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Preview Summary Data From the Consumer Price Index News Release December 2001... U.S. Department of Labor

0 TOK 29] 0:2.00) Iy a US DEPARTT OMF ELANBO R Summary Data Burof Leabora Stautist ics First Class Mail 2 MassachAvue.s, eNE,t RtM s285 0 from the Consumer Price Postanda Fegese Pa id WashinDgC t20o212n-0,00 1 U.S. Departrnofe Lnatbo r Index News Release PerNmo.i Gt-73 8 Official Business Penalty tor Private use, $300 December 2001 Address Sernce Requested LU 08-O0UYLUG te QO. Table 1. Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) and Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI -W) - v.s. city average, by expenditure category and ccamcdity and service group (1982-84=-100, unless otherwise noted) CPI-v >I « Unes usted Season. iy Uned usted Seesoma..y Unadjusted percent S acjused percent Unedjestes percent chenge to ecjestec percent indexes 2001 fro=- Csaange froe- _ndenes Sec. 2001 froe- change froe- Dec Now Sow. to leo Dec Sow Sow. to 2001 2500 200: ec 2061 2000 2001 ec Erpengnure category all .tem i”? lé 5.4 o2 | 172.9 1.3 % o2 a items (196 ?<100) S29 2 $135.08 Food enc bewereges i7s.2 2.5 ie} i } ime 26 3 i food im? 28 3 4 im: 26 © | Poot st ‘ome im? 264 © 2 173.7 :.? c 2 “eresli« and 3 198.3 2¢ 2 i 195.1 2.5 2 © Meats. poultry. fish. and oz" 162.0 34 ‘ 2 i i“. 2s s 2 Dairy end celeted . ive .s6 ss 2 2 178.6 sé ‘ ‘ Fruits end wegelebies 244 -.3 ? 1.2 212 6 2 ‘ is Homalcohelic beverages and Dewerege sec eriais iss. a3 7 3 437.7 14 ? i Other food st ‘ome 3 s 2.3 ‘ s 160 > 3.0 s ‘ Suger end swerts 136.3 1.7 e ‘ iss 9 1.7 . ‘ Pets and oils sé. as ‘ 3.3 sSe.5 aa ’ 1.2 Other foods i779 3.c 2 5 ive.3 3.4 5 ‘ Other tiscellanecus foods *) 2 18.5 4 ls -1.9 139.0 ‘ 1.6 is Poo? away from howe * i%6.0 3.0 ; a i146 8 3.0 3 a Other food ewsy from home | 2 135.5% a0 3 3 135.8 3.9 © ° Al comolic Dev-ereges iso 5 z.$ 2 2 189.5 2.7 2 -.2 Rot. ng 174.9 2°95 ” 2 ivz.s 29 i 2 Snelter 203.2 a2 4 ‘ is7.7 «) 5 . Rent of pritary res'dence * “4 «.? 4 ‘ 195.7 a”? ‘ ‘ Lodging ewsy from home 7 * | -.2 3.° 3 188 3 2? 3 owners ivelemt rent of priaary ces.dence > ¢ 9.9 as « ‘ 191.7 es ‘ ‘ Tenants’ end househo.¢c ‘neucence 4 is > ‘ 206 5 1.3 7 7 fuels end oti lities e2.2 “2.1 , ’ 41.5 2.1 - 9 i. Puels S.2 a) 3.5 1.5 123.2 3.2 12 1.2 Puel of] end other tuele 442.7 22.2 4.7 «3 112.7 27-6 «°, 7) Ges (piped) and elentric'ty * 133.5 15 , . 132.5 1.7 , s Househo.¢ furnishings and operetiors ) ee) 2 2 i‘) i284 2 2 i Appere! ‘ 4.2 4 ‘ 1z3.0 ss 3.3 . “en's end boys appere) 2.8 6.3 5. i 122.7 «1 3.6 i.s Som6 eansd g’ir. s «appere) ‘+8 4’ is > ai3.6 s4 ee © 'efente’ and toddlers’ appere! * as 2 2% 2.9 130.4 2 5.2 3.0 fort weer em | 2 é.% Py i2..0 2 24 5 Trareportetion s s* : 5 “74 42 i2 . Privete tree resret: on s “ay 2 é j ieee 8 a “1.3 bd Sew end used moror vehicles 7 * . 2 192.0 . ’ 2 we 0vericles $ . > a i ‘ 2 Vee cere end trucks 2 i.® i 2 [email protected] 2.2 i 2 @otor ‘ue. 1 ae ° * 0 -«) “eé 78 om | C+ mwllee (@1i types) . . 60 s.7 244 78 $.7 - . “inle p * awe ese: + u 3 4 «.% ‘ i Sotr vehicle @iw ~wence ant “ce hd i is? 9 3.5 i 2 Pur! ic * -enepoert tio n s ! 200.1 is i ‘ Medics) care 2°? .3 ° i } 2% 2 a7 2 i Med ca) cere commod'*ice a * ‘ 2 2067 «3 ‘ 5 Medica) cere services 2. 5 es 2 i 283.0 as i i Professions! serv ces ! 2“ 7 ° 2 251.0 oe © 2 Hoepitel and releted services * oe 7.1 5 s ud«6 73 5 5 Recreation 2 105.3 is 2 P | io 8 1.2 2 a Video ond eudioc ? 101.2 5 2 () 100.5 2 2 © Béucetion and sommsicetion 2 ioe 8 3.2 i a | 1% 9 21 ° 2 Réucetion 2 122.0 sé 2 2 192.1 ss 2 ? ome. Ones HAXS ofu wupps a2™ 5.3 a) 3.4 7.3 ae i Le Tuition, other school fees, “ant chi lécere 352.2 $9 i s as 2 $.? i s Communication ) 2 s« ‘ ? i “6 s i i Information end inf ion processing ' 2 $2.3 i i i °° ’ i i Tel services 7 1.3 i a ee 1.3 2 2 Informetion end satecnas ten processing other than echagnane cosviess © iss “ese i.o i.o 2064 “16.5 io io Persons) computers and peripheqeuiprmeantl | 2 23 0.7 1.9 1.9 25.0 so4 2.0 2.0 Other goods end services « 4 . 1.6 i.° | 293 5 $.1 1.3 1.3 Tobeceo and emoting products ' «7 . «4 a 432.9 | | 34 34 Persone) care + mee 2 ° 0 172.3 2.7 © © Sererma) cere prowie | ‘m« 0 iss 0 i i i Se core) care es ice ' 4 F ; 2 183.4 3.0 . 2 °°“ 62 «@ . ; 4 " . ; nee 4.6 2 5 Commaandd seirvet. ygro up Commed) tes . 9 i< i ee i.s hs 7 Pood ao¢ beverages +2 z.8 i “ee 28 i i Commodities lees foot and bevereges 12.3 . aa inne 4.1 is 12 Nondurebies lees food and (..vereges “e to ‘ i ins e232 3.5 is Appere) 7? 3.2 a4 4 123.0 28 3.3 ‘ Nondurelbeeis efsoo d, beverages. and appere! s 6 ‘4 4.9 2.3 a$3.1 7s 3.2 26 Durehler *? is i i ine i.3 i ° Services 23.3 3.7? 2 201.7 i i a Rent of shelter * #ua.7 *2 2 3 iso 4 «3 5 ‘ Traneportetion eervices 20a. ,.) i P 202 6 a) i 5 Other services “is | 4 2 237.3 el © 2 See's ndenes All items lees food v7.0 i.3 ‘ 2 172.5 , s 2 All ‘teme leee shelter ee .2 4 ‘ 166.7 i 7 ‘ All items lees sedice) core 1.* | ‘ a TT) a1 t Dan Commodities less food “mi 3? i.? ii asi i is 1.2 Hondurebies lees food a0 .8 se 2% “4.7 Me -$.7 | i.? Nondurebies lees food ent appere) soe *2 2” 24 im? 67 i 2.2 Mond rabies ime “1.4 is t as?.s is is i. Services lees rent of shelter* 713.2 3.0 © ° 198 2 3.0 i i Services lees sedice) cere services ise} 36 i 5 iss 0 6 i 5 in1.4 i536 40 5.2 re oe 42 Le All iteme leen 1982 28 1 i is 2.7 2 i All it ome lees f anda Te | 2.7 Pi i 163.5 3.7 2 i Commodities less foo’ and energy commodities lea? a) ’ 3 1486 -1 s +. commodities sv « as 7° *. ) ae 74 s% Services lees energy services a2 6 i] ’ aoe 4 ei 2 5 Purchesing power of ‘he consumer Go) ler (1982. 84«$1 00) $+ oe $s sv Purchesing power of the consumer Gollear |. 967«$1 00) $ 1° $ 196 } Met_seeeonelly céjueted # pope letion indexes on « Decewber 19*4-100 bese Indexeosn « December 1997<100 bese 5 Inderes on « December 1988-100 bese 5 hie index ceriet wes calculated wing © Leapeyres eet imetor All other ites Dete not eveilable et rela® index Series converted to & geometric means ert imetor in , ieee «OTR Indes applies to « sonth #6 & shole, not to any epecific Gate U popeletion ingeses on « December 1962«100 bese, Table 1A Consumer Price Index cor All Urban Cormsumers (CPI -J) and Consumer Price Index f>r Urban Wage Earners ard Clerical Workers (CPI-@): U.S. city averege, by expenditure category and commodity and service gr? 1362-84<100. uwoless ctherwice noted) crr-o cl -«# Anuma. arma) Secu Amma Anmua. 2006 2001 asne 20o6n8 av2e0r0e0c e ev2e0r0e1g e Ci perdu CaiEgory AL. °teme 172.2 177.3 2.8 168 5 273.5 All items (196 7<100) $13.8 $30.4 $o3.1 sie 8 Poot enc Dewereges 168 4 173.6 5.3 i167 7 3173.6 La is’? 8 173.3 5.2 167.2 192.5 fous st howe i678 i734 3.3 16 8 i724 Cecea.e anc . ioe i838 2.5 188.0 Sm | Meets. ,oultry. f.«) and egg 1846.5 161.53 a is4.1 161.2 eoewnww Deiry end releted . 160.7 367.3 4.6 360.5 167.1 Preics end 208 é 212.2 3.7 203 4 210.8 Sosa. conOl. Cc Dewereges 26 Deverege meterials is?.8 i398 2 41.6 ims ime Other foot? et howe 185 6 iss¢é 2.4 185.1 iss. Suger end sweets 184.0 13s.7 3.3 a$3.9 1538.6 Pete and ole “74 185.7 5.6 147.2 iss Ctser foods 172.2 i%6.0 2.2 272.3 i%é.3 Ot ver tiscellaneous foods * 307.5 ios. s 1.3 107.3 ios: Poo? eeey trom home Ls ee i738 2.5 168.0 i738 Other foot ewey from hom i i1n3.4 «0 108 2 113.6 ALlcohe lic Devereges "%.7 i793 2.6 i736 i786 uGHwewsee oee Rous ng 169 6 1% .¢4 eo 1684 172.3 Shelter is« 200.6 3.7 i744 im 5 LReondtg inogf perwiemye rfyr omr eshiodmeen ce+ 2?? 11187. 5 1li8e2 .1é 4.5s i4s3s7 «3 3l4u3.s5 weeNeNNew eweeeeeewn e Owrers @u.velent rent of primary residence 7 * 19.7 206.3 3.8 i8c.@ 187 «é Tenants’ end howseholé insurance * 163.” 196 2 2¢ 103.9 io Pues ent wotilities i378 180.2 ss i374 jess fuPeulels co.) end other fuels ii2z2e3 s? * ii239834 10~..33 i2281.68 2i8m. 2 2 oeo ceww Gas (piped) and electricity ? ive « 24 i1.3 127.5 i635 Ho. sehol¢ furnishings and aperet cone ie 2 i281 ? | izs6 Appere. ‘sas i273 is 26.5 126.1 Sen's and boye «ppere) > i27s.7 5.3 i287 i286 Women's anc firle appere) ia) i835 i.s ai9.3 117.5 Infants enc toddlers’ appere) st + 128.2 1.3 132.3 130.9 “ee foot weer 2: 123.0 I ime 2 123.1 ee@ew ere ve~w oeow wnw Treneportet .on is ise 3 7 ‘sae 133.6 Privete traneportetan LD 180.0 + “$0.4 10.8 few and weet mocor wehicles + ~ 8 ae1.3 > “Si.« 1913.9 Sew wehicles ae 42.4 s ae 1432 Oseec cere and trucre “ * ; . 8 weee “oter fvel ig? 3 ‘ . * MoGtaosro livneeh ic(l#ei ) ptypees) rand tequeipme r: 1as” 6C* “=] * 4.4 s ~v , av“e* 0 Motor vehicle = ntenance ant repe:r i” * a63..% 4¢ rt. 2 ‘ Public traneporteito n 205 46 aoe 5s 203 « oa. Mec.cel care 260 8 "2.8 i 288.9 27.8 Metice. care Commodities aye + 6 4.0 233.6 242.7 Medical cere services 266 0 7% 6 4s 265.8 276 5 Professional services 7? 237.7 266 » 3.7 299 6 ee? Hoepitel and releted services 2 u17.3 soe. ee 313.2 333.6 Recreation + 103.3 ch s io2 «6 103.6 Video end eudic ; 101.0 101.5 Ss 100.7 100.9 ce (or ert comer metic | a ™ 3.é 233° Séducetion + 142.5 aae.% 5.5 iiz.e@ sie’ 9 Bducetione) books and supplies 279 9 295.9 $.7 263.3 Zor.8 CToumimtuinoinc,e tiootnh er + school fees, and childcare ba6a 0 4933..13 S$.5 Si“es é .2 3u-e 4.7S weer Information and informetion processing + e268 2. s oi 8 Telephone services + oes ba . ed 4 Information and information processing other then telephone services * 2.9 am. 17.8 “ese 22.1 i? Persona) competers and peripheral equipment | 61.1 29.5 2 «0.56 29.1 ae Other goode and services 2771 3 ae 6 «2 2.5 209 5 Tobecco and smoking products ms o7* ? 7,” %ee * oe 1 Persone, care it Persone) cere preects is «. * . ©‘ . « » “7”7 , *P ersscoen]e .l anceeorues pseerr.s oncee.s services .i ” . . , . ® Cammaondd seirvitce yGm Commoc. ties 148 80.7 1.4 jase 1$1.4 Poo end bever 168 « ia 6 3.1 ie7.7 173.9 commodities ieee food end beverages asv? is7.2 ‘ isso ins? Nomturebies less foot and beverager i“ 147.1 2 148.) i480 Appere) iso 6 127.3 1.8 126.3 i261 Non@urebies ieee food bevereges, aro apperel 62.4 6.4 7 168.3 166.3 Durables iz2s.¢ 146 -.6 ‘ase 1278.3 Services it 5 ave a1 isi ies « Pent of shelter * aus 208 8 3.8 eo 5 as7.3 Tranepertetion ser,rices ix} 2701 °° 3.0 is2.% iss.i Other services 229.9 2.0 | 228.9 2337 w~-| w*e ewe wwwee wwwe e Specie inte se All .ceme .e@8 fooe 173.0 i” es 28 168.1 i736 All items lees shelter 163.7 i697? 2¢ ie) 8 147.6 All items le@8 Sedice! cere sé7.3 ivi 9 ;.7 ioe? 69 1 Commodities lees food ** iss 2 eo 8 100.2 Nondurabies less food ‘es 1 48 i t) 180.7 ise s NNoonndduurreebblieess ieee food and eppe.ei i1s6e2 .9. 2 1e6o4 6i i.s? 1i6s8e..5 iao ? | Services lees seer of orelte: * 20: 9 212.3 a6 180 1 aoe 5 Services .e88 medical cere services ise 8 ise 6 . ies 4 193.1 it i293 3.8 mo. 376.7 All .tem™e .©88 energy ime 193.5 2.? isi ives All titers lese fuot an’ cere 3 ie af i7?.. isi? Commodities lees foos end energy commedicirs ed 145.3 | 464 146i Geerdy Comm Gitiese ‘ms 125.2 53 P ) i ivéi * Services lee8 energy services 202.1 209 6 es ise? 206 0 's2@eeuw@asew erwGra wrnw Purchasing power of the cor@ueer toilet (1987 #¢e*° 06) + Sei & $65 $ $92 $s st Purchesiog power of the consumer toller (1967«$1 6) $s i s is99 Ss i996 $ i193 . Indexes on « Decerber 1997+100 hese 2 Thies index series a8 celculeted using « estimator All other item stretem index series converted te « geometric means es imetor in Jem er 199 este not evel. able S Table 2. Consumer Price Index fcz Al! Urban Consumer~ (CPI-U) and Consumer Price index for Urban Kage Zarners auc Clerical Workers (C"l-#): Selected areas, all items index (3982-64<100, wrless ctherwise noted) All items cPi-v crl-* indexes Percent Percent Ares ba -) change to Dec .2°C1 Bec .2001 from froe- Oct Rov Bec Dec Oct Bec Bec 2001 2001 2001 2000 2002 2001 2600 0S city everege 177 7 177.4 176.7 1.6 4 iva_o 172.3 i.3 Regande arura s ae Sorthesst urban ‘85.0 185.0 164 2 1.4 | i816 Sise A - Sore than | $00,000 186.3 186.1 18s.4 7 ' 182.0 Size B/C $0,000 to 1,500,000 2 2109.6 116.9 110.3 ia j 110.2 oe oO « wes oal ew Midwest urben 172.6 72.5 i71.9 i.e j 168 4 167.6 7 Sive A - More than | .500.900 ims 42 i738 7.3 | tes.4 1686 7 1.9 Size B/C - $6,000 tm 1,590,000 2 130.0 2 9.08 109 « & | 3 7 109.2 ‘ Size D Honmetropoliten (less than $0,000) 166 8 3¢5.3 265.5 ‘ i€4.9 163.3 i South urban i71.7 4 ° 270.3 1.1 | 169.8 168.3 & Sice aA More than 1,500,900 i73.3 2 i71.7 2.9 j 170.7 169.0 1.7 Size B/C $0,062 to 1,500,000 2 -09.7 1 «6 108 8 7 | ios8.4 108.5 s Size 0 Sometropoliten (less than 5), 000) 168.9 i168 5 167.6 5 j i70.8 1668.3 i @est .rban *2.5 18. 3 isl ¢é ss i i?) 8 6.8 2.3 Sice & More than 1, $90,000 , - es ise 3 163.5 25 j i76.0 i”. 2.3 Size B/C - $0,000 to 1,900,000 2 Pe me| 11. © lle s | inn 6 113.2 23 me Ree a’ 162 0 16) 161.1 s ie.3 iss.4 1.7 arc? 10.3 aa 109.7 i.1 j 43.9 109.3 ] o 71.5 i170 169.9 ‘ : i7%4 169. wo 168 5 ‘ Setceoca ~sare es‘ LCohsi ceAgrog elGeasry- Rifvee rcs.e n “* OrIennge, Cowsty. ~ le. * 17‘ se i” z1.i2 || i771i..90 a1% Pa7e1.7 is New York Norther. ©. -Long Telanc. ))-m)-CT PA as? * is’. se” 3 i.? | 163.3 183. 182.8 i.¢ Boston Brockton-Nesiue, MA SH ME CT 192.7 | isi Cleveland-Akron, OF 172.3 | 164 Delles-Port Worth Tx 171.5 | i711 Washington Baltimore Oc = va wy 5 110.9 | 110 “wwvoe Atlante GA 376.7 ins 3.7 | i741 172.0 i Detroit am Ar@or Flint eT ine i736 1.6 ! 169.1 167.8 1.9 BOvel G.- 4. Vee, eseeur 2 TA ‘| ast i s ! is’.6 18s 2 2 Pieri "ort eudervaie ivM@2 i731 2.1 | i71.7 i70.5 2.09 Phi Ledelphie Wileingtom Atlantic City. PA 8D DS © 182.9 i7s.9 i | 162.3 179.2 12 Sa) Pranci. eco GCekland San Jose. CA isi? 190.6 3.5 | i87.s ise 5 3.5 Se ettie Tecom Bremerton. WA is?.s 186.1 2.5 | 1e2.1 181.1 2.3 * Regions Gefined es the four Census regions 2 Indexes on # December 1996<100 bese * Indexes on « December 1986+190 bese * In e@4ition the ‘ollowing ret rap-\* -. one © ol ishet er ’ dee Teries $4 and 59 of the January end July issues of the CPi Deteiled Report: Anchorage, Ar Cincinmet: Beeiiton GU GY-IN, Men eg -a eesey ©: Hamoluie #8 Kanseoe ad i*eunec-hen @ #1; Minneaepeli«s-Ct Peul, -e) Pitteburgh, PA; Portlend-Selem, OF WA et las & . rm. “"* wer, 5 'ndenes on @ Sovewte: 1994. Dave Not evaiiab + NOTE: Local eres .ndexes are byproducts of ihe netionel CPI program * lece) . née. “er “mal.e- sammy .e ‘ise thes the setionsa) index and is, therefore, subject to substantially more se tpling and other seesuremen error As « result, local aree 6 * show greeter wo'aii.icy “hem he net‘onal inde«, although their long-term trends ere simi ier Therefore the Buresu of Labor Stetistice strongly urges users to conside, edup the petional avereqge ~°' for ome i+ their escalator clauses NOTE Index applies te & month es @ whole. not to any epecific date CPI * or All Urban Consunmrs (CPI-U)-Analysis On a seasonally adjusted basis, the CPI-U, which was un .anged in Decethe msameb ase inr Nov,embe r. Excflood ua deneirgy,n thge CP I-U November, declined 0.2 percent in December The ene-gy index declined ruse 0 | percent, following an increase of 0.4 perce”. in November. sharply for the third consecutive morth, down 3.2 perceat ir December. The Downturns in the indexes for tobacco and smoki7g products and for recreation, index for energy declined 6.1 percent, end the index for coupled with smaller increases in the indexes fcr medical ~are and for rew energy services fell 0.8 percent. The food index Gecline: 9! percent in vehicles, accounted for the deceleration in Dec embcr. NEXT CPI RELEASE: JANUARY DATA ON FFBRUARY 20, 2002 8:30AM (EST); TRY OUR CPI QUICKLINE: 202-691-6994 | __ For change ofa ddress, please include old mailing label and write to: 1&C Address Change, Room 2860 PSB, BLS, Washington, DC 20212 J Recalculated Seasonally Adjusted Indexes to be Available on February 15, 2002 Each year with the release of the January CP!, seasonal adjustment factors are scheduled release of the January 2000 CPI on Wednesday, Februaty 20, 2002. recalculated to reflect price movermcnts from the just-completed calendar The revised indexes and seasonal factors will be available on the interne>. The year. This routine annual recalculation may result in revisions ‘o seasonally address is http//www.bis.gov/cpi. Look under Tables Created by BLS and adjusted indexes for the previous 5 years. BLS will make available select Revised Seasonally Adiusted Data. 2001. recalculated seasonally adjusted indexes, as well as recalculated seasonal adjufactsors, tform thee perinod tJanu ary 1997 through Decem2b00e1,r o n For further information please contact Dan Chow or Jeff Wilson on Friday, February 15, 2002. This date is two working days before the (202) 691-6968. BRIEF EXPLANATIOFO NTH E CPi The Consumer Price index (CP!) is a measure of the average other economic series, and an escalator for income payments. Change in prices over time in a market basket of goods and services. More detail. This news release from the Bureau of Labor Statistics Two CPis are published: 1) The CP! for All Urban Consumers (CPI- of the U.S. Department of Labor provides summary data from U), which covers about 87 percent of the total population, and 2) the Consumer Price index. The full relcase is available electronically the CPI for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W), on the Internet at http://www.bis.gov/cpihoamte r.ehletams e which covers 32 percent of the total population. The CP! is based time. if you have any questions about the CPI, please write to the on prices of food, clothing, shelter, trarsportation, medical care, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Division of Consumer Prices and Price and other goods and services that people buy for day-to-day living. indexes, Room 3615 PSB, Washington, DC 20212, or call (202) in calculating the index, price changes for the various items in 67 691-7000. Full detail is available in the monthly periodical CPI locations are averaged together with weights that represent their Detailed Report ior $45 per year trom New Orders, Government importance in the spending of the appropriate population group. Printing Office, P.O. Box 371954, PittsPAb 15u25r0-7g954h. ,Th is indexes for different months are usually compared in relative termis. information will be made available to sensory impaired individuals Thus, an indexo f 133.5i s 1.063 times higher than an index of upon request. Voice phone: (202) 691-5200; Federal Relay Service, 125.6 (133.5/125.6= 1.063); in other words, prices increased &.3 1-803For- a r8ecor7ded 7mes-sage2 of3 sum3mary9 CP.! da ta, percent. The CPI is used as an indicator of inflation, a deflator of call (202) 691-5200.

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