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Sum-Rate Maximization with Minimum Power Consumption for MIMO DF Two-Way Relaying: Part I - Relay Optimization PDF

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by  Jie Gao
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Preview Sum-Rate Maximization with Minimum Power Consumption for MIMO DF Two-Way Relaying: Part I - Relay Optimization

1 Sum-Rate Maximization with Minimum Power Consumption for MIMO DF Two-Way Relaying: Part I - Relay Optimization Jie Gao, Sergiy A. Vorobyov, Hai Jiang, Jianshu Zhang, and Martin Haardt 3 1 0 2 Abstract n The problem of power allocation is studied for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) decode-and-forward a J (DF) two-way relaying system consisting of two source nodes and one relay. It is shown that achieving maximum 9 sum-rateinsuchasystemdoesnotnecessarilydemandtheconsumptionofallavailablepowerattherelay.Instead,the ] maximum sum-rate can be achieved through efficient power allocation with minimum power consumption. Deriving T suchpowerallocation,however,isnontrivialduetothefactthatitgenerallyleadstoanonconvexproblem.InPartIof I . s thistwo-part paper, asum-ratemaximizing power allocationwithminimum power consumption isfound forMIMO c [ DF two-way relaying, in which the relay optimizes its own power allocation strategy given the power allocation strategies of the source nodes. An algorithm is proposed for efficiently finding the optimal power allocation of the 1 v relaybasedontheproposedideaofrelativewater-levels.Theconsideredscenariofeatureslowcomplexityduetothe 2 fact that the relay optimizes its power allocation without coordinating the source nodes. As a trade-off for the low 3 7 complexity, itisshownthattherecanbewasteofpoweratthe sourcenodesbecause ofnocoordination betweenthe 1 relayandthesource nodes. Simulationresultsdemonstrate theperformance oftheproposed algorithmandtheeffect . 1 of asymmetry on the considered system. 0 3 1 v: I. INTRODUCTION i X Two-way relaying (TWR) has recently attracted significant interests [1]- [17]. Establishing bi-directional links r a between one relay and two source nodes,the informationexchangebetween the source nodescan be accomplished in two time slots [1]. In the first time slot (first phase) the source nodes simultaneously transmit their messages to the relay while in the secondtime slot (secondphase)the relay forwardsthe messagesto the destinations.The first phase is called the multiple access (MA) phase while the second phase is the broadcasting (BC) phase of TWR. Comparedto conventionalone-wayrelaying,whichneedsfourtimeslots fortheinformationexchangebetweenthe source nodes, TWR can achieve a higher spectral efficiency [1]. S. A. Vorobyov is the corresponding author. J. Gao, S. A. Vorobyov, and H. Jiang are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, T6G 2V4 Canada; e-mails: {jgao3, svorobyo, hai1}@ualberta.ca. J. Zhang and M. Haardt are with the Communication Research Laboratory, Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, 98693, Germany; e-mails: {jianshu.zhang, martin.haardt}@tu-ilmenau.de. Somepreliminary results ofthis paperwerepresentedatGLOBECOM2012,Anaheim, CA,USA. January10,2013 DRAFT 2 AstheperformanceofTWRdependsonthetransmitstrategiesofboththesourcenodesandtherelay,optimizing the transmit strategies such as power allocation and beamforming is one of the main research interests in TWR. The transmit strategies of the relay and source nodes depend on the relaying scheme. Similar to one-way relaying, the relaying scheme in TWR can be amplify-and-forward (AF), decode-and-forward (DF), etc., depending on the manner that the received information is processed at the relay before it is forwarded to the destinations. In the AF TWR scheme, the relay amplifies and broadcaststhe signals receivedfrom the source nodeswhile it also amplifies andforwardsthenoiseattherelay.Sum-ratemaximizationformultiple-inputmultiple-output(MIMO)AFTWR in which the relay and the source nodes all occupy multiple antennas is investigated in [2]- [4], while a mean square errorminimizingschemeforMIMOAFTWRisstudiedin[5].ForMIMOAFrelaying,low-complexitysub-optimal solutionscanbeobtainedthroughdiagonalizingtheMIMOchannelbasedonthesingularvaluedecomposition(SVD) orthegeneralizedSVD (GSVD) andtherebytransferringthe problemof beamforming/precodingto the problemof powerallocation [3], [5]. Finding the optimalsolution,on the otherhand,usuallyrequiresiterativealgorithmswith high complexity [4], [5]. The main challenge in investigating AF TWR, especially AF MIMO TWR, is the strong coupling between the transmit strategies of the source nodes and the relay due to noise propagation. As the result of noise propagation, the optimization over the transmit strategies of the source nodes and the relay usually leads to nonconvexproblems.For example,the informationrate of the communicationin either direction is a nonconvex function of the covariance/beamformingmatrices of the sources and the relay [1]. Unlike AF relaying, DF relaying does not have the problem of noise propagation. As a result, DF TWR may achieve a better performance than AF TWR, especially at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), at the cost of higher complexity. Moreover, optimizing the power allocation in DF relaying usually leads to convex problems (see for example[6] and [7]). DFTWR hasbeenstudied in [8]- [15]. Theoptimalpowerallocation forDF TWR is studied under a fairness constraint in [12]. The optimal time division between the MA and BC phases and the optimal distributionoftherelay’spowerforachievingweightedsum-ratemaximizationarestudiedin[13].While theabove two works assume a single antenna at both the sources and the relay, the case with multiple antennas at all nodes is investigatedin [14]-[15]. Theachievablerate regionandthe optimaltransmitstrategiesof boththesourcenodes and the relay are studied in [14], where the relay’s optimal transmit strategy is found by two water-filling based solutionscoupledbytherelay’spowerlimit.Theauthorsof[15]specificallyinvestigatetheoptimaltransmitstrategy in the BC phase of the MIMO DF TWR. It is shown that there may exist differentstrategies that lead to the same point in the rate region. Given that TWR can achieve a high spectral efficiency, it is of interest to optimize the power allocation so that the TWR scheme achieves high spectral efficiency using minimum power consumption. Unlike AF TWR, in which the sum-rate can always be increased when the relay has more transmission power, the maximum sum-rate of DF TWR can be achieved without consuming all the available power at the relay. However, findingthesum-ratemaximizingpowerallocationwithminimumpowerconsumptionisnolongeraconvexproblem in general. Part I of this two-part paper studies the problem of finding the optimal relay power allocation which minimizes the relay power consumption among all relay power allocations that achieve the maximum sum-rate for the MIMO DF TWR given the power allocation of the source nodes. For brevity, this problem is called the January10,2013 DRAFT 3 sum-rate maximization with minimum (relay) power consumption. The considered scenario is referred to as relay optimizationscenario. The objectiveof PartI of thistwo-partpaperis to find the optimalpowerallocationstrategy of the relay in the relay optimization scenario.1 The contributions of this part are as follows. First, weshowthattheconsideredproblemofsum-ratemaximizationwithminimumrelaypowerconsumptionis nonconvex.Astheminimizationoftherelaypowerconsumptionisconsidered,theproblembecomesmorecomplex and the method used for deriving the optimal relay power allocation strategy in [7] and [14] is no longer valid. We first prove the sufficient and necessary condition for a relay power allocation to be optimal in the considered relayoptimizationscenario.Then,basedonthiscondition,weproposeanefficientalgorithmforfindingtheoptimal solution. The proposed algorithm can obtain the optimal relay power allocation in several steps without iterations, i.e., low complexity is achieved. Second, we show that while the relay optimization scenario has the advantage of low complexity, as a trade-off it may lead to a waste of power at the source nodes because of the lack of coordination between the source nodes and the relay. We analyze the solution of the relay optimization problem for differentrelay power limits and show that a waste of power at the source nodes happens when the relay has a power limit less than a certain threshold for each considered system configuration and the thresholds are also given. Third, the effect of asymmetry on the considered MIMO DF TWR is analyzed and demonstrated. It has been observedin[16],[17]thattheasymmetryonchannelgain,relay’slocation,etc.,cancauseaperformancedegradation in single-inputsingle-output(SISO) TWR. We extendthis to the MIMO case and show the effect of asymmetryin power limits and number of antennas at the source nodes through analysis and simulations. Therestofthepaperisorganizedasfollows.SectionIIgivesthesystemmodelofthiswork.Therelayoptimization problem is solved and the features of the solution are investigated in Section III. Simulation results are shown in Section IV, and Section V concludes the paper. Section VI “Appendix” provides proofs for some lemmas and all theorems. II. SYSTEMMODEL Consider a TWR with two source nodes and one relay, where source node i(i = 1,2) and the relay have n i and n antennas, respectively. In the MA phase, source node i transmits signal W s to the relay. Here W is the r i i i precodingmatrixofsourcenode i ands is thecomplexGaussianinformationsymbolvectorofsource nodei. The i elements of s ,∀i are independentand identically distributed with zero mean and unit variance. The channels from i source node i to the relay and from the relay to source node i are denoted as H and H , respectively. Receiver ir ri channelstate informationis assumed at both the relay and the source nodes, i.e., source node i knows H and the ri relay knows H ,∀i. It is also assumed that the relay knows H ,∀i by using either channel reciprocityor channel ir ri feedback. The received signal at the relay in the MA phase is y =H W s +H W s +n (1) r 1r 1 1 2r 2 2 r 1Somepreliminary results werepresented ataconference [18]. January10,2013 DRAFT 4 where n isthe noiseattherelaywithcovariancematrix σ2Iin whichIdenotestheidentitymatrix.Themaximum r r transmissionpowerofsourcenode iis limitedto Pmax. Definethe transmitcovariancematrices D =W WH,∀i, i i i i in which (·)H stands for the conjugate transpose, and let D = [D ,D ]. Then the sum-rate of the MA phase is 1 2 bounded by [19] Rma(D)=log I+(H D HH+H D HH)(σ2)−1 (2) (cid:12) 1r 1 1r 2r 2 2r r (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) where |·| denotes determinant. In the BC ph(cid:12)ase, the relay decodes s1 and s2 from(cid:12) the received signal, re-encodes messages using superposition coding and transmits the signal x =T s +T s (3) r r2 1 r1 2 where T is the n ×n relay precoding matrix for relaying the signal from source node j to source node i.2 ri r j The maximumtransmission powerof the relay is limited to Pmax. Note that in additionto the abovesuperposition r coding, the Exclusive-OR (XOR) based network coding is also used at the relay in the literature [20]- [22]. While XOR based networkcoding may achievea better performancethan superpositioncoding,it relies on the symmetry of the traffic fromthe two sourcenodes.The asymmetryin the traffic in the two directionscan leadto a significant degradationin the performanceof XOR in TWR [21], [22]. As the generalcase of TWR is consideredand there is no guarantee of traffic symmetry, the approach of symbol-level superposition is assumed here at the relay as it is consideredin [1] and [13]. Moreover,forthe MIMO case as consideredin this work, the superpositionscheme can take advantage of the MIMO channels. In the superposition scheme, the relay uses separate beamformers for the signalstowardstwo directions,whichguaranteesthateach transmittedsignalisoptimal(subjectto thetransmission powerconstraints) given its MIMO channel. This cannotbe achievedif the relay uses XOR based network coding. The received signal at source node i is y′ =H x +n (4) i ri r i where n is the noise at source node i with covariance matrix σ2I. With the knowledge of H and T , source i i ri rj nodeisubtractstheself-interferenceH T s fromthereceivedsignalandtheequivalentreceivedsignal atsource ri rj i node i is y =H T s +n . (5) i ri ri j i Define B = T TH,∀i and let B = [B ,B ]. The sum-rate of the considered DF TWR can be written as [1], i ri ri 1 2 [13], [20] 1 Rtw(B,D)= min{Rma(D),R(B,D)} (6) 2 where R(B,D)=min{Rˆ (B ),R¯ (D )} r1 1 2r 2 +min{Rˆ (B),R¯ (D)}, (7) r2 2 1r 1 2Itisassumedasdefault throughout thepaperthattheuserindexiandj satisfyi6=j. January10,2013 DRAFT 5 in which R¯ (D )=log|I+(H D HH)(σ2)−1|, (8) jr j jr j jr r and Rˆ (B )=log|I+(H B HH)(σ2)−1|. (9) ri i ri i ri i For brevity of presentation, we define the following sum-rate of the BC phase Rbc(B)=Rˆ (B )+Rˆ (B ) (10) r1 1 r2 2 to represent the summation in the above equation hereafter. For the relay optimization scenario considered here, the relay maximizes the sum-rate in (6) using minimum transmission power given the power allocation strategies of the source nodes.3 Since the relay needs to know W 1 and W for decoding s and s , respectively, as well as for designing T and T , the source nodes should send 2 1 2 r1 r2 theirrespectiveprecodingmatricestotherelayafterthey decidetheirtransmitstrategies.Similarly,therelayshould also send T and T to both source nodes. r1 r2 Given the above system model, we next solve the relay optimization problem. III. RELAYOPTIMIZATION In the relay optimization scenario, the relay and the source nodes do not coordinate in choosing their respec- tive power allocation strategies. Instead, the relay aims at maximizing Rtw(B,D) in (6) with minimum power consumption after the source nodes decide their strategies and inform the relay. DenotethepowerallocationthatthesourcenodesdecidetouseasD0 =[D0,D0].4 Formaximizingthesum-rate 1 2 given D0, the relay solves the following optimization problem5 max Rtw(B,D0) (11a) B s.t. Tr{B +B }≤Pmax. (11b) 1 2 r Theproblem(11)isconvex.However,inordertofindtheoptimalBwithminimumTr{B +B }amongallpossible 1 2 B’s thatachieve the same maximumof the objectivefunctionin (11), extra constraintsneed to be considered.Two 3Theterm‘sum-rate’bydefault meansRtw(B,D)whenwedonotspecifyittobethesum-rateoftheBCorMAphase. 4Thesourcenodesmaydeterminetheirpowerallocationstrategiesusingdifferentobjectives.Notethatdifferentsourcenodepowerallocation strategiesleadtodifferentsolutionsoftherelayoptimizationproblem.However,theapproachadoptedforsolvingtherelayoptimizationproblem isvalidforarbitrary sourcenodepowerallocation. 5The positive semi-definite constraints Di (cid:23) 0,∀i and Bi (cid:23) 0,∀i are assumed as default and omitted for brevity in all formations of optimization problemsinthis paper. January10,2013 DRAFT 6 necessary constraints6 are Rˆ (B )≤R¯ (D0),∀i (12a) ri i jr j R(B,D0)≤Rma(D0). (12b) The constraint (12a) is necessary because, due to the expression of R(B,D) in (7), the power consumption of the relay can be reduced without decreasing the sum-rate Rtw(B,D) in (6) given D0 by reducing Tr{B } if i Rˆ (B )>R¯ (D0). Note that(12a) is notnecessarilysatisfied with equalityat optimality.Infact, itcan beshown ri i jr j that(12a)shouldbesatisfiedwithinequalityforatleastoneiatoptimalityusingsubsequentresultsinSectionIII-B. It can also be shown that (12a) can be satisfied with inequalities for both i’s at optimality even if the relay has an unlimited power budget. We stress that (12a) is not sufficient for obtaining the optimal solution. Other constraints are also needed including (12b). The constraint (12b) is also necessary because if it is not satisfied given D0, then the power consumption of the relay can be reduced without decreasing the sum-rate Rtw(B,D0) by decreasing R(B,D0) so that R(B,D0)=Rma(D0). Theconstraintsin(12)maketheconsideredproblemnonconvex.Theobjectiveinthissectionistofindanefficient method of deriving the optimal power allocation of the relay in the considered scenario of relay optimization. It is straightforward to see that the power allocation of the relay should be based on waterfilling for relaying the signal in either direction regardless of how the relay distributes its power between relaying the signals in the two directions.Thisis dueto the factthatthe BC phase is interferencefreesince both sourcenodesare able to subtract their self-interference. If the objective were to maximize Rbc(B) instead of Rtw(B,D0), the optimal strategy of the relay could be found via a simple search. Indeed, in that case, we could find the optimal power allocation of the relay and consequently the optimal B by searching for the optimal proportion that the relay distributes its power between relaying the signals in the two directions. However, such approach is infeasible for the considered problem. The reason is that first of all it is unknown what is the total power that the relay uses in the optimal solution.Aspowerefficiencyis also considered,the relaymay notuse fullpowerinits optimalstrategy.Moreover, from the expression of Rtw(B,D) in (6), it can be seen that the maximum achievable Rtw(B,D0) also depends on R¯ (D0), R¯ (D0), and Rma(D0). Due to this dependence, the two constraints in (12) are necessary for the 1r 1 2r 2 considered problem of sum-rate maximization with minimum power consumption. However, these two constraints are implicit in the sense that they are constraints on the rates instead of on the power allocation of the relay. Such constraints offer no insight in finding the optimal B. In order to transform the above mentioned dependence of Rtw(B,D0) on R¯ (D0), R¯ (D0), and Rma(D0) into an explicit form, and to discover the insight behind the 1r 1 2r 2 constraints in (12), we next propose the idea of relative water-levels and develop a method based on this idea. 6Thesetwonecessaryconstraintsareintroducedheretoshow thattheconsideredrelayoptimizationproblemisnonconvex.Forthesufficient andnecessaryconditionthatapowerallocationstrategyisoptimalintermsofmaximizingsum-ratewithminimumpowerconsumption,please seeTheorem2. January10,2013 DRAFT 7 A. Relative water-levels DenotetherankofH asr andthesingularvaluedecomposition(SVD)ofH asU Ω VH.Assumethatthe ri ri ri ri ri ri firstr diagonalelementsofΩ arenon-zero,sortedindescendingorderanddenotedas ω (1),...,ω (r ),while ri ri ri ri ri thelastmin{n ,n }−r diagonalelementsarezeros.Define I ={1,...,r },∀iandα (k)=|ω (k)|2/σ2,∀k ∈ i r ri i ri i ri i I ,∀i. For a given D=[D ,D ], define µ (D ), µ (D ), and µ (D) such that i 1 2 1 1 2 2 ma log 1+ 1 α (k)−1 + =R¯ (D ) (13a) (cid:18) µ (D ) 2 (cid:19) 1r 1 kX∈I2 (cid:0) 1 1 (cid:1) log 1+ 1 α (k)−1 + =R¯ (D ) (13b) (cid:18) µ (D ) 1 (cid:19) 2r 2 kX∈I1 (cid:0) 2 2 (cid:1) log 1+ 1 α (k)−1 + =Rma(D) (13c) (cid:18) µ (D) i (cid:19) Xi kX∈Ii (cid:0) ma (cid:1) where (·)+ stands for projection to the positive orthant. The physical meaning of µ (D ) is that if waterfilling i i is performed on ω (k)’s, ∀k ∈ I using the water-level 1/µ (D ), then the information rate of the transmission rj j i i from the relay to source node j using the resulting waterfilling-basedpowerallocation achieves precisely R¯ (D ). ir i The physical meaning of µ (D) is that if waterfilling is performed on ω (k)’s, ∀k ∈ I ,∀i using the water- ma ri i level 1/µ (D), then the sum-rate of the transmission from the relay to the two source nodes using the resulting ma waterfilling-based power allocation achieves precisely Rma(D). Note that 1/µ (D ),∀i and 1/µ (D) are not the i i m actual water-levels for the MA or the BC phase. They are just relative water-levels introduced to transfer and simplifytheconstraintsin(12). Denotethe actualwater-levelsusedbytherelayforrelayingthe signalfromsource node j to source node i as 1/λ ,∀i. With water-level 1/λ , B can be given as B = V P (λ )VH where i i i i ri ri i ri P (λ )=diag 1 − 1 +,..., 1− 1 +,0,...,0 inwhichdiag(·)standsformakingadiagonalmatrix ri i (cid:18) λi αi(1) λi αi(rri) (cid:19) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) usingthegivenelements,(·)+ standsforprojectiontothepositiveorthant,and 0 standsforall-zeromatrixof nr−rri + size(n −r )×(n −r ).Thepowerallocatedonω (k)isp (k)= 1/λ −1/α (k) ,∀k ∈I ,∀i.Theresulting r ri r ri ri ri i i i rate Rˆ (B ) is given by log 1+ α (k)/λ −1 + . Using µ (D(cid:0) ), µ (D ), an(cid:1)d µ (D), the constraints in ri i i i 1 1 2 2 ma (cid:18) (cid:19) kP∈Ii (cid:0) (cid:1) (12a) can be rewritten as λ ≥µ (D0),∀i (14a) i j j 1 + log 1+ α (k)−1 i (cid:18) λ (cid:19) Xi kX∈Ii (cid:0) i (cid:1) 1 + ≤ log 1+ α (k)−1 . (14b) (cid:18) µ (D0) i (cid:19) Xi kX∈Ii (cid:0) ma (cid:1) Given(13a)and(13b),itisnotdifficulttoseethat(12a)isequivalentto(14a).Moreover,theequivalencebetween (12b) and (14b) can be explained as follows. Given D0 and (12b), Rtw(B,D0) in (11a) becomes R(B,D0)/2. Given (12a), or equivalently(14a), R(B,D) in (7) with D=D0 becomes Rˆ (B )+Rˆ (B ). Then, substituting r1 1 r2 2 the left-hand side of (12b) with Rˆ (B )+Rˆ (B ), i.e., Rbc(B) in (10), and using (13c), the constraint (14b) is r1 1 r2 2 obtained. The procedure for the relay optimization can be summarized in the following three steps: January10,2013 DRAFT 8 1. Obtain µ (D0), µ (D0), and µ (D0) from D0; 1 1 2 2 ma 2. Determine the optimal λ ; i 3. Obtain P (λ ) and B from λ . ri i i i The first and the third steps are straightforwardgiven the definitions (13a)-(13c) and (??). Therefore,finding the optimal λ ,∀i in the second step is the essential part to be dealt with later in this section. i From hereon, µ (D ), µ (D ), and µ (D) are denoted as µ , µ and µ , respectively,forbrevity. The same 1 1 2 2 ma 1 2 ma markers/superscriptson D and/or D are used on µ and/or µ to representthe connection.For example, µ (D0) i i ma i i and µ (D˜) are briefly denoted as µ0 and µ˜ , respectively. The rate Rˆ (B ) obtained using water-level 1/λ is ma i ma ri i i also denoted as Rˆ (λ ). ri i B. Algorithm for relay optimization Usingtherelativewater-levelsµ ,∀iandµ ,wecannowdevelopthealgorithmforrelayoptimization.In order i ma to do that, the following lemmas are presented. Lemma 1: 1/µ <max{1/µ ,1/µ }. ma 1 2 Proof:TheproofforLemma1isstraightforward.Using(13a)-(13c),itcanbeseenthatRma(D)≥ R¯ (D )if ir i 1/µ ≥max{1/µ ,1/µ }.However,giventhedefinitionsin(2)and(8),itcanbeseenthatRma(D)≥Pi R¯ (D ) ma 1 2 ir i is impossible [19]. Therefore, 1/µ <max{1/µ ,1/µ }. Pi (cid:4) ma 1 2 Lemma 2: Assume that there exist {λ ,λ } and {λ′,λ′} such that λ′ < λ ≤ λ < λ′. If Tr{P (λ )} = i j i j i i j j rl l Pl Tr{P (λ′)}, then Rˆ (λ )> Rˆ (λ′) as long as 1/λ >min{1/α (k)}. rl l rl l rl l j j Pl Proof: See SubsectPioln VI-A in APplpendix. k (cid:4) Lemma 2 states that, for any given {λ ,λ } such that 1/λ > min{1/α (k)} assuming λ ≤ λ , decreasing 1 2 2 2 1 2 k min{λ ,λ } and increasing max{λ ,λ } while fixing the total power consumption leads to a smaller BC phase 1 2 1 2 sum-rate than that achieved by using {λ ,λ }. 1 2 Lemma 3: Assume that there exist {λ ,λ } and {λ′,λ′} such that λ <λ , λ′ >λ and λ′ >λ , and i j i j i j i i j j Rˆ (λ′)+Rˆ (λ )=Rˆ (λ )+Rˆ (λ′) (15) ri i rj j ri i rj j then as long as λ′ ≤λ , it holds true that i j Tr{P (λ′)}+Tr{P (λ )}<Tr{P (λ )}+Tr{P (λ′)}. (16) ri i rj j ri i rj j Proof: See Subsection VI-B in Appendix. (cid:4) Lemma 3 states that, for any given {λ ,λ }, decreasing min{λ ,λ } and increasing max{λ ,λ } such that the 1 2 1 2 1 2 BC phase sum-rate is unchanged, the power consumption increases. Theorem 1: The optimal solution of the considered relay optimization problem always satisfies the following properties 1 1 1 1 min , =min , if λ 6=λ (17a) (cid:26)λ λ (cid:27) (cid:26)µ0 µ0(cid:27) 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 = =min , if λ =λ (17b) λ λ (cid:26)µ0 λ0(cid:27) 1 2 1 2 ma January10,2013 DRAFT 9 in which 1/λ0 is the water-level obtained by waterfilling Pmax on ω (k),∀k ∈I ,∀i. r ri i Proof: See Subsection VI-C in Appendix. (cid:4) According to the proof of Theorem 1, it can be seen that λ 6= λ at optimality and consequently the equation 1 2 in (17a) holds when both of the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) the relay has sufficient power, i.e., 1/λ0 > min{1/µ0,1/µ0}, and (ii) there is asymmetry between µ0 and µ0, i.e., min{1/µ0,1/µ0} < 1/µ0 < 1 2 1 2 1 2 ma max{1/µ0,1/µ0}. If either of the above two conditions is not satisfied, λ = λ at optimality and consequently 1 2 1 2 the equation in (17b) holds. Theorem 2: The conditions (14a), (14b), (17a), and (17b) are sufficient and necessary to determine the optimal {λ ,λ }withminimumpowerconsumptionfortherelayoptimizationproblemamongall{λ ,λ }’sthatmaximize 1 2 1 2 the sum-rate Rtw(B,D0). Proof: See Subsection VI-D in Appendix. (cid:4) Itshouldbe notedthatthepowerconstraint(11b) isnotalwaystightatoptimalityduetotheconstraintsin(14a), (14b) (or equivalently (12a), (12b)), (17a), and (17b). Each of (14a), (14b), (17a), and (17b) may refrain the relay fromusingitsfullpoweratoptimality.Thereasoncanbe foundfromthe proofsofTheorems1and2. Specifically, (14a) and (17a) make sure that there is no superfluous power spent for relaying the signal in each direction while (14b) and (17b) guarantee that the power consumptionof the relay cannot be furtherreduced without reducing the sum-rate. BasedontheaboveresultsinTheorem1andTheorem2,thealgorithmsummarizedinTableIisproposedtofind the optimal relay power allocation for the relay optimization problem. The algorithm can be briefly understood as follows.Step1 performsinitialpowerallocationandobtainsthe initialwaterlevelλ0. Thewater-levelsλ =λ0,∀i i maximizeRbc(B)amongallpossible{λ ,λ }combinationssubjecttothepowerlimitoftherelay.Step2checksif 1 2 min{Rˆ (B ),R¯ (D )}isupper-boundedbyR¯ (D0),∀i.IfRˆ (λ0)>R¯ (D0),therelayreducesitstransmission ri i jr j jr j r1 1 2r 2 powerallocated forrelayingthe signal fromsource node 2 to source node 1 so that Rˆ (λ )=R¯ (D0) in Step 3. r1 1 2r 2 Inthe case thatRˆ (λ )isreducedin Step 3,in termsofincreasing λ , extrapowerbecomesavailableforrelaying r1 1 1 the signal from source node 1 to source node 2. Therefore, if Rˆ (λ0) < R¯ (D0), the remaining power of the r2 2 1r 1 relay is allocated for relaying the signal from source node 1 to source node 2 at first in Step 4. Later in Step 4, it is checked if Rˆ (λ ) > R¯ (D0) under the new power allocation. If Rˆ (λ ) > R¯ (D0) in Step 4, the relay r2 2 1r 1 r2 2 1r 1 reduces its transmission power allocated for relaying the signal from source node 1 to source node 2 so that Rˆ (λ ) = R¯ (D0) in Step 5. Steps 6 checks if Rˆ (λ )+Rˆ (λ ) ≤ Rma(D0). In the case that this constraint r2 2 1r 1 r1 1 r2 2 is not satisfied, Step 6 or Step 7 revise the power allocation so that Rˆ (λ )+Rˆ (λ )=Rma(D0) and the power r1 1 r2 2 consumption of the relay is minimized. The above procedure in the proposed algorithm, which terminates after Step 6 or 7, is not iterative. The following theorem regarding the proposed algorithm is in order. Theorem 3: The water-levels obtained using the algorithm for relay optimization in Table I achieve the optimal relaypowerallocationfortheconsideredrelayoptimizationproblemofsum-ratemaximizationwithminimumrelay power consumption. January10,2013 DRAFT 10 TABLE I: The algorithm for relay optimization. 1. Initial waterfilling: allocate Prmax on ωri(k),∀k ∈ Ii,∀i using waterfilling. Denote the initial water level as 1/λ0. Set 1/λ1 = 1/λ2 = 1/λ0. The power allocated on ωri(k) is + pri(k)=(cid:0)1/λi−1/αi(k)(cid:1) ,∀k∈Ii,∀i. 2. Check if 1/λi ≤ 1/µ0j for both i = 1,2. If yes, proceed to Step6.Otherwise,assumethat1/λ1>1/µ02,proceedtoStep3. 3.Setλ1=µ02.Checkif1/λ2<1/µ01.Ifnot,proceedtoStep4. Otherwise, proceedtoStep5. 4. Calculate Pr′ = Prmax − P pr1(k). Allocate Pr′ on k∈I1 ωr2(k)’s,∀k ∈ I2 via waterfilling. Obtain the water level 1/λ2. If1/λ2>1/µ01,proceed toStep5.Otherwise, gotoStep6. 5.Setλ2=µ01 andproceed toStep6. 6. If 1/λi ≥ 1/µ0ma,∀i, set λi = µ0ma,∀i. Check if 1/λi ≤ 1/µ0ma,∀i. If yes, output λi,∀i and break. Otherwise, check if PRˆri(λi) ≤ Rma(D0). If yes, output λi,∀i and break. i Otherwise, proceedtoStep7. 7. Assuming that λj < λi, find λ′j such that |M+rj|logλ′j = P logαj(k) − Rma(D0) + R¯jr(D0j), where prj(k) = k∈M+ rj (cid:0)1/λ′j −1/αj(k)(cid:1)+,∀k ∈ Ij, M+rj = {k|prj(k) > 0} and |M+rj|isthecardinality ofthesetM+rj.Setλj =λ′j andoutput λi andλj. Proof: See Subsection VI-E in Appendix. (cid:4) Dependingonthesourcenodepowerallocationstrategiesandthepowerlimitattherelay,differentresultscanbe obtainedattheoutputofthealgorithminTableI.DefinethepowerthresholdsP = 1/µ0 −1/α (k) +, ma ma i Pi kP∈Ii(cid:0) (cid:1) P = 1/max{µ0,µ0}−1/α (k) +,P = 1/µ0−1/α (k) + andP = 1/min{µ0,µ0}− l 1 2 i t i i s 1 2 Pi kP∈Ii(cid:0) (cid:1) Pi kP∈Ii(cid:0) (cid:1) Pi kP∈Ii(cid:0) 1/α (k) +. Recall from Lemma 1 that µ0 >min{µ0,µ0}. i ma 1 2 (cid:1) Forthe case thatµ0 ≥max{µ0,µ0}, the followingsubcasesexitasPmax increases.If Pmax is smallsuchthat ma 1 2 r r Pmax <P , the algorithm proceeds through Steps 1-2-6 and r ma λ =λ0 >µ0 ,∀i (18a) i ma Tr{P (λ )}=Pmax (18b) ri i r Xi at the output of the algorithm, while (14a) and (14b) are satisfied with inequality. Note that some power of the sourcenodesis wasted in thissubcase.Since the sum-rate Rtw(B,D) is boundedbyRˆ (λ )+Rˆ (λ )due to the r1 1 r2 2 small power limit of the relay, the source nodes could use less power without reducing Rtw(B,D) if there would be coordination in the system. Indeed, if the source nodes could be coordinated to optimize their power allocation as well, they only need to use the powerof Tr{D†}+Tr{D†}, where D† =[D†,D†] is the optimal solution to the 1 2 1 2 January10,2013 DRAFT

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