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SUMER spectral observations of postflare supra-arcade inflows PDF

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Preview SUMER spectral observations of postflare supra-arcade inflows

SUMERspectralobservationsofpostflaresupra-arcadeinflows D.E.Innes ([email protected]) Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rAeronomie,Max-Planck-Str.2,37191Katlenburg-Lindau,Germany D.E.McKenzie DepartmentofPhysics,MontanaStateUniversity,P.O.Box173840,Bozeman,Montana 59717-3840 Tongjiang Wang Max-Planck-Institutfu¨rAeronomie,Max-Planck-Str.2,37191Katlenburg-Lindau,Germany Abstract. On 21 April 2002 a large eruptive flare on the west limb of the Sun developed abright,verydynamic,postflarearcade.InTRACE195Åimages,aseriesofdark,sunward movingflowswereseenagaintthebrightextremeultraviolet(EUV)arcade.SUMERobtained aseriesofspectraofthedarkEUVflowsinthelinesC,FeandFeatafixedposition above the limb. These spectra give spatially resolved line-of-sight velocities and emission measuresforthearcadeplasmaoveratemperaturerange2×104to107K.Theflowsaredark inallSUMERlines.TheUVcontinuumlongward(∼1350Å)andshortward(∼675Å)ofthe Lymanlimitisusedtodetermine theamount ofabsorbing materialwithtemperaturebelow 2×104K.Thereissomeevidenceofcoldabsorbingmaterialjustbeforethearcadeemission reachestheheightoftheSUMERobservations.Alongmostofthedarkchannelsthereisno changeincontinuum ratioandwethereforeconclude, asoriginallysuggested byMcKenzie andHudson(1999),thattheyareplasmavoids. Keywords:Sun:flares–UVradiation 1. Introduction LargepostflaresoftX-rayarcades(supra-arcades) risingover200arcsecinto thesolar corona have been seen and described for anumber of long duration solarflares.Thearcadeslooklikefansofcoronal raysdirected outwards into the corona from the top of what appears to be a typical post-flare loop sys- tem. In several of the supra-arcade events sunward moving structures have been seen in SXT images (McKenzie and Hudson 1999; McKenzie 2000). Alleventswithsunwardflowareassociated withlarge coronal massejection (CME) events. The majority of these flows look like dark trails falling from the corona through the flare arcade toward the Sun. They seem to slow and stopastheyreachtheheightofthemainarcadeflareloops.Fromtheirappear- ance and their association with CMEs one may think that the sunward flows are ejected chromospheric material falling back to the Sun; however so far not asingle one ofthem has been seen inHαorcold line images. McKenzie and Hudson (1999) and McKenzie (2000) suggested, after analysing soft X- ray images, that they are low density flux tubes contracting down to their equilibrium position. (cid:2)c 2003KluwerAcademicPublishers. PrintedintheNetherlands. downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.1 2 On 21 April 2002, a spectacular postflare coronal arcade of an X1.5 flare was observed on the south west limb of the Sun. It was also associated with a large CME.The flare and CMEwere observed by many instruments and a number of papers on the event have already been written (Wang et al. 2002; Caspi et al. 2002; Gallagher et al. 2002). RHESSI images detected soft X- ray emission from the disk, AR9906, at the start of the event. The CME was very fast. It was seen in LASCOC2 and by UVCS and had an outward speedofabout2500kms−1.TRACEobtained highcadenceimagesin195Å of the flare arcade dynamics and these have been coaligned to the SUMER spectra by Wang et al. (2002) to reveal a 3-D view of some of the flows in the flare corona. The evolution is very complex. Several large, hot loops are seen expanding into the corona. The arcade is seen to move and restructure inresponse tobothdiskandcoronal activity. Darksunwardmovingtrailsare seenagainstthebrightEUVarcadeemissionabout30minafterthefirstflare X-rays. The spectrometer SUMER was pointing at a fixed position in the corona above the active region when the flare erupted and obtained a time series of spectra in the lines C, Fe and Fe. These three lines are formed at approximately4×104,106and107Krespectivelyandthuscoveraverywide temperaturerange.IfthedarkEUVflowsarecoolingloopmaterialonemight expecttoseethemintheCline,oriftheyareassociated withreconnection jets then they could show up as Doppler shifts in Fe or Fe. Therefore a careful analyis of the spectra has the potential to unveil the origin of the dark flows. The cadence was also short enough to see different sections of the dark inflows as they cross the position of the SUMER slit. This paper presents a first analysis of the SUMER spectra at the time of the inflows and is directed at resolving the cause of the darkness: dense, cold absorbing plasmaorplasma voids. Inanaccompanying paper(Innesetal.2003)asecond aspectofthespec- tra, 1000 km s−1 flows in the Fe line associated with the dark inflows, is reported. A third paper is planned to discuss the structure and oscillations seenintheTRACEimagesofthedarkinflows.Variousmodelsoftheinflows havebeensuggested byMcKenzieandHudson(1999)andMcKenzie(2000). These and other alternatives will be investigated in more detail in a fourth paper. 2. Observations anddataanalysis The SUMER spectrograph was pointing at a 4 × 300 arcsec2 long narrow strip ofthesolar corona about 100 arcsec above thelimb centered atSunco- ordinates (981,-184). Stigmatic images were taken of the C 1335 Å (T ∼ 4×104 K),Fe 1349 Å (T ∼ 106 K)and Fe 1354 Å(T ∼ 107 K)lines downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.2 Spectraofpostflareinflows 3 e r u s a e m m) Fe XII Fe XXI n o e si sr/ C II s2/ mi m e c r s/ e / p h p y ( t i s n e t n I Log Temperature Figure1. LineintensitycontributionfunctionsforthelinesobservedbySUMER.Ionization equilibriumandSuncoronalabundanceshavebeenused. withacadenceof50s.Thecontribution functionscomputedusingCHIANTI (Dereetal.1997) ofthe three lines areshownin Fig1.Formostofthe time, only 2 Å centered on the lines were transmitted. Each hour a full spectral window from 1333-1373 Å was transmitted. Direct measurement of the line intensities can give constraints on the plasma emission measure at various temperatures using a model of the ionization and the element abundances. Thelineshiftsgiveconstraints ontheplasmaflowvelocities. Thecontinuumemissionaroundeachlineisacombinationoffirstandsec- ond order radiation and may provide valuable clues to the origin of the dark EUV flows. In the wavelength region observed, the first order (∼ 1350 Å) emission is above the Lyman limit and the second order (∼ 675 Å) is below. So second order photons are absorbed by H along the line-of-sight and the firstordernot.Thus,ifthereiscoldmaterialalongtheline-of-sight, thismay showupasdecrease inthesecond tofirstordercontinuum ratio. Thetwoorderscanbedisentangledbyusingtheknowndetectorresponse. Asdescribed byWilhelmetal.(1997), thecentral partoftheSUMERdetec- tor is coated with KBr. This essentially increases the detector sensitivity to photons byabout anorder ofmagnitude atwavelengths greater than 1100 Å. For example, at 1350 Å the KBr is almost 20 times more sensitive than the downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.3 4 C II Fe XXI Fe XII c) e s c r a Y ( n- u S bare bare KBr Wavelength Figure2. TheSUMERspectrum taken at1:26:33 UT,showing the change indetector sen- sitivitydue tothe KBr coating on the middle section. The profile isthe spatially integrated emissionbetweenthedottedlines.Thedashedlinesshowthethreespectralregionstransmitted thoughoutmosttheobservingsequence. uncoated part of the detector. Atwavelengths less than about 800 Åboth the bareandtheKBrarecomparable. Oneneedsobservations onboththecoated (KBr) and uncoated (bare) part of the detector. The C was on the bare part of the detector and the Fe was on the KBr. As can be seen in Fig. 2, the continuum around the C is appreciably below the continuum around the FeandFe.Foreachwindow,thereisanequation relating theobserved countratetothefirstandsecondorderfluxesandthedetectorsensitivity. The two equations can be solved to obtain the first and second order continuum levels. The C is a doublet and except for a few transient events, the emission is stray light from the disk. It results in two faint emission lines along the spectrometer slit (Fig.3a).Thepositions of the lines do not change although their strength can vary depending on the active region disk brightness. We therefore average the intensity from specific pixels to determine the contin- uum. The pixels chosen to obtain continuum levels around the C on the bare part of the detector are shown in Fig. 3a. The pixels used to obtain the continuum count rate on the KBr coated part, around the Fe, are shown in Fig. 3b. Here we make a distinction between continuum on the blue and downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.4 Spectraofpostflareinflows 5 a) b) Fe XII 1349 C II 1335 red blue pixel no. pixel no. Figure 3. The average line profiles in the a) C and b) Fe windows. The pixels used to estimatethe continuum aremarked withsolidhorizontal lines.Asdiscussed inthetext,the continuumontheleft(markedblue)andright(markedred)behavedifferently. redside of Fe.Aswillbeseen, there are phases inthe evolution whenthe red-to-blue intensity ratiochanges duetoeither FeorFeline emission shifting intothecontinuum windows. TheSUMERspectrahavebeendividedbythemostrecentflat-field,taken inNov2001.Thereissomeevidencethatthisnolongerrepresentsthepresent small scale structure of the detector so that caution must be exercised when interpreting stucture with a regular 5-6 pixel pattern. The other important correction applied to the SUMER data was the geometric correction which converts the raw ‘inverse cushion’ images to ‘rectangular grid’ images. The standard corrections fordeadtime andlocalgainwerealsoapplied. TRACE195Åimageswereobtained atfullresolution (pixelsize0.5arc- sec) and with a cadence of approximatly 20 s. There were short interuptions in TRACEdata around 0:50, 1:10, 1:40 and 2:00 UT.The images have been processed with the solarsoft routine trace prep to remove the dark pedestal andccdcharacteristics. Imagesat304Å,171Å,195Åand284Åwereobtained byEITbetween 1:00and1:20UT.Theimagesat171Å,195Åand284Åshowthesameflare arcadestructures astheTRACEimage.The304Åimageshowscolderloops extending intothecoronaat1:19UTattheposition ofbrightCemissionin downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.5 6 SUMERspectra. The304 Åimagewascalibrated using thesolarsoft routine eit prep. The TRACE, EIT and SUMER images were first coaligned to within 5 arcsecusingthegivencoordinatesandpixelsizesintheimageheaders.Then, within that range, weadjusted the overlay for the best correspondence of the emissions. Using TRACE and SUMER time series between 0:30 and 4:00 UT,alignment towithin1arcsecwasachieved. 3. OverviewoftheEvent The three phases of the flare evolution have been outlined by Wang et al. (2002). The initial phase starts with the ejection of disk material. First two jets can be seen in the TRACE images and a few min later hot loops erupt and expand through the corona above the flare site. In the corona, SUMER first detects the jet in C with a blue shift of 170 km s−1. The subsequent loop ejection, can be seen in TRACE as an expanding front with plane-of- sky speed about 120 km s−1. The loop reaches the height of the SUMER observations just before 1:00 UT. The next phase, starting at about 1:10 UT, istheinflowphase(Fig.4c,d). 4. SUMERobservations SUMERintensities in the three windows are shown in Fig. 5 along with the corresponding time-space map of TRACE intensities. The TRACE image is constructedbyextractingthetimeseriesof195Åintensitiesatthepositionof theSUMERslit(Sun-X=981and−346 ≤Sun-Y≤ −50).EachoftheSUMER frames in this figure is the sum of continuum and line intensity. The initial Fe hot, hook shaped structure is, as explained in Wang et al. (2002), the risingloop inFig.4b.‘jet-1’ canonly beseen intheCimage. TheFedataisalmostfeatureless.Theintensityincreasesafter1:25UT when the flare arcade rises into the SUMER field-of-view. This general pat- tern is reflected in the TRACE. The TRACE passband, however, includes an Fe line as well as Fe and Bremstrahlung continuum so the inten- sity distribution also shows features seen in Fe such as the dark channels around (1:40,-300) cutting intothebright arcade emission. 4.1. TFe After 1:15 UT, much of the emission in the Fe and C windows is con- tinuum.Thecontinuum isBremstrahlung emission fromthehotflarearcade. TheseparateFeandClineandcontinuumintensitiesareshowninFig.6. downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.6 Spectraofpostflareinflows 7 a) b) jet-1 jet-1 hot loop jet-2 c) d) Figure4. TRACE195Åfilterimagesshowingthedevelopmentoftheflaringregion.(a)The jetsatthetimeofflareonset(b)Differenceimageshowingthejetsandtheejectedloopatflare onset(c)Theinitialflarearcade(d)thesupra-arcadeandinflows.ThepositionoftheSUMER observationsismarkedwithawhiteverticalline. Here, the line emission is that remaining after continuum subtraction. The continuum levels are computed from the pixels indicated in Fig. 3. The first frameshowstheFelineintensity.ThereisclearlylessFeafter1:15UT. The disappearence of the Fe is seen more clearly in Fig. 6b, the running difference image. It can be seen that Fe disappeared from the whole slit area a little earlier at 1:10 UT. This unfortunately is exactly the time of a TRACEdata gap. The front is also picked up in the Fe continuum on the blue side of the line. It is marked ‘Feshift’ on Fig.6c because it is due to Fe line emission shifted into the ‘blue’ continuum window. The Doppler shift associated with the front is at least 250 km s−1 and it moves up the slit withaspeed 600−1000 kms−1.Thecontinuum ontheother sideoftheline is shown in Fig.6d. This has basically the same structure but there is no fast frontat1:10UT.Threeareashavebeenmarked‘Feshift’becauseanalysis of the SUMERspectra at these times suggests that Fe line emission with downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.7 8 a) Fe XXI b) Fe XII hot loop c) C II d) TRACE jet-1 Figure5. ThetimeevolutionofSUMERintensitiesobservedatthepositionmarkedinFig4, comparedtotheTRACE195Åintensityatthesameposition.Thewhitecontoursoutlinethe mainFeemission.Allintensitiesareintegratedoverthe2Åwidewindowsanddisplayed withalogarithmicscale.Thewhiterectangleshowsthepositionofthedarkinflowsanalysed inSect.5. Doppler velocity ∼ 1000 km s−1 is shifted into the Fe window at these times(PaperII). 4.2. TC For the interpretation of the dark flows, the C line emission is probably mostinteresting. There are4mainemission structures inthefirsthour ofthe flare.Thefirstisrelated to‘jet-1’. Thesecond andthird,asshownintheEIT He304Åimagetakenat1:19:25UT,arealsorelatedtodisklooporjet-like structures. Fig. 7 shows there were cold structures reaching as far out as the SUMER slit at this time. SUMER spectra show they formed at this height around 1:10UTandlasted until1:30 UT. The amount of material in the cold structures along the line-of-sight can be estimated from the C and EIT 304 intensities. As seen in Fig. 7, the spatial overlap between the two is very good and it is quite likely that the two lines are essentially coming from the same plasma. A lower limit to the downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.8 Spectraofpostflareinflows 9 a) Fe XII line b) Fe XII line difference c) Fe XII Fe XII shift d) Fe XII blue red Fe XXI shift e) C II line f) C II continuum hard X-ray Figure6. ThetimeevolutionoftheSUMERlineintensitiesandcontinuumaroundtheline, scaled logarithically. Contours outline the position of main Fe emission as in Fig 5. a) Fe line intensity b) Fe running difference with 5 min time lag c) Fe continuum on thebluesideoftheline.FeaturesofhighFelineshiftaremarked.d)Fecontinuumon theredsideoftheline.FeaturesofhighFelineshiftaremarked. e)Clineintensityf) ContinuumaroundC. downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.9 10 a) C II Fe XII Fe XXI ) c e s c r a ( Y - n u S EIT SUMER Sun-X (arcsec) b) C II (photospheric) C II (coronal) e EIT r u s a e M n o si s mi E Sun-Y (arcsec) Figure7. SUMERspectraatthetimeoftheEIT304ÅimageshowingtheCstructuresin theactiveregion.a)EIT304imagealignedwiththeSUMERC,FeandFespectrab) EmissionmeasurefromtheEIT304intensitiesatthepositionoftheSUMERslitcompared to the emission measure computed from C intensities assuming photospheric and coronal carbonabundance. downflow.tex; 13/03/2003; 13:37; p.10

moving flows were seen againt the bright extreme ultraviolet (EUV) arcade. SUMER obtained a series of spectra of the dark EUV flows in the lines C
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