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Cco/3 a(BO/>i Square; iatt right-turn business commuter the Washington overall and scale the light into rail bsutsop and Corinth Roslindale to lanes. Street spaces augment shops H• +-» a. the narrow the Highway. the evaluate of benches human from "walk" Belgrade Add traffic taking commuter the Avenue in street travel to the 2 0>^ O—S along but on account to stretch the and pedestrians appropriate of that study tohne and Corinth parking Street near Q co a<<O./*>> way way, eliminate Cummins focuses into done this Improve greenery, stops, Lengthen Narrow sidewalks. locations, othfe location Belgrade Ensure traffic lines lanes across Market. Add Poplar spaces U it >> The a for a The Q 3 between seems otrafffic. traffic people an directly the through parking As and whether tohne volume Village arow as • £ station. in not to is street. issues. dangerous the and suffers lane are with about traffic large traffic 2U. Utod section Square automobile the train are stairway There way narrow the it the from side Poplar one Bus Q "s3 the the for endangers the crosswalk and busy one is confused makes and one through • o uoc in and wide encourages from location main ivsery traffic. othfe lane lanes. complicates particularly to Paornk other, the 2- EE? oaQe. Avenue station which atnod laingdht tthoe Street aloncadl sides ttrahffeic ofatreen towro further tbrauffsic walking entrance. Adams tohne for s so width H• C/5 VV<3VI)U) Belgrade ttrhaien unnecessarily The speeding walking "walk" inconvenient connected station. Corinth traffic bootnh result, drivers iiostne street acnadr pedestrians, opeofple Market With oshfops cut-through H Roslindale Roslindale ta and the H stop u. between rail Avenue commuter H coo 0i~> <1u) u 1_ < oo u. in sz Vs) c Oo Belgrade Village Square 'oi- QO. U Li. a. * % 20 to to visiting orient - under "5? access the s resource those in o nearby of U appropriately and Boston to *» great providing flavor U o a B is the « Roslindale commuters Square, Downtown should to o o station and -E of It a ok. and -Q -Me train Roslindale from neighborhood. residents minutes. visitors resources - Z The and Q at J2 of from human the amenities to Continue box Poplar tree safe it to modes Avenue of of crosswalks pedestrian alignment, shelter shop, district) a of Square planting and evergreen the make connection areas, more in map 7 c* Belgrade appropriate the character coffee study. variety the Install make a Street for to various provide board, business Add year crossing traffic in by stairway the considerations to permanent CCO o» pedestrian to Redesign stand, visitors. greater South after lighting. intersection S .2 Oc OJ area proper pedestrian and reflect and bulletin Village and Square a locate traffic. entrances clearer. of a year traveling -4—* > to tree C3 O0S) a> the to newspaper park foot corner Plant the '— — lighting, D 2 _0c0 platform neighborhood encourage parks used people > VO) Redesign including narrow scale landscaping. structure community Roslindale commuters Include Roslindale businesses increase connections the Street. be Christmas Redesign o a. the (e.g., to the on to for U "S of a parking side, both that shelter from no itself for the the for series festive passing on place people The to keeping of ias u2••. UStoo3i •'VsuSE)i secotnieo-nway atSqlhuoaerneg. bfceornueoflimdt etmophhanesis Rotslinodale dciuerrsseintglny tcohmmueter otstahtfioen. otnoonhrtlnehy sftraatroieoman ssTtoauhitrhes. palantfdorm oterxaifftfiicng tsswoiihudtteehh sThehlteer bistmuaosltol tutchoimlmauitzetres drenofloeectst nteioghhbroerhood district. gpagltrhaeercainetg Tcohnceert iathanesrde hoelviedrayy ptehaoarptele sttshoietorrtaey coasauerlsvde sbttruheetet," rtsahtthaaenry. otpdoahefresk wchiiyldtoruehnng dTdtuahhryieen.g bbaeltawneceen tahnrodugh itntaerhsectteion RaSotbrneeerdtt, 2Q• C&S/3 oaoCQBV«03</))>L. ftdirvheortemed WSatsrheinegtton isTttashteileofn rweiadetnshign pcoendneecstitornsian sTStaqthuioaner'se. mortaieinotneldy ltnsoioohrdtnteeh bPaosaserndgers tbtehhnuteeetry tnatohnhrtedeh ldfteorhawoednm tpililyhnnaoeecue sltmaoohllnteer cclorclaotesioasnisr.ng tbnaeshseerivedecs, tnouhmfbeer Aidselttssoisogp,n. cothahrafceter nbuesianersbsy PAidaaasrmks neeivgehnbtorsh.ood hbsucecaesessfnul Clhtirgirshtetmeaisng Howseeavsoenr., tdtnheronootudgh rbIaeasgitusl.ar o"emoofyrnees tttheprnoaoudsgsh essnoicludotseehd peanrcoeunrtagse pitplahnareyk gbiufoafseoridng pslriionvgiedhsintg tnrooauifftsi.ec lTocshaqtueeadre, BAevlegnruaede 2 Q Q. o Urn '3 3 i_ cr i_ on <u 3 _o> E at 3 E -a cr o O C8 <U 00 OL aLa > V«) 4t CO l_ < re OU Ta3> -a B c 3 ~ E rXa o o 03 a> < < u. v * some the on a relieve &> c pressure O U would u traffic lot "O B a« and Square. U. o parking o JZ the parking o the in X) JZ of _OJD the '3 streets Z Use of to <L> • a to the Avenue Add bulletin lot the the to Enhance appropriate, at bus the station a along u- C Add Park to a to the to and Redesign Hill entrance 2Q 1o/5 is Great and traffic Add Belgrade train shoppers. to entrance Install park Taft Street. park marker users' community alley H—• •C"c-^" island designed. the the othfe on park. tfrhoem regular park a connections the lot. the market. pocket along tmahien Corinth 2 C <Ve/I> Iafn of sounds intersection. stop pocket gateway for Install by parking with the little point at Q o oa. suitably Alexander interest bus visible and two Street line the across # +-> V) be the busy the the physical is receptacles the Market in towards access crosswalk to to visitors — the out at South enhance i > transportation. should to a that convenience. other a market LQ ao alCO.oO it fountain add drown adjacent shelter adjacent Add park orient trash board. Enhance from Village crosswalk sidewalk and the Terrace. Add the U t a a >> is a rail the of are the for park and in turning is and it be crosswalk It on many Q• E3 drivers, The large effectively that traffic, moidfdle could attraction expansive to commuter between Maanrkdet tohne Tstahires pedestrians no Avenue. corner Street. light tohne The bthuerte available parking However, looking than tlhoet encourage excellent bringing j- g car not island real is the "walk" not public rather to might an is o park 2•• UoSEb3 ."Oo*rCoasoaS2S*3On2.. ifnteorsecrtion pabeidcenysctlrdiisatnss., iwwtiiodtsoeh ardeonaasuedslst,, tTtrraahffffieicc. ischttmaanosonleoll pitclohancnnreetteer Tpoehcyekesoeret. rbtiehnufesurotgee, teotodhhfgneee ppitgoahacstrkeewekaty ftSqrhuoaemre atmiIildhpsstoeoint atVsinhltlodeapg,e cdeovuerltopymaerndt soBStiirredfecteh. ttlsrehataieodnp pttbhahuerretke, Btehlacgerromsasde cirnaoesassrwtealskt aSAovneuntduhe himmaaedvinaete biliotcuas'titson opemdeosftsritans. tpnaiaahcrtreee,k rbecneypetaarc.les ipopalrefsknitnyg ottSaqhhufteaere THTeairrflactle. wctSiqihrulcaellere tssthorpeeneott lTcononhecttieo.ns imapprpeoavraencde ioftumtotesornee. iVMainrlskeleawtge ttSthqhuaoeatre C/3 VV3)) dangerous intersection radii guide there the an nice stittoing intersection. The Roslindale stop. train future market from towards hteolp The Belgrade does button, pathway benches trnasoh There edge lofoft drivers parking ithne an people The addition rail — across commuter 00 Avenue 15 i_ CO Q. H Village o IB 3 Belgrade Q. 0> U o 1— CO at Roslindale CsO_ V) !_ u 33 Cl> park 00 — < _C0 the £ > 3to O o Pocket from stop CO h- Digitized by the Internet Archive 2012 with funding from in Boston Public Library http://www.archive.org/details/summaryofcommuniOOrosl

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