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Subharmonic Almost Periodic Functions of Slowly Growth 7 0 0 Favorov S.Ju., Rakhnin A.V. 2 n a J Abstract 8 We obtain a complete description of the Riesz measures of almost periodic subharmonic 2 functionswithatmostoflineargrowthonC;asaconsequencewegetacompletedescription ] ofzerosetsfortheclassofentirefunctionsofexponentialtypewithalmostperiodicmodulus. V C 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 31A05, Secondary 42A75, 30D15 . Keywords: subharmonicfunction,almostperiodicfunction,Rieszmeasure,zeroset,entirefunction h t of exponential type a m Bohr’s Theorem (see [2], or [10], Ch.6, 1) implies that each almost periodic function1 [ on real axis R with the bounded spectrum§is just the restriction to R of an entire almost 1 periodic function f of exponential type. Moreover, f has no zeros outside of some strip v 4 Imz H if and only if supremum and infimum of the spectrum f also belongs to the 1 | | ≤ spectrum. In [9] (see also [10], Appendix VI) M.G.Krein and B.Ya.Levin obtained a 8 1 complete description of zeros of functions from the last class. Namely, a set ak k Z in a 0 horizontal strip of a finite width is just the zero set of an entire almost perio{dic}fu∈nction 7 f of exponential type if and only if the set is almost periodic and has the representation 0 / h a = dk +ψ(k), k Z, (1) t k a ∈ m where d is a constant, the function ψ(k) is bounded, and the values : v k i X S = lim [ψ(k +n) ψ(k)] (2) n r − k2 +1 r →∞ Xk<r a | | are bounded uniformly in n Z. ∈ It can be proved that almost periodicity of a yields representation (1) and a finite k limit in (2) for every fixed n Z. Also, one ca{n o}btained a complete description of zero ∈ sets for the class of entire functions of exponential type with almost periodic modulus and zeros in horizontal strip of finite width: we should only replace the S by ReS . n n Observe that every entire function of exponential type bounded on R has the form z f(z) = Ceiνz lim 1 , ν R (3) r→∞ aYk <r(cid:18) − ak(cid:19) ∈ | | ([10], Ch. 5; for simplicity we suppose 0 a ); so we have an explicit representation k 6∈ { } for functions from the classes above-mentioned. 1Explicitdefinitionsofalmostperiodicityforfunctions,measures,anddiscretesetssee[10],Ch.6andAppendix VI,[11], or §3 of the present paper. 1 Notethatoneoftheauthorsofthepresent paper obtainedin[5]acomplete description of zero sets for holomorphic almost periodic functions on a strip and on the plane without any growth conditions. An implicit representation for a special case of almost periodic holomorphic functions was obtained earlier in [3]. Besides, it was proved in [3] that zero setsofholomorphicfunctionswiththealmostperiodicmodulusonastrip(orontheplane) are just almost periodic discrete sets. This result is a consequence of more general one: every almost periodic measure on a strip is just the Riesz measure of some subharmonic almost periodic function on the strip. In 3 of our paper we obtain a complete description of the Riesz measures for almost § periodic subharmonic functions of the normal type with respect to the order 1 (note that it is the smallest growth for bounded on R subharmonic function). In particular, we consider the case of periodic subharmonic functions. As a consequence, we get a complete description of zero sets for the class of entire functions of exponential type with the almost periodicmoduluswithoutanyadditionalrequirements ondistributionsofzeros. Notethat representation (1) with a bounded function ψ(k) is incorrect here, therefore methods of paper [9] do not work in our case. The integral representation from [3] creates an almost periodic subharmonic function with a given almost periodic Riesz measure, but does not allow to control the growth of the function, therefore it isn’t fit for our problem as well. We make use of a subharmonic analogue of representation ∞n(0,t) n(z,t) log f(z) = − dt νy +log C , (4) | | Z t − | | 0 for functions of the form (3) (see [6] or review [7], p.45); here n(c,t) is a number of zeros in the disc z : z c t . We obtain this analogue in 2 of our paper. Also, we get a complete{descr|ipt−ion|o≤f th}e Riesz measures for bounded§on R subharmonic functions with at most of linear growth on C. Here we base on a subharmonic analogue of (3) as well. Of course, this analogue can be obtained by repeating all the steps of the proof (3) for entire functions in [10], nevertheless we prefer to give a short proof in 1, using Azarin’s theory of limit sets for § subharmonic functions [1]. The idea of the proof belongs to prof. A.F.Grishin, and the authors is very grateful to him. §1 In this section we prove the following theorem: Theorem 1 . Let v(z) be a subharmonic function on C such that v+(z) = O( z ) as z (5) | | → ∞ and supv(x) < . (6) x R ∞ ∈ Then v(z) = lim (log z w log+ w )dµ(w)+A y +A . (7) 1 2 R Z | − |− | | →∞ w<R | | 2 Here z = x+ iy, µ = 1 v is the Riesz measure of v, A ,A R, and the limit exists uniformly on compact s2uπb△sets in C. 1 2 ∈ Note that the condition (5) means just v is at most of normal type with respect to the order 1. Our proof of Theorem 1 based on Azarin’s theory of limit sets [1]. Thus, if a subhar- monic function v satisfies (5), then a) the family v (z) = t 1v(tz), t > 1 is a relatively compact set in the space of t − distributions (C); in other words, for every sequence of functions from this family there ′ D is a subsequence converging to a subharmonic function. Note that the convergence in (C) is the weak convergence on all functions from the ′ class of infinitely smooth compaDctly supported functions (C); moreover, the class of D subharmonic functions is closed with respect to this convergence. b) If v = lim v (z), (8) t ∞ t →∞ then the Riesz measure µ of the function v satisfies the equality ∞ ∞ µ = lim µ , (9) t ∞ t →∞ where µ (E) = t 1µ(tE) for Borel subsets of C; limits (9) exists in the sense of weak t − convergence on continuous compactly supported functions on C. Moreover, in this case there exists dµ(w) lim = . (10) R Z w 6 ∞ →∞ 1 w<R ≤| | If a subharmonic function satisfies (5) and (8), then it is called a completely regular growth (with respect to the order 1). In what follows we need the simple criterion of compactness for family of subharmonic functions (see[1]). Lemma A. A family u of subharmonic functions on C is a relatively compact set α in the space of distributio{ns } (C) if and only if ′ a) sup sup u (z) < Dfor all compacta K C, b) inf αsupz∈K uα(z) >∞ for some compact⊂set K C. α z∈K0 α −∞ 0 ⊂ Also, we need the following variant of Fragmen-Lindelof Theorem. Theorem FL. If a function v is subharmonic in a neighborhood of the closure of upper half-plain C+ = z = x+iy : y > 0 and satisfies conditions (5), (6), then for all z C+ { } ∈ v(z) supv(x)+σ+y, ≤ x R ∈ with σ+ = limsupy 1v(iy). − y + The proo→f of∞this statement is the same as for holomorphic on C+ and continuous on C+ functions (see, for example, [8], p.28). First let us prove a subharmonic analogue of Cartwright Theorem (the holomorphic case see, for example, [10], Ch. V). 3 Theorem 2 . Let a subharmonic function v on C be satisfied (5) and (6). By definition, put v(iy) σ = limsup . (11) ± y y →±∞ | | Then v(z) is a completely regular growth; moreover, the function v from (8) has the ∞ form σ+y, y 0, v (z) = ≥ (12) ∞ (cid:26) σ− y , y < 0, | | Remark. From Theorem FL it follows that if a subharmonic function v on C satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2 with σ+ 0 and σ 0, then v is a constant. − ≤ ≤ The proof is based on the following lemma Lemma 1 . Let u < 0 be a subharmonic function on C+. Then for every R < and ∞ r (0,R/2) ∈ u(ir) C u(z)dm (z), (13) r ≤ R3 Z 2 z iR<R | − | where C is an absolute constant and m is the plain Lebesque measure. 2 Proof Since Poisson formula for the disc B(iR/2,R/2) = z : z iR/2 < R/2 , we have { | − | } 2π 1 (R/2)2 (R/2 r)2 u(ir) u(iR/2+eiθR/2) − − dθ. ≤ 2π Z (R/2)2+(R/2 r)2 R(R/2 r)cos(π/2+θ) − − − 0 Using the inequality u < 0, replace the interval of integration by [π/4,3π/4]. We obtain r 1 iR R u(ir) sup u + eiθ (14) ≤ (R r)4 (cid:18) 2 2 (cid:19) θ [π/4,3π/4] − ∈ Since for all θ [π/4,3π/4] ∈ √2 B(iR,R/2) B(iR/2+eiθR/2,(1+ )R/2) C+, ⊂ 2 ⊂ we have iR R 4 u( + eiθ) u(z)dm (z) 2 2 2 ≤ πR2(1+ √2)2 Z ≤ 2 z iR/2 eiθR/2 (1+√2)R/2 | − − |≤ 2 8 u(z)dm (z) 2 ≤ πR2(3+2√2) Z z iR<R/2 | − | Then replace the average over the disc B(iR,R/2) by the average over the disc B(iR,R). So the assertion of the Lemma follows from (14). 4 Proof of theorem 2. Without loss of generality it can be assumed that supv(x) = 0. Put u(z) = v(z) σ y. + x R − From Theorem FL it follows that u(z) < 0 on C+, the∈n u(iy) limsup = 0 (15) y y + → ∞ Fix z C+. Let ϕ, 0 ϕ 1, be an infinite differentiable and compactly supported 0 function∈on C+, depend≤ing o≤nly on z z . Apply Lemma 1 for the function u (z) = 0 t | − | u(tz)t 1. If suppϕ B(iR,R), then we get − ⊂ u(itr) C C u (z)dm (z) u (z)ϕ(z)dm (z) tr ≤ R3 Z t 2 ≤ R3 Z t 2 z iR<R C+ | − | Since (15), we see that for each ε > 0 and t > t(ε) there is r (0,R/2) such that ∈ u(itr) εtr. We obtain ≥ − εR3 u (z)ϕ(z)dm (z) . t 2 Z ≥ − C C+ Hence, u (z)ϕ(z)dm (z) 0 as t . t 2 Z → → ∞ C+ Therefore, v (z) = u (z)+σ y σ y in the space (C+). Similarly, v (z) σ y in t t + + ′ t the space (C ), where C =→z = x + iy : y <D0 . Each limit function→for−v (−z) is ′ − − t D { } always subharmonic, therefore we get (12). So limit (8) exists. Theorem is proved. Consequence. The Riesz measure of the limit function v (z) equals ∞ σ +σ + −m1(x), 2π where m being the Lebesgue measure on R. 1 Proof of theorem 1. From Jensen-Privalov formula for subharmonic function, we get the estimate for r 1 ≥ µ(B(0,r)) C r, (16) 1 ≤ where constant C depends only on v. Using Brelot-Hadamard Theorem for subharmonic 1 function (see, for example, [12]), we obtain that there is a harmonic polynomial H(z) of degree 1 such that z z v(z) = log z w dµ(w)+ log 1 +Re dµ(w)+H(z). (17) Z | − | Z (cid:16)(cid:12) − w(cid:12) w(cid:17) w<1 w 1 (cid:12) (cid:12) | | | |≥ (cid:12) (cid:12) Denote by v0(z) the first integral in (17). Since (10), we get z v(z) = v0(z)+ lim log 1 dµ(w)+A x+A y +A . (18) 0 1 2 R Z (cid:12) − w(cid:12) →∞1 w<R (cid:12) (cid:12) ≤| | (cid:12) (cid:12) 5 The application of Theorem 2 yields that the function v is a completely regular growth, hence the measures µ converge weakly to the measure t σ +σ + µ = −m1. (19) ∞ 2π Let µ be the restriction of the measure µ to C B(0,1). Obviously, measures µ weakly ′ \ ′t converge to the measure µ as well. Therefore, ∞ z A v (z) = v0(z)+ lim log 1 dµ (w)+A x+A y + 2. (20) t t R Z (cid:12) − w(cid:12) ′t 0 1 t →∞w<R (cid:12) (cid:12) | | (cid:12) (cid:12) Pass toa limit in(20) ast inthe space (C). First, by Theorem 2, the functions ′ → ∞ D v (z) converge to the function v (z) from (12). Since v0(z) = O(log z ) as z , we t see that v0(z) 0. By (16), w∞e obtain µ (B(0,R)) C R for all|t| 1|a|nd→R∞> 0. t → ′t ≤ 1 ≥ Therefore, we get uniformly in t 1, ≥ dµ (w) ∞µ (B(0,s)) µ (R) ′t = 2 t ds t′ 0. (21) Z w 2 Z s3 − R2 → | | w R R | |≥ as R . Also, by (10), uniformly in t 1, R R ′ → ∞ ≥ ≥ dµ (w) dµ(w) ′t = 0, (22) Z w Z w → R w R Rt w Rt ≤| |≤ ′ ≤| |≤ ′ as R . For z < C and a sufficiently large w → ∞ | | | | z z z 2 log 1 +Re | | . − w w ≤ w 2 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) | | (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore, taking into account (21) and (22), we obtain for all ϕ (C) uniformly in ∈ D t 1 ≥ z  lim log 1 dµ (w)ϕ(z)dm (z) = t′ 2 Z R Z (cid:12) − w(cid:12) C  →∞w R (cid:12) (cid:12)   | |≤ (cid:12) (cid:12)  z = lim  log 1 ϕ(z)dm2(z)dµt′(w). (23) R Z Z (cid:12) − w(cid:12) →∞w R C (cid:12) (cid:12)  | |≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) Note that measure µ does not charge any circle w = R, therefore the restrictions of ∞ | | measures µ (w) to any disc B(0,R) weakly converge to the restriction of the measure t′ µ (w). The function log z w ϕ(z)dm (z) is continuous in the variable w, so we have 2 ∞ | − | R lim log z w ϕ(z)dm (z)dµ (w) = log z w ϕ(z)dm (z)dµ (w). (24) 2 t 2 t Z Z | − | Z Z | − | ∞ →∞ w R w R | |≤ | |≤ 6 By the same reason for each δ > 0 lim log w µ (w) = log w µ (w). (25) t t Z | | Z | | ∞ →∞ δ w R δ w R ≤| |≤ ≤| |≤ Furthermore, δ µ(B(0,δt)) µ(B(0,st)) ′ ′ log w µ (w) = logδ ds (26) Z | | ′t t −Z st w δ 0 | |≤ Since µ(B(0,r)) C r for all r > 0, we see that (26) tends to zero as δ 0 uniformly ′ 1 ≤ → in t 1. Combining (23), (24), (25), and (26), we get the equality ≥ z v (z) = lim log 1 dµ (w)+A x+A y. 0 1 ∞ R Z (cid:12) − w(cid:12) ∞ →∞w R (cid:12) (cid:12) | |≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) Take y = 0. Since v (x) = 0 and ∞ x lim log 1 du = 0 R Z (cid:12) − u(cid:12) →∞u R (cid:12) (cid:12) | |≤ (cid:12) (cid:12) for all x R, we obtain A = 0. Now the assertion of Theorem 1 follows from (18). 0 ∈ §2 Here we get a complete description of Riesz measures for subharmonic functions with at most of linear growth on C (i.e., do not exceed C( z +1) with C < ) and with some additional conditions (bounded on R or with the com|pa|ct family of tran∞slations along R). Holomorphic analogues of the corresponding theorems were obtained earlier one of the author in [6]. First prove some lemmas. Lemma 2 . If a measure µ on C satisfies the condition µ(B(0,R+1)) µ(B(0,R)) = o(R) as R , (27) − → ∞ and the limit lim (log+ z w log+ w )dµ(w) R Z | − |− | | →∞ w<R | | exists at some point z C, then the limit equals ∈ ∞µ(B(0,t)) µ(B(z,t)) − dt. Z t 1 7 Proof For all z C and R ( z +1, ) we have ∈ ∈ | | ∞ log+ z w dµ(w) log+ w dµ(w) = (logR)µ(B(z,R)) Z | − | − Z | | − w<R w<R | | | | R R µ(B(z,t)) µ(B(0,t)) dt (logR)µ(B(0,R))+ dt+ −Z t − Z t 1 1 + log+ z w dµ(w) log+ z w dµ(w) = Z | − | − Z | − | w<R, w z R w R, w z<R | | | − |≥ | |≥ | − | R µ(B(0,t)) µ(B(z,t)) = − dt+ Z t 1 z w z w + log − dµ(w) log − dµ(w). (28) Z (cid:12) R (cid:12) − Z (cid:12) R (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) w<R, w z R (cid:12) (cid:12) w R, w z<R (cid:12) (cid:12) | | | − |≥ (cid:12) (cid:12) | |≥ | − | (cid:12) (cid:12) If w < R and z w R or w R and z w < R, then we have | | | − | ≥ | | ≥ | − | z z w z 1 | | − 1+ | |. − R ≤ (cid:12) R (cid:12) ≤ R (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Therefore the integrand functions of las(cid:12)t two i(cid:12)ntegrals in (28) are O(1/R) as R . → ∞ The domains of integrations are subsets of the ring R z w R + z , hence, by − | | ≤ | | ≤ | | (27), these integrals tends to 0 as R . Lemma is proved. → ∞ Lemma 3 . Let a measure µ be satisfied (10), (16), and (27), and let V(z) = lim (log z w log+ w )dµ(w). (29) R Z | − |− | | →∞ w<R | | Then V is a subharmonic function with Riesz measure µ and ∞µ(B(0,t)) µ(B(z,t)) V(z) = − dt+ log z w dµ(w) (30) Z t Z | − | 1 w z<1 | − | for all z C. Furthermore, the function ∈ 2π 1 V˜(z) = V(z +eiθ)dθ (31) 2π Z 0 satisfies the equality ∞µ(B(0,t)) µ(B(z,t)) V˜(z) = − dt. (32) Z t 1 8 Proof It follows from (16) that the integral in (17) is a subharmonic function on C with the Riesz measure µ; besides, it satisfies (5) (see, for example, [12], Ch.1). If, in addition, µ satisfies (10), then the limit in (29) exists uniformly on bounded sets, and the function V coincides with the integral in (17) up to a linear term; so it has the same properties as well. Using the equality 2πlog a+eiθ dθ = 2πlog+ a , we get 0 | | | | R V˜(z) = lim (log+ z w log+ w )dµ(w). R Z | − |− | | →∞ w<R | | and V(z) = V˜(z) + log z w dµ(w). Then Lemma 2 implies (32) and (30). w z<1 | − | Lemma 3 is proved. R| − | Lemma 4 . Let a subharmonic on C function v be satisfied (5). Then the family of translations v(z+h) h R is a relatively compactsubset in ′(C) if and only if the function { } ∈ D 1 2π v˜(z) = v(z +eiθ)dθ (33) 2π Z 0 is bounded on R; this function is bounded simultaneously with the function 1 vˆ(z) = v(z +w)dm (w) (34) 2 π Z w<1 | | Proof . If the family v(z + h) h R is a relatively compact subset, then it is uniformly bounded from above o{n compac}ta∈in C and the function v is uniformly bounded from above on every strip y < H. Then by Lemma A there is a compact subset K of C such 0 | | that supv(z +h) C , h R. 2 ≥ ∀ ∈ K0 Take d > sup z . Then for each h R there is a point z(h), z(h) < d, such that K0| | ∈ | | 1 v(w+h)dm (w) v(z(h)+h) > C 1. 2 2 (d+1)2π Z ≥ − w z(h) d+1 | − |≤ Further, we have v(w +h)dm (w) v(w+h)dm (w)+(d2 +2d)π sup v(z). 2 2 Z ≤ Z y<d+1 w z(h) d+1 w 1 | | | − |≤ | |≤ Therefore, infh Rvˆ(h) > . Since v˜(h) vˆ(h), we see that the functions vˆ and v˜ are bounded un∈iformly fro−m∞below on R. I≥t is clear that these functions are bounded uniformly from above on R as well. On the other hand, if v˜(z) is bounded from below onR, then infh Rsupw=1v(h+w) > ; if v˜(h) is bounded from above on R, then v(h) is bounded from∈ abov|e|on R as well. −∞ Since Theorem FL, we see that v(z) is bounded from above on every strip y < H. It | | follows from Lemma A that v(z + h) h R is a relatively compact set. Hence vˆ(x) is bounded on R. { } ∈ Now we can prove the theorems mentioned above. 9 Theorem 3 . For a measure µ on C to be the Riesz measure for some subharmonic function satisfying conditions (5) and (6) it is necessary and sufficient that the conditions (10), (16), (27), and ∞µ(B(0,t)) µ(B(x,t)) sup − dt < . (35) x RZ t ∞ ∈ 1 be fulfilled. Proof If asubharmonic functionv satisfies (5)and(6), then, byTheorem 2, itsRieszmeasure µ satisfies (10) and the measures µ converge to the measure µ = (σ +σ )(2π) 1m . t + − 1 ∞ − The last measure does not charge any circle w = R, therefore (9) implies that | | µ(B(0,R)) = CR + o(R) as R . Hence we get (16) and (27). By theorem 1, v(z) = V(z) + A y + A . So the→fun∞ction V is also bounded from above on R. Since 1 2 ˜ Theorem FL, we see that the same is true for the function V from (31). Now Lemma 3 implies (35). Conversely, if a measure µ satisfies (10), (16), and (27), then, by Lemma 3, the sub- harmonic function V has the Riesz measure µ and satisfies (5) and (6). Theorem is proved. Theorem 4 . For a measure µ on C to be the Riesz measure for some subharmonic function v with the property (5) such that the family of translations v(z + h) h R is a relatively compact subset in (C), it is necessary and sufficient that th{e conditi}on∈s (10), ′ D (16), (27), and ∞µ(B(0,t)) µ(B(x,t)) sup(cid:12) − dt(cid:12) < (36) x R(cid:12)(cid:12)Z t (cid:12)(cid:12) ∞ ∈ (cid:12)1 (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) be fulfilled. (cid:12) (cid:12) Proof . If a function v satisfies (5), and the function v˜ from (33) is bounded on R, then v is bounded from above on R. Theorem 3 implies conditions (10), (16), and (27) for the Riesz measure µ of the function v. By Theorem 1, v˜ equals V˜ from (31) on R up to a constant term, therefore Lemmas 3 and 4 imply (36). Conversely, if a measure µ satisfies (10), (16), (27), and (36), then V from (29) satisfies (5), and the function V˜ is bounded on R. Hence the assertion of Theorem 4 follows from Lemma 4. §3 A continuous function F(z) on a closed strip z = x + iy : x R, y H with { ∈ | | ≤ } H 0 is almost periodic if the family of translations F(z+h) h R is a relatively compact ≥ { } ∈ set with respect to the topology of uniform convergence on the strip; a function is almost periodic on an open strip (in particular, on C), if it is almost periodic on every closed substrip of a finite width. A measure (maybe complex) µ on C is called almost periodic if for any test-function ϕ (C) the convolution ϕ(w+t)dµ(w) is an almost periodic function in t R ([11]). ∈ D ∈ R 10

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