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Summa Theologiae: Volume 16, Purpose and Happiness: 1a2ae. 1-5 PDF

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Preview Summa Theologiae: Volume 16, Purpose and Happiness: 1a2ae. 1-5

The Summ aTh eologiranksa: among theg reatdeosctu menotfths e Christian Churcha,n di sa landmaorfkm edievwaels tetrhno ughIttp. r ovidtehse frameworfokr Catholsitcu diienss y stematthieco loagnydfo r ac lassical Christipahni loopshya,n di sr egulacrolnys ulbtyes dc holoafral slfa ithasn d nonea,c roas rsa ngoefa cademdiics ciplThiinsep sa.p erbarceki ssoufte h e clasLastin/Enigcl ish editiofnirs tp ublisbhyeth de EnglDiosmhi nicainnths e 1960s a1n9d7 0si,nt hew akeo f tSheec onVda ticCaonu ncihla,sb een undertaiknere ns ponsteore gularerq uesfrtso mr eadearnsdl ibrarairaonusn d thew orlfodr the entirsee rioef6s 1 v olumesb emt oa dea vailableTh ea gain. origitneaxlits u nchangeexdc,e foptrt hec orrectoifao s nm alnlu mbeorf typograpehrircoarls . The origianiamol f t hiesd itiowna sn otn arrowelcyce lsiastiIctsa olu.gh tto maket hitrse asuorfthe e Christiiannt ellehcetruiatlaa vgaei ltaobthl eeo logians andp hilosopohfae lrblsa ckgrouinndcsl,u dtihnogsw eh o,w ithoculta iming tob eb elievtehresm selavpepsr,e ciaar teel igiionutse grwihtiyce hm bodies hardbitrtaetino nalainsdwm h ore cognisei nTh omasA quinaam sa steorfth at perennpihaill oopshyw hicfohr mst heb edroockfE uropecainv ilisation. Becauosfe ththies e ditowrosr keudn desrp eciifincs tructitoonb se airn m ind noto nltyh ep rofessitohneaoll ogbiuatan l,s toh eg enerraela dweirt ahn interients hte ' reasionnC 'h ristianTihtep ya.r alElnegll iasnhd La tint exts canb eu sesdu ccessbfuyla lnyy bodwyi tahb asikcn owledogfLae ti n,w hile thep resenocfthe e Latin texhta sa llowtheed tr anslataod resg roefefr eedom ina daptintgh eEinrg livsehr sifoorn m odemr eadeErasc.hv olumceo ntains agl ossaorfyt echnitcearlma sn di sd esignetdob ec ompleitnie t steols fe rve forp rivastteu doyra sa c ourtseex t. NIHIL OBSTAT HBNRICUS ST JOHN O.P. OROSTANUS MACLAREN O.P. ST THOMAS AQUINAS SUMMA THEOLGOilB IMPRIMI POTEST JOANNES HISLOP O.P. PriPorro vailnAicsni glial die2 6O ctobr1i9s6 8 NIHIL OBSTAT NICHOLAS J. TRANTER S.T.L. Censor IMPRIMATUR >lo PATRICK CASEY Vic.G en. WestminstIeIN ro,v embe1r9 68 J��{{ J;:,• ',Lr� L.. :I 1 i?; �· '· . ST THOMAS AQUINAS SUMMA THEOLOGIJE Lattienxa tn Edn gltirsahn slation, IntroduNcottieAospn,ps e,n dices anGdl ossaries � IN AAUND IEE,N1 C3D ecem1b9e6rt3 oa, g roruepp re­ senttihDneog m inEidcianta onrtdsh c eo mbiPnuebdl ishers oft hNee wE nglSiusmhm aH,i sH olinPeospPsea uVlI warmwleyl coamnedd encotuhreuaingrde edr tAak ing. letterH ifrsEo mmi neCnacred iCnioacgln aCnair,d inal SecreotfSa tra6ytF ee,b ru1a69r8ey,x pretshcseoe nst inued inteorfte hsHeto lFya thientr h e prooftg hrweeo srsk , 'whidcoheh so nour Dtoom itnhiOecr adnea rn,dt he PIJl!. MEMORIJl!. Publiasnhdet robis es,c oindsewrietdh doouutab sgt r eatly contritbotu htgeir nogwan tdhs preoafagd e nuiCnaetlhyo ­ JOANINS liccu ltuarnedc' o,m munihciapsta erst iAcpusoltaorl ic Blessing. PP.X XIll DICATUM L To STT HOMASA QUINAS PAULK EVIMNE AGHERO .P. SUMMA THEOLOIGJE VOLUME 16 PURPOSAEN D HAPPINESS (1a2re. 1-5) LattienxE tn,g ltirsahn slIanttirotonid,ou nc, NoteAsp,pn edi&c Gelso ssary THOMAS GILYB O.P. i CONTENTS CAMBRIDGEU NIVERSITPYR ESS xiE ditoNroitaels CambridNgeew,Y orkM,e lbournMea,d riCda,p eT ownS,i ngapoSrileoP, a ulo xiIinit urcotdion CambridUgnei versPirteys s I Foreword TheE dinburBguhi ldiCnagm,b ridCgBe2 2 RU,U K QUESTIIO. NP URPOISNLE I EF 3 ArtiIc. dloee asc tfoirna gne nadp plmya nt?o Publisihnet dh eU niteSdt atoefsA m eribcyaC ambridge UniPvreerssNsie,tw Yy o rk 7 Arti2.c ilse it prraotpibeoerni antlgo s ? www.cambridge.org u Arti3c.al rehe u maanc wthsa tth eayrb eyr easooftn h eeinrd ? 15 Arti4c.hl aehs u malni afenu ltigmoaatle? Informatoinot nh itsi twlwew:. cambridge.org/9780521393638 19 Arti5c.cl aeon n ien divhiadvsueea vle urlatli emnadtse? © TheD ominicCaonu ncaislT rustfoeret heE ngliPsrho vinocfte h eO rdeorf P reach1e9r6s9 23 Arctli6e. i esv eryatm hainwn iglo lnas c cooufan nut l tiemnadt?e [ExceptLiantgit ne xotf' DEU LTIMOF INEH UMANk: VITk:E TD EB EATITUDINE'] 25 Arti7c.il tseh eorneue l tiemnafodtr e haulmlab ne ings? 27 Arti8c.al nefod r a ll cortehaetras u wreelsl ? Thipsu blicaitsii noc no pyrigShutb.j etcost t atuteoxrcye ption andt ot hep rovisioofrn esl evcaonltl ecltiicveen saignrge ements, QUEST2I.O ONB EJCTIBVEEAI TTUDE nor eproducotfai noynp armta yt akpel acwei thout 31 Artirc. dloee s halpiipeinr n iecshse s? thew rittpeenr missoifCo anm bridUgnei versPirteys s. 35 Aritc2l.e i nh onours? 37 Arti3c.il nefa meo rg lory? Thidsi gitparlilnyt fierdsp ta perbvaecrks i2o0n0 6 39 Arti4c.il nep ower? 43 Arti5c.il new ell-obfbe oindgy ? A caotgaurlee cfoortrdh p iusb liicasav taiioflnra otbmhlB eer itish Library 47 Artic6l.ie n p leasusreenss eo?f 51 Artli7ec. i ng ooqdu aloiftsi oeusl ? ISBN-1937 8-0-521-3h9a3r6d3b-a8c k ISBN-100� 52-1-393h6a3r-d9b aelt-1 55 Arti8c.inl ea ncyr eagtoeodd ? IS1Bs'N:-a 1N3-9 17o08- -502-1•5- 20,,'12 -9p,02,2pa4 9a0;,p -2,p_4,i,4eerb ' -ab7ca k1,. 1 c k: 59Q AUErStTiIIc.3O il.NhseW a HpApTHin AnoPenPs-sIc NIrESeS aStu rely? 6I Arti2.c alneid sf o i,s a nia tc tivity? 67 Arti3c.ol feo usre nsoirto invloeyfo uirn telplaerctt?i ve �. t. 1; '; 1 69 Articloeft hu4en. d erstoaron fd iwtnihgle l ? 73 Arti5c.ol fet hteh eoroert itochpfaer l a crtiecaaslo n? �906 77 Arti6c.bl ey dweolntl hitenh ge ocraselct iiences? ,:-J.� .�, 81 Arti7c.ol erk n owibnogd isluebssset san,na cmealnyg els? 83 Arti8c.il oseu hra ppitnhevesi ss oifoG no de'sss ence? QUEST4I.OT NH EC ONIDTIOONFHS A PPEISNS 89 ArtiIc.i lpsel earseuqruefoi rrhe adp piness? 91 Arti2.c iliset mcoarpeit thaavlni sion? 95 Arti3c.dl oee hsa ppicnaefolsrlcs o mprehension? 97 Arti4c.al nerd i ghtonfwes isl l? 110 Article 5o.ubr o ddcyoo emisen htaop piness? 107A rti6c.il sseo me epcteirooffnb odrye quired? ix L 109 Artic7l.e ande xtergnoaold s? EDITORIALN OTES n3 Artic8l.e a ndt hec ompanionosffrh iiepn ds? QUEISOTN5. GAINIHNAGP PINESS n7 Article canI .a umanh being ahtatpapiinn ess? THE TEXT AND TRANSLATION 121 Artic2l.e can oneb eh appitehra ann other? Thet exitsb aseodn t heL eoninteh,o ugohc casioontahlerlrey a dianrges 123 Arti3cl.ec ana nyboidnyt hilsi finfed bliss? adoptVeda.r iatoifoa nnsyi mportaanrceie n dicaTtheedp .a rapghriang 125 Arti4cl.e o ncgea incane dh appinbeesl so st? inn op rinted eidssi atciroons aanncdst o,i, n o rdetrom akefo rc learer 129 Artic5.l ec anm an comeh aptpoi nfreosms hniast irvees ources? argumeintti ,sm orefr equehnetr teh ane lsewhaenrdes ,o metitmhees I3 3 Artic6l.eo rb ecauascet eodnb ys omeh ighcerre ature? bettseori ,th ass eemedt hteo edtiotm oarr,kt hes tagoefts h aer gument, 137 Artic7l.e a reg oodw orkrse quirienod r detro g aihna ppiness thtee xrtu nosn w heroet hemrask eab reaPku.n ctuaitsmi oornse p aringly fromG od? usetdh abny C ontinepnrtianlt eSrisn.ct eh et ranslacant iboenr eadily 141 Artic8le. doeesv erhyu mabne indge sihraep piness? checkaegda itnhseto rigionnat lh eo ppospiatgeei ,tc laismosm free edom ins ucmha ttearsns u mbearn dt ensaen ds yncategoarnedmm,so ;r efo r APPENDICES thes akoefs howitnhgea nalogiinSe tsT homast'hso ugthhta onf e legant 144 I. Actifonrga Purpose variation, naort itgewimodpr tdfos r w orde quivaloenne cvee rayp pear­ 147 2. ActifonrgH appiness ance. 149 3. ActifonrgP leasure 151 4. Minda ndH earitnH appiness 153 5. TheV isioofnG od FOOTNOTES 156 GLOSSRAY Thossei gnibfiyead superniuomrb earr et her eferegnicveesbn y S t Thomasw,i tthh ee xceptoifno on.I t oe acahr tiwchliecu hs uarlelfy etros I6II NDEX paraltleexlit nsh iwsr itinTghso.ss ei gniafilepdh abetairceea dliltyo rial refereanncdee xsp lanarteomrayr ks. REFERENCES Biblirceafelr enacreets o t heV ulgaPtaet.r irsetfiecr eanrcete osM igne (PGG,r eeFka thePrLs,;L atiFna therAsb)b.r eviattoiS otnT sh omas's workasr aes fo llo:w s SummaT heolowgiitceh,ot uitt Plaer.qt u,e stiaornt,i rcelpel,ey .;gI .a 3., 2 ad3 .1 a2re1.7 ,6 .2 a2re1.8 01,0 .3 a3.5 8,. SummaC ontGrean tiClGe.sB ,o okc,h aptee.rg;C. G I,2 8. ScriptiunIm V LibroSse ntentiSaernutBm.o, o kd,i stincqtuieosnt,i on, article, osrqo ulceusttiiounnr ceuplleay.,;gI .IS Ien 2t5.2, ,3 ,i ia d3 . CompendiTuhme oloCgoimcep,e nTdh.e o/. CommentaroifSe csr ipt(ulreec tuerxcep,o sitiJoonbeI,sn J) o:b P;s alms InP salmI.s;a iIanhI ,s aJ.e;r emiIanJh e,r emL.a;m entatIinoT nhsr,e n., StM attheIwnM, a ttS.t;J ohnI,nJ oanE.p;i stolfSe tsP auel.,gI n.R om. Chaptveerr,s lee,c atst"or equired. xi x L INTRODUCTION Philosopchoimcmaeln tarOinet sh:Le i bdereC ausIisn,D ec ausAisr.i stotle: PerHt-ermeneiaIsn,P erih.erm;Po sterAinoarl ytIincP so,se tr;.P hysi,cs THSEE CDO,aNn db yf atrh el ongesmta,i1np arotf t heS ummaw,h ich InP hysi.c;De C alo eMtu ndoI,n D eC al;. DGee nerateitCo onrreu p­ openwsi tthh ivso lumceo,n sidtehrers e turnhionmgeo fh umanc reatures tioneD,e Ingn.e M;e teolrgoiocaI,nM etoer;.D e Anima, DeIa nn mia; DeS enseut S esnatIon,D es en;sD ueM emorieatR eminisceInnD tei a, toG odb yt heiorw np ropearc tiviitnti heesl ifoeft heigrr ace-uplifted naturIetc. o mposSetTs h omasm'osr atlh eoloBguyth. a visnagi tdh atth,e memo;rM .etaphysIincM se,ta .;N icomachEetahni csI,nE thci;.P oli­ neetdo q ualiaftoy n caer isFeosr.h ec ertadionlenyso tt reiatat s a s pecial ticIsn,P olB.o okc,h aptleerc,t aisro e quiraeldsfo,or Expositoino ns subjetocb tei solated,i npe riatchteoirrsc tei llelsi snt heory,tfrhowemh ole BoethiLuisb,ed reH ebdomadiabnudLs i bedreT rniitaItneD ,eh ebda.n d bodyof s acrdoac trinHai.s t reatriasnegsae tl arganed a rvee runyl ikteh e InD eT ri.n,an do nD ionysDieuD si vinis niNboumIsin, Ddei. vn om. tideyn closmuardeesb ys omel ataeurt hors, parbtyit chuolswaehr olsye Quastioqnueosd lib(edtqaeul oelst i)bQ,eu odl. plainsb uiolnta na rrangemoefpn rte ceapntdss inHse.g ivebso tthh ese Maint itlaesr eg iveinn fufolrl ot herw orksi,n cludtihne1g 0 s erioefs topiscpse citarle atm2e bnutt,fo r ther esrte legattheesmt oc orollaries QuastioDnipesust ata. appendteohd i esx aminaotfit ohnle i vianngdp ositciovnet eonfat cti ngfo r ReferentcoAe rsi stoatrgeli ev etnh e Bekkneort atiaolns;ao s,w itthh osteo Goda ndh appintehsrso utghhve i rtuIetms a.yb en otehde rheo wc uriously ProclaunsdD ionysituhsel, e ctniuom beirn S tT homase'xsp osition. abseinstt hen otoef l egalfriosmm theg enerdails couorfst eh eS umma, thougihta su thwoars s ucahk eyfi gurienc ircwlheisc ihn cludtehde p apal canonisptesr,h aptshe m osta mbitiogurso uopf l awyer-statine smen Europehains toarnydw, a sh imsealsfh ,e s howeodn o ccasieoxnt,r emely proficiientn hte mierd ium. Insteiatdts e mpeirsr athteorb ed escriabseb di ologitchaePl r;i ma Secundianp articiusll iakarel ivitnhgi nwgi tahn o rganuinci twyh iccha n ingeas vta rieotfey l emenotftse nr egardaesdo fn oc oncetrno m oral theoloTghyu.st heo penitnrge atciosnet,a iinnet dh ep resent voilsu me, aboutth eh uman drtiohv aep pineistds o;e nso tr aisspee cificamlolrya l questiaotan lsnl o,r d oetsh foel lowitnrge atoinst eh,es tructoufhr uem an actNso.t u ntQiule sti1o8n3i sm oralciotnys idearsse udc ha,n dt heanf ter fourQ uestitohndesi scousrhsifetb sa ctko p sycholwoigtdyhi scussoino ns 6 theh umanp assioannsda4 c tidvies posi5tT ihoenns .nu ontt Qiule sti5o5n doeist b roacthh em atteorfl iviancgc ordtionv gi rtuaen,de vesn ot he treatwiislielns c lutdheo soeno rigisnianal7n dg racweh8i cahr ceo mmonly reckonteocd o meu ndedro gmatnioctm, o ratlh eology. StT homadsr ivneosd eedpi visbieotnw etehnet wod isciplAinndei sn. 1PrimSae cunda11,14 QuestioSnesc;u ndaS ecunda11,8 9Q uestioan tso:t oafl3 03, comparweidt lh1 9fo rt heP rimPaa rsa,n d90 fort heu ncompleTteerdt Piaar sI.n thisse ri3e2sv olosu to f6o . 2a12re7.1 -80V.o l2.5 & la2re9.0- 7.V ol2.8 'Vol1.8 •vol1s9 -21 •vo2l2. 8Vol23. 7a1zre8.1 -85V.o l2.6 81a21re0.6 1-14.V ol3.0 xii xiii L factt hes ingleinnes sv aroifhe ittsyh ougmhitg hbte m orer eadailpyp reci­ countae lra y-minAdreids totelwehainciwhsa ms a ttacktihneeg n trench­ ateidf rdestphieet xei genocfia ec su rricunlous me,p arawteiroen maadte mentosf c leritchaelo loWgiyt.hm ucho ft hec ontempomroavreym enhte alla,n dt heS ummar eatdh roufrgohm beginning toe ndH.e makecsl ear wasi na greemeenstp,e ciaaslr leyg artdhser ecovoefrp yr ofavnael utehse, att heb eginntihnagCt h risttihaeno liosgo yn es cienbceec9a uistems e dium hard-heardaetdi onaalnidst mh,ea ppetaole artehvyi denTcheastw. a sh is ist hel igohftd ivirneev elatIitio san l.al b ouGto d,y1e0ht uman topiacrse strengatnhdi, te nablheidm t od efensdoe ffectitvheeal uyt henttriuct hs nott hereebxyc ludFeodr.if creatuarreets o b es eeans t herye alalrye , andv aluoefst het heological btyur saidnitgth ievo enrr ye sourocfte hso se theint m ustb ea st ruaen dg oodi nt hemselyveetas tt hes amet imaes whow erqeu estiointi.n g wholfrloym andt oG od.11 He hadg onoev etrh efi elodf t hep resetnrte atiines aer lwioerrk 13s ,b ut Howi su nitmya intaiinnse udc dhi versQiutiyt?e seriitio sau lsdllo yn e nowh eh adm astertehden ewm aterpiraolv idbeydR oberGtr osseteste, bym irroNrost.i nt hem anneorf M askelyannedD evanattt heE gyptian AlbeorftC olognea,n dW illioafmM oerbekaen,dw asc omplethiinosgw n Haltlo p roduiclel usibountbs y,s howitnhge a nalogtihearstu nt hrough careafunla lyosfti hseN i cmoacheEatnhc isH.i sl atoeffi cea tt hep apaclo urt thewh oloefr ealifrtoym, t opt ob ottoamn dc riss-cArnodss osm.e tiimte s gavhei mp restihgiesc, o llaborwaittihto hneH ellentihsetrsge a vhei m isv ermyu cht ob ottofomr,S tT homaissn ots oh igh-minadste odd isdain assurance. thel owlileerv eolfes x perience. Thep urpoosfet hitsr eatiists oee s tablabi asshfo irsm oratlh eobryya n Sot heint i sq uitoefa piecwei thhi se ntiarpep roatcolh o ofokr the examinaotfito hnen atuorfeh umana ctivoirt,y ,ha ews i lplu t oiftw ,ha t origionfrs ighatn dw ronign t heh umand esiforre h appiness, which belonadg sg enunsa turnao,ta dg enumso rzs.14 Tmhoernatclhe e ocanr y comprehentdhsep leasuraanbdle ev,e tnh e sensuously Fpilresats urable.m ainplryo ceienad c cordawnictteh h ei nneforr matioofnm an'bse inagn d setttlhee' can',h ethinks , theanft erwartdhse' oughAtc'c.o rdintghley actibnygn aturaen dg race, noantbd y h isc onfigurattoie oxnt rinsic presetnrte atiisls eesa sb ouotu rd utitehsa onu ro pportunfoirtt iheosu,g h andp ositliavwes . moraqlu estiaorneas n ticipnaotteadb,wl hye nt her ightnoefsw si lrle ­ quiriendh appiniescs osn siderietid sm, a1i2n layb outth ep re-mocroanl­ 131S enIt;.I V 4,9 .C G III2. -63 ditioofbn e inagb lteoa cfotr a ne nda ndt hep ost-mocroanld itoifbo eni ng 14cf1az a:. 182, ad1 ,4 ;2 0,6 happwyi tiht . Moreovetrh et reatiissew rittiennh isc ustomarrayt hdeera d-pan mann er;s omem ayh avteh ei mpressfrioomn a, h astsycan ning oft hese pagetsh,a ittp urvesyosm ewhsaotb esrt uffd,o ubtliemspsr oviynegt, civic andA ristotaenlden aontv ergye neroWuhse.r teh el eap,a btahned otnh,e firei nfa ceo fd iviniTthye?yw ilhla vmei sstehd ecl imoafxe acQhu estion, whicbhr eaokust o ft heg ateosft heC itoyf R easonno,t i na desperate sortieb,u ta tfu lls trengatnhde quipmean tt,h eolowgiyt ha lolf i ts philosoipnhtya ct. Thet reatwiassce o mposiend1 269w,h enS tT homasw asfo rty-four yearosl dan d att heh eigohfth isp owerHse. w asb eginning hiss econd professorastth hieUpn iversoifPt ayr iasn,dw ass ootno w ritteh ed ecisive tractDs,e u nitaitnet ellceocnttuArsva e roristasa ndD e r£ternitamtuen di contrmaurm uranteHse. h ad beseunm monetdoP aripsa,r ttlody e fentdh e academsitca toufst heD ominicans, paanrdmt olrye,i mportanttol y, 'IaI.,3 .V olI. lDiIa,.7 111a4.5 3,.V ol8. 111a24a:,4 . xiv xv ' .J

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