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STUDY ON KNOWLEDGE AND ADOPTION OF FARM MECHANIZATION BY PADDY GROWERS IN TUNGABHADRA PROJECT AREA, KARNATAKA NAGARAJ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, RAICHUR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, RAICHUR – 584 102 JUNE, 2012 STUDY ON KNOWLEDGE AND ADOPTION OF FARM MECHANIZATION BY PADDY GROWERS IN TUNGABHADRA PROJECT AREA, KARNATAKA Thesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science (Agriculture) in AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION BY NAGARAJ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, RAICHUR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, RAICHUR- 584 102 JUNE-2012 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, RAICHUR UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, RAICHUR CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the thesis entitled “ STUDY ON KNOWLEDGE AND ADOPTION OF FARM MECHANIZATION BY PADDY GROWERS IN TUNGABHADRA PROJECT AREA, KARNATAKA” submitted by Mr. NAGARAJ for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE (AGRICULTURE) in AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION EDUCATION to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur, is a record of research work carried out by him during the period of his study in this University, under my guidance and supervision and the thesis has not previously formed the basis for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or other similar titles. Place : Raichur __________________________ Date : June, 2012 (S. N. HANCHINAL) CHAIRMAN Approved by: Chairman : __________________________ (S. N. HANCHINAL) Members : 1. _________________________ (S. K. METI) 2. (M. Anantachar) 3. _________________________ (Basavaraj Hulagur) Affectionately Dedicated TToo BBeelloovveedd PPaarreennttss,, MMrr.. SSaahhaaddeevvaa,, MMrrss.. BBhheeeemmaavvvvaa,, BBrrootthheerrss,, SSiisstteerrss,, ffrriieennddss aanndd GGrraannddppaarreennttss llaattee VVaaddddaallaa BBhhaallaayyyyaa aanndd KKaaaaddaammmmaa ACKNOWLEDGEMENT With regardful memories…… It is very difficult to express one’s feelings in words but formality demands to do so the extent possible. I feel the inadequacy of diction in expressing my sincere heartfelt gratitude to Dr. S. N. HANCHINAL, Director of Extension, University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur and the chairman of my advisory committee. His level of guidance, lively encouragement, constructive criticism and generous assistance at every stage of my research work, is behind measure, in fact it was he who motivated me to work on this aspect and any credit goes to him, his keen observations in detecting errors and correcting manuscript which consumed his valuable time and efforts is far beyond the call of duty. His kind and understanding nature has been overwhelming. I avail this opportunity to express my deep sense of reverence gratitude to the members of my advisory committee namely Dr. S. K. Meti, Dean (PGS) and Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension Education, UAS, Raichur, for his constructive suggestions from time to time without which this thesis would not have shaped in this form. Dr. M. Anantachar, Dean (Ag. Engg.) College of Agricultural Engineering, Raichur, UAS, Raichur and Dr. Basavaraj Hulagur, Assistant Professor, office of the Directorate of extension, UAS, Raichur and sensible criticism during the period of my investigation. I would like to thank all my department teachers Dr. S. B. Goudappa, Dr. G. N. Maraddi, Dr. Shivanand Kammar, Dr. Wali, Mr. J. Tulasiram, Mr. Ravi. M. Sambrani, Mr. Siddaram, for their timely help extended to me in completing the task undertaken. My genuine gratitude to Er. Ravindra. Yaranal, Assistant Professor, Department of Farm Power and Machinery Engineering CAE, Raichur for their kind help at time. I shall never forget the enormous and timely help rendered by Ramalingamma, Anjaneyamm, Prakash, Manju, Jakheer and Kiran for their kind help and support during the course of study. On my personal note, it is an immense pleasure to express my sincere gratitude and heartfelt respects to the blessing of my family members father Mr. Sahadeva, mother Smt. Bheemavva, brothers Raju, Vijay KUmar, lovely sister Sujji, and sujatha.s, umma and annu, aishu, prabhu, and my best friends Sharana, Asif, Rajesh, Raju, Nagaraj, Shivu, Sharanabasava, Venki, Radha, Roshan Yankuja and Sahana. Study at Raichur was purposeful and meaningful because of ocean of my friends, who legion in number, but more than a small group, to mention a few, Hannumantha, Sidhu, Manjunath V.B, Arjun , prakash, Noorula, Malli, Bheema, Rajesh, Manju, Rajendra, Sunil, Swammi, pranesh, and Maltesh for their boundless love, help, caring in every aspect of my studies. With this company I never felt burden on my studies. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my junior friends for their kind cooperation throughout my PG programme and my beloved classmate friends specially Ramkrishna, Sunilkumargowda, Gangadhar, Fakirappa, Aparna for their direct and indirect encouragement, support and wishings. Finally I thank God for bestowing me with divine spirit, essential strength and necessary succor to find my way towards a glorious career amidst several hurdles and struggles. Omission of any name doesn’t mean the lack of gratitude. Ending is inevitable for all good and it is time to end the acknowledgement. Raichur June, 2012 (NAGARAJ) CONTENTS Sl. No. Chapter Particulars Page No. CERTIFICATE iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF APPENDICES vii I. INTRODUCTION 1-3 II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 4-28 2.0 Concept and definitions of farm mechanization 4-5 2.1 Knowledge level of farmers 5-7 2.2 Adoption level of farmers 7-9 Personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics 9-24 2.3 of the farmers Relationship between selected independent variables and 24-27 2.4 their knowledge and adoption of farm mechanization practices 2.5 Constraints faced by the farmers 27-28 III METHODOLOGY 29-44 3.1 Research design 29 3.2 Locale of the study 29 3.3 Description of the study area 29-31 3.4 Selection of villages 32 3.5 Selection of respondents 32 3.6 Measurement of variables 32-41 3.7 Constraints faced by the farmers 41 3.8 Data collection 41-42 3.9 Statistical tools used 42-44 IV. RESULTS 45-77 Knowledge level of farmers about farm mechanization 45-50 4.1 practices in paddy cultivation Adoption level of farmers about farm mechanization 51-55 4.2 practices in paddy cultivation Personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics 55-69 4.3 of the farmers Relationship between selected independent variables and 69-74 4.4 their knowledge and adoption of farm mechanization practices 4.5 Constraints faced by the farmers 74-77 Contd…. Sl. No. Chapter Particulars Page No. V. DISCUSSION 78-95 Knowledge level of farmers about farm mechanization 78-79 5.1 practices in paddy cultivation Adoption level of farmers about farm mechanization 79-80 5.2 practices in paddy cultivation Personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics 81-85 5.3 of the farmers Relationship between selected independent variables and 85-95 5.4 their knowledge and adoption of farm mechanization practices 5.5 Constraints faced by the farmers 95 VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 96-102 REFERENCES 103-117 APPENDICES 118-141 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Title No. No. 1 Overall knowledge level of farmers 46 2 Knowledge level of the respondents about specific farm 46 mechanization implements 3 Extent of Knowledge of the respondents about knowledge 49-50 statements regarding farm mechanization implements 4 Overall adoption level of farmers 52 5 Extent of adoption of farm mechanization implements by paddy 54 growers 6 Reason for non adoption of farm mechanization implements by 56 paddy growers 7 Distribution of respondents according to their personal, socio- 58 economic and psychological characteristics of farmers 8 Distribution of respondents according to their Mass media 63 participation 9 Distribution of respondents according to their Extension orientation 66 10 Distribution of respondents according to their Material possession 68 11 Distribution of respondents according to their Livestock possession 70 12 Relationship between selected independent variables and their 72 knowledge and adoption of farm mechanization practices by paddy cultivation 13 Correlation between knowledge and adoption of farm 72 mechanization practices by the paddy growers 14 Multiple regression analysis of personal, socio-economic and 73 psychological characteristics of paddy growers about farm mechanization practices 15 Constraints faced by respondents in adoption of farm 75 mechanization practices by paddy cultivation LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title Page No. No. 1 Map showing study area 30 2 Overall knowledge level of respondents about farm 47 mechanization practices by paddy growers 3 Knowledge level of the respondents about specific farm 47 mechanization implements 4 Overall adoption level of respondents about farm 53 mechanization practices by paddy growers 5 Extent of adoption of farm mechanization implements by 53 paddy growers 6 Distribution of respondents according to their age 59 7 Distribution of respondents according to their education level 59 8 Distribution of respondents according to their land holding 59 9 Distribution of respondents according to their farming 60 experience 10 Distribution of respondents according to their risk orientation 60 11 Distribution of respondents according to their achievement 60 motivation 12 Distribution of respondents according to their scientific 61 orientation 13 Distribution of respondents according to their management 61 orientation 14 Distribution of respondents according to their mass media 64 participation 15 Distribution of respondents according to their extension 64 contact 16 Distribution of respondents according to their extension 67 participation

95. VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. 96-102. REFERENCES. 103-117 . for the use of machinery in all farming operations, ranging from ploughing to the Raichur district comes under North-Eastern dry zone of the Agro-climatic zones Thesis, Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University,.
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