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Summa Theologiae: Volume 32, Consequences of Faith: 2a2ae. 8-16 PDF

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Preview Summa Theologiae: Volume 32, Consequences of Faith: 2a2ae. 8-16

The Summ aT heologranksi re amongth e greatest doofcth uem Cehnrtsi stian Churcha,n d ail sa ndmaorfkm edievwaels tetrhno ughIttp. r ovidtehse frameworfokr Catholsitcu diienss y stematthieco loagnydfo r ac lassical Christipahni losoapnhdyi ,sr egulacrolnys ulbtyes dc haorlosf a lfali ths and nonea,c roasr sa ngoefa cademdiics ciplThiinsep sa.p erback roefti hses ue clasLasitin/Enc glisehd itiofinr sptu blisbhyeth de EnglDiosmhi nicainnths e 1960asn d1 970si,nt hew akeo ft heS econVda ticCaonu ncihla,sb een undertakienrn e spontsore e gulraerq uefrsotsm r eadearnsdl ibrarairaonusn d thew orlfodr t hee ntirsee rioef6s 1 v olumteosb em adea vailaabglaeiTh ne. origitneaxlit s unchanged,fo rt ehxecc eoprtr ectoifao snm all numobfe r typograpehrircoarls . The origianiamol f t hiesd itiowna sn otn arrowelcyce lsiastiIctsa olu.gh tt o make thistr easuorfte h eC hristiiannt ellehcetruiatalav gaei ltabothl eeo logians andp hilosopohfae lrblsa ckgrouinndcsl,u dtihnogs weh o,w ithocuaiminlt g tob eb elievtehresm selavpepsr,e ciarteel iga iionutse grwihtiyce hm bodies hardbittreanti onalainsdm wrheoc ogniisnThe o masA quinaam sa steorfth at perennpihaill osowphhiyc fohr mst heb edroocfkE uropecainv ilisation. Becauosfet hitsh ee ditowrosr keudn desrp eficcii nstructitoonb se airn m ind not otnhlyep rofessiotnhaelo logbiuatan l,s o gtehnee rraela dewirt ahn interients hte' reasionnC 'h ristiaTnheip tayr.a llel EanngdLal tiisnth e xts canb eu sesdu ccessbfuyla lnyy bodwyi tahb asiknco wledgoefLa tin,w hile thep resenocfte h eLa tin texhta sa llowtehdetr anslataod resg reoef fr eedom ina daptintgh eEinrg livsehr sifoorn m odernr eadeErasc.hv olumceo ntains agl ossaorfyt echnitcearlma sn di sd esignetdob ec ompleitnie t steols fe rve forp rivatset udoyra sa c ourtseex t. NIHIL OBSTAT KENELMUFSO STERO,. P. EDUARDUBSO OTHO,. P. IMPRIMI POTEST JONATHAFSL EETWOOOD.,P . PrioPrr ooincAingali/ai s STT HOMASA QUINAS di3e0 N ovemb1r9i7s 4 SUMMAT HEOLOGI1£ NIHIL OBSTAT R.J .C UMINGD D Censor IMPRIMATUR DAVIDN ORRIS VicG en. Westmin5sD teecre,m b1e9r7 4 l��(li.'l( C(·:[.:�·1._:·L, � ;/" !;._·;.·"·O_:·.,,''� :_) ·-,, . J,_1 !(.> LJ' \,. {',.' ,'. i� ' _,k)ir. �_..v,( ST THOMAS AQUINAS SUMMA THEOLOGI.lE Latitne xantd English translation, IntrocdtuioNnost,e sA,p pendices andG lossaries INA NA UDIENCE1,3 Dec1e9m6bt3eoa,gr r oruepp resenting thDeo minEidciatnao nrds c tohmeb iPnuebdhl eirossft he NewE nglSiumsmah, H iHs olinPeospse VPIaw ualr mly welcoamneeddn courtahgeueindrd ertAa lkeitnfrtgoe.mr HiEsm inence CCiacrodginCnaaanrlid ,iS neaclr eotfa ry Sta6tF ee,b ru1a9r6ey8x ,p retshcseoe ndti niunetdeo rfe st PIR. MBMORIR. the HFoaltyhie ntr h per ogroefts hwseo r'kw,h idcohe s JOANNSI honotuotr h Deo miniOcradnea rnt,dh Peu blisahnedr si,s tob ec onsidereddo uwabistgt rheoaucttoln yt ritbou ting PP.XXIII thger owatnhsd p reoafagd e nuiCnaetlhyco ullitcau nrde ', communihcaiptsae rdt iAcpuolsatBrol leiscsT ihnaegs .s ur­ DICATUM ancwea rse peaitnae l de tt5 Feerb,r u1a9r7fry3o mt he presSeenctr eotfSa trayHt ieEs,m ineCnacred iVnialll ot. f��{]Ui.i_.· .\__:- .,:Jf(�'i·.,'(··j!:_·}/..U!,,( ,,i ,i' (;) �J__,_ !1I I.tJ1 i•)} f J. !.1o �y :.: ST THOMAS AQUINAS SUMMA THEOLOGI.lB VOLUME 32 CONSEQUENCEOSF FAITH (2a82-re1.6 ) LattienxE tn,g ltriasnhs laItnitorno,d uction, NoteGsl ossary & THOMASG ILYB O.P. CONTENTS xiE ditorNioatle s CAMBRIDGEU NIVERSITPYR ESS xiiIin troduction CambridNgeew,Y orkM,e lbournMea,d riCda,p eT ownS,i ngapoSraeoP, a ulo CambridUgnei versPirteys s QUESTIO8N. TH EG IFT OUFN DERSTANDING TheE dinburBguhi ldiCnagm,b ridCgBe2 2 RU,U K 3 ArticIl.e i su nderstandGiinfgot f t ah eH olyG host? 7 Artic2l.e can itc o-exwiisttfah i th? Publisihnet dh eU niteSdt atoefsA mericbyaC ambridUgnei versityN ePwrY eosrsk, 9 Artic3l.e i sU nderstanjduisnctgo ntemplaotrip vrea ctiacsa l www.cambridge.org well? Informatoinot nh itsi twlwew:. cambridge.org/9780521393799 II Artic4l.e h avael iln a staotfeg racteh eG ifotf U nderstanding? I5 Artic5l.e i st heG iftto b efo undi nt hoswei thogurta ce? © TheD ominicCaonu ncaislT rustfoeret heE ngliPsrho vinocfte h eO rdeorfP reach1e9r7s5 [ExceptLiantgit ne xotf' DED ONISC ORRESPONDENTIBFUISD EiD,E VITUS I7 Artic6.l eh owd oeist r elattote h eo theGri fts? OPPOSITIEST,D E PR.IECEPTIPSE RTINENTIB'U]S 2I Artic7l.e w hicahm ongt heB eatitucdoersr esptooni dts? 23 Artic8l.ea ndw hicahm ong tFhreu itosf t heS pirit? Thipsu blicaitsii noc no pyriSguhbtj. etcost t atuteoxrcye ption andt ot hep rovisioofrn esl evcaonltl ecltiicveen saignrge ements, QUESITON9 .T HEG IFT OSFCI ENCE nor eproducotfai noynp armta yt akpel acwei thout thewr ittpeenr missoifCo anm bridUgnei versPirteys s. 27 ArticIl.e i ss cienac Gei ft? 29 Artic2l.e i si ta boudti vine things? Thidsi gitparlilnyt fierdsp ta perbavcekr si2o0n0 6 33 Artic3l.e i si tc ontemplaotrpi rvaec tical? A catarleocgfouoretrd h p iusb liicasav taiioflnra otbmhlB eer iLtiibsrha ry 35 Artic4l.e w hicbhe atitcuodrer esptoonid ?ts ISBN-1937 8-0-521-39h3a7r9db-a9c k QUESITONI O. DISBELIIENF G ENERAL 1�BN:-rv--�03�592317 9�nlar.•d ·oia cf 39 Artic1l.ei sd isbeal siienf? : � i-9: 1 43 Articl2e. wheriesi ts eated? ISB -n .978-0-521P-!10P2cr9r4b0a-c7k ISBN::.ro0 -521-029p4a0p-e6t oacIk 45 Artic3l.e i si tt hew orsotfs ins? 49 Artic4l.e i se verayc otf i nfidelass in? : �'/ · 5I Artic5l.e o nt hek indosfu nbelief ,;:,_ 1' • ;:'i 55 Artic6.l eo nt heciorm parison l·' •'4-/ t9,".: I�') (,J 57 Artic7l.e s houwlded ebawtiet ihn fidels? 6I Artic8l.es houltdh ebye c ompeltloebd e lieve? \� ... 65 Artic9l.e s houlwdec ommunicwaitteth h em? 67 ArticIlOe.s houltdh eryu loev etrh eCh ristifaani thful? 73 ArticIIl .es houltdh eriirt beest olerated? 75 ArticIl2e.s houltdh eicrh ildrbeen b aptizweidt hout parental consent? ix CONTENTS QUESTIOIIN .H ERESY EDITORIALN OTES 8I ArtiIc.l iehs e reaks iyno dfu nbelief? 85 Arti2c.lw eh aitis t fise ld? TEXT AND TRANSLATION 89 Arti3c.la erh ee rettobi ect so lerated? 9I Arti4.c lseh outlhdor seet urfrnoimhn egr ebsery e ceived? INP REPARINtGh tee xtthP ei aannadt h Lee onvienres hiaovnbese en consutlhtreodu gahnodiu ntt h,me a itnh lea thtaebsre efonl lowaeldl; butt hmeo sttr ivviaarli ahtaivobene sen no teTdh.et ranslation has QUESTIOIN2 .A POSATSY preerfrteod saacner aiisfidyci eto ocm l osetnote hosers i gainnpdae lr,h aps, 97 ArtiIc. ldeo easp osbtealsoytn oig nfi delity? imta yb ef aerehda,rs i stkhesedp iforrit thl ee tTtheeur s.oe fa fi rdsrtta f IOIA rti2c.al ers eu btjsfre ecefrdo mt hdeo minoifo naa pno state byt hVee ry URrebvaVdno lOl.,P S..,T .oMfS. t,J o sePprho'vsii nnc e ruler? Ameriicgsar t,ae fulaclokynw ledged. QUESTIOIN3 B.L ASPEHMY IN GENERAL FOOTNOTES I05A rtiIc. liebs l aspohpepmoyts ote hdpe r ofesosffai iotnh ? Thossieg nbiyfia es du penruimobrae rrue s uatlhrleey fe regnicvebesyn Io7 Arti2c.il eisa t l waamy osr tsailn ? StT homaansdt racdkoewdbn y t hLee oniCnoem misswiiotnh, the III Arti3c.l et ahnmedo sgtr ieovfo ussi ns excepotfni oo1.tn o e acahr twihcilrceeh ef rtsop aratlelxietnhls i wsr it­ II3A rti4c.il ebs l aspihnet mhdyea mned? in.gT shoess ignified aalrpeehd aibteroteerifriceaanllc leeysx palnadn atory remarks. QUESTIO1N·4 B LASPMHYE AGAINSTTH EH OLYG HOST REFERENCES II7 ArtiIc.li esi t th sea maess innfrionmsg e ttwliecdk edness? I2IA rti2c.li es o fiv atr ikoiunsd s? Biblriecfaelr aerntecot e hsVe u lgaPtaet;rr iesfteircte oMn icgen(seP G, GreeFka thePrLs,L; a tFiant rhseW)h.e nt hEen gltiisthal rewese ll I25A rti3c.li eis ut n ofrgivable? knowrne,fe enrcteots h weo rokfSs t T homaansAd r isatroietnE l neg lish. I29A rti4c. lceao nn set awritti hbt e focroem mitottihsneigrn s? TitolfeS stT homawso'rsak rsae b brevaisfoa ltleodw s: SummTah egoilawoi,t hout tqiutelseta.ir otPnira,cer lpteel,,.y Ig;a. 7.0 , QUESTIOI5N .BL INDNEOSFS M INDA NDD ULLNESOSF I ad2 .2 a22re5.4, a d3 . SENSE SummCao ntGrean tCiGl.Beo so,ck h,a pet.eCrgG;.I ,I1 4· 135A rtiIc.l eb liisn donfme isnsads i?n ScripitnIu VmL ibrSeatnse ntiarSuemn,Bt o.o dki,s tinqcuteisotni,o n, 137A rti2c.li eds u llonfse essna sneo tahneddri stsiinnc?t artiscolleu,to irqo una,s ti,ru enpcelu.ylIg;aI . tS1.e5 n1,, iai1d ,3 . I4IA rti3c.ld eot hevsieca ersifr soems ionfst hfel esh? CopmendTihuemgo ilaCoo,pm entdh.e ol. Scripctoumrmaeln t(altreuicreesapx ,o sitriopenoerst,aJ toabI),nJ: ob ; QUESTIOIN6 .C OMMANDMENTRSE LATINGT O FAITH PsalImnPs s,a ;Il s.aiIanIh s,aJ .e;r emIinJaerhe,.m S;t M atthIenw , 145A rtiIc. lteh ose faaibtohu t MattS.tJ; o hInnJ, o nan;E. pisotfl ePSsat u el.,Ig n.1 C arC.h apter, I49A rti2c.l e thosUen daebrosutaatnn Sddc iinegn ce verlsceet,ai sro e quired. Philosocpohmimceanlt AarriisetsPo:et rHliermenee , iaIsn,P eri.h;er m I5 4G lossary PosteArniaolry ItniP cosstA,.n a;lP .hyiscIsn,P hys;.D eC aleot I5I9n dex Mund,Io nd eG ee;lD. eG eneraettCio orrpnutei oInndee G,e ne.tC o rr.; De AnimAan,i ;mIM ane tdaep hIynsM ieacts.N,;i chomaEcthheiacns , x xi � .I EDITORINAOLT ES InE th.iP;co litIicnPs ,o lBo.o kc,h aptlecre,t aisor e quiraelds;foo r INTRODUCTION referetnocD eiso nysiDuesD ,i viNnoismi niIbnud seD, i vN.orn .Re fer­ encetsoA ristoitnlcel utdheeB ekkenru mbering. Quastqiuoondetlst£iQ ,bu eodl. THIVSO LUMEc,o ntatihness econadn dc oncludpianrgot f t hetr eatiosne fai1tw hh,i cohp entsh ed etaitrleeadtm enotn t heC hristivainr tuients h e Fullteirt laersge i vefonr othewro rks. SecuSnedcau nIdtd t£i.sc usfirsste,s t,h et woG iftso ft heS pirniatm,e ly UnderstanadnidSn cgi enwchei,c thr aditfrioomnS ,tA ugustiensep,e cially relattoet sh ev irtoufefa iths,e contdh,es i ndsi recatglayi nistat,n dt hird, theO ldT estamecnommant dmentasb ouitt A. worko fS tT homas's maturiwtryi,t tienn1 27-12,w henh ew asi nh isl atfoer tiedsu,r inhgi s secontde romf o fficea sp rofesosfto hre olaotgty h eU niversoifPt ayr itso, whichhe h adb eenre calfrloemd t heP apal Cotoufa rcte t heA v erroist crisiistm, a rkhso wh ist hougchotn tintuoep dr ogreesvse,dn u rintgh e writionftg h eS ummfoar:i nstantcheeG, i ftso fW isdomU,n derstanding, andS cienacreer e -interipnrt eetremods ft hed istincbtieotnw edeinvi ne andc reaturreeallyin toytt, h abte tweceonn templaantdip vrea ctkincoawl­ ledgweh,i chhe h ada doptae yde aorr s oe arliinet rh ePr imSaec uncL:e2. Thed iscussoinio nfindse liitngy e neraanldo, n h ereswyh,i cihsa s pecioef s infidelittoyg,e ther waistsho ctihtaeot peidoc fsa postaasnydb lasphemy, arec onductientd h em oodo fh ish istorpiecrailom do,r efo rthriagnhdt lessd elictahtaeon u risn i twso rking applaincdpa etrihoanlpses sa sm big­ uouisn i ttsh eoriyeesth, i sp rinciapnldem sa inc onclussitoinslstl a nd. Thefi naQlu esticoonm eass a corollaanrdyc,,o ntinuhisi ntgh ougohnt thet ransformaotfit ohneO ldL aw inttoh eN ew,3s ervteosr elegate legaltiosi mtp sr opearn ds econdary place. 1FiprasrtVt o,l3 .1o ft hisse r(i2eas2 1a:-.7 e)d,T. . C .O 'Brien 21a26a:8,4. . V ol2.4 e,d E.. D .O 'ConnoArp,p en4d ix 31a2la:o6-8.. Vol3.0 ,e dC.. E rnst xii I;; xiii � � 1 SUMMAT HEOLOG.1£I,2 a2re8.,I THEG IFTO FU NDERSTANDNIG DEINDCEO NSIDERANEDSUTdM e d onion telleetcs tcuise nqtuia:rer ,e spondent NEXTT OB ED ISUCSSEaDr et he GiftosfU nderstanadnidon fgS cien(c9,e) virtuti fidei. whicmha tcthh ev irtoufef aiat h. Qurest8i.od ed onoi ntellectus Questi8o.tn h eG ift ofU nderstanding Etc irdcoan umi ntellqeucretruusn toucrt o: Heret heraer ee ighpto inotfsi nquiry: I.u trumi ntellseicdtto unsu mS piriStaunsc ti; I.i su nderstandGiinfogtf t ah eH olyG host? 2.u trump osssiitm uels siene odecmu mfi de; 2.c ani tc o-exwiisthtf aith? 3.utr umi ntleelctquusie, s dto numS piriStaunsc tsiis,tp ecu- 3.is U nderstanwdhiincgih,s a Gifotf t heH olyG hos,tj uts latitvaunst uvme elt iapmr acticus; contemiplvaoetr p ractaicswa ell l 4.u truomm neqsu is unitn g rathiaab eadnotn umi ntellectus; 4.h avael iln a staotfeg racteh eG ifto fU nderstanding? 5.u truhmo cd onumi nveniiantau lri quiabbussq uger atia; 5.i st heg ifttob efo undi nt hose wigtrhaocuet? 6.q uom odos eh abedaotn umi ntellaedca tluidsao na; 6.h owd oetsh eG ifto fU nderstanbdeiaonrng tohteh eGri fts? 7.d ee oq uodr esponhdueitdc o noi nb eatitudinibus; 7.w hicahm ongt heB eatitucdoersr esptooni dts? 8.d eeo quodr esponediei rnfr uctibus. 8.a nd which among otfht eh eS pFirruiitt?s articI.uu ltursui mn telsliedtco tnuuSsmpi riStanucst i artiI.ci lsue n dtearnsdaiGi ngf to ft hHeo yl Spi"rit? AD PRIMUMs icp roceditIu.Vr i:d1e tquuro di ntellencotnsu isdt o num THEF IRSPTO IN1T I:. I ts eemnso tF.o rg ifotfsg racaer ed istifrnocmt SpiriStaunsc tDio.n ae nimg ratudiitsat inguuan dtounrin sa turalibus; thosoefn atuarse being graanntdae db ovotevh eermN .o wu ndersdtiagnn, superadduenntiumer i sS.e di ntelleecsttqu usi dahma bitnuast urailni s asi sc lear froEm tthsh2i,ei c s a n inbqourna liotfmy i ndw hicrhe cnoigezs anima, cqougon oscupnrtiunrc inpaitau ralniotteaur,t p atetE tinh2 i c. thefi rsptr inciopfln east urraela soAnn.d s oi ts houlndo tb ec ounedta s Ergnoo nd ebepto ndio numS piriStaunsc ti. a Gifotf t heH olyS pirit. 2.P rreterdeoan,a d ivinpaa rticipaa cnrteuart usreicsu nduema rum 2.A gaiDni,o nysihuoslbdt sh actr eatusrheasri end ivine agcicdfoitrgns proportieotnme omd um,u tp atepte rD ionysi3uS me.dm odush umanre tot heoiwrn p roportainodmn a nner3.Y eti ti sn oti nt hmea nnero fh uman natureres tu tn ons implicivteerri tactoegmn os(cqatu opde rtinaedt natutroek nowtr uthb ys implien sigwhhti,c ihs t hefu nctioofnu ndre­ rationienmt ell)e,sc etddu iss cur(sq iuvoede sptr opriruamti on)i,us tp atet standingb,u tb yt hedi scurpsriovcee psrso pteorr easoningD:i ontyishuiss perD ionysiumE.r4g•oc ognidtiivoi nqau,a: h ominibduast urm,a gis alssoh ow4sH .e ncteh ed iviknneo wledggiev etnom ens houbledc aeldla debedti cdio numr atioqnuiasmi ntellectus. gifotfr easroant htehra onf u nderstanding. •1cfAI rIIiS setnE3ott5t.h2,l iV,2 Iec, 6,,i s . I Io4b3S1t.T homalse,c5 t . prreosppaoennrdps ritibhnitecil hcapiouatuslygiea :hs,en t cds h oio sbet ydhS eheiaffrke ecwsthp,i'e cFiahosrlr eifttu,bena rdebi onivghnsesum o anem 43oDciDpeti 7 v.Pi NGno3 im,8si 6 n9Si4.tTb. P hus Go 3 m,7a l2se0S,c.2t Tt h.o malse,c1 t6. boDaittshscaa utrsn eoso nistt oth naeespe prCreymodbp.eGr'lii IVifta,n-3t et.e th eer imsc apitawlhizeeindtb ea�r.ss "ThGei fotfts h Heo lGyh osstt,u deixpe rdo fiensl sao26 re8.V, o l2.4o fth isse ries, specainatdle chnsiecnasle- aarpep entdote hdSe u mmtar eaotnei asceth h eoogcalil edE.. D .O 'Connmoaryb, e t akaesnt hceo unteripnat rhoter doefrg ratcoet he andca rdivnailr twuiet,h etxhcee potifto enm peraanntdc hei s foortn hlmeye toh­ movemeonfgt e niiunts h oer doefnr a tutrowe h,i Acrhi stotlient hrEudemieea fne rs dicraela stohnaa tlt lh aec cepsteevdGe inf htasv ael rebaedeyfon u nadn icihnte h e plan. cEotmhpiVIIic,ls 1a t4tiah noLedni M ,bagd eneBra Mo onFraoa rlItIi,u8aw n. hTa ih,chie nssfleeu cetnmiwceoeednrdijse eo wviraniilentai d e Ln tra hste iinr bDionyTshieua su.t hoofar b odoyf t heolowgriictaiwlnh gisca,hi metdoa chviee treatmoefnr te spotnost ehsde i vibnietlyoa wn db eyotnhdle e voefdl e liberation as ynthbeestiwseC ehnr isatniNdae no -Pladtoocntirasintned xe e rciasp erdou fond andr atiovniarltt uhea,it s o,f h umaann dm oraalc tivpirtoyp esrolca yl led influencoen m edietvhaelo lboogtyih n t heW esatn di nt hEea sAtt.o net iem (a12rel., elv)e,an sc hargweidtd hi vignrea cTeh.em odoef o peraotfit ohne se identwifiietdth h Aer eopaogfAi ctte1s 7 3,4 b,u tp robaab lSyy rianc .500m o.n k, respoinsss uepse rhuomrna ontt,o b er esolivnetadoc tiovfiw thyi cman h ist he Lattirna nslbayJt oihoSnnc otEursu igena. 2 I[, 3 l

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