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Stylogyne rodriguesiana (Myrsinaceae): a new androdioecious species from Amazonia PDF

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Stylogyne rodriguesiana (Myrsinaceae): a New Androdioecious Species from Amazonia John J. Pipoly III Missouri Botanical Garden, P.0. Box 299, St. Louis, Missouri 63166-0299, U.S.A. Floristic inventories conducted by the staff at the entire; stamens 4.2-5 mm long, inserted ca. 0.1 Instituto Nacional Pesquisas da Amazonia (1NPA) mm above the base of the corolla, the filaments free, in and around Manaus during the 1960s and 1970s, 2-2.5 mm long, the anthers linear-lanceolate, 2.5- and in September 1990 at the Morro do Seis Lagos, 3.1 mm long, apex apiculate, base sagittate, dehis¬ have yielded a hitherto undescribed species with cent by confluent apical pores at first, then by la- erect calyces, highly twisted, contorted corolla lobes, trorse longitudinal slits; pistil and pistillode obtur- and uniseriate ovules in the bisexual flowers, which binate, 1.7-2.2 mm long, 3-5-angled in cross section, unmistakably require its placement in the genus densely lepidote; pistil with the ovules 3-7, unise¬ Stylogyne A. DC. riate, buried in the basal placenta. Fruit globose, 0.8-1.4 cm diam. when dried. Stylogyne rodriguesiana Pipoly, sp. nov. TYPE: Brazil. Amazonas: Manaus, Igarape do Cach- Paratypes. BRAZIL. AMAZONAS: Estrada Manaus-Ita- coatiara, km 8, Colonia Santo Antonio, 2 June 1955 oeira, Alta de Taruma, 4 Aug. 1961 (bisex. fl), (stam. fl), Chagas s.n. (INPA), 8 Sep. 1966 (fr), Prance Rodrigues & Chagas 3092 (holotype, 1NPA; et al. 2222 (INPA, NY); km 26, Reserva Forestal Ducke isotype, NY). Figure 1. (regenera^ao), 30 July 1976 (ster.), Alusio s.n. (INPA), 12 Aug. 1976 (ster.), Alusio s.n. (INPA), 2 Sep. 1976 Ob inflorescentias axillares et bi- vel tripinnatim pan- Alusio s.n. (INPA), 3 Sep. 1976 (ster.), Alusio s.n. (INPA), iculatas, perianthia coriacea et antheras angustissimas, S. 20 Oct. 1976 (ster.), Alusio s.n. (INPA); Estrada Ma- atrae Mez valde affinis, sed ab ea ramulis floriferis ra- naus-Itacoatiara km 28, 22 Nov. 1960 (bisex. fl, fr), cemosis (non corymbosis), calycis lobis medium versus Rodrigues & Chagas 1926 (INPA); Estrada Manaus- rugosis lepidotisque (non laevibus glabrisque) et secus mar- Itacoatiara, km 69-70, Sep. 1973 (fr), Prance et al. ginem undulatis (nec crenatis), corollae lobis asymmetricis 17531 (INPA, NY); krn 70, 12 Oct. 1961 (fr), Rodrigues (nec symmetricis), antheris lineari-lanceolatis (nec ovatis), & Lima 3426 (INPA); Estrada Manaus-Caracari, km apiculatis (nec rotundatis) praeclare distat. 45, Estagao Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical, 23 Sep. 1977 (bisex. fl), Ribamar & Ramos 397 (INPA); Shrub or tree to 4 m tall. Branehlets, leaves, Munic. Manaus, Estrada do Aleixo, 12 Aug.-l Sep. 1936 inflorescence rachis, and pedicels glabrous. Leaves (fr), Krukoff7965 (F, MO, NY); Rio Preto, 30 Jan. 1962 elliptic to obovate-elliptic, chartaceous to coria¬ (bisex. fl), Rodrigues & Lima 4160 (INPA); Igarape do ceous, (14-)19-24(-29) cm long, (4.7-)6-10 cm Parque 10, 22 Feb. 1956 (bisex. fl), Chagas s.n. (INPA); Igarape do Passarinho, 17 June 1955 (stam. fl), Coelho wide, apex acute or acuminate, base acute, decur¬ s.n. (INPA); Igarape do Bind, 23 July 1956 (bisex. fl), rent on the petiole, costa raised below, impressed Dionisio s.n. (INPA), 9 Aug. 1956 (stam. fl), Coehlo s.n. above, the secondary nerves brochidodromous, (INPA); Cachoiera alta do Taruma, 28 July 1961 (bisex. prominently black punctate and lineate, the margin fl), Rodrigues & Chagas 3056 (INPA), 10 Oct. 1961 (fr), Rodrigues & Chagas 3393 (INPA); Igarape do entire, subrevolute; petioles 1.0-1.5 cm long, deeply Bui^o, 23 Oct. 1961 (fr), Rodrigues <£ Chagas 3503 canaliculate. Inflorescence axillary or pseudoter¬ (INPA), 23 July 1962 (bisex. fl), Rodrigues & Chagas minal, bi- or tripinnately paniculate, 4-15 cm long; 4551A (INPA), 2 Aug. 1962 (stam. fl), Rodrigues & peduncle (1.2-)l ,9-2.3-3(-4) cm long; pedicels cy¬ Chagas 4573 (INPA); Manaus, AM-1, km 185, 18 Nov. lindrical, 2.2-5.2 mm long, accrescent in fruit. Sta- 1965 (fr), Rodrigues & Coehlo 7268 (INPA); Morro dos Seis Lagos, 66°45'W, 0°20'N, 30 Sep.-12 Oct. 1990 minate and bisexual flowers: calyx coriaceous, co- (ster.), B. Nelson 2077, 2150 (both INPA, MO), (bisex. tyliform, 2-2.7 mm long, the tube 0.1-0.3 mm fl), B. Nelson 2142, 2354, 2603 (all INPA, MO). long, the lobes ovate, 1.8-2.2 mm long, 1-1.3 mm wide, apex acute, rugose and translucent lepidote Stylogyne rodriguesiana is endemic to the area medially, the margin hyaline, irregularly undulate, proposed as the Manaus Refugium (Prance, 1982). with a few subapical teeth; corolla campanulate, It is most closely related to S. atra Mez, but is coriaceous, 4.9-5.2 mm long, the tube 0.5-1.0 mm distinguished from that species by racemose bran- long, the lobes elliptic to oblong, asymmetric, 4.4- chlets of the panicles, undulate calyx lobes, which 5.2 mm long, 1.5-1.6 mm wide, apex acute, prom¬ are rugose and lepidote medially, asymmetric corolla inently black punctate-lineate, the margin opaque. lobes, and apiculate linear-lanceolate anthers. It ap- Novon 1: 202-203. 1991. Volume 1, Number 4 Pipoly 203 1991 Stylogyne rodriguesiana Figure 1. Stylogyne rodriguesiana Pipoly. —A. Habit, showing axillary panicles. —B. Bisexual flower at early anthesis, showing reflexed petals and anther habit. —C. Calyx, showing rugose lobes with hyaline margins and minute lepidote scales medially. —D. Corolla, showing asymmetric lobes with prominent punctate lineations. —E. Pistil, showing translucent lepidote scales and ovule immersed in placenta in cross section. —F. Anthers, showing two confluent apical pores and longitudinal sutures. —G. Infructescence, habit. (A-F, drawn from holotype. G, drawn from Prance et al. 2222.) pears that S. alra is restricted to varzea habitats, dation, which I gratefully acknowledge. I thank Bob- while S. rodriguesiana is restricted to campinas. It bi Angel for her skillful illustration. Background is with great pleasure that I dedicate this species to studies were the result of a Herbarium Graduate William Rodrigues, friend, colleague, and preemi¬ Fellowship at the New York Botanical Garden. nent authority on the systematics of the Myristi- caceae. Literature Cited Prance, G. T. 1982. Forest refuges: evidence from Acknowledgments. My work in documentation woody angiosperms. Pp. 137-156 in G. T. Prance of neotropical plant species diversity is supported (editor), Biological Diversification in the Tropics. Co¬ by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foun¬ lumbia Univ. Press, New York.

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