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Summary Catalogue of Post-Medieval Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford PDF

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Preview Summary Catalogue of Post-Medieval Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford

Summary Catalogue of Post-Medieval Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford Sumrnary Catalogue of Post-Medieval Western Manuscripts in the Bodleian Library Oxford Acquisitions 1916-1975 (SC 37300-55936) BY MARY CLAPINSON AND T.D.ROGERS Volume III Indexes CLARENDON PRESS· OXFORD Oxford L'lIit'ersity Press, II"altoll Street, 040111 ox. 6DP 040111 Set<' 1i nk '/lUGllto Delhi floll/bay Calelltta ,I/adras har<lehi PetalillK Jaya Siuf,fapol1' HOllf( J..:.OIIJ( Tokyo .Yaimb; Dar es Salaam ('ape T01{;n ..lIe/holtI'm' ,\lIck/alld alld associail'll l:olllpall;es ill Herlill Ibadall Q.':ford is a trade mark (~f Q.\/ord l '1li7.'l>rsity Press © 17" flodleian Lib,w)', Oxfiml1991 .{il/lights resen'ed. .\'0 part (~f this publicatiol1 IIIlI)' be reproduced, stored ill a retli(>'{'al S\'stem. or transmitted, ill mn' 1()l71l or by {lin' means, eiectlTJllic, lIlec/wlll:cal. photocopying. recordill/.{: (~r ()Iher'it'i~'e, 'l~'i'lu)/(/ the plio,-pel71lissioll (~r O.\/ord l 'uh'ersi!), Press Un"tish Library Cataloguing ill Publicatioll /Jata (data at'ailable) ISH.\' 0-19--<j52I09-3 JJibrary of Congress COla/oKiuJ( ill Publication Data flodleiall Librlll)'. SUlllmary cata/o!(ue ufpost-medie'l'al '1.J..:esterll manllscripts ill the Bodleian Librw)': acquisitions, 1916-1975, ''','(17300-55936 J by .1Iar), ('/llpins(}u aud T.D. ROKeJ"S. Includes iudex. I. JlJaJlllscripts, Rellaissallce-l'~'llg/alld-O.\:fiJrd-( 'ata/ogs. 2. AJallllscripts, J..' uglish-h'uKlallcl-Ox!o"d-('ata/()!.:s. 3. illaIllISl'li/)ts Hnglmlll-OxJol1l-Cata/ogs. 4. Bodleiall Librm)"-Cata/ogs. I. C/apillsol/, Aim)". II. Rogers, T. /J, III. li"tle, ;(6621 .FI661J63 1991. 01I'.j/'09·P57-1-dc20 9/-/199° ISHX 0-19--<j52109-.1 Typeset by Hope S"Il'ices (.Ibillgdol/) Ltd. Plillted and bouud ill Great lilitaill by HookeraJt Ud. Midsolller .Yorlol/, Bath Contents VOLUME III Notes on the Indexes 1399 General Index 1401 Index of Owners and Donors 2077 Manuscripts Owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps 2125 Index of Auctioneers and Booksellers 2139 Index of Binders 2147 NOTES ON THE INDEXES The reference numbers throughout the indexes refer to the summary catalogue numbers prefixed to the descriptions of the manuscripts. The shelf-marks of the manuscripts are to be found printed in bold type at the foot of each description: MS. Eng. lett. h. I. If used outside the Library, the shelf-mark should be preceded by 'Ox£. Bod!.' If desired, the summary catalogue number may be added in parentheses: Ox£. Bod!. MS. Eng. lett. b. 1. (SC 40474); but the summary catalogue number alone is not a sufficient reference. The index entries have been compiled directly from the manuscripts, not simply from the descriptions in the catalogue. They supply therefore details of items (within manuscripts) which are not mentioned in the catalogue description. Such entries in the index are distinguished by the addition (in parentheses) of folio or page references to the summary catalogue number. Where no folio reference is given in the index, for an item within a manuscript, it will be supplied in the catalogue description. All persons who are identifiable in the Dictionary of National Biography or equivalent works of reference, or who are mentioned in the catalogue description, have been included in the index. Letters have been indexed under the names of both writer and recipient. 'Letters' indicates lettersfrom, and 'letters to' indicates letters to, the person named in the index heading. Reference must be made to the catalogue description to identify the recipient or, in the second case, the writer, of the letters. 'Letters to and from' indicates that both sides of a correspondence exist within the same collection, one side usually in the form of manuscript or typescript carbon copies. The vast majority of index entries are to people and places. While some attempt has been made to include subject headings, it has not proved possible to do this comprehensively. In general, subject headings such as 'Drama', 'Poetry' and 'Trade' have been used only when no author or place associated with the item could be identified and indexed. Thus, plays and poems by individual authors are indexed only under author, not under a subject heading; and (for example) accounts for trade with the West Indies are indexed under the country and not the subject heading. Only anonymous works and collections appear under the heading 'Poetry, English'. Some categories of shelf-marks, however, reflect a very general subject classification and the Conspectus of Shelf-Marks (pp. xix-lviii) can be used as a rudimentary guide to some subjects. The conventions of forms of personal names used in P. D. Record's index to Madan's Summary catalogue have been followed here, except that peers are indexed under their family name, and a SUMMARY CATALOGUE cross-reference supplied from their title. Kings, queens, princes and princesses are indexed under their forenames, popes under their adopted names, and holders of offices, such as bishops, under their surnames. Where known, dates have been supplied as the principal means of identifying individuals, but the date of birth has not been given for people who are still alive. Headings are alphabetized word by word, and where a name is common to a place, a title, and a surname, the headings are arranged in that order. In the alphabetization of entries, the umlaut has been disregarded. A separate index of persons who owned manuscripts before they were acquired by the Library, and of persons who have given manuscripts to the Library, follows the General Index. GENERAL INDEX A. (F. L. R. M.). Abstract of claims of 45154 (fols. 1-13),45176 (fols. 3-12). European powers (1756), 53036. Abbott (Evelyn) 18';3-1901. Copy of Aaron bmther of ,!Ivl oses . Essays on translation into Greek, 47389 (fols. (1748, 1754),42364. 59'-61). Letters, 32681 (fols. 154-6), Abbadie (Antoine Thompson d') 1810- 37462 (fols, 1-4), 41405 (foJ. 224), 97. Letters, 41644 (foJ. 2), 4,824 (foJ. 41642, 41826 (foJ. 124), 48477 (foJ. 129)' 103),48482 (fols. 207-8). Abbeville France. Copy of J. Ruskin's Abbott (Sir Frederick) 1805--<)2. Let 'Abbeville book', 40835. ters, 51343 (fols. 1-2),51780 (fols. 1- Abbey (Edwin Austin) 1852-191 I. 4). Letter to, 5'5" (fols. 19'-20). Letters, 38940 (fols. '-2),45'34 (foJ. Abbott (Thomas Eastoe) 1779-185';' I) . Letter, 41704 (fols. 89-(0). Abbey (John Roland) 189';-1969. Let Abbreviations. List of Greek abbrevia ters to and from, 4'440 (fols. 2-10), tions (18th cent.), 47392. Notes of 4'442 (fols. 4-37), 4'444 (fols. 2-4), W.M. Lindsay on, 47916-29. 41446 (fols. 2-4), 4'563 (fols. 1-2). Abeken (Heinrich Johann Wilhelm Abbot (Charles) 1St Bamn Colchester, Rudolf) 1809-72. Letters, 37327 (fols. 1757-1829. Letters, 37820 (fols. 45- 1-12). 6, 50-I), 38806 (fols. 160-1), 39197 Abell (William) fl. 16';0. Papers relating (fols. '56, 229-30), 39198 (fols. 6, to, 37882 (fols. 131-2), 37885, 37891 14), 46792 (fols. 1-3), 54077 (nos. 1- (fols, 20-3, 43), 37893 (fols. 25-6). 2), 55622. (fols. 12-'3), 55626 (fols. Aberconway, Bamn, see McLaren. 172-3). Abercorn, JUat'quess and Harl oj, see Abbot (George) l!rchbishop of Canter Hamilton. bury, 1562-1633. Account of cerc Abercrombie (John) 1780-18.;.;. Let monies at his election in ,6, I (c. '700), ter, 40934 (foJ. 5). 39947 (pp. 526-8). Copies of letters, Abercrombie (Lascelles) 188/-1938. 39939, 45962 (foJ. 77). Copy of legal Copies of letters, 41697 (fols, 158-61). opinion concerning, 39670 (fols. 97-8). Letters, 37805 (foJ. 1),37831 (foJ. 88), Letter, 49657 (fols. 8-9). Narrative of 38445 (fols. 3-8), 44230 (foJ. 156), divorce of Earl of Essex, 43582 (pp. 1- 46142 (fols. 196-9), 47728 (foJ. I). 106). Letters to, 39099 (fols. 83-II6), Abbott (Charles) lsI Uamn Tellterden, 52645, 52690, 52700, 527'9-20. 1762-1832. Letters, 37820 (fols. '4'- Works, 38834-8. 2, 169-70), 40934 (fols. 1-4), 41625 Abercrombie (Sir Leslie Patrick) 1879- (foJ. 281). 1957. Letter to, 47051 (fols. 37-8). Abbott (Charles Stuart Aubrey) 3"£1 Abercromby (Sir John) 1772-1817. Bamn Tenlerden, 183.;-82. Copies of Copy of letter, 41007 (£0J. I). letters to, 41095 (fols. 175-8, 476, Abercromby (Sir Ralph) 173';-1801. 485-6, 493-4, 500-1). Letter, 5'777 Signed document, 38423 (£0J. 202). (fols. 64-5)' Aberdare, Bamn and Lady, see Bruce. Abbott (Edwin Abbott) 1838-1926. Aberdeen, Harl oj, see Gordon. Letters, 40852 (fols. 112-15), 41406 Aberdeen and Temair, Marquess and (fols. II3-I4), 41407 (fols. 55-6), Marchioness oj, see Gordon. Abernethy Acland Abernethy (John) 1764-1831. Letters, VIII), 33385 (fols. 80-I), 39642-3. 37790 (pp. 315-18), 41104 (fols. 123- Household (1541-2), 39910. Italian 4)· (16th cent.), 30549. Scraps of 16th Abernethy & Sons printers, Edinburr;h. cent. accounts, 30494 (fols. 33-5). Article by T. De Quincey for (1828), Household bills of Duchess of Buck 45248. ingham (1629-33), 43672. Of Howe Abingdon Berks. Indexes and calendars family (1666-1740), 45865. Of a mer of parish records, 53759-63. Latin chant (1681-91), 43669. Of a London epigram (18th cent.), 46510 (fol. 51'). household (1686-1719), 45234. Of Lecture on the history of . . . 1644 George Knowling, of Knowling and (1845), with MS. additions, 53775. Edmund Starr and Co., shipowners Papers concerning parliamentary elec (c. 1696), 44121 (fols. 78-87). Of J. tions (18th cent.), 53757; (1832, 1835), Angell (1699-17°5), 45222. Of a 41018 (fols. 164-70, 182-8). Particu schoolmaster (17°9-10), 48oIJ. Of lars of land in (early 19th cent.), Jacob Hagen and Son (1716-1801), 54633. 42135-9, 42143. Of Cox Macro Abingdon, Earl of, see Bertie. (C.1717-53), 45844. Of family in Pisa Abinger, Baron, see Scarlett. (1727-45), 47653. Of a cobbler Abney (Sir Thomas) 1640-1722. Copy (1736), 42134. Of Walter Bowman of sermons by Isaac Watts, delivered (1752-66), 45595. Of a tailor (1757- in Abney's family, 46774. Notes by, 78), 42134. Of expenditure on chil 39828-9. dren (1762-77), 45944. Of Farington Abney (Sir William de Wiveleslie) 1843- family (1767-78),39646 (fols. 38-51). 1920. Letters, 37462 (fols. 6-9). Of the Broadwood family, pianomak About (Edmond) 1828-85. Letter, ers (1771-1813), 42954-6. Of Capt. 37805 (fols. 4-5). P. Lawson (1778), 39965. Of John Abraham (Charles John) 1814-19°3. Conde (1785-1800), 45747. Of Wil Letter, 46616 (fols. 79-80). liam Billington (18th cent.), 46046. Of Abraham family of Quainton, Bucks. estates held in trust (1802-8), 45445. Pedigree, 53793. Of a clergyman (1804-20), 47698. Abrantes, Due d', Duchesse d', see Household (1812-16), 45474; (1819- Junot. 20), 47700. Of J .W. and C. Adlard Abu Geili Sudan. Papers concerning (1825-32), 38955. Household (1832- excavation at (1913-14), 38355. 3), 47701; (1844-66), 38371; (1873- Abyssinia. Correspondence concerning 1900),38372. Expenses of visit to Italy (1934-8),48695-704,48706-8. Mate (1877-8), 45629. Household bills of rial for edition of 'Ethiopian Itiner H.A.L. Fisher and family (1899- aries' (1946-57), 38358-60. See also 1942),47127-51. Day-books of J.H. Ethiopia. Bruce, plumber (1907-17), 54792-6. Abyssinian Expeditionary Force. Of Brig. R. Chenevix-Trench (1918- Maps, 48367. 62), 43913-36. Academic Assistance Council. Letters Aceto Cattani (Giovanni) 1778-184°. to and from, 49232 (fol. 96), 49244 Letters possibly to and from, 51°90 (fols. 32-4). Archives of, see p. 1394, (fols. 1-4). under Society for the Protection of Achillini (Claudio) 1574-164°. Letter, Science and Learning. 47908 (p. 479)· Accolti (Francesco Forzoni) 1674-1708. Ackermann (Rudolph) 1764-1834. Letter, 4761 I (fol. 173). Letters, 384°6 (fol. 18), 46'792 (fols. Accounts. c. 144°-1652, 47689. Con 9-II). Letter to, 41102 (fols. 201-2). cerning king's works (temp. Hen. Acland (Agnes Lucy), see Mills.

12-'3), 55626 (fols. 172 -3). Abbot (George) l!rchbishop of Canter- bury, 1562-1633. Account of cerc- monies at his election in ,6, I (c. '700),. 39947 (pp.
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