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COLLEGrlON LATOMUS 225 VOL. SUETONIUS' LIFE OF CALIGULA A COMMENTARY LATO MUS REVUE D'ETUDES LATINES 18, av. Van Cutsem, B. 7500 Toumai La revue Latomus,f ondee en 1937 par M.-A. Kugener,L . Herrmann et M. Renarde t dirigee actuellement par M. Carl DERoux (Directeur gene ral) et Mme Jacqueline DuMORTIER-BIBAU(DWi recteur administratif), publie des articles, des varietes et discussions, des notes de lecture, des comptes rendus, des notices bibliographiques,d es informations pedagogiques a ayant trait tous les domaines de la latinite : textes, litterature, histoire, institutions, archeologie,e pigraphie, paleographie, humanisme latin, etc. Les quelque 1000 pages qu'elle comporte annuellement contiennent une riche documentation, souvent inedite et abondamment illustrie. Montant de l'abonnement au tome 53 (1994): Prix pour la Belgique : 2.7 50 FB, port et TVA en sus. Prix pour l'etranger : 3.000 FB, port et TVA en sus. Prix des tomes publies avant l 'annee en cours : pour la Belgique : 3.250 FB, port et TVA en sus, pour l'etranger : 3.500 FB, port et TVA en sus. Les quatre fasdcules d'un tome ne sont pas vendm separement. C.C.P. 000-0752646-23 de la Societe d'etudes latines de Bruxelles. Une reduction de 20% est accord~ aux professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire et de l'enseignement superieur, aux chercheurs qui font partie d'organismes comme le F.N.R.S., aux etudiants. a a Pour l'achat des tomes I XXI, s'adresser la Schmidt PeriodicalsG mbH, Dettendorf, D-83075B ad Feilnbach 2 (Allemagne). Correspondams: EsPAGNE : J.-M. BLAZQUEZ, lnstituto de Arquc~ FRANCE : M. J. HEURGON, Membrc de l'Institut, logia. 4, Duque de Mcdinaccli,E -Madrid 14. Le Verger, Allee de la Pavillonne, F-78170 i;:TAn.-UN1s ET CANADA: Prof. Allen M. WARD, La-Celle-St-Cloud. Dept. of History, Box U-103, University of ITALJE: Ml.ItM . L. PALADINI, 13, Via Bellotti, Connecticut, Stom, Conn. 06268( U.S.A.). 1-20129M ilano. IMPRIMERIEU NIVERSA, B-9230 WETIEREN( BELGIQUE) COLLECTION LATOMUS Fondee M. en 1939 par RENARD Dirigee C. J. par DEROUX et DuMORTIER-BIBAUW VOLUME 225 D. WARDLE Suetonius' Life of Caligula A Commentary LATOMUS REVUE D'ETUDES LATINES BRUXELLES 1994 ISBN 2-87031-165-6 D/1994/0415/139 reserves Droits de traduction, de reproduction et d'adaptation pour tous pays. Toute reproduction d'un extrait quelconque, par quelque procede que cc soil, et notamment par photocopie ou microfilm, est strictement interdite. PREFACE In his inaugural Lecture as professor of Ancient History in the University of London A. D. E. Cameron commented that commentaries were red, fat and could not distinguish the wood for the trees. The reader must decide if any of these sins remain uncommitted in this commentary. The work has its origins in a thesis submitted for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in the University of Oxford in July 1989. While all deficiencies and infelicities remain my own responsibility I owe a debt of thanks to Professor F. G. B. Millar and Miss B. M. Levick for their comments on early drafts of the introduction. I would like to acknowledge the help and encouragement through the years of Simon Hornblower and Robert Parker, both of Oriel College, Oxford. Above all, however, I would pay tribute to Miriam Griffin, of Somerville College Oxford, who supervised the thesis through all stages of its existence. This book could not have been published without the generous support of the Editorial Board of the University of Cape Town and of the trustees of the Jowett Copyright Fund. To both of these bodies I am very grateful. Cape Town, December 1992 D. WARDLE. BIBLIOGRAPHY In the introduction and commentary abbreviations of Periodicals are 'Annee generally as in L Philologique. The following works are referred to by the author's name and, where appropriate, the date in brackets immediately after the name. AILWUD,H ., Sue.tone: Vies des douze Cesars, Vols 1-3 (Paris, 1931f). ALFOLDIA ., Die monarchische Repriisentation im romischen Kaiserreiche (Darmstadt, 1970). BALDWINB, ., Suetonius (Amsterdam, 1983). BALSDONJ,. P. V. D., The Emperor Gaius (Oxford, 1934). BARRETTA, . A., Caligula : the Corruption of Power (London, 1989). BENNERM, ., The Emperor Says - Studies in the Rhetorical Style in Edicts of the &rly Fmpire (Studia Gr. et Lat. Gothoburgensia, 33) (Gothenburg, 1975). Box, H., Philonis Alexandrini In Flaccum (Oxford, 1939). BRADLEYK, . R., Suetonius' Life of Nero: An Historical Commentary (Collection Latomus, 157) (Brussels, 1978). CHARLESWORTMH,. P., The 'Iradition about Caligula, in CHJ 4 (1933), 105- 119. CIZEK,E ., Structures et /deologie dans les Vies des Douze Cesars de Sue.tone (Bucharest, 1977). DABROWSKAI, . M., Problems in the 'Iradition about the Principate of Gaius (Diss. Toronto, 1972). DE CoNINCK,L ., Suetonius en de Archivalia (Verhandel. K. Acad. voor Wet., Lett. en Schone Kunsten van Belgie, Kl. d. Lett., jaarg. 45, I 04) (Brussels, 1983). FORSTER,R ., Scriptores Physiognomici Graeci et Latini (Leipzig, 1893), Volumes 1 and 2. FRIEDLANDERL,. , Darstellungen aus der Sittengeschichte Roms von Augustus bis zum Ausgang der Antonine 9 (Leipzig, 1919f). GAscou, J., Suetone historien (BEFAR, 255) (Rome, 1984). GELZERM, ., Gaius (Caligula), in REX, 381-422. GOODYEARF,. R. D. (1972), The Annals of Tacitus, Vol 1 (Cambridge, 1972). GooDYEAR,F . R. D. (1981), The Annals of Tacitus, Vol 2 (Cambridge, 1981). GRAVESR, ., The 1welve Caesars of Suetonius 2 (Harmondsworth, 1979). 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY GRIFFIN, M. T., Seneca a Philosopher in Politics (Oxford, 1976). GuGEL, H., Studien zur biographischen Technik Suetons (Wiener Studien. Beiheft 7) (Vienna, 1977). HowARD, A. A. and JACKSON, C. N., Index Verborum C. Suetoni Tranquilli (Cambridge Mass., 1922). HuMPHREY, J. W., An Historical Commentary on Cassius Dio's Roman History. Book 59 (Diss. U.B.C., Vancouver, 1976). KOBERLEIN, E., Caligula und die Agyptische Ku/te (Beitrage z. lcl. Phil, 3) (Meisenheim, 1962). LEo, F., Die griechische-romische Biographie nach ihrer litterarischen Form (Leipzig, 1901). LEv1cK, B. (1976a), Tiberius the Politician (London, 1976). LEVICK, B. (1976b), The Fall of Julia the Younger, in Latomus 35 (1976), 301-339. LINDSAY, H. M., A Commentary on Suetonius' life of Gaius Caligula (Diss. W. Australia 1979). MAct, A., Essai sur Suetone (BEFAR, 82) (Paris, 1900). MARQUARDTJ.,, Das Privatleben der Romer 2 (Leipzig, 1886). MAURER,J . A., A Commentary on C. Suetoni Tranquilli Vita C. Caligulae Caesaris, chapters 1-XXI (Diss. Pennsylvania 1949). MEISE, E., Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der julisch-c/audischen Dynastie (Vestigia 10) (Munich, 1969). MILLAR, F. G. B., The Emperor in the Roman World (London, 1977). MoMMSEN, T., Romisches Staatsrecht3 (Berlin, 1887). MoucHOVA,B ., Studie zur Kaiserbiographien Suetons (Prague, 1968). NAGY, T., Die Regierungsjahre des C. Caesar mit besonderer Riicksicht au/ 11/yrium, in Acta Antiqua 29 (1981), 337-362. NASH, E., Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Rome (London, 19610 PIKE, J. B., C. Suetonii Tranquilli De Vita Caesarum Libri III-VI (Boston, 1903). PLATNERS, . B. and AsHBY, T., A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome (Oxford, 1929). QuESTA, C., Studie sullefonti degli Annales di Tacito2 (Rome, 1963). REEKMANS, T., La politique economique et fmanciere des autorites dons les douze Cesars de Suetone, in Historiografia Antiqua, 265-314 (Leuven, 1977). REIFFERSCHEm, A., C. Suetonii Tranquilli Praeter Caesarum Libros Reliquiae (Leipzig, 1860). RITTER, H. W., Cluvius Rufus bei Josephus?, in RhM 115 (1972), 85-91. RoLFE, J. C., Suetonius 2 (London, 1928). RoseoROUGH, R. R., An Epigraphic Commentary on Suetonius' life of Gaius Caligula (Diss. Philadelphia 1920). RoTH, C. L., C. Suetonii Tranquilli: Quae supersunt omnia (Leipzig, 1858). 9 BIBLIOGRAPHY RuHNK.END, ., Scholia in Suetonii Vitas Caesarum (Leiden, 1828). SCHUMACHERL, . (1982a), Romische Kaiser in Mainz im 7.eitalter des Prinzipats, 27 v. Chr -284 n. Chr. (Boch um, 1982). SCHUMACHERL,. (1982b), Servus Index (Forsch. zur antiken Sklaverei, 15) (Wiesbaden, 1982). ScH0RER E. and MILLAR,F . G. B. (et al.), 1he History of the Jewish People in the Age of Christ, Vols 1-3 (Edinburgh, 19731). SIMPSON,C . J. (1980), The "conspiracy" of 39 A.D., in Studies in Latin literature and Roman History, Vol. 2, 347-366 (Collection Latomus, 168) (Brussels, 1980). S1MPSONC, . J. (1981), The Cult of the Emperor Gaiu.s,i n Latomus 40 (1981), 489-511. SMALLWOODE., M., Philonis Alexandrini l..egatio ad Gaius2 (Leiden, 1970). STEIDLEW, ., Sueton und die antike Biographie (Zetemata, l) (Munich, 1951). SvME, R. (1958), Tacitus (Oxford, 1958). SvME, R. (1986), The Augustan Aristocracy (Oxford, 1986). TALBERTR, . J. A., The Senate of Imperial Rome (Princ.eton, 1984). T1MPE,D . (1960), Romische Geschichte bei Flavius Josephus, in Historia 9 (1960), 474-502. TIMPE, D. (1962), Untersuchungen zur Kontinuitiit des fruhen Prinzipatz (Historia Einzelschriften, Bd. 5) (Wiesbaden, 1962). TowNEND,G . B., The Sources of the Greek in Suetonius, in Hermes 88 (1960), 98-120. VILLE, G., La gladiature en Occident des origines a la mort de Domitien (BEFAR 245) (Rome, 1981). VOGT,W ., Vita Tiberii - Kommentar (Diss. Wurzburg 1975). WALLACE-HADRILAL., F., Suetonius : the Scholar and his Caesars (London, 1983). WEINSTOCKS..,, Divus Julius (Oxford, 1971). WILLRICHH, ., Caligula, in Klio 3 (1903), 85-118, 288-317, 397-470. The following works are referred to by abbreviation : AE L 'Annee Epigraphique AN R W Die Aufstieg und Niedergang der romischen Welt (Berlin, I 970f), edited by J. VoGT et al. BMC Coins of the Roman Empire in the British Museum; Vol. I (London, 1923), edited by H. MATTINGLY. CAH Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. X (Cambridge, 1932). C/L Corpus /nscriptionum I..atinarum (Berlin, 1863 and following), edited by T. MoMMSENe t al. DS Dictionnaire des Antiquites grecques et romaines (Paris, from 1877) edited by C. DAREMBERGan d E. SAouo. 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY Documents illwtrating the Reigns of Augwtw and Tiberiw (Oxford, 1976), edited by V. EHRENBERGa nd A. H. M. JoNEs. IG lnscriptiones Graecae (Berlin, from 1873), edited by K. BoECKH. IGRRP Inscriptiones Graecae ad Res Romanas Pertinentes (Paris, from 1906) edited by R. CAGNAT. /LS Inscriptiones IAtinae selectae (Berlin, 1892), edited by H. DEssAu. OGIS Orientis Graecae Inscriptiones Se/ectae (Leipzig, 1895) edited by W. DllTENBERGER. Prosopographia lmperii Romani (Berlin, from 1898) edited by P. DE RoHDEN et al. RE Paulys Real Encyclopadie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft (Leipzig, from 1900) edited by G. W1ssowA et al. RIC2 Roman Imperial Coinage (London, 1984), edited by D. SvoENHAM. SEG Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (Leiden, from 1923) edited by J. J. E. HoNorns. SIG Sylloge Inscriptionum Graecarum3 (Berlin, from 1915), edited by W. DITTENBERGER.

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