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Preview Summary of GR18 Numerical Relativity parallel sessions (B1/B2 and B2), Sydney, 8-13 July 2007

Summary of GR18 Numerical Relativity parallel sessions (B1/B2 and B2), Sydney, 8-13 July 2007 Carsten Gundlach School of Mathematics, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK The numerical relativity session at GR18 was dominated by physics results on binary black hole mergers. Severalgroupscannowsimulatethesefromatimewhenthepost-Newtonianequationsof motion arestill applicable, through severalorbits andthemerger totheringdown phase, obtaining plausiblegravitationalwavesatinfinity,andshowingsomeevidenceofconvergencewithresolution. The results of different groups roughly agree. This new-won confidence has been used by these groups to begin mapping out the (finite-dimensional) initial data space of the problem, with a particularfocusontheeffectofblackholespins,andtheaccelerationbygravitationalwaverecoilto hundredsof km/s of the final merged black hole. Otherwork was presented on a variety of topics, 8 such as evolutions with matter, extreme mass ratio inspirals, and technical issues such as gauge 0 choices. 0 2 I. INTRODUCTION II. BLACK HOLE BINARY MERGERS n a J A. Astrophysical background 1 1 In the numerical simulation of comparable-massblack Many stars are in binary systems, and many of these hole binary mergers, after a decade of struggle with un- are expected to consist, at the end of their life, of ] stable codes, several groups are now obtaining reliable c two black holes, two neutron stars, or a neutron star q gravitational wave signals, and are competing closely to and a black hole. All binary systems lose orbital en- - investigate the parameter space. r ergythroughemittinggravitationalradiation,andmerge g eventually,althoughthetimescaleonwhichthishappens [ dependsontheirinitialseparationandmasses. Compact This topic dominated the plenary talk by B. 2 objects such as neutron stars and black holes approach Bru¨gmann,aswellasabouthalfofthetalkssubmittedto v each other very closely before merger, which means that the parallelsessionB2 NumericalMethods. Tocelebrate 0 they canemit significantamounts of gravitationalradia- 7 the fact that binary black hole simulations are at last tion just before merger, releasing an energy up to a few 1 obtaining astrophysics results, a session was held jointly percent of the total mass of the system. 2 with the B1 Relativistic Astrophysics parallel session. 7 1. contributed talks were given in B1/B2 and 24 more in Thesegravitationalwavesareverymuchhardertode- tect than the same energy in light, basically because the 1 B2. There were 6 posters in B2. frequenciesareverymuchlower. Thishasthetwinconse- 7 0 quences that the instrument has to be very much larger, : Much work is also being done on numerical simula- and that, unlike a CCD camera for light, it cannot de- v tect individual quanta. For these reasons, no gravita- i tions of astrophysical scenarios involving matter in gen- X tional waves have yet been measured directly. (How- eralrelativity,inparticularcorecollapseandneutronstar r binary mergers, but at GR18 this interesting and active ever, the time series of several pulsars in close binaries a agreesveryaccuratelywiththeenergylossthroughgrav- area was represented by few contributed talks. There itational waves predicted by general relativity.) were no talks on computer algebra. Mergers of compact object binaries are expected to be the principal source of gravitational waves with fre- Given the remarkable sudden progress in binary black quencies of tens to thousands of Hertz. The large inter- hole evolutions since 2005, and the remarkable similar- ferometric detectors LIGO, GEO, VIRGO and TAMA ity of the results from different groups, I begin with an are now observing in the hundreds of Hertz frequency; overview of this field. I have aimed to make the astro- they were reviewed in the plenary talk of S. Whitcomb. physicalandhistoricaloverviews(Secs.IIAandIIB)ac- LIGO is funded for an upgrade that should allow it to cessible to researchers outside numerical relativity, and see binary mergers in the local group; this should give it a description of the state of the art (Sec. IIC) useful enough sources to see something. (See also the plenary to beginning graduate students in the field. After that, talksbyD.Shadockonspace-baseddetectors,andbyM. the summaries of individual talks are likely to be too A. Papa on gravitationalwave astronomy.) technical to be accessible to any but the specialists, and Inthemid1990s,thebinaryblackholeproblemseemed too short to tell the specialists anything new. There- the natural problem for numerical relativity to tackle as fore, where I could identify a paper or e-print related to soon as computers were big enough to allow simulations a specific talk, I give that reference. in 3D: it is entirely described by smooth solutions of the 2 Einstein equations, without the need to model matter. C. State of the art While the two black holes are still far apart each is ap- proximately a Kerr black hole, and is parameterised by These two formulations of the problem are still the onlyitsmassandspin,andtheirorbitisparameterisedby dominant ones today with only minor changes. The only its ellipticity and size. The gravitational field itself BSSN formulation is now always used together with a has aninfinite number of degrees of freedom, but after a “Bona-Mass´o 1+log” type slicing condition and a “hy- feworbitsthegravitationalwavefieldiseffectivelydeter- perbolic Γ-driver”type shift condition. With this gauge, mined by the history of the orbital motion. This means BSSN is hyperbolic, although some of its characteristics that the parameter space of binary mergers which start arespacelikeandsometimelikewithrespecttothephys- sufficiently far apart and where accretion into the black ical light cones. There seems to be a trend to gauge holes can be neglected is effectively finite-dimensional. drivers with time derivatives in the direction normal to the slice, rather than along the lines of constant spatial coordinates. For example, (∂ +βi∂ )α= 2αK, rather t i − than∂ α= 2αK,andsimilarly for the evolutionof the t − shift. This avoids a breakdown of hyperbolicity when B. History of numerical simulations gauge speeds coincide, and allows the final black hole to settle down to a Killing coordinate system. Encouraged by Pretorius’ success, other groups are Ten years and perhaps 500 person-years later, the now experimenting with modified harmonic coordinates problemhadnotbeensolvedbecausethenumericalsimu- both for vacuum and matter evolutions, and his work lationswerestoppedbynumericalinstabilitiesthatcould seems to have influenced even the evolution of the lin- not be overcome by just using more resources. In hind- earised Einstein equations for modelling extreme mass sight, there were overlapping problems concerning the ratio inspirals, such as stellar mass black holes falling mathematical formulation which interacted with, and into supermassive black holes. were sometimes confused with, problems of numerical Themostreliableinitialdatanowseemtobeproduced discretisation. Theseweremainlyoftwotypes: theuseof byconvertingasnapshotofapost-Newtonian(PN)orbit ill-posedformulationsoftheinitial-boundaryvalueprob- into“puncture”typeinitialdataforfullgeneralrelativity lem for general relativity, and gauge choices not appro- by solving the Hamiltonian and momentum constraint. priate to the symmetries of the problem. The evolution This PNorbitis typicallyconstructedby calculating the timebeforethecodebrokedownwasgraduallyextended, adiabaticshrinkingofaconservativePNorbit. Toreduce withthefirstfullorbitachievedbyBru¨gmannin1997[1], eccentricity,thepost-Newtonianequationsofmotioncan but only a very few orbits became possible until 2005. be evolved over hundreds of orbits until the eccentricity A first stable simulation with an essentially unlimited hasbeenradiatedaway. Itispuzzlingthattheconversion number of orbits up to and through the merger was an- works so well given that this also involves a translation nounced by F. Pretorius in March 2005 [2]. He solved ofgaugefromthe post-Newtonianto the fullgeneralrel- theEinsteinequationsinmodifiedharmoniccoordinates. ativity framework. Their principal part is then a set of waveequations with Outer boundaries remain primitive - some in common characteristicsonthephysicallightcones. However,some use are notknownto leadto well-posedinitial-boundary lower-order terms were modified in order to modify the valueproblems,andareknownnottobecompatiblewith harmonic time slicing. Other key elements of his success theconstraintequations. Nevertheless,numericalbound- include, but were not limited to, imposing outer bound- ary conditions exist that are empirically stable, and the aryconditionsbycompactifyingthenumericaldomainat strategy of moving them as far out as possible, typi- spatial infinity, the excision of a spacetime region inside callybyusingnestedboxesofCartesiancoordinategrids, each black hole (singularity excision), the use of adap- seems to work. The location of the outer boundary does tive mesh refinement, and damping the constraints by not seem to seriously affect the gravitational wave sig- friction-like lower-orderterms. nals. InNovember2005,anunlimitednumber oforbitsplus Waves are extracted on an approximately spherical merger was achieved again with very different methods, surface either by finding the Zerilli gauge-invariant lin- atthesametimebutindependentlybygroupsattheUni- ear perturbation with respect to a Schwarzschild back- versity of Texas/Brownsville [3] and at NASA/Goddard ground, or by constructing an appropriate tetrad and [4]. These groups used the “BSSN” formulation of the calculating the Newman-Penrosescalar Ψ4. Here it does Einsteinequations[5],whichhadalreadybeensuccessful seem to be important to push this sphere as far out as in neutron star andcore collapse simulations (see for ex- possible. ample[6]). Thekeyadditionalingredientforbinaryblack Black hole masses and spins are calculated by find- hole simulations was a new version of an old method for ing a dynamical horizon, and constructing approximate dealingwiththesingularinterioroftheblackholescalled Killing vectors for use in Komar-type integrals, by en- the “puncture method” [7], where inside each black hole ergy and angular momentum balance arguments, or by is a wormhole, rather than a collapsed star. fitting quasinormalringdowns to the known ringdownof 3 Kerr. Approximate ADM quantities integrated over a interactions, although out of the domain of its validity, large sphere also seem to agree with these diagnostics. could be used as a heuristic formula with a small num- ber of free parameters to be determined by full numeri- cal simulations. Quasi-circular orbits were compared to D. Contributed talks post-Newtonianonesover9 orbits,andagreed,although to lowerprecisionthanthatobtainedby the Jenagroup. The moving punctures method was robust. Waveform The contributed talks were dominated by physics re- comparisons between groups were now needed. sults which appear to agree between research groups. B. Kelly presented the work of the Goddard group. Most talks focused on the effect of the spin of the two black holes on gravitational recoil (“kicks”). It appears Hybrid waveforms agreed accurately with fully numeri- cal ones. The code was fifth-order accurate. The effects that velocity of several hundred km/s are generic, and several thousand km/s are possible. This is astrophysi- of unequal masses and spins were being analysed. He callyrelevantasitmaycompletelyejectthemergedblack described an analysis of the gravitational wave recoil in hole from its galaxy. Note that as velocity is naturally multipoles [13], with the force seen as a sum of mainly measuredinunitsofthespeedoflight,andvacuumgrav- three products of pairs of multipoles, and stressed that ity is scale-invariant,these velocities are invariant under the integral of momentum over time was not monotonic an overall scaling of the initial data. Therefore the re- (“antikicks”). Thismodelcouldalsoexplainwhyspinsin sults reported here would apply equally to stellar mass the orbital plane produced larger kicks. However, accre- and supermassive black hole binaries, as long as the two tion would tend to align spins with orbital angular mo- mentum. Finally, the effective one-body approach was masses are of the same order of magnitude. a step forward in covering the parameter space with ap- P. Diener [9] reported on joint work by the AEI and proximate wave forms. LSUgroups. Initialdatawerequasi-circular,determined by an effective potential method. Kicks up to 175km/s M. Scheel [14] presented work by the Caltech group were achieved for non-spinning unequal mass binaries that uses a modified harmonic formulation. (In con- (mass ratio 0.36), while kicks up to 440km/s were ob- trast to Pretorius, their formulation is reduced to first tainedwithequalmassblackholeswithspinsanti-aligned order in space and time, and consistent boundary con- parallel to the orbital angular momentum. The post- ditions are applied at finite radius. In contrast to all Newtonian analysis of gravitational recoil by Kidder [8] other groupsexceptthe Meudongroupthey use spectral was found to be qualitatively valid beyond its domainof methods rather than finite differencing in space.) Cur- applicability. rentlytheircodeexperiencedcoordinateproblemsduring M.HannamreviewedtheworkoftheJenagroup. They merger, but spectral methods allowed for the currently had concentrated on a configuration with equal masses, mostaccurateinspiralsimulationsin full generalrelativ- andspinsanti-alignedintheorbitalplane(“superkicks”) ity. Post-Newtonian based initial data (equal mass, no [10]. The magnitude depended sinusoidally on the angle spin, zeroeccentricity)evolvedfor30 orbitsuntil merger of the spins in the orbital plane. Because of the high agree accurately for the first 15 orbits, and then signifi- symmetry,mostoftheenergywasradiatedasl =2,m= cant disagreement could be shown, after taking into ac- 2 waves, and the kick could be estimated through the count the different gauges of what is being compared. ±energy difference between these. The velocities obtained It was found that quasi-circular initial data are actually were of the order of 2500km/s (for J = 0.723M2), in slightly eccentric. agreementwithwhathadbeenfoundby the Brownsville F. Pretorius [15] was interested in unusual threshold group [3] (which was not represented at GR18). behaviour in binary black hole merger, rather than as- Workwasalsounder wayonabank ofnumericaltem- trophysical wave forms. For non-spinning black holes of plate wave forms for non-spinning mergers [11]. Full nu- comparablemass, at the thresholdof immediate merger, merical evolutions based on post-Newtonian initial data prompt merger was delayed and replaced by a whirling could be compared to a continued post-Newtonian evo- phase in which the number of orbits n depends on the lution for up to 9 more orbits before the merger, and impact parameter b as expn b b∗ γ. Although fully ∼| − | agreedvery accurately. Going to sixth order accuracyin nonlinear, this behaviour was also shown by point par- the spatial finite differencing had been crucial to obtain ticle geodesics in Kerr. During the whirl, 1-1.5% of the a small enough phase error (2 degrees over 9 orbits) for energy was radiated per orbit. He also offered an expla- this. Moreover,veryaccurate“hybrid”waveformscould nation of superkicks in terms of each black hole expe- be constructed by matching a post-Newtonian inspiral riencing frame dragging by the other. He expected no to black hole ringing, using information from numerical more surprises in generic orbits, except perhaps in the simulations to match them. This might be used to fill limit of extreme rotation, or infinite boost. the parameter space with templates. D. Pollney [16] presented work of the AEI and LSU P. Laguna [12] reported work from the PSU group group on spin interactions. Distinctive features in the on spins parallel to the orbital angular momentum (up wave forms could be associated with the spins. The to 400km/s) and superkick configurations, and stressed momentum flux could be estimated in particular by the that the Kidder post-Newtonian formula for spin-orbit terms Q+Q+ and Q+ Q×. 22 3−3 2−2 21 4 D. Shoemaker [17] presented a quantitative study by structure. Here, the relative phase of the two stars pro- the PSU group of the influence of spurious radiation in vides an additional arbitrary parameter. Neutron star the initial data on the merger, by artificially adding l = binaries had also been simulated [23]. The old problem m = 2 Teukolsky waves inside the binary. This changed of the critical collapse of Brill waves had been taken up theADMmassbutnottheangularmomentum,withthe again,althoughthe criticalamplitude hadonly been ap- merger and ringdown relatively unaffected. proachedtowithin1%. Subcriticalscalinggaveγ 0.23, ≃ I. Hinder from the PSU group focused on the com- ∆ 0.75, which is quite different from the original re- ≃ parison with post-Newtonian evolutions over 9 orbits to sults [24] γ 0.36, ∆ 0.60. Magneto-hydrodynamics ≃ ≃ merger. Quasi-circular puncture initial data actually had been implemented [25]. showed slight eccentricity. Disagreement with PN evo- U. Sperhake [26] reported simulations of head-on col- lutions became more noticeable in the last 3 orbits. The lisions of black holes which had different internal struc- gravitational waves matched the post-Newtonian ones ture,namelyBrill-Lindquist(BL)initialdata(eachblack well, although the eccentricity showed, as well as a de- hole is a wormhole to a separate internal infinity), Mis- pendence on resolution towards the end. The wave form ner data (both black holes connect to the same internal still convergedto 3rd to 4th order until the merger. infinity)andapproximateinitialdataobtainedbysuper- S.Husa [18]fromthe Jenagroupspokeonavarietyof posingtwoKerr-Schild(KS)slicesthroughSchwarzschild topicsarisinginevolutions. Higherorderfinite differenc- (where the slices endatthe future spacelikesingularity). ing was needed for accuracyand,surprisingly,seemed to (His is the only BSSN code that can stably move ex- workwellwithpunctures,whicharenotsmooth. 4thor- cised black holes, which is necessary for evolving these, der Kreiss-Oliger dissipation was important, as well as non-punctureinitialdata. Pretoriusalsousesmovingex- using an advection stencil for the shift terms. Phase cision, but in the harmonic formulation). KS had much error converged to 6th order, but not amplitude error; more spurious initial radiation. BS and Misner agreed this could be fixed by re-parameterising by phase. Very closely, but there was a small discrepancy between these low eccentricity in the initial data (obtained by evolv- and KS in the wave form which might be due to numer- ing the post-Newtonianequations overmany orbits)was ical error. needed to see any disagreement between full numerical B.Kolreviewedanumberofproblemsinhigherdimen- and 3.5PN evolutions. sions, often string-inspired, which might usefully be in- J. Gonzalez, also at Jena, reported on unequal mass vestigatedby numericalrelativity. In particularhe spec- mergers, with a mass ratio of up to 10. Gauge problems ulated on a possible relation between Choptuik’s critical arose which may be related to the damping term in the solution in the gravitational collapse of a scalar field in shiftdriver. Thekickspeedsagreedwellwith[19]. Asthe 4D, and the pinching off of a black string in Rd−1,1 S1 × mass ratio increased, less energy was radiated in l = 2, [27]. and more in l =3,4,5. W. Tichy [20] reported on work at FAU on binaries with J = 0.8M2, resulting in kicks of up to 2500km/s. B. Gauge and boundaries With 10 levels of mesh refinement, evolutions with an outer boundary at 240M could be run on a 32Gb work- The talks by D. Brown[28] andD. Garfinkle [29]were station. The largest error seemed to come from the ex- closelyrelatedtothetalkofS.Husa[30]giveninparallel traction radius. sessionA3: Why does the “movingpunctures” approach to representing black holes work in numerical relativity? The initial data [7] represent a wormhole opening out III. CONTRIBUTED TALKS ON OTHER to another universe in the Kruskal solution. However, TOPICS evolving with the slicing condition now used by most bi- naryblackholegroups(“Bona-Mass´o1+log”),numerical A. Physics results error allowed the solution inside the black hole to jump toaslicingoftheKruskalspacetimewherethewormhole R. de Pietri [21] described simulations of instabilities is asymptotically cylindrical and ends at the internal fu- in rapidly rotating stars with a Γ-law equation of state ture null infinity, rather than at the internal spacelike (initially polytropic, and no shocks form). The thresh- infinity. The slicing could then become Killing both in- old of instability was well approximatedby a Newtonian side and outside the black hole. At the same time a “Γ- analysis. A bar (m = 2 dominated) appeared initially, driver”typeshiftconditionremovedgridpointsfromthe but later resolved into an m = 1 or m = 3 dominated interior,producingineffectexcisionbyunder-resolution. structure. There were two other talks on coordinate choices for S.Lieblingdescribedtheapplicationofaparalleladap- black hole evolutions. D. Hilditch [31] discussed slicings tive mesh refinement code in harmonic coordinates to ofasymptoticallyflatspacetimesthatareasymptotically differentphysicsproblems. Binarybosonstars[22]could nullcombinedwithradialcompactification,suchthatthe usefully be comparedwith binary black holes to see how speed of outgoing waves remains constant. Numerical the gravitational waves emitted depend on the internal tests of the sphericalwaveequationonSchwarzschildre- 5 solvedoutgoingwavestoarbitrarilylargeradiionasmall problem, which could be seen as an alternative to the number of grid points. L. Lindblom discussed generali- waveless(conformallyflat)approximation. Ascalarfield sations of the “harmonic coordinate driver” coordinate toy model and a neutron star binary had been imple- conditions used by Pretorius. mented. The equations are mixed hyperbolic-elliptic. J. Seiler presented an implementation by the AEI Convergence at present required the outer boundary to group of boundary conditions for the generalised har- be very close in, but this might be improvedby an outer monic formulation of the Einstein equations which are patch where ∂ h =0 is imposed instead. t ij at once compatible with the constraint and result in a B. Kelly [38] presented initial data of the puncture well-posed initial-boundary value problem [32]. These type in full generalrelativity but based on a snapshotof had been implemented using summation by parts tech- a post-Newtonian binary orbit, and with approximately niques forfinite differencing andthe code wasnowbeing correctgravitationalwavecontentalsobasedon thator- tested. bit. The constraints are currently not solved, but are L.Brewin[33]reviewedhisworkonsmoothlatticenu- violated only at O[(v/c)5]. merical relativity: in contrast to Regge calculus, space- time is not locally flat, and the legs of the simplices are geodesics. E. Analysis J. L. Jaramillo [39] described the application of a re- C. Evolution codes fined Penrose inequality in axisymmetry, namely A 8π(M2+√M4+J2), as a geometric test for a new ap≤- J. Thornburg review ongoing work on an adaptive parent horizon finder [40], and for the outermost char- mesh refinement code in double null coordinates for the acter of marginal trapped surfaces. Numerical evidence linearisedvacuumEinsteinequationsinharmonicgauge. of Dain’s proposal for characterizing Kerr data by the Thecodehasbeentestedwiththescalarself-forceoncir- saturation of such inequality was also presented. cular orbits in Schwarzschild [34]. It is to be applied to G.Cook[41]presentedmethodsforfindinganapprox- the calculationof the self-force on generic particle orbits imate rotational Killing vector in numerical evolutions, in the Schwarzschild,and later Kerr spacetime. which could then be used in a Komar-type integral to B. Zink reviewed progress on the application of high compute the spin of a black hole. These are constructed order, multipatch, summation-by-parts finite differenc- by minimising an appropriated measure of the residue ing techniques [35] to the simulation of spacetimes with in the Killing equation, resulting in a system of coupled perfect fluid and magnetohydrodynamics matter. Initial elliptic equations. This wasbeing tested,andmightpro- applicationsaretoarotatingblackholewithanaccretion vide a new tool for analysing the horizon geometry. disk. A particular strength of the multipatch approach N.Bishoppresentedprogressontheextractionofgrav- was that it allowed the combination of high resolution itational waves at scri by matching to an outgoing null in the radialdirectionwith low resolutionin the angular grid. Problems with numerical noise had been over- directions. come, and the extraction had been tested in the head- J. Novak [36] reviewed a fully constrained nonlinear on collision of two black holes in a harmonic code with 3D evolution code where only two variables are evolved: constraint-preservingboundaryconditions. FullCauchy- in a suitable linearised limit these represent the two po- characteristic matching now seemed feasible. larisations of gravitational waves. The spatial gauge is A. Norton [42] presented animations of a spatial co- Dirac gauge, defined with respect to a flat background ordinate system that rotates with a rotating star in a metric. The code uses spherical coordinates and spec- centralregion but is fixed at infinity, without getting in- tralmethods. Boundaryconditions are imposedat finite creasingly entangled: it is based on the double cover of distance which are absorbing for quadrupolar waves on SO(3) by S3, and so returns to its original state after Minkowski. It was planned to evolve a single black hole two rotations. withhorizonboundaryconditions,andtoincludematter. D. Initial data Acknowledgments J. Read [37] reported on numerical work in the he- I would like to thank I. Hinder for comments on the lical Killing field approximation to the binary inspiral manuscript. [1] B. Bru¨gmann, Int.J. Mod. Phys. D 8, 85 (1999). [3] M. Campanelli, C. O. Lousto, P. Marronetti, Y. Zlo- [2] F. Pretorius, Phys.Rev.Lett. 95, 121101 (2005). chower, Phys.Rev. Lett.96, 111101 (2006). 6 [4] J.G. Baker, J.Centrella, D.-I.Choi, M.Koppitz,J. van [20] W.Tichy,P.Marronetti,Phys.Rev.D76,061502(2007). Meter, Phys. 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