Successive Convexification of Non-Convex Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints Yuanqi Mao∗ Daniel Dueri∗ Michael Szmuk∗ Beh¸cet A¸cıkme¸se∗ ∗University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98105 USA (e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]). Abstract: This paper presents a successive convexification (SCvx) algorithm to solve a class of non-convex optimal control problems with certain types of state constraints. Sources of non- 7 convexity may include nonlinear dynamics and non-convex state/control constraints. To tackle 1 the challenge posed by non-convexity, first we utilize exact penalty function to handle the 0 2 nonlinear dynamics. Then the proposed algorithm successively convexifies the problem via a project-and-linearize procedure. Thus a finite dimensional convex programming subproblem n is solved at each succession, which can be done efficiently with fast Interior Point Method a (IPM) solvers. Global convergence to a local optimum is demonstrated with certain convexity J assumptions, which are satisfied in a broad range of optimal control problems. As an example, 3 the proposed algorithm is particularly suitable for solving trajectory planning problems with collision avoidance constraints. Through numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the ] C algorithmconvergesreliablyafteronlyafewsuccessions.ThuswithpowerfulIPMbasedcustom O solvers, the algorithm can be implemented for real-time autonomous control applications. . h Keywords: Optimal control, State constraints, Convex optimization, Successive t a convexification, Autonomous systems, Trajectory optimization m [ 1. INTRODUCTION directly applying optimization methods to solve the dis- cretized optimal control problems gains its popularity 1 v Non-convex optimal control problems emerge in a broad thanks to the algorithmic advancement in nonlinear pro- 8 range of science and engineering disciplines. Finding a gramming, see e.g. Hull (1997); Buskens and Maurer 5 global solution to these problems is generally considered (2000). Unfortunately, general nonlinear optimization can 5 NP-hard. Using heuristics like simulated annealing, Bert- sometimes be intractable in the sense that a bad initial 0 simas and Nohadani (2010), or combinatorial methods guess could potentially lead to divergence, and also there 0 like mixed integer programming, Richards et al. (2002), is few known bounds on the computational effort needed 1. can compute global optimum solutions for special classes to reach optimality. This makes it difficult to implement 0 of problems. In many engineering applications, finding a for real-time or mission critical applications, because they 7 local optimum or even a feasible solution with less com- cannot afford either divergence or a large amount of com- 1 putational effort is however a more favorable route. This putationaleffort.Convexoptimization,ontheotherhand, : is particularly the case with real-time control systems, can be reliably solved in polynomial time to global opti- v i where efficiency and guarantee of convergence are more mality, see e.g. Boyd and Vandenberghe (2004). More im- X valuable than optimality. An example in aerospace appli- portantly,recentadvanceshaveshownthattheseproblems r cations is the planetary landing problem, see A¸cıkme¸se can be solved in real-time by both generic Second Order a et al. (2013); Blackmore et al. (2012); Steinfeldt et al. Cone Programming (SOCP) solvers, e.g. Domahidi et al. (2010). Non-convexities appeared in this problem include (2013), and by customized solvers which take advantage minimum thrust constraints, nonlinear gravity fields and of specific problem structures, e.g. Mattingley and Boyd nonlinearaerodynamicforces.Stateconstraintscanrender (2012); Dueri et al. (2014). This motivates researchers to the problem non-convex as well. A classic example would formulate optimal control problems in a convex program- be collision avoidance constraints. For instance, A¸cıkmese ming framework for real-time purposes, for example, real- etal.(2006)discussesthecollisionaviodanceinformation time Model Predictive Control (MPC), see Houska et al. reconfiguration of spacecrafts, Augugliaro et al. (2012) (2011); Zeilinger et al. (2014). considers the generation of collision-free trajectories for In order to take advantage of these powerful convex pro- a quadrocopter fleet, and Liu and Lu (2014) studies the gramming solvers, one crucial step is to convexify the highly constrained rendezvous problem. originally non-convex problems. Recent results on a tech- Given the complexity of such non-convex problems, tradi- niqueknownaslossless convexification,e.g.Ac¸ıkme¸seand tional Pontryagin’s maximum principle based approaches, Blackmore (2011); Blackmore et al. (2012); Harris and e.g. Rockafellar (1972), can fall short. On the other hand, A¸cıkme¸se (2014) have proven that certain types of non- convex control constraints can be posed as convex ones x −x =f(x ,u ) i=1,2,T −1, (1b) i+1 i i i without introducing conservativeness. Liu et al. (2015) h(x )≥0 i=1,2,T, (1c) i alsogivesaresultonconvexificationofcontrolconstraints u ∈U ⊆Rm i=1,2,T −1, for the entry guidance application. For nonlinear dynam- i i x ∈X ⊆Rn i=1,2,T. ics and non-convex state constraints, collision avoidance i i constraints in particular, one simple solution is to per- Herexi,ui representdiscretestate/controlateachtempo- form query-based collision checks, see Allen and Pavone ral point. T denotes the final time. Xi,Ui are assumed (2016). However, to be mathematically more tractable, to be convex and compact sets. We also assume that Augugliaro et al. (2012); Schulman et al. (2014); Chen the objective function in (1a) is continuous and convex, et al. (2015) propose to use (variations of) sequential which is the case in many optimal control applications. convexprogramming(SCP)toiterativelyconvexifythem. For example, the minimum fuel problem has φ(xi,ui) = While these methods usually perform well in practice, no (cid:107)ui(cid:107), and the minimum time problem has φ(xi,ui) = convergence results have been reported yet. To tackle this 1. Equation (1b) represent the system dynamics, where openchallenge,ourpreviouswork,Maoetal.(2016),gives f(xi,ui)∈Rn is,ingeneral,anonlinearfunctionthatisat aconvergenceproofofanalgorithmthatsuccessivelycon- least twice differentiable. Equation (1c) are the additional vexifies the dynamics with techniques like virtual control state constraints, where h(xi) ∈ Rs is also at least twice and trust regions. differentiable,andcouldbenonlinearaswell.Notethatwe don’t impose non-convex control constraints here because To include state constraints in our successive convexifica- we can leverage the lossless convexification technique, see tion (SCvx) algorithmic framework, a few enhancements e.g. A¸cıkme¸se and Blackmore (2011), to convexify them need to be made. Hauser and Saccon (2006) relaxes the beforehand.Finallywewanttopointoutitis(1b)and(1c) state constraints by using barrier function, but it does that render the problem non-convex. not provide theoretical guarantees. In this paper, we first relax the dynamic equations into inequalities by using an To facilitate our convergence proof, we need a few more exact penalty function, see e.g. Li et al. (2011). Then we assumptions on f(xi,ui) and h(xi). First, we assume each propose a project-and-linearize procedure to handle state componentoff(xi,ui)isaconvexfunctionoverxi andui. constraints and the relaxed dynamics. While introducing Infact,awiderangeofoptimalcontrolapplications,forex- conservativenessisinevitableinthisprocess,theproposed ample systems with double integrator dynamics and aero- algorithm preserves much more feasibility, compared with dynamic drag (constant speed), satisfy this assumption. similar results in Rosen (1966); Liu and Lu (2014). Fi- It also includes all linear systems. Similarly, we assume nally under some mild assumptions, we present a conver- each component of h(xi) is convex. An example for this genceproof,whichnotonlyguaranteesthatthealgorithm assumption are collision avoidance constraints with the will converge, but also demonstrate that the convergent shape of each keep-out zone is convex or can be convexly solution recovers the local optimality conditions for the decomposed. See Figure 1 for a simple illustration. Note original problem. that at this stage, these convexity assumptions do not change the non-convex nature of the problem. One clear advantage of the algorithm proposed in this paper is that this algorithm does not have to resort to trust regions, see e.g. Szmuk and Ac¸ıkme¸se (2016); Mao et al. (2016), to guarantee convergence. This property allowsthealgorithmtopotentiallytakealargestepineach succession, thereby greatly accelerating the convergence process, which is exactly the case shown by our numerical simulations. It also worths noting that the proposed al- gorithm only uses the Jacobian matrix, i.e. the first-order information;therefore wedo nothave tocompute Hessian matrices,i.e.thesecond-orderinformation,otherwisethat taskitselfcouldbecomputationallyexpensive.Tothebest ofourknowledge,themaincontributionsofthisworkare: • AnextendedSCvxalgorithmwithproject-and-linearize Fig. 1. Convex shaped keep-out zone as state constraints. to handle both nonlinear dynamics and non-convex state constraints. To formalize, we give the following hypotheses: • A convergence proof with local optimality recovery. Hypothesis 1. f (x ,u ) is a convex function over x and j i i i 2. SUCCESSIVE CONVEXIFICATION u , ∀j =1,2,...n. i Hypothesis 2. h (x ) is a convex function over x , ∀j = j i i 2.1 Problem Formulation 1,2,...s. In this paper, we consider the following discrete optimal To convert the optimal control problem into a finite control problem: dimensional optimization problem, we treat state vari- T able xi and control variable ui as a single variable y = minJ(xi,ui):=(cid:88)φ(xi,ui), (1a) (cid:0)xT1,...,xTT,uT1,...,uTT−1,(cid:1)T ∈RN, where N =m(T −1)+ i=1 nT. And let Y be the Cartesian product of all Xi and Ui, subject to theny ∈Y.Y isaconvexandcompactsetbecauseX and i U are.Inaddition,weletg (x ,u )=f(x ,u )−x +x , i i i i i i i+1 i and g(y)=(cid:0)gT,gT,...,gT (cid:1)T ∈Rn(T−1). Note that each 1 2 T−1 component of g(y) is convex over y by Hypothesis 1, and the dynamic equation (1b) becomes g(y)=0. We also let h(y) = (cid:0)h(x )T,h(x )T,...,h(x )T(cid:1)T ∈ RsT, then each 1 2 T component of h(y) is convex over y by Hypothesis 2, and (1c) becomes h(y) ≥ 0. In summary, we have the following non-convex optimization problem: J(y∗)=min{J(y)|y ∈Y,g(y)=0,h(y)≥0}. (2) y By leveraging the exact penalty theory, see e.g. Han and Mangasarian (1979), Mao et al. (2016), we can move g(y) = 0 into objective function without compromising optimality: Theorem 3. (Exactness of penalty function). LetP(y)= J(y)+λ(cid:107)g(y)(cid:107) be the exact penalty function, and y¯be a 1 stationary point of min{P(y)|y ∈Y,g(y)≥0,h(y)≥0} (3) y Fig. 2. Project-and-linearize vs directly linearize. with Lagrangian multiplier µ¯ for equality constraints. Theorem 4. (Uniqueness of projection). For any z ∈ Then if penalty weight λ satisfies λ ≥ (cid:107)µ¯(cid:107) , and if y¯ ∞ F, there exists a unique point is feasible for (2), then y¯is also a stationary point of (2). z¯=argmin{(cid:107)z−y(cid:107) |q (y)≤0}, (5) 2 j Sinceeachcomponentofg(y)isconvex,and(cid:107)·(cid:107) isconvex y 1 andnondecreasingbecausewestillhaveconstraintsg(y)≥ called the projection of z on q (y)≤0. j 0, by the composition rule of convex function, see Boyd andVandenberghe(2004),P(y)isaconvexfunction.This Equation(5)isasimpleconvexprogramwithsmalldimen- marks our first effort towards the convexification of (2). sions. It can be solved very fast, e.g., in sub-milliseconds, using any convex programming solver, so the additional Letq(y)=(cid:0)g(y)T,h(y)T(cid:1)T ∈RM,whereM =sT+n(T− computation is not expensive. 1), then we may rewrite (3) as Doing this for each constraint, we will get a set of pro- min{P(y)|y ∈Y,q(y)≥0} (4) jection points, {z¯1,z¯2,...,z¯M}. Note that these projection y points must lie on the boundary of q (y)≤0, i.e. j whereP(y)iscontinuousandconvex,andeachcomponent q (z¯ )=0, ∀j =1,...,M ofq(y)isconvexfunction.Bydoingthis,weareessentially j j For a fixed z ∈F, let l (y,z) be the linear approximation treating constraints due to dynamics as another keep-out j of q (y): zone. Denote j l (y,z)=(cid:79) q (z¯ )(y−z¯ ), (6) F ={y|y ∈Y,q(y)≥0} j y j j j and let l(y,z) = (lT,lT,...,lT )T ∈ RM. For each z ∈ F, asthefeasibleset.NotethatF iscompactbutnotconvex. 1 2 M denote 2.2 Project and Linearize Fz ={y|y ∈Y,l(y,z)≥0} as the feasible region after linearization. F also defines z Since both f(x ,u ) and h(x ) are at least twice differen- a point-to-set mapping, F : z → F . Note that each i i i z z tiable,wehaveq(y)∈C2(Y)aswell.Foranypointz ∈F, componentofl(y,z)≥0,i.e.l (y,z)≥0representsahalf- j let (cid:79) q(z) be the Jacobian matrix of q(y) evaluated at z. space. Hence l(y,z) ≥ 0 is the intersection of half-spaces, y which means F is a convex and compact set. Now if we directly linearize q(y) at z as in Liu and Lu z (2014),sincez couldbeintheinteriorofF,therewillbea Remark. Convexification of F by using F also in- z gap between the linearized feasible region and F. The gap evitably introduces conservativeness, but one can verify willincreaseasz becomesfurtherawayfromtheboundary that it is the best we can do to maximize feasibility while q(y) = 0. This is not a desirable situation, because a preserving convexity. fairly large area of the feasible region is not utilized. In other words, we introduced artificial conservativeness. To The following lemma gives an invariance result regarding address this issue, we may introduce a projection step, the point-to-set mapping Fz. It is essential to our subse- which essentially project z onto each constraint, and get quent analyses. eachprojectionpoint.Thenwelinearizeeachconstraintat Lemma 5. (Invariance of F ). For each z ∈F, z its own projection point. See Figure 2 for an illustration z ∈F ⊆F. in RN. z To formalize, let q (y),j = 1,2...,M represent each com- Proof. For each z ∈F, and ∀j =1,2,...,M, from (6), we j ponent of q(y), i.e. each constraint. Note that q (y) is have a convex function, hence qj(y) ≤ 0 is a closed cjonvex lj(z,z)=(cid:79)yqj(z¯j)(z−z¯j). set. Using the well-known Hilbert projection theorem, see Since z¯ is the projection, (z −z¯ ) is the normal vector j j e.g.Wulbert (1968), we have at z¯ , which is aligned with the gradient (cid:79) q (z¯ ). Hence j y j j (cid:79) q (z¯ )(z−z¯ ) ≥ 0, i.e. l (z,z) = 0,∀j = 1,2,...,M, i.e. Hypothesis 7. (Slater’s condition). For each z ∈ F, the y j j j j z ∈F . convex feasible region F contains interior points. z z Furthermore, since qj(y) is a convex function, we have for These assumptions do impose some practical restrictions any y ∈Fz, on our feasible region. Figure 3 shows some examples q (y)≥q (z¯ )+(cid:79) q (z¯ )(y−z¯ )=l (y,z)≥0, where LICQ or Slater’s condition might fail. For scenarios j j j y j j j j which means y ∈F. Hence F ⊆F. (cid:50) like (a), we may perturb our distrete points to break z symmetry, For scenarios like (b), we have to assume the 2.3 The SCvx Algorithm connectivity of the feasible region. In other words, our feasible region cannot be degenerate at some point, for NowwehaveaconvexandcompactfeasibleregionF and example, in collision avoidance the feasible rigion is not z a convex objective function P(y), we are ready to present allowed to be completely obstructed. a successive procedure to solve the non-convex problem in (4). Note that the feasible region F is defined by z. z Therefore, if we start from a point z(0) ∈ F, a sequence {z(k)} will be generated as in each iteration, z(k+1) =argmin{P(y)|y ∈F }, k =0,1,... (7) z(k) y This is a convex programming sub-problem, whose global minimizer is attained at z(k+1). At these intermediate steps, z(k+1) may not be the optimal solution to (4). Our goal, however, is to prove that this sequence {z(k)} convergestoalimitpointz∗,andthislimitpointsolves(4) by project-and-linearize at z∗ itself, i.e., it is a “fixed- Fig. 3. Cases where LICQ or Slater’s condition fails point” satisfying z∗ =argmin{P(y)|y ∈F }. (8) z∗ In order to analyze the convergence, first we need to show y thatthepoint-to-setmappingF iscontinuousinthesense More importantly, we want to show that z∗ gives a local z that given any point z(1) ∈ F and y(1) ∈ F , then for optimum to (4) convexified at z∗ itself. Then by solving z(1) anypointz(2) ∈F intheneighborhoodofz(1),thereexists a sequence of convex programming subproblems, we ef- a y(2) ∈F that is close enough to y(1). fectively solved the non-convex optimal control problem z(2) in (2) because of Fact 3. Therefore we call this procedure First, We have the following lemma: theSuccessiveConvexification(SCvx)algorithm.Itissum- Lemma 8. (Lipschitz continuity of l(y,z)). The linear marized in Algorithm 1. approximation l(y,z) in (6) is Lipschitz continuous in z, that is Algorithm 1 Successive Convexification Algorithm (cid:107)l(y,z(1))−l(y,z(2))(cid:107)≤γ(cid:107)z(1)−z(2)(cid:107), (9) 1: procedure SCvx(z(0),λ) 2: inputInitialpointz(0) ∈F.Penaltyweightλ≥0. for any z(1),z(2) ∈F and constant γ. 3: while not converged do Proof. Each l (y,z) is in fact a composition of two j 4: step 1 At each succession k, we have the mappings. The first mapping maps z to its projection current point z(k). For each constraint q (y), solve the j z¯ . This mapping is defined by the optimization problem ¯ j problem in (5) to get a projection point z(k). in (5). It is a well known result that this mapping is non- j 5: step 2 Construct the convex feasible region expansive (i.e. Lipschitz continuous with constant 1), See F by using (6). e.g.Wulbert(1968).Thesecondmappingisdefinedbythe z(k) 6: step 3 Solve the convex subproblem in (7) to auxiliary function: get z(k+1). Let z(k) ← z(k+1) and go to the next aj(y,z¯j)=(cid:79)yqj(z¯j)(y−z¯j), succession. Since q(y) ∈ C2(Y), a (y,z¯ ) is Lipschitz continuous in j j 7: end while z¯ . By the composition rule of two Lipschitz continuous j 8: return z(k+1). functions, we have l (y,z) is Lipschitz continuous, for all j 9: end procedure j = 1,2,...,M. Therefore, sum over j gives the Lipschitz continuity of l(y,z). (cid:50) 3. CONVERGENCE ANALYSIS Now with Hypothesis 6, 7 and Lemma 8, we are ready to prove the continuity of point-to-set mapping F . The z In this section, we proceed to show that Algorithm 1 result is given as follows: does converge to a point z∗ that indeed satisfies (8). Lemma 9. (Continuity of mapping F ). Given z(1) ∈ z Firstwemustassumetheapplicationofregularconstraint F and y(1) ∈ F , then given (cid:15) > 0, there exists a δ > 0 z(1) qualifications,namelytheLinearIndependenceConstraint sothatforanypointz(2) ∈F with(cid:107)z(2)−z(1)(cid:107)≤δ,there Qualification(LICQ)andtheSlater’scondition.Theycan exists a y(2) ∈F such that (cid:107)y(2)−y(1)(cid:107)≤(cid:15). be formalized as the following: z(2) Hypothesis 6. (LICQ). For each z ∈ F, the Jacobian Proof. From Hypothesis 6, we know that the Jaco- matrix (cid:79) q(z) has full row rank, i.e. rank((cid:79) q(z)) =M. bian matrix (cid:79) q(z) has full row rank. Thus matrix y y y (cid:79) q(z)(cid:79) q(z)T is symmetric and positive definite for any Lemma 10. Φ(z) is continuous for z ∈F. y y z ∈F. Consequently, there exists β such that Proof. Given any two points z(1),z(2) ∈F, and they are (cid:107)((cid:79) q(z)(cid:79) q(z)T)−1(cid:107)≤β2, ∀z ∈F. (10) y y close to each other, i.e. (cid:107)z(1)−z(2)(cid:107)≤δ. Let If y(1) ∈ F , then take y(2) = y(1) such that (cid:107)y(2) − z(2) y(1) =argmin{P(y)|y ∈F }and y(1)(cid:107)=0≤(cid:15). Now suppose y(1) ∈/ Fz(2), then there exists y z(1) at least one j, such that lj(y(1),z(2))<0. Let y(2) =argmin{P(y)|y ∈F }, z(2) (cid:40) y l (y(1),z(2)) l (y(1),z(2))<0, ¯l = j j then we have Φ(z(1))=P(y(1)) and Φ(z(2))=P(y(2)). j 0 l (y(1),z(2))≥0. j Without loss of generality, let Φ(z(1)) ≤ Φ(z(2)), i.e. Note that l (y(1),z(1))≥0, then by definition, P(y(1)) ≤ P(y(2)). From Lemma 9, the continuity of F , j z |¯l |≤|l (y(1),z(1))−l (y(1),z(2))|, ∀j =1,2,...,M. there exists yˆ(2) ∈ Fz(2), such that (cid:107)yˆ(2) −y(1)(cid:107) ≤ η for j j j any η >0. Then since P(y) is continuous, we have Hence we have |P(yˆ(2))−P(y(1))|≤(cid:15). (14) (cid:107)¯l(cid:107)≤(cid:107)l(y(1),z(1))−l(y(1),z(2))(cid:107)≤γ(cid:107)z(1)−z(2)(cid:107). (11) Since y(2) is the minimizer of P(y) in F , P(y(2)) ≤ The second inequality follows from (9) in Lemma 8. z(2) P(yˆ(2)). Therefore, P(y(1)) ≤ P(yˆ(2)) by assumption. Now we consider two cases: Now (14) becomes P(yˆ(2))−P(y(1)) ≤ (cid:15). Again, because Case 1: y(1) is an interior point of Y, then ∃(cid:15)1 ∈ (0,(cid:15)], P(y(2)) ≤ P(yˆ(2)), we have P(y(2)) − P(y(1)) ≤ (cid:15), i.e. such that y ∈Y for all y satisfies (cid:107)y−y(1)(cid:107)≤(cid:15)1. Φ(z(2))−Φ(z(1))≤(cid:15),whichmeansΦ(z)iscontinuous. (cid:50) Let (cid:107)z(2)−z(1)(cid:107)≤δ, with δ =(cid:15) /βγ, and let 1 With the continuity of Φ(z) in hand, now we are ready to y(2) =y(1)−(cid:79) q(z(2))T((cid:79) q(z(2))(cid:79) q(z(2))T)−1¯l. (12) y y y present our final convergence results: We need to verify that y(2) ∈Fz(2). First, we have Theorem 11. (Global convergence). Thesequence{z(k)} l (y(2),z(2))=(cid:79) q (z¯(2))(y(2)−z¯(2)). (13) generated by the successive procedure (7) is in F, and j y j j j has limit point z∗, at which the corresponding sequence Substitute y(2) from (12) into the stacked form of (13), {P(z(k))} attains its minimum, P(z∗). and then unstack, we get More importantly, P(z∗) = Φ(z∗), i.e. z∗ is a local opti- l (y(2),z(2))=(cid:79) q (z¯(2))(y(1)−z¯(2))−¯l mum of the penalty problem in (4) convexified at z∗. j y j j j j =l (y(1),z(2))−¯l Proof. From Lemma 5, we have z(k) ∈F ⊆F, then j j z(k) ≥0. P(z(k+1))=min{P(y)|y ∈F }≤P(z(k)), z(k) Thelastinequalityfollowsfromthedefinitionof¯l .There- y j becasuez(k) isafeasiblepointtothisconvexoptimization fore, l(y(2),z(2))≥0. problem, while z(k+1) is the optimum. Therefore, the Next we need to show that y(2) ∈ Y. Rearrange terms sequence {P(z(k))} is monotonically decreasing. in (12), we have Also since F ⊆F for all k, we have z(k) (cid:107)y(2)−y(1)(cid:107)2 =¯lT((cid:79)yq(z(2))(cid:79)yq(z(2))T)−1¯l P(z(k+1))≥min{P(y)|y ∈F}, ≤β2(cid:107)¯l(cid:107)2 y which means the sequence {P(z(k))} is bounded from ≤β2γ2(cid:107)z(1)−z(2)(cid:107)2 below. Then by the monotone convergence theorem, see The inequalities follow from (10) and (11). Thus we have e.g.Rudin(1964),{P(z(k))}convergestoitsinfimum.Due (cid:107)y(2) −y(1)(cid:107) ≤ βγδ = (cid:15) , i.e. y(2) ∈ Y. So now we have tothecompactnessofF ,thisinfimumisattainedbyall 1 z(k) verifiedy(2) ∈F .Since(cid:15) ≤(cid:15),wehave(cid:107)y(2)−y(1)(cid:107)≤(cid:15), the convergent subsequences of {z(k)}. Let z∗ ∈F be one z(2) 1 so that F is continuous. of the limit points, then {P(z(k))} attains its minimum at z P(z∗), i.e. Case 2: y(1) is a boundary point of Y. From Hypothesis 7, F has interior points. Also since F is a convex set, P(z∗)≤P(z(k)), ∀k =0,1,... (15) z(1) z(1) it is a well known fact that there are interior points in To show P(z∗) = Φ(z∗), we note that since z∗ ∈ F, the (cid:15)−Neighborhood of every point in F . Then we can z(1) z∗ ∈F by Lemma 5. Thus we have apply the same argument as in Case 1, to get that F is z∗ z continuous. (cid:50) Φ(z∗):=min{P(y)|y ∈Fz∗}≤P(z∗). y One way to show convergence is to demonstrate the Now for the sake of contradiction, we suppose Φ(z∗) < convergence of objective functions, P(z(k)). Now let’s P(z∗). Then by Lemma 10, the continuity of Φ(z), there define exists a sufficiently large k such that Φ(zk) < P(z∗). Φ(z):=min{P(y)|y ∈F } Then we have P(z(k+1)) = Φ(zk) < P(z∗), which con- z y tradicts (15). Therefore P(z∗)=Φ(z∗) holds. (cid:50) to be the function that maps the point z we are solving at in each iteration to the optimal value of the objective 4. NUMERICAL RESULTS function in F . By using the continuity of the point-to-set z mapping F , the following lemma gives the continuity of Inthissection,wepresentnumericalresultsthatapplythe z the function Φ(z). SCvxalgorithmtoanaerospaceproblem.Considerasmall Table 1. Parameter Values ground plane projection of the feasible initial trajectory, z{0} is shown in Figure 4 (black circles). Note that z{0} is Par. Value Par. Value notonlyfeasibleforthenon–convexstateconstraints,but N 17 (cid:15) 1×10−6 also for the convex constraints imposed on the trajectory. Vmax 2m/s umax 13.33m/s2 g [0,0,−9.81]T m/s2 θcone 30deg p0 [−8,−1,0]T m pf [8,1,0.5]T m 4 v0 [0,0,0]T m/s vf [0,0,0]T m/s pc,1 [−1,0]T m pc,2 [4,−1]T m 2 r1 3m r2 1.5m λ 0 nˆ [0,0,1]T 0 tf 15s m) y (−2 multi–rotor vehicle with state at time t i (cid:20) (cid:21) x = pi −4 i v i −6 where p ∈ R3 and v ∈ R3 represent vehicle position i i and velocity at time ti respectively. We assume that −5 0 5 vehiclemotionisadequatelymodeledbydoubleintegrator x (m) dynamics with constant time step ∆t such that x = i+1 Fig. 4. 2-D Ground plane projection of initial trajectory Ax +B(u +g), where u ∈ R3 is the control at time t , i i i i (blackcircles)andtheconvergedtrajectory(bluex’s). g ∈R3 is a constant gravity vector, (cid:20) (cid:21) A= I3×3 ∆t·I3×3 and, The SCvx algorithm is initiated with z{0}, and is consid- 03×3 I3×3 ered to have converged when the improvement in the cost (cid:34) 1 (cid:35) ofthelinearizedproblemislessthan(cid:15).Figure5illustrates B = 2∆t2·I3×3 . theconvergedtrajectorythatavoidsthecylindricalobsta- ∆t·I cles while satisfying its actuator and mission constraints 3×3 (blue x’s). Note that the ground plane projection of the Above, I is the 3 × 3 multiplicative identity matrix 3×3 and 0 is the 3×3 additive identity (or zero) matrix. convergedtrajectoryz{5} inFigure4(bluex’s)isdifferent 3×3 Further, we impose a speed upper–bound at each time than that of z{0} and is characterized by having a smooth step, (cid:107)vi(cid:107)2 ≤ Vmax, an acceleration upper–bound such curve. For z{0}, (cid:80)Ni=1(cid:107)ui(cid:107)=269.01 and at z{5}, we have that (cid:107)ui(cid:107)2 ≤ umax (driven by a thrust upper–bound), that (cid:80)N (cid:107)u (cid:107) = 245.38, so the cost of the converged and a thrust cone constraint nˆTu ≥(cid:107)u (cid:107) cos(θ ) that i=1 i i i 2 cone trajectory is lower than that of the initial trajectory. At constrains the thrust vector to a cone pointing towards each iteration, the SCvx algorithm solves an SOCP, and theunitvectornˆ (pointingtowardstheceiling)withangle therefore 5 SOCPs were solved in order to produce these θ . Finally, the multi–rotor must avoid a known set of cone results (in addition to 2 SOCPs for finding a feasible cylindrical obstacles with the jth cylinder having center starting point). p ∈ R2 and radius r ∈ R . Therefore, each state c,j j + must satisfy the non–convex constraint given by (cid:107)Hx − i p (cid:107) ≥ r where H is a linear mapping that maps p to c,j 2 j i its projection on the ground plane. Giventheseconstraints,theobjectiveistofindaminimum fuel trajectory from a prescribed x(t ) to a known x(t ) 0 f with fixed final time t and N discrete points along with f n cylindrical obstacles to avoid: cyl N (cid:88) min (cid:107)u (cid:107) i i=1 s.t. x =Ax +B(u +g), i=1,...,N −1 i+1 i i (cid:107)u (cid:107) ≤u , i=1,...,N, i 2 max (cid:107)v (cid:107) ≤V , i=1,...,N, i 2 max nˆTu ≥(cid:107)u (cid:107) cos(θ ), i=1,...,N, i i 2 cone (cid:107)Hx −p (cid:107) ≥r , i=1,...,N, j =1,...,n , i c,j 2 j cyl x =x(t ), x =x(t ). 0 0 N f TheparametersgiveninTable1areusedtoobtainthenu- merical results presented herein. An initial feasible trajec- toryisobtainedbyusingtheTrustRegionMethod(TRM) given in Mao et al. (2016) to solve the feasibility problem associated with this optimization. We have found that a feasible solution can generally be found with less than Fig.5.3–Dplotoftheinitialtrajectory(blackcircles)and threeiterations,whereeachiterationsolvesanSOCP.The the converged trajectory (blue x’s). For comparison, we solve the same problem using only Blackmore, L., Ac¸ıkme¸se, B., and Carson, J.M. (2012). the TRM given in Mao et al. (2016). The converged Lossless convexfication of control constraints for a class trajectories for both algorithms are identical to within of nonlinear optimal control problems. System and (cid:15). The number of iterations (k and k ) and time Control Letters, 61(4), 863–871. TRM SCvx elapsed using each method (t and t ) are reported Boyd, S. and Vandenberghe, L. (2004). Convex Optimiza- TRM SCvx in Table 2. The 2 iterations necessary to find a feasible tion. Cambridge University Press. starting point for the SCvx algorithm are also reported. Buskens, C. and Maurer, H. (2000). 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