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Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses 4th edition (Artech House Technology Management and Professional Developm) PDF

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ArtechHouse,Inc.andtheauthorandeditorsofthebooktitled SuccessfulProposalStrategiesforSmallBusinesses:UsingKnowl- edgeManagementtoWinGovernment,Private-Sector,andInter- nationalContracts,FourthEdition,makenowarranties,expressed orimplied,thattheequations,programs,andproceduresinthis bookoritsassociatedsoftwarearefreeoferror,orareconsistent withanyparticularstandardofmerchantability,orwillmeetyour requirementsforanyparticularapplication.Theyshouldnotbe relieduponforsolvingaproblemwhoseincorrectsolutioncould resultininjurytoapersonorlossofproperty.Anyuseofthepro- gramsorproceduresinsuchamannerisattheuser’sownrisk. Theeditors,author,andpublisherdisclaimallliabilityfordirect, incidental,orconsequentdamagesresultingfromuseofthepro- gramsorproceduresinthisbookortheassociatedsoftware. ForacompletelistingoftheArtechHouseTechnologyManagementand ProfessionalDevelopmentLibrary,turntothebackofthisbook. Successful Proposal Strategies for Small Businesses Using Knowledge Management to Win Government, Private-Sector, and International Contracts Fourth Edition Robert S. Frey artechhouse.com LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Frey,RobertS. Successfulproposalstrategiesforsmallbusinesses:usingknowledge managementtowingovernment,private-sector,andinternational contracts/RobertS.Frey—4thed.(ArtechHousetechnology managementandprofessionaldevelopmentlibrary) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN1-58053-957-2 1.Proposalwritingforgrants—UnitedStates. 2.Small business—UnitedStates—Finance. I.Title. II.Series. HG177.5.U6F742005 658.8’04—dc22 2004062876 BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData Frey,RobertS. Successfulproposalstrategiesforsmallbusinesses:usingknowledge managementtowingovernment,private-sector,andinternational contracts.—4thed.(ArtechHousetechnologymanagementand professionaldevelopmentlibrary) 1.Proposalwritingforgrants—UnitedStates 2.Small business—UnitedStates—Finance I. Title 658.8’04 ISBN1-58053-957-2 CoverdesignbyIgorValdman ©2005ARTECHHOUSE,INC. 685CantonStreet Norwood,MA02062 Allrightsreserved.PrintedandboundintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedorutilizedinanyformorbyanymeans, electronicormechanical,includingphotocopying,recording,orbyanyinforma- tionstorageandretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthepublisher. Alltermsmentionedinthisbookthatareknowntobetrademarksorservice markshavebeenappropriatelycapitalized.ArtechHousecannotattesttothe accuracyofthisinformation.Useofaterminthisbookshouldnotberegardedas affectingthevalidityofanytrademarkorservicemark. InternationalStandardBookNumber:1-58053-957-2 10987654321 For myfriendandfellowteacher,Dr.TerryC.Tarbell, anoutstandingbusinessdeveloperwhoseestheeffortthroughfromtarget identificationandqualification,capturemanagementandproposaldevelopment, andoralpresentationtocontractaward. Andinmemoryof JonathanL.Friedman mycolleagueandfriendwhodiedonSaturday,April24,2004. Withloveandrespectforthedignitythathebroughttolife. . Contents Acknowledgments xiii 1.5 SBIRandSTTRprograms 13 1.6 Organizingyourcompanytoacquire Introduction xv newbusiness 16 1.7 Effectivestrategicandmission Chapter 1 planning 22 Competitive proposals and small 1.8 Convertingknowledgeintoproposal business 1 success 24 1.1 Overview 3 1.8.1 KMbenefitsproposaldevelopment 30 1.2 Fromset-asidestofull-and-open 1.8.2 Internalandexternalclients: lookingat competition 7 clientsinawholenewway 32 1.3 Smallbusinessconstraints 11 Endnotes 37 1.4 Maximizingsmallbusiness strengths 11 vii SuccessfulProposalStrategiesforSmallBusinesses Chapter 2 3.13 Ethicsinmarketingandbusiness development 87 Strategic partnering and subcontracting 3.14 Advertising,tradeshows,and opportunities 43 high-impactpublicrelations 89 2.1 Subcontractingopportunitiesand Endnotes 95 pathwaystosuccess 44 2.2 Criticalsuccessfactors 45 Chapter 4 2.3 Specificstrategiesforachieving Requests for proposals 97 subcontracts 46 4.1 Overview 97 2.4 Becomingpartofagovernmentwide 4.2 PartI—theschedule 100 acquisitioncontract(GWAC)team 51 4.3 PartII—contractclauses 100 2.5 Howmentor-protégéprogramscanhelp yourbusiness 54 4.4 PartIII—listofdocuments,exhibits, andotherattachments 101 Endnotes 57 4.5 PartIV—representationsand Chapter 3 certifications 101 Marketing to and with your clients 59 4.6 TheimportanceofSectionL (instructionstoofferors) 101 3.1 Morethanjustselling 59 4.7 SectionM(evaluationcriteria):toward 3.2 Transactionsarepersonal—peoplebuy maximizingyourscore 104 frompeople 65 4.8 Greatestorbest-valueapproach 104 3.3 Listentoyourclient 66 4.9 Emphasisonperformance-based 3.4 Infusemarketingintelligenceinto acquisition(PBA) 105 yourproposal 66 4.10 Influencingthecontentofan 3.5 Intelligencegatheringandanalysis RFP—legitimately 107 techniques 68 4.11 Othertypesofsolicitation 3.6 Callplans 72 documents 109 3.7 Maintainmanagementvisibilityonyour Endnotes 110 contracts 78 3.8 Projectmanagersasclientmanagers 81 Chapter 5 3.9 Commercialoff-the-shelf Private-sector solicitation requests 111 acquisition 83 5.1 Grantproposals—winningwhatyou 3.10 Pursuingfirm-fixed-priceand bid 114 invitation-for-bidopportunities 84 5.1.1 Lettersofinquiry 115 3.11 Usingtherequestforinformationand 5.1.2 Balancingthetechnicalandthe therequestforcommentasvaluablemarketing nontechnical 116 tools 85 5.1.3 Standardgrantproposal 3.12 StandardForm129sandcontractor components 116 prequalificationstatements 86 5.2 Nongovernmentalorganizations (NGOs) 117 viii

Newly expanded and thoroughly revised to reflect and meet the demands of a high-velocity global business environment, the Fourth Edition of this popular book is a highly accessible, self-contained desktop references developed to be informative, practical, and easy to use. It helps small and mid-size
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