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UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO – Italy Summer Shahzad S S A TRESS INGULARITIES, NNIHILATIONS I I AND NVISIBILITIES NDUCED BY P I OLYGONAL NCLUSIONS IN L E INEAR LASTICITY April, 2016 University of Trento University of Bergamo University of Brescia University of Padova University of Trieste University of Udine University IUAV of Venezia Summer Shahzad S S A TRESS INGULARITIES, NNIHILATIONS AND I I P NVISIBILITIES NDUCED BY OLYGONAL I L E NCLUSIONS IN INEAR LASTICITY Advisor: Prof. Davide Bigoni Co-Advisor: Dr. Francesco Dal Corso 2016 UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO Engineering of Civil and Mechanical Structural Systems XXVIII cycle Ph.D. Program Head: Prof. Davide Bigoni Final Examination: April 21, 2016 Board of Examiners: Prof. Alexander Movchan, University of Liverpool Prof. Bozidar Stojadinovic, ETH Zu¨rich Prof. Daniele Zonta, University of Trento Dedicated to my beloved wife Anna and family Ph.D.Thesis–SummerShahzad iii Synopsis Notches,wedges,cracks,stiffeners,inclusionsanddefectsinplaneelas- tostatics are known to generate singular stresses and limit the overall strength of a composite material. In the present thesis, after showing experimentally that the singular stress field predicted by the linear elastic solution for the rigid inclusion model can be generated in reality and with great accuracy within a ma- terial, attention is devoted then in achieving the out-of-plane response of aninfiniteplanecontainingpolygonalandhypocycloidal-shapedvoidsand rigid inclusions subject to generalized remote loading conditions. The analytical solution obtained for the case of polygonal inclusions shows some unexpected and interesting features such as an infinite set of geometries and loading conditions exist for which not only the singular- ity is absent, but the stress vanishes (annihilates) at the corners. Thus the material, which even without the inclusion corners would have a finite stress, remains unstressed at these points in spite of the applied remote load. Moreover, similar conditions are determined in which a star-shaped crack or stiffener leaves the ambient stress completely unperturbed, thus reaching a condition of ‘quasi-static invisibility’. Thesolutioninclosed-formisalsoobtainedforthecaseofhypocycloidal- shaped voids and rigid inclusions, showing that cusps may in certain con- ditions act as stress reducers, situations for which the stress at the cusp tip in the presence of the inclusion is smaller than in the case when the inclusion is absent. Ph.D.Thesis–SummerShahzad v The obtained solutions provide closed-form expressions for Stress In- tensityFactorsandNotchStressIntensityFactorsatvaryingtheinclusion geometryandofloadingconditions,fundamentalquantitiesindefiningcri- teria of fracture initiation/propagation or inclusion detachment. Thefindingsofstressannihilation,stressreductionandinclusioninvis- ibilitydefineoptimalloadingmodesfortheoverallstrengthofacomposite and are useful in the design of ultra-resistant materials. vi Ph.D.Thesis–SummerShahzad Acknowledgements First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude to Profes- sor Davide Bigoni and Dr. Francesco Dal Corso for their constant pa- tience, encouragements, motivation, suggestions and support given to me throughout the doctoral period. I am also deeply grateful to Dr. Luca Argani, Dr. Gourgiotis, P.A., Dr. Andrea Bacigalupo, Dr. Daniele Veber, Dr. Bosi Federico, Dr. Diego Misseroni and Dr. Diego Pedrazzoli for their help and to all members of the Solid and Structural Mechanics Group at the University of Trento. Moreover, IwouldliketothankmybelovedwifeAnnaforherconstant support and love. A special thanks goes to my family: mom Treeza, Dad Sardar, mom Sabrina, Augusto, Uzma, Lubna, Elena, Aurora. Last but not the least, thanks go to Bruno Fronza, Rita Ruffoli, Don RinoBreoni,SirAbbasandMadamShafqat,Ritor,PieroandRoseMussi, RupertoBattiston, AndrewCamelleri, AlessandroMaggi, FondazioneSan Zeno,FocolareMovement,MarioFranzoiaandfamily,AndreaDelamaand family, Mario Farina and family, Luca Perolo, Andrea Perolo and family, Bruna, Franco Mucchiut and family, to all the gen and friends that i did not mention because of the limited space. Finally, the financial support from the ERC Advanced Grant ‘Insta- bilities and nonlocal multiscale modelling of materials’ ERC-2013-ADG- 340561- INSTABILITIES (2014-2019) is gratefully acknowledged. Trento, March 21, 2016 Summer Shahzad Ph.D.Thesis–SummerShahzad vii Scientific articles The main results presented in this thesis have been summarized in the following papers: 1. Shahzad, S., Dal Corso, F., and Bigoni, D. (2016) Hypocycloid inclusions in nonuniform out-of-plane elasticity: stress singularity vs stress reduction. Submitted. 2. Dal Corso, F., Shahzad, S., Bigoni, D. (2016) Isotoxalstar-shapedpolygonalvoidsandrigidinclusionsinanonuni- form antiplane shear fields. I. Formulation and full-field solution. International Journal of Solids and Structures, doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.01.027. 3. Dal Corso, F., Shahzad, S., Bigoni, D. (2016) Isotoxal star-shaped polygonal voids and rigid inclusions in nonuni- form antiplane shear fields. II. Stress singularities, stress annihila- tion and inclusion invisibility. International Journal of Solids and Structures, doi:10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2016.01.026. 4. Misseroni, D., Dal Corso, F., Shahzad, S., Bigoni, D. (2014) stressconcentrationnearstiffinclusions: validationofrigidinclusion model and boundary layers by means of photoelasticity. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 121-122, 87-97. Ph.D.Thesis–SummerShahzad ix

In the present thesis, after showing experimentally that the singular stress field predicted by the linear elastic solution for the rigid inclusion model can be generated in reality and with great accuracy within a ma- terial, attention is devoted then in achieving the out-of-plane response of an i
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