Kreidly Publisher : Dar AI-Kotob Al-ilmiyah 19112-....u~~~i.-,i Pages : 2080 (4 volumes) @) Copyright Year : 2008 @ All rights re~erve~ Tous dro1ts reserves Printed in Lebanon Edition 1 " ,i'll...,lS-,.=1~ ,,u:J,i.._...._,.;;,i.,._,_,...;,it-,1-_,i.;...,...,J .,....:;~1~...rL>,JJi.:.,;......lSll>~i~~Jii;....-. -~~Wl~I~ "'IJ~,...,~UIJ,l-.-t ~ ~~Ji Exclusive rights by © Dar AI-Kotob Al-llmiyah Beirut -Lebanon No part of chis publication may be translated, reproduced, distributed in any form or by any means, or scored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. ($.:.i_.o...,.:;.Jti:.,.:.....:'-:'~I Tous droits exclusivement reserves a© Dar AI-Kotob Al-llmiyah Bey,outh -Liban ~tt-4~1~_, Toure representation, edition, traduction ou reproduction ',T,~-,f.~! meme partielle, par cous precedes, en tous pays, faite '-:?.,;,-=--:=: ~, sans autorisation prealable signee par l'ediceur est illicite a et exposerait le contrevenant des poursuites ':?;...~I tlA)II : u!).4JI judiciaires. ..,.1~_>5'~: ~~' 1" edition w~-~l...,..:;s:Jl_;\.1: _,...:,\.:JI 2008 A.D -1429H ( ,I_P.-i 4) 2080 :u~I .>~ ~k.t1bHJt~ 2008: ~4,b.JI ~ uli..:J : ~4,b.JI -U.! 1971 L..... i:,~ ~ ..__. lf.-i (.:.,L;_,J) ,_)J~t : ~I Mohamad Ali Baydoun Publications Dar AI-Kotob Al-llmiyah Aramoun, al-Quebbah, .~I 'iJJ---".>" Dar AI-Kotob Al-ilmiyah Bldg. a...__,..wl ~I .)I,~ Tel : +961 5 804 810/11/12 +\ll OA•tAl·/\\/H:...;.:.~ Fax:+961 5 804813 +-..11 O A·t Alf:~ P.o.Box: 11-9424 Beirut-lebanon Riyad a\-Soloh Beirut 1107 2290 11,v n,, ~,,.,,-i:-kJ' .;.,, ISBN 2-7451-5525-3 (10 dig) ISBN 978-2-7451-5525-2 ( 13 dig) 90000 http://www.al-ilmiyah.com sales @al-ilmiyah.com [email protected] [email protected] 9 782745 155252 3 In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful Key The phrase "Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him" is used after the Prophet Muhammad is mentioned and is abbreviated as (S.A.W.) for the Arabic saying, "Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam". "For whom Allah's good pleasure is prayed" or "May Allah be pleased with him/her" is used after mentioning the companions and is abbreviated as (R.A.A.) for the Arabic expression "Radia Allahu A'nhu". * After Allah's name is mentioned the expression "To Whom belongs glory and might" is abbreviated as (S.W.T) for the Arabic expression "Subhanahu wa Ta'ala". * Transliteration note: "Ibn" means "the son of'; "Abu" means "the father of'; "Um" means "the mother of'; and "Bint" means "the daughter of'. Biography of the Compiler 4 ~14; Biography of the Compiler Imam Abu E'isa Muhammad Ibn E'isa Ibn Surah AI-Tirmithi (209 A.H.-297 A.H.) His Teachers Al-Tirmithi lived during a time of scientific renaissance. Along with great advancements in science throughout that period, this renaissance was the product of great scholars like Al-Tirrnithi. He carried the science of the Hadeeth back to the Islamic nation and raised high the torch of the call to the Path of Allah. Young people started going to those great scholars to seek the light of useful knowledge and hope for the great rewards of the Hereafter. Our prominent scholar (AI-Tirmithi) got his knowledge from great Imams and scholars who stood up to the ignorant and the people seeking personal glory by fighting the religion. Those scholars were successful in exposing the evil of those who wanted to keep people from seeing the light of Islam and the greatness of the Hadeeth. They were able to purify the Hadeeth from the lies that were infused in it until its sun shined again just like the earlier days of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and the companions (R.A.A.). Some of Al-Tirmithi's teachers: 1- Al-Bukhari, Muhammad lbn Ismail, Abu Abdullah (194 A.H. - 256 A.H.) 2- Muslim Ibn Al-Hajaj AI-Qushairi Abu Al-Hussein (204 A.H. - 261 A.H.) 3- Abu Dawood Suleiman Ibn AI-Asha'ath Al-Sajistani (202 A.H. - 275 A.H.) 4- Muhammad lb Bashar Bundar (167 A.H. - 252 A.H.) 5- Muhammad Ibn Al-Muthana Abu Musa (167 A.H. - 252 A.H.) 6- Ziad Ibn Yehya Al-Hisani (died in 254 A.H.) 7- Abbas Ibn Abdul A'atheem Al-A'anbari (died in 246 A.H.) 8- Abu Sa'id AI-Ashaj Abdullah Ibn Sa'id Al-Kindi (died 257 A.H.) 9- Abu Hafs Ibn Ali AI-Falas (160 A.H. - 252 A.H.) 10- Ya'qub Ibn Ibrahim AI-Douraqi (166 A.H. - 252 A.H.) 11- Muhammad Ibn Mua'mar AI-Qaisi Al-Bahrani (died in 256 A.H.) 12- Nasr Ibn Ali AI-Jahdami (died in 250 A.H) 13- Abdullah lbn Mua'eya Al-Jahmi (died in 243 A.H. over a hundred years old) 14- Ali Ibn Hajr Al-Mazouri (died in 244 A.H. at almost a hundred years of age) 5 Biography of the Compiler =~~ t_r-:JI .;.IJ~J ~I •. .L,. .~ ~ ~ _rAS- L?.L _;JI~~J L?lll ~I 0LS' F ~.w1 ~ 1_,14..'> er.lll i~\r1 w\r1 ~'1~ ~ '11 ~ ~ ~1J J_,..i:JIJ r' J .;~ o_r,:.jl .r2>' IJ~is.iJ ,41 Jl oy...UI )~ ly,J} ~t.; ~Jl.., )11 4-A \r1 Jl L?r,:JI e:9UI ~I JY ("+--4 0~ t~I ~'1~ Jl ~~I \..L.A.! 41 J_,-.,,J;.;...... ~~J 41 ~ .:r-...ul J~ lyJJ i ~i Wi ~ .L...l:; ~ J . eJL..a.ll J.-.ll ~ly ~! J .rP) 1 J ~ )IJ J ti' ~.l>JI }I i ')\J; IJ~-lu Jbl)l 1~ .:r-J..il-JI l.SJ\s.~ ~ 41 J .,-.,, J ~ I~J .-4~ if' J__,..:; u..J..s;. ~I 0ts" ?" ~ 41 J.,-.,,J .)s, ~JSJIJ : ~ l.. ;:JI ~-4t ,)s, ..L.l:i l.)'!.iJI -. 'i _y. ;,r J .25 6 L J ulo l 94 L ...UJ , 41 .y, y,i , J.s-L-..1 If.~ , L?J~I- ' J .>261 L '-f'YJ 204 L ...UJ ,~I y,i L?~I c_~I If.~- 'I' .>275 L uL..J 202 L ...UJ 'L/~I ~\rl Cr. 0~ ~Jb y,i- f . .>1>252 L uL..J 167 L ...UJ ,~I~ J~ Cr.~ - t .>252 L uloJ 167 L ...UJ 'IJ""' y y,i ~I If.~- o . >2 5 4 L u Lo 'LIL.JI ~ Cr. ~ 4j - i . .>1>246 L ulo , L?~\ ~\ ~ Cr. v'"'~ - V . .>1>257 L ulo 'L?J..:SJI ~ If. 41 .y, ~\11 ~ y,i- A Js- . .>1>249 L uL..J , 160 L ~ ...UJ 'v'"'')\..ij\ er. J~ ~ y,L 4\ . .>1>252 L ulo , 166 L ...UJ , ,./.u...ul t=°"'l..r.l Cr. ~ ~ - , • -4:>..o-,, . .>1>256 L ulo ,._;l~I ~I~ If. Js- . .>1>25 0 L ulo , '-!• ag~JI er.~ _ , 'I' . ~WI jJ~ jjJ 243 L ulo ,~I ~JL.....o Cr. .&I~- ,Y -~WI ~Jt.; ..l!J 244 L ulo ,~..j J..,.JI _, r:c> if. ..J s,-, i Biography of the Compiler 6 ....i:....a.JI 4; 15- Suwaid Ibn Nasr Ibn Suwaid Al-Marouzi (died in 240 A.H. at 91 years) 16- Qutaiba Ibn Said Ath-Thaqati Abu Rajaa (150 A.H. - 240 A.H.) 17- Abu Musa'ab Ahmad Ibn Bakr Az-Zuhra Al-Madani (150 A.h. - 242 A.H.) 18- Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Malak Ibn Abu Ash-Shawareb (died in 244 A.H.) 19- Ibrahim Ibn Abdullah Ibn Hatem Al-Harawi (178 A.H. - 244 A.H.) 20- Ismail Ibn Musa Al-Fazari As-Sudai (died in 245 A.H.) Some of his students: Al-Tirmithi was an industrious and pious scholar. His reputation preceded him, and he had great admirers and many people who followed him and sought knowledge from him. Below we mention some of his students: 1- Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn Ismail Al-Samarqndi. 2- Abu Hamed Ahmad Ibn Abdullah Ibn Dawood Al-Marouzi the trades- man. 3- Ahmad Ibn Ali, the Quranic reader. 4- Ahmad Ibn Yusuf An-Nasti. 5- Abu Al-Hareth Asad Ibn Hamduwaih An-Nasti. 6- Al-Hussein Ibn Yusuf Al-Farbari. 7- Hammad Ibn Shaker Al-Warraq. 8- Dawood Ibn Nasr Ibn Suhail Al-Bazdawi. 9- Ar-Rabee' Ibn Hayan Al-Baheli. 10- Abdullah Ibn Nasr Ibn Suhail Al-Bazdawi. 11- Abed Ibn Muhammad Ibn Mahmoud An-Nasti, known as the trust- worthy. 12- Abu Al-Hasan Ali lbn Omar lbn At-Taqi lbn Kalthoum As-Samarqandi. 13- Al-Fad! lbn As-Sarram. 14- Abu Al-Abbas Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Mahboub Al-Marouzi. 15- Abu Jaafar Muhammad lbn Ahmad An-Nasti. 16- Abu Jaafar Muhammad lbn Sutian lbn An-Nadar An-Nasti. 17- Abu Ali Muhammad lbn Muhammad lbn Yehya Al-Qarrab Al-Harawi. 18- Abu Al-Fadl Nuhammad lbn Mahmoud lbn Anbar An-Nasti. 19- Muhammad lbn Makki Ibn Nuh An-Nasti. 7 Biography of the Compiler . L 91 y- 240 L ..:.,lo 'L?jJ.,.JI --4..,..... tJ. ~ tJ. --4..,..... _ \ o .240 L ...:.,\...J 150 L ...Ll1 '"~J Y.i ~I~ 0-! ~ _ \i .242 L ...:.,loJ 150 L ..UJ , J..WI L?_,.a, )1 _?v. -1,i tJ. -4.>i ~ y,i _ \V .244 L ..:.,lo , '-:-'.Jl_,..!JI -1,i ~ .!l.WI ~ ~ -4>.A _ \ t\ '°' .244 L ...:.,loJ 178 L ..UJ 'L?J-*I ~l> tJ. 41 ~ tJ. ~l_r.l- .245 L ...:.,\... , ~, ~~ t\ 1 L?)_;•. :1 I1 ..5"" r tJ. J:&,l-..1- '1' • c~ w1..,., w~ ~i 1.i.J ~ ...r _,.i:JI ,.; ~ J ~ ~ SL.~ 0\S ~1 01 :~\ 'y J\!.J\ ~ ~ ~ __,5'~ '"-:~ ~ lyJ.Y ~I~ ;..,.,1..>J ,.rl:..ll . L? ..L:.i ..,-JI .r' ls- tJ. ~ l-.. l tJ. .i.--i .?v. y, i - \ . ?.l::JI L5jJ.,.JI .)Jb tJ. 41 ~ tJ. .i.--i ...L.ol> y,i _ 'I' . "'->.,.WI ~ 0-! -4->i _ f .~ · ~,1 ......i.... Y- tJ. .i.--i _ t . ~I ~J-4-> tJ. ..L...i ..!.iJWI y,i _ o . ~ _r.}J I .._j._., Y- Cr. ~ \ _ i . JI~)\ __,5'l.!. tJ. .)t.-. - V . L_?J.)..;:JI ~ tJ. ~ ~ .)Jb - A °' . ~L:JI 0l:>- tJ. ':)I - J.+.. . L?-'.) .)1 tJ. ~ tJ. 41 ~ _ \ • ·0-::-"\I~ ._j.,~1 ,~I.)~ ~ ..4>.-o ~ ~ - '' . L?.J~l)I ~..L:.i ..,-JI i _,!15 tJ. ~I tJ. r tJ. i..),s- ~I y,i - \ 'I' er. ,r . i1~1 JL;.;:. ~1 - . (( c:° ~ I ~I_,.., n • ~ !-' _,.J I -1,.r.-J I '-:-' .r.>'-'° tJ. -4.> i tJ. -4>.A ,.r ~ I y, i _ \ t r . ~I -4->i tJ. ..4>.-o y,i _ \ o . (.r." \I~ ._j _, _,-.l I ~ I _,..a;J I tJ. 0 ~ 0-! -4>.A ~ Y. i _ \ i . t.. s_,-* I '-:-' I~I ~ tJ. .4>o..o tJ. .4>o..o ~. Y. i _ \V . ~ I Ji-S- tJ. .) ~ tJ. -4>.A ~ \ y, i _ \ A C.Y '°' .~I tJ. ~ tJ. ~ - Biography of the Compiler 8 ~14; 20- Muhammad Ibn Al-Munther Ibn Said Al-Harawi. 21- Mahmoud Ibn Anbar An-Nasti 22- Abu Al-Fadl Al-Mussabbeh Ibn Abu Musa Al-Kajeri. 23- Abu Mutee' Makhoul Ibn Al-Fadl An-Nasfi. 24- Makki Ibn Nuh An-Nasfi the Quran reader. 25- Nasr Ibn Muhammad Ibn Sabra Ash-Shirkathi. 26- Al-HAytham Ibn Kulaib Ash-Shi. There are others. Recommendations of Other Scholars 1- Ibn Hab an said in his book The Trustworthy (People) that Al-Tirmithi was a man who gathered information, documented it, memorized it, and taught it to others. 2- Abu Said Al-Idrisi said that he was a model that should be followed when it comes to gathering the hadeeth and learning its sciences. His Writings The scholars of hadeeth spent most of their time reporting the hadeeth. They did not document it thoroughly nor classify it well. Therefore when I tried to edit the book of Ibn Majah, for example, I found that he had not used many resourses. The scholars say that Al-Tirmith had many books, so where are they? Most likely there were not that many or that the books might have been lost over time or by the negligence of the conquerors of the the Islamic countries. It is also possible that these books could have been stolen and are now sitting in their libraries. After careful study, I determined tha~ the following books were written by Abu E'isa Al-Tirmithi. 1- The True Encompasser 2- The Muhammedan Attributes 3- The Predicaments 4- The History 5- The Ascetism 6- Names and Nicknames It should be mentioned here that these books did not receive the attention and care that they deserved except for his book, The Muhammedan Attributes. Sheikh Abdelraouf Al-Manawi, may Allah bless his soul, commented on it. "The book, The Muhammedan Attributes, which deals with the narrations and the science of understanding the hadeeth and is written by Imam Al Tirmithi -may Allah let his grave be a garden famous for its great smell - is the only one of its kind. It is unique in the way it is organized. No one has written a similar book. His style was innovative, and its information is abundant. It is artistic and that is why it was a famous book both in the east and the west."

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