The Summ a Theologranksi re amongt hegre atesdto cumenotsfth e Christian Churcha,n di sa l andmaorfkm edievwaels tetrhno ughIttp. r ovidtehse frameworfokr Catholsitcu diienss y stematthieco loagnydfo r ac lassical Christipahni losoapnhdyi ,sr egulacrolnys ulbtyes dc holoafra slf la ithasn d none, acar roasnsgo efa cademdiics ciplTihniess .p aperbacko ftr heei ssue clasLastin/Eniglci sh editiofinr sptu blisbhyeth de EngliDsohm inicainnths e 1960asn d 197i0nst ,h ew akeo ft heS econVda ticCaonu ncihla,s b een undertaiknre ens pontsoree g ularre quefrosmts readearsn dl ibrariaarnosu nd the worlfodr the entire osfe6 r1vi oelsu mtesob em adea vailabalgea iThne. origitneaxlit su nchangeexdc,e foprt thec orrectoifao s nm alnlu mbeorf typograpehricraolr s. The origiaimn aolf t hiesd itiowna sn otn arrowelcycs lieastiIctas lo.u ghtto makethis treasureo fth e Christiiannt ellehctuearli taavagiel atbolth ee ologians andp hilosopohfae lrblsa ckgrounidnsc,l udtihnogsw eh o,w ithouctl aiming tob eb elievtehresm selavpepsr,e ciaar teel igiionutse grwihtyi cehm bodies hardbitrtaetino nalism andw hor ecogniisnThe o masA quinaam sa steorfth at perennpihaill osowphhiyc fohr mst heb edroockfE uropecainv ilisation. Becauosfeth isth e editowrosr keudn desrp eciifnisctr uctitoonb se airn m ind noto nltyh ep rofessitohneaoll ogbiuatan l,s toh eg enerraela dweirt ahn interienst th e' reasionnC 'h ristianThiet pya.r alElnegll iasnhd L atint exts canb eu sesdu ccessbfuyla lnyy bodwyi tha b asiknco wledgoefLa tin,w hile the presenocfte h eLa tin texhta sa llowtheed tr anslataod resgr eoef fr eedom ina daptintgh eEinrg livsehr sifoorn m odernr eadeErasc.hv olumceo ntains ag lossoafrt ye chnitcearlma sn di sd esignetdob ec ompleitnie t steolsf e rve for privatset udoyra sa c ourtseex t. NIHIL OBSTAT THOMAS RICARDUS HEATH O.P. THOMAS CAJETANUS KELLY O.P. IMPRIMI POTEST STT HOMASA QUINAS CPrAROovLUSii TEanSREJlNc.TIoiU Si ssQUnIep NN hO.AS P. mepeterincta. Prior SUMMA THEOLOGI£ die 26J ulii19 74 NIHIL OBSTAT R. J. CUMING, D.D. Censor IMPRIMATUR DAVID NORRIS Westminste1r,5J ul1y9 74 .. ,J��(LJl,i.. i>. .�··:·�_s:·�-..:·;, �.:11!� . II !1J, ( ;,;ty .. · ..- ·-·'-.· ··w 1. _i ,r H. ,,,...- ·' STT HOMASA QUINAS SUMMA THEOLOGl.l£ Lattienax tnE dn gltriansshl ation, IntroduNcottieAospn,ps e,n dices andG lossaries l INA N AUDIENC1E3,D ecembe1r96 3,t oa grourpe pre sentitnhDgeo minicEadni toarnsdt hceo mbinPeudb lishers oft heN ewE ngliSsuh mmaH,i sH olinePsosp eP auVlI warmlwye lcomaendd e ncouratgheediu rn dertakAi ng. lettfreorm HisE minenCcaer dinCailc ognaCnair,d inal SecretoafSr tya t6Fe e, brua1r96y8 e,x prestshecedo ntinued interoesftt heH olyF atheirnt hep rogroefst sh ew ork, whicdho esh onoutro t heD ominicOarnd era,n dt he Publishaenrdis st, ob ec onsidweirtehdo duotu batsg reatly PIN.M EMORIR. contribtuott ihngegr owtahn ds preoafda g enuinCealtyh o JOANINS liccu ltuarned,c ommunicahtiespd a rticAuploasrt olic BlessTihnega .s surawnacsre e peaitnea ld e tt5eF re,b ruary PP.X XIII 1973,fr om thep reseSnetc retoafrS yt atHei,sE minence DIACTUM CardiVnialll ot. � STT HOMAASQ UINAS SUMM A THEOLOGI1£ VOLUME 57 BAPTISM ANDC ONFIRMAOTNI (36a6.- 72) Latitne xEtn,g litsrha nslaItnitorno,d uction, NoteAsp,p endi&c Gelso ssary JAME S J.C UNNINGHAM O.P. With twoA ppendiceons th e Liturgyb y GERARD AUSTIN 0.P. I CAMBRIDGUEN IVERSIPTRYE SS CONTENTS CambriNdegweY ,o rMke,l bourne, MaCdarpTieod w,n S,i ngapSoarPoea ,u lo CambriUdngiev erPsrietsys xiiEid itorNioatle s TheE dinbuBrugihl dCianmgb,r iCdBg2e2 RUU,K xv Introduction Publisihnte hdUe n itSetda toefAs m eribcyaC ambriUdngiev ersitNye wPY roersks , QUESOTNI 66. THES ACRAMENOTF BAPTISM 5 ArticIl.ew hati sb aptisImsi? t a w ashing? Informatointo hnit si twlwew:. cambridge.Io3 r9g4/094788 052 9 Artic2l.e w hoi nstittuhtiessda crament? 13 Artic3l. ei sw atetrh ep ropemart tfoerrt hissa crament? © TheD ominican aCsoT urnucsifotlret eh Een glPirsohv ionfct ehO er deorfP reachers 1975 [ExcepLtaitntigen x otf' DEB APTISMEOT D EC ONFIRMATIONE'] 17 Articlei sp4 l.a iwna terre quired? 21 Artic5l.e i sI baptiyzoeui nt hnea moeft hFea thaenrod f t he Thipsu bliciasit nico onp yriSguhbtj.te ocst t atuetxocreyp tion Sona ndo ft hHeo lyS piar siuti tafobrlme fo r this andt ot hper ovisoifro enlse vcaonltl ecltiicveena sgirnege ments, sacrament? nor eproduocfat niypo na rmta yt akpel awciet hout 27 Arti6c.l ec oulad p ersobneb aptizweidt thh ifosr m,I baptize thwer itpteernm isosfCi aomnb riUdngiev erPsrietsys . yoiun t he ofC hrist? name Thidsi gitparlilnyfit resdpt a perbvaecrks 2i0o0n6 31 Artic7l.e i si mmersinoenc essfoarrb ya ptism? 33 Artic8l.e i st ripilmem ersiroenq uired? A catarleocgfouoretrd h p iusb liicasav taiioflnroa mtb hlBeer itish Library 39 Artic9l.e c anb aptibsemr epeeadt? ISBN-1937 8-0-521-39404-8 hardback 43 Artic1l0e.w hato ft heb aptisrmiatle ? ISBN�0ro� 52f-3ha9r4d1fb4lac �kX 49 Artic1l1e.w hato ft hed ifferekinndts o fb aptism? 51 Artic1l2ew. h ato fa compariosfot nh ev ariobuasp tisms? ISBN-:91738 -0-521-p0a2p9e6r�kb- a0c ISBN0- 0I- 521-02p9a6p5e-r1b ack QUETSION6 7. THE MNIISTEROSF BAPTISM 55 Artic1l.e i si tp ropfoerr a d eacotnob aptize? c, -';\ /,1· 57 Artic2l. ei sb aptizpirnogp erthleyw o rko fa p rieosrta bishop? � / ; " 61 Artic3l.e c ana l aymanc onftehres acramoefnb ta ptism? 17947 ' 'i 63 Artic4l.e c ana w omanb aptize? �J 67 Artic5l.e c ana nu nbaptipzeerds obna ptize? 69 Arti6c.l ec anm anyt ogetbhaeprt itzhees amep erson? 73 Artic7l.e i sa s ponsnoerc essary? 75 Arti8cl.e i st hes ponsoobrl igteoid n strtuhcebt a ptipzeerds on? QUESOTNI 68.R ECIPIENOTFS B APTISM 81 Artic1l.e a real blo untdo r eceive baptism? 85 Artic2l.e c ana p ersobnes avewdi thobuatp tism? ix I CONTENTS CONTENTS 87 Artic3l.e s houbladp tibsemd elayed? I77 Artic3l.e d ot hec atechaensdie sxo rcihsamva en ye ffecotra re 9I Articles lidn nebrebs a ptized? themye rsei gns? 95 Artic5l.e s houlwdor kosf s atisfacbteii omnp osoendb aptized I83 Artic4l.e i si tn ecessfoarra yp rietsoit n strourec xto rcize those sinners? tob eba ptized? 99 Artic6l.e i sa c onfesosfis oinnn se cessary? QUESOTNI 72.T HES ACRAMENOTF CONFIRAMTOIN IOI Artic7l.e i sa ni ntentnieocne ssfoarrt yh eo neb einbga ptized? I87 ArticIl.ei sc onfirmatioans acrament? I03 Articl8e. isfa itrhe quired? I9I Arti2c.le i tmsa tter; Io7 Artic9l.e s houilndf abntebs a ptized? I95 Artic3l.e i si ti ndispenfosrat bhlese a cramtehnattt h ec hrism III ArticIlOe.s houJledw icshhi ldbreeb na ptiwzheednt hepiarr ents firbsetc onsecrbaytt ehdeb ishop? areun willing? 199 Artic4l.e i tfosr m; II5 ArticIlIes. h oualc dh isltdi ilntl h meo thewro'msb b eb aptized? 203 Arti5cl.e d oeist i mprianc th aracter? II9 ArticIl2e.s houtlhdei nsaannedm entadlelfiyc ibeenbt a ptized? 207 Artic6l. ed oest hec haracotfec ro nfirmatiporne supptohsee QUESITON6 9.E FFECTOSF BAPTISM baptiscmhaalr acter? I23 ArticIl.ea rael sli ntsa keanw abyy b aptism? 209 Artic7l.e d oecso nfirmationc onfer grace? I25 Arti2cl.e i sa persfroen edfr om alplu nishmtehnrto ubgahp - 2n Arti8cl.e w hoca n receives atchriasm ent? tism? 215 Artic9l.e o nw hapta rotf t heb odys houiltdb ec onferred? I29 Artic3l.e d oebsa ptitsamk aew atyh ep enaltoifte hsil si fe? 219 ArticIlOe.i s a s ponsroerq uiforre dt pheer stoonb ec onfirmed? I33 Arti4cl.e a rger acaen dv irtuceosn ferorne dm abnyb aptism? 221 Articn.l ei st hissa crament bygb iivsehno ps alone? I35 Artic5l.e t heef fectosft hev irtuwehsi cahr ec onferbrye d 225 Articlet her1 i2t.o efc onfirmation. baptism; APPENDICES I39 Artic6le. doe vecnh ildrreecne igrvaeac en dv irtiuneb sa ptism? 228 I. TRhoeo tosfC hristBiaapnt ism I43 Artic7l. ed oes baptistmh eg oapteeonfst heh eavenkliyn gdom 232 2. Faitahn dB aptism fort hosbea ptized? 235 3. TheP robloefmI nfaBnatp tism I45 Artic8l.e d oebsa ptihsamv aen e quaelff ecotna ltlh osweh oa re 239 4. TheL iturogfBy a ptisbmyG, e rarAdu stiOn.,P . baptized? 244 5. Confirmationa ndL iturgiDcaelv elopmbeynG te,r ard I49 Articl9e. doedse ceiimtp edteh eeff ecotfb aptism? AustiOn.,P . I5I Artic1l0e.d o ebsa ptitsamk eeff ecwth ent hede ceiisrt e moved? 249G lossary QUESOTNI 70.C ICRUMCIOSNI I55 Artic1l.ew asc ircumcisai porne parafotri aonnd a figuorfe 251I ndex baptism? 157 Artic2le. ont hei nstituotfic oinr cumcision; I6I Articl3e. o ni trsi te; 165 Artic4l.e o ni tesff ect. QUESOTNI 7I.CA TECEHSIASN DE XORCISM I73 Articl1e. s houcladt echeitnisctarlu cptrieocneb daep tism? I75 Arti2c.l es houelxdo rcipsrme cebdaep tism? x xi ......... EDITORIANLO TES THEL ATITNE XTA NDT RANSLATION THEL ATITNE XTi st haotf t heL eoniendei tiwohni cihs r ecognizefodr itesx celleenscpee,c iianlt lhyeT erPtairaos ft heS ummNao.n eo ft he variarneta difrnogmso thetre xatns de ditihoansas n ys ignificfoarnt chee truuen derstanodfti hnegt hougihntt heq uestihoenrste r anslaatleld ; areo bviosucsr ibal orsm liinposvr a riathiaovnisn ngo b earionngt he sensoeft hep assaTghee.r efonroen eh asb een noted. The Engltirsahn slarteiporne seannat tst emtpots tacyl osetloty h e texotfS t Thomas without beliintgeT rhaselltr .aa vnisslhalwtayos ra lso conscitohuastt h eL atiinn t heS ummiasn otp articunloatrelwyo rthy from thep oinotfv iewo fl iteraryo res lteyglaen Hcee h.a sa ccordingly resisatc eodn ceforrnl iterpaorlyii snht het ranslaatsbi eoinnm go rfaei th ful ttoh eo rigienvaeltn h ougahtt imest heE nglimsihg hste emt urgaindd otheasv bee euns etdo c lartiefyc hniecxaplr essainodn s alstooe xplapioni nrtasi siend ttheex tth aotff edri fficultfoire asm odern readeTrh.ea ppendiacreeesff ectively extended footsnaomtee s serving the lossoaffreyr as s elecltiesodtf s ignificantte rmuss edi n thisse ctiooftn h eS umma. FOOTNOTES Thosfoeo tnotemsa rkebdy A rabic numaerreta hlers e ferengcievse bny StT homasH.o wevetrh,efirs t footnootfee acahr tincolrem alcloyn tains referetnocp easr altleexlit snh isw ritiwnhgesr hee t reatthses amet opic. Footnotgeisv eanl phabetiacarlenl oyr malrleys ervfoerd e xplanations ofv ariopuosi nmtesn tionientd h et ext. APPENDICES The appenodffiecarem so red etaitlreeda tmeonfts elecptoeidn tthsa ins possiibntl hee fo rsitsa s ketocfht heh istoraincdra ell igious ' antecedoefnC thsr istbiaapnt econcdo ncerntsh eb asitce nsion betwefaeint ha ndb aptitshma its a ppareantst e verpaoli nitnst hee x positieosnp,e cia6l8l,8y . T het hirodu tlisnoemse o ft hep roblecmosn nectewdi tihn fant baepstpiescmia aslt lhyeq uestihoansb eenr aisiend xiii i UL..,. EDITORINAOLT ES thec ontemposriatruya tTihoenfo .u rtahn dfif tha ppendictehsew, o rk ofG erarAdu stiOn. P.P,r ofesosfLo irt uragtty h eC athoUlniicv erosfi ty Americoaff,e ar commentaornSy t T homast'rse atmoefnb ta ptiasnmd INTRODUCTION confirmatioinnt hep erspecotfhi ivset orical andd elvietluorpgmiecnatl. REFERENCES THEP RESENVTO LUMiEn cluSdteT sh omast'rse atmoefnt tw oo ft he sacrameonfit nsi tiabtaipotni,as nmdc onfirmatiTohneE. u charwihiscth, SincSet T homauss etdh eL atitne xotft heV ulgabtieb,l irceafle rences ist het hirsdu csha cramaenndtt hec limaanxd f ulfilmenotf C hristian arneu mberienda ccordawnicttehh avte rsiWohne.r teh earerd eif efrences initiatiisco onv,e riendt hen exttw ov olum(e5s8a nd5 9)o ft hisse ries. inv ersiboansse odn t heH ebretwe xotft heO ldT estametnhte,sh ea ve Ther eadsehro unlod tteh atth et reatmmeunsttb es eeinn c ontinuity been noteidn fo llowibnrga ranslaotifot nhseb iblitceaxlt s witthh aep proatcoth h sea crameanntdts h sea cramelnitofafeal C hristian arbea sictahlolsoyef t hee ditwohro c ompartehdeL atiwni tthh eo riginal alreaedlya boraitnQe ude sti6oo-n6s5 ( volu5m6e) T.h et reatmoefn t andu setdh eR evisSetda ndaVredr siaosan g uidbeo tfohr a ccuraancdy baptiisnmp articoufflearras t ypicaanldc oncreatpep licaotfit ohne litersatryylW eh.e ret heL atind iffesrisg nificantfoloytn otehsa vbee en general proifnT chiopmliesst ic sactrhaemoelnoAtgtayt l.h es amet ime, usetdo p oinotu tt hes ignificanocfte h esdei fferences. StT homanse velro sseisg hotfh iasn nounciendt entoifpo rno viding in Patrirsetfice reanrceet soM igne (PG,G reekF atherPsL;, L atin theS ummaat heolfoorg' yb eginnTehrussi' ts. h ouclodm ea sn os urprise FatherRse)fe.r encarees alsgiov en( Manstio)J .D . MansiS,a crorum thastu cahp parently pqeudeessttiraoistna hsn et ypoef w aterre quired ConciliNoO'IJrau me tA mplissCiomlal ec5t4iv oo,l( sP arainsd L eipzig, forb aptism sbheto rueladta etsd u clhe ngatnhdw itshu caht tention. I90I7-)2. Thep lafonr thisse ctiiossn i mpalned l ogicaa clo:n sideroaftt ihoen AbbreviaotfiS otTn hso masw'osr kasr aes fo llows: sacramoefbn atp tiisnim t saenldfi tcse remon(i6e6st) h;pe r opmeirn ister Summa TheologwiaJi:t hotuitt lpea;r tq,u estiaornt,i crleep,le y.;g I.a . ofb apti(s6m7 )t;h er ecipioefnt th es acrameanndtt hed ispositions 2,3, a d4 ;2 11211:I.8 oI,O e,t c. requi(r6 e8d)t ;h ee ffecotfst hes acram(e6 n9t)c ;i rcumciassti hoepn r e SummaC ontGrenat ileCsG:. B ookc,h aptee.rgC;.G IV5,9 . figuri'nsga cramfreonmtt 'h Oel dT estam(e7n0tt) h;re i twehsi cphr ecede ScriptiunIm V LibraSse ntentiaSreunmt:B. o okd,i stincqtuieosnt,i on, andp repaforrea f ruitful receptoifbo anp tis(m7 IF)i.n alalnydi, n m any artiscolleu, tioornq uamiuncruelpale,y. ;gIV . S en4t,.2 ,2 ,v iI;I SIe nt. waysr egrettSatbT lhyo,m adse votbeusta singqluee sti(o7n2t )o t he 252,, 3 ,ii ad3 . complemenstaacrrya moefnc to nfirmation. Evena q uick reoaftd hiintsgr eatwiislselh owh owh eavidleyp endent CommentaroinSe csr iptSutrM ea:t theIwn,M attS.t;J ohnI,nJ oann.; iti so nt heg retarta dictoimoin nfrgo mt heF atheorfbs o tthh eE asatn d Paulienpei stIlnesR ,o m.e,t cc.h;a ptveerr,s lee,c taisro e quired. WestF.o rt hemb aptiwsamsa c entmryaslt eorfyb otChh ristliiafanen d Quaistiqounoedls ibe(tdaqelu eosl ibet):Quodl. instrucatnidto hne iwrr itingsh oamnidl wieerse a ricahn du nrivalled Maint itlaerseg iveinn ful l for othewro rkisn cludtihnQegu aistiones sorucfoer S tT homasI.ti sa gaintshtib sa ckgrotuhnadht i tsh ougchatn Disputattl!. besbte a pprecibaottefohdr familiwairtithth yi gsr eattr aditainodfon r Ther eferetnoDc eensz in(gDeern z.a-rSte.o )t heed itoifoS nc hOnmetzer, theg enuicnoen tribuhtemi aonk efosr itdse velopmIenns th.o rtth,e I936. presevnotl umree presaes nitgsnifi cant moimnte hnett h eologhiicsatlo ry ofC hristiwahniictihyss tivlall uaabnldeh elpfufolr t hec ontinudiinsg cussiaonndr enewoaflt hem ysteorfyb aptiasnmd c onfirmatiiontn h e lifoef tChheu rch. xiv xv l..i.1. i