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Sun and Maximum Power Point Tracking in Solar Array Systems Using Fuzzy Controllers Via FPGA PDF

128 Pages·2011·3.87 MB·English
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The Islamic University – Gaza ةزغ – ةیملاسلإا ةعماجلا Deanery of Graduate Studies ایلعلا تاساردلا ةدامع Faculty of Engineering ةــــــــــسدنهلا ةيلك Electrical Engineering ةیئابرهكلا ةسدنهلا Sun and Maximum Power Point Tracking in Solar Array Systems Using Fuzzy Controllers Via FPGA Mohammed S. EL-Moghany Advisor Dr. Basil Hamed This Thesis is submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering م 2011 ــ ھ1432 Dedication To my parents, big brother, sisters, wife, and lovely kids Mohammed Saker Elmoghany ii Acknowledgments At the beginning, I thank ALLAH for giving me the strength and health to let this work see the light. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor, Dr. Basil Hamed, for his professional assistance, support, advice and guidance throughout my thesis, and to my discussion committee, Dr. Hatem El Aydi and Dr. Assad Abu Jasser for their acceptance to discuss my thesis. I would also like to extend my gratitude to my family for providing all the preconditions necessary to complete my studies. iii Abstract Sun and Maximum Power Point Tracking in Solar Array Systems Using Fuzzy Controllers Via FPGA By Mohammed S. EL-Moghany Solar energy is viewed as clean and renewable source of energy for the future. So the use of Photovoltaic systems has increased in many applications. That need to improve the materials and methods used to harness this power source. There are two major approaches; sun tracking and maximum power point tracking. These two methods need efficient controllers. The controller may be conventional or intelligent such as Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). FLCs have the advantage to be relatively simple to design as they do not require the knowledge of the exact model and work well for nonlinear system. To implement this controller, Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) can be used. This method has many advantages over classical microprocessors. In this research, Two fuzzy logic controllers are fabricated on modern FPGA card (Spartan- 3AN, Xilinx Company, 2009) to increase the energy generation efficiency of solar cells. These controllers are, sun tracking controller and maximum power point tracking controller. Sun tracking generating power system is designed and implemented in real time. A tracking mechanism composed of photovoltaic module, stepper motor, sensors, input/output interface and expert FLC controller implemented on FPGA, that to track the sun and keep the solar cells iv always face the sun in most of the day time. The proposed sun tracking controller is tested using Matlab/Simulink program, the results show that the controller have a good response. Maximum power point tracking system is designed and implemented. The system composed of photovoltaic module, buck converter and the fuzzy logic controller implemented on FPGA for controlling on/off time of MOSFET switch of a buck converter. The proposed maximum power point tracking controller for grid-connected photovoltaic system is tested using model designed by Matlab/Simulink program with graphical user interface (GUI) for entering the parameters of any array model using information from its datasheet, the results show that the controller have a response better than conventional controller applied on the same system. v ثحبلا صخلم مادختساب ةيسمشلا ايلاخلا تافوفصم يف ةردقلل ةميق ىصقأ عبتتو سمشلا عبتت FPGA لا ةينقتب ةيبابض تامكحتم دادعإ ينغملا رقص دمحم لررك رم رروكأ ررضني ل ردرصم ير و ةررلايبلل ارويولت لرقًاو وةددرقتملاو ةررفيلنلا ةرقاالا ردارصم دررحا ةيرسمشلا ةرقاالا رربتعت رلاتي اذر و .ةيرسمشلا اريلاخلا اورلأ مدختست يتلا تاقيباتلا ددع دايدزا ىلإ ىدأ اذ و .ةفورعملا ىرخًا ةقاالا رداصم رم ار يلع لرصحتملا ةردرقلا ةداريزل اتيرسيلار ارتقيرا ارن .اذ ةقاالا ردصم ريخستل ةلمعتسملا قرالاو داوملا يسحت ىرلإ ارتحي يتقيرالا لاكو . كمي ام ىصقأ ةردقلا ا دنع وكت يتلا ةاقنلا عبتتو سمشلا اكم عبتت ي و ةيسمشلا ةملنًا يبابررضلا مكحتررملل أ أرريح .ةيبابررضلا تاررمكحتملا لرروم يرركذ دوررن ررم وأ درريلقت دوررن ررم ورركي اررمإ مكحتررملا اذرر .مكحتررم مكحتلا دارملا مالنلا فصت يتلا ةيضايرلا تلداعملا ع ةقيقد ةفرعم اتحي ل و ف ميمصتلا يف ةيبسن ةلو س لوم تازيمم تارباوبلا ةفوفرصم ةرينقت مادخترسا لرضفي هرنيف مكحترملا اذر يرنبن يركلو .ةرياخلالا ةرملنًا عرم لضفأ لكشب لمعي و و وهب . ةقيقدلا تاقلاعملا ع تازيمم ةدع ا ل ةقيرالا هذ و . (FPGA) ةيلقحلا ةقمربلل ةلباقلا زارا م ةويدح (FPGA) ةقااب ىلع ييبابض يمَ كحتم ءانب ي و لاقملا اذ يف ةروام ةركف ارتقا مت أحبلا اذ يف وسمرشلا عربتتي ةيرسمشلا اريلاخلا ول لعقل يمَ كحتملا دحأ . م 9002 ماع سكنليز ةكرش اتنإ م (Spartan-3AN( .ةقاالا ديلوت يف ةيسمشلا ايلاخلا ةءافك ةدايزل لذو . كمي ام ىصقأ ةردقلا ا دنع وكت يتلا ةاقنلا عبتتيل رخًا مكحتملاو vi لخادملل تلاصوم وةواخلا روتوم وتاسقم وةيسمشلا ايلاخلا م ول : م وكتي ذلاو سمشلا عبتتم قيباتو ميمصت مت .رار نلا لغأ سمشلا هقاوت ةيسمشلا ايلاخلا ول ءاقبلإ لذو (FPGA) ةقااب ىلع هلمع مت يبابض مكحتم و و راخملاو . سح لكشب مكحتملا ةباقتسا أ ةقيتنلا تناكو لاتاملا جمانربل عباتلا نيلويميسلا جمانرب مادختساب مكحتملا رابتخا متو مكحترم و (Buck) دورن رم لورحم وةيرسمش اريلاخ ورل رم وركملاو وةردرقلل ةراقن ىرصقأ عبتت مالن قيباتو ميمصت مت .لورحملا لرخاد دورقوملا (MOSFET) لا ارتفم قلارغإ و ترف يف مكحتلل لذو (FPGA) ةقااب ىلع هلمع مت يبابض ةيرسمش اريلاخ ةفوفرصم أ ولرس يكاحيل هميمصت مت لدوم قيرا ع و نيلويميسلا جمانرب مادختساب مكحتملا رابتخا متو و ةفوفصملل تاريغتملا ميق لاخدلإ لذو لاتاملا جمانربل عباتلا (GUI) جمانرب مادختساب يمدختسملل ةموسرم ة قاو وذ رحف ةرقيتن ترناكو .هريلع مكحترملا ريولرتو ةفوفرصملا هذر ولرس راربتخلإ وجتَرنملا تافصاوم ليلد يف جتِنملا ا عضي يتلا .مالنلا سفن ىلع هقيبات مت ديلقت رخأ مكحتم م ا يلع لصحتملا ةقيتنلا م لضفأ يبابضلا مكحتملا vii Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Motivation .................................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Objectives .................................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Literature Review ....................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Contribution ................................................................................................................ 6 1.6 Outline Of The Thesis ................................................................................................. 6 Introduction to Solar Energy.................................................................................................... 7 2.1 Background ................................................................................................................. 8 2.1.1 Renewable Energy ................................................................................................. 8 2.1.2 Solar Energy ........................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Photovoltaic Background: .......................................................................................... 9 2.3 Principle of Solar Cells ............................................................................................. 10 2.4 Types of Solar Panels ................................................................................................ 11 2.5 Equivalent Circuit of a Solar Cell ........................................................................... 12 2.6 Balance Of System (BOS): ....................................................................................... 14 2.7 Sun Tracker ............................................................................................................... 15 2.8 Maximum Power Point Tracking ............................................................................ 15 2.9 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) ............................................................................. 18 2.10 Buck Converter .................................................................................................... 19 CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................. 20 Fuzzy Logic Control ................................................................................................................ 20 3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 21 3.2 Fuzzy Sets .................................................................................................................. 21 3.2.1 Basic Concepts ..................................................................................................... 21 3.2.2 Basic Operations on Fuzzy Sets .......................................................................... 23 3.3 Fuzzy Logic : ............................................................................................................. 26 3.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller Structure ........................................................................... 27 3.4.1 Fuzzification ......................................................................................................... 27 3.4.2 Knowledge Base: .................................................................................................. 28 3.4.3 Fuzzy Inference Engine ....................................................................................... 30 Mamdani Fuzzy Model .............................................................................. 31 Sugeno Method ........................................................................................... 36 3.4.4 Defuzzification ..................................................................................................... 39 CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................. 42 Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) ......................................................................... 42 4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 43 4.2 FPGAs Architecture ................................................................................................. 47 4.3 FPGA Programming Technologies: ........................................................................ 49 4.4 Fuzzy Controller Design using FPGA ..................................................................... 51 4.5 Xilinx Spartan-3AN FPGA Starter Kit: ................................................................. 52 CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................. 54 Designing Sun Tracker System Using FLC on FPGA ......................................................... 54 viii 5.1 Overall System Design and Implementation .......................................................... 55 5.2 Sun Tracker ............................................................................................................... 55 5.3 Sensors: ...................................................................................................................... 56 5.3.1 Photo Sensor: ....................................................................................................... 56 5.3.2 Tracking Sensor Design ...................................................................................... 56 5.3.3 LDR Connection: ................................................................................................. 58 5.3.4 Position Sensor: ................................................................................................... 58 5.3.5 Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) ................................................................... 60 5.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller: ........................................................................................... 61 5.4.1 FLC design ........................................................................................................... 61 5.4.2 Fuzzy Logic Controller Simulation on Matlab/Simulink: ............................... 64 5.5 Stepper Motor Driver: .............................................................................................. 66 5.6 Implementing Fuzzy Logic Controller on an FPGA: ............................................ 69 5.7 Mechanical Construction and Components: .......................................................... 72 5.8 Experimental Results: .............................................................................................. 74 CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................................................................. 77 Designing MPPT System Using FLC on FPGA .................................................................... 77 6.1 MPPT of PV Using Fuzzy Controller: .................................................................... 78 6.2 MPPT Fuzzy Logic Controller: ............................................................................... 78 6.3 MPPT Fuzzy Logic Controller Simulation on Matlab/Simulink: ........................ 82 6.3.1 PV modeling for Simulation ............................................................................... 82 6.3.2 GUI Interface for PV Model: ............................................................................. 83 6.3.3 Control Signal Generation in Simulation .......................................................... 84 6.3.4 Fuzzy Logic Controller Simulation: .................................................................. 84 6.4 Comparison Between FLC and Conventional Controller: ................................... 86 6.5 Implementing the Maximum Power Point Tracker: ............................................. 87 6.5.1 Implementing the FLC of MPPT on FPGA: ..................................................... 87 6.5.2 Implementing the DC-to-DC Converter: .......................................................... 89 6.5.3 Experimental Results: ......................................................................................... 91 CHAPTER 7 Conclusion and Scope for Future Work ....................................................... 96 7.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 97 7.2 Scope for Future Work ............................................................................................. 98 References: ............................................................................................................................... 99 Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 105 1.1 Appendix A .............................................................................................................. 105 1.2 Appendix B: ............................................................................................................. 106 1.3 Appendix C: ............................................................................................................. 107 1.4 Appendix D: ............................................................................................................. 109 1.5 Appendix E: ............................................................................................................. 110 1.6 Appendix F: ............................................................................................................. 111 1.7 Appendix G: ............................................................................................................ 112 ix List of Tables Table ‎5-1: Control rule base for fuzzy controller…………………………………… 63 Table ‎5-2: Full-step phase sequence …………………………………………….…… 66 Table ‎5-3: Experimental results of fixed angle type and tracking system…………... 74 Table ‎6-1: Control rule base for MPPT fuzzy controller. …………………………… 81 Table ‎06-2: Comparison of the experimental results obtained with and without 92 using MPPT & sun tracker (ST) controller…………………………………………. x

Solar energy is viewed as clean and renewable source of energy for the future. So the use of. Photovoltaic systems has increased in many applications. That need to improve the materials and methods used to harness this power source. There are two major approaches; sun tracking and maximum
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