October 13, 2015 VIA ELECTRONIC PORTAL Christopher J. Kirkpatrick Office of the Secretariat Commodity Futures Trading Commission Three Lafayette Centre 1155 21st Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20581 Re: Commission Regulation 40.6(a) Rule Certification GFI Swaps Exchange LLC Submission # 15-0006R – Rulebook Amendments Dear Mr. Kirkpatrick: GFI Swaps Exchange LLC (“GFI”) hereby notifies the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (the “Commission”), pursuant to Section 5c(c) of the Commodity Exchange Act (the “CEA”) and Commission Regulation 40.6(a), that it is certifying the attached amendments to its Rulebook. The attached amendments will become effective on October 15, 2015. Please note that the original Submission No. 15-0006 has been revised to clarify the following: (1) Participants and Sponsored Access Firms may electronically stream responses to an RFQ pursuant to Rule 508(a)(i); and (2) any Participant and/or Sponsored Access Firm may participate in a Fixing session in accordance with Rule 508(a)(ii). These additional clarifications do not change the substance of Rule 508(a)(i) or (ii). No other changes have been made to the original Submission No. 15-0006. A concise explanation and analysis of the amendments to the Rulebook and their compliance with applicable provisions of the CEA, including the Core Principles, and the Commission’s Regulations, is attached hereto as Exhibit A. A marked copy of the Rulebook amendments are attached hereto as Exhibit B. GFI certifies that the Rulebook amendments comply with the CEA and Commission Regulations thereunder. GFI additionally certifies that it has concurrently posted a copy of this submission letter and the attachments hereto on GFI’s website at http://gfigroup.com/markets/swaps- exchange/rules-notices.aspx. There were no substantive opposing views to the amendments to the Rulebook. 101864433 Please contact the undersigned at (212) 968-4122 or [email protected] if you have any questions or you would otherwise like to discuss this further. Sincerely, /s/ William Shields Chief Compliance Officer GFI Swaps Exchange LLC Enclosure EXHIBIT A 1 Capitalized terms used but not defined herein have the meanings assigned to them in the Rulebook. Core Principle or other CEA Provision, Rule Explanation Commission Regulation and/or Commission Staff Letter Cover Page Updates effective date. Regulation 40.6 Table of Contents Updates table of contents to reflect changes See below listed below. Rule 101 (“Required Revises “Required Transaction” definition Regulation 37.9(a)(1) Transaction”) consistent with Commission Regulation 37.9(a)(1). Rule 101 (“Self- Clarifies that “Self-Regulatory Organization” Regulation 1.3(ee) Regulatory includes an entity that meets one of the Organization”) following: (i) a “self-regulatory organization” as that term is used in Commission Regulation 1.3(ee); or (ii) a “self-regulatory organization” as that term is used in section 3(a)(26) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Rule 401(a)(xi) Clarifies that each Participant must, and must Regulation 37.6 cause its Sponsored Access Firms to, keep Letter No. 15-25 any Terms Incorporated by Reference. Rule 406(b) Clarifies that counterparties must maintain Letter No. 15-25 all Terms Incorporated by Reference in accordance with Commission Letter No. 15- 25, which expires March 31, 2016. Rule 505(b)(i) Provides that Limit Orders are not available Core Principles 2 and 4 for Swaps in the credit asset class. Regulations 37.200(c), 37.201(a) and 37.400(a) Rule 505(b)(v) Reinserts “One Cancels Other” as a Core Principles 2 and 4 permissible order type. Regulations 37.200(c), 37.201(a) and 37.400(a) 1 Rule 505(b)(vi)-(viii) Renumbers subparagraphs (vi) through (viii). See above. Rule 506(c) Clarifies that each Participant, Sponsored Regulation 45.8(h) Access Firm and Registered Trader that submits an Order or RFQ must include sufficient information to enable GFI to report all Required Swap Creation Data pursuant to Part 45 of CFTC Regulations. Rule 506(c)(iv) Clarifies that the term “financial entity” is as CEA section 2(h)(7)(C) defined in section 2(h)(7)(C) of the CEA. Regulation 45.8(h) Rule 507(b)(i) Provides that each Exclusivity Period will Core Principles 2 and 4 last for a period of 10 seconds. Regulations 37.200(c), 37.201(a) and 37.400(a) Rule 507(b)(ii) Provides that each Public Period will last for Core Principles 2 and 4 a period of 10 seconds. Regulations 37.200(c), 37.201(a) and 37.400(a) Rule 507(c) Clarifies that no Swap executed during a JTT Core Principles 2 and 4 session may qualify as a Block Trade even if Regulations 37.200(c), the Swap is in a notional or principal amount 37.201(a) and that is equal to or in excess of the appropriate 37.400(a) minimum block size for such Swap. Rule 508(a)(i) Clarifies that a Participant or Sponsored Core Principles 2 and 4 Access Firm may electronically stream Regulations 37.200(c), responsive quotations for both Required 37.201(a) and Transactions and Permitted Transactions. 37.400(a) Participants and Sponsored Access Firms that stream quotations must do so in accordance with the other applicable provisions of Rule 508. Rule 508(a)(ii) Clarifies that any Participant and/or Core Principles 2 and 4 Sponsored Access Firm may participate in a Regulations 37.200(c), Fixing session. 37.201(a) and 37.400(a) Rule 508(i) Clarifies that, in the case of a Required Regulation Transaction, each RFQ recipient must be 37.9(a)(3)(iii) given “equal priority” in receiving a given 2 RFQ and in responding thereto. For purposes of this paragraph, “equal priority” means that the RFQ and response(s) thereto are communicated in a way that does not seek to avoid the minimum recipient requirement in paragraph (a). Rule 508(j)-(l) Renumbers paragraphs (j) through (l). See above. Rule 508A(b)(iii) Clarifies that communications (including Regulation 1.31 Voice Communications) between GFI and market participants concerning market participants’ views in determining the Mid- Market Level will be retained in accordance with Commission Regulation 1.31. Rule 535(a) Clarifies that GFI will adopt for each Swap, Core Principle 6 as is necessary and appropriate, position Regulation 37.600 limitations or position accountability levels for speculators. Rule 535(h) Clarifies that, for Required Transactions, GFI Core Principle 6 will enforce position limits only for Swaps Regulations 37.600 and executed on or pursuant to the Rules. For 37.601 Permitted Transactions, GFI will demonstrate compliance with Commission Appendix B to Part 37 Regulation 37.600 by sending the Commission a list of Permitted Transactions traded on or pursuant to the Rules. Rule 540(a) Clarifies that GFI will transmit Reportable Regulation 43.3(b)(3) Swap Data, pursuant to Parts 43 and 45 of Commission Regulations, to a Swap Data Repository registered in respect of such class of Swaps as soon as technologically practicable following execution. The other amendments to paragraph (a) are intended to clarify that GFI may disclose Swap Transaction and Pricing Data in accordance with Commission Regulation 43.3(b)(3). Rule 540(b) Incorporates by reference the relevant Regulation 45.8(h)(2) portion of the ISDA Dodd Frank Act - Swap Transaction Reporting Party Requirements. The other amendment updates the version incorporated by reference. 3 Rule 540(c) Incorporates by reference the list of Swap Parts 43 and 45 of Data Repositories to which GFI will report Commission Reportable Swap Data with respect to each Regulations class of Swaps. Rule 541(d) Provides that GFI will not submit or agree to Regulation 43.3(e)(2) submit a correction or cancellation for the purpose of re-reporting Swap Transaction and Pricing Data in order to gain or extend a delay in public dissemination of accurate Swap Transaction and Pricing Data or to otherwise evade the reporting obligations in Part 43 of Commission Regulations. Rule 601(b) Clarifies that parties to a Block Trade must Regulations 43.2, 43.6, be Eligible Contract Participants. The 43.6(h)(4) and remaining amendments are intended to more 43.6(i)(1) closely track the relevant Commission Regulations. Rule 601(c) Clarifies that a Customer must grant consent Regulation 43.6(i)(2) in writing prior to entering into a Block Trade. Rule 601(d) Changes reference from “Applicable Law” to Regulation 43.6(h)(6) “CFTC Regulation 43.6(h)(6).” Rule 601(f) Clarifies that if the counterparties to a Swap Part 43 to Commission effect a transaction that is intended to be a Regulations Block Trade that is entered into pursuant to the Rules, the Reporting Counterparty must notify GFI of this election. The other amendments provide that the Reporting Counterparty must submit a Block Trade to GFI as soon as technologically practicable after execution, but in no event any later than 15 minutes after the execution. Rule 601(h) Clarifies that a Block Trade effected on the Core Principles 2 and 4 Trading Platform may not be effected during Regulations 37.200(c), a JTT session. 37.201(a) and 37.400(a) Rule 712(g) Provides that GFI will transcribe the Regulation recording of a disciplinary processing if 37.206(c)(2)(i) requested by the respondent. 4 Rule 914(g) Clarifies that Rule 914 does not limit the Regulation 37.100 applicability of any provision of the CEA or Commission Regulations. Appendix B Provides the list of Swap Data Repositories Parts 43 and 45 of to which GFI reports swap data in Commission accordance with Commission Regulations. Regulations Appendix C Provides an excerpt from the ISDA Dodd Regulation 45.8(h)(2) Frank Act - Swap Transaction Reporting Party Requirements. 5 EXHIBIT B 4 GFI SWAPS EXCHANGE LLC RULEBOOK Effective August 28,October 15, 2015 102146184