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Study of the Underfill Effect on the Thermal Fatigue Life of WLCSP-Experiments and Finite Element PDF

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Preview Study of the Underfill Effect on the Thermal Fatigue Life of WLCSP-Experiments and Finite Element

Copyright©2009TechSciencePress CMES,vol.40,no.1,pp.83-103,2009 Study of the Underfill Effect on the Thermal Fatigue Life of WLCSP-Experiments and Finite Element Simulations Shaw-JyhShin1,Chen-HungHuang2 andY.C.Shiah3 Abstract: OwingtotheCTE(CoefficientofThermalExpansion)mismatchamong solder joints, IC (Integrated Circuit) chip, and PCB (Printed Circuit Board), elec- tronicpackagesshallexperiencefatiguefailureaftergoingthoughaperiodofther- mal cycling. As a major means to enhance the reliability of the solder joints, un- derfill is often dispensed to fill the gap between the die and the substrate. This study aims at investigating how the underfill may affect the thermal fatigue life of WLCSP (Wafer Level Chip Scale Package) by means of FEA (finite element analysis). In this study, the thermal fatigue life of the WLCSP was simulated us- ing full-model. For comparison with the FEA simulations, experiments were also conductedforafewWLCSPwith/withoutunderfill. Keywords: ThermalfatiguelifeofWLCSP,underfill,finiteelementanalysis. 1 Introduction Recently, 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronics) products on the market tend to be portable and light-weight, yet has increased functionality to cater for consumers’ fashion. These demands have driven the IC packaging move from Pin Through Hole to Surface Mount Technology. Instead of assem- blingthepackageofeachindividualunitafterwaferdicing,recenttechnologyhas progressed to Wafer Level Chip Scale Packaging (WLCSP), producing packages practicallyofthesamesizeasthedie. Indeed,theWLCSPtechnologyhaslaidthe foundation for true integration of wafer fab, packaging, test, and burn-in at wafer level,fortheultimatestreamliningofthemanufacturingprocess. TheCTE(CoefficientofThermalExpansion)isatemperature-dependentmaterial property of metals and has been analyzed by Chiang, Chou, Wu, Huang and Yew 1Dept.ofCommunicationsEng.,FengChiaUniversity,R.O.C. 2Dept.ofAerospaceandSystemsEng.,FengChiaUniversity,R.O.C. 3Corresponding Author. Dept. of Aerospace and Systems Eng., Feng Chia University, R.O.C., Email:[email protected] 84 Copyright©2009TechSciencePress CMES,vol.40,no.1,pp.83-103,2009 (2008), its mismatch among the solder joint, IC chip, and PCB is the main cause of the package’s failure, and significant thermal stresses shall occur on the joined interfacesowingtotheCTE.Thelowmeltingpointofsolderballsmakesitscreep strainbehaviormorelikelytocausethefatiguefailurethanotherpackagingmate- rials do. Given this, the signal transmission of electronic packaging will become lesseffective,evenfailingattimes. ThisproblemisevenmoreseriousforWLCSP, whosesolderballsarecomparablysmall. Duetothis,thereliabilityanalysisofsol- der joints of WLCSP subjected to thermal cycling has been an important research topicintheelectronicpackagingcommunity. AsschematicallyshowninFig. 1, a majormeanstoenhancethereliabilityofsolderjointsistofillthegapbetweenthe die and the substrate with underfill; however this process will increase the manu- facturingcost. Therefore,aconcernmayariseregardinghoweffectivetheunderfill mayenhancethereliabilitywhenoneisfacingthecosttradeoff. PCB Underfill dispensing Alignment Solder reflow Figure1: No-flowunderfillofWLCSP The conventional way for assessing a package’s thermal fatigue life often resorts to thermal cycling experiments that are not only time-consuming but also costly. Although various accelerated tests have been widely adopted to expedite the as- sessment, the test process still requires a long period of time in general. The goal ofthisstudyistoapplyaviscoplasticconstitutivemodelbasedontheapproachof Anand(1985)toinvestigatetheeffectofunderfill(Fig. 1)onthereliabilityofsol- derballsofaWLCSP.TheWLCSP,manufacturedbyarenownedcompanyinthe electronicindustry,hasunsymmetricallayoutofballgridarray(BGA)asshownin Fig. 2. In principal, the unsymmetrical layout shall require full FEA modeling that takes a considerable amount of elements. To improve the efficiency of the full mod- StudyoftheUnderfillEffectontheThermalFatigueLife 85 Figure2: LayoutoftheWLCSPballgridarray eling, we propose a sub-modeling technique that performs global analysis with a coarsely meshing scheme, subsequently following with local analysis employing refinedmeshesaroundsolderballs. Thisdiffersfromthesolutionprocedureofthe commonlyusedGlobal-LocalFEAmodeling. SincetheBGAlayoutofthepresent WLCSP is nearly symmetrical, we also applies the slice model and the quarter model to analyze its thermal fatigue life as comparison of the analysis using the fullmodeling. So far, to the authors’ knowledge, pertinent studies for investigating the under- fill effect of WLCSP still remain comparably scarce in the open literature. Sun, Hochstenbach, Van Driel and Zhang (2008) experimentally analyzed the brittle fracture of intermetallic compound under high-speed pull condition. Tsai, Lai, Yeh and Chen (2008) applied the Taguchi optimization method to obtain the opti- mal design in enhancing board-level drop reliability of a WLCSP. For Chip Scale packages, Lee, Nguyen and Selvaduray (2000) gave a review of fourteen solder joint fatigue models with an emphasis on summarizing the features and applica- tionsofeachfatiguemodel. Inrecentyears,anumberofsolderfatiguelifemodels have been developed to predict the thermal fatigue life of solder joint [e.g. Man- son(1996); John, Wang, JohnandWataru(1998); Amagai(1999); Cheng, Yuand Chen (2005)]. These models, being categorized into stress-based, plastic-strain- based, creep-strain-based, energy-based, and damage-based methods, utilize non- elasticstrainrangeandviscoplasticstrainenergydensitytoestimatethefatiguelife of solder joints. For the present work, an integrated constitutive model with vis- coelastic,plastic,andcreepbehaviorsisadoptedforthesolderjointstoensurethe accuracy. TheanalysisemploysDarveaux’sapproach[Darveaux(1995)],basedon viscoplasticstrainenergydensity,topredictthethermalfatiguelifeofsolderballs. Additionally, to take into account the effects of cyclic frequency and temperature profile,theEngelmaierfatiguelifemodel[Engelmaier(1983)],amodifiedCoffin- Manson formula based on shear strain increment, is also adopted for computation 86 Copyright©2009TechSciencePress CMES,vol.40,no.1,pp.83-103,2009 of the thermal fatigue life. Sequentially, the reliability of the package is evaluated byatwo-parameterWeibullfailuredistribution. Toverifyourpredictions,WLCSPsampleswithdaisychainconnectionwereexper- imented with a programmable temperature chamber, providing cyclic temperature variationof00C∼1000Cuntilfailureoccurred. Tomonitorthefailureinreal-time, the electric resistance of the samples that were connected to Agilent 34970A out- sidethetemperaturechamberwasrecordedbyBenchLinkDataLogger. Theexper- imentwasconductedforthebothWLCSPtypesascomparison-onewithunderfill andtheotherwithoutunderfill. 2 Theoreticalfundamentals ThefundamentalsofthethermalfatigueanalysisinthisstudyincludeTwoParam- eterWeibullDistribution[Lai,Wang,TsaiandJen(2007)],Anand’smodel[Anand (1985)], and a few methodologies for predicting the thermal fatigue life of solder balls. Before our Finite Element analysis for the WLCSP is presented, the funda- mentalsarereviewedasastart. The Weibull distribution [Weibull (1951)], a continuous probability distribution named after Waloddi Weibull, is often used to describe the statistical distribution offractureinengineeringreliabilityassessment. TheWeibulldistributiontakesthe form, f(T)= β (cid:18)T−γ(cid:19)β−1e−(Tη−γ)β =λ(T)R(T) (1) η η , where T is the cyclic number, β is the shape parameter (or Weibull slope), γ is position function, and η is scale parameter (or characteristic life). In Equation (cid:16) (cid:17)β−1 (1), λ(T)= β T−γ is defined as the Weibull failure function and R(T)= η η e−(Tη−γ)β istheWeibullreliabilityfunction. Whenγ=0,Equation(1)becomes f2(T)= β (cid:18)T(cid:19)β−1e−(ηT)β =λ2(T)R2(T), (2) η η which is referred to as the Two Parameter Weibull Distribution. More details regarding the Two Parameter Weibull Distribution can be referred to Prabhakar Murthy,BulmerandEccleston(2004). Thestressorstrain-rateofviscoplasticmaterialsexhibitsatime-dependentbehav- ior. For most materials, the typical plastic theory is accurate enough to describe their material behaviors; however, some metals exhibit both creep and plastic be- haviors, especially under high temperature. The solder balls of the WLCSP, made StudyoftheUnderfillEffectontheThermalFatigueLife 87 of63Sn/37Pballoy,hasthemeltingpoint456◦K.Forthethermalcycleswithpeak temperatureat100◦C,thesolderballswillundergosignificantcreep. Accordingto Knecht and Fox (1991), the total strain rate includes the elastic strain rate γ˙ , the e plasticstrainrateγ˙ ,andthecreepstrainrateγ˙ ,i.e. pl cr γ˙ =γ˙ +γ˙ +γ˙ , (3) tot e pl cr whichleadstothetotalstress (cid:34) (cid:35) 1 m τ˙ = +A τm−1 τ˙+Bτn. (4) tot G τm p In Equation (4), A, B, m are material constants. According to Anand’s model, the viscoplastic behavior should be taken into consideration when the operational temperature is greater than half of the melting point of the material. This kind of behaviorappearstobesimilartothecreepbehavior,butitisabitmorecomplicated thanthat. Fortheapproach,Anandusedtheconstitutivelawforcreepandananti- deformationfactorstoformulatetherateofequivalentplasticstraindε /dt as eq dεeq =A(cid:104)sinh(cid:16)ζσ(cid:17)(cid:105)1/me(−KQT), (5) dt s whereQistheactivationenergy,misthestrain-ratesensitivity,K istheBoltzmann constant, ζ is multiplier of stress, A is the pre-exponential factor, s is the anti- deformationfactor,T istheabsolutetemperature,andσ iseffectiveCauchystress. Thetimederivativeoftheanti-deformationfactorinEq. (5)isdefinedby s˙=h [(|B|)a·(B/|B|)](dε /dt), (6) 0 eq B=1−s/s∗, (7) (cid:104) (cid:105)n s∗=sˆ ε e(Q/KT)/A , (8) eq whereaisthesensitivityofstrainrate,h isthematerial’shardeningconstant,s∗ is 0 theinitialvalueofdeformationresistance,sˆisthecoefficientforsaturateds∗,andn isthestrainratesensitivityofsaturation. AlltheseconstantsfortheAnand’smodel aretabulatedinTab. 1. To predict the fatigue life of the solder joint, the present study adopts Darveaux’s strain-energy based method [Darveaux (1995)], using visco-plastic strain energy densityfordeterminationofthefatiguefailureofsolderballssubjectedtothermal cycling. However, several studies revealed that the viscoplastic strain energy was sensitive to mesh density of FEA model. The strategy to make the strain-energy 88 Copyright©2009TechSciencePress CMES,vol.40,no.1,pp.83-103,2009 basedapproachmorerobustistoapplythevolumetricaveragingtechnique,reduc- ing the sensitivity of the viscoplastic strain energy density to mesh density. Fur- ther, Darveaux suggested picking the viscoplastic strain energy density after three complete thermal cycles to obtain stabilized values and reduce the effect of stress singularity. Table1: ConstantsusedfortheAnand’smodel Parameter Value Unit Definition S∗ 1800 Psi initialvalueofdeformationresistance Q/k 9400 1/K activationenergy/Boltzmann’s A 4.0E6 1/sec pre-exponentialfactor ζ 1.5 * multiplierofstress m 0.303 * strainratesensitivity h 2.0E5 Psi hardeningconstant 0 sˆ 2.0E3 Psi coefficientfordeformationresistancesat- urationvalue n 0.07 * strainratesensitivityofsaturation a 1.3 * strainratesensitivityofhardening Note: *isdimensionless The average viscoplastic strain-energy density accumulated per cycle is expressed as ∑∆W·V ∆W = (9) ave ∑V where ∆W represents the viscoplastic strain energy density accumulated per cycle for each interface element; V is the volume for each interface element of solder joint. Still,theapproachisstronglydependableonelementvolume. Thus,several setsofempiricalconstantswererecommendedbyDarveaux(1995)tocalculatethe viscoplasticstraindensityoftheinterfaceelementwithdifferentthicknesses. Once the strain-energy density is obtained, the number of cycles for crack initiation can thusbecalculatedusing N =K ·∆WK2, (10) 0 1 ave andthecrackgrowthrateperthermalcycleisobtainedvia da/dN =K ·∆WK4, (11) 3 ave StudyoftheUnderfillEffectontheThermalFatigueLife 89 where crack growth constants K ∼K given by Darveaux (1995); a is the crack 1 4 length (i.e. the diameter of the solder joint at interface). Consequently, the char- acteristic fatigue life of solder joint (i.e. number of cycles to yield 63.2% of the populationfailed),denotedbyα,canbeacquiredthrough a α =N + (12) 0 da/dN To take the effects of cyclic frequency and temperature range into account, the Engelmaierfatiguelifemodel[Engelmaier(1983)],amodifiedCoffin-Mansonfor- mulabasedonshearstrainincrementisadoptedtocomputethefatiguelifeofsolder joint. Thetotalnumberofcyclestofailure,N ,isgivenby f N =0.5(cid:0)∆γ/2ε(cid:48)(cid:1)1c , (13) f f where∆γ istheshearstrainincrement(range),andε(cid:48) isthefatigueductilitycoef- f ficient. In Eq. (9), the value of 2ε(cid:48) is approximately 0.65 for 63Sn/37Pb alloy;C, f referring to the fatigue ductility exponent, is given (for 1≤ f ≤1,000 cycles/day) by C=−0.442−6×10−4T +1.74×10−2ln(1+ f), (14) m whereT istheaveragetemperatureinCelsius,and f isthecyclicfrequency. m According to von Mises yield criterion, the relationship between shear strain and vonMisesstraincanbeexpressed[Weibull(1951);Murthy,BulmerandEccleston (2004)]as √ γ = 3ε, (15) whereγ istheshearstrain;ε isthevonMisesstraindefinedas von √ (cid:20) (cid:21)1 ε = 2 (ε −ε )2+(ε -ε )2+(ε −ε )2+3(cid:0)γ2 +γ2 +γ2(cid:1) 2. (16) von 3 x y y z x z 2 xy yz zx FromEq. (13),theequivalentshearstrainincrementcanbeexpressedas √ ∆γ = 3∆ε (17) von where ∆ε refers to the von Mises strain increment given by the difference be- von tween the largest and the smallest von Mises strain in each thermal cycle. By substituting Eq. (15) into Eq. (11), the total number of cycles to failure can be rewrittenasfollows: (cid:32)√ (cid:33)1 1 3∆ε c von N = . (18) f 2 2ε(cid:48) f 90 Copyright©2009TechSciencePress CMES,vol.40,no.1,pp.83-103,2009 As a result, with ∆ε obtained through finite element analysis, the fatigue life of von the solder joint (i.e. the average number of cycles to failure) can be estimated by Eq. (16). In what follows, description of our FEA simulation for real WLCSP specimensprovidedbytheindustrywillbeaddressednext. Additionally, forveri- fyingthefidelityofoursimulation,experimenttotestthefatiguelifeoftheWLCSP specimenswasconducted. Theaforementionedmethodisemployedtopredictthe thermalfatiguelifeofthesolderjoint. For assessment of the overall reliability, Weibull-distribution, working ideally for fatigue fracture, is the most commonly used statistical distribution to describe the wearoutandfatiguefailuresinsolderjoints. Further,thereliabilityofthepackage, R,canbeevaluatedbyatwo-parameterWeibulldistributionasfollows: R=e−(N/Nα)β, (19) where N is the number of thermal cycles for R. The parameters N and β (2.6≤ α β ≤4.0)representthecharacteristiclifeofthepackageandtheslopofWeibulldis- tribution, respectively. Using Equation (17), the number of cycles for the package failure can be readily calculated from the characteristic fatigue life of the solder jointsalongwithagivenβ. 3 Experiments&ComputerSimulations To reduce the experimental period, more rigorous loading conditions than the ac- tual, including the cyclic frequency and the range of temperature variations, are usually designed to accelerate the package’s failure for rapidly predicting the fa- tigue life of solder balls. The fatigue life under actual field-use conditions can be obtainedthroughtheuseofanaccelerationfactorAF definedasfollows[Pangand Chong(2001)]: (cid:20)∆TL(cid:21)(cid:20)fF(cid:21)m1 (cid:104)0.123(cid:16) 1 − 1 (cid:17)(cid:105) AF =Nf(F)/Nf(L)= ∆T f e K (Tmax)F (Tmax)L , (20) F L where the subscripts L and F refer to the laboratory conditions and field-use con- ditions respectively, N and N represent the fatigue life of package under f(F) f(L) field-use and laboratory conditions respectively, ∆T is the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature in each thermal cycle, K is the Boltzamann constant, f isthecyclicfrequencywithintherangefrom1to1000cycles/day,val- uesofnandmareequalto1.9and3respectively,andT isthepeaktemperature. max Owing to the very limited power of the cooling compressor of our programmable temperaturechamber(Fig. 3(a)),coolingthechambertemperaturefrom100◦Cto 0◦Cmaytakeupto40minutesforeachthermalcycle. StudyoftheUnderfillEffectontheThermalFatigueLife 91 (a) (b) Figure3: (a)Programmabletemperaturechamber;(b)temperatureprofile Thelongdurationofthiscoolingprocesswillsignificantlydelaythefailureofsol- derballs. Forthis,anextracirculatingliquidcoolingsystem,filledwithindustrial alcohol, is connected to the programmable temperature chamber to speed up the coolingprocess. Further,thecyclictemperatureprofileisdividedintofourstages: (1) temperature rising up to 100◦C, (2) constant temperature sustained at 100◦C, and (3) temperature dropping to 0◦C, and (4) constant temperature sustained at 0◦C, each of which lasts approximately 14 minutes. With the added cooling sys- tem, the programmable temperature chamber is boosted to have the temperature profileforthefourtemperaturestagesasshowninFig. 3(b). Shown in Fig. 4 is the front view of three different groups of WLCSP mounted on a printed circuit board. Each group of the same packaging type contains eight WLCSPspecimenstobetested. Figure4: WLCSPspecimensforthethermalfatiguetest 92 Copyright©2009TechSciencePress CMES,vol.40,no.1,pp.83-103,2009 The packaging types of the three grouped packages from left to right are charac- terized as the Solder Bar, the STD Solder Ball, and the uBall with underfill, re- spectively. Figure5(a)showstheappearanceofeachWLCSP;Figure5(b)depicts the daisy chain connection of each unit. Figures 5(a) and 5(b) also depict the I/O connections (two input and two output channels) of each specimen connected to the data acquisition instrument. As shown in the figures, there are 8 through-hole connections, through which the signals of resistance and temperature of the chip aretransmittedtoAgilent34970A. CH1 In CH1_Out CH2 In CH2 Out (a) (b) Fi gure5: (a)WLCSPsample;(b)daisychainconnection Forinvestigatingtheunderfilleffect,onlytheSTDSolderBallandtheuBallgroups wereconnectedtoAgilent34970Aforrecordingthevariationoftheunits’electric resistance by DataLogger (see Fig. 6). With the increase of thermal cycles, the viscoplastic strain energy of the solder balls would accumulate until fatigue frac- tureoccurred. AsshowninFig. 7, theelectricresistanceofaunitwouldfluctuate drastically when the fatigue was triggered. When the failure occurred, the elec- trical resistance would go to infinity and, thus, the fatigue lives of packages were identified. Thedataacquisitioninstrument,Agilent34970A,measuredthedata every20secondsandthedurationofacompletethermalcyclelasted56.2minutes. Therefore, thenumberofthermalcyclesappliedtothetestspecimencouldbeob- tained from the total number of data sets. Figure 8 shows the cross sectional view ofafracturedsolderballintheuBallgroupafterthethermalfatigueoccurred. From the recorded history of the electric resistance of all WLCSP units, the num- bers of undergone thermal cycles before thermal fatigue had occurred were deter-

analysis). In this study, the thermal fatigue life of the WLCSP was simulated us- ing full-model. For comparison with the FEA simulations, Keywords: Thermal fatigue life of WLCSP, underfill, finite element analysis. grammed with APDL (ANSYS Parametric Design Language), would calculate the.
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