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Suction Anchor Penetration PDF

112 Pages·2017·2.91 MB·English
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Suction Anchor Penetration Estimating Penetration Resistance Based on CPT Sleeve Friction André Mikkelsen Nårstad Geotechnics and Geohazards Submission date: June 2017 Supervisor: Gudmund Reidar Eiksund, IBM Co-supervisor: Gisle Håland, Statoil Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering i Preface The master thesis is written during the 4th semester at Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim and counts for 30 points of study. Duration of the work is set to 20 weeks,andlastfrom15thJanuaryto10thofJune. Thethesismarksthelastsemesterofthemas- terprogramGeotechnicsandGeohazards. The idea for this thesis was made by Gisle Håland from Statoil, which also have been the co- supervisorduringthisthesis. The use of suction anchors has increased the last decades, and have become a widely used method mooring floating offshore platforms to the seabed. When installing suction anchors theneedtoknownecessarysuctiontoreachwanteddepthsisoftheessence. Atthetime, this is estimated based on thorough soil investigation which increase installation costs. The thesis goal is to check if there is a possibility to estimate suction based on measured sleeve friction fromCPT. AndréMikkelsenNårstad Trondheim,10thJune2017 ii BLANKPAGE iii Acknowledgment Iwouldliketosendmygratitude’stoGisleHålandatStatoilforsuggestingthisinterestingtopic. Withouthissupportandguidancethisthesiswouldhavebeenimpossibletocompletethisthe- sis. I would also thank Professor Gudmund Reidar Eiksund at NTNU, for the guidance I have re- ceivedandforholdinghisdooropenatanytimewhenIneededanswertoquestions. Iwouldalsosendmythankstomyfellowstudents,forthegoodtimesduringlunchandcontri- butiontoagoodsocialenvironmentduringthewritingofthisthesis. A.N. iv BLANKPAGE

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering method mooring floating offshore platforms to the seabed. Without his support and guidance this thesis would have been impossible to complete this the- sis. Due to the "simple" design, suction anchors is economical and easy to install at great
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