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Summarized Sahih al-Bukhari PDF

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;~~ V LU ¼......(cid:9) _ . e ;l aiI L,JI The Translation of the Meanings of Summarized Saul!, AlsBukhari 0 0 Arabic-English Compilation: A1-Imãm Zain-ud-Din Ahmad bin Abdul-Lateef Az-Zubaidi Translated by: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khân Islamic University, Al-Madina Al-Munawwara (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) Maktaba Dar-us-Salam(cid:9) k JS Publishers & Distributors Riyadh Saudi Arabia - (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED U _A _bii(cid:9) i,- l.t No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the publisher or the translator. (cid:9) Copyright All rights reserved (cid:9) Printed in 1994 (cid:9) Printing supervised by ABDUL MALIK MUJAHID (cid:9) Printed at Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) Kalamullah.Com Published by Maktaba Dar-us-Salam(cid:9) JjJ- Publishers & Distributors(cid:9) ,, P.O. Box 21441, Riyadh 11475 Tel: 4033962 - Fax: 4021659 I •(cid:9) '(cid:9) t Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(cid:9) c Branches in other countries: Maktaba Dar-us-Salam Maktaba Dar-us-Salam (Mansoor Ahmed) (Hafiz Abdul Waheed) P.O. Box 737651, Corona 10107, West View 308 Elmhurst Queen, NY1 1373, USA Houston, USA Tel: 718-699-5366 Tel: 713-935-9206 Tlx: 7043 Maktaba Dar-us-Salam Maktaba Dar-us-Salam (Rizwan Ullah Badr) Rahman Market P.O. Box 3114 Ghazni Street, Urdu Bazar Brimingham B8 3NW, UK Lahore, Pakistan Tel & Fax: 021-772-1572 Tel: PP (402) 7224228 (cid:9) (cid:9) Imi c(cid:9) &.Ju (.\ iWA, Lot 4~JJ(cid:9) r-- r- IU'JIJ 4J..*J(cid:9) LJI)I(cid:9) &4Li(cid:9) LJJ 3 ii(cid:9) .L JJSJJ 3t (cid:9) JI ~LIL 31rail LoU j(cid:9) .JSj )1J L JUJji)Bt 6L Ut(cid:9) . & " & '°' '.(cid:9) • l 4, AIIJ •(cid:9) J(cid:9) ~L Jj Jy31 • 4, .L L(cid:9) r—' AJU )Uj', oJJIj oUlIj J.iI *1 Ju l j)U1 th 3- )) JII L)t O))i & LU 4L(cid:9) &I1U 44t..*J 4LO(cid:9) )y4 .UJit< b r(cid:9) .ajj(cid:9) 1UL(cid:9) JJt LjL*o .Lt 3 \ (cid:9) )AN L,a :.j J-.. Jj 1i.aiLj(cid:9) 1JI(cid:9) il • iii J ,(cid:9) 1Jl a.LA U1(cid:9) il J (cid:9) • L? J iL / (cid:9) -•.••'..•,'• ( (cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9)(cid:9) FUN J1 :*i ,)oLiioII AJ1 d.(cid:9) 4ipk(cid:9) Lu j i1(cid:9) o JI d&iil(cid:9) i1*J1 ..aj dli aoJ1 tU(cid:9) j(cid:9) J(cid:9) L LLA (cid:9) 4B cy J(cid:9) j.Aj Laai jJ (cid:9) 413lj 1i- &. r kJi'j iJi j(cid:9) j.LiI(cid:9) /L/MJt .\ JJW(cid:9) kS.J r (cid:9) l J UU iU J1 JJ UI(cid:9) j jji(cid:9) t- - a4t(cid:9) ti 4;L., JAL L(cid:9) L5' (cid:9) ,(cid:9) O:r(cid:9) ;yr 4aLZ, jjj L.i(cid:9) L,-cJ(cid:9) ,(cid:9) c,, j(cid:9) c .-T J JJ Ui /I.Jt /j r- 4JT(cid:9) c (cid:9) 4*tjj 4j 4JJI Lr(cid:9) jSLiI i A ljj 1çJ4Jt th ç .A d dl 4*j J4S!(cid:9) Jtry 4*IJ . çJ 4—J 46 U(cid:9) j o4. JJ j j;;j L kLWJA (cid:9) u2, k-;.Jir- L- j 5tj .-(cid:9) -,(cid:9) L(cid:9) J (cid:9) t 4Ji -j4_--r (cid:9) '-(cid:9) - th yu .oII*Jl pj dli aoJI(cid:9) iJI(cid:9) 4IJ1 Ly In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Alammn (mankind, jinns and all that exists) and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers, his family and companions. We, the undersigned, have read this translation of the meanings ofaiIA A1-Bukhári achieved by Dr. Muhammad Mubsin Khân and have done our best to revise and correct it from its beginning to its end so that, with the ability and efforts available; it has come near to correctness as much as possible. We thank Allah, the Elevated, for the success of this beneficial project and ask Him to bountifully reward all those who have undertaken it or participated in it - Allah's Pleasure being our aim, and it is He Who guides us on the Right Path. Shäkir NasIf (cid:9) Dr. Mahmüd(cid:9) Dr. M. TaqI-ud-Din Al.UbaydI(cid:9) Hamad Nasr(cid:9) AI-HilâlI, Ph.D., M.A. (English),(cid:9) Graduate of (cid:9) Berlin University, Vanderbilt University,(cid:9) Khartum University,(cid:9) Germany, U.S.A.,(cid:9) Physician:(cid:9) Professor: Teacher of English:(cid:9) King Hospital,(cid:9) Muhammad V University Baghdad University &(cid:9) Al-MadIna.(cid:9) Morocco; College of Education,(cid:9) Islamic University, Makka4,(cid:9) A4---> I have pursued a portion of this translation and found that the translator has succeeded in rendering the meanings of A1-Jârni' Ac-SahI,z (SahIh Al-Bukhâri) into English in a simple comprehensible style free from complications. I have also noticed that he has chosen successfully the best and most authentic interpretation of some Aiádith that are interpreted differently by different scholars. Dr. Mahmüd Hamad As-Sudâni did his best to check the whole translation. The second revision was done by Mr. Shâkir Nasif APUbaydI. Finally, Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din Al-HilâlI checked the translation with the translator Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khãn thoroughly and minutely, doing his utmost to correct the minor mistakes he detected, till the translation acquired a high degree of precision. May Allah bountifully reward whoever has participated in this benevolent work; and may He make people benefit by it. I am perfectly sure that the translation, with Allah's Help and after all the great efforts exerted in its production, has neared perfection. lnAllâh's Hands are all means of success. And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the 'Alammn (mankind, j inns and all that exists). • MUHAMMAD AMIN AL-MISRI F)(cid:9) 9"fl. L 44win Ph. D., Cambridge University, England Head of Higher Studies Department Islamic University, Al-MadIna Al-Munawwara GENERAL CONTENTS 1.(cid:9) Certificates A: Sheikh(cid:9) 'Abdul(cid:9) 'Aziz(cid:9) bin 'Abdullâh bin Bâz, Dar-ul-Iftâ', Presidency of Islamic Research, lftâ', Call(cid:9) and Propagation, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.................................................................... 3 B: Sheikh 'Umar Muhammad Fullata, General Secretary of Islamic University, Al-Madina Al-Munawwara ............................................... 4 C: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Amin Al-Miri, Head of Higher Studies Deptt., Islamic University, Al-Madina A1-Munawwara, (Arabic)........... 5 D:(cid:9) (English)............................................................................................... 6 2(cid:9) Preface to the New Edition(cid:9) ....................................................................... 8 3.(cid:9) Acknowledgements; .................................................................................... 9 4.(cid:9) Remarks ................................................................................................... 10 5.(cid:9) Biography of Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khân .......................................... 11 6.(cid:9) A Note from the Publisher (cid:9) ...................................................................... 12 7. The Miracles of Prophet Muhammad(cid:9) ,k u.................................... 15 8. Introduction, Imâm Bukhâri and his book Sahih Al-Bukhári .................. 18 9. Transliteration of certain Formulae and their Meanings......................... 20 10. Transliteration.......................................................................................... 22 11. Contents of SahIh Al-BukMri (Summarized).......................................... 24 12. SahIh A1-Bukhâri (Summarized)............................................................ 49 13. Appendix I: Glossary........................................................................... 1038 14. Appendix II: a)(cid:9) Why Allah sent Prophets and Messengers(cid:9) ..................... 1065 b)(cid:9) Tau,iid (Islamic Monotheism) ...... ..... ...... ........................................ 1066 c) Shaháda -C onfession of a Muslim.............................................. 1068 d) Polytheism and disbelief (cid:9)All(cid:9) i. .......................................... 1073 i) Ash-Shirk -P olytheism and its various manifestations......... 1074 ii) A l-Kufr -D isbelief and its various manifestations ............... 1076 e)(cid:9) An-Nfâq -H ypocrisy and its various manifestations ................. 1078 f) A Call to Jihâd -b y: Sheikh 'Abdullâh bin Muhammad bin 1-lumaid ............................................................................................ 1079 L81 PREFACE TO THE NEW EDITION All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'AlamIn (mankind, jinns and all that exists) and peace be upon the Master of the Messengers - Muhammad(cid:9) dii' ..o , and then after:- This translation of the meanings of Sahlh Al-Bu/çjydri has been revised and the following changes have been made in this new edition: 1. Some additions and alterations have been made to improve the English translation and to bring the English interpretation very close to the correct and exact meanings of the Arabic text. 2. As regards the previous (old) editions of this book (SahIh Al-BuLc_hári) nobody is allowed to reprint or to reproduce it, after this new edition has been published. 3. The new edition of this book is in two forms: a. First form - Summarized SahIh A1-Bukhári (Az-Zubaidy) At-Tajrid As-SarIh [in one volume]. b. Second form - Original SahIh Al-Bukhári [in nine (9) volumes]. All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the 'AlamIn (mankind, jinns and all that exists) and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad . his family and his companions. 27th RabitulAwwaI 1415 AH 3rd September 1994 Translator: Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khân Islamic University Al-MadIna Al-Munawwara Saudi Arabia. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am greatly indebted to whoever participated in the accomplishment of this translation, especially my doctor colleagues who checked and rechecked the manuscript with great perseverance. I am pleased to thank particularly Drs. Ijasan Nâsir, 'Atâ' Ullâh, Mirzâ Akbar Wall, Ramadân All Korâni, Shamll Atlyya, 'Abdul Qaiyum and Nizâm Uddln. I am grateful to Dr. Mahmüd Nar As-Südâni who devoted every hour of his leisure time to check the English manuscript comparing it word for word with the Arabic text. My gratitude and acknowledgements are due to Dr. Muhammad TaqI-ud-Din Al-Hilâli, Ph. D., Berlin University and Mr. Shâkir NaIf Al-'Ubaydi, M.A. in English; both took the responsibility of giving the finishing touches to this colossal work by checking and rechecking the English manuscript comparing it with the Arabic version word for word. They chose a suitable system of symbolizing the Arabic sounds, and transliterated the Arabic proper names and other technical terms accordingly. They did their best to improve the structure of the English sentences keeping the style simple and comprehensible. The glossary attached to the book has been compiled by them. I am grateful to Dr. M. Amin Al-Mirl, Ph.D. in I-IadIth Literature, for his advice concerning the translation of certain A,iâdith and for .his encouragement and sincere wish for the success of this enterprise. To the Muslim World League at Makka Al-Mukkarrama, I wish to express my deep gratitude and great appreciation for encouraging the project. I am greatly indebted to the Muslim erudite scholars at Al-Madlna who, when consulted, gave willingly their opinions concerning the interpretation of certain Ahâdith, etc. My thanks are also due to Mr. Ijasan Subbl and to the typists Mr. Amin Ash-Shamim and Mrs. SharIfa Adam Makda who typed and retyped the manuscript patiently. Dr. Muhammad Muhsin Khân Islamic University, MadIna Al-Munawwara Saudi Arabia.

Deptt., Islamic University, Al-Madina A1-Munawwara, (Arabic) England and stayed there for about four years, where he got the Diploma of Chest.
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