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Success of Grapholita molesta (Busck) reared on the diet used for Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) sterile insect release PDF

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Preview Success of Grapholita molesta (Busck) reared on the diet used for Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) sterile insect release

48 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 Success of GraphoUta molesta (Busck) reared on the diet used for Cydiapomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) sterile insect release BRITTANY E. CHUBB', CAROLINE M. WHITEHOUSE', GARY J. R. JUDD2, MAYA L. EVENDEN* ABSTRACT The survival and development ofGraphoUta molesta (Busck) reared from egg to adult on the synthetic diet currently used by the Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release Program to mass rear Cydia pomonella L., in Osoyoos, British Columbia, was compared to those of G. molesta reared on the synthetic diet nomially used to rear G. molesta in the laboratory. Survival and development on a diet ofcrab apples were tracked as a control. The fitness of resulting moths was compared using metrics of survival to pupation and pupal weight, survival to adulthood, and female fecundity. More G. molesta reached the pupal stage and had significantly greater mass when reared on the G. molesta diet than on either the C. pomonella diet orthe crab apple diet. Numbers ofmoths surviving to adulthood were similar for all three diet types. Although larval diet affected pupal mass of G. molesta, the resulting females produced a statistically similar number of offspring, regardless of diet. This study suggests that GraphoUta molesta can be reared successfially on the diet currently used to rear C. pomonella for sterile insect release, but mass production of G. molesta will require modification, as well as aperiod ofadaptation to this novel food source. KeyWords: Oriental fruit moth, GraphoUta molesta. Codling moth, Cydiapomonella. Sterile InsectRelease INTRODUCTION The Oriental fruitmoth (OFM), GraphoUta ornamental fruit trees in the early 1900s, and molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is now occurs in most stone-fruit growing an economically destructive pest ofstone and regions of Canada and the USA (Rothschild pome fruits, including peaches and apples and Vickers 1991). British Columbia (BC) (Rothschild and Vickers 1991), and is remains the only temperate fruit-growing considered a key pest in many fruit-growing region in the world free of this pest and, as regions (Rothschild and Vickers 1991, Bellutti such, its orchard industry is at constant risk of OFM 2011), Female lay eggs on or adjacent to inadvertent introduction of this internally young shoots and fruits. Upon hatching, feeding insect. neonate larvae usually penetrate the host An absence of OFM and other pests of within 24 h (Dustan 1960). Early in the apples in BCjustified attempts to eradicate the season, they feed on new growth of twig only key pest, codling moth (CM), Cydia terminals; after twigs mature, larvae feed pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), internally on the host's fruit (Rothschild and from the province's montane fruit-growing Vickers 1991, Notter-Hausman and Dom valleys (Dyck et al. 1993). In 1992, the 2010). Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect Release The OFM originated in Central Asia Program was launched to eradicate CM from (Roehrich 1961) and has spread to most ofthe southern BC's Okanagan and Similkameen world's temperate fruit-growing regions. It valleys (Dyck et aL 1993). Although was first brought to North America on eradication has not yet been achieved, a ' UniversityofAlberta, DepartmentofBiological Sciences, University ofAlberta, Edmonton,Alberta, CanadaT6G 2E9 2 Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, Pacific Agri-food Research Centre, Box 5000, 4200 Hwy 97, Summerland, BritishColumbia, CanadaVOH IZO J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 49 combination ofsterile insect release (SIR) and Development and reproductive output in other integrated pest management (IPM) OFM are significantly affected by the tactics (Judd and Gardiner 2005) has provided nutritional quality oftheir host plant (Meyers area-wide suppression of this key pest of 2005, Meyers etal. 2006a). Low-quality larval pome-fruit production in BC (Bloem et al. food negatively affects OFM body size and 2007), flight capacity (Gu and Danthanaraya 1992), Success ofSIR against CM may eventually and larger OFM are more fecund (Hughes et lead to the underutilization of the program's al. 2004). rearing facility in Osoyoos, BC, and additional The first step in developing the SIR uses for the facility are being considered. technique to control any insect pest species is Possible alternative uses include the rearing of the development of a diet and mass-rearing biological control agents that could system that are inexpensive and produce supplement IPM programs for other BC crops good-quality insects. An objective of this or the rearing ofother pest insects that might study is to assess the success, as defined by be controlled by SIRprograms. survival, development time and fecundity, of If OFM is introduced to BC, the insect OFM when reared on the diet currently used may be a potential target for control by SIR to mass rear CM for SIR in the BC Interior, technique. Preliminary trials in Bulgaria have The study is designed to also provide shown that population densities of OFM on preliminary information on whether rearing peaches were reduced during a pilot program OFM in the SIR facility currently used to CM that combined classic SIR with Fi male mass rear is possible and feasible. sterility (Genchev 2002). MATERIALS AND METHODS Insects. The OFM eggs used in this mills processing Douglas-fir and larch logs experiment were obtained from a colony (Scott Arthur, Facilities Engineer, Sterile reared under laboratory conditions (16:8 h Insect Rearing Facility, Osoyoos, BC, lightidark, 24° C) for ~ 8 y (-12 generations personal communication). The CMD was per year) on a lima bean-based diet (Shorey obtained from the Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile and Hale 1965). The colony was originally Insect Release Program, in Osoyoos, BC. The obtained from Dr. Mitch Trimble at ingredients (per kilogram of diet) were as Agriculture and Agri-food Canada, in follows: 717.00 ml distilled water; 12.40 g Vineland, Ontario. The eggs were collected paper/wood pulp; 26.90 g casein; 9.00 g wheat from a 15 X 15 cm wax-paper roll that served germ; 18.00 g wheat bran; 26.90 g sucrose; as an oviposition substrate within a wooden 98.60 g whole wheat flour; 11,00 g ascorbic mating chamber (31 x 18.5 x 18.5 cm). Viable acid; 6,10 g vitamin mixture; 6,20 g Wesson's eggs were determined by egg colour and were salt mixture (Cohen 2004); 4.94 g counted using a dissecting microscope. Aureomycin®; 2.70 g sorbic acid; 68.90 g Groupings of 10-25 eggs were cut away from sawdust; and, 9.00 g citric acid. The vitamin the wax paper. Sterile pins were used to mixture was as follows, in grams per arrange a total of 200 eggs on each diet, so kilogram: 5.00 niacinamide, 5,00 calcium that newly hatched neonate larvae could pantothenate, 1.30 thiamin hydrochloride, balloon directly onto the diet treatment (as 1,30 folic acid, 0.10 biotin, 1.01 Vit. B12, descr—ibed below). Three replicates ofeach diet 1,804.00 ascorbic acid, 449.00 sorbic acid. type codlingmoth diet (CMD), Oriental fruit Five-hundred millilitres (500 ml) of CMD —moth diet (OFMD), and crab apple diet (ApD) were poured into a plastic rearing box (21 x were conducted, for a total of600 eggs per 22 X 7 cm) and allowed to reach room treatment. temperature for 60 min prior to experimental Codling Moth Diet The codlingmoth diet use. (CMD) is a sawdust-based larval diet Oriental Fruit Moth Diet. The OFM diet modified from a diet originally developed by (OFMD) is the same lima bean-based diet CMD Brinton et aL (1969). The currently adopted from Shorey and Hale (1965), and contains a sawdust mixture obtained from used to maintain the laboratory colony 50 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 described above. The ingredients include, per each was placed into its own 30-ml plastic cup 1.30 litres: 400.00 g organic lima beans, until adult eclosion. Phaseolus lunatus; 80.00 g brewer's yeast; Adult moths were separated by sex, and 8.00 g ascorbic acid (coated with fibre); 5.00 g the first 10 male and female moths per methylparaben (USP); 2.00 g sorbic acid replicate from each diet were established as (FCC); 25.00 g vitamin mix (Vandersant- mating pairs (N = 30 pairs per diet treatment). Adkission); 18.00 g carrageenan (Irish moss); Each moth pair was placed in its own 30-ml and, 2,500.00 ml distilled water. The lima plastic cup that was hned with wax paper as beans were purchased from Planet Organic, an oviposition substrate. Plastic mesh was Edmonton, Alberta; all other ingredients were glued to the inside of the lid of each cup to purchased from Bio-Serv®, New Jersey, USA. deter oviposition on the lid. Moths were Five-hundred millilitres (500 ml) of OFMD provided with a 10% sucrose solution via a were poured into a plastic rearing box (21 x dental wick inserted through the cup lid. 22 X 7 cm) and allowed to dry for 60 min. Mating pairs were maintained under the same Apples. The apples (ApD) used as a conditions as those provided for larval rearing. control diet were 'Dolgo' crab apples (Mains Upon mortality ofthe females in each mating spp.) collected in Edmonton, Alberta, in late pair, the number of hatched and unhatched August, 20IL The apples were rinsed first eggs laid per female was counted. with 1.5% bleach solution, then with distilled Statistical Analyses. Response variables water. The apples were left to dry for 10 min were visually assessed for assumptions of on papertowel before beingplaced into plastic normality. Initial hatch success was rearing boxes (21 x 22 x 7 cm) to ~ 500 ml determined by number of hatched and volume. unhatched eggs found on the egg sheets, and a After being placed into rearing containers, mixed-effects model, with replicate serving as all three diets were sterilized with ultraviolet the random variable, was used to determine radiation for 30 s (Kowalski 2009). differences in initial hatch success among the Experimental Procedure. Each rearing diets. A mixed-effects model was used to box contained 200 OEM eggs that were evenly determine effect ofdiet type and sex on pupal distributed across the diet surface. The boxes mass, with replicate designated as a random were sealed with screened lids and held in a effect. Multiple comparisons were conducted growth chamber at 24 °C, for 16:8 (light:dark) using t-values from the summary output (a = h. Initial hatch success of eggs positioned on 0.05). A logistic regression model was used to diet was determined by number of unhatched analyze effect of diet and pupal mass on and hatched eggs. Larvae were allowed to survival to adulthood. Replicate was included develop until the wandering stage, at which as a blocking factor in the logistic regression point two 5 X 12 cm cardboard strips were model. We used a mixed-effects model, with placed into each rearing box to provide replicate as the random effect, to determine pupation sites. relationship between female pupal mass and Every 2-3 days, fine forceps were used to diet on fecundity (total eggs laid), and a remove pupae from their cocoons. The pupae square-root transformation to normalize data. were weighed on a microbalance (Mettler Statistics were conducted using R (R Core Toledo XS105) to the nearest 0.01 mg, and Team 2012). Differences were deemed P< significant at 0.05. RESULTS Initial hatch success. The emergence of sex (F = 6.22; df = 2; P - 0.0022), and the OEM neonate larvae from eggs did not differ main effects ofdiet (F = 116.82; df- 2; P < by diet type (F = 2.69; df - 2; P = 0.182; 0.0001) and sex (F = 126.81; df = 1; P Table 1). <0.0001), had significant effects on pupal Pupation. Numerically, but not mass (Fig.1). Larvae reared on the OFMD and CMD statistically, more larvae developed to pupae the emerged from the diet in search ofa on the OFMD than on either the CMD orApD pupation site within the same 24-h period. (Table 1). The interaction between diet and Pre-pupal wandering in the ApD occurred > J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 51 Table 1 Mean (± SE) numbers ofOriental fruitmoth surviving to various life stages on different diets. Diet Initial hatch success^ Pupae Adults Codlingmoth 188.67 ±6.39 48.33 ±4.74 34.00 ±4.19 Oriental fruitmoth 186.00 ±4.36 67.33 ±2.84 48.33 ±2.88 Apples 181.67 ±9.33 48.67 ±5.10 30.33 ±5.81 ^Includes threereplicates of200 eggs reared on each diet. CMD 48 h laterthan it had on eitherthe or the Female fecundity. Females reared on OFMD. OFMD produced the most offspring Survival to adulthood. The proportion of numerically (Table 2). However, diet individuals that survivedto adulthood was low treatment (df= 2; F = 0.40; P = 0.67), female on each diet treatment (Table 1). Survival to pupal mass (df= 1; F = 1.18; P = 0.28), and adulthood was not dependant on pupal mass the interaction between diet and pupal mass (df= l;P = 0.79), diettype (df= 2; P = 0.91), did not significantly influence female nor the interaction between pupal mass and fecundity (df= 2; F = 0.80; P - 0.45). diet (df=2;P = 0.91). DISCUSSION CMD Our results indicate that the can be differences in the nutritional quality of the used to rear OFM, but the condition ofmoths diets. The larvae reared on the OFMD were CMD reared onthe was poorerthanthat ofthe the largest, followed by larvae reared on the moths reared on the OFMD. The initial hatch ApD, with the CMD producing the lowest of OFM eggs on each diet was high and did pupal weights. Yokoyama et al. (1987) found not differ by diet type. Diet type influenced that OFM reared as larvae on apples were the mass of pupae, which may reflect significantly smaller in mean pupal mass than Figure 1, Mass ofmale and female Oriental fruitmothpupae onthe codlingmoth diet (CMD), the Oriental fruit moth diet (OFMD), and crab apples (ApD). Bars marked with different letters are significantly different (a - 0.05). 52 J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 Table 2 Mean (± SE) fecundity offemale Oriental fruit moth in each ofthree replicates when reared on different diets. Diet^ Replicate Female fecundity^ No. ofmatingpairs (n) Codling moth I 73.33 ±7.68 8 II 52.13 ±5.59 10 III 38.00 ±6.16 10 Oriental fruit moth I 90.5 ± 8.90 10 II 78.5 ±8.78 1_0 III 39.2 ±6.52 10 Apples I 88.25 ±8.51 8 II 62.40 ±8.02 7 III 41.20 ±5.76 9 ^Pairs ofvirginmales and females reared from each diet type. ^Mean eggs laidper female. Female fecundity defined as total eggs laid. those resulting Irom larvae reared on the lima development, with smaller pupae resulting bean diet. High survival occurs when OFM (Hughes et al. 2004). Laboratory flight OFM are reared on fresh thinning apples, but both bioassays indicate adults that eclose survival and pupal mass decline as apple from small pupae do not fly as far as those quality degrades overtime (Vetter etal. 1989). that eclose from large pupae (Hughes et al. Our experiment showed a decline in female 2004). The suboptimal pupal weights attained fecundity among all three diet types in the by OFM reared on the CMD in the current latter replicates, particularly in replicate III. In study may reduce the flight capacity of the our experiment, each diet resulted in 20^0% resulting moths. survival, which is comparable to larval Larval development time varied among the survival on apple and peach twigs and fruit diets tested. The pre-pupal wandering stage on under field conditions in the eastern USA the ApD occurred 48 h later than on either (Myers et aL 2006b), but is lower than that on synthetic diet tested. This may be due to other synthetic diets (Genchev 2002). More differences in penetration of light into the larvae reached pupation when reared on the natural versus the synthetic diet types, which OFMD than on the CMD or ApD. This may can affect behaviour of last-instar larvae indicate that the insects used in this study (Nylin et al. 2008). Apple skin contains were adapted to the diet the laboratory colony phenolics that protect the fruit from UV had been reared on for many preceding damage (Solovchenko and Schmitz-Eiberger generations. In the Bulgaria study, emergence 2003). This may have decreased the amount of of adult female OFM was consistent, but penetration oflight radiation into the ApD, as fecundity increased with number of compared to the CMD or OFMD. Short generations reared on two synthetic diets photophase duration correlates with increased (Genchev 2002). Further research should pre-imaginal mortality and delayed OFM OFM determine if survival increases on the reproduction in (Hughes etal. 2004). CMD after multiple consecutive generations Larval development of OFM is faster on are reared onthis new food source. peach than on any other host, including apple Both male and female pupae reared as (Bellutti 2011). Oriental fruit moth females OFMD larvae on the were significantly larger prefer peach trees over apple trees for CMD than pupae oflarvae reared on the orthe oviposition in close-range controlled tests ApD. Oriental fruit moth larvae deprived of (Meyers 2005). This preference may involve food have an increased rate of pre-imaginal nutritional components found in peach that are J.Entomol.Soc.Brit.Columbia109,December2012 53 not present in apple. The crab apples used in BC's Okanagan and Similkameen valleys the current study were reaching ftill maturity (Bloem et al. 2007). This multi-million-dollar at the time of picking. Sugar levels and the facility may soon be underutilized, but could allelochemistry ofapples can vary as the fruit be used to rear other insects for SIR. matures (Meyers et al. 2006b); this variation Adaptation of the facility to house another may change the fruit's suitability for larval closely related species would be most cost CM development. For instance, larval survival effective if minimal changes to the rearing CM is optimal as pear fruit approach maturity, but techniques currently used for were decreases as the fruit loses firmness with required. ripening (Van Steenwyk et al. 2004). Wood-based diets such as the CMD are Decreased penetration of the crab apple skin more effective for mass insect rearing, might also slow development and explain the because they are less susceptible to mould 48-h delay in the pre-pupal wandering on the growth than agar-based diets are, and wood is ApD. a less costly binding material than agar Although diet type significantly influenced (Brinton et al. 1969). The first step in pupal mass in this study, females were developing the SIR technique for any species similarly fecund, regardless ofdiet type. Body is the development of an inexpensive mass- size is a good indicator of fitness in many rearing system, including diet. Although the moths (Tammaru et al. 2002), including OFM agar-based diet used to rear OFM in this study (Hughes et al. 2004). Compounds obtained produced good-quality moths, the diet would from fruit by OFM larvae are used in the be too expensive for large-scale mass synthesis of courtship pheromones by male production of moths in the SIR facility. Our moths (Baker et al. 1981). Males reared on results show that OFM can be reared on the CM formulated synthetic diets lack trans-ethyl diet currently used for SIR. The quality of cinnamate, a compound sequestered from mass-reared insects is critical to the success of apples and peaches (Baker et al. 1981) that a SIR program (Calkins and Ashley 1989). dictates mate acceptance by females (Loftstedt Therefore, further research into specific OFM OFM et al. 1989). Other diets used to rear for nutritional requirements for should be CM SIR in Bulgaria incorporate peach and apple investigated to determine if the diet can puree into the synthetic diet (Genchev 2002). be modified to improve reared-insect quality. The incorporation oftrans-ethyl cinnamate or Our study's findings indicate that, based on OFM fruit purees into synthetic diets for pupal size as a measure of insect condition, should be examined before mass rearing is the CMD is inferior to the OFMD, but that considered. both diets produced equally fecund female The Okanagan-Kootenay Sterile Insect moths. Further research would determine if OFM CMD Release Program, in combination with other can readily adapt to the after tactics (Judd and Gardiner2005), has provided several generations ofrearing. CM area-wide suppression of populations in ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank Boyd Mori for providing the Sterile Insect Release Program for providing crab apples, and the Okanagan-Kootenay the CMD. 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