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Preview substitution, elimination, addition, and rearrangement reactions promoted by potassium salts ...

SUBSTITUTION, ELIMINATION, ADDITION, AND REARRANGEMENT REACTIONS PROMOTED BY POTASSIUM SALTS SOLUBILIZED BY 18-CROWN-6 ("NAKED" ANIONS) IN NON-POLAR ANb DIPOLAR APROTIC ORGANIC SOLVENTS A THESIS Presented To The Faculty of the Division of Graduate Studies and Research By Atif Musa Dabdoub In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the School of Chemistry Georgia Institute of Technology November, 1976 SUBSTITUTION, ELIMINATION, ADDITION, AND REARRANGEMENT REACTIONS PROMOTED BY POTASSIUM SALTS SOLUBILIZED BY 18-CROWN-6 ("NAKED" ANIONS) IN NON-POLAR AND DIPOLAR APROTIC ORGANIC SOLVENTS Approved: Charles (cid:9) Liotta, Chairman t A ames A. - Stanffeld e s C. V_owers_ Date approved by Chairman:HOV 22 1976 To my parents 111 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere appreciation to his research director, Dr. Charles L. Liotta, for his un- limited guidance, encouragement and assistance throughout the course of this work. Drs. James A. Stanfield and James C. Powers are grate- fully thanked for reading and critically evaluating this manuscript. Numerous useful discussions with Drs. Edward M. Burgess, Erling,J. Grovenstein,and ,Leon. (cid:9) Zalkow are grate- fully appreciated as are those discussions and contributions given me by fellow graduate students'and friends (especially Drs. Fred L. Cook and Henry P. Harris). The Department of Chemistry of Georgia Institute of Technology is thanked for the Teaching ASsistantship granted during this work. Thanks are also due to Dr. Charles L. Liotta for the Research Assistantship granted to the author during the first two Summer quarters of this work. Above all, the author is forever grateful to his par- ents and family for their encouragement, help, and financial support. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (cid:9) iii LIST OF TABLES (cid:9) vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (cid:9) vii SUMMARY (cid:9) ix Chapter I. INTRODUCTION, CROWN ETHERS (cid:9) 1 "Naked" Anion Nomenclature - Biological Utilization of Crown Ethers Cationic Complexes of Crown Ethers; Phase-Transfer Catalysis, SolvatiOn, Solubility, and Nucleophilicity Crown Ethers as Reagents and Catalysts' Literature Review of the Utility of Crown Ethers in Substitution, Addition, and Elimination. Reactions II. EXPERIMENTAL (cid:9) 46 Instrumentation Chemicals -,- _ Elimination Reactions Promoted by "Naked" Halides Solubilities of "Naked" Anions in Solution Determination of Salt Concentrations in Solution , (cid:9) _ (cid:9) _ Concentration of Potassium Bromide in Solution Displacement and -Rearrangement Reactions Promoted,by "Naked" Cyanide Addition Reactions Performed with "Naked" Cyanide and Acetone Cyanohydrin: Hydro- cyanation of 0-Cholestene-3-one Displacement and Elimination Reactions: Reactions of Potassium Cyanide and Potassium Acetate with Organic Substrates under Liquid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Cataly- tic (Heterogeneous) Conditions V Page Displacement and Elimination Reactions Promoted by "Naked" Cyanide , - - Displacement and Elimination Reactions Promoted by "Naked" Acetate - III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (cid:9) 120 Solubilities of "Naked" Anions in Solution- Reactions Utilizing 18-Crown-6 Elimination Reactions Promoted by "Naked" Halides f Substitution, Elimination, and Addition Reactions Promoted by "Naked" Cyanide Reactions of "Naked" Cyanide with 2-Chloro- 2-methylcyclohexanone and with 2-Cyano-2- methylcyclohexanone under Solid-Liquid Phase Transfer Catalysis (cid:9) _ Additi-on Reactions Performed'with ,"Naked" Cyanide and Acetone Cyanohydrin Conjugate Hydrocyanation of ot,-Unsaturated Ketones Nitrile Syntheses Reactions of "Naked" Cyanide with Organic Substrates under Liquid-Liquid Phase- -- TransfetCatalytic Conditions (cid:9) _ Acetate Synthesis Reactions of "Naked" Acetate with Organic Substrates under Liquid-Liquid Phase- Transfer Catalytic Conditions . IV. CONCLUSIONS (cid:9) 178 V. RECOMMENDATIONS (cid:9) 183 APPENDICIES (cid:9) 185 REFERENCES AND NOTES (cid:9) 209 VITA (cid:9) 224 vi LIST OF TABLES (cid:9) Table Page 1. Solubility of KBr in Acetonitrile at 25°C in the Presence and in the Absence of 18-Crown-6 (cid:9) 61 2. Solubilities of KI, KBr, KOAc, and KCN in Acetonitrile at 25°C (cid:9) 64 3. Solubilities of Potassium Salts in Acetonitrile at 25°C in the Presence and in the Absence of (cid:9) 18-Crown-6 122 4. Solubility of Potassium Fluoride in Acetonitrile and in Benzene at 25°C in the Presence and in the Absence of 18-Crown-6 (cid:9) 123 5. Solubility of Potassium Acetate in Acetonitrile and Benzene Solutons'Of 18-CrOwn6 (cid:9) 124 6. Reactions. of PotaSsium,Cyanide with 2-Chloro-2- methlbyclohexanone and With 2-Cyano-2-methyl- cyclohexanone with and without 18-Crown-6-under Solid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalysis . (cid:9) 132 7. Hydrocyanation'of A4.-Cholesten-3-one with "Naked" Cyanide and Acetone'Cyanohydrin under Solid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalysis (cid:9) 159 8. Reactions of 'Potassium Cyanide with Organic Sub- strates in the Presence and in the Absence of 18-Crown-6 under Liquid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalysis (cid:9) 166 9. Reactions of Potassium Acetate with Organic Sub- strates in the Presence and in the Absence of 18-Crown-6 under Liquid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalysis (cid:9) 173 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Page 1. 18-Crown-6 Complexation with Alkali Metal Ctions (e:q., 1C4 ) (cid:9) 7 2. Structures of 18-Crown-6, 15-Crown-5 and 12-Crown-4 with an Estimate of Their Respec- tive Cavity Diameters and the Ionic Diameters of Some Simple Alkali-Metal Cations (e:g., -e, Na+ and Li+) (cid:9) 8 3. Course of Liquid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalysis by Quaternary Salts. IonPairs are Enclosed in Square Brackets (cid:9) 14 4. Course of Solid-Liquid Phase-Transfer Catalysis by Crown Ethers (cid:9) 15 5. Solubility of Potassium Salts in Non-Polar and Dipolar Aprotic Solvents (cid:9) 17 6. Thermodynamic Cycle for the Solubilization Process of a Metal-Ion Salt in Crown-Solvent_ System in the Hypothetical One Molal Infinite Dilution State (cid:9) 17 7. Solvation of the Cyanide Ion with the Cyano Group of Acetonitrile (cid:9) 19 8. Plot of Scale Divisions Versus Concentration of Potassium Bromide in 0.15M 18-Crown-6,racetoni- trile Solution at 25°C (cid:9) 65 9. Plot of Scale Divisions Versus Concentration of Potassium Iodide in 0.15M 18-Crown-67s:acetoni- trile Solution at 25°C (cid:9) 66 10. Plot of Scale Divisions Versus Concentration of Potassium Iodide in Acetonitrile at 25 °C . . . . (cid:9) 67 11. Plot of Scale Divisions Versus Concentration of Potassium Azide in 0.15M 18-Crown-6-acetoni- trile at 25°C (cid:9) 68 Figure Page 12. Plot_of Scale Divisions Versus Concentration of Potassium Thiocvanate in 0.15M 18-Crown-6- Acetonitrile at 25°C (cid:9) 69 13. Displacement and Elimination Reactions Effected by "Naked" Halides on 2-Chloro-2-methylcyclo- (cid:9) hexanone 127 14. Mechanistic Pathway for the "Favorskii Rear- rangement Product" of 2-Chloro-2-methylcyclo- hexanone Promoted by "Naked",Cyanide (cid:9) 131 15. Proposed Mechanism for the Reaction of "Naked" Cyanide with 2-Chloro-2-cyano-4-methylcyclo- hexanone (cid:9) 140 16. Racemization of Optically Active 1-Chloro-l- phenylethane with "Naked" Cyanide-acetoni- trile Solution (cid:9) 145 0"1(10)_ 17. Scheme for the Prepar4 io Octalin- 3-one and 9-Methyl-,,I "octalin-3-one . . (cid:127) (cid:127) (cid:9) 163 1 ix SUMMARY The work described in this thesis involved studies of the effects of 18-crown-6 on the solubility and reactivity of potassium salts in non-polar and dipolar aprotic organic solvents. The solubilities. of a variety of common potassium salts in acetonitrile at 25°C in the presence and in the absence of 18-crown-6 were measured:using a Coleman Model-21 Flame Photometer. The order of solubilities. of potassium , salts ia 0.15M 187crown-6-acetonittilerSolution at 25 °C was found to be KSCN:-KI > KN. = KBr = KCN (cid:9) KOAC ,%> .-KC1 > KF. 3 The solubility enhancement caused by the presence of 18- crown-6, is quite'dramatid !lor . kCi, KCN,and,KOAc '(greater than 102),.only moderate for' KBr and KN3 (greater than 50), and marginal for KF, KIt and KSCN. It should be noted that KI and KSCN already have high inherent solubilities in pure acetonitrile. It has been found that the solubilization of alkali metal salts in polar and non-polar aprotic organic solvents by 18-crown-6 leaves the companion anions weakly solvated. These are referred to as "naked" anions. These species have been found effective in promoting dehydrohalogenation . of 2- chloro-2-methylcyclohexanone, a substrate subject to '"Favor- skii rearrangements":in the non-polar and_dipolar aprotic

and/or substitution of 2-chloro-2- methylcyclohexanone resulted in a new and facile substitution titative conversion to the simple displacement product, 2-.
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