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Preview Summer 2006 International Crossroads

CONTENTS PARIS:STILL CHEER EOR ARTS PAGE 2| MORE THAN STONE WARES PAGE 7, OVERSEXED IN |EHE CiWem PAGE AE DATING IN THEGHY OP LOVEMPAGE 13. TASTING FRANGE ONE REGION ATA TIME...PAGE 1 ESCAR-GOT TO TRY IT |EPAGE SS A TRUE NIGHT IN PARISSSPAGE AT LEARNING THE BASICS PAGE a NORMANDY...PAGE 21 MCCALEB PEACE INITI4BIVE RIOTS ereoseess 26 HISTORY..... 29 DISTRICTS. 33 SOLUTION .. 35 ASSOCIATE EDITORS: PARKER WILLS REBECCA WAITS SCOTT HASTY MCCATER RECIPRENTS: JOHN CoNRACE JOE SULA BRENDA KILBY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: NATL BILLINGS ‘MELISSA KARSIEN PUBLICATIONS MANAGER: TLR, HANRAUAN fide many haoksone sell” ake anescm Hike a herd blll tnd Igle ap marsuri to find lowing a wurvan sith wn caste Ares atl dovens uf eons 10 visit, sida misenshons. Ate D'Drsay [But the rel quastion fe whe br shave everything te enjoy trom the While intr sisted a est ght Inpesiosit wig tothe history of the cornine different muscums thal each saduscalrevaution, ony you cen hosed is ov specific hind ofan Tahsin with he wace of sl ha None raybe mall thers wile be ein sroune fom floor a6 fn, Put ‘considered museums inthe classical Gwen though uth ret bl bas Sens, ha all lal sone kind st athatc to got around iy and east ast wou set pl the dite Tovhepin sth shere were te mci ei ir 28 tat everyone willl you have to of peuple wo Goat even Story and Photos by Parker Willis Yas Ie up any Pari ge tari pos lng cou fo stewie a Paris. the Leuwce and Tanguags they a oh st 3 the D eh In nge Remember you may nover gst anothst healt, maseums p chan Ver ela Ure m and ui ot Inthe re aso packed riser ht vow ‘wote the sale Y the sculpture gardens. The fans out uf the way museums tht Reimer yesemrreoe Mona List oF We Valier petting wing soc would call ft tis hesta pal dieplay nthe mids ofthe Museum inthe Louvre you ean’ lp bu native Firs olT woul be the Rodin, wi (Lof) The venus de Nilo is curently on aapiay at the Lourve in Paris. (Right) {estursing French alin and alher European sculptures from the Late Niele Age ures a gorgeous svlpae goren soli fu smaller seu ese you wills bis mos lm sors fy The Kissa Tho Thinker to The Getes of Hell, sculpture tat ‘ands a alrvn! twenty fet tall and Jncludes moce than 180 chara sera bos clher yur, Bal then Tonga th muscu more then he other ett a sree the binges museums andthe atno= shore ws a much moe relnie ond love pace one Hat sakes ena th voor vy ea Anulher wonder! smaller muscu Tena sd wae the Salvador Dali muse ns, Now Love Buds hos Hewue evens my fasaite rit besore Tea 9 Baris, Sut Bue oe ise hl in foe The Dali sin the Montmacte isi, whi is benef. ais own nas hoe ithe highest iat Pate and provides ans sce ic vee I se this seo une tee ut af the ely imi, wich is way chy seit sue hee ene Cheaper wine and woman Ar stil this day the center squne i eos ce withatist ying 0 ell thoie war on the atest, Now {don't know sf Dal Hive uth distsel wt bul hat i ‘ere his mise i ALRwgh bis Jabal Tao tita De Teves Memos e ne presci i this museum that geste ia nol worn com te. His meting eloeks ar stil ps ent many of bis poitings athe Abt Linc potat the most try elie, So eure ka a (rs the wed and unusual Wisi oe rine “fen forthe more edna tou erccriece ia ses of garde egw of tours ote mateo Tele ts walk tn pura ‘iow ofthe gardens Here sn soeeal hogs fulfilled wh sure ha rowied or@ good ong just ah and cela Wal king back T wih stopped to enjoy te ir Peer k aT omy Ha eoupl our to spn ‘treason ow ha arf dest do Ib experience nl Ti ane day Tt to Cres aio ved Giverny. no Lh is iar vey eee fu a ats panings ati 8 al pace Wah ‘tor walking hough is glen sal ering Ue pd set ian ase wre beast i inst liaise tone caaler(ate oe Iashaking and I eu epend all day Paste a eee ai Fateh tino and aleve. However. is cee emetiere erate {wal borough bts did't ely Above) The Musée Musique featured Lennon exposé of hed muse trough fana nto June, (Let), fiom insids the deco dark eps ofthe speaing enon tne a ther. When in Tie thee wets the moet sel muse- jhe, Al ibe modern sx mavseen sere Pani sks ine to enjoy what you ae lame Z went w be ast night Uwas thors, waa exhibit tal featured nw lh seeing, dn ast run Uru akin The Palais de Tokya ail the Mosee Seta diteren atts, whieh msde pitas like sll te ater toute, Th ‘An Modeme dey Ville de Pats theilusinn of shapes an Tray he the une at way time vou These hse museums were sepirted by tain feelings lestese 1 Paris so enjoy i. Thee ae avers fgenden and this is where the Parisians that st spel fi et muses {wis | had gone co, Went Wo see ar AC |e olker muse AlfRough the evan se vras py thor for ash ta Ure you sae sous 4 levtints anal the twas il abnuctanl So kag aed he mais tome thie wes sill afun sspeiense. are getting urs into al ‘The Palais de Toy feared alaPallot the rmiseuris wert ta times asourlingl raat ext that a g in Pers there ie not one thet regret’ the lite stuff tat makes theese sideways out of a wall andl videos shit guing fo, The only thing regret is pot ence grea @ MORE THAN STONE WALLS they ae monuments Anon laa, Fal ay Dials” ushssinParsarvosjusan, Mid Sutay morn vd the sone Ibe Leds coon asec! Siny col sey werethoet to be Sima ngs, Lathe Like ths N-Dans dhe Sint hls Seelebeevrteeieeersieih | 17%s ese dacs woefamdvgm infec Cilia wes nape tc Ok Ue thersdintim sf heaniont baling. Lain Qua dirt Pais The Gate ave nen ite va, wikis Iymetndioacy, ec rindows, 08 Arising rus below the ated, stn ge w-ndows and ying bums, Pipes nbs thesaes ‘oucatemay clink 387 sspecniebsltomer. lic ane pond aes “Tigeaiatlsercan tere eves wie a sod em of Pai, AS sight e Gute a. et Jl aid Mogan Compnon, who arenes vtrsseea [5son So. wish igs on theca lc cies ol abet Selene FO, speci osctsons Pars xd come For be Renee TieNoce Dame Catia, ickatto ——Thiscuhell would nee be comple e+ pind ae IA cow. he Tukey tte Viren Manas hllenlop ol tweeter othe wmanses Geiger se Latin wo, ase popu aia aa coc pond ‘hanes nae! Renin as wbicismens alc arezin.Tescscay Whar thpalase it Vesa win ooninc acc 12, 0G, heer! theca, eking me sesane. eto inp Bech Chaat de Version lh the coccenstesbeanivirinesfstenpledi+ grlesiefignehvss sissy nade Placoof Valles, wes uly Las XIV fle he Reman gt Jer hich rdesramieer fe hs maf an aur ess itv fin ‘ata hh ss luothnmgat girgyl'smotch, Redes Iowa, tngh aval nations ne samouncestyheriverseine ike cute: hereftngtbe bing. ert ope Seliove acne hayes nape aso fats. sihe se ol sure libs coumy's ese ceaes resettieaeaonovl ‘sane the ssi wankers kody ison. Chusakrs posed insists. The sifgsof his alece nan deta sthetil flowing rie bly wars, Marie de Sul bishop oF Pai, exaust rs eth rigs eal act Tce y plage. looong ened cunervediecaedal in IG asm ars yen, Kani stint, bagi ecasbewe irtied dmg the French expedng put, ‘van thon the ee ome cack Revoltion, Kir Hest Vlard Mary Sri, ‘The smtiedoriacdunderonsustinsthstutrw The sag tit aly (QueenofEsace, sera aonsé hee, or Lysas, Oneafthe gious Pee de hal ulate vie ee se ning tao nosh Revokcn, caste rore Moteralsa woe tic adjosit Sint all tents race ofbbsadse sai heatse Cap Cath. The es seni, IT ee (ato) The Notre-Dame of Noman. tere onal cecared daca inscleemeaa iy asc = 8 [Neva tine aiad slriooxemple ofthis mons inte fs Sipe, bakin 735, ‘ae cing niet, hy Pal ‘bed 2T, inthe Basti Soa. Coc Iii yas face lay Fas, wlan ie be “Saal eal This chal wen ara in 95, ari a Sisal {o IS14, fle ane lng eros. ‘ree ugh his ral = sly ls thin ie Nae Pari Spall ot ashe, Lisi ee the arbor os ug be vowed oo bis artes. Face salina exe inv ur ore tp ofa tht er rings ans wl are tlw sal windows, Hanes aa vee inne Fare sion rat tI yee and inal kab, wl url osod oF yoy lace inPaie nes ast onde Tle ies of hison that oes witht Agoat canine of i hs Hel Ma ed he ‘usound yg nsahhoroed where Miso 9 ‘Svat tds tye ec yar fas we ‘Treen ot of ho asonse prt fatasen wares, Of lings in {hse mmity wow ence asta se eres: carina the Franch Ree fen ab of archer re il, ea sr ar i we cnr age fe tal lar lee el encareln Kaan seep whe he wis mre he Tiltetin ies csc, Ske Eset wie td ol Lh Cy i ‘Once Cal nosed be oF ana long coer a im Nor Ie sings 0: The Das bo ess a ium how as” Cal "he sod sphere nh lay sat ie ares isomer and nsst weal havelmowe ‘stonemen” Ath tne, Cilla he manager of hs foursr Hoel, Aer dey meta fo sk tay enya an veing gether a {above Amembe ot be Note Gane cleay Promega tara {Lat An apparent Gulingnextio te Nonpartaes Tove acoom ofthe oe bat. Thetsare em ine toe dhe Sey capes sow anny an "otis in The Pot Coma” inthe Foe Fasaise Comer: These a9 tnfing th gravsis to ae He 2s aa se then Glin Hon, Contd ne revo presale rl, Mesos fete va masons conhing Nane, re see's hs al mbes i thew Nemes as, Asie oe hp tsetse kgs hire ‘ete delicgether rey aves: ‘ot quis ane arr doesting oes to thse wie “Tass passe fis mg bese esa ‘why rer teal Mori eremais ‘oad bese hea bie yee oe ‘sn However one of te pelts French ue samoands hy thei tory sora trough ache andthee apd or talveand env

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