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Summa Theologiae: Volume 46, Action and Contemplation: 2a2ae. 179-182 PDF

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Preview Summa Theologiae: Volume 46, Action and Contemplation: 2a2ae. 179-182

The S aTh eologirer anks amonthge gre atedsotc umeonfthts e C hristian umm Churcahn,di sal andmoafrm ke diewveaslt tehronu gIhtpt r.o vitdhees framewoforrkC athosltiucdi inse yss temtahteiocla ongdfoy r a c lassical Chrisptihainol pohsayn,isd r egularly cobnyss cuhlotleaadrlfa sli thoasfn d nonaec,r oars asn ogfea cadedmiiscc ipThliispn aepse.r braecikso sfthu ee clasLastin/Eniglci sh editifiornsp utb libsyh etEdhn egl iDsohmini canisn the 1960asn d1 970isnt, h wea koeft hSee coVnadt iCcoaunn chialbs,e en undertakeinn re sponsteore gulraeqru efrostsm readaenrldsi braaroruinadn s thweo rfolrdth ee ntisreer oife6 s1v olumteobs em adaev ailaagbalien . The origtienxiatsul n chanegxecde,fop rtt hceo rrectioofan s manlulm beofr typographeirrocrasl. The origaimi noaftl h eidsi tiwoanns o ntar orwleyc clesiIatss otiucghtatol . make this ofth eChris tian intellhectualer itaavgaei ltaothb eloel ogians treasure andp hilosoopfah lbelar cskgr ounidnsc,l uthdoisnwegh ow,i thcoluati ming tob eb elietvheermss ealpvperse,ca ri ealtei giinotuesgw rhiitceyhm bodies hardbraitittoennalism anwdh ore cogniisThneo masA quinama ass toefthr a t perenpnhiiallo swohpihcfoyhr mst hbee droocfEk u ropceiavni lisation. Becauseo fth ithse e ditwoorrskun edde srp eciinfisctru ctitoobn esa irnmi nd nootn ltyh per ofestshieoonlaolbg uiatal nst,oh g ee nerreaald weirta hn inteirneth es' tr easoCnh'r iisnti Thaen iptya.r aElnlgleilas nhdLa tint exts cabne u seds uccesbsyfua lnlybyo dwyi tha b askniocw ledogfLae ti n,w hile thep reseonfthc eeLa tint exhta asl lotwhetraedn slatado ergrse oeffr eedom ina daptitnhgeE inrgl ivsehr sfoirom no derrne adEearcsvh.o lucmoen tains ag lososfat reych nitcala nisdd esignteobd ec omplienit tes teosl efr ve erms forp rivsatutdeoy r a sa c ourtseex t. NIHILO BSTAT THOMAS GILBY O.P. CHRYSOSTOMUS O'BRIEN O.P. IMPRIMI POTEST GILBERTUS GRAHAM O.P. ST THOMASA QUINAS Prior ProoinciSal.A1 l"sb eritnSi . F.A. die 24O ctobri1s9 65 SUMMA THEOLOGI£ NIHILO BSTAT MICHAELIS ASHDOWNE S.T .D.,P H.L. CensDoerp utatus IMPRIMATUR + PATRITIUS CASEY VicraiuGsen eralis die2 Februarii1 966 «'' / ST THOMAS AQUINAS SUMMA THEOLOGI.lE Latin texatn dE nglitsrha nslation, IntroductNiootD.$es,A, p pendices and Glossaries [NONNISI TE j dl WWllWOIUW V'I'IO::>nJ.IO fOVNNIS dVil'lI dd •XXIII dd" AI an:vinw W::>W'IXIII HIS HOLINESSP OPEP AUL VI AT THISA UDIENCE w ASP LEADS tEogr anta na udienocne1 3,D ecemb1e9r6 3, THEH OLYF ATHEmaRd ea c ordailallo cuitnwi hoinc hhe fir stw elcomed three presentaotifav p esr ojeictnw hichhe fo undp articiunltaerrH ees t. toa group,r epresenttihneDg o minicEand itoanrds t he combinPeudb lisohfetr hsen ewt ranslaotfit ohneS umma wenotn t ol autdh pee rennviaalluo efS t Thomdaosctr'isn aese mbodying Theologok:efS tT homasl,e db yH isE minenMciec hael univetrrustalh isns oco genta fa shioTnh.i dso ctrinhee,s aiidsa,tr easure Cardinal Brownoef,t heO rdeorfP reachaenrdst ,h eM ost belonginnogot nltyot hDe ominicOarnd ebru tt ot hew holCeh urcahn,d indeteodt he whwoolrel di;ti sn otm erelmye dievbaultv alifodr a ll RevereFnadt hAniecre toF ernandeMza,s teGre neroalft he timesn,o lt eaosfta lfolr o uro wn. sameO rder. HisH oliness tcohmemreenfodreetd h ee nterporfDi osmei nicfraonms English-spPeakrionvgi nocftes h eO rdearn do ft hefriire ndtsh;e wye re undertaking a difficutlats lke,s bse causteh et hougohftS tT homaiss complicaotrhe idls an guasgueb ttlhea,bn e causteh cel aroifht iyts h ought andex actnesso fl anguaisg seo d ifficutlottr anslatYeet. t hes uccessful outcoomfet heierff orwtso uludn doubtecdolnytr ibtuott eh er eligious andc ultuwrealll -boefit nhgeE nglish-spweoarklidn.g Whatg avhime greats atisfactiwoanst hen otabelvei deonfci en terest int hsep reoafdd ivitnreu otnht hep arotft heem inelnaty mecno ncerned, membeorfsd ifefrecnot mmuniyoenutsn itienad c ommovne nture. Fort hesree asotnhseH olyF athewri sheidta lslu ccesansd, w armly encouraangde bdl essaeltdlh oseneg ageHde. wash apptyo r eceitvhee firsvto lumper esenttohimed asa g esturoefh omagaen,d p romistehda t hew oulfodl lowwi tihn tertehsept r ogroefst sh ew orankd loofokr ward tot her egulaarp pearaonfac letl h es ubsequveonltu mes. vi vii 1 VOLUMES PRIMA PARS Theolo(gIyaI .) 2 ExisteanncdNe a turoefG od( Ia2.- u) 3 Knowinagn dN aminGgo d( Ia1.2 -I3) 4 KnowledignGe o d( Ia1.4 -I8) 5 TheW ilaln dP oweorf G od( IaI.9 -26) 6 TheT rini(tIya2 .7 -32) 7 FatheSro,n a,n dH olyG hos(tI a3.3 -43) 8 Creatio(nI a4.4 -9) 9 Angel(sI a5.o -64) 10 Cosmogo(nIya 6.5 -74) II Man (Ia7.5 -83) 12 HumanI ntelli(gIea8n.4c -9e) 13 ManM adet oG od'Ism ag(eI a9.0 -102) 14 DivinGeo vernme(nItaI .0 3-9) 15 TheW orlOdr de(rI a1.1 0-I9) PRIMA SECUNDA! 16 EndH appin(eIsas2 Ia:-.5 ) 17 HumanA cts (16a-21a:7.) 18 PrinciplMeosr aolfi (tIya 21a:8.- 21) 19 Lovea ndD esir(e1 122a:2.- 30) 20 Pleas(uuruea: 3.1 -9) 2I Feaarn dA nge(r1 a24a:0.- 8) 22 DispositfoiroH nusm anA cts (I4a9-25a:4.) 23 Virtues 5(5I-a627a:.) 24 Giftsa ndB eatit(uIdae2s6a: 8.- 70) 25 Sin( Ia2a:. 7I-80) 26 OrigiSnian(l I a28a:I.- 5) 27 EffectosfS in( Ia2a:. 86-9) 28 Law( Ia29Z0.- 7) 29 TheO ldL aw( 1a29a:8.- Io5) 30 TheG ospeolfG rac(eI a21a:0.6 -I4) SECUNDA SECUNDA! 3I Fait(h2 121a:-.7 ) 32 ConsequeonfcF easi t(h2 828a:-.1 6) 33 Hope( 2821a:7.- 22) 34 Chari(zaty2 a:.2 3-33) ix I 3S Consequeonfc eCsh a(r2ia.2trey3. 4 -46) GENERALP REFACE 36 Pruden(c2ea.2 re4.7 -56) 37 Just(i2ca.2ere s.7 -62) BYO FFICAIPAPLO INTMTEHNEST U MMPAR OVIDTEHESF RAMEWKO R 38 Injus(t2ia.2cree6. 3 -79) 39 ReligainodWn o rsh(i2pa 28re()-9.1 ) forC athosltiucd iiness ystemtahteiocl aongdyfo ra classCihcrails tian 40 ConsequeonfRc eelsi gi{o2na.2 a:9.2 -ioo) philosoYpehtty h.we o rkw,h icihsm orteh aan textfo-rbp orookf essional 41 TheS ocial Vi(r2tau2e1a:s0. 1 -22) trainiinsga ,l stoh ew itnesso fd evelotrpaidnigt anido nt hes ourocfe livisncige nacbeo ut dtihviinnFgeos r.f aistehe kusn derstainndt ihneg 42 Coura(g2a.2ea: .1 2-340) contemploafGt odio'nsL ogohsi,ws i sdoamn ds avinpgr ovidernucne­, 43 Tempera(n2a.2ca:e. 1 41-s4) nintgh routghhwe h ole universe. 44 Parots fT emperan(ce2a.2 a:.1 ss-70) Thep urpotshee,on f,t his eidisnt ointoa nr rocwlleyr ibcaultt, os hare 4S MysticainsdMim r acl(e2 a.2a:1.7 1-8) 46 ActivaintdCy o ntempl(atio.n1 79-84) witalhl C hristiaa trneass urwyh icihsp arotf t heciorm mohne ritage. 2a.21e Moreovietcr o,n sutlhteis n teroesftm sa nyw how oulndo tc laitmob e 47 TheP astoarnadRl e ligioLuisv e(s2a.2 a:.1 85-9) believaernsdy, e atp precitahteien tegrwihtiyc tha kreesl igiinothnoa rd thinking. TERTIA PARS Accordintghleedy i tohrasv kee pitn m indt hen eedosft heg eneral 4489 TThheeIG nrcarnaacotefCe W h orrid((s 33taa71 ..--6 1)5 ) treecahdwenhtrioh cacan el o rlesopagionandnptd sho it lhoers eoapshoiennrCs sh .r istiaasnw ietlyal,s o f 50 TheO neM ediat(o3ra1 .6- 26) PuttitnhgLe a titne xatl ongtshiEedn eg liissph a rotft hpeu rpoTshee. 51 OurL ad(y3 a2.7 -30) s2 TheC hildhoofoC dh ri(s3ta3 .1 -7) readweirt ah s matteorfiL nagt icann ber eassuwrheednt hter anslator, ino rdetrob ec leaanrdr eadarbelned,e trhste h ougohfSt t T homaisn to SS34 TThheeLP iasfosefCi o hofCrn hi (rs3it(as3 3.t8a4 -.64 -55)2 ) thTfrehe eedraoerm ote fw a onm ootrhreieea drsi oownfomisr t t hhocieiur ntcc ulmulosofitc ohouneLrtp a iatoritnane p xhFtri.ar sset., SS TheR esurre(c3taiS3.o-9 n) toh eltph eed ittohremss elvfoesrt, h aeu thotrh'osu gihstt o loi sstoobm e s6 TheS acramen(t3sa6o .-S ) 57 BaptiasnmdC onfirmat(i3oan6. 6 -72) uniforanmdl flayt ltrya nsliteirrtai tnewgsdi ;ta hn alogiaensdi, tp sr ecision 58 TheE uchariPsrtiecs enc7e3 -(83)a . cannotb er educetdoa t abolfet ermAs r.i gcoinds istehnacysn otb een imposoendt hee ditoofrt sh ed ifferevnotl umaesm ontgh emseltvhees ; 59 TheE uchar(i3sa7t.9 -83) originiasgl i veannd, t hset udentj udgfoerh imself. 6o Penanc(e3 a8.4 -90) can Nextt,oh eltph owsheo snea tivteo ngiusne o Etn gliosrwh h osdeu tiyt ist os tutdhyeo loigynL atino,f whmoamn ay rcael letdot eaacnhd p reach throutghhem ediuomft he mwoisdte splraenagd uoafgt eh weo rlndo,w becomintgh see cond lanogftu haCegh eu rch. TheL atinis as ounwdo rkitnegx ste,l ecpartaedgr,a pheda,nd p unc­ tuatbeydt her esponsiebdliet or. Imvpaorritaantitio nnm sa,n uscripts ands ucmha joprr inteeddi tiaostn hsPe i anaan dL eonianreie,n dicated. TheE nglicosrrhes pondsp aragrabpyhp aragraanpdah l moasltw asyesn ­ tencbey s enteEanchce o.f t hsei xvtoyl umseso,fa ra si sp ossiwbillbele, complienit tes etlosf, e ravsea t exfotra s peccioaulr osrfoe r p rivsattued y. THOMASG ILBOY. .P ' T.C .O BRIEON.P . xi x >' i',,.; .,:,·j.l ,�J) ' T '�' STT HOMAASQ UINAS SUMMA THEOLOGI.lB VOLUME 46 ACTION AND CONTEMPLATION (2aI27re9-.I 82) Latitne xEtn.g litsrha nslaItnitorno,d uction, NotesA,p pendi&c Gelso ssary JORDAN AUMANN O.P. ' CONTENTS xi GenerParle face CAMBRIDGEU NIVERSITPYR ESS xvii EditorNioatle s CambridNgeew,Y orkM,e lbournMea,d riCda,p eT ownS,i ngapoSrileoP, a ulo xix Introduction Cambridge University Press QUESTI1O7N9 .A CTIVEA ND CONTEMPLATLIIVFEE TheE dinburBguhi lding, CaCmBb2r2 iRdUg,Ue K 2 Article1 . whethtehred ivisoifol ni fien taoc tiavnedco ntem­ Publisihnet dh Uen iteSdt atoefsA mericbayC ambridUgnei versPirteysN se,w Y ork platiisva ec ceptable 6 Articl2e. whethtehre d ivisoifol ni fien taoc tivaen dc ontem­ www.cambridge.org platiivsec omplete Informatoinot nh itsi twlwew:. cambridge.org/9780521393935 QUESTI1O8N0 .T HEC ONTEMPLATLIIVFEE 12 Articl1e. w hethtehrce o ntempllaitfhieav sne o thitnodg o w ith © TheD ominicCaonu ncaislT rustfoeret heE ngliPsrho vinocfte h eO rdeorf P reach1e9r6s6 thewil l,b uti se ntiretlhype r ovionfci en tellect [ExceptLiantgit ne xotf' DEV ITAACTIVAE TC ONTEMPLATIVA'] 16 Arti2cl.e whether the morala p vairrittnt u heecs o nhtaevme­ platliivfee Thipsu blicaitsii noc no pyriSguhbtj.e tcost t atuteoxrcye ption 20 Artic3l. ew hether thevraer ioaaurcset iviitinte hse c ontem­ andt ot hep rovisioofrn esl evcaonltl ective licensing agreements, platliivfee nor eproductoifao nny p armta yt akpel acwei thout 24 Articl4e. whethtehre c ontemplaltiivfee conosnilsiytn st he thew rittpeenr missoifCo anm bridUgnei versPirteys s. contemploaftG ioodno ra lsiont hec onsideroaft ion any trwuhtaht ever Thidsi gitparlilnyt feidrp satp erbavcekr si2o0n0 6 30 Artic5.l ew hethientr h ilsi tfhece o ntempllaitcfiaevna e t tatihne visiooftn h ed ivinees sence catarleogcfuooertr dh p iusb liicasav taiioflnroa mtb hlBeer iLtiibsrha ry A 34 Arti6cl.e whethietir s c orretcoat s sitgnh remeo vementtots h e exercoifcs oen templactiirocnus,ltr aari,g ahntds piral ISBN-13-978""0.52.h1a-r3d9h3a9(\1k- 5 40 Artic7le. w hethtehre riesa nyd eliighnct o ntemplation 11\Is·S.B-bN �.q - I.:.N ..0�p . -5-.. t:2'-. 1'-0 ,-1 2399li353pa49, ar-;3pQ4-eb 0_ra: :bc ,9Jak c ks �u"si 46 QUAErStTi8Ic.lOI 8ew NI h .eTt HhEteAh rCec T oIntVLeEIm FpElla itfiiesvc eo ntinuous lSBN-100- 5�2- 0 2954p:a6p erback, 52 Articl1e. w hethalelrt hea ctosft hem oravli rtues tboet lhoen g activlei fe :\t ;·':,;:.>;, 54 Artic2l.e whethperru denicspe a rotft heac tilvief e ·:-: 1 58 Artic3l.e whethteera chiisan nga ctivoiftt hyae c tivoerc ontem­ platliivfee 17936 62 Article4 . whethtehrea ctilviefr ee maianftse trh ilsi fe t,_. QUESTI1O8N2 .C OMPRAISOONF T HEA CTIVAEN D CONTEMPLATWAIYVSEO FL IFE 66 Artic1l.ew hethtehrae cti vel iifsen obltehra tnh ceo ntemplative 72 Articl2e. whethtehre a ctivei sml oirfee merittohraitnoh ues contemplative 76 Arti3c.l ew hethetrh ec ontemplaltiifiveshe i nderbeydt he actilvief e 78 Artic4l.e w hethtehrea ctilviepf ree cedtehseco n templaltiifvee xv i

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