Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Sent materials found in ACLS Collection Letter (by date) Summary Tribes concerned item # Children who have come down with measles, some have died from it. Da̱'naxda'xw̱ Expecting trouble from missionary trying to found out what H did at the Hunt, George: To Boas. 1894-01-15 Chicago Fair, showing "some dance against the Law." Relates travel difficulties and expenses. Does not have time yet to get Da̱'naxda'xw̱ history. Asks if promised work will be available. Complains of James Deans' behavior towards him. Going to Alert Bay to Da̱'naxda'xw̱ Hunt, George: To Boas. 1894-02-7 pick up Da̱'naxda'xw̱ history as requested. Can get posts as well. Hunt, George: To Boas. 1895-04-23 Acknowledging receipt of check. Will try to get winter dance information. Went to 'Nak'waxda'xw̱ "to get Nak'waxda'xw̱ ; the nuyam where the Raven was painted black", and to Dzawadi to get A̱wa̱'etła̱la history of GamatelaL. "Am riting the Indian ways of speaking just to sho Hunt, George: To Boas. 1895-11-5 you that there got so many ways of speaking." (Locate manuscript sent on this.) Asks how to send "the Box of LagaL." Received letter of December 1. Writing information on the dances Boas Kwaguʼł, Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, saw while at Fort Rupert, some of which requie gathering more G̱usgimukw information. Gives extensive origin story and explanation of tōk'wet Hunt, George: To Boas, 1896-1-14 [in dance of Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa and other dances obtained. Explains origin of W1a.3, part 6, folder 1, pg 46-51] māmāgā of the G̱usgimukw. Explains origin of tōk'wet of the nEmemot Lālāsāndāyu of the Kwagul. Discusses LāgāL and other details of the hamatsa. Going to G̱usgimukw to get more songs. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Went to G̱usgimukw to find out about winter dance. "Oh Mr. Boas what I G̱usgimukw, Kwagu'ł have seen over there I will never see again for all the Dances was shown in the really old ways." Gives details. Will copy out account of it all from notes. Has sent 220 pages since last saw Boas. Will make up bill. Includes Hunt, George: To Boas. 1896-02-15 24 pages on omaxdalalE and his songs, and "a letter with 6 pages to answer your questions that I send last month." "I copy some of your notes from the Dance of 1894 while you was here." Sending 15 pages of copy with this letter. Sending 15 pages of copy about dances of 1894. Has written down G̱usgimukw, Kwagu'ł Hunt, George: To Boas. 1896-03-9 different ways of speaking among Kwagu'ł and G̱usgimukw. Asks if Boas wants this info, more histories, etc. Sending 16 pages on 1894 dances. Trying to find work in Alert Bay for Kwagu'ł Hunt, George: To Boas. 1896-04-30 summer. "You are the only help I got in this world." Sending 20 pages of the last Kwagu'ł, G̱usgimukw winter dance in Fort Rupert in 1894. Will try to get more info on Kwagu'ł Hunt, George: To Boas. 1896-07-9 "old things". Is using Mr. Spencer to buy items of interest. Went to G̱usgimukw to get the secret song of Tokwet and other songs. Asks about photograph. Son is very sick. Youngest brother, Robert, drowned. Could not work on Kwagu'ł, G̱usgimukw, Hunt, George: To Boas. 1896-08-24 writing because of this. Will work on writing down all the songs of 'Nak'waxda'xw̱ Cakannala of Fort Rupert. Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-01-7 List of items collected for Boas. Bought items requested. Will send when payment received. Will work for Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-02-14 Boas this summer. Glad to hear Boas is coming. Discussing arrangements for boarding and Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-03-25 for travel to Bella Coola. Glad to have worked out agreement to work for Boas for 4 months. Asks Boas to obtain 2 kinds of medicine. Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-04-21 Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Give instructions on what Hunt should work on in the coming months, Nuxalk; Kwagu'ł working among Kwakiutl tribe in May and June then going up to Bella Hunt, George: From Boas. 1897-04-30 Coola. Sends detailed list of Kwakiutl items that he would like to be obtained for the Museum. Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-05-24 Acknowledging receipt of check. Promises to work hard. Will be going to Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa again to buy totem house post. Going to G̱usgimukw, G̱usgimukw to buy carved dishes and other items. Talks about grief over Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-11-12 death of son. Hopes Boas received info on face painting. Did not know what they all meant, but put names on them. They were painted by Charlie Yakolas. Has been very sick recently. Tried to write Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ story. Sending Kwagu'ł, G̱usgimukw, 22 pages of Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ and Lesalagela story. Will go to Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, Hunt, George: To Boas. 1897-12-1 soon to get house post and to G̱usgimukw to get dishes. Will write history Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ of masks bought last summer at Fort Rupert. Sending 68 pages of Gwakaxsano and Wimomasgum stories. Also the bill G̱usgimukw, Kwagu'ł, for house posts from Nahwitti and dishes from G̱usgimukw. Conflicted Nahwitti, Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Hunt, George: To Boas. 1898-02-7 about work this summer due to expectations from Mr. Spencer. Received letter of Feburary 17. Waiting for Kwagu'ł, Mama̱liliḵa̱la, and Kwagu'ł, Mama̱liliḵa̱la, Ławitʼsis to finish winter dance. Will try to get good set of red cedar bark. Ławitʼsis, 'Na̱mǥis Tells of going to Alert Bay recently where some people, including the Hunt, George: To Boas. 1898-03-4 "Halls School boys," were upset, some laughing, about Hunt "who is finding out all our Dances and then he goes and tells it to Dr. Boas." Boas publication on Hamatsa was in Mr. Spencer's store. Some in Alert Bay object to all this. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Will work for Boas in spring and fall, and for Mr. Spencer in between. Kwagu'ł, Mama̱liliḵa̱la, Went to see dances belonging to Mama̱liliḵa̱la and Ławitʼsis. They did not Ławitʼsis, Nahwitti, have the red cedar bark. Will get G̱usgimukw feasting dishes and some Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, other items. Describes negotiating with a Nahwitti man, Tsixity, for 'Nak'waxda'xw̱ , Hunt, George: To Boas. 1898-03-14 purchase of his seat. Bought big carved man from Gumkanis house that G̱usgimukw, other? Boas sketched. Will try to get all different kinds of Lagekw for tsitsikas. Gives info on uiLulak mask and maLapeexaek mask, in comparison to sun masks. Sending 46 pages of omeL stories from 'Nak'waxda'xw̱ . Sending 80 pages of different stories of masks and red cedar bark that he Dzawada̱ʼenuxw̱ , bought. His brother says that the G̱usgimukw feasting dishes have been G̱usgimukw, other? sent. Bought Lagekw from Dzawada̱ʼenuxw̱ and wrote down (?) goat Hunt, George: To Boas. 1898-05-25 hunter stories. Harlan Smith wants Hunt to work for him. Can't yet get Hamget to pull down Galet house to get the house post. Sent all the masks recently bought. Sent an additional 18 pages of stories. Dzawada̱ʼenuxw̱ , Will spend winter at Dzawada̱ʼenuxw̱ village collecting stories. Going to Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Hunt, George: To Boas. 1898-09-16 Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa to see if they will pull down a house post. Info on Harlan Smith, where he has been, and the boat he hired. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Has been very sick for weeks as has wife and two boys. Will be able to go Kwagu'ł to Rivers Inlet soon where he expects to be able to get red cedar bark he's never heard of before. Bought some hamsewe and will get stories for it soon. Tells of recent incident with Harlan Smith where he Hunt had his sisters offer him free lodging. Smith had casts taken of Indians. Smith left all his traps with Hunt's sister. Mrs. Smith put something against Hunt's sister in a Victoria newspaper. "Indians said that they will never let Mr. Smith come to Fort Rupert again to [steal] their graves." Smith borrowed David's boat but returned it with keel worn down. Hemasaka went to Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-01-10 Victoria where he heard a speech about Boas's comments about the Kwagu'ł. Hunt was called into a feast and told in front of everyone that "they don't want you or me to see the dance of any kind again." Mr. Spencer against Hunt and Boas. "The only thing I am wishing for is for my life be spared." Will not work for Mr. Spencer this year. Sending 25 pages of stories. Working on oldest man's recollection of how many generations of eldest sons and daughters he can recall, going back 17 generations. Sending letter written to Hemasaka for Hunt to read to him as well as Kwagu'ł page excerpts from book. Asks Hunt to invite chiefs for a feast at Boas's expense in which to read the letter aloud. Confused about recent stories related about Harlan Smith and wife as their letters are full of praise for Hunt and sisters. Blames the misunderstanding on newspaper writers. Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-02-3 Has not received stories yet. Very interested in 17 generations of names as mentioned. Should maintain contact with Mr. Spencer since Boas cannot provide continuous work. Urges to let the matter of Smith's damage to David's canoe go. Bill any damages to Boas. Final pages are Boas's speech to Hemasaka. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Tallying work done over last 3 months. Collected old style bear mask Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, Haisla, made from red cedar bark. Went up to Xwa̱mdasbeʼ to collect house Kwagu'ł Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-02-18 posts. Will go up to Gardener Inlet in the fall when people are away there. Will work more on obtaining items and stories from Fort Rupert requested by Boas. One of daughters passed away in March. Finding out about how old Nahwitti, masks were made of red cedar bark. Trying to get set of old stone carving Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, tools. Got what is supposed to be the head of Lalaxwate of Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ , Kwag Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-04-24 Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ . Will go to Nahwitti to ship house post. Gave the feast as u'ł requested and read the letter to Hemasaka and all were satisfied. Pleased with progress of work. Asks to keeping working on list of desired items not yet obtained. Mentions looking for old quiver and arrows, asks Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-05-18 about how they're made, customs surrounding them. Asks if people give any offerings to the dead or to spirits. Asks about divination methods. Asks about status of shipping of posts from Nahwitti. Nahwitti, Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-06-20 Sending statement of account, which lists trips, items bought for Nahwitti, Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-06-24 museum, manuscript totals, and other expenses. Tells of Harlan Smith's Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, plans to visit Lillooet. G̱usgimukw Has sent collection for this year, including bow and arrow used by sea Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, otter hunters. Will send stories about items in collection. Has not yet sent Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ house post of yegEntEk of Gumkanu house as they haven't taken it down Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-07-4 yet. Starting to write story from Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ . Working in Alert Bay. Wife in Fort Ruoert. Son up in River Inlet. Discusses use of stone for making paddles. Sending 16 pages on dances at Fort Rupert in 1894. Will send songs on Kwagu'ł, G̱usgimukw next mail. Working in cannery. Writing is slow-going because he wants to Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-07-23 be sure to get everything right. Went to G̱usgimukw to see winter dances. Can write about it. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Collection sent has arrived. Very pleased with what was sent, especially G̱usgimukw, stone head of T'esamgit, red cedar bark masks, and masks and rattles Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, from G̱usgimukw. Would like to get more old style wood carvings. Item Nahwitti, G̱usgimukw 189 from Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa that was listed did not arrive. Enclosing statement Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-09-13 of account. Pleased with items used for divination. Has more questions about items of this kind, would like more info and specimens. Planning to come to British Columbia next spring. Asks about whether posts bought at Nahwitti last year have been obtained. Received letter of September 13. Sending bill for activities in June. Nahwitti, G̱usgimukw, Disagrees with Boas's concern of being over-charged. Explains details and 'Na̱mǥis, Da̱'naxda'xw̱ , reasoning for costs. Refers to Gumkanis yegEtEk gigis #169 from Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa and other house post and need to persuade or force people to pull down house. Tells of man (who would not give his name) who came to Alert Bay recently buying specimens and claiming that Boas wouldn't be sent out anymore. Heard that Newcombe and Dorsey are coming out to Alert Bay and Nahwitti as well collecting specimens and Hemasilakw said that Dorsey will pay $10 for Hamatsa mask and neck Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-09-26 ring. A Mr. Hall from England has also been by recently collecting. Discusses red cedar bark masks. Promises good collection can be obtained from G̱usgimukw. Man who sold stone head said he wanted it back and a better price. Man found it near Nimpkish Lake and said there's another like it at a Da̱'naxda'xw̱ village that is available to buy. Writing now about Tsekami, father of Tisamgut. Wife is very sick with dysentery and brother sick also. Asks Boas to send dysentery medicine like that given by Dr. Hillmantle when in Chicago. Received letter of September 26. Including a statement of accounts listing recent work and specimens. Eager to continue work. Will send Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-10-20 instructions in next letter on how to spend money in upcoming collecting "in new regions" in the coming winter. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-10-30 Sending check for 14 dollars. Received letter of October 30. Thanks Boas for noticing accounting Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa, mistake and sending 14 dollars. Has sent most of money recently on Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ , medicine for wife. Sending 50 pages of Tsekamis story showing history of Gwawaʼenuxw̱ Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ tribe. Will be sending Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa house post and Hunt, George: To Boas. 1899-12-6 chief's seat. Got four more stone heads from mouth of Oya river that is at Gwawaʼenuxw̱ . Asks if Boas would like them. Will try to get info on medicines for controlling wind, killing, resurrecting, and curing. Sending house posts, including Gumkanis yegEtEk gigis from Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa. Received letter of December 6. Glad to hear of collecting and planned Nuu-chah-nulth gathering of information about medicines. Coming to British Columbia in June is "very probable." Asks about whether Hunt has ever heard about a Hunt, George: From Boas. 1899-12-22 kite toy used by the Nootka. Asks for more information about medicines, and beliefs and laws for canoe builders and board splitters. Has questions about collection sent a few month earlier. Notes G̱usgimukw, 'Na̱mǥis discrepancies between description of a mask described by Boas in "The Social Organization and Secret Societies of the Kwakiutl Indians" as a "fool-dancer's mask" but described by Hunt as that of Gepaxoas, a G̱usgimukw ancestor. Expresses understanding that some items are Hunt, George: From Boas. 1900-01-3 reproductions of implements no longer used. However, the stone head appears to not be an old specimen, but rather a new one. Is concerned that items purpoted to be old are fraudulently being sold to Hunt. Advises to continue collecting wood carving, but to refrain from collecting "specimens belonging to the dances" until Boas's visit in the spring. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Received letter of December 22. Sending final 80 pages of Tsekamis story Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ and 15 pages of Gopinux tribe story of Galaxalisama and his masks. Regarding request to record information on medicine such as those for killing, states that these will be very difficult to obtain as this is "the greatest secret of all." Bought two photographs of Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ chief Tsekami, who belongs to Tisamgit family. In one photo, he and his wife are sitting on pole where a kulus or thunderbird landed. Another with Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900-01-9 sisayuL canoe. Hunt gives detailed description of both photos and importance of what they depict and connection to story sent. Asked around about kite of Nootka Indians, but no one had heard of such a thing. A man came by selling gramophones costing $25 for one with 5 cylinders included. Hunt's wife asks if Boas can procure one, which they will pay him for. Hunt suggests the device could be used to record speeches or songs. Totem poles from Nahwitti arrived but only one plank. Asks if 3 planks Nahwitti, Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa Hunt, George: From Boas. 1900-01-27 were sent from Alert Bay. Hopes that next writings sent will be about medicines. Received letter of January 3 and 27. Answers questions regarding G̱usgimukw, 31, folder 4 G̱usgimukw masks numbered 130-137 and how they were obtained right Tłatła̱siḵwaḻa after being used in marriage dances. Sorry to hear of Boas's Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900-02-05 [in disappointment with the stone head sent. Explains that parts of poles ACLS item 31, folder 4] from Nahwitti were not sent because made from saw mill lumber. Explains that people will include all masks, names, and songs in a story only if the story belongs to theier family. Asks for books from Powell. Sending 20 pages on wind callers. Guide to George Hunt - Franz Boas correspondence, Franz Boas Papers (Mss.B.B61) American Philosophical Society Library Received letter with pages about weather charms. (Letter not located at APS.) "I was very glad to hear about the masks, and also that the matter in regard to the seat has been cleared up." Asks for more info about Hunt, George: From Boas. 1900-02-24 charms for curing sickness, obtaining love, success in hunting, and harming one's enemies. Will be in British Columbia in the summer. Planning to be with Hunt for about two months. Was arrested by authorities in Alert Bay for going to see a Ławitʼsis winter Ławitʼsis dance with hamatsa dance. Now at home, has a lawyer, but needs more Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900-03-15 witnesses and money. Asks if any payments are due to him. Received letter of February 24. Discusses in more detailed Ławitʼsis Ḵwikwa̱sutinuxw̱ photo mentioned in January 9 letter. Was arrested for going to see a hamatsa dance at Kalugwis. Blames missionaries for getting Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900-03-27 him in trouble. Was tried three times in Alert Bay, then sent to be tried in Vancouver. Mr. Spencer got him a lawyer. Bail was $500. Trial on April 17. Has to pay expenses for trip and that of witnesses. (Page 2 missing.) Received last letter. Write to Mr. Spencer and Mr. Newcombe about Hunt's legal trouble. Hopes check has arrived. Disappointed to hear that Hunt, George: From Boas. 1900-04-10 Hunt won't be fully available in the summer. Wonders if he (Boas) should come to Alert Bay to find old people to work with who will be at the cannery. Received recent letter with 10 pages. Pleased with recent manuscripts. Hunt, George: From Boas. 1900-04-23 Hope to hear from Hunt soon to secure summer plans. Heard from Newcombe and from papers that Hunt's ended in acquittal. Hunt, George: From Boas. 1900-04-28 Flattered to hear that book with Hunt's name on title page was of material help. Needs answer on proposed summer plan. Received both check and letter of April 10. Got out of trouble but it cost $400 and great hassle. "The mission tried hard to get me into this Hunt, George: To Boas. 1900-04-28 trouble." Agrees to Boas's proposed summer plan. Explains work in cannery this summer and Mr. Spencer's helpfulness.