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Subsidy Policies with Learning from Stochastic Experiences Jing Cai Alain de Janvry Elisabeth ... PDF

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Preview Subsidy Policies with Learning from Stochastic Experiences Jing Cai Alain de Janvry Elisabeth ...

Subsidy Policies with Learning from Stochastic Experiences∗ Jing Cai † Alain de Janvry ‡ Elisabeth Sadoulet§ December 2, 2015 Abstract Manyproductsthatareprivatelybeneficialtopoorpeoplehaveahighpriceelasticityofdemand and ultimately zero uptake at market prices. This has justified the provision of extensive subsidies to induce uptake and learning, expectedly boosting future demand. When the outcome of using the product is stochastic, learning takes specific forms that condition the optimum subsidy scheme to achieve a set desired level of uptake. We use data from a two-year field experiment in rural China to define the optimum subsidy scheme for a new weather insurance product for rice producers. We estimate both the reduced form channels of causation of subsidies on uptake, and a structural model of learning from stochastic experiences that we use for policy simulation. Results show that the optimum current subsidy depends on past subsidies and payout levels, implying that subsidies should vary locally year-to-year and may need continuous state intervention. Keywords: Subsidy, Insurance, Take-up, Stochastic Learning JEL Classification Numbers: D12, D83, H20, G22, O12, Q12 ∗We thank Michael Anderson, Frederico Finan, David Levine, Ethan Ligon, Jeremy Magruder, Craig Mcintosh, and Edward Miguel for their helpful comments and suggestions. We also thank participants at numerousseminarsandconferencesfortheirhelpfulcomments. WearegratefultotheofficialsofthePeople’s InsuranceCompanyofChinafortheirclosecollaborationatallstagesoftheproject. Financialsupportfrom the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) and the ILO’s Microinsurance Innovation Facility is greatly appreciated. All errors are our own. †Corresponding author: Department of Economics, University of Michigan, 611 Tappan Street, 365A Lorch Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1220 (e-mail: [email protected]) ‡Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (e- mail: [email protected]) §Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (e- mail: [email protected]) 1 1 Introduction To subsidize or not to subsidize is one of the most controversial issues in development policy, and what is done can be highly consequential. In general, governments and donors have been reticent to subsidize for fear of inducing perverse behavior that will reproduce and possibly increase the need for future subsidies. Undesirable behavioral responses include increased preference for leisure (Maestas et al. (2013)), entitlement effects, and crowding out effects (Cutler and Gruber (1996)). At the same time, because of learning and economies of scale, there are particular development objectives that could not be achieved without subsidies. A recurrentthemehasthusbeenhowtodesign’smart’subsidiesthatcanfulfilltheirimmediate purpose of enhancing uptake while offering an exit option when demand objectives have been met and not distorting market incentives. This has applied prominently to issues ranging from the adoption of privately or socially beneficial technological and institutional innovations, the promotion of export-oriented industrialization, and achieving national food security objectives. Subsidies have been extensively applied to the adoption of privately beneficial products and services under-used by the poor such as vaccination, insecticide- treated bednets, and water filters (Cohen and Dupas (2010)). Use of subsidies has also been common to promote the adoption of financial products to reduce exposure to uninsured weather risks. These risks are known to be a major source of welfare losses for farmers and of distorted behaviors in resource allocation (Rosenzweig and Binswanger (1993), Dercon and Christiaensen (2011)). To confront this situation, many governments have introduced comprehensive financial strategies for disaster response that include prominently the transfer of risk through index-based insurance products (Cummins and Mahul (2009)). Index insurance has been selected over standard insurance because it avoids the problems of adverse selection and moral hazard and sharply reduces transaction costs in implementation (Chantarat et al. (2013)). Because such financial products are typically hard for farmers to understand and have had a notably low spontaneous take-up, governments have been willing to subsidize them.1 But subsidies can be enormously costly, and governments and donors have been seeking to design subsidy schemes that can achieve a desired coverage at a minimum cost and could eventually be phased out once experience with the product has established its value. Subsidies can induce immediate take-up if demand for the insurance product is price elastic. Randomized control trials in Ghana (Karlan et al. (2014)) and India (Mobarak and 1ForexampleinMexico,CADENAprovidesindex-baseddroughtinsurancetosome2millionsmallholder farmers at a cost fully assumed by the state and federal governments. In India, the Weather Based Crop Insurance Scheme covers 9.3 million farmers with an index-based scheme. Insurance purchase is compulsory for farmers that borrow from financial institutions. For food crops, cost to farmers is less than 2% of the commercial premium (Clarke et al. (2012)). In Mongolia, an index-based insurance program covers catastrophic losses of animals at full government cost (Mahul and Skees (2007)). In general, index-based weather insurance has not reached scale and sustainability without extensive subsidies. 2 Rosenzweig (2014)) show that subsidies can raise uptake from 10-20% of farmers at market price to 60-70% with a 75% subsidy. If take-up can in turn induce learning, future subsidies can expectedly be reduced and potentially eliminated. However, learning about the value of an insurance product is a stochastic process. Holding the insurance product has no learning value per se. Learning the benefits of insurance only occurs when an insured shock triggers a payout to oneself (direct learning) or to someone in your own social network (social learning, see Foster and Rosenzweig (1995), and Conley and Udry (2010)). In studying the dynamics of demand for index insurance, Karlan et al. (2014) find that Ghanean farmers demand for insurance in subsequent years is strongly influenced by having directly received a payout or having observed payouts paid to farmers in their own social networks. This dynamic learning process is quite complex. It typically involves a recency bias, with overweighting of recent climatic events. There is also a discouragement effect, with declining demand over time when insurance premiums have been paid and no payouts were made as the weather was good. In India, Cole et al. (2014) find that observing payouts in the village is as convincing in inducing demand in the subsequent season as receiving a payout oneself. There is erosion of this effect over time, with declining demand as no shocks occur. They find that erosion is less when payouts were to one self than when they were to others. In this paper, we study the impact of subsidies and stochastic payouts on demand for a new weather insurance product for rice farmers in China. Following the framework of Sutton and Barto (1998), we construct a model of learning from stochastic experiences in which individuals update their valuation of the insurance product based on their past valuation of the product and their prediction error relative to the recent realization. The model includes three channels through which learning operates: (1) A direct learning effect from own payout experience, with an expected positive effect if there has been an insured shock and a payout has been received, and a negative effect if a premium has been paid and either no shock occurred or a shock occurred without a corresponding payout, creating in the latter case a discouragement effect. (2) A social learning effect from network payout experiences, which follows the same process of positive and negative effects in relation to stochastic payouts. The extent of network learning depends on the scope of take-up in one’s own social network. And (3), a habit forming effect, with past use of the product influencing current demand. These direct and social learning effects from stochastic experiences are in turn affected by the provision of subsidies in three particular ways. (1) A scope effect whereby subsidies enhance uptake and hence the opportunity to witness payouts. (2) An attention effect given to information generated by payout experiences, which increases with the price paid for the insurance, and is hence undermined by subsidies. And (3), a price anchoring effect, with past prices affecting current willingness to pay for the product, and hence past subsidies potentially discouraging current demand (Ariely et al. (2003)). Using this theoretical framework, we designed a two-year randomized field experiment that included 134 villages with around 3,500 households in rural China. In the first year, we randomized subsidy policies at the village level - offering either partial subsidy of 70% 3 of the actuarially fair price or full subsidy. In the second year, we randomly assigned eight prices with subsidies ranging from 30% to 90% at the household level, with everything else remaining the same in the contract. Inareducedformestimation,weshowthatsecondyeardemandamonghouseholdshaving received full subsidy the first year is higher but not differentially price elastic compared to households with partial subsidy. We then identify the channels of causation described above between subsidy policies and subsequent demand. We find that receiving payouts has a positive effect on second year demand, and make demand less price elastic. The positive effect of the payout is stronger when the households had to pay for the insurance rather than receiving it for free, giving evidence of an atten- tion effect. Symmetrically, the reduction in demand when there was no payout is stronger when households had to pay for the insurance, showing evidence of a discouragement effect. Observing friends receiving payouts improves second year take-up for households who were not insured the first year, but there’s no such effect for households who had purchased the insurance in the first year, regardless of whether they received payout by themselves or not. For those that receive the insurance for free we see a mild effect of friends’ payout experience if they did not receive a payout themselves. To explain why the learning effect is smaller under the full subsidy policy, we show that people paid less attention to the payout informa- tion if they received the insurance for free. Restricting the sample to households who were willing to purchase the insurance at a 70% subsidy in the first year and are facing higher subsidies in the second year, we estimate whether people with partial subsidy policy in the first year were more likely to buy insurance in the second year, and do not find any price anchoring effect. Finally, to study the habit formation effect, we estimate the impact of first-year take-up on second-year purchase, using the randomized subsidy policy and default options as instrumental variables for first-year take-up decisions. We find that, holding the insurance does not influence either the level or the slope of the demand curve in the following year. This means that simply enlarging the coverage rate is not enough to secure persistence. Reduced form results help us validate the empirical relevance of the channels at work in the structural model of learning from stochastic experiences. We estimate the structural model with the channels through which learning from stochastic events occurs using Max- imum Likelihood. We then use the estimated structural model for policy simulation. In line with the Chinese government, the objective of the subsidy policy is to achieve a desired level of uptake that will shelter public budgets from post-disaster relief operations. Current subsidies can be reduced all the more the lower the last year price and the higher the last year payout. Because payouts are random, inducing both positive learning when they occur and discouragement effects when they do not, subsidies need to be continuously adjusted to achieve the desired take-up rate at the minimum cost. We provide a simple policy rule that the government can use to determine the optimum level of subsidy in a particular location and time to achieve the desired level of uptake. The use of subsidies to induce learning in repeated purchase goods has been studied for a 4 number of products where learning is non-stochastic. For example, Dupas (2014) finds that for insecticide-treated bednets, a one-time subsidy has a positive effect on take-up one year later, mainly driven by a large positive learning effect. Fischer et al. (2014) examine the subsidy policy tradeoff between learning and anchoring effects based on an experiment with three health products with different scopes for learning. They find that positive learning can offset the price anchoring effect in long-term adoption. Learning and permanence effects also applytofertilizerandimprovedseeds. Carteretal.(2014)findthatsubsidiesinMozambique induce both short-term take-up and long-term persistence in demand, which they attribute to both direct and social learning. Our results suggest that for products with learning from stochastic experiences such as weather insurance, subsidies may have to be continuously adjusted according to past subsidies and payouts, and likely can never be fully eliminated due to the specific form that this stochastic learning takes. This analysis also speaks to the observed low adoption rates of weather insurance, despite its presumed importance.2 Existing research has studied factors influencing take-up such as liquidity constraint, lack of financial literacy, present bias, and lack of trust in the insurance provider (Duflo et al. (2011), Gaurav et al. (2011), Giné et al. (2008); Cole et al. (2013); Cai et al. (2015)). But insurance demand remains low even after some of these barriers were removed in experimental treatments. The stochastic nature of the insurance benefits may contribute importantly to understanding this puzzle. Finally, the paper contributes to the literature on the design by countries of financial strategies for disaster risk financing and insurance. These strategies typically combine fi- nancial reserves, contingent credit, index insurance, and post-disaster budget reallocations and borrowing. The design of such strategies has been explored in actuarial terms for cost-minimization (Clarke et al. (2015)) and through Probabilistic Catastrophe Risk Models (CAPRA (2015)) that combine a characterization of exposure and hazard to predict vulnera- bility. We extend this analysis to the level of behavior. We formalize how to use subsidies to optimize the insurance component of these financial strategies when learning from stochastic experiences determines private uptake. The paper proceeds as follows. In section 2 we explain the background for the insurance product in China. In section 3, we present the experimental design and the data collected. In section4, wedevelopastructuralmodelofdynamiclearningthatconceptualizesthedifferent channels at work. In section 5, we outline the reduced form estimation strategy and present the aggregate result obtained and its decomposition by channels. Section 6 reports on the estimation of the structural model and on use of the estimated model for policy simulations. Section 7 concludes with policy implications. 2For example, Cole et al. (2013) find an adoption rate of only 5%-10% for a similar insurance policy in two regions of India in 2006. Higher take-up levels with steep price elasticities were however found in two recent studies in India (Mobarak and Rosenzweig (2012)) and in Ghana (Karlan et al. (2014)). 5 2 Background Rice is the most important food crop in China, with nearly 50% of the country’s farmers engaged in its production. In order to maintain food security and shield farmers from negative weather shocks, in 2009 the Chinese government requested the People’s Insurance Company of China (PICC) to design and offer the first rice production insurance policy to rural households in 31 pilot counties.3 The program was expanded to 62 counties in 2010 and to 99 in 2011. The experimental sites for this study were randomly selected rice producing villages 4 included in the 2010 expansion of the insurance program, located in Jiangxiprovince, oneofChina’smajorriceproducingareas. Inthesevillages, riceproduction is the main source of income for most farmers. Because the product was new, farmers, and even government officials at the village or town level, had very limited understanding of weather insurance products and had never interacted with the insurance company. The product is an area-index insurance that covers natural disasters, including heavy rain, flood, windstorm, extremely high or low temperatures, and drought. If any of these natural disasters occurs and leads to a 30% or more average loss in yield, farmers are eligible to receive payouts from the insurance company. The amount of the payout increases linearly with the loss rate in yield, from 60 RMB per mu for a 30% loss to a maximum payout of 200 RMB per mu for full loss.5 Areas for indexing are typically sub-village level large fields that include the plots of 5 to 10 farmers. The average loss rate in yield is assessed by a committee composed of insurance agents and agricultural experts. Since average gross income from cultivating rice in the experimental sites is around 800 RMB per mu, and production costs around 400 RMB per mu, the insurance policy covers 25% of gross income or 50% of production costs. The actuarially fair price for the policy is 12 RMB per mu per season6. It is however the government policy to offer the insurance at a subsidized price in order to achieve a desired high take up rate. If a farmer decides to buy the insurance, the premium is deducted from the rice production subsidy deposited annually in each farmer’s bank account, with no cash payment needed.7 3Although there was no insurance before 2009, if major natural disasters occurred, the government made payments to households whose production had been seriously hurt. However, the level of transfers was usually far from sufficient to help farmers resume normal levels of production the following year. 4These refer to natural villages, whereas "administrative villages" refer to a bureaucratic entities that typically contain several natural villages. 5For example, consider a farmer who has 5 mu in rice production. If the normal yield per mu is 500kg and the farmer’s yield decreased to 250kg per mu because of a windstorm, then the loss rate is 50% and he will receive 200∗50%=100 RMB per mu from the insurance company. 61 RMB = 0.15 USD; 1 mu = 0.165 acre. Farmers produce two or three seasons of rice each year. The annual gross income per capita in the study region is around 5000 RMB. 7Starting in 2004, the Chinese government provided production subsidies to rice farmers in order to increase production incentives. Each year, subsidies are deposited directly in the farmers’ accounts at the Rural Credit Cooperative, China’s main rural bank. 6 Like any area-yield insurance product, there may be concern that it is vulnerable to moral hazard through collusion among insured farmers. However, the moral hazard problem should not be large here as the maximum payout (200 RMB) is much lower than the profit (800 RMB), and the product does require natural disasters to happen in order to trigger payouts. 3 Experimental Design and Data 3.1 Experimental Design The experimental sites include 134 randomly selected villages in Jiangxi Province with around 3500 households. We carried out a two-year randomized experiment in Spring 2010 and 2011. The experimental design is presented in Figure 1. The main treatments involve random- izationofthesubsidylevelinbothyears. Inthefirstyear, werandomizedthesubsidypolicies at the village level. The insurance product was first sold at 3.6RMB/mu, i.e. with a 70% subsidy on the fair price, to households in order to observe take-up at that price. Households from 62 randomly selected villages were then surprised two days after the initial sale with an announcement that the insurance will be offered for free to all of them, regardless of whether they had agreed to buy it or not at the initial price. These villages are referred to as the "free sample" while the remaining 72 villages as the "non-free sample". From this design, we can distinguish "buyers" of insurance that agreed to pay the offer price of 3.6RMB/mu, from "users" of insurance, which include all buyers from the non-free sample and all households from the free sample. As reported on Figure 1, take-up at 3.6RMB/mu was similar in the two samples at around 40-43%, but access to insurance is of course radically different, with 100% take-up when free. Forthisvillagelevelrandomization,villageswerestratifiedbytotalnumberofhouseholds. In order to generate exogenous variation in individual insurance take-up decisions, we also randomized a default option in 80% of the villages. This was done as follows: In each village half of the households were assigned with a default "BUY" option, while the other half were assigned with a default "NOT BUY" option. If the default was BUY, the farmer needed to sign off if he did not want to purchase the insurance; if the default was NOT BUY, then the farmer had to sign on if he decided to buy the insurance. Both groups otherwise received the same pitch for the product. The randomized default option will be used in some estimations as an IV for the first year insurance purchase decisions together with the randomized subsidy policy. The 2010 summer was marked by a fairly large occurrence of adverse weather events that triggered insurance payouts, with almost 60% of the insured receiving a payout from the insurance company. In the second year, we randomized the subsidy at the household level. The subsidy 7 level ranged from 90% to 40% of the fair price, i.e., the price faced by households varied from 1.2 RMB to 7.2 RMB. Except for the price, everything else remained the same in the insurance contract as in the first year. In total, eight different prices were offered. Similar to the design in Dupas (2014), only two or three prices were assigned within each village.8 For example, if one village was assigned with a price set (1.8, 3.6, 5.4), each household in that village was randomly assigned to one of these three prices. To randomize price sets at the village level, villages were stratified by size (total number of households) and first year village-level insurance payout rate. For the price randomization, households were stratified by rice production area. In both years, we offered information sessions about the insurance policy to farmers, in which we explained the contract including the insurance premium, amount of government subsidy, responsibility of the insurance company, maximum payout, period of coverage, rules for loss verification, and procedures for making payouts. Households decided on insurance purchase individually right after the meeting. In the second-year information session, we also informed farmers of the payouts made during the first year. Specifically, we made public the list of people in the village who were insured and those who had received a payout during the first year and announced the village-level average payout level. 3.2 Data and Summary Statistics The empirical analysis is based on the administrative data of insurance purchase and payout from the insurance company, and from household surveys conducted after the insurance information session in each year. Since all rice-producing households were invited to the information session, and almost 90% of them attended, this provides us with a quasi census of the population of these 134 villages. In total, 3474 households were surveyed. Summary statistics of selected variables are presented in Table 1. Panel A shows that household heads are almost exclusively male and cultivate on average 12 mu (0.80 ha) of rice. Rice production is the main source of household income, accounting on average for almost 70% of total income. Households are risk takers, with an average risk aversion of 0.2 on a scale of zero to one (risk averse).9 In Panel B, we summarize payouts issued during the year following the first insurance offer. With a windstorm hitting some sample villages, 59% of all insured households received some payout, with an average payout size of around 90 RMB. The payout rate among insurance takers was not significantly different between free vs. non- 8Pricesetswitheithertwoorthreedifferentpriceswererandomlyassignedatthevillagelevel. Forvillages assigned with two prices (P ,P ),P <= 3.6 and P > 3.6; for villages with three prices (P ,P ,P ),P < 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 3.6,P ∈(3.6,4.5), and P >4.5. 2 3 9Risk attitudes were elicited by asking households to choose between a certain amount with increasing values of 50, 80, 100, 120, and 150 RMB (riskless option A), and a risky gamble of (200RMB, 0) with probability (0.5, 0.5) (risky option B). The proportion of riskless options chosen was then used as a measure of risk aversion, which ranges from 0 to 1. 8 free villages, at 61% and 57%, respectively. For the non-free villages, this corresponds to 24% of all households. All households, regardless of whether they purchased the insurance or not, could also observe their friends’ experiences10. In the sample of non-free villages, 68% of households had at least one friend receiving a payout, while in free villages, 81% households observed at least one of their friends receiving a payout. As a result, since more households were covered by insurance in villages with free-distribution, most households were able to enjoythebenefitsofinsurancecoveragebythemselves, orcouldobservetheirfriends’positive experiences with the product. Lastly, in Panel C, we show the overall take-up rate in both years. In the first year the take-up rate was 41%. In the second year, insurance demand was significantly higher - about 53%. On average (over all prices), the insurance take-up increased by 7.3 percentage points in non-free villages, and by 16.3 percentage points in free villages. To check the price randomization, we regress the five main household characteristics (gender, age, household size, education, and area of rice production) on a quadratic in the insurance price and a set of village fixed effects: X = α +α Price +α Price2 +η +(cid:15) (1) ij 0 1 ij 2 ij j ij where X represents a characteristic of household i in village j, Price is the post-subsidy ij ij price faced by household i in village j, and η a village fixed effect. Table 2 reports the j coefficient estimates and standard errors for α (column 1) and α (column 2). All of the 1 2 coefficient estimates are small in magnitude and none of them is statistically significant, confirming the validity of the second year price randomization. 4 Theoretical Framework 4.1 Set-up The net utility of buying insurance is posited to be additive in gains and costs. Assume that there are two states of nature, and let pL be the probability of a negative weather shock, and pH = 1−pL. The benefit VL of having an insurance in states of weather shock is the utility gain of receiving a payout at the low realization of income yL, VL = U(yL+payout)−U(yL)), while the utility gain in absence of shock VH = 0. Without other information, the expected utility gain of having insurance at the onset of the first year is: EV = pLVL +pHVH. 1 10We conducted a social network census before the experiment in year one. In that survey we asked householdheadstolistfiveclosefriends,eitherwithinoroutsidethevillage,withwhomtheymostfrequently discuss rice production or financial issues. For detailed description of the network data, please refer to Cai et al. (2015). 9 In the context of an insurance, any learning from one period is contingent on the realization of the state of nature. We assume a simple learning model, the temporal difference rein- forcement learning (TDRL in Sutton and Barto (1998)), which incorporates recency effects. In this model, individuals update their valuation based on the realization in the previous period: (cid:0) (cid:1) EV = EV +λ V∗ −EV (2) t t−1 t−1 t−1 where V∗ is the experienced benefit in year t − 1. This experienced benefit results from t−1 eitheryourownrealizationV orobservingyournetworkrealizationNetV intheprevious t−1 t−1 year. It also depends on I , an indicator of whether the individual was insured or not. t−1 Without specifying further the functional form, V∗ = g(V ,NetV ,I ). t−1 t−1 t−1 t−1 The term V∗ −EV represents a prediction error. If it is positive the realized value of t−1 t−1 the insurance was higher than its expected value, and conversely if negative. The valuation is then incremented upward or downward accordingly. This model has a single parameter λ that controls the rate at which information from past observations is discounted. With λ = 1, expected value of insurance is simply last year’s realization; with λ = 0, there is no updating in expected benefits of insurance. The higher the parameter, the more responsive individualsaretotherecentrealizations. Themodelthuscaptures“recencybias”. Wefurther specify λ to be function of the price paid for the insurance: λ = λ(p ) t t−1 The costs of insurance include three terms, the price at which the insurance is offered p , t a gain-loss in utility which we assume to be a linear function of the difference between the offered price and a reference price, γ(p −p ), and a transactions cost δ . Transactions costs t rt t are assumed to depend on past experience, i.e., δ = δ(I ). t t−1 Adding a preference shock (cid:15) , the overall utility of purchasing insurance for an individual t is: W −(cid:15) ≡ EV +λ (g(V ,NetV ,I )−EV )+βp +γ(p −p )I +δ −(cid:15) (3) t t t−1 t t−1 t−1 t−1 t−1 t t rt t−1 t t 4.2 Link with the Experiment In the experiment, we analyze the purchase of insurance in years 1 and 2: Buy = 1 if (cid:15) < W ≡ EV +βp∗ 1 1 1 1 1 = 0 otherwise Buy = 1 if (cid:15) < W ≡ EV +λ(p )(g(V ,NetV ,I )−EV )+βp +γ(p −p )I +δ(I ) 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 = 0 otherwise Note that there are two prices for period 1: The price p∗ is the unique price at which the 1 insurance was first offered to all farmers in order to elicit their demand for insurance. Then, 10

tion effect. Symmetrically, the reduction in demand when there was no payout is stronger strategies for disaster risk financing and insurance. Direct learning from own payouts: It enters through the realized V1 in expression (3), .. The constant subsidy policy (at 3.6 RMB/mu in S2) shows fairly la
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