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Summary of community conversations in West Roxbury PDF

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Preview Summary of community conversations in West Roxbury

» » » of the cu to are 00 activity City which and CCLO in district be •X*- of the access site banks, destinations and cu can connections s of within o Roxbury U center Street River city business sites be Supporting >> residents well-developed, center convenient the the U West will critical Charles if •a services. Gardner local ae a the All a and recreational oo is of and the amenities throughout towns. the beneficial cultivated. o safe in JS Street deserve community-oriented at renovated o goods new X) residents have park and people neighborhood. xM: neighboring enterprises the mutually properly *s Centre for Boston they basic The newly park, for and by the walk Street coordinate with to Street add automobile businesses to Enhance and bath River, district district, Streets between enhancing area. to the the owners Apply Centre and landscaping, the cohesive people Street Beach Charles Gardner business of Main streetscape, Street and a district. force business the •o—c*/a _cCCO3XuDO) jx0Co:U0 .ia—CaO *C>uD> Tc"tcOOa3n oX^i23oc)r:o U•Cc**——O CacCOCoCOOOu. CSetnrtereet organizing denehsaincgen, alegnibidlity lbuosicnaesls amarnketding. CoBoisfttony dRiesdtreiscti.gn pedestrians itmhpreove aappnropdriate losceravle pcohnnyecstiiocnsal aCenntdre parking thrroouutgehsout effoornts thenacoutrages tlihneear bSeptwreienng rHecoanstvructeedy aatctlihvioteinesg pplaaantrnekd • >^ co '1o c" 2 ° aJX:U an support a accommodate trees Street consolidating redesign down better cJ-/>a 33 in C°O oi So o CO Improve streetscape appearance information business bicyclists, Enhance pedestrian streetscape and connections the Co> Eeo _CCoO oE §>, _ft2fol =S§C35O < aCO.f) creating and become to street and traffic. Spring by Focus up newly house, and site. o U cu oCL 5 E ©CO «S E3 'Eco CEO -a O CO a> c center H i -c>34—% iocot xx*c•::u• s_*"C' 2tcoo ^c3-oC X2CO)O Coin3o is aas by area's faenelds bicyclists. bmeay of appearance landscaping iasn business and CO "ca C3l 3CU 3 £ .s district evidenced The volume The attention, district E cu E o £ "va to compete and supply to Street H Uoo .1CCC32OUO- paO2. acou _•cQc>oauu. (XcOO)§o)-'£clDuo '•c3UOtEou* business to actaivsity storefronts. automobile-oriented pedestrians space tsuhppeort bcayr. onefed respect business Centre disconnected 0o3 £u C-uuO 1cu Jc^5o c*3u oaQC. Street struggling to parking to arriving iisn with Street othfe ifeetls vacant E so co <U a> !§2 sa Centre commercial is the area "greening." Spring but uncoordinated. E Q. CcOu dangerous inadequate particularly 3 _3 eC3On The currently of several design Also, shoppers othfe and The extension district, 00 'Ec0 CCoOUo __ 3 <U 00 « 2 CO E S CU CO O x: «> ca S E- cEou £CO JO Ti3— r0O~0 Xo3) co i- a1_.u <cuo v^o CO M. "COU JCUO m>o 'g2— o CO c3o * °: £l CEO district 4C1—O— EE cCUo VO o •o 3co C3O CO "° CcCOoU CO o = 1 .CO <u business _3 —00 —>> tcu. CcOo oo OE Xc3>o oa-o 3 3 E to CaOs a> II 3 ^ <cL.u Street ci_u o c>u .2 _ ti/5 ,cEc<o-u- cCouO --xcc:o5uu £ccXao> OffoNN Uc3CO.Uo Centre _0lD3—0. C30O0 fl * » * -X** CU cu CU c c -s*# o o o U U o >> <-> u U o •a S s c - ea cs o03 "O O O o O O o — XJ JZ u a Oi- O oi~ X X) X) JMS JZ H '3 JSP ot, Z "zS zCU Urn as re stores a to use -oa X the c ^ o such pedestrians the with Initiate orientation Business program teachers the summer in r—e to Schoolyard Establish hours 3 a. grocery services centers district. ianny signage "Entering from schoolyard the are ^C- xc:u en access district for School C^»U c*O_ _ kteoep and activity business for included to standards. initiative say Neighborhood a'— the incentive Public liability for during Reduce children -CCCCOU rCel (OCfA) goods accessibility is related comprehensive business that CCeCUMO from transportation. Schools offseason. hours when CO cCCcoUO DEC—U. •crC~eO" H .%CCc—23o 0—XOCcC4MuL incentives basic imanjor Roxbury that disabled plans a ftohre alignhtding signage sPiosgtns Roxbury IUGS JoCcCUMul ffuondring Establish Boston public threamovtes Public haonurds library tweehkeneds. tdhaey oO0<Cn3DL 0XCoCc6OU_ x«our:5e CcrceL CO other providers West the X. on G C3—U CL c> CccoUmm Establish and the Ensure and redesign district. Develop initiative design citywide signs. West District." C0)O CCcOuOo Apply Initiative. encourage tusoe policy Boston after Expand and during school. oCl aCCo.MM UCCJO CCr—Oe o U in of a not is The and not from C3 not play Many from summer G re a •c= district lots access Many competitive many are variations the area a macadam iIst to day. require away the time. J0c*3o _Oc - U£oo _o'r»3ocCJ3*Ul shopping feshvoeoprpyridnagy. btpeathrwekeeinng mfdiafofkicerulst tbdiusshtirnieecsts. bntsoeeoetm athanerrdee itneighhnboerhood aTttrhactieve. ifncteonseisotlent atprnhevdeent ciodheenstiivtey. C<O03OD _"o*wC3OLCCCs».MUll siachloosllyard gogrreeranesrys. fpchiloldarrecne ootsucthhsfoieodle satcnhoodol ttttheaankotde rfedaourcreed shtaumdovenretes OU0hi3 o-CCOC33iC*-MU«ll tTxc«rcOi*CccE3:—eE-uu Cc>3OCnoroi>LD 0£3 Sea neighborhood do marketplace, storefronts. signs or faonr district a -cCoQ Kilmer any inviting or drive spaces spaces. hours young -scas no0>>. rcCeu £ c<3CmuO The convenient relationship tsthreeet throughout tsthorees the vacant Many uniform make business having cC3CCOuOO The without saofre during teachers parking play Library when CcCC3MuMM -xc(a:uU CrCOeL C/3 CU ^-^ CO E CO School >i_> -ca (OU 0l3_ ^"r•e« > Street) X) 4<^U !_ -J CU CU L. CO JuZ en -a c rce Elementary Baker rie_ <c•—u "COO CQ -—a cm oo CM (35 13— CM Ure H <e<sU ooo CU <CCL.SU Kilmer XXo) <CCLS.U -t<i-> CO 00 3CoO ccuou KcS C3VM schoolyard CO CU3M -r^e O <U op O Joyce CU o re Li. c?5 U. Lu Cu » # CU CO CO and a. recreational use. available Emerald close cu spaces s o U soon-to-be-developed site. and within everyday >> important Boston's public U*— Street be for open times. a all be c an park all should is between the Gardner a like at O should O and of use Oi- parkway the JQ residents public -S at Schoolyards, - Z.'23° This connection Necklace park All proximity buildings, for & 2 fH—•i XoX3) VFW goal aonpden spaces possible for Establish Boston and bthye tsihtee to ftohre 0* the better sidewalks. and/or to play appropriate each property parks activities use 2 parks in owned when to between - tn along small the for best • £<L> regular parkway othfe standard to attention Inventory the spaces of residents. are process quarrying and and BP&R en sidewalks the proximity play rest agreement that I<Stn the particular lots the and highest O-• 3eaon OCcauO. uCCcOaiOUu. the Balance of tconhditeion citaywide with fchioldrren. ftoort adetnermdine fnoerw and neighborhood Schools spaces plaanning hceaassed the X _oco residential track management 2 go c Reconstruct maintenance neighborhood. by recreational - SC>-i aco.o _BaCO. Parkway. manage Establish for spaces, suitable locations spaces, locations Open use a Public BPS. Establish operator determine property. \* O t- U U- tot is 2 >. difficult its need and space public. use site City There At Q •feM be bicyclists, Parkway dangerous is and neighborhood the enough High the in the Team 3 they green Roxbury. not quarry - E may Commission Beach but bicyclists into not Roxbury to with Strike 617-635-4925). conservation district. 2 £ co and VFW the the are West when 10-acre Uo ."3252 park Parkway. the therefore Havey in transportation. area, for integrated there in West accessible 1 litigation a zoning H• *L*. the pedestrians, strollers. the addition, locked Joyce, in o oa. to VFW along and District up needed and in connected that parks at fully Environmental Es. Oa. and buildings. is In better kept during exists overlay 2 o the fixing parks feel small not is approximately Kevin Hu3•. S3 c«CcC3oUO Transportation fchioldrren, obecafuse Tsidhewaelks idisarnrepeair fbicoycrles Metropolitan currently bathhouse bpAiakteh frecroeatrion gaoroed bbettetoer pedestrians. nbteeeods neighborhood. Residents laontds Tschhooleyard Sichsool Ttrhacek bstudenyts. The operational oBosfton (contact: Tqhuaerry protection c/3 o Xo X CU co Xon *-» t5 _o Q. op JU o X 00 >> X CU ta/i CO >-» co X3 cu CuO x> i— X IC—O CQ CaO. o 3 Q_ >, !Es tC C3O Otv U>. Xc>cou <ou cou CCUO o03u3. <030 Q_ Q_ 9 > » • — CU CO —CO *X-> »-> CU cu -Bw «B-< O O U U u a T3 B s H « o93 o o o o xs o ©i- XxI -fi H .'23? "3 Z Z b d Q 3 with X) H-• oX area balance with the Include have residents special MDC 3 c* comprehensive to for incorporated city transportation. for public to from and •*-> buses) plan aesthetics. the the ft oo district. • £(D surrounding a aims and traffic. of of make accessible farthest Include c of that are and public strategy design to weekend 2 ..—1 VB4)> VcVsIu) the focus plan (cars pedestrian comprehensive business residents more for 0c0 O O and elements safety multi-use and Boston. f•t o <a*>. VC)l the traffic all reliable strategies neighborhoods <u <u on "-4— C* c C£ Street be and a Roxbury that a on _x<u .2 X<w to transportation to management transportation considerations 2- > "VOvI> -4— VVO)) Centre need vehicular bicycle Develop West streetscape emphases Ensure access Develop Parkways. Develop othfe Downtown C On o CU ^ O f- U ex to u. will the c of cars in many 2ft '5 mtinoed site Original and More that gcooulrsef Hai— amount situation, for area the for ias paths are bicyclists of those is often - 3 be the included grid site. suggested a unsafe (particularly lacking MBTA Street addition, well it the parkways for hours for Downtown people f•t U£o .*ra»V3S-)i» wiqlualrry caapnacdity, development. 1900's street thoen have afpporoprriate resource. *"rV3•3)> danagerous parking miaktes road bicyclists). lapoinotdrly improved Washington Iarnea. lit. rweoraklsly aanreda However, the diiffitcult Rail's aoppnroplriayte oouft schedule reasult 2f_t O OaoacBCQ. tpohient, oitfs favaoilarble tefarhroelmy texihsteing housing residents mbieght osppaecne O•oCOa9a3. hStareset insuafficnient tdehsaitgn twuhhseoe and iStrseet infeaoserd ftrhoem Hospital inaadeqruaetely system RWoexsbutry roadway. saidlewoalnksg making pedestrians. MCoBmmTutAer are iannd wTeehkeend As H-• £3 Vcv3)ui some texhteent be plans extending developing recently, site otoherr VCV3V)IU) Centre traffic, aand people pedestrians Spring greenery. There service Faulkner streets Parkway ithne beautiful and disrepair and The operation commuting Boston. inconvenient. 2 C/3 ft • - Parkway, eou 00 "> c Roxbury 1— o CU *— 00 00 — a 'co (West V) CO CU 3 00 o IP E V«) 9V3I 0> eu system E <c•_u <C1-U oChoaU o+01-o>—* Parkway) U<o V3coIu VC3O)U sCCi—UU °E0Qn0. o>oCU Parkway VFW f- <030300 (J CO •

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