F r. C. ROD RIGU ES INS TITU TE OF MA NA GEMENT S TU D IES (F r. A GNEL BU S INES S S CHOOL) M.M.S MASTER’S IN MANAGEMENT STUDIES (AFFILIATED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI, AICTE APPROVED) 2 YEARS FULL TIME PROGRAMME SUMMER PLACEMENT BROCHURE BATCH 2017-19 CONTENTS 1. About Fr. Agnel Business School …1 2. Message From Director General …2 3. Message From Director …3 4. Placement Process …4 5. Student Profile …5 6. Syllabus …6 7. Faculty …7 8. Guest Speakers …8 9. Alumni ...9 About Fr. Agnel Business School Established in 2001, Fr. Agnel Business School (FABS) is one of the many excellent educational institutions established by the “Agnel Ashram Fathers in Vashi, Navi Mumbai”. Admitting only 60 students every year, FABS is affiliated to Mumbai University and offers Master’s in Management Studies program (AICTE approved). At Agnel’s, we believe that the best learning happens when sound conceptual inputs are accompanied by well-designed practical experiences. This provides an opportunity to the students to try out new approaches and get out of their comfort zones. Our Faculty members have substantial teaching and industry experience. Pedagogy is very important at FABS and the faculty members constantly upgrade their methods and find new and better ways to build students’ knowledge and skills. Our alumni, who are well placed in industry, are frequently invited to campus to address and connect with students. Out students are exposed to various skill building activities during the course of the 2 year program. Admissions happen through a centralized admission process conducted by Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra. 1 DIRECTOR GENERAL DearRecruiter, ItiswithimmensepleasurethatIintroduceyoutothe17thbatchof MastersofManagementStudies(M.M.S)atFr.C.RodriguesInstituteof Management Studies. This batch represents an enthusiastic and committedgroupofmaturemanagersreadytoleadindustry. Thestudentcentricfocusofthiscentreforlearninghasalwaysstrivedto achieveatransformationalchangeinthestudentsbyinstillingin-depth knowledge-base, accelerated improvement in communication and presentationskills,andcreatingthatoverallpanacheinthewaythey conductthemselvesinlife.FABShasthusevolvedintoadestinationof preferredchoiceforMBAaspirantsintheMetropolis. Thejourneytothetopisalwaysarduousandremainingthereevenmore onerous.Theworkcultureandteamspiritimbibedintotheteamhowever willfortifyourpositionthereforyearstocome. Best Regards, PrakashVaithilingam 2 DIRECTOR ItisindeedmyproudprivilegetoopenthedoorsofFr.C.Rodrigues InstituteofManagementStudiesforyouandwelcomeyouintoaworld ofendlesspossibilitiesinthefieldofmanagement.TheInstitutehasbeen inexistenceformorethanfifteenyears.Themeaningandcontextof management education has completely changed in today’s dynamic business environment. Management education does not only mean acquiringtextbookknowledge,coveteddegreesandgettingjobsinthe organized sector, but also developing an empathy for creating opportunitiesandabetterworldfortheunderprivilegedandunder developedsectionsofsociety. Atourinstitute,wedevelopcoursecurriculathatencouragesourstudents tolearnnotonlyinsidetheclassroom,butthroughcasestudies,livecase examples,simulationgames,onthefieldexperientiallearning,guest lecturesfromindustryexpertsandself-learningthroughinvolvementin variousactivities.TheInstitutealsoprovidesopportunitiesforstudents withentrepreneurialabilities. Alongwithmycolleaguesinthefacultyandstaff,Iwelcomeyouwhole heartedlytoFatherAgnelBusinessSchoolandlookforwardtobewith youinyourjourneytowardsexcellence.Together,let’sbuildagreat futureforourselvesandourcountry. -Dr.SujataChincholkar 3 PLACEMENT PROCESS Preplacement talk The companies visit the campus on the scheduled date , and have a Pre Placement talk with the students. Resumes The resumes of the interested students would be sent to the companies in the FCRIMS format, unless specified otherwise. Issue of Short-Lists The Company is requested to send in the shortlist of qualifying students to the Placement Coordinator prior to scheduling of the interview. On Campus Recruiting Prior to arrival on campus, the companies are requested to inform the Placement Coordinator about the modalities of the recruitment procedure to be followed by them. Concurrent Placements The students are also offered concurrent corporate assignments which helps them gain exposure & on hand experience of working with the corporate. Summer Internship 4 Final Placements Project SEPTEMBER MAY and JUNE Onwards (8 weeks) STUDENTS’ PROFILE 5 FINANCE AACHAL PAL EDUCATION : Bachelor of Commerce (Banking & Insurance) EXPERIENCE : Fresher AISHWARYA KALLINGAPURAM EDUCATION : Bachelor of Management Studies EXPERIENCE : Fresher FINANCE AKHIL SARWATE EDUCATION : Bachelor of Engineering (Instrumentation) EXPERIENCE : Fresher AMEYA CHAVAN EDUCATION : Bachelor in Commerce EXPERIENCE : Fresher FINANCE AMIT SHARMA EDUCATION : Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting & Finance EXPERIENCE : Yash Engineering Consultant Pvt. Ltd (6 months) ASHLYN JOY EDUCATION : Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting & Finance) EXPERIENCE : Win Enterprises (11 months)