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Sub-Poissonian atom number fluctuations using light-assisted collisions Y.R.P. Sortais, A. Fuhrmanek, R. Bourgain and A. Browaeys Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Institut d’Optique, CNRS, Univ Paris Sud, 2 Avenue Augustin Fresnel, 91127 PALAISEAU cedex, France (Dated:24 janvier 2012) We investigate experimentally thenumberstatistics of a mesoscopic ensembleof cold atoms in a microscopic dipole trap loaded from a magneto-optical trap, and find that the atom number fluc- tuationsarereducedwithrespecttoaPoissondistributionduetolight-assistedtwo-bodycollisions. For numbers of atoms N & 2, we measure a reduction factor (Fano factor) of 0.72±0.07, which differs from 1 by more than 4 standard deviations. We analyze this fact by a general stochastic model describing the competition between the loading of the trap from a reservoir of cold atoms 2 and multi-atom losses, which leads to a master equation. Applied to our experimental regime, this 1 model indicates an asymptotic value of 3/4 for the Fano factor at large N and in steady state. We 0 thusshowthatwehavereachedtheultimatelevelofreductioninnumberfluctuationsinoursystem. 2 PACSnumbers:05.40.-a,03.65.Ta,34.50.Rk,42.50.Lc n a J There is a growing interest in the study of mesosco- considertheoreticallyadifferentandyetmoregeneralre- 3 pic systems containing between 10 100 particles. For gime where the trap continuously experiences the inter- 2 − example,mesoscopicensemblesofultra-coldatomscould play between a loading process from a reservoir of laser- ] beausefultoolforquantuminformationprocessing(e.g. cooled atoms and strong inelastic ρ-body losses (ρ >1), h [1, 2]) or for precision measurements beyond the stan- and we investigate experimentally the case ρ = 2 where p - dard quantum limit [3, 4]. They are also a test bed for the losses are due to light-assisted collisions. This situa- nt the investigation of many-body correlated quantum sys- tion is used elsewhere to, e.g., produce a single atom a tems [5] and for the study of collective effects such as source [19, 20]. There, one operates in the “collisional u super-radiance (e.g. [6]). All these applications require blockade” regime where the loading rate is such that q the precise knowledge of the distribution of the number the microscopic trap contains one or zero atom with [ of atoms as the properties of these finite size samples equal probabilities ( N = 0.5) and the atom number h i 3 are governed by their statistical nature. In particular distribution is maximally sub-Poissonian with variance v the knowledge of the variance of the number distribu- ∆N2 =0.5 N [21]. 3 h i tion is important. In this paper we show experimentally 0 2 and theoretically that one of the conceptually simplest Here, we explore the regime where N goes beyond h i 5 mesoscopic systems, namely a few cold atoms in a tight 0.5 in steady state as we increase the loading rate. In . dipole trap being loaded from a cold atomic cloud [7–9], practice,we preparea thermalensemble ofup to 10 cold 1 1 already exhibits non trivial sub-Poissonianstatistics. atoms at a temperature of 100 µK in a microscopic ∼ 1 dipole trap. We observe that the atom number distribu- The preparation of an atomic sample with non- 1 tion remains sub-Poissonian and that the reduction in v: Poissonian atom number distribution requires a non- number fluctuations with respect to the Poisson distri- linear mechanism usually provided by interactions bet- i bution, ∆N2/ N , is locked to a constant value of 0.75 X weenultra-coldatoms.Forexamplethedispersives-wave h i for N &2,afactthatwasoverlookedsofar.Toexplain r interaction was used to reduce the relative atom num- h i this fact, we use a microscopic approach that takes into a ber fluctuations between the sites of a two-well poten- account the stochastic nature of the competing loading tial [10, 11] or of an optical lattice [12]. This led in par- and loss processes, and we calculate the atom number ticular to the study of the Mott transition [13, 14]. This distribution at any time of the system evolution. We do interaction was also used to demonstrate reduced atom- so by solving a master equation both numerically and number fluctuations in a single tight dipole trap [15]. analytically, and find good agreement with the average Recently, the production of a sample with definite atom result of a Monte Carlo approach where we study the numberswasdemonstratedusingthePauliblockade[16]. individual behavior of atoms. Using this general theore- Inelastic collisions between ultra-cold atoms can also ticalapproach,weanalyzeourdataandfindthatwehave provide the non-linearity required to modify the atom reachedexperimentallythe ultimate levelofreductionin numberstatistics,asshownrecently[17,18].Inthoseex- atomnumberfluctuationsthatonecanexpectinadipole periments,three-bodyinelasticcollisionsinducelossesin trapoperatinginourregime(ρ=2).Theformalismpre- an initially trapped sample of 50 300atoms at or close sented in this paper is applicable to any system where − to quantum degeneracy, and the ever decreasing frac- a random loading process competes with a ρ-body loss tion of remaining atoms exhibits reduced number fluc- process,whateveritsnatureandwhateverthenumberof tuations with respectto a Poissondistribution. Here, we atoms. 2 To study the number statistics of a few atoms in the 1.0 presence of competing random processes, we implemen- 0.8 r 2σ ted the following experiment (details can be found in o ct 0.6 Ref.[9]). First,we producedamicroscopicopticaldipole a trap at 850 nm by sharply focusing a laser beam [22]. o f 0.4 n We then loaded this trap from a magneto-optical trap a F 0.2 (MOT) of 87Rb atoms surrounding the region of the di- < > pole trap. Atoms enter the dipole trap randomly, are 0.0 N st 0 2 4 6 8 10 trapped thanks to the cooling effect of the MOT beams, and are expelled from the trap due mainly to inelastic Figure1:FanofactorF versustheaveragenumberofatoms two-body collisions assisted by the near-resonant light hNist in the microscopic dipole trap in steady state. Square of the cooling beams and, in a minor extent, to colli- and triangles :experimental datacollected in the“collisional sions with the residual background gas in the chamber blockade” regime (hNist = 0.5) and beyond (hNist > 0.5). (one-body losses). We measured elsewhere the two-body Solidline:modelbasedonastochasticprocess(seetext)with and one-body loss constants to be β′ 500 (at.s)−1 and β′ = 500 (at.s)−1 and γ = 0.2 s−1. Dashed line : theoretical ∼ γ 0.2 s−1 respectively [23]. The actual value of the limit F = 3/4 for hNist ≫ 1. σ : rms dispersion of the data loa∼ding rate R is proportional to the MOT local density collected beyondthe collisional blockade regime. in the vicinity of the microscopic trap, which is the pa- rameter that we vary. For values of R β′ the mean ≫ leads to the number distribution being narrower than a number of trapped atoms in steady state exceeds unity Poisson distribution, as the losses are more efficient on and is N = pR/β′, while for R γ it goes to zero h ist ≪ the high-N side of the distribution. as N = R/γ. The intermediate regime corresponds h ist To explain quantitatively the sub-Poissonianbehavior to the “collisional blockade” regime where N = 0.5. h ist oftheatomnumberdistribution,weusethefollowingsto- Experimentallyweoperateat N &2inthefollowing. h ist chastic model that takes into account the three random To get information on the number distribution of processes involved, i.e the loading, the two-body losses, atoms in the dipole trap in steady state, we release the and the one-body losses. We consider the evolution in atomsfromthetrapandprobethemwithapulseofreso- time of the probability p (t) to have N atoms in the N nant light. Using an intensifier to amplify single photon dipole trap. To calculate the probability p (t+dt), we N eventsabovethe noiseof ourCCD camera,we countthe sum the contributions of all channels associated to the detectedfluorescencephotonsindividually[9].Thisnum- random processes mentioned above that lead to having berisproportional,onaverage,tothenumberofatomsN N atoms in the trap at t+dt, given that the trap could inthetrapbeforerelease.Webuildupthenumberdistri- possibly be filled with either N 1, N, N +1, or N +2 bution of counted photons by repeating this loading and − atoms at time t. The probability that a loading event probing experiment about 100 to 1000 times. Knowing occurs in the time interval dt when there are already N the response of our imaging system to one atom exactly, atomsinthetrapisRdtp (t).Similarly,theprobability N we extract from the photon distribution the mean N and the variance ∆N2 of the atom number distribhutioisnt that a loss eventoccurs during dt is γNdtpN(t) for one- bodyevents,andβ′N(N−1)dtp (t)fortwo-bodyevents. insteadystate,andcalculatethecorrespondingFanofac- 2 N We obtain eventually the following equation : tor F = ∆N2/ N . The data shown in Fig. 1 indicate st h i a clear reduction of the atom number fluctuations with N(N 1) respect to a Poisson distribution for hNist & 2 with a pN(t+dt)= pN(t) (1−[R+γN +β′ 2− ]dt) mean F = 0.72 and a total uncertainty (1 standard de- +p (t) Rdt N−1 viation) of 0.07. This uncertainty is obtained by adding +p (t) γ(N +1)dt quadratically the statistical (type A) uncertainty of 0.05 N+1 (deduced from the rms dispersion of the data) and the +p (t) β′(N +2)(N +1)dt. (1) N+2 systematic (type B) uncertainty of 0.04, which we esti- 2 mated in previous work [9]. Taking the limit dt 0, Eq. (1) yields the following Qualitatively, this reduction can be understood as fol- → masterequationthatrulestheevolutionofp (t)intime: N lows. If the losses were governed by random one-body events, e.g. background gas collisions, the trade-off bet- dp N = R (E−1 1)[p ] weentherandomloadingofthetrapandthelosseswould dt − N result into a Poisson distribution with mean atom num- + γ (E 1)[Np ] N ber N insteadystate.Ifthelossesnowinvolvehigher- − bodhypirsotcesses(ρ 2)thelossratevariesasthenumber + β′ (E2 1)[N(N −1)pN], (2) ≥ − 2 of ρ-uplets in the N-atom ensemble, i.e. increases non- linearly with N. For a given mean atom number this whereEisthe“stepoperator”definedbyitseffectonan 3 1.0 1.00 0.25 0.20 r 0.75 0.8 0.15 o ct 0.10 a 0.50 bility 0.6 00..0050 0 4 8 12 ano f 0.25 (a) oba 0.4 0 Number of atoms F 0.00 < N>st Pr 0.01 0.1 1 10 1 0.2 2 -2 3 8x10 (b) 0.0 456 7 t (ms) y 6 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 bilit a 4 Figure 2: Set of numerical solutions {pN(t)} of eqs. (2), la- ob beled by N. Parameters : R = 6000s−1, γ = 0.2s−1 and Pr 2 β′ =500(at.s)−1 lead to hNist =3.6∼pR/β′. Inset : filled 0 N bars:thesetofsolutionsinsteadystate{pN(t=3ms)}(filled 20 30 40 50 bars)isclearlysub-Poisson;sticks:Poissondistributionwith same mean value. Figure 3: Theoretical results obtained by different ap- proaches. Solid line : numerical solution of eqs. (2) for our arbitrary function f(N) : experimental parameters (γ = 0.2 s−1, β′ ∼ 500 (at.s)−1); squares:Monte-Carlosimulation.(a)DependenceoftheFano E[f(N)]=f(N +1), E−1[f(N)]=f(N 1), (3) − factor on hNist. (b) Example of calculated atom number and 1 is the identity operator. Using eqs. (2) we obtain distribution in steady state, with R = 5 × 105 s−1, yiel- ding hNist = 32. The numerical solution is indistinguishable the equation of evolution of the mean number of atoms from the Gaussian solution of eq. (8). We find a Fano fac- ∞ N = P NpN : tor F = 3/4. Dotted line : Poisson distribution with the h i N=0 same mean value. Dashed line in (a) : numerical solution of eqs. (2) when two-body processes induce the loss of one d N h i =R γ N β′ N ( N 1) β′ ∆N2 . (4) atom only from the trap (parameters : γ = 5×10−3 s−1, dt − h i− h i h i− − β′ ∼ 500 (at.s)−1). In the limit γ/β′ → 0, hNist can be lo- When ∆N2 =0, we recover the phenomenological equa- cked to1 in a fully deterministic way (∆N2 =0). tion sometimes used to describe the loading of a trap containingasmallnumberofatoms[21,24],i.e.dN/dt= Fano factor reaches an asymptotic value of 0.75 as soon R γ N β′ N(N 1).When∆N2 = N (i.e.assuming aP−oisson−distribut−ion),eq.(4)alsoyielhdstihewidelyused as hNist & 2, corresponding to a reduction of −1.25 dB with respect to the Poisson case. The numerical predic- equation d N /dt =R γ N β′ N 2. However, wi- h i − h i− h i tion reproduces well our data, as shown in Fig.1. thoutanyapriori relationbetween∆N2and N ,eq.(4) h i Thesecondapproachtosolveeqs.(2)isanalytical.Itis cannot be solved analytically. validfor N 1onlyandfollowscloselytheapproach To calculate the first moments of the number distri- h ist ≫ of Ref. [25]. We first re-write the master equation into a bution, we usedthree differentapproaches.First,we sol- dimensionless rate equation : ved numerically eqs.(2) using the boundary conditions p (0) = δ and, for N N , p (t) = 0. As an dp N N,0 ≫ h ist N N = N (E−1 1)[p ] example, Fig. 2 illustrates the time evolution of the pro- dτ h ist − N babilities pN(t) for parameters leading to hNist = 3.6. + 1 (E2 1)[N(N −1)p ], (5) The number distribution is found to be sub-Poissonian, hNist − 2 N with F =0.74.By varyingthe loading rate the same ap- where the one-body loss term of eq. (2) has been neglec- proachyields the distribution for any value of N . We analyze the case where γ β′ in the followihng.isWt hen ted (following R ≫ β′ ≫γ) and τ = t√Rβ′ is a dimen- ≪ sionless time variable. Since the number distribution in N 0.5wefind,asexpected,thatthedistributionis st h i ≪ steady state is expected to be peakedaround N with close to a Poisson law as one-body losses then dominate h ist awidth onthe orderofp N , weconsiderthe number two-body losses(see Fig.3(a))[27]. The presence of two- h ist of trapped atoms at time τ as a stochastic quantity of body processes induced losses of atom pairs leads to a the form sub-Poissonianbehaviorthatismaximalfor N =0.5, st h i corresponding to p = p = 0.5. While this regime has 0 1 N(τ)= N φ(τ)+p N ξ(τ) (6) st st been described before (see Ref. [21]), the numerical ap- h i h i proachpredictsthatatomnumberfluctuationsdonotbe- where ξ(τ) is a stochastic variable with mean ξ (τ)=0 h i comePoissonianforlargernumbersofatoms.Infact,the and an amplitude of 1, and φ(τ), also on the order of ∼ 4 1, is a deterministic and slowly varying function of time finds an equation similar to eq. (9) and F = 1(1+ 1) 2 ρ (φ(τ)= N (τ)/ N ).Wethenconsidertheprobability in steady state. When R=0, slightly better levels of re- st h i h i P(ξ,τ) = p (τ) that N atoms are in the trap at time ductioncanbe achieved,asF =ρ/(2ρ 1).This wasre- N τ. Since p (τ) =P(ξ+ k ,τ) and N 1, we centlydemonstratedinthecaseofthree−-bodylosses[18]. N+k √hNist h ist ≫ Finally,weextendedourapproachtothecasewheretwo- replacep (τ)ineq.(5)byaTaylorexpansionofP(ξ,τ) N+k body collisions lead to the loss of one atom only from in powers of 1/p N st. Replacing pN(τ) by P(ξ,τ), the h i the trap[29], as is the case for elastic collisions induced time derivativedp /dτ becomes ∂ P √N φ˙ ∂ P [28]. N τ − st ξ evaporative losses and for some light-assisted loss me- Identificationofthepowertermsintheexpandedmaster chanisms. Such mechanisms have been used recently to equationthenyieldsthefollowingequationsthatrulethe produce near-deterministically a single atom source for evolution of φ and P in time : quantum information processing [26]. Taking these me- φ˙ = 1 φ2, (7) chanismsinto account,our theoreticalapproachpredicts − that fluctuations fully vanish when only 1 atom is left in 1 ∂τP = 2φ ∂ξ(ξP)+ 2(2φ2+1) ∂ξ2P. (8) thetrapintheabsenceofone-bodydecay(seeFig.3(a)), i.e. that a robust and fully deterministic preparation of Eq. (8) is a linear Fokker-Planck equation with time de- single trapped atoms is in principle possible. pendent coefficients, the steady state solution of which is Gaussian [25]. Finally, using eq. (8) we find that ξ2 We acknowledge support from the E.U. through the h i evolves in time according to : ERCStartingGrantARENA,andfromIFRAFandTri- angle de la Physique. A. F. acknowledges partial sup- dhξ2i = 4φ ξ2 +(1+2φ2). (9) portfromtheDAADDoktorandenstipendium.Wethank dτ − h i G. Messin and M.P.A. Jones for fruitful discussions. Equations(7)and(9) allowus to calculate the evolution oftheFanofactorintime,F(τ)= ξ2 (τ)/φ(τ).Inparti- h i cular,insteadystate,φ=1andF =3/4.Thisanalytical finding is in excellent agreement with our numerical so- [1] M.D. Lukin et al.,Phys. Rev.Lett.87, 037901 (2001). lution (see Fig. 3). Besides, we find that the analytical [2] M. Saffman, T.G. Walker, and K. Moelmer, Rev. Mod. result is valid for atom numbers as small as 2. Phys. 82, 2313 (2010). ∼ Finally, we cross-checked our theoretical results by [3] D.J. Wineland, J.J. Bollinger, W.M. Itano and a Monte-Carlo simulation, where we calculate at each F.L. Moore, D.J. Heinzen, Phys. Rev. A 46, 6797(R) (1992). time increment the survival probabilities of individual [4] V. Giovanetti, S. Lloyd and L. Maccone, Science 306, atoms to the various random events involved in the pro- 1330 (2004). blem [23]. By averaging over many atomic histories, we [5] I. Bloch, J. 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