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N O I T P I R C S B U S WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 JAMADA ALTHANI 7,1437 AH www.kuwaittimes.net No injuries Mass killer Suu Kyi close City qualify in blaze at Breivik makes aide voted for Champions 3 9 12 20 Hawally Nazi salute as Myanmar’s League transformer he sues Norway next president quarterfinals Subaih grilling delayed, S L FI 0 5 1 Dashti immunity lifted Min 18º 5 1 68 Max 25º 1 O: High Tide N 05:59 & 16:38 S E G Assembly OKs recommendations on bedoons, elderly bill Low Tide A P 0 11:10 4 KUWAIT: The National Assembly decided yester- day to delay the grilling of Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Hind Al-Subaih to today’s follow-up ses- sion. MP Saleh Ashour had filed an interpellation motion against the minister on issues related to privatizing cooperative societies and purported manipulation of financial allotments for orphans, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported. Subaih is also Minister of State for Planning and Development. Following the session, MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji announced intentions to file yet another grilling motion against Subaih tomorrow. The lawmaker accused the minister of ‘failure to enforce the law’ that penalizes those who hinder national unity, not being up to her position’s responsibilities and hav- ing negative attitudes towards the Assembly. Turaiji explained that the minister “stood still and did nothing” when a senior social affairs min- istry official allegedly posted some ‘racial com- ments’ on his Twitter account. “Accordingly, we have to be up to the responsibilities stipulated in the constitution to avoid our silence being taken as an excuse for further violations,” he stated. On Ashour’s grilling, Turaiji said that he would attempt to evaluate Subaih’s arguments during the debate today before making his decision whether to support or oppose the grilling accordingly. “Regardless of the result of Ashour’s motion, I am filing mine (tomorrow morning),” he emphasized. Also during the session, the parliament KUWAIT: Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi is wel- approved the public prosecution’s request to strip comed by HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al- MP Abdulhameed Dashti of his parliamentary Sabah upon his arrival at Kuwait international airport yesterday KUWAIT: Minister of Social Affairs and Labor and Planning Hind Al-Subaih gestures during a ses- immunity. on a two-day official visit. — KUNA (See Page 2) sion at the National Assembly yesterday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat Continued on Page 13 Russia jets return from Syria MOSCOW: The first of Russia’s warplanes latest push to end the brutal conflict as it KNPC close to $3bn to leave Syria received a hero’s welcome enters its sixth year. “We hope (this) will back home yesterday, starting a surprise have a positive impact on the progress of loan to part-fund withdrawal the West hopes could boost the negotiations,” he said in a statement. peace talks by pressuring Damascus. President Vladimir Putin on Monday refineries’ revamp Despite the initial pullout, a monitoring ordered the “main part” of Russia’s forces group said Russian helicopters - and likely out of the war-torn nation, but the DUBAI: Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) warplanes - which are still in Syria had Kremlin denied it was trying to pressure expects to close the first phase of funding for its multi- pounded Islamic State group positions as its long-time ally President Bashar Al- billion-dollar Clean Fuels Project with local banks as regime troops pressed an advance. UN Assad. Russia will, however, keep a contin- soon as the first week of April, the state oil refiner told peace envoy Staffan de Mistura described gent at its air and naval bases in Syria and Kuwait News Agency yesterday. Part of the country’s KD the withdrawal announcement as a “sig- a senior official said strikes against “terror- nificant development” for negotiations ist targets” would continue. 30 billion ($100 billion) economic development plan, that began in Geneva on Monday in the Continued on Page 13 the Clean Fuels Project will upgrade and expand two of the Gulf Arab state’s largest existing refineries with a focus on producing higher-value products such as diesel and kerosene for export. KNPC was in advanced talks with local conventional DHAKA: Bangladesh Bank Governor Atiur Rahman, who resigned yesterday, and Islamic banks to secure a KD 900 million loan of 10 addresses a press conference yesterday. — AP years duration, Chief Executive Mohammed Al-Mutairi was quoted as saying in a statement to the state news B’desh bank chief quits agency. National Bank of Kuwait and Kuwait Finance House were helping to arrange this part of the funding, over $81m cyber heist the statement said. Negotiations were also underway to secure further financing from international banks which would be guaranteed by the export credit agencies of Man in Manila gets $30m cash South Korea, Japan, Britain, Italy and the Netherlands. No figure for this portion was given, but the state- ment said the expected completion of talks was sched- DHAKA/MANILA: Bangladesh’s central there is little hope of apprehending the uled later this year. Sources told Reuters in April 2015 bank governor resigned yesterday over perpetrators and recovering the money that KNPC was in talks with banks to raise as much as the theft of $81 million from the bank’s would be difficult and could take $10 billion for a period between seven and 10 years to US account, as details emerged in the months. In Dhaka, central bank governor Philippines that $30 million of the mon- Atiur Rahman said he had resigned to fund around 70 percent of the total project cost. VORONEZH, Russia: A Russian pilot receives a hero’s welcome on returning from ey was delivered in cash to a casino jun- set an example in a country where there Continued on Page 13 Syria at an airbase near this Russian city yesterday. — AP ket operator in Manila. The audacious is little precedence of accountability and cyber-theft has embarrassed the to uphold the image of the institution. 1503 shipwreck found off Oman Bangladeshi government, triggered out- The government also fired two deputy rage in the impoverished country and governors of the bank, Finance Minister raised alarm over the security of the Abul Maal Abdul Muhith said, days after country’s foreign exchange reserves of blaming it for keeping the government DUBAI: The 500-year-old wreckage of Portuguese over $28 billion. The rest of the money in the dark about the theft. ship piloted by an uncle of explorer Vasco da Gama hackers stole from the Bangladesh Rahman, who held the bank’s top has been found off the coast of Oman, archaeolo- Bank’s account at the New York Federal post for seven years, told reporters he gists said yesterday, a discovery that included the Reserve, one of the largest cyber heists resigned voluntarily. “I submitted my res- recovery of an incredibly rare coin. The Esmeralda in history, went to two casinos, officials ignation to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina sank during a violent storm near Al-Hallaniyah told a Philippines Senate hearing into ... tears rolled out from her two eyes,” he Island in the Indian Ocean in May 1503, killing com- the scandal. said. Rahman’s exit could be a blow to mander Vicente Sodre and all those aboard. They said a mix of dollars and Bangladesh, a South Asian nation of 160 Beginning in 2013, a team from the British com- Philippine pesos was sent by a foreign million. The country has been aspiring to pany Blue Water Recoveries and the Oman Ministry exchange broker to the ethnic Chinese reach middle-income status, and of Heritage and Culture explored a site in the junket operator over several days, a haul Rahman was seen as one of the driving island’s Ghubbat ar Rahib Bay. They later deter- that would have been made up of at forces helping Dhaka towards that goal. mined the debris found there came from the long- least 780,000 banknotes. Unknown Under the former development eco- missing ship, one of two lost in the storm from da hackers last month breached the com- nomics professor, the country’s foreign Gama’s second voyage to India. Among the stone puter systems of Bangladesh Bank and exchange reserves have increased four- shot, ceramics, a bell and other debris, divers dis- attempted to steal $951 million from its fold to $28 billion and he also sought to covered an incredibly rare silver coin called an Indio, Fed account, which it uses for interna- ensure farmers and women entrepre- of which only one other is known to exist today, said tional settlements, but the bank’s securi- neurs had better access to banking serv- David L Mearns, the director of Blue Water ty systems and typing errors in some ices and credit. Recoveries. The coins were forged in 1499 after da requests prevented the full theft. They Rahman defended his record at the Divers excavate the wreck site of Portuguese explorer Vasco da Gama’s ship Gama’s first voyage to India, which helps date the managed to transfer $81 million to enti- central bank, saying he was proud of his Esmeralda, which sank in a storm in May 1503 off the coast of Al Hallaniyah wreckage, he said. ties in the Philippines. achievements there. island in Oman’s Dhofar region. — AP Continued on Page 13 Bangladesh Bank officials have said Continued on Page 13 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 L O C A L His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah meets Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Mansur Hadi, in presence of His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. — Amiri Al-Sabah and Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi are seen during the official reception ceremonies. Diwan photos Hadi attend a lunch banquet held in Hadi’s honor. Amir, Yemeni President hold official talks KUWAIT:His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah airport by His Highness the Amir, His Highness Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received the visit- the Crown Prince, His Highness the Prime ing Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi Minister, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, Deputy and his accompanying delegation, at Bayan Premier and Interior Minister Sheikh Palace yesterday. His Highness the Crown Prince Mohammad Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah was Deputy Premier and Defense Minister Sheikh present at the meeting. Khaled Al-Jarrah Al-Sabah. After the reception, official talks were held The eminent guests are accommodated by between the two sides. The Kuwaiti side was an honorary mission headed by the Amiri chaired by His Highness the Amir, His Highness Diwan Advisor, Khaled Al-Flaij. President Hadi is the Crown Prince, His Highness the Prime accompanied by Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al- Minister Abdulmalak Al-Mekhlafi, Finance Sabah, First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Munser Al-Quaiti and other ranking Minister Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Al-Hamad Al- officials. Later, the visiting Yemeni President Sabah and senior state’s officials. The Yemeni received National Assembly Speaker Marzouq side, meanwhile, was chaired by the Yemeni Al-Ghanem, His Highness the PM Sheikh Jaber President and his senior officials. Al-Mubarak, Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled, Sheikh Khaled Al-Jarrah and Sheikh Mohammad Al- Yemen’s legitimacy Khaled at the guests’ residency section at Bayan The talks shed light on the latest develop- Palace. ments in Yemen and stressed the importance of supporting the country’s legitimacy, security State officials His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi meets His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh and stability. The talks also tackled promoting Earlier yesterday, His Highness the Amir Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah wel- Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. bilateral ties in all domains. Later, His Highness received His Highness the Crown Prince, His comes Yemeni President Abd Rabbuh Education and Training (PAAET) at the University, will be held this morning under the Amir held a lunch banquet in the honor of Highness the Prime Minister and His Highness Mansur Hadi. College of Basic Education Theater in Al- the patronage of His Highness the Crown the visiting Yemeni President and his accompa- Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmad Al- Outstanding students Ardiya. Meanwhile, the opening ceremony of Prince. Minister of Education Dr Bader nying delegation. Sabah. Meanwhile, His Highness the Crown In other news, His Highness the Amir will the Second Conference for Business Schools Hamad Al-Essa is set to represent His President Hadi accompanied by senior offi- Prince received His Highness the Prime Minister, patronize and attend today the 2014-2015 of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Highness the Crown Prince at the event, to cials arrived to Kuwait yesterday starting a as well as Deputy Chairman of the Ruling Family graduation ceremony for outstanding stu- Universities, organized by the College of be convened at the Conference Center at two-day official visit. He was welcomed at the Affairs, Dr Ibrahim Al-Duaij Al-Sabah. dents of the Public Authority for Applied Business Administration (CBA) at Kuwait Shuwaikh Campus. — KUNA Kuwait condones political solution in Syria: Diplomat GENEVA:The debacle in Syria will not peter out the commission, saying that Kuwait was com- in the absence of a decisive political solution mitted to the unity and sovereignty of Syria. that would reinstall peace and stability in the Kuwait, he said, has launched numerous country, said a Kuwaiti diplomat yesterday. undertakings to bring international humani- Addressing the UN Human Rights Council, tarian support to the Syrian people, culminat- Kuwait’s delegate to the UN in this city, ing in hosting four donors conferences, three Ambassador Jamal Al-Ghunaim, said Kuwait of which took place in Kuwait. Up to $17 bil- was appreciative of the work of the UN-spon- lion were pledged at the donors conferences, sored fact-finding commission in Syria and Kuwait paying so far $1.3 billion of the shared with it its anxiety over the rampant pledged amount, said Ghunaim, noting that arrests of civilians, forced disappearances, and His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh the kidnapping of children to be conscripted to Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah brought armed gangs of fighters. He stressed the con- attention to the fact that Syrian refugees viction that Kuwait condemned all violations of ought to have access to health care and prop- human rights in Syria as stated by a report from er education. — KUNA Foreign Minister patronizes first citizenship conference KUWAIT: National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanem meets the Assembly’s assistant secretary general for the guards affairs Major KUWAIT: First Deputy Prime and lectures presented by a General Khaled Al-Wqait and first batch of women guards serving at the Parliament headquarters. — KUNA Minister and Minister of Foreign group of experts and specialists Speaker underscores Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled on the topics of citizenship Al-Hamad Al-Sabah will patronize concept, besides values of the first citizenship and develop- decent citizenship. ment association conference. The They will also tackle the role of female security’s role event takes place today starting civil society in citizenship and at 7 pm, at Kuwait National development, and means to Library of Kuwait’s grand hall. improve education, besides The two-day event, chaired improvement of oil services in the KUWAIT: National Assembly Speaker commissioned officers, to be responsible in become necessary for tighter security at the by Dr Sheikha Maymona governmental and private sec- Marzouq Al-Ghanem hosted yesterday the performing their duties, be committed to premises, he said. The women guards were Khalifa Al-Athbi Al-Sabah, will Sheikh Sabah tors, and development of industry first batch of female security guards serving cooperation and discipline while coordinat- presented to the Speaker by the National include a number of workshops Al-Khaled and media. — KUNA at the parliament’s headquarters. ing with their fellow male guards. Assembly’s assistant secretary general for Speaker Ghanem addressed the female The presence of the female guards at the the guards affairs Major General Khaled Al- guards, including two officers and two non- National Assembly headquarters has Wqait. — KUNA Somali FM thanks Kuwait for ‘relentless support’ KUWAIT: Somali Foreign Minister Abdusalam His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al- Amir. He said he and Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled Omer yesterday thanked Kuwait for its Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, His Highness the discussed ways of encouraging investment in relentless support for his country for more Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al- Somalia, and the opening of the Kuwaiti than 20 years. The State of Kuwait is support- Hamad Al-Sabah, and First Deputy Premier Embassy in Mogadishu. ing Somalia in many fields including educa- and Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled Omer called on Somalia’s friendly countries tion, transport and social affairs, Omer told a Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. to open embassies in Mogadishu to further press conference on the occasion of his visit Omer described relations between Kuwait contribute to fighting extremism and terror- to the country. and Somalia as strong, and this was manifest- ism. He and Sheikh Sabah Al-Khaled also dis- He said he had the opportunity to meet ed during his meeting with His Highness the cussed Kuwait’s hosting of an international conference to support education in Somalia. KFH sponsors pavilion of “This is one of the most important initiatives (by Kuwait) because education is the most important weapon against extremism,” he said. diabetes unit at Avenues Omer said Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) has recently offered USD two million to the Somali universities. KUWAIT:Kuwait Finance House (KFH) sponsored betes and preventing its danger as part of its social Talks with the Kuwaiti officials, he added, also the pavilion of the Al-Amiri Hospital’s diabetes unit responsibility. The bank participates annually in the dealt with means of creating jobs for the at Avenues as part of its social role and interest in world diabetes day and takes part in several activi- Somali youths, and relations between Somalia the medical field. ties meant to increase awareness, yet in solidarity with Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti. He said they The pavilion was heavily visited by the mall with the diabetic patients around the world. agreed to reschedule the Kuwaiti debts on goers where over 1000 people benefited from the In addition, during the last years, KFH had sent Somalia. services and medical consultations it offers. The scholars to international diabetes institutions, Omer, meanwhile, said Somalia was making mall goers were granted the chance to test their including a center that is affiliated with Harvard blood glucose levels, while receiving important University, in order to shed light on the latest progress in the face of extremist separatists preventive tips. The pavilion was equipped with efforts and researches in the field of diabetes, not but was in need of political and economic sup- high-end medical equipment and highly qualified to mention the means of limiting the spread of the port. He said economic growth in Somalia was medical staff, in addition to a number of leaflets disease, and the means to overcome it. 7.3 percent last year, and there were many and brochures to educate people on the implica- Furthermore, KFH was the first bank to sign an investment opportunities. Omer said Somalia tions and consequences of the disease. international agreement with International was in the process of writing a new constitu- KUWAIT: Somali Foreign Minister Abdusalam Omer (center) attends a press conference It is noteworthy that KFH spares no efforts in Diabetes Federation IDF that has over 200 associa- tion, forming a government and electing a held on the occasion of his visit to Kuwait. — KUNA supporting all institutions, official bodies, and tions working under its umbrella in the diabetes new parliament. — KUNA medical centers involved in fighting against dia- field in over 160 countries. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 LO C A L KUWAIT: Firefighters tackle a blaze at a main power transformer in Hawally yesterday. No injuries in Hawally transformer blaze By Hanan Al-Saadoun A police patrol asked the motorist to stop because the car did not have a license plate in KUWAIT: A power transformer caught fire the front, but he sped off instead. near a private school in Hawally yesterday The patrol went after the car and rammed morning, but no injuries were reported. it, and the driver and his passenger were Firefighters from three different fire stations chased on foot until they were caught. Thirty arrived to the scene located at the Zarqaa Al- five tablets were found with the Saudi, while Yamama Street shortly after the blaze was the Kuwaiti had eight cases against him - 10 reported. They immediately evacuated the years for possessing weapons, 3 months for area and tackled the flames. The fire was dishonesty, five years for liquor and drugs, brought under control shortly afterwards. arrest for using drugs and three cases of Necessary procedures were carried out and debt to communications companies totaling power was restored to the affected buildings KD 1,628. in the area, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported quoting a Ministry of Electricity and Crackdown in Wafra Water statement. An investigation was opened Ahmadi police carried out a campaign tar- to determine what caused the main trans- geting Wafra farms under the supervision of former to catch fire. Separately, a fire broke out acting assistant undersecretary for general Sports cars impounded during a security campaign in Wafra. in a car in Riqqa. Mangaf fire center responded security Major General Ibrahim Al-Tarrah and and put out the fire. No injuries were reported. command of Director General of Ahmadi vehicles were videotaped by helicopters and with tires for replacement of worn out ones. road occupancy department in Jahra carried Security Department Brig Abdullah Al-Mulla. the farms where they were hidden were out a field campaign that resulted in removing Ex-cons arrested Mulla said several cars were spotted being located. The campaign resulted in impound- Abandoned cars removed 198 cars from Jahra industrial area, 160 warn- Ahmadi police arrested two ex-convicts - a driven by reckless drivers on major streets, ing 29 sports cars and two vehicles driven on Kuwait Municipality’s public relations ings were issued, while 18 citations were Kuwaiti and a Saudi - following a hot pursuit. scaring citizens in the process. He said the two wheels, in addition to a vehicle loaded department said the general cleanliness and issued to stores in the area. No work permits for co-ops until further notice By Meshaal Al-Enezi “Salmiya includes three residential blocks inhab- 2013-2014 to various committees for study. ited by Kuwaiti families and those blocks are Jowaiseryan added that the council’s office KUWAIT: The Manpower Public Authority yes- overlooked by tall investment buildings that stressed the necessity of responding to all trans- terday suspended the issuance of work permits have been annoying citizens and disturbing actions in accordance to law number 5/2005. for co-ops until further notice, said the authori- them,” he said, adding that citizens were also fed ty’s PR and media manager and official up with traffic congestions resulting from the New technology spokesperson Aseel Al-Mazyad, noting that the large number of bachelors living there. In other Assistant Undersecretary for Road authority would issue works permits co-ops had news, Municipal Council member Nayef Al-Sour Engineering Affairs at the Ministry of Public already applied for before the suspension. said that a meeting was held yesterday with rep- Works (MPW) Ahmed Al-Hessan said that new resentatives from the Ministry of Electricity and construction technology was used at the Sheikh Salmiya homeowners Water (MEW) and Kuwait Municipality to discuss Jaber Al-Ahmed Causeway project for the first Municipal Council member Yousef Al-Ghareeb a project on releasing the land located to the time in the GCC. Hessan explained that the new reiterated calls on the state to repossess residen- west of Abdullah Al-Mubarak to hand it over to technique involved using on-site preparation of tial areas in Salmiya, which include houses inhab- the housing authority. Separately, Municipal concrete blocks to be used in the bridge con- ited by citizens, in order to end home owners’ Council’s Vice Chairman Meshaal Rashed Al- struction without having to use any support KUWAIT: Kuwait Fire Service Directorate (KFSD) and EQUATE Petrochemicals signed a sufferings for good. Ghareeb added that the Jowaiseryan stressed that following its meeting underneath, adding that this technique would cooperation protocol in various fields related to coordination and training. The pro- Hawally committee had filed a proposal on this yesterday, the council recommended referring all be ideal for construction above water passages tocol includes development of cooperation between KSFD and Equate in the field of concern to the Municipality a year earlier. transactions that had not been reviewed since and highways. responding to emergencies, readiness for risks, preventing fires, training courses, exchanging expertise and other topics. The protocol was signed by KFSD Acting Director General Major General Khalid Al-Mikrad and EQUATE’s CEO Mohammad Hussein. — By Hanan Al-Saadoun CBK takes part in job opportunities expo KUWAIT: As part of its community service Dr Abdul Rahman Al-Taweel, the Ministry of Traffic Week Exhibition open at Avenues activities and efforts to support Kuwaiti State for Youth Affairs’ Assistant youth who are looking for outstanding job Undersecretary for Youth Projects Shafiq Al- opportunities in the banking sector, the Sayyed Omar, as well as students. In this Commercial Bank of Kuwait (CBK) recently regard, CBK’s Human Resources General took part in the 21st ‘Economy Makers and Manager Mona Al-Abdul Razzaq said that Job Opportunities Exhibition.’ The event CBK was keen on taking part in the exhibi- was organized by Kuwait University’s tion because it demonstrates the best College of Business Administration and means of communicating with ambitious attended by the college’s Dean Dr Jassem new graduates seeking job opportunities Al-Mudhaf, Graduates Training Supervisor in banking. KUWAIT: Zain announced its sponsorship for the ‘Kuwait Al-Khair’ charity bazar organized by the ‘Help Your Muslim Brother’ charity foundation of the International KUWAIT: The Unified Gulf Traffic Week Exhibition opened at The Avenues mall under the patronage of Assistant Interior Ministry Islamic Charitable Organization (IICO). Minister of Social Affairs and Labor Hind Al- Undersecretary for Traffic Affairs and Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the week Major General Abdullah Al-Muhanna, in the presence Subaih, IICO Chairman Dr Abdullah Al-Maatouq and head of the ‘Help Your Muslim of participating Gulf delegations. Muhanna toured the stands and inspected the traffic department’s booth and its role in ensuring the success Brother’ charity foundation Nasiba Al-Mutawa attended the event. of the week. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 L O C A L In Brief Interior official Kuwait devoted No development with arrives in Mexico to human rights depleting resources KUWAIT: Interior Ministry’s Undersecretary CAIRO: Kuwait is strongly committed to all mecha- Lieutenant General Suleiman Al-Fahad arrived in nisms and international standards concerning the KUWAIT: The Arab Towns Organization (ATO) Mexico City yesterday, heading a high-level dele- human rights field, including ways to enhance marked yesterday its 49th anniversary under the gation. Fahad is to hold talks on bilateral security them, Kuwait Foreign Ministry Assistant Deputy theme ‘No sustainable development with resources relations, including training and countering terror- Talal Al-Mutairi said Monday. Mutairi made his depletion and migration continue,’ Secretary General Ahmad Al-Subaih said. The theme goes in line with ism, with senior Mexican security officials, said remarks on the sidelines of a workshop on the Arab the current events and developments in the Arab Sameeh Hayat, Kuwait’s Ambassador to Mexico. charter and laws regarding human rights, at the region, which impede development plans and pro- The four-day visit is to further witness the signing Arab League, stressing that Kuwait was one of the grams, and in the meantime open the door wide for of four security agreements, Ambassador Hayat first countries to join the Arab charter for human forced migration and depletion of natural and noted. — KUNA rights, and will submit its first report soon. — KUNA human resources, Subaih added in a press statement on Monday. — KUNA Photo o f t h e d a y KUWAIT: Kuwait was affected yesterday by a depression that increased wind’s speed and created a dust haze around the country. Todays’ weather is expected to be mostly sunny with ‘light variable wind,’ according to the Kuwait Meteorological Department.— KUNA photos Orphans’ wellbeing ‘prominent feature’ of Kuwait’s charity: Ambassador Najim KUWAIT: Ensuring orphans’ wellbeing is one of the prominent features of Kuwait’s charity work, Kuwaiti Ambassador to Tanzania Jassim Al-Najim stressed yesterday. He made his state- ments after leading a delegation from Zakat House in a tour around a few chari- ty projects in Tanzania. Zakat House is currently sponsoring around 290 orphans; this number might go up to 320, Najim said. Meanwhile, Zakat House envoy Mohammad Hassan Al-Failakawa said that regular visits are being made to fol- low up on projects set in East African country. On Monday, Kuwait and Tanzania discussed bilateral ties that KUWAIT: Sheikha Awrad Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah (center) attends the press conference. —KUNA have been developing in various domains. Kuwaiti people ‘profoundly passionate’ Bilateral ties were discussed by Tanzanian Foreign Minister Augustine about charity work: Sheikha Awrad Mahiga and Ambassador Najim. Mahiga lauded Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic and Development and various charity bodies for setting up many projects in KUWAIT: The general supervisor of Sheikh Jaber his country. — KUNA Al-Ahmad Islamic center, which is planned to be KRCS launches kidney dialysis built in Canada, Sheikha Awrad Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah said yesterday that the people of project for Syrian refugees Kuwait have always been “profoundly passion- ate” about charity work. BEIRUT:Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) are costly for these Syrians who face diffi- Sheikha Awrad said, in a joint press confer- launched yesterday a kidney dialysis project in culties in securing such treatment prompt- ence with Canadian Ambassador to Kuwait Lebanon, among its humanitarian efforts to ing the KRCS to continue this project, Martin Morrow, that they’re continuing to help the Syrian refugee patients. KRCS’s head pointing out that the Society presented a receive donations from people, particularly after of volunteers department Dr Musa’ad Al-Enezi modern device for dialysis. Since the erup- setting the cornerstone of the center. They said that the project included treatment for tion of the Syria crisis, the KRCS has been expected the first stage of building the center to Syrian refugee patients for a six-month period active offering assistance to thousands of be over during the current year. and providing appropriate medical equipment refugees all over Lebanon. A KRCS delega- Meanwhile, Ambassador Morrow praised such as dialyzers in coordination with Orange tion is visiting Lebanon to extend humani- Kuwait’s humanitarian role and its charity work, Naso Hospital, Tripoli, and the Lebanese Red tarian aid for Syrians throughout Lebanese which crossed borders to reach as far as the Cross (LRC). territories, offering help to the refugees all edges of the earth. Kuwait charity endeavors Enezi pointed out that dialysis treatments year round. — KUNA resulted in global recognition that led to the UN- honoring of Kuwait as a humanitarian center and the naming of His Highness the Amir as a humanitarian leader. Morrow added that building the Islamic cen- ter in her country will be a good opportunity to bridge the gap for coexistence between all reli- gions and different cultures, expressing hope that the center would be completed soon to serve many of the Muslim communities there. The center will be placed near Catholic and Protestant churches, which represent the vast majority of the population of Canada. The cur- rent mosque accommodates about 300 wor- shipers only, but after the completion of the cen- ter, it is expected to host around 12,000 wor- shipers. The $55 million center will contain a DODOMA: Kuwaiti Ambassador to Tanzania Jassim Al-Najim tours charity projects in mosque, a school, and a large multi-purpose Tanzania. — KUNA hall. — KUNA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 LO C A L Kuwait seeks to tap South Korean’s urban expertise SEOUL: Kuwait’s visiting Minister of State for Housing Affairs Yasser Abul met yesterday with South Korean Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Kang Hoin in Sejong City. During the meeting, Abul was briefed on South Korea’s expertise in urban development and establishing and managing smart cities. During his visit to several Korean cities, the Kuwaiti minister got famil- iar with the different infrastructure utilities in several cities, mainly Seoul and Sejong, as well as the second generation of smart cities. The minis- ter’s accompanying delegation CAIRO: KFAED Director General Abdulwahab Al- includes representatives of the Public Bader (left) and Egyptian Minister of International Authority for Housing Welfare, the Cooperation Dr Sahar Nasr sign the loan agree- Supreme Planning Council, the Kuwait ment. —KUNA Fund for Arab Economic Development KFAED helps and the Kuwait Direct Investment Promotion Authority. The Kuwaiti Housing Ministry signed a memo of fund power understanding for expertise swap with the Korean infrastructural min- SEOUL: Kuwait’s Minister of State for Housing Affairs Yasser Abul presents a memento to South Korean Minister of Land, project in Egypt istry in September 2014. —KUNA Infrastructure and Transport Kang Hoin. —KUNA CAIRO: Egypt and the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) signed yesterday a loan agreement by which Egypt receives a loan for KD 30 million from KFAED to fund a power station in the city of Hilwan, south of Cairo. The total cost of the power station, when completed, will be KD 489 million. KFAED’s loan covers about 12.2 per- cent of the total cost of the project, payable over 25 years at a 2 percent interest rate, plus 0.5 percent for administra- tive fees. KFAED’s loan is the 41st loan given to Egypt. The previous 40 loans totaled KD 720.6 million and went to finance numerous projects. Moreover, KFAED advanced 11 grants to Egypt worth KD 2.98 million to finance economic projects. KFAED also directed two grants from the government of Kuwait to the government of Egypt worth KD 4.8 million for building schools that had been damaged by an earthquake in 1992 and for repairing damages to villages affected by flood waters in 1995. — KUNA Kuwait, UAE lead Gulf states in offering job opportunities DUBAI: Kuwait and UAE outperforms other Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in offering job oppor- tunities, being the only two nations in the Gulf region not facing a drop in jobs demand since beginning of 2016, a specialized economic report said yesterday. The regional branch of US Monster Company special- ized in recruiting people in Kuwait and UAE continued reg- istering the best performance in offering job opportunities among all Gulf nations, in Kuwait and UAE, especially in the fields of medical care, education, and information technol- ogy, it said. The growth of demand on jobs in Kuwait reached 21 percent last February, while UAE scored 45 percent com- pared to last December, it added. The medical care domain comes at the top of most demanded jobs sectors in Kuwait and UAE, followed by information technology, it said. Meanwhile, the oil sector suffered a drop in demand on jobs by 11 percent since the beginning of 2016, it men- tioned. The medical care domain is one of the most grow- ing in the Gulf region recording annual growth rates since last August, exceeding 47 percent, it said. On the other hand, the financial banking series and insurance sectors reached negative results at the level of employment in general in the Gulf region for the second consecutive day. The amount of Gulf investment in the medical care field is expected to reach $19.5 billion by 2020 to hit an annual growth rate of 12.7 percent. —KUNA Food safety conference kicks off KUWAIT: The 2nd Kuwait Food Safety Conference (KFSC) kicked off yesterday with the participation of several inter- national experts and specialists in the field. The conference coincides with the start of implementing stipulations of the Sustainable Development Summit, held at the UN headquarters in September 2015, Ministry of Health Assistant Undersecretary for Public Health Affairs Dr Majda Al-Qattan said in an opening speech. She hoped the con- ference would come up with significant recommendations concerning the development and updating of policies and procedures to counter challenges facing food safety. Meanwhile, deputy head of Administration of Food and Nutrition at the Ministry Dr Nawal Al-Hamad, said that the conference targets the core issue of food safety in Kuwait. She noted that the Administration is tasked with monitoring and following up on procedures to guarantee safety of food in the country, especially through spreading awareness. Dr Hamad pointed to the dangerous consequences of consuming high level of sodium and saturated fat in pro- ceed food, such as in hotdogs, noting that specific terms should be placed to regulate entry of these products. The event will be associated with a large fair of Kuwait’s major companies specialized in nutrition, in addition to a pavilion for the best awareness design on food safety.—KUNA Mideast renewable energy projects estimated at $75 billion: Authority KUWAIT: Proposed renewable energy projects in the Middle East and North African exceed in value $75 billion, said a leading expert in the field. President of the Preparatory Committee of the Sixth Conference and Exhibition of Renewable Energy in the Middle East and North Africa, (MENAREC6), Dr Saad Al-Jandal, said in a press release yesterday that the upcoming conference, due in Kuwait on April 4-6, would tackle latest renewable-energy innovations, rising production and proposed investment projects in the field. The sixth session of the conference, to be hosted by Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), would bring together some 400 energy officials and experts from Middle Eastern and African countries. The conferees will discuss for three days most prominent glob- al experiences in the renewable energy field. — KUNA WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 FROM THE ARABIC PRESS Al-Anbaa Al-Anbaa Do I elect an infidel? What’s common between Credit rating By Saleh Al-Shayji Trump and Gaddafi T he little noise seems loud in front of the big silence. A few speak and many hear them, and many keep silent and no By Sami Al-Nisf one feels their presence as if they do not exist. This is the truth with regret and more regret is that those who cause the M uammar Gaddafi was dubbed worldwide as an noise are mostly rogues or holders of a certain purpose, and impulsive and crazy unpredictable leader in order to their noise does not represent the public’s interest. explain all the contradictions and atrocities he com- It is very clear that there is a lack and inability of under- mitted during his reign, including killing, squandering, looting standing those who cause the noise, who get angry and shout his people’s wealth, claiming to be pro-Arab unity and actually over something they did not understand in its reality. This is working against it and using slogans of defending the what is known as the policy of the herd, which makes the Palestinian cause while killing Palestinian people and leaders, sound, and goes right or left, while at the same time no one depending on the fact that Arab peoples could be easily takes a different direction from this herd. During one of the beguiled and believe what they hear more than what they voting seasons, I asked a young university graduate, who I actually see. Nobody ever wondered how such a lunatic could thought had enough understanding and awareness, and I maintain his ‘throne’ for 42 consecutive years, ruling over a thought that he was going to vote for a candidate who has people that never accept injustice! open thinking - I asked him for whom are you going to vote? The US’ debts are close to $15 trillion and it will be very diffi- He surprised me with a name of a candidate from a faction that cult for any sane US ruler to pay the interests on this unprece- is opposite to free ideology! dented historic debt, not to mention the debt value itself. I told him why do not you vote for so or so who has an Therefore, it would be very useful that some intelligent US open ideology and knows parliamentary work with its correct minds promote the idea that presidential candidate Donald methods? His answer was a shock for me when he said: I will Trump is an impulsive, unstable and unpredictable person and not elect him because he is a liberal! I asked him: Is him being a that even if he makes it to the presidency, he might make liberal keeping you from voting for him? He looked at me with A some ‘insane’ decisions to pay off that astronomical debt by wonderment and said: Do you want to elect an infidel? l- J using old colonial power principles and ideas to impose an The lack of awareness and understanding has become a gen- ar annual tribute on GCC states, Japan, Germany, Korea and oth- eral trait, especially among the youth group, which with regret, id a ers in return for US protection. He will also impose up to 35 did not work on building itself or its brains - rather it gave its reins percent taxes on the products of China, industrial countries to the society to carry out this superficial and distorted upbring- MPs to visit Comoros to and Mexico to pay off the debt and reduce the dangerous ing and this fragile building. Many times we find angry people deficit, and thus his country would flourish at the expense of claiming that they are defending their beliefs, which they think destroying other world countries. All this has previously been was insulted because of what so and so said, although there is validate bedoon settlement mentioned during Trump’s election campaign. nothing offensive towards what they believe in, but the superfi- So far, results of surveys show that Trump is inevitably com- ciality of understanding and absence of awareness are what ing to the White House, which would mean putting his insane made them believe this. We are living a case of instinctive sponta- promises into practice. Therefore, afflicted world countries and neous reaction condition, like the physical reactions the human KUWAIT: A delegation including a number of lawmakers plans visit would include attending four workshops on the settle- its lobbies within the US should use all possible and legal being cannot control, but the brain reactions must happen as a to visit the Comoros to validate reports about settling bedoons ment of bedoons in the Comoros to probe the credibility of means in American political life to prevent Trump from win- result of understanding and awareness, not as a result of emo- there, said the chairman of the parliamentary friendship group recent talks about it. “We are keen on returning with verified ning, because his win will be very devastating, because he tion, absence of awareness and unavailable understanding. MP Saud Al-Huraiji, noting that the delegation would leave on news about this topic because I do not think what has been would rule the mightiest country in the history of mankind — Translated by Kuwait Times Thursday for the Comoros and Cameroon. Huraiji said that the said is true, but we want to make sure,” he remarked. — Al-Rai with all its conventional and non-conventional weapons and Trump would never hesitate to use the latter with the first provocation or major crisis...who knows?!! Gender identity disorders, depression Finally, there is a lack of likeness between Trump and tradi- spreading among students: Specialists tional politicians including Democrats and Republicans, name- ly those in the Senate, of which only two thirds can depose him if he ever commits fatal mistakes as president. So, will this KUWAIT: Academic and psychiatric specialists es department at the Education Ministry Faisal scenario come true? Who knows! warned against the increasing cases of chronic Al-Ustad said school administration and edu- — Translated by Kuwait Times psychological problems in schools, adding cational authorities are essential partners in that the specialized psychiatric department at solving students’ problems. He said the psychi- the Education Ministry receives more than 600 atric file of a student will be replaced by case Crime cases from all educational stages each year follow-up. Ustad said the administration is that are difficult to treat inside the school. responsible for providing social and psycho- R e p o r t They said that most common cases at logical care to students and work to provide schools include gender identity disorders, sui- the best professional preparation for psycho- cide attempts caused by depression and vio- logical researchers and enable them to per- Man used diplomatic license lence, and warned about the appearance of form their professional roles as required, and plates to commit robberies satanic worship cases, even though they are provide them with suitable means. KUWAIT:Jahra police put an end to the activity of a Saudi only a few cases, as students resort to it out of He said the main goal is to create a good thief who robbed passersby claiming to be a detective. The imitation, and the reason is social media. They citizen that serves the country, and said it is suspect used diplomatic license plates he stole from said school administrations are main partners important to change the names that scare and Yarmouk and moved about without being stopped by in solving students’ problems and efforts must worry parents such as psychological treatment police. Jahra detectives received information that a man be consolidated with these researchers to and psychological and behavioral problems, was harassing people in various areas of Kuwait and reach the sought after goals to build a good and asked that old means be put aside and robbed them, claiming to be a detective and using diplo- citizen who serves the country. introduce new methods to deal with children. matic license plates. Jahra detectives located the man in a Director of the social and psychiatric servic- — Al-Anbaa Jahra cafe, where he was arrested, while the car with the diplomatic plates was found in a parking lot. He was sent KPC to turn expat admin for questioning. staff to ‘contract’ workers Patient dies A Saudi family filed a complaint against a dental clinic, KUWAIT: Kuwait Petroleum Corporation’s grading flight tickets and reducing daily accusing them of causing the death of one of its mem- (KPC) executive administration resumed allowances as per the KPC’s board deci- bers who was being treated there. The cause of death meeting with various oil companies to sion issued on Feb 1, 2016. The measures is being determined by the medical examiner. A secu- acquaint its employees about initiatives also include suspending the spring camp rity source said the family of the 47-year-Saudi told that would help cut expenses as well as and paying parts of club and spa subscrip- Jahra police that the man was being treated for his stop the uncontrolled growth of payroll in tion fees. teeth in a private clinic, but became ill and was taken the coming five years. In this regard, well- As far as expat employees are con- to hospital, where he remained for two days before informed official oil sources said that KPC’s cerned, the source explained that KPC dying. The family told police they suspect a medical initiatives aim at saving KD 190 million decided turning expat administrative error in the death of the man and filed a complaint yearly, adding that oil sector payroll costs staffs to work through contractors in order accordingly. Investigations are underway. would jump from KD 1.5 billion to KD 2.3 to reduce the cost of salaries and incen- billon within five years. tives they get. The sources added that the The sources explained that KPC met measures would also include comprehen- Drug addict caught managers and heads of teams and officials sive reconsideration of the incentives and Farwaniya police arrested a drug user who slept in his car at Kuwait National Petroleum Company privileges non-Kuwaiti staff receive, such near a hotel. Police found illicit tablets and envelopes (KNPC), Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) and as tuition fees, rent allowance, flight tick- thought to contain drugs. He was sent to the Drugs the Petrochemical Industry Company ets and medical services. Control General Department. (PIC), and discussed suspending bonuses KPC CEO Nizar Al-Adasani said that while in service and on termination, in KPC’s financial reforms aim at allowing the addition to reducing flight tickets for sen- private sector and citizens to play larger Liquor possession ior officials and regulating daily travel roles in bidding for and co-owning oil allowances to KD 220 a day for senior offi- service activities. He added that a special A bedoon (stateless) man was arrested in Jleeb Al- cials travelling worldwide and KD 180 a schedule was being prepared to launch Shuyoukh with 260 bottles of locally-made liquor. He day for other officials travelling to any and privatize 42 petrol stations. He also confessed that he sold the liquor to a Bangladeshi country. The sources also explained that expected that the initiatives offered by man, and received KD 30 daily from him. A security the austerity measures also include ration- KPC would help maintain payroll costs at source said a police patrol noticed a car moving in var- alizing overseas training courses, down- KD 1.5 billion. — Al-Anbaa ious areas suspiciously, and when the driver was stopped, he seemed nervous. When his car was searched, 260 bottles were found. He said he has been KD 60 ‘food allowance’ working for a Bangladeshi man for two years and receives KD 30 per day from him. He added that he to municipality officials works in Jleeb and Farwaniya. He was sent to the Drugs Control General Department. KUWAIT: An official source at Kuwait only, and despite this some of them are paid. Beggars arrested Municipality said KD 60 will be paid as food He said Jassim will resort to the attendance allowance to some municipality officials, as signature and fingerprint system to check Ahmadi police arrested six beggars and sent them to resi- Deputy Director General for the Financial attendance, especially after making sure that dency affairs detectives, when they were arrested during a and Administrative Sector Walid Al-Jassim a large number of recipients are not commit- security campaign that targeted several areas. The beggars opened the issue of the “allowances” some ted to working hours. The source said other include one Bangladeshi and five Jordanians, all women. department officials are undeservedly allowances are paid to some officials includ- receiving. ing food and shift allowance, adding that The source said the value of the “shift Jassim, who is facing pressure to keep him Swindler in police’s net allowance” being paid to some officials is from opening this file, will investigate the An Arab man was sent to the public prosecution as he highly exaggerated, and some of it exceeds allowances of officials in departments that was processing expats’ transactions in exchange of three allowances, especially since a large belong to the municipality director general money. The expat, who works for a VIP, confessed to number of departments do not need shifts, as a first step, then will go to other depart- swindling a large number of expats. A security source and their official hours are in the morning ments and outdoor sites. — Al-Rai said information was received by Farwaniya detectives about an expat who swindled an Egyptian pharmacist Ministry forms panel out of KD 1,500 when he promised her a job in the government, then disappeared. The pharmacist was to ‘change rent law’ questioned, and the expat was arrested. Multiple thefts reported KUWAIT: A high-ranking source at the and decide the rent value, because real- A citizen told Maidan Hawally police that KD 170 in cash Ministry of Commerce and Industry said estate is private ownership, and the val- and jewelry worth KD 10,000 were stolen from her house. there is no move by the ministry ue of its rent cannot be decided by any- She did not accuse anyone. Meanwhile, an Egyptian man towards limiting or deciding rents of one other than the owner. told Fintas police someone stole his car, and police are real estate. The source said the ministry Meanwhile, chairman of the board of investigating. Separately, a Gulf national told Adan police will set up a committee that will be a major real-estate company said there his passport was stolen when he was at the co-op. In formed soon to work on changing the was no decrease in real-estate prices, another case, a Syrian man told police that an unidentified rent law as “it does not go along with while a large number of brokers are pre- person broke into his tire repair shop and stole KD 6,000 the current market factors of the mar- senting their properties through social he was keeping for a relative. Also, a citizen said her car ket,” providing that increases should not media due to recession and lack of was broken into while parked in front of a Fintas area flow- be more than 100 percent every five investors in the past two months. Offers ers shop. The culprit stole her personal purse from the car. years. The source said it is not the right over the Internet include 30 houses and Criminal evidence men lifted the finger prints from the car of the commerce ministry to interfere 50 pieces of land every day. — Al-Rai and detectives are working on the case. — Al-Rai WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 Cyprus threatens to Historic vote gives Myanmar first civilian president in decades block EU-Turkey migrant deal Page 12 Page 10 Thousands of maids in Hong Kong are in ‘forced labor’ New report fuels growing criticism HONG KONG: Tens of thousands of foreign maids in Hong Kong are in “forced labor”, according to a new report that fuels growing criticism of the city’s treatment of its army of domestic workers. The study by the Justice Centre estimates that one in six, or 50,000 of Hong Kong’s more than 300,000 migrant domestic workers-mainly from Indonesia and the Philippines-fell into the “forced labor” cate- gory. Its findings come after a report by the UN Committee Against Torture in December urged Hong Kong authorities to reform laws in order to protect victims of forced labor and traffick- ing. The plight of the city’s domestic workers was also thrown into the international spot- light by the high-profile abuse case of Indonesian maid Erwiana Sulistyaningsih, whose Hong Kong employer received a six-year jail sentence last year. The new report defined forced labor as employment for which the worker had not been recruited freely, was not doing the job freely, or could not walk away from work. Fourteen percent of those in forced labor had been trafficked into the city, it said. “Hong Kong must come clean and acknowledge these problems. It can no longer afford to sweep them under the carpet,” said Piya Muqit, execu- tive director of Justice Centre, a non-profit rights group. “Current regulations can actually increase the vulnerability of workers to exploitation and victims face very real barriers in seeking assistance and justice,” she said. Debt incurred by unscrupulous employment agen- cies both in Hong Kong and the workers’ home countries also played a major role in trapping workers in their jobs, the report found. “Forced labor does not always involve physi- cal violence, there are many tools of coercion and deception,” said Victoria Wisniewski Otero, co-author of the study that interviewed more than 1,000 workers. One Indonesian maid named as Indah told researchers she felt she HONG KONG: This file photo taken on February 10, 2015 shows a group of protesters gathering outside the courthouse in support of Indonesian former maid Erwiana had no choice but to continue working Sulistyaningsih. — AFP because of the debt she had incurred. She also said she had no access to her passport, which were not given the full 24-hour rest period living and working conditions, and penalize an employment contract must also be Democratic Party, who also called for workers’ was being held by her employer. The study required under Hong Kong law. agencies that overcharge. Rules that say for- scrapped, it said. “The government will have to home countries to take action. Hong Kong’s found migrant domestic laborers worked an The report called on the Hong Kong govern- eign maids must live with their employers and be pushed and pulled into doing something,” labor department had no immediate response average 70-hour week and more than a third ment to review legislation, improve workers’ leave the city within two weeks of terminating said legislator Emily Lau, head of Hong Kong’s to the report. — AFP BERLIN: Rescuers and police officers work around a damaged car after a blast caused by an explosive device killed its driver travelling down a street yesterday. — AFP Car bomb kills driver in Berlin BERLIN: A car bomb killed a driver trav- after it flipped over, while debris was Passat station wagon was heading elling down a street in central Berlin strewn a few meters away. downtown when the explosion struck yesterday, police said, as investigators No other injuries were reported, close to the subway entrance to suspected that it was likely a case of although the car rammed into a parked Deutsche Oper station, in front of one homicide. The blast caused by an vehicle. “The identity (of the victim) is of Berlin’s three opera houses. Police explosive device “on or in the vehicle” unclear,” police spokesman Michael had asked residents to stay indoors and occurred during peak-hour traffic on Merkle told N24. “We believe this was a keep their windows shut before giving Bismarckstrasse, within sight of the homicide,” prosecutor’s office the all-clear to after completing a Victory Column monument, leaving spokesman Martin Steltner told the sweep for further explosives. The broad the front of the car severely dented daily Tagesspiegel. The Volkswagen avenue remains cordoned off. — AFP Qaeda threatens France and allies ABIDJAN: Al-Qaeda’s North African Sunday that left 18 people dead was one “criminal leaders” and interests targeted, branch threatened France and its allies of a series of operations “targeting dens according to the SITE group which mon- fighting against jihadists in the volatile of espionage and conspiracies”. itors extremist organizations. The state- region, in a statement boasting about It warned that those nations ment was issued on the eve of a visit by the group’s deadly weekend attack on an involved in the regional anti-insurgent French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ivory Coast beach resort. Al-Qaeda in the Operation Barkhane and the 2013 Ayrault and Interior Minister Bernard Islamic Magreb (AQIM) said the shooting French-led Operation Serval in Mali Cazeneuve to Ivory Coast after the rampage at the Grand-Bassam resort on would “receive a response”, with their beach attack whose victims included four French nationals. Barkhane, which succeeded Serval in 2014, has at least 3,500 soldiers deployed across five countries-Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger- to combat jihadist jihadist insurgencies. AQIM warned Ivory Coast and all allies of France in the region that their “crimes will not pass without a response” and issued a wider threat to Western nationals to leave Muslim lands or “we will destroy your security and the security of your citizens”. The group had also claimed the attack on a top hotel and a nearby restaurant in the Burkina Faso capital in January that GRAND-BASSAM: An Ivorian soldier holds a Rocket-propelled grenade killed 30 people, and a hostage siege in while manning a position in a street near the the Etoile du Sud hotel in the Malian capital Bamako in Grand Bassam on Monday. — AFP November that cost 20 lives. — AFP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 I N T E R N AT ION A L ‘Omar the Chechen’: Notorious, red-bearded IS warlord BEIRUT: A fierce, battle-hardened warlord against Russian forces before joining the supporter and posted online described him with roots in Georgia and a thick red beard, Georgian military in 2006, and fought as “one of the best strategic and tactical Omar Al-Shishani was one of the most Russian forces again in Georgia in 2008. He leaders”. He was born in 1986 to a Christian notorious faces of the Islamic State jihadist resurfaced in northern Syria in 2012 as the father and a Muslim mother, according to group. On Monday, the Pentagon con- leader of a battalion of foreign fighters, said the text, which claims he “never lost any of firmed that Shishani-whose real name is Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, research fellow his battles”. In an indication of Shishani’s Tarkhan Batirashvili-died after being at the Middle East Forum, a US think-tank. popularity among jihadist sympathizers, wounded in a US-led coalition strike in As early as May 2013, when IS was just the text describes him as “the new Khalid northeastern Syria earlier this month. US emerging in Syria, he was appointed the Ibn al-Walid”-a reference to a leader from officials previously said Shishani “likely group’s military commander for the north the early days of Islam who played a crucial died” in the strike, but reports surfaced that of the country, Tamimi said. While role in spreading the nascent religion in he had survived. On Monday, Navy Captain Shishani’s exact rank was unclear, Richard Syria and Iraq. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, told AFP Barrett of the US-based Soufan Group Observers, however, downplayed the US military now believed “he subse- described him as IS’s “most senior military Shishani’s importance. “He was a fierce quently died of his injuries” following the commander”, adding that he had been in fighter,” according to Rami Abdel Rahman, strike. charge of key battles. “He is clearly a very director of the Britain-based Syrian Shishani, whose nom de guerre means capable commander and has the loyalty of Observatory for Human Rights, which mon- Omar the Chechen, was one of the IS lead- Chechen fighters who are considered by itors the Syrian conflict. “He would be sent ers most wanted by Washington which put ISIS as elite troops,” Barrett said, using to frontlines across IS-held territory,” he a $5 million bounty on his head. US officials another acronym for IS. Shishani was not said. Still, Abdel Rahman said the impact of had branded Shishani the “equivalent of however a member of IS’s political leader- Shishani’s death would be minimal. “It the secretary of defense” for the jihadist ship, a structure that is even murkier than won’t have an actual impact on the battle- group. Shishani came from the ex-Soviet its military command. field. There are many other leaders,” he said. state of Georgia’s Pankisi Gorge region, “IS chooses which faces to make known in which is populated mainly by ethnic Born to Christian father the media-while it conceals the real lead- Chechens. He fought as a Chechen rebel A profile of Shishani written by an IS ers.”— AFP Abu Omar Al-Shishani Clashes spread to new areas of Russia seeks to reassure southeast Turkey after attacks Israel over Syria pullout 45 militants killed in Iraq air strikes JERUSALEM: A Russian diplomat sought to Golan Heights in response to spillover reassure Israel yesterday that its security shelling or bombed advanced arms it sus- would not be harmed by the winding pected were to be transferred to Assad’s DIYARBAKIR: Four people were Workers Party (PKK). Violence has armored vehicles parked on edly calling for lawmakers from down of Moscow’s intervention in the Lebanese guerrilla allies, Hezbollah. Past killed in clashes between security surged in mainly Kurdish south- street corners called for people to the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Syrian civil war, but Israel’s armed forces Israeli strikes in Syria killed Syrian troops as forces and Kurdish militants yes- east Turkey since a 2-1/2 year PKK stay inside. Conflict in Diyarbakir, Democratic Party (HDP) to face chief said the ramifications were not yet well as Hezbollah fighters, according to clear. Israeli officials have privately said both countries and the guerrilla group - terday, security sources said, as ceasefire collapsed in July. The the southeast’s largest city, has prosecution, accusing them of Russian forces sent in last year to help though the exact number remains unclear. fighting widened in southeast militants have focused their until now has been focused in the being an extension of the PKK. Syrian President Bashar Assad turn the tide Israeli President Reuven Rivlin was due to Turkey following a suicide bomb- strikes on security forces in south- Sur district, parts of which have The PKK, which says it is fight- against a now five-year-old rebellion also meet Russian President Vladimir Putin in ing that killed 37 people in the eastern towns, some of which been devastated by the fighting. ing for autonomy for Kurds, is served to restrain his anti-Israeli allies - Iran Moscow today. Drobinin said that would be capital Ankara. Kurdistan Workers have been under curfew. designated a terrorist group by and Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia. “a very good opportunity to air opinions Party (PKK) fighters blocked roads One police officer and three Air strikes Turkey, the United States and the Israel was further helped by a hotline to and provide answers for any questions the and halted vehicles in the militants were killed in the fight- Following the Ankara bomb- European Union. Speaking on the main Russian airbase at Hmeymim in Israeli side might have”. Kaynartepe neighborhood of the ing in the Baglar district of the ing, the Turkish military launched Monday evening, Erdogan said Syrai, which let it continue covert strikes to Rivlin’s role is largely ceremonial. His city of Diyarbakir and clashed southeastern city of Diyarbakir, air strikes on Monday and struck the definition of terrorist needed foil suspected Hezbollah or Iranian opera- Russia trip was set before the Syrian with- with security forces sporadically the security sources said. A cur- northern Iraq’s Qandil mountain to be broadened to include sup- tions against it on Syrian turf without fear drawal announcement. Prime Minister through the night as a police heli- few was imposed in Baglar’s area where the PKK’s main bases porters. “It may be the terrorist of accidentally clashing with Moscow. Benjamin Netanyahu’s government copter flew overhead, witnesses Kaynartepe neighborhood from 3 are. The military said 45 PKK mili- who detonates bombs and pulls Russia blindsided world powers on Monday declined to be drawn on the issue. But the said. am after moves by militants to set tants were believed to have been the trigger, but it is these sup- by announcing that the main part of its Israeli armed forces chief, Lieutenant- No one has claimed responsi- up barricades, dig ditches and killed. The strikes by F-16 and F-4 porters who enable them to forces in Syria would start to withdraw. General Gadi Eizencot, told lawmakers bility for Sunday’s car bomb that plant explosives, authorities said. jets destroyed two weapons achieve their goals,” he said in a Russia’s deputy ambassador to Israel on Israel had no advance knowledge of tore through a crowded transport The curfew was later widened to depots and two Katyusha rocket speech. “Being an MP, an academ- Tuesday described the two countries’ Syria Russia’s pullback plan, whose impact he hub in Ankara, but security offi- encompass more city streets as positions, the military said in a ic, journalist, writer or civil society coordination as remaining intact. deemed hard to gauge. “At this stage, cials have said it involved two clashes continued in the morn- statement. The conflict has also group executive does not change “We will try to ensure that this (Syria) humility and caution are required in trying militants, one of them female, ing. Gunfire and explosions rang fuelled political tensions, with the reality of that person being a crisis is resolved, and we will also do every- to understand the vector in which the from the outlawed Kurdistan out across the city and police in President Tayyip Erdogan repeat- terrorist,” he said. — Reuters thing so that Israel’s national security inter- Syrian theatre will develop with the exit of ests are not harmed in the process,” the Russian forces,” Eizencot said in the closed- envoy, Alexey Drobinin, told the Ynet news door briefing, according to a parliamentary site, without elaborating. In separate spokesman. remarks to Israel’s Army Radio, Drobinin Eizencot said that the Russian interven- said Russia would maintain its military pres- tion had so far strengthened Assad’s posi- ence at Hmeymim airbase as well as a tion in ceasefire talks with rebels. Israel has Mediterranean naval centre at Tartus. “Israel voiced doubt about the truce prospects in is a neighboring country. It cannot be indif- Syria, which it anticipates will end up parti- ferent to what is happening in Syria. We tioned on sectarian lines. Eizencot predict- take this into account, of course,” he said. ed that the Russian withdrawal would be “We have an ongoing dialogue with the carried out gradually, but not fully, with Israeli side on all levels - the military level Moscow maintaining two bases in Syria and diplomatic level.” while thinning out overall troop deploy- Israel has occasionally fired across the ments. — Reuters Chief negotiators at Syria talks are polar opposites BEIRUT: One is a seasoned, multi-lingual diplo- ed to a 40-kilometre (25 mile) travel radius mat, the other a relatively unknown rebel fig- around New York city where the UN headquar- ure and student of Islam: the two men heading ters are based. Jaafari, who is married to an rival delegations at Syrian peace talks seem Iranian, wears his thin glasses low on his slen- worlds apart. The respective differences der nose and a neatly trimmed goatee. “People between government diplomat Bashar Al- in Damascus have nicknamed him ‘the lion of Jaafari and the opposition High Negotiations diplomacy’ for his tough positions against his Committee’s chief negotiator Mohammed counterparts from the Gulf,” a journalist with Alloush in many ways mirror the vast gulf years of experience in Damascus said. “He’s a between the two sides at the talks. The pair are ruthless negotiator, and he understands very in Geneva, Switzerland for the latest UN-bro- well what happens backstage at the UN.” kered talks after the last round collapsed in February. Alloush: rebel in suit Jaafari’s opposite number Alloush, the Jaafari: Hawkish diplomat HNC’s chief negotiator, could hardly be more Jaafari is a tall, silver-haired diplomat who different. Nearly 15 years younger, he was born has been Syria’s permanent envoy to the in Douma, a besieged town east of Damascus United Nations for nearly a decade. For many, subject to regular government bombardment he is the public face of a regime that has that has killed hundreds. A Sunni Muslim, MAFRAQ: Syrian refugee artists paint a mural on a trailer home in the Zaatari Refugee Camp, near. — AP become an international pariah, lambasted by Alloush studied Islamic jurisprudence in Saudi rights groups and the West. An unequivocal Arabia, making him relatively unknown even in A look at the cost of 5-year Syria conflict and sharp-tongued defender of the embattled his hometown. One Douma resident told AFP government, he is now tasked with making that “no one here knows him”. Alloush is a lead- concessions at the peace talks. “We are here to ing political member of Jaish al-Islam (the As the war in Syria enters its sixth year with The cities Apamea archaeological site in Hama, the Tell conduct indirect talks among Syrians without Army of Islam), the most powerful rebel faction preconditions and without foreign interven- in the Eastern Ghouta region where Douma is no clear end in sight, here is a glance on Historic Aleppo, Syria’s largest city and for- Merdikh archaeological site in the Idlib region, tion,” Jaafari told reporters at the last round of located. what has been the cost of the war: mer commercial center, has been devastated. and the Dura-Europos and Mari sites in Deir el- talks. Born in 1956, Jaafari hails from Damascus His prominent role within the HNC has Its ancient souks and the famed Umayyad Zour. and belongs to the same Alawite religious boosted the body’s legitimacy among rebels Dead and wounded Mosque complex have been trashed, its 11th minority as President Bashar al-Assad. on the ground, who have previously derided There are no reliably precise statistics on century minaret toppled. The city of Homs, Economy He holds degrees in French literature and the opposition-in-exile as nothing more than the number of people killed in Syria’s war due Syria’s third largest, lies in ruins, entire blocks There is no accurate estimate for the eco- translation, and a doctorate in political science suits in hotels. Alloush is the cousin of slain to an inability to monitor on the ground. reduced to rubble or uninhabitable husks of nomic cost of the ongoing war. A recent report from the Sorbonne University in Paris. As well Jaish al-Islam head Zahran Alloush, killed in an According to the UN, over 250,000 people housing. Rebel-held towns around the capital by the charity group World Vision and the con- as his native Arabic, he is also fluent in English air strike claimed by Syria’s government in have been killed and well over a million of Damascus such as Jobar, Douma and Harasta sultant group Frontier Economics estimated and Persian. Jaafari’s first diplomatic posting December. An official biography provided by wounded. But officials acknowledge that fig- are now a vista of collapsed buildings and rub- that the conflict has so far cost Syria $275 bil- was in Paris, later moving to positions in New Jaish al-Islam to AFP says Mohammed has ure has not been updated in months. The ble. A preliminary World Bank-led assessment lion in lost growth opportunities - 150 times York and Indonesia. Since Syria’s conflict years of political-but not fighting-experience in Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a in six cities in Syria - Aleppo, Daraa, Hama, more than pre-war Syria’s health budget. If the began in March 2011 with anti-government the group. Physically, Alloush is also Jaafari’s Britain-based opposition group that monitors Homs, Idlib, and Latakia - released in January conflict ends in 2020, the cost of the conflict protests, Jaafari has repeatedly deflected sharp opposite, sporting a beard on a rosy-cheeked the war, puts the death toll at more than showed an estimated $3.6-4.5 billion in dam- will grow to $1.3 trillion, it estimated. A World criticism of Damascus at the UN. He has face and a reserved demeanor. 270,000, while a recent report by the Syrian age as of the end of 2014. Bank report estimates the damage to the capi- doggedly rejected allegations of rights abuses Alloush is new to the corridors of the UN, Center for Policy Research, an independent tal stock in Syria as of mid-2014 to be $70-80 by the regime, including accusations of chemi- and his appointment as the HNC’s chief nego- think tank, said 470,000 deaths have been Lost heritage billion. The situation has deteriorated greatly cal weapons use in 2013 and well-documented tiator has been controversial. The HNC includes caused by the conflict, either directly or indi- Almost all of Syria’s UNESCO World Heritage since then. starvation in the besieged town of Madaya. leading former politicians like Riad Hijab, who rectly. sites have been either damaged or destroyed, When the leading diplomat railed against defected from his post as prime minister in including Aleppo in the north, the ancient town The costs to others the UN’s “baseless accusations” in 2014, a Qatari 2012, and Riad Naasan Agha, a former culture The displaced of Bosra in the south, the Crac des Chevaliers - Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq have official described him as “delusional”. “His minister. Opposition members have criticized Almost half of Syria’s prewar population of one of the most important preserved medieval borne the brunt of the economic impact of the myopic and unquestioning analysis of the situ- Jaish al-Islam for its alleged involvement in kid- 23 million has been displaced by the war. The castles in the world - and the Palmyra archaeo- war. Already in fragile situations, many of them ation in Syria makes him difficult to engage napping prominent rights activists in Douma. UN refugee agency says there are 6.5 million logical site. Some have been damaged by fight- are facing tremendous budgetary pressure. The with and ineffective as an interlocutor,” said a Some activists speculated that Alloush was displaced within Syria and 4.8 million ing and shelling, others intentionally blown up World Bank estimates, for instance, that the UN Security Council diplomat. “His argumenta- chosen to provoke the regime and to “spite refugees outside Syria. Much of the remaining or pillaged. The Islamic State group, which took influx of more than 630,000 Syrian refugees has tive performances in the Council do little to Russia because of the death of Zahran Alloush,” population is in dire need of humanitarian control of Palmyra last year, destroyed many of cost Jordan over $2.5 billion a year. This challenge the perception that he is less of a a rebel source said. “It will also very much assistance. The refugees have mostly fled to its Roman-era relics, including the 2000-year-old amounts to 6 percent of GDP and one-fourth of diplomat and more of a loudspeaker for Assad.” embarrass the regime when they sit with him, neighboring countries - Jordan, Turkey, Temple of Bel and the iconic Arch of Triumph. government’s annual revenue. Cash-strapped And Saudi journalist Mshari al-Zaydi has because for five years they’ve been saying that Lebanon and Iraq - and have flooded Europe, Numerous archaeological sites in Syria are being Lebanon is also stretched to a breaking point accused the Syrian ambassador of “complete Jaish al-Islam are terrorists that shell where most arrive after a treacherous sea systematically targeted for excavation by crimi- and Turkey says it can no longer afford to take moral recklessness”. Damascus-so how can they sit with a terrorist?” journey from Turkey. nals and armed groups. These include the in refugees. — AP Since March 2014, Jaafari has been restrict- he added. — AFP WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 I N T E R N AT ION A L US election campaign: A slug fest like no other WASHINGTON:In America, these are days of ‘American Rage’ rage, fueled by a cocktail of gripes making for Another poll, entitled “American Rage” and a White House race that’s been wild and published in January by Esquire magazine, raunchy. Fist fights between opposing sides gave even grimmer numbers. It found 52 per- are now breaking out at rallies, where people cent of those polled say the American dream give each other the finger. Candidates openly is dead, and 54 percent believe they are call each other liars, among other insults. worse off than they thought they would be Accusations of racism and bigotry have taint- when they were younger. “We the people are ed the campaign trail. One hopeful-brash pissed. And the body politic is burning up,” Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, of the magazine wrote in an introduction to the course-has even boasted in veiled fashion polling data. On another hot-button issue- about the size of his genitalia. “This would all immigration-Esquire said 46 percent of those be fun if it weren’t so serious,” said Patrick polled feel immigrants are a burden because Haney, a professor of political science at they take US jobs, housing and health care. Miami University of Ohio. Trump has tapped into these fears, vowing to Thanks in part to the gnawing sensation deport immigrants here illegally, build a wall that the so-called “American dream” the idea along the border with Mexico and institute a that if you work hard, you will get ahead-is blanket ban on Muslims entering the country. dead or comatose, it is the year of the out- Critics have heaped scorn on the 69-year- sider: the candidate claiming to be utterly old businessman, saying he is fueling hatred free of the dysfunction of Washington-style, and racism. Rival John Kasich, the Republican nothing-gets-done politics. “There is a sort of governor of Ohio, says Trump has created a fundamental level of irritability in the “very toxic atmosphere.” Another Republican American electorate right now. Some of it is contender, Marco Rubio, called his language probably economic and some of it is social “dangerous.” Even President Barack Obama- and cultural,” said Haney. the target of much of the anger expressed by Paul Beck, a political scientist at Ohio State Trump supporters-has weighed in, condemn- University, said the national funk cuts across ing the “divisiveness along the lines of race party lines and to some extent stems from and faith” seen on the campaign trail. Trump dissatisfaction with the status quo. “The other says his rallies are nothing but a “love fest.” thing is much more deeply seated and that And among the four remaining Republican really goes back decades, to the declining sta- candidates, he leads by a wide margin. tus of the middle class,” Beck said. Expressed Trump, the man hogging the headlines, is a SKIEN: Norwegian mass killer Anders Behring Breivik makes a Nazi salute as he arrives to a makeshift court in Skien prison’s gym yesterday. — AFP in numbers, it looks like this: in 1970, 62 per- billionaire who has never held public office Mass murderer sues Norway cent of aggregate. US income went to mid- and is widely ridiculed by critics as a bigoted, dle-income households. But in 2014, that fig- clownish blowhard. His party is described as ure was down to 43 percent, according to the cringing over the prospect that he will actually over ‘inhuman’ prison life Pew Research Center. This means the other win the Republican nomination, which for his ends of the income spectrum-the poor and critics borders on handing over the election to the rich are getting bigger. the Democrats on a silver platter. —AFP Breivik makes Nazi salute, ignoring lawyer’s advice SKIEN: Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik ment” under the European Convention on When stopped by guards, the man shouted: opened a court case against Norway yester- Human Rights by keeping the 37-year-old iso- “You are a killer, a child killer ... And I love my day with a Nazi salute as his lawyers pre- lated from other inmates in a special three- country,” Emberland said. Breivik killed eight pared to argue he has received inhuman room cell. “There is no tradition in Norway for people with a bomb in Oslo and gunned treatment by being kept in isolation for mur- this type of isolation,” lawyer Oeystein Storrvik down 69 others on an island nearby, many of dering 77 people in 2011. Appearing in pub- told the special court that will meet until them teenagers. He is serving Norway’s maxi- lic for the first time since he was sentenced Friday in a gymnasium at Skien jail about 100 mum sentence of 21 years, which can be in 2012, Breivik has had just one visitor with km (60 miles) south of Oslo. Storrvik told extended. whom he had physical contact - his mother, Reuters he had advised Breivik against mak- Breivik will have a chance to speak today. who was allowed into prison and gave him a ing the Nazi salute. “He (Breivik) says he is a The single judge - there is no jury - will issue a hug shortly before she died of cancer in national socialist,” he said, adding that making ruling in coming weeks. Norway considered it 2013. Clean-shaven and wearing a black suit, the gesture was “the worst thing you can do too dangerous to hear the case in Oslo. The white shirt and golden tie, Breivik raised his in a courtroom.” makeshift courtroom has walls lined with tim- right arm in a flat-handed Nazi salute on Norway rejects the charges of inhuman ber bars and a climbing frame as well as two arrival at the court, slightly different from treatment. “Breivik is a very dangerous man,” basketball hoops. the outstretched arm and clenched fist he said Marius Emberland, the lawyer represent- Some survivors watched the trial in an Oslo used in 2012. ing the state, defending Breivik’s conditions. court with a direct transmission by television. VIENNA CENTER: US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump at a rally in Breivik’s lawyer accused Norway of violat- He said another prisoner tried to attack Most stayed away, not wanting to revive Vienna Center, Ohio on Monday. — AFP ing a ban on “inhuman and degrading treat- Breivik last year, getting to within earshot. memories of July 22, 2011. — Reuters DDDeeevvviiiccceeesss Rethink what a phone can do The new Samsung Galaxy S7 edge and S7 now available in Kuwait with VIVA’s postpaid packages @vivatelecom @vivatelecom VIVA Kuwait WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 I N T E R N AT ION A L Cyprus threatens to block EU-Turkey migrant deal NICOSIA: Cyprus yesterday threatened to there yet” in terms of a deal. “The Turkish six key chapters of Ankara’s negotiations derail a proposed EU deal with Turkey to proposal... still needs to be rebalanced so for EU membership since 2009, effectively curb the flow of migrants to Europe, as to be accepted by all 28 member states halting the process. Cyprus insists Turkey insisting on longstanding demands and the EU institutions,” he told reporters. must first meet its longstanding demands including that Ankara recognize its gov- The plan to expel migrants en masse from for recognition, and to open up trade ties, ernment. “Cyprus does not intend to con- Greece has sparked international criti- ports and airports. Complicating matters sent to the opening of any new chapters cism, with the UN’s top officials on further is a UN-backed negotiation if Turkey does not fulfill its obligations,” refugees and human rights questioning process between Greek and Turkish Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades said whether it would be legal. Cypriot administrations aimed at reunit- after talks with EU president Donald Tusk. Officials have also expressed concern ing the island. European sources say EU EU and Turkish leaders agreed last over the potential need for compromise officials admit that they took the wrong week to a tentative proposal including with Ankara, as fears grow over freedom approach to Cyprus’s concerns, which the return of migrants landing in Greece of expression and rights abuses under were overlooked in the enthusiasm and a “one-for-one” swap of Syrian President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “One of among members states for a deal. refugees. Cyprus has expressed reserva- the issues to be sorted out is the key At one point last week in Brussels, tions, not least as its longtime adversary question of legality,” Tusk said. A Cypriot Anastasiades was involved in a heated Turkey expects the accord to lead to the refusal of the migrant-swap deal would confrontation with five key European fig- opening of new chapters in Ankara’s long- effectively block the largest diplomatic ures, including German Chancellor Angela standing EU membership bid and to ease push yet to ease Europe’s burden of Merkel, in which he came under heavy visa requirements in Europe’s passport- accommodating hundreds of thousands pressure to back the accord, sources said. free Schengen area. of refugees, many of whom enter the EU Germany registered a record influx of asy- Anastasiades said Cyprus would not through Turkey. The island of Cyprus has lum seekers that reached 1.1 million in accept “the Turkish demands without been divided since 1974 when Turkish 2015. Tusk’s Cyprus visit was arranged at (the) implementation of Turkey’s long- troops invaded its northern sector in the last minute-a sign of Brussel’s realiza- pending obligations” in its EU member- response to an Athens-engineered coup tion that a new approach is needed. “I am ship bid. Tusk, who heads to Ankara for attempt. not here to exert pressure on Cyprus,” the talks ahead of negotiations on the EU- Turkey does not recognize the govern- EU president told reporters. “I am here to NICOSIA: European Council President Donald Tusk (L) holds a press conference Turkey proposal, admitted “we are not ment of Cyprus and Nicosia has blocked listen to your position.” — AFP with Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades after a meeting yesterday. —AFP Qaeda gunmen drank beer in 12 die in fire at bar before unleashing attack Russian rehab Raid demonstrates Al-Qaeda’s growing reach MOSCOW: Twelve people died head of the emergency service in overnight as a fire swept through a Bashkortostan, Marat Latypov, told rehab centre with barred windows in Interfax news agency. The head of the GRAND BASSAM: Gunmen from Al-Qaeda’s North shot him in the water,” Eddy said. The gunmen then from Algeria and now operates in much of western central Russia, investigators said yes- Bashkortostan region, Rustem African branch drank beer at a beachside bar before moved up the beach, continuing their killing spree and northern Africa. terday. The bodies of 12 people, two of Khamitov, said the victims were under- launching a shooting rampage at an Ivory Coast resort and entering several seaside hotels. In January, gunmen killed dozens of people in a them women, were found in the resi- going work therapy to get rid of “harm- town that left at least 18 people dead, the group’s Surveillance footage from Hotel Etoile du Sud - cafe frequented by foreigners in neighboring Burkina dential building in the mainly Muslim ful habits”. third major attack in West Africa in four months. one of the attackers’ first targets where two people Faso’s capital, Ouagadougou, and also attacked a Bashkortostan region, the regional He called for an investigation into Sunday’s raid, details of which are beginning to including a German woman and a Lebanese man hotel. Militants attacked another hotel in the Malian Investigative Committee, which probes why the “12 people were living in a emerge in witness and official accounts, was the fur- were gunned down - showed the initial panic in the capital Bamako late last year, killing 20. Since those serious crimes, said in a statement. small room with barred windows and a thest yet from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s hotel bar as the first shots rang out. Staff crouched attacks, Ivorian authorities have increased security “They are believed all to be members metal door.” The fire was reported at (AQIM) traditional desert base, a worrying indication and then fled along with customers, among them par- around hotels and shopping malls in Abidjan, a city of of a social rehabilitation centre. Their 3:00 am Moscow time (GMT) and took of the militants’ growing reach. ents carrying babies or leading young children by the around five million inhabitants. But there were few identities are being established,” inves- almost two hours to extinguish, the The attack raised questions about Ivory Coast’s hand. A man, apparently disguised as a waiter in a red signs that was the case in Grand Bassam ahead of tigators said. regional emergency situations ministry preparedness for such an attack, with some asking waistcoat over a white dress shirt, entered with a rifle, Sunday’s attack. “Attacking Bassam was the easiest Residents said the single-story said. Russia frequently sees deadly fires why such a sensitive target was left so vulnerable. fired at the empty bar and disappeared behind it, thing for them to do. Bassam is where all the expatri- building in the town of Sterlitamak, at state-run facilities for the elderly or Fifteen civilians and three members of the special where the Lebanese man had been hiding. More gun- ates and middle class from Abidjan gather on the about 1,200 kilometers east of those with mental illness, which often forces were killed and 33 people were wounded in the shots were then heard. weekends,” said one longtime resident, who said he Moscow, housed a private drug reha- have bars on windows and locked attack in Grand Bassam, a weekend retreat popular The first police officers arrived on the scene had seen no sign of recent security improvements. bilitation centre, ProUfu.ru regional doors and are located in isolated areas. with Ivorians and westerners about 40 km (25 miles) around 15 minutes after the shooting began, witness- “We don’t understand why this wasn’t considered news website reported. An emergency In 2013, 37 people were killed when a east of the commercial capital Abidjan. es said. It would be another half hour before special a priority for protection. It would be easy,” he said, ask- situations official told Russian televi- fire swept through a psychiatric hospi- Interior Minister Hamed Bakayoko said another 26 units from the security forces arrived from Abidjan. ing not to be named. The recent attacks in the region sion that the windows “could not be tal in northwestern Russia. Russia is wounded were still receiving medical attention on The victims included foreign citizens from Burkina are generally viewed as targeting France and its allies opened from the inside or were bolt- gripped by drug addiction fuelled by Monday, as President Alassane Ouattara declared Faso, Cameroon, France, Germany and Mali. Among after Paris intervened militarily in Mali in 2013 to drive ed.” The bodies had “no visible injuries”, easy access to narcotics with the head three days of mourning for the country, which has the dead was Henrike Grohs, 51, head of the Abidjan out Al-Qaeda-linked militants who had seized the investigators said. “Based on the of the federal anti-narcotics service never before been hit by Al-Qaeda. Three militants branch of Germany’s Goethe Institut cultural body. desert north a year earlier. The attack in Grand appearance of the bodies, they died estimating last week that 7.3 million also died in the attack on the resort town, a UNESCO France’s President Francois Hollande said four French Bassam, thousands of kilometers from Al-Qaeda’s tra- from carbon monoxide poisoning,” the people were addicted to drugs. — AFP heritage site of crumbling colonial-era buildings. nationals were killed in the attack. The French govern- ditional operational zones, raises fears over where Witness Christian Eddy said four men arrived in a Ford ment had earlier said just one of its citizens had died. they might strike next. It poses serious security ques- saloon car at the beachside bar where he works tions for former regional colonial power France, which around noon on Sunday. While two remained outside, Easy target has thousands of citizens and troops in the region. the two others entered and drank beers for around a The attack is a heavy blow for Ivory Coast, which While some 18,000 French citizens live in Ivory half hour. has recovered from more than a decade of political Coast, over 20,000 reside in Senegal. France has 3,500 They then launched the attack. “They didn’t speak turmoil and a 2011 civil war to become one of the troops in the region, from Senegal in the far west to French. They spoke Arabic. We communicated with world’s fastest growing economies. President Ouattara Chad. A French military base in Abidjan, manned by them in English .... The guys who were still outside won a landslide election victory in October, promising around 800 soldiers, serves as a logistical hub for started shooting and the two seated at the table to attract foreign investment to the largest economy regional operations against Islamist militancy in the yelled ‘Allahu Akbar’ and flipped over the table,” he in French-speaking West Africa which is also the Sahel. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault and said. He said the first victim was a boy who was made world’s top cocoa producer. “Ivory Coast will not let Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve will travel to Ivory to kneel before he was shot. Bar staff tried to warn a itself be intimidated by terrorists,” Ouattara said in a Coast on Tuesday to offer logistical support and intelli- deaf boy who was playing nearby. “People were televised address late on Monday. “Yes, Ivory Coast is gence, French diplomatic sources said. Counter-terror- yelling ‘Come over here!’ But he didn’t know what was on its feet. Yes, on its feet to combat the cowards and ism officials have also been sent to help the investiga- happening and just went down to the water. They protect its people.” AQIM has spread across the Sahara tion. — Reuters French PM urges cardinal to ‘take responsibility’ in abuse scandal PARIS:French Prime Minister Manuel Valls yes- not archbishop at the time when the first com- believed him,” Barbarin said in an interview with terday urged a cardinal, accused of covering up plaints emerged against Preynat-who was Catholic newspaper La Croix. The diocese the sexual abuse of young boys by a priest, to briefly suspended and then moved to another removed Preynat from service in May 2015. The “take responsibility” in a case which has deeply parish. Vatican has backed the cardinal, saying he had BRUSSELS: A father carries his child after kids were evacuated from schools located embarrassed the French Church. Cardinal Accusations were made against Preynat only shown “a great deal of responsibility” in dealing within the security perimeter following a shooting in the southern Forest district of Philippe Barbarin hit back, insisting at a press when a victim who was allegedly abused in the with the matter. Brussels. — AFP conference: “I have never covered up paedophil- 1980s realized in 2015 that the priest was still in But as the scandal took centre-stage at a One suspect killed in ia.” The latest abuse scandal to hit the Catholic service. Other victims have since come forward. meeting of France’s 120 bishops in Lourdes, Church erupted when priest Bernard Preynat The case recalls the recent Oscar-winning film southwestern France, new accusations emerged was charged in January, after victims came for- “Spotlight”, which highlighted how the Church against Barbarin. An alleged victim pressed new Brussels terror raid ward with claims he had sexually abused Scouts transferred deviant priests between parishes in charges against the cardinal, saying he was sex- between 1986 and 1991. Boston in the United States. While this practice is ually abused at the age of 16 by another Lyon Prosecutors say he has admitted the charges. no longer commonplace, the French case raises priest who was still in service. The man, now 42, The victims have filed complaints against several the question of how deep Church authorities pressed charges against the priest in 2009, but BRUSSELS: Police shot dead one suspect The prosecutor’s office could not be senior officials in the Lyon diocese in eastern should dig into abuse cases lurking in their past. the case could not go forward because of a yesterday during a major Belgian-French immediately reached to confirm the France, including Lyon archbishop Barbarin, statute of limitations. anti-terror operation in Brussels linked to reports but a spokesman told AFP earlier accusing them of being aware of the abuse but ‘Yes, I believed him’ He told Le Figaro newspaper that he met the Paris attacks, Belgian media reports that four police were wounded in the failing to report the priest. Valls told BFM TV that Barbarin has said he learned of Preynat’s with Barbarin, who allegedly admitted that the said, citing the federal prosecutor’s massive security operation in the south without seeking to take the place of the Church “behaviors” in 2007 or 2008, and met with him priest involved had a problem-he had been sen- office. of the city. — AFP or judges looking at the case, “The only message “to ask if, since 1991, anything had happened; tenced to a month in prison in 2000 for exhibi- I have... is that (Barbarin) must take responsibili- he assured me there had been absolutely noth- tionism-and apologized. But nothing was done ty, speak and act.” Barbarin has argued he was ing. “Some blame me for believing him... Yes, I to remove the priest from service. The scandal Italy sexism row over ‘mayor has been extremely embarrassing for the Church in France, which has worked to harden its stance no job for a mamma’ claims against predator priests since Bishop Pierre Pican was convicted in 2001 for failing to report abuse. “The rules, best practices and prevention ROME: Silvio Berlusconi sparked fury yes- and often in much more difficult circum- measures that we have put in place remain terday by claiming that being mayor of stances, manage to reconcile professional unequivocal,” said Georges Pontier, archbishop Rome was “no job for a mother” while back- commitments with maternity.” Behind the of Marseille and head of the French Catholic ing a male candidate who advised a preg- row lies a battle for ascendancy on the right Church. nant rival to stick to breastfeeding. The of Italian politics with Berlusconi backing three-time former premier claimed the task Bertolaso and Northern League leader ‘The culture has really changed’ of cleaning up the scandal-hit capital would Matteo Salvini endorsing Meloni in an elec- The Church continues to be dogged by cases be too much for far right candidate Giorgia tion race the right feel they can win. of priests abusing young children and past cov- Meloni, who is due to give birth soon after The last mayor, the centre-left’s Ignazio er-ups, despite Pope Francis’ promise of a crack- the election in May or June. Marino, was forced to resign last year after down. Barbarin’s case, as well as a scandal in “A mother cannot dedicate herself to a a minor expenses scandal intensified pres- Australia that has seen Cardinal George Pell, the terrible job and running Rome today is ter- sure on him over his perceived misman- pope’s powerful finance minister, accused of rible job which will require 14 hours a day agement of the cash-strapped capital. protecting paedophile priests, have been used in the office,” Berlusconi said. The media Salvini yesterday described Bertolaso’s as examples that a culture of silence persists. tycoon, famed for his bunga bunga parties comments as “50 years out of date” while But an editorial in Le Figaro argued that with young female escorts, was speaking in Italy Prime Minister Matteo Renzi insisted: decades-old abuse cases do not necessarily support of Guido Bertolaso, who said on “Of course a mother can be mayor.” Female reflect how the Church reacts today. “Most dio- Monday that Meloni would be unable to politicians lined up to denounce the out- ceses in the world now get rid of any accused “sort out the rubbish, the traffic jams and bursts as symptomatic of a lingering priest, and demand that he report to the the rats in Rome when she will have to be macho culture in Italian politics. “When will courts... The culture has really changed in the at home nursing.” they ask a male candidate to withdraw Church,” the editorial read. Charles Scicluna, a Meloni replied tersely. “I don’t want a because he is not telegenic? Or because he LOURDES, HAUTES-PYRENEES: Roman Catholic Cardinal Philippe Barbarin, Archbishop of former senior official in the Vatican’s justice row, I simply say politely and proudly that I is due to be a father?,” asked Constitutional Lyon (L) answers journalists’ questions next to Bishop of Pontoise for the Conference of department, said: “Today it is no longer possible hope to be a very good mother, as are all Reform Minister Maria Elena Boschi on Bishops of France Stanislas Lalanne (C) French Archbishop of Marseille and President of the that a priest accused of paedophilia is simply the women who, with a thousand problems Twitter. — AFP Bishops’ Conference of France Georges Pontier (R). — AFP moved to another parish.” — AFP

MOSCOW: Twelve people died overnight as a fire about the numbers any more, we're talking about the qual- Chinese internet giant Alibaba and payments Depeche Mode and an old Atari game console stuffed into a.
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Most books are stored in the elastic cloud where traffic is expensive. For this reason, we have a limit on daily download.