Suitability of Tile-Based Rendering for Low-Power 3D Graphics Accelerators Suitability of Tile-Based Rendering for Low-Power 3D Graphics Accelerators PROEFSCHRIFT terverkrijging vandegraadvandoctor aandeTechnischeUniversiteit Delft, J.T.Fokkema, voorzittervanhetCollegevoorPromoties, inhetopenbaarteverdedigen opmaandag29oktober2007om12:30uur door IosifANTOCHI inginer Universitatea Politehnica Bucures¸ti geboren teBoekarest, Roemenie Ditproefschrift isgoedgekeurd doordepromotoren: Prof.dr.S.Vassiliadis† Prof.dr.K.G.W.Goossens Samenstelling promotiecommissie: RectorMagnificus, voorzitter Technische UniversiteitDelft Prof. dr.S.Vassiliadis†, promotor Technische UniversiteitDelft Prof. dr.K.G.W.Goossens, promotor Technische UniversiteitDelft Dr.B.H.H.Juurlink Technische UniversiteitDelft Prof. dr.L.K.Nanver Technische UniversiteitDelft Prof. dr.H.A.G.Wijshoff Universiteit Leiden Prof. dr.J.Takala TampereUniversityofTechnology Dr.A.Pimentel Universiteit vanAmsterdam Dr.K.Pulli NokiaResearchCenter,PaloAlto Dr. B.H.H. Juurlink heeft als begeleider in belangrijke mate aan de totstand- komingvanhetproefschrift bijgedragen. ISBN:978-90-807957-6-1 Keywords: 3D Graphics Accelerators, Tile-based Rendering, Low-Power GraphicsArchitectures Copyright (cid:13)c 2007I.Antochi All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, orotherwise, without permission ofthe author. PrintedintheNetherlands Thisdissertationisdedicatedto Claudia and myfamily, foralltheirunderstandingandsupportover theyears. Suitability of Tile-Based Rendering for Low-Power 3D Graphics Accelerators IosifANTOCHI Abstract I n this dissertation, we address low-power high performance 3D graphics accelerator architectures. The purpose of these accelerators is to relieve theburdenofgraphicalcomputations fromthemainprocessorandalsoto achieveabetterenergyefficiencythancanbeachievedbyexecutingthesecom- putations on the main processor. Since external data traffic is a major source of power consumption and because usually the rasterization stage of the 3D graphics pipeline requires the highest amount of data traffic, in this disserta- tionweespeciallyfocusonthisstageofthegraphics pipeline. Anotherreason forfocusingontherasterizationstageisthatitrequiresmoreprocessingpower thantheotherstagesbecausetheoperationsarepixel-based. Apromisingtech- niquetoreducetheexternaldatatrafficintherasterizationstageofthegraphics pipeline is tile-based rendering. This technique decomposes ascene into tiles and renders thetiles one by one. Thisallows the colorcomponents and zval- ues of one tile to be stored in small, on-chip buffers, so that only the pixels visible in the final scene need to be stored in the external framebuffer. Tile- basedaccelerators, however,require largescenebufferstostoretheprimitives to be rendered. While there have been studies related to the tile-based ren- dering paradigm forhighperformance systems, wearespecifically discussing thesuitabilityoftile-based3Dgraphicsacceleratorsforlow-powerdevices. In ordertoevaluatevariouslow-power3Dgraphicsarchitectures wefirstpresent GraalBench, a set of 3D graphics workloads representative for contemporary and emerging mobile devices. Furthermore, we propose several scene and state management algorithms fortile-based renderers. Thereafter, weanalyze theperformance oftile-based rendererscomparedtothatof traditional render- ers and we also determine the influence of the tile size on the amount of the data-trafficrequiredfortherasterizationstageofatile-basedrenderer. Inorder to reduce even more the data traffic between the main memory and graphics accelerators, and to exploit the high temporal and spatial locality of texture accesses, wehavealsoinvestigated severalcache structures. Ourresults show that the proposed algorithms for tile-based renderers can effectively decrease the data traffic and computational requirements for the rasterization stage of the3Dgraphicspipeline. i Acknowledgments During the time that I was performing the research described in this disserta- tion, Icameacross manypeople whohave supported andassisted mewithout whomitwouldhavebeenmuchhardertoproducethisdissertation. First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Ben Juurlink and my pro- motors Stamatis Vassiliadis and Kees Goossens for their endless support and guidance. They succeeded to provide me not only research knowledge, but alsoabetterunderstanding ofreallife. AlthoughStamatis isnolongeramong us,hispresence livesonthrough eachCEmember. Furthermore, I would like to thank my officemates, Dan and Pepijn for our inspiring technical and also less technical discussions. I would like to thank Elena for her encouragement and positive thinking that helped me over the years. Ihadalsofounditveryenjoyabletoworkwithandtotalktoeverymemberof the Computer Engineering Laboratory. I am in debt to the “older” generation (Pyrrhos, Casper, Stephan) for introducing me into the geeky spirit of Com- puterEngineering, andalso tothenewergeneration which kept meuptodate withvariousinteresting topics. I am also indebted to the small Romanian community from the Netherlands thathelpedmeovercomemyhomesickness andalsoforbeingwithmewhenI stumbledacrossvariousproblems. Finally, special thanks go to Claudia for her understanding and support over theyears. I.Antochi Delft,TheNetherlands, 2007 iii